#🥼 - Dorky botanist
toxicloveposts · 6 months
Imagine Fani making a pie for MC and having a separate one full of the pain apples for anyone who tried to steal a slice. >:D No pie for you that’s for MC!
oh he would absolutely make two separate pies. She made that by specifically for you! No one else gets to touch it! *cue Fani secretly swapping a stolen slice with a pie of pain and putting the original slice back in the tin*
But someone remind me to draw this tomorrow
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toxicloveposts · 11 months
pov you try to stay chill while talking about your pets to the pretty fae you just met
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn
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toxicloveposts · 6 months
Omg 🥺 Fani can I come over and hold your geckos??? They’re one of my favorite lizards!
" Of course you can!! I'm sure they'd love to meet you! "
Geck reveal lmao
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They're not the only pets she has. She has an albino corn snake named Ivy and a desert rosy boa named Oak!
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toxicloveposts · 5 months
You had geck reveal. Now here's snek reveal.
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Ivy is the more social one of the two and loves to be handled. Give Oak some time and a quail egg and she'll cuddle up to you.
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toxicloveposts · 11 days
With it being mermay, friendly reminder that this all came to be because I wanted to see what my blue sea dragon oc would be like as a human.
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toxicloveposts · 11 months
Believe it or not, Fani used to be terrified of human interaction. But ever since she saw you he's made an effort to change that!
also here's a rough sketch of baby Fani :>
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toxicloveposts · 11 months
Got bored n felt like doing something silly so here's the cast's understand my ship thingies
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toxicloveposts · 10 months
I haven't seen a lot of asks here (which is a crime of the highest degree/j) So may I ask for a hug from Fani?🤗
" O-Of course, my Iris! You can have as many hugs as you want! "
(just woke up to this n my asks are always open! smdm but I do hope you're enjoying the bits of information about the cast. It's the most I can do atm)
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toxicloveposts · 11 months
Been in mushy mood lately, so here's a sneak peek into how the LI's were growing up + a little group photo :>
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Camille has always been a little ray of chaotic sunshine. She always found something to do and loved to explore the park with her dad. Actually, she used to have a lot of his physical traits, but lost them after the incident.
Bella had a bit of a temper growing up. She only let a couple people get close to it and even then xe was still on edge. 100% stray cat energy would probably bite.
Fani was also on edge but instead of lashing out she did her best to limit his interactions with people. He's a lot better about it now, thanks to you and Camille.
Aspen was definitely a wild child growing up. He loved dragging his dad outside to play fútbol or tend to the garden in the back. It hasn't changed much, and he tries its best to stay agile.
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toxicloveposts · 5 months
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! I've been a little busy but that won't stop me from giving y'all some tidbits about the cast.
Used to the a huge fan of Christmas (still is). When she was younger his parents would take the whole family up to their cabin for a few weeks to spend time together. Fani enjoyed making snow sculptures for her younger siblings and hearing their cries of joy on Christmas morning. If only she could remember their faces...
She hass always had a soft spot for the holidays because it meant that she would be able to spend more time with her parents. Her dad owned a small toy shop that would be decked out in holiday decor and somehow always smelled like gingerbread. Her mom would help out on her days off but Camille was her dad's favorite little helper! Nowadays she visits her mom and helps knit clothes and blankets for the community.
While not the biggest fan of the holidays, it enjoys watching his siblings get riled up for Christmas Eve much to his dad's dismay. When he was younger he would go out with his parents to help give out food and clothes to those less fortunate, and now he helps keep that tradition alive by gathering up his siblings and spending their free evenings at animal shelters, food banks, and soup kitchens.
Some would call her a Grinch, but she's as much of a Christmas enjoyer as Camille. Her favorite thing to do around this time is to walk or drive to populated areas at night to see the town decorated in fairy lights, holidays blow ups, and whatever statues the people decide to decorate. It is something that her parents used to do before they went up to their cabin for a few weeks to enjoy the quieter moments of the holidays. She hopes to one day spend time with her older siblings again.
Again I hope you all have a happy holidays and spend time with your loved ones! Be safe out there. ^^
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toxicloveposts · 5 months
Giving fani geckos some treatos for the holidays. Would any oc help Mc give food at a event for low income families?
" My Iris, thank you so much for the treats! I'll make sure the gecks get an even portion! " - Fani
You would have everyone hooked the second you mentioned about the event.
Aspen would ask if he could bring his siblings along to help and possibly make new friends.
Camille would be thinking about what to make for the event, and if she should bring desserts for the sweet tooths of the bunch. Rip to her wallet qwq
You'd have to remind Fani about her physical limitations because she will try to carry all the food to the event.
Bella would be a little nervous about all of the people, but she will happily help you if it means spending time and making memories with you. Hopefully the families will alright with the heavy gift bags.
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toxicloveposts · 7 months
Happy October! 😈
What costumes would they wear with mc? Fairy or vampire looks are classic?
Happy October!! Smdn this is a good question
Camille would probably go with a type of costume where she's the beast and MC is the beauty.
Fani would go with something that allows her to wear as much jewelry as possible (vampire, god, etc.)
Bella would probably go as a masked slasher with MC being the final girl. (expect her to be smug about the height difference the entire time)
Aspen LOVES matching costumes so he'd probably go with something silly like the classic pb&j.
Also! I am working on drawing their costumes!
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toxicloveposts · 6 months
pov you asked Fani about her geckos
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toxicloveposts · 6 months
Fani and Bella are terrified of mall Santas.
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toxicloveposts · 6 months
I can see Fani being like the queen from Snow White and handing out poison apples to creepos
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toxicloveposts · 6 months
Bella can do the jack-o crouch. Fani can't.
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