#''okay well-played bsd. you got me there'') but yeah after that moment i decided the page can literally explain away ANY plot holes
snorlaxlovesme · 1 year
finally finished s4 of bungo stray dogs today and i really think that magic page/book is perhaps the greatest macguffin of all time. like this show is SO batshit insane with random and DRASTIC changes in tone and focus and all of that can just be neatly explained away if the finale of the entire show is written well. like they really just need to explain that WHOOPSIE someone’s seven year old niece who’s fascinated in mystery novels got a hold of the most powerful magical item in the world and has been writing the loosest definition of a “narratively sound” detective book in the world in crayon and the whole thing has been coming true. 
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
Last part! Maybe👀
But the latest post was so pure that I started to tear up😭💕💕💕
Thnx alot it really was a bless and made me smile from the the rough week I had lately🥺❤
Okay lets get down to business~
From giving birth to how they took care of the child to raising him/her or maybe twins👀💕to growing up u can divide it to parts if u want i won't mind😊❤
Same characters Atsushi/Chuuya/Dazai
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❥ BSD characters as parents
Includes: Dazai, Chuuya and Atsushi
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ᴀ/ɴ: I am really glad you liked it, dear; I am honored that you find my writing as such and I hope everything gets better for you. I hope you like this as well and my apologizes it’s late; this was so heart-warming to write oml 🥺💘
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Dazai Osamu:
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Dazai would be terrified I tell you
Like what if he does something wrong that leads them down the path he loathes :(
That’s why you reassure him alongside your beautiful baby
Let’s say you had a girl cause I think a girl would help in making dazai be more smiley and affectionate cause you know how most girls when young like affection?
That’s why
Anyways so, the first months of raising said spawn of satan are like hell for our little brunette
I believe that what would happen is that our little girl would see him as the vomiting stop
So like if you fed her and gave her to dazai to help her burp then she will take it as the cue to vomit to which made dazai think she hated him
“But y/n she keeps crying and screaming when I hold her, she must hate me; she never does anything with you.”
One fateful day however he had to take care of his lovely daughter for a whole day
Cause you had enough of the bullshit of the house and decided to go on a hangout with your friends
So let’s see how he dealt with this, she was not accepting of him AT FIRST and he was on the verge of giving up
But dazai then started humming a song and gently cradling her and swaying her in his arms
Your little girl liked his voice and held his finger while he was calming her down and smiled
That made dazai’s day a lot brighter, but he managed to contain his excitement so he doesn’t scare her
And when you came home you found them sleeping and she was in his arms clinging to his chest as strong as she can 🥺
Now cause I am not going through her whole damn childhood I am gonna talk about her first step and first word
THE FIRST STEP HAPPENED WHEN you two were chilling like the good bad parents you are on the couch
And your daughter wanted to join you people cause apparently she was put on the naughty corner due to somehow spilling pink dye in the shampoo of your husband
So like the determined baby she is, she tried crawling but found out it’s taking too long
So she tried copying how you sweeties walk
And she did :D
So when you looked to her side to check up on her, you saw her walking to you with her arms in the air and then pulled dazai by his arms and told him that she is walking
And he whipped his head SO fast you were afraid he would snap his neck
He took lots of photos and videos
Now her first word was basically a competition between you dummies
“She will say dada first!”
“No, she will say mama first!”
Great job, darling
And you both lost to a handsome and respectful blonde
Chuuya Nakahara:
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S/N means son name btw 😚
chuuya sweetie we don’t scream beside a newborn child and a woman who just gave birth
I honestly think he would be g r e a t with children
Like sometimes he does take care of Q I believe and he gets along fairly well with Kenji
Who wouldn’t get along with kenji
Anyways he would be so excited and proud of the child you gave birth to
And he was basically fangirling
Chuuya and his kid will get along so well, like your baby would just beam whenever chuuya comes home
Also fight me if you think Chuuya Nakahara wouldn’t take millions and billions of photos and videos of his children
Be it eldest, middle or the youngest of them
He views them as treasures that should be valued every single moment
awie, I love soft chu chu
Now onto the memories
Yes you are only getting the two major events, deal with it you lovely people
As i was saying
And your kiddo missed you two :(
So what did he do?
Be a champion like his dad said
Tried his best to walk to the meeting room and he did
Did the guards stop him?
They just went soft and opened the door for him like he is a damn boss
And then you felt something tug at your leg and giggle
I will let you imagine how the rest of the meeting went with chuuya carrying you both excited about his kid’s first step
The first word was not something with a good aftermath for chuuya however—
“Dazai that absolutely and utterly shitty shithead!”
Cue you entering
“Hey S/N!”
“Oh shit! Dada!”
Atsushi Nakajima:
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I believe he would have a girl
Cause he is such a girl magnet
Like kyoka and lucy
Reminds me of midoriya in that aspect
Anyways he would be so nervous to hold her but excited
Like “y/n I wanna hold her so bad but what if I drop her? :(“
He does end up holding her and crying tears of joy
What a cutie <3
Anyhow your daughter would cling to him like a koala and would only leave him when hungry or she absolutely misses you
He doesn’t wanna let go either honestly
Most of the time you would find them playing with each other
Your daughter also squishes his cheek a lot
That was a sweet introduction
Almost too sweet
Let me ruin it
The great uncle dazai had came to pay a visit to his lovely ‘nephew’ and subordinate
“Hello Atsushi and Y/N! I came to look at my beautiful and gorgeous nephew! :D”
Which brings me to the point that your daughter adores dazai with her whole heart
So she was sitting playing until she saw him and got so happy she stood up and walked towards him clumsily
The three of you malfunctioned
Dazai was so happy tho 🥺
She loves him that much? Plz that’s too much for his poor heart
He picked her up and spun her around
Meanwhile you and your husband are just staring at each other in confusion
Her first word was the classical mama but how and why she said it was absolutely heartwarming
So she was sitting in the lap of atsushi as he was showing her pictures of stuff so she can get to say anything
And then he reached the word queen with its picture
“And this is queen.”
“Hehe, it’s a queen.”
“Yeah, mama is a queen!”
He was so happy cause he managed to film it and showed it to you
Let your reaction be of your choice <3
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi just wondering if you’d ever consider writing for chuuya from bungo stray dogs and nishinoya from haikyuu. I love them both so much and you’re my favourite author and I’d really love to see how you’d write for them if you’re up for it
sorry @ all my other fandoms it’s literally the way i dropped everything to write this LMFAO
hiya!! i’m sosos happy this came through i remember a while back a lovely anon requested dazai from bsd and i completely forgot about it so aaaa!! so sorry if you’re reading this that anon! but nevertheless! i really, really adore chuuya and this is in fact my first time writing for bsd and chuuya for that matter. i’m so flattered anonie, thank you <3 i hope i done him justice :) p.s: i got a little bit carried away and was planning to post nishinoya in this one too but.. yeah. be sure to look out for him cause i’ll post a separate piece for yuu! enjoy.
nsfw content below! if you’re new here, please read my disclaimer here before proceeding. thank you!
a note: logically, this fanfic makes no sense because chuuya doesn’t wear his sexy vest + hat outfit until after dazai has left the port mafia so... don’t think about logic, k? (i think so anyway? it’s been a while)
there’s a clink of ice dragging against glass that chimes through the air. inside the glass seems to be a transparent liquid of sorts, leading anyone of the ordinary to believe that it may at least be vodka. in actuality, it’s just lemon flavoured water with some ice. it’s not like anyone would pick up his drink to take a sip anyway-
“oh? it’s not vodka? ehhhhh, are you trying to look cool, chuuya?” dazai takes a bold swig of the beverage before setting it back down onto the coaster. he bears a large grin that stretches from ear to ear, eyes lightly fluttered shut as he hums sardonically. there’s a spring in his step as he traverses beside chuuya and hops himself up onto the window, legs dangling and ankles fluttering.
“what the hell do you want?” chuuya barks, eyebrows creasing in disgust.
“what do i want? hm. like right now? you know.. i could probably go for some coffee right now! a cappucino? no- maybe latte? oh, wait, what about a flat white-“
“dazai.” chuuya hisses, spinning around from his chair to face him.
“seriously. cut the bullshit. why are you here, huh? i’m not having a tea party with you, so if you’re here to waste my time, leave.”
“ugh, you’re always so to the point. a little smalltalk and banter never killed anyone.”
“it killed my brain cells. spit it out.”
“chuuuyaaa~ you’re so meaaaan!”
there’s a scowl that chuuya pierces through dazai so heavily to the point where the latter is forced to drop his foxy act.
“we’re taking a woman in for questioning. she refuses to stay anywhere that’s not a proper bedroom, said that she’s more than willing to comply otherwise.”
“pffft, what a fucking stuck-up princess. so what? you’re sticking me with her?”
“believe me, you’ll thank me. i can’t take her. i’m out on a job in a few.”
“i’d never thank you but alright. i just have to keep an eye on her until tomorrow?”
“even you won’t be able to screw this up.” dazai remarks as he slides off the window, straightening himself before beelining towards the door.
“what the hell is that supposed to mean? you tryna say something?”
“uh-huh. anyways! see you later.”
as dazai heads outside, he takes one last glance at chuuya from over his shoulder.
“alsooo, can you keep the noise down to a minimum? everyone knows your name here already-“
“shut up!”
“yeah, okay~”
the door quietly shuts with a thud and chuuya leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling for a while.
within a couple of moments, he notices the shuffling of footsteps outside his room. instead of looking like a moron who fell asleep with his eyes open, he swings around to his desk and continues to gloss over the details of his next job.
an unfamiliar feminine voice rings out from behind him, causing his interest to peak.
“oh, um, thank you!” you awkwardly bow to the guards? the uh, big scary people with guns? (probably guards) who escorted you up to the room. you take a step inside and let out a small squeak before the door behind you shuts.
and locks.
“what’s with the ‘eh?’” chuuya snorts, not making the effort to turn to face you just yet. he goes to take a sip of his drink and wrinkles his face in disdain when he realises the being that tarnished it beforehand. using his right hand, he crosses over his left and effortlessly pours the beverage out the window. you only gawk at him with utter confusion. couldn’t he have just gotten up to go to the kitchen or something? do they even have a kitchen?
you conclude that standing around stiffly and eyeing the man at the desk isn’t a good look on you, so you move towards the bed. sure you said you wanted an actual room, but, you didn’t think it would be someone else’s.
“may i?” you motion towards the bed. chuuya briefly flickers his attention to you in his peripherals.
you scoot onto his bed, making yourself comfortable. you slide your back up against the wall, leaning yourself into the wall on your right as well. you decide to glance out the window, counting by the different coloured cars in hopes for either time to pass or the mafioso man to offer you some form of entertainment. maybe a book? oh, shit, uno cards? can you even imagine playing uno with him? this guy would flip his desk before the first round’s finished.
you laugh to yourself, and within a split second, you immediately lament your existence.
“what’s so funny?” chuuya implores, setting his pen down. you haven’t even turned yet and you can feel his gaze burning holes into you.
“nothing.” you blurt out.
his sigh fills the room as he picks up his chair before setting it down beside you. chuuya slumps down with his legs spread apart, torso cradling the back of his chair.
his slender and bony hand reaches out, ice cold fingertips from his beverage send you into a state of alarm as he clasps your chin before yanking your head to face him.
“i don’t tolerate bullshit. quite frankly, i won’t repeat myself to you.”
“the least you can do after strolling in here like a prestigious brat is listen to me. i don’t know what shit you pulled to get involved with the port mafia but-“
chuuya grazes his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down. he peers down at your teeth and the beginning of the pink in your mouth.
“what were you snorting about?“
there’s a desire that fuels your extremities and every nerve in your body. you don’t know why, but fuck, this man makes you wanna act like an intolerant brat. and you think, what’s the harm? if you’re gonna get picked apart by the port mafia, you might as well start early.
and bonus points? he’s hot as shit.
“that’s none of your business, is it?” you grin over his finger, valiantly lapping and curling your tongue before circling the muscle over the tip of his thumb.
chuuya screws his face at you. his eyebrows furrow in turmoil at the blatant disrespect and the corners of his lips crinkle in distaste. your eyes lock with his deep blue orbs and you smirk at the arousal that glosses over them.
chuuya uncurls his hand from your chin before easily kicking aside his chair. it goes clattering halfway across the room.
“down on your knees.” chuuya snaps, tone deep and laced with danger. you oblige, scooting off the bed as fast as humanly possible before settling down onto your knees.
you eye chuuya as he grabs ahold of his belt. he’s extremely short, for one, so you can see why he’d ask you to sit like this. he’s slender, but not underweight. there’s obvious implications of built muscles along his body, especially his thighs and arms. there’s something about the black fingerless gloves that rock against his smooth and pale skin that makes your stomach stir.
“what are you staring at?” he hisses before tossing aside his belt.
“isn’t that obvious?” you remark, licking your lips.
chuuya flashes you a smirk before zipping his fly open. using his gloved dominant hand, he decorates your face by slapping his thick dick against your cheek. his cock is piping hot against your face. you swallow with anxiety when his size is made apparent to you. he’s got a girth that’s wider than average, with a length of around 7 inches. maybe 8? you’re not exactly sure. you lick your lips at the deep red tones that flush his pretty cock.
“i’ll wipe that shitty attitude clean off your face. you’re reminding me of that dumbass clown.”
“eh? an ex or something? you’re bisexual? that’s freaking amazing! happy pride mont-“
“shut the fuck up. you spew way too much.” chuuya barks before shoving his cock down your throat mid-sentence. you gag and sputter around his length, fuelling his ego.
he grabs ahold a fistful from the back of your head, using your strands to roughly pick you up and back onto his cock. your wrists scramble to his hips and you try to push him back, to whimper that it’s too much and too sudden for you.
“where’s that cocky big girl attitude gone now? you can’t suck a dick? almost makes me feel bad for you.”
you whine and spill muffled complaints but it only fuels him further. it sets chuuya’s veins ablaze, controlling you like this.
you weren’t even sure it would be possible, but he manages to brush his tip against the back of your throat. your vision blurs, tears streaming out from your gag reflex. your nose runs and you can only sniffle constantly. drool and saliva envelopes the underside of his shaft, leaving your chin and some of your neck soaked. you wrinkle and wince your nose at the small stubble that’s slowly beginning to grow back near his base. through your tear stained lashes, you look up at chuuya like the good girl you are, lips wrapped around his dick and all.
“oh you god damn kinky bitch” he hisses out through a whine, features melting in compassion.
in that moment, recollection flashes in his eyes. he slides himself out, and a loud wet slurp fills the room. through your blurry vision and fit of coughing, chuuya grabs the long abandoned chair, spinning the back support until it lands the right way. he takes a seat, cock painfully erect and glistening in the deep orange sunset light.
his slender and pretty long fingers curl in a “come here” motion. his other hand leans into his jaw and he bears a smug grin. the harsh lighting from outside pours in so that only half of his face is visible, even then, you can still make out the fact that he’s about to absolutely fucking ruin you.
“ride me.”
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yokelish · 3 years
kay kay lemme phrase it this way
1. what's an overhyped anime plotwise?
1.5. What is an underrated anime plotwise that you think more people should watch?
2. What's an anime that you were interested in because of the concept, but once you actually watched it, it turned out to be a shitshow?
3. I already know this one, but why did bsd go to shit/start with shit
ur good at phrasing things so i wanna hear it in ur words
4. Have you ever watched an anime purely because of the art style? If yes, which one?
Nothing makes me adore a person but a hyperspecific question.
1. Attack on Titan. Cause sometimes it's like people never read a history book or ASOIAF-like high fantasy, I swear.
I also have to stay the standards for a good manga and a good book are very different, I know. Those are similar mediums but aren't the same medium. Still, AoT is overrated.
1.5 I'll tell you when it comes to me. Maybe OddTaxi? Or even Link Click? I haven't watched much this season. It's both overwhelming with the number of titles and underwhelming because like 70% of it is isekai or a continuation of titles I was never interested in to begin with.
2. Wonder Egg Priority. I watched three episodes and something in my head went "it's gonna go bad". And I decided to listen to that voice more often now, it saves time and emotional investment. Guess what.
3. Because Aasgiri tweeted once about checking air quality in his office, which turned out to be horrible, and then he got an air filter and according to him it improved his mood and productivity. That's why. Take away his air filter. Let him be depressed but sane.
The manga had problems from the beginning, but instead of improving it slowly snowballed into a massive fucking ball of issues. In reality, BSD isn't the first victim of this phenomenon I call "the burn out of weekly and monthly publishing industry". It's fucking hard, okay? I get it. Many popular mangakas take years between arcs to finish a series. Asagiri probably didn't have that luxury when he finished his first arc.
For one, well, Asagiri is a very young writer. For two, he did admit in one of the omake that he just blurted out the idea for BSD in a pitch room, and everyone was like "maybe we can work with this". And then there's a very obvious problem is that Asagiri has written Atsushi's arc, but when it was done, he was probably confronted with the fact he had to continue to write the series that got popular. And he needed to do it like right-the-fuck-now, this isn't One Piece. But ideas need time and polishing, and manga publishing is merciless.
There's also a bit of a very common problem with all writers, in all genres and mediums, that I call "The Moffatt problem". You touch on too many concepts and ideas where you don't really have the time and space to let them develop. Okay, I needed to rewatch fifteen recently, and here's a moment I will recount as an example of "you want too much too fast."
Chuuya: Oh no, Rimbo, I believe you. Gods exist. Anyway, deathmatch now.
Excuse me? Gods exist? Do you care to talk a little bit more about it? It seems like a big concept for an urban supernatural seinen . And it just doesn't. It moves right the fuck on, without blinking or pausing. Really, it just goes into deathmatch, then Dazai's bullshittery, Rimabaud'd death and touchy-touchy words, and then another deathmatch Chuuya vs. Sheep. Do whatever you fucking want with this information. Stay tuned if you want to know if what we had just implied will mean any-fucking-thing in this universe.
Asagiri also said he takes inspiration from Jojo, which is totally good-for-him, I just think he took it a bit too literally.
So, in the end, it's like pieces of different cakes carved out and put together to make a new cake, but the whole product now looks ugly and probably tastes bad too. Because Asagiri isn't a bad writer, he is an immature writer. He can write decent self-contained stories outside Dead Apple, we don't take about Dead Apple Anything that didn't include Odasaku was bad about Dead Apple. Someone just needs to steady Asagiri's fucking hand in time.
Do you know the rule of cutting about 30% of the script after it's done? It's so the writer re-evaluates what is important and what is self-indulgent bullshittery? YEAH.
And Asagiri has other works now that play with pretty much same concepts BSD touches, but because they are more separate and self-contained stories, it kinda works better. Those works are still...umm....just....ughhh...okay tho.
4. I don't really care that much for the art style. If something looks whacky, it won't necessarily stop me from watching it. Wonder Egg was pretty as heck, and, look, it didn't make me stay either. BSD manga art style is what made me watch the anime, I still like the art style but in the first volumes where Dazai had an obnoxiously long chin, smaller eyes, greasier hair, and his clothes were three sizes too big. Where Chuuya's face looked like a weird mix of a sixteen-and-twenty-two-year-old. He obviously had slightly chubby cheeks at certain angles. As manga continued, though, Dazai turned..ughhhh....prettier.
I'm currently watching Sonny boy and while it's hard to call it a pretty art style, it's closer to the classic anime look and it's certainly wild.
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aja154ever · 7 years
GRANRODEO LIVE 2017 G12 ROCK☆SHOW Pierrot Carnival - 09/23/2017
Set List
Pierrot Dancin’
恋は mirage
Punky Funky Love
Glorious days
Fake lover’s true heart
君に one way love
Can Do
move on! イバラミチ
modern strange cowboy
We wanna R&R SHOW
Infinite Love
Go For It!
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G12 AAAAAAHHHHHHH. It’s my first time to attend the G series. I was so excited as I saw this as a chance to hear more GR songs live outside the PieDan album, but somehow the set list turned out to be very similar to the PieDan tour. But it’s okay, I'm not really complaining. And I was just so happy to see that many people gather for the love of GRANRODEO. Long post under the cut!
Honestly, I didn’t think I can get all pumped up because I was far on the 2F and GR live shows are best enjoyed in small, intimate places like Zepp. But the seats actually gave me more space to move and groove, and the sight and energy of the people around me convinced me to be free and lose myself.
Pierrot Dancin’ - Okay I died from the acapella intro. That’s it. No words.
恋は mirage - Really good considering it’s the first (well second ‘cause it’s the second day) time Kiiyan sings this live
Glorious days - The bridge part. OMG what is it in Budokan’s sound system that makes Kiiyan’s voice sound so better argh. Anyway messed up lyrics in the last part, but then okay, it can pass as intended miss
チキン・ヒーロー - Uwaaaa. Who expected this?? I admit that I didn’t like this song compared to other GR songs but now hearing it live, just WOW. It’s impossible not to enjoy this.
君に one way love - OMG I didn’t expect this would make the list so I was just so feeling blissful waving my hands. Really one of my favorite GR songs. Got the lyrics wrong in the last part again and I shouldn’t be reporting about this anymore because that’s just normal for the lyrics writer himself, Kishow
move on! イバラミチ - My 3rd time to hear this live. So far, the best performance out of the three.
In Y.W.F.’s last “boku wa yoi ko”, e-zuka comes to pat Kiiyan on his head. SO PRECIOUS!!
エンドレスサマー - Best production performance for the night, with the dancers and effects *slow clap*
CRACK STAR FLASH - silence - カナリヤ - modern strange cowboy - We wanna R&R SHOW - Classic exhausting line-up. You’ll really know the difference when Kiiyan sings their older songs vs the latest ones. Well it’s basically the years of knowing those songs so he really performs them way better than the new ones. And this is coming from me who has heard him sing PieDan songs live for 3-5 times than classic songs I heard him sing once or twice.
ナミダバナ, silence, We wanna R&R SHOW - long stretch part (I still don’t know what to call it) but his voice, his skills, his everything, *me gets down on one knee, presents a small black box* Marry me, Kiiyan. Now.
Infinite Love -  AAAAAHHHHH. This was the most unexpected song for me. I was so happy!! I got into tears as my heart overflowed of infinite love for GR.
Go For It! - My first time to participate in IGPX!!!
UNDER THE SKY - Kiiyan why did you have to end this happy night with a sad, slow song??? Argh. I wanted a third encore please.
MC and Other Points
I think there was little talk than in the PieDan live.
G12 was broadcasted live and e-zuka-san said that they were given a 4-hour time slot, so in the first MC part he joked, “From now, we’ll go talk for one hour!” Then in the IGPX part, he said that they’ll be doing it for 30 minutes!
Shin-kun didn’t use a mic at first. He went on to shout his greetings, “Konnichiwa!” Oh this kid is so adorable ^.^
Shin-kun’s parents came to watch him live.
When Takita-san turned the television on the night before, it was just in time for the broadcast of the PieDan live. Apparently, he fell asleep on the 月に抱かれて眠りたい part.
e-zuka-san shares that the music for BSD movie’s theme song is close to getting done. Kiiyan worried about writing the lyrics. e-zuka-san said that he was just lying; he’ll cut the encore short and make the song immediately!
e-zuka-san was so nervous as he was playing the piano in the We wanna R&R SHOW intro. Worse, he got distracted by Kiiyan’s sudden ‘insert hum’ that he thought he forgot the next notes. “Don’t go putting in fakes suddenly! You didn’t do that yesterday! My mind got lost!” He blamed Kiiyan for getting too hyped because of the live broadcast.
Kiiyan loved how the crowd called for encore too soon that they haven’t even gone down the stairs yet. He even imitated how the RB first shouted the GRAN part as he got amazed, “You can make such voice?” He was laughing because seriously, the GRAN shout sounded really crazy, in a good way. Thanks RB!
Kiiyan tried to throw his towel on the 1st floor seats but it failed to reach. Lol. He dramatically got down on his knees as the towel just fell on the ground. Ow cute Kiiyan, there, there. But yeah, that was such a waste :(
e-zuka-san played the fool in throwing his wristband to the crowd as it ‘accidentally’ fell behind him several times. Shin-kun ended up getting the wristband.
And lastly, the HUG awwwww T.T
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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More photos on GRANRODEO’s official Facebook page
What more can I say? This is my 6th GR event this year and probably the last? So there’s that loneliness in my heart as I cherished every G12 moment. G7 will be in Okinawa so I can’t go T.T I just have to haunt Kiiyan in other events then.
It just makes me reflect on how I got dragged into this paradise. I first learned about this Taniyama Kishou seiyuu when I first heard his singing voice in UtaPri. I was just starting to get into the seiyuu world at that time, and I didn’t really notice him as Natsuki. But when I heard his beautiful singing voice, I immediately searched about the seiyuu. I got to watch him on Maji Love Live (DVD) and I was convinced that this man has the best singing voice I’ve ever heard. I got into other seiyuu anyway, and it was months after again when I got to watch him perform as GRANRODEO’s Kishow in the KuroBas event (DVD). It was so lively and looked so fun, and there’s something about his performance that draws you in. I started learning the KuroBas songs. Yet I was still into other seiyuu at that time lol. Honestly, I admit that I’m not much of a fan of Kiiyan as a seiyuu. Simply because I like the others’ voice more and then there’s the fact that he doesn’t get to play major anime roles often.
But then, but then. OMG. I don’t why, how, what, but Bungou Stray Dogs came crashing into my life and I fell in love with the most vicious duo in Yokohama, Double Black. Let it be known that I actually decided to watch BSD because of the seiyuu in it but putting that aside, I then learned to love the story and the characters so much. But the Mamo-Kiiyan combi is just too much for me to take in esp after watching their Uemura tanteisha episode. And Nakahara Chuuya. *takes a deep breath* Of all the characters I’ve watched Kiiyan play, Chuuya came to be an easy favorite even if he only appeared in very few episodes. And I said I wasn’t into Kiiyan’s seiyuu voice but his Chuuya voice AAAAAHHHHH, which is actually close to his real voice AAAAAHHHHH
And while I was starting to drown in the BSD fandom, it was just in time for GRANRODEO’s new album release: Pierrot Dancin’. You know, I’m a poor being and I don’t really buy things for myself like goods, but I just really wanted to buy the new album because I wanted to support Kiiyan. And I’m glad I did.
Then the AniUta app got released and it was such a blessing because all GR songs were there so just in a few months, I learned most of their songs in their 12-year long career. Now I’m proud of myself. *wipes corner of my eyes*
Taniyama Kishou, as seiyuu and GR, has been saving me from my depression this year. Our love story sure took some time to develop, but now I just feel so much admiration, love, and gratitude towards this person. As sappy and crappy as it may sound, but Kiiyan became the most important person to me this year.
OMG this went on longer and more dramatic than expected but I just love Kiiyan, my Darlin, my BIG SUN. I’ll do my best to keep seeing you. Cheers to more years to spend together.  ♪\(*^▽ ^*)/\(*^▽ ^*)/
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