#🦗Right way to make honey🍯
berryshipbasket · 1 month
"If my heart was a house you'd be home"
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Finally pushed myself to create a full ship art piece again! Love my little Cuddlebug...
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staticshipstation · 28 days
⭐Nightly Comforts⭐
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Ship: Berry x Jiminy (@berryshipbasket)
Wordcount: 750 (It's a shorter one!)
A small comfort fic I made for Berry! I've been meaning to write more stuff for a while! So I decided to surprise one of my online siblings with this one! (SHHHH NOBODY TELL BERRY/j)
Fic Below!
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Jiminy was the type to sleep like a rock, not much could wake him. He had grown used to the noises that the shop had. Wood clacking against wood became a part of his nightly routine. The sounds of bubbles blowing, soft purring settled into the background. It all became noise for Jiminy to sleep to. But Berry wasn’t just noise, of course. It was almost like a magical sense, If the bee awoke, the cricket wouldn’t be too far behind. Rising from the sheets, small makeshift blankets moving slightly.
“Mmh Honeycomb?” Jiminy asked, rubbing his eyes as his tired state could be heard in his voice. He was ready to be annoyed at whatever woke the love of his life. Maybe the cat started scratching at the door again. He grumbled a little at the thought before he turned to see Berry’s face, lost in thought.
The sounds surrounding them as usual, the clocks clicked as they typically did. Everything was right... right? He blinked as he saw the golden bee (at least to him she looked golden). His face said everything was, in fact, not right nor fine. “Honeycomb?” He repeated, this time his voice not seeped in the tired quiet, yet a slightly louder concern.
“Huh?” Berry, as if awakening in a different way, blinked as they realized Jiminy was awake. He turned to see his round face staring at him. His nose crinkled a little as he focused on them before he moved closer. “What’s got your thoughts all a buzz?” His brows furrowed as he said this.
“It sounds silly…” Berry sighed, a small chuckle coming from her. As if to laugh at their own misery. Quite frankly Jiminy was not having it. “You know what was silly? My first few days with Pinocchio!” He stated, sitting next to Berry.
“I mean… boys turning into donkeys, being swallowed by whales, fairies! Why before I thought the weirdest thing that’d ever happen to me was… well…” He stroked his chin “Suppose I was a rather average cricket before then.” He motioned as he got a tad distracted.
This earned a more earnest and lovely giggle from Berry, one Jiminy loved to hear far more. He leaned slightly closer to him, putting his head on his shoulder. It was the quietest way for the bee to know he was there for them.
“I had a nightmare… You ended up getting hurt…” Berry’s eyes stared in the distance, as if the events were playing in front of her “Badly.”. As they finished their sentence, Berry clenched their knees. Their antennas drooped as they recounted the events.
“Oh… Oh sweetheart…” He cooed as he reached out and rubbed their back. Wrapping his arm around them, he pulled them close. “It’s completely reasonable to be upset by that… but I’m okay, I’m safe.” He smiled as he motioned towards himself. He pulled up his sleeves, showing off that his arms were as they were the night before. “Not a scratch on me! Least not anyone that wasn’t there before!” he squinted as he saw a small dot “That freckle might be new.”.
“But back to the point at hand, you’re safe and I’m safe!” He slowly guided Berry’s head, having them place their head on Jiminy’s lap as he stroked their hair. “You’re alright!” His smile must’ve been infectious because soon the same smile was on Berry’s face. He began to play with the yellow strands of her hair, twirling it between his fingers.
Berry got lost as they looked up at Jiminy’s face, seeing his round and blush covered face stare at their locks of hair. They could get lost in his face, in his form, in his everything. He was like a night sky, but instead of another star in the sky, it was something new to love. The way his eyes looked as he played with his hair being the newest star. She loved him, she truly loved him. She knew as well that he loved her back. It was mutual, anyone could feel it from the way they talked amongst each other.
“I love how golden your hair is…” Jiminy said with a sigh “It’s like it got plucked from a star!”. Berry blinked as they looked up at Jiminy. Her… her hair wasn’t gold, it was obviously red. She shrugged as snuggled up against him, she was too tired to have that conversation right now.
Jiminy hummed at this, smiling as he snuggled back.
“Goodnight, Berry. Sweetdreams!”
“Goodnight, Jiminy.”
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berryshipbasket · 1 month
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FINALLY MADE A NEW REF FOR MY S/I FOR MY MAIN SELF SHIP!!! UGGH I'm so happy with how this design turned out it's such a step up from the first design!!
This silly little bee IS kissing the silly little cricket, it's canon trust me!!!
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berryshipbasket · 17 days
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Soo... babies am I right?
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Taglist !! @staticshipstation @theselfshipcafe @orchidshroomgardenselfships @candyheartedchy @wulfums @raylex @cherry-bomb-ships @fenny-self-ships
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berryshipbasket · 6 months
Snug as a Bug~
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berryshipbasket · 23 days
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But here's the stimmer!!!
...also yet another self ship from me thats a bee with a cricket... I blame @candyheartedchy for this one.
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berryshipbasket · 28 days
A reminder.
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Proship / Exclusionists DNI.
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berryshipbasket · 29 days
a1 as right way to make honey
gmod ragdolls out of ask box.
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TEEHEE,, despite art burnout kicking me rn this actually turned out rlly cute,,
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berryshipbasket · 1 month
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Feeling some slight art burn out but I wanted to doodle something based on my last reblog,,,
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berryshipbasket · 10 hours
So I... made another fankid. Yea-
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That's THREE BABIES !!!!!!
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Proship / Exclusionists DNI
Tag list!
@candyheartedchy @wulfums @staticshipstation @theselfshipcafe @orchidshroomgardenselfships @darknadaworld @cherry-bomb-ships
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berryshipbasket · 2 months
The uhh the errrmm the smiles
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I liek him... sniles my silly bug husband..
[Sona goes by she/they/he]
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More photos V
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[Art by me, @staticshipstation and @theselfshipcafe]
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berryshipbasket · 4 months
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Found this really cute base on Toyhouse and knew I had to use it <33
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berryshipbasket · 3 days
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Reminder I bought a bi pin for my Jim.iny plush and I haven't taken it off since <33
The B in bi stands for BUGS cus we're both Bi 4 Bi bugs!!!
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berryshipbasket · 6 months
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Plus height difference uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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berryshipbasket · 1 month
I've been feeling really sick recently, so to help myself I'm gonna write down a bunch of Jim.iny X Berry stuff I have so far! As well as some general Berry info and Jim.iny headcanons,,,
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Proship / Exclusionists DNI
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Jim.iny is visually impaired. Multiple times he's shown to own a pair of glasses when reading and just generally getting a better look at things, so I definitely think he's far-sighted. I also headcanon Jim.iny as being colour blind, specifcally red/green colour blind (suggested by a friend)
Being where Pino.cchio takes place, Jim.iny knows some Italian! I hc he's half-Italian
Him and Berry would've met before the events of Pino.cchio's adventure, officially getting together sometime afterwards, both of them viewing Pino.cchio as a nephew of sorts.
Berry's specifc species of bee is a white-tailed bumblebee
Berry often carries around a messenger bag, one of the objects they carry in it is a hot water bottle in the shape of a honeycomb. They have PCOS and often suffer from chronic stomach pains. They also carry around medication such as iron deficiency tablets.
Berry is bigger than Jim.iny in both height and weight.
Both of them are very tired and sleepy bugs, however Berry has trouble falling asleep at the same time he does. Usually Jim.iny falls asleep first, while Berry is always the one who wakes up first.
Berry goes by she/they/he pronouns and is bigender (Nonbinary demigirl), while I don't really have any identity headcanons for Jim.iny other than just he/him pronouns. Both are bisexual though!
I often refer to Jim.iny as both my boyfriend and husband, despite not officially having wed Berry and Jim.iny yet.... but I have plans : ) Although it wouldn't be a typical wedding. I and my sonas have Kosmemophobia meaning I'm uncomfortable wearing jewellery.
Berry lives in sort of a false hive. It's smaller than a regular beehive and they live by themself (till they met Jim.iny) Their bed is surrounded by pillows and other soft items, kinda looking like a blooming flower.
Jim.iny's nicknames for Berry are very bee-scentric. Calling them things such as: Honey Honeypot Honeycomb Buzzy Meanwhile Berry likes to call him names like "Cuddlebug" and "Bedbug"
Berry has spots and scars on their legs which she is very self conscious about, to help them feel better Jim.iny always refers to them as "Stars"
Jim.iny has a big sweet tooth, Berry doesn't
Berry often likes to eat alone as they would feel embarrassed by their eating habits, but he's become more comfortable eating with Jim.iny
They can be drawn during any time period mostly. Whether it be during the original 1940 movie or modern day
Berry often prefers flying instead of walking due to having a weak ankle.
Despite Berry not being one for physical touch, both of them are big cuddlers. They feel safe with Jim.iny and he respects their boundaries, always asking if it's okay first. Jim.iny loves soft things and often cuddles with Berry, finding their bee fuzz very soft.
They've had the odd disagreement on things now and then, but they turn it into more playful teasing and joke arguing while actually talking things out.
Jim.iny loves to dance while Berry isn't much of a dancer, always claiming they have two left feet. Jim.iny often likes to show them how to slow dance in private though, knowing they're uncomfortable dancing in public
Berry is an artist! She often carries a sketchpad around with them. And despite his raggedy and worn clothes, he's learning how to stitch and sow, wanting to design outfits one day.
One sign of affection they both do is bumping noses together
That's it for now, might edit and write more later. < : ]
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berryshipbasket · 28 days
Some of my favourite Jim.iny merch that I hope I can own one day...
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And honourable mention.... The Jim.iny mug.
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