#🔸 headcanon ➤ giratina.
gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
Why has Giratina taken so long to reconcile with her brothers, despite being out of the Distortion World for nearly 200 years?
She wasn’t too sure on where they were after being freed. Sinnoh, then Hisui, was a large place, and Arceus’ oppressive aura was the first thing that greeted her again after leaving. The lack of his aura was something she’d grown pleasantly used to in the Distortion World, so emerging to such an intense pressure that blanketed everything, including her senses made it difficult to feel where her brothers really were. She wasn’t sure if they were in the dimension, in their own dimensions, or if Arceus had done something terrible to them in her long absence. It partly brought her into a state of paranoia and terrified her, the latter thought inducing anxiety and making her go into hiding for half a decade, even if he likely knew she was out and could go try to kill her at any point.
Since then at least, her sensory abilities have become much more honed over time, and she’s acutely aware of her brother’s locations at the very least more or less. The worry that had wormed its way into her mind after her paranoia over Arceus lessened, and she came to realize they both were still alive, was that they hated her and wanted nothing to do with her.
She experienced the way humanity treated/viewed her firsthand, a glaring disparity from how they treated the rest of her family. Giratina saw how her statue was destroyed, while her siblings’ were left intact. She assumed that they viewed her the same way everyone else did, along with other reasons. Despite her banishment not being anyone’s fault but Arceus - a conclusion she reached during her time of solitude which dispelled any anger and malice she had towards her brothers - she still felt that, perhaps, they hated her because of it. Because she left them alone to face the wrath of Arceus afterwards. There was no little sister anymore to protect them and try to keep them safe, to vouch for them or to share food among them all when Arceus gave them little. Giratina felt that they resented her for leaving them behind, for not doing more for them.
There was also the fear of them seeing what kind of person she had become as well. Very clearly, Giratina is not the same meek child she was, bearing an intense hatred and anger now. All innocence was torn away, and a much more brutal and unforgiving person remained. There’s also the topic of her death in the Distortion World, shedding her dark-typing and becoming a ghost-type. Her death is something she doesn’t struggle with any longer, in fact embracing it, but such a jarring, damning fact had been difficult to talk to Dialga about, and their reaction cut her to her core.
Giratina loves her siblings with all she has, waking up from her blind anger and hatred upon her realization that it was Arceus’ fault for everything. If she still had a shred of hate for them, she wouldn’t have intervened like she did at Spear Pillar against Cyrus. There were, and still are, so many uncertainties.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 3 years
As a child, Giratina desperately sought attention from Arceus. She wanted to be noticed, she wanted attention. Just like any other child would want from their parent. She wanted any attention she could get, even if it was bad. Even if her father punished/yelled at her, she was still getting his attention.
Arceus wouldn’t look Giratina’s way normally. Even if she did something really good, he never would give her the attention she wanted. He wouldn’t even say a word to her. So she would act out subtly instead. It was mostly a double edged sword. She really hated getting berated by Arceus, she hated the abuse she suffered from him, but she got the attention she wanted. No matter how bad it was, Arceus was giving her his time of day.
Seeking his approval was something she tried and failed at, which is why she switched to getting the bad attention. No matter what she did, she would never get Arceus’ approval. Part of her knew this. Part of her knew she was too much of a failure, and that her father would never hold her in a positive light. On rare occasions, back before she was split from her brothers and effectively stopped talking, she would timidly talk to Arceus, usually ending her sentences with “right, father?” as if to seek his approval from her words. This was always met with a disinterested glance, or words of his own to contradict her point and totally shut her down.
So when seeking his approval didn’t work, she’d seek out any attention she could get, no matter if it were negative.
This carries over even to now, though no longer with Arceus. The legend of her banishment spread throughout Sinnoh humans, despite it having some falsities to it (which I wrote about in this post here). Once again, she had gotten attention by the bad things she had done (even if her banishment wasn’t 100% on her). Still, humanity had put their eyes on her when she did something bad, and turned a blind eye whenever she did something good (like at spear pillar, even if she did leave the portal open by mistake. That’s her bad lmao). She carries this attitude even as an adult, acting like a complete brat to anyone and everyone just to get that attention she sought as a child.
They all treat her like a demon, and a monster. If they all want that so badly, she’s more than glad to give them one.
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gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
There are glaringly obvious changes in Giratina’s personality between her being a child, and her being a teenager.
As a child, she was meek. She was softspoken and shy, to the point where she may as well have been mute. There was no way in hell she’d stick up for herself, only throwing herself to the mercy of Arceus in order to keep Dialga and Palkia safe, fabricating lies that put her in the spotlight, and keeping his ire off of her brothers as much as possible. There was no defending herself from Arceus’ violence, knowing it to be futile no matter what she’d try.
She tried to be the perfect child. Seen, but not heard, which was what he wanted out of his children, though it still wasn’t enough. It never was when it came to him. Her banishment was the first instance where she openly fought back against Arceus. In her mind, she had done everything right. Of course she had slip-ups and mishaps with her powers, but she never protest when she was punished. Cry, sure, but nothing more than that. Lashing out in that instance was the only option she had, terrified of her brothers being left alone with their father, and terrified, knowing once she went into the other dimension, she surely would die.
Her banishment, and subsequent entering of her teenage years, changed her entirely. For Giratina, there was only a white hot, all-consuming rage, and a deep hatred for her family. It was during this time she got it in her head that her brothers were to blame as well for the misfortune that befell her, for they didn’t lift a finger to help her, even after all the times she laid herself on the line for them. It felt like the greatest stab to the back she’d encounter thus far, and fueled her desire for vengeance not just upon Arceus, but on them as well. She was bitter and spiteful, no longer the meek little crybaby she used to be.
The Distortion World was already very much destroyed, and she spent a lot of time further ruining the realm in angry, violent outbursts. Either smashing apart titanic landmasses with sheer strength alone, or in her worst moments, letting her antimatter run loose, destroying all that it touched. She lived and she died in the Distortion World, shedding her dark-typing and watching the world on the other side move on without her. It was a damnable, maddening, and lonely existence for five billion years. All of that burning rage last for over half of her time there, and the final half was spent in quiet solitude.
No matter how much she raged, screamed, and destroyed, there was no going out. It was a profound, eerie acceptance that finally settled in towards her adulthood at that point, and there was finally a resounding calm in the Distortion World.
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gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
Out of all of Giratina’s underlings/subjects, Lunala has the most power and territory to boot. Elys and Alastor aren’t considered as such, acting more as her right and left hands, but Lunala is directly below Giratina and her children in terms of the hierarchy.
Giratina was the one to initiate this deal, surprisingly, on a visit from Hisui (not yet called Sinnoh at the time) to Alola. Alola wasn’t a place she intended on visiting right away, not until she felt something off. That something was Lunala, Moon Emissary, Devourer of Light. Giratina went there with the intention of adding a new ghost to her ranks, not too worried if things went south for the most part. She knew she could handle the situation if it went rough, and thankfully, it wasn’t.
Their talk was actually pleasant, Giratina learning about Lunala’s story and what had happened to her. Giratina, in turn, shared some very basic information about herself, not quite having enough trust to share the more deep details. Still, Giratina shared with her more than she would other people, purely for transparency sake, and the fact she was speaking with another powerful ghost-type like herself. While Giratina can be manipulative and malicious, she extends respect to other ghost-types as long as she gets that respect in return, which Lunala did grace her with. Lunala knew Giratina could probably wipe her off the map if she wanted to, so she was a bit tense trying to be polite, and only relaxed as their conversation progressed.
Giratina gave her command over the ghosts in Alola, the region being far too hot and dreadful for her to want to return at any point. Along with that, Alola was a bit far from Hisui and the surrounding regions, where Giratina can lay claim to her territories and ghosts far easier than Alola. Lunala also was taught a sequence of patterns to tap out on a mirror in case she needed aid/help with anything at all, able to call upon Giratina in an emergency.
Lunala did feel a bit guilty that she had nothing really to offer in return, beyond looking after/taking care of the ghosts in Alola, but Giratina reassured her it was more than enough. As long as she didn’t have to deal with the heat of the region and could stay in Sinnoh (beyond the emergency call when needed), she was totally fine. Giratina had been the first legendary ally and friend she had made after arriving in Alola with Solgaleo.
To this day, they still talk and keep in touch frequently. The last thing Lunala would ever want is to disappoint her somehow, so she does her best to keep things orderly over in Alola, and the ghosts there do listen to her and are fond of her, being put in power directly by the queen herself.
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gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
Arceus despises Giratina and Yveltal for the exact same reason. While he does have a lot more gripes with his daughter beyond this one thing, it was a MAJOR point of irritation to him. Essentially, when he was teaching his sons to harness their powers of space and time, he viewed Giratina as a distraction as far as their training went. They would much rather spend time with their sister than with him learning their powers (and for good reason, honestly), and he also accused her of making them soft. It was a big reason why he steadily manipulated and convinced her that she was poisoning her brothers, and that they wouldn’t want to be around someone like her. Surely, she wouldn’t want to be a hindrance to her brothers, did she?
And for Yveltal, it’s the same story. Xerneas’ situation was extremely similar, in which he was teaching him how to use his powers, when he became more enamored with Yveltal and wanted to spend time with his counterpart. Having a repeat situation, billions of years later, irritated Arceus to no end. He already was furious with Giratina back then, so having it happen to him again made his blood boil. Yveltal, like Giratina, was a distraction, and he felt a deep hatred for the god of death over it, despite him really doing nothing wrong at all besides existing. Arceus, in part, is responsible for just how uncontrollable and volatile Yveltal’s powers are. They were controllable and normal at one point, but with some manipulation from Arceus, they grew beyond what Yveltal could control, and is another reason why he’s had to hibernate several times over his life cycle.
He was not and still isn’t happy with Giratina and Yveltal, holding that grudge and hatred for all of those years. His purpose for training his sons and Xerneas was to pawn off some of his responsibilities. The responsibility of overseeing time, space, and life, were to be passed on to others so he didn’t have to deal with it any longer, and those two were thorns in his side from the moment he started training.
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gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
Giratina first met Elys around two-hundred years ago, after she broke free from the Distortion World following the events at Spear Pillar. It was after all 108 spirits were gathered, freeing the Spiritomb back into the world after having been sealed for the past few hundred years.
They were one in the same, the two of them. Cast out from the world, and sealed away to keep them from earth for as long as possible. Many things had changed, even in Elys’ case. They had both come back to an entirely new world, an entirely new Hisui.
Giratina took Elys in when she found her, a disheveled and frightened Spiritomb. She bestowed her a human guise, so that they can walk the lands uninhibited. Their relationship started as a mentor-mentee relationship. Elys was essentially Giratina’s right hand as the goddess vied to get her power back, and amass a following.
Most ghost-types knew of Giratina, of course. The infamous legend of the queen of the dead. Many were already receptive to her presence returning to Hisui, aligning themselves with her and working under her. Some were more on the fence, and it was Elys that swayed them to their side. Giratina was always taking a bold, head-on approach, while Elys worked and moved through the shadows.
It would be later on that their bond would turn to more of a familial one. Elys had always been enamored by the chaos goddess, and in working for her personally, she became even more of a role model to her. In turn, Giratina saw a lot of herself in Elys. They had both been damned to rot away in the places they were sealed into, an unjust ending for the two of them. And one way or another, they came back with a vengeance. Not only that, but Elys had had... nothing. Nothing at all. She was all alone in the world, meant to fend for herself, just like Giratina had been as a child. Seeing her own past repeat itself in another was something she couldn’t bear to see, and it was why she quickly began to see the Spiritomb like a daughter.
Giratina went to great lengths to make sure she was taken care of, being the first to bear her fangs at anyone who was even remotely threatening to Elys. They have walked and traveled together for so long now, to the point where it’s like Elys had always been her child, even long before. She owes Elys so much for being a key role in gaining her following back, and spreading the word of the ghost queen’s return to the mortal plane.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Sendoff Spring can be considered as one of Sinnoh’s “secret” lakes, or the fourth lake depending on how you look at it. It’s very mysterious, and very well hidden. A thick fog and dense trees surround it at all points of the year, making it hard to see even a few feet in front of you at one time. It keeps all unwanted people out, only letting those who are allowed in to reach the clear waters of the lake. Like Turnback Cave and the Distortion World, it’s Giratina’s domain, and it bends to her will. She can clear the fog for people, or provide directions to people she wants in. It’s a bit like the lost woods from Breath of the Wild, where if you stray too far off the path, the fog overtakes you and you awake back at where you started. It’s impossible to fly into as well, since the fog makes it difficult to find where to land.
All ghosts know the way without being told, or people who can hear the dead/ghosts. Whispers from the beyond guide them.
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gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
was there anyone who was a shining light for your muse? Ie. was there any adult who they could genuinely rely on / trust?
questions for muses with a rough childhood | accepting
Sadly there wasn't any other adults that Giratina could really trust. At that point in time, it was only her, her brothers, and Arceus who existed, Arceus being the only adult and "parental figure" they had. While there was no possible way for her to turn to other adults, she did trust her brothers very deeply. If it weren't for her siblings, she would have been far worse off. Everything she did was for them, going as far as sneaking them all extra food from the kitchen when their father wasn't paying attention, to protecting them when she could.
It even boiled down to a point that during her fight against Arceus immediately preceding her banishment, the only reason why she hesitated upon turning her knife against herself and ending her life on her own terms was because they were watching. The last thing she wanted was for them to see that. She also felt a bit dejected knowing they weren't there to help, but as an adult now she's realized that was the best move they could have done, was to be bystanders in the background and not get involved.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Giratina’s powers are completely offensive and are meant for complete and total obliteration. Antimatter and matter destroy each other when they come into contact. Giratina isn’t necessarily made of antimatter; she can just manipulate and control it. A touch on the shoulder won’t erase a person unless she wants them dead.
When it comes to erasing regular people, it’s no big deal. She can use her powers to completely destroy somebody around 10 times per day. When it comes to legendaries and other powerful beings? It’s riskier. She risks losing all feeling in her arms for an undetermined amount of time. She risks erasing herself in the process. The more powerful the legendary, the more risk is involved. Erasing a mythical legendary would be far less riskier than trying to erase a legendary that’s part of a prominent trio. Fortunately, she has no intent to go and obliterate any other legendaries unless she has very, very good reason to do so.
Arceus, on the other hand? No contest. She would end up permanently dying in the process, and he would be unscathed. Attempting to erase god is not something that is recommended.
Manipulating antimatter comes with a price. If she goes over her threshold of use for a day, she starts damaging herself on a cellular level. This also is coupled with bruise-like marks on her arms, and pain in her hands and arms. In severe cases of overuse, she loses feeling in her limbs and can’t use them. Giratina doesn’t know how to increase her threshold, though she does know that she can destroy more than she used to be able to.
Giratina has a bit of resistance to radioactivity, as her antimatter powers emit radiation when the antiparticles destroy matter. It’s on a microscopic scale, however, so it’s not harmful to others around the particles, unless they’re continually exposed to it for long periods of time. If she were to destroy a planet sized object (which would probably severely injure her), the radiation emission would be big enough to see with the naked eye.
The radiation she’s been exposed to over the years could explain her fertility problems. While she does have a resistance to it and hasn’t had adverse health effects, the only thing that seems to really be off is her reproductive health for some reason.
Also, here’s how it sounds when she uses her powers.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
If you’re someone Giratina cares about and she hurts you physically, even if it’s a complete accident, it is a horrible mistake that she will regret forever. For most of her life, it’s been held over her head that she could hurt someone. It’s one of the main reasons Arceus gave to her as to why he was separating her from her brothers. Because she could hurt them. And as a child who adored her siblings more than anything, the last thing she wanted was to be the cause of their pain. It’s a deeprooted fear she’s had for the longest time, so much so that she doesn’t know how to function or what to do when she does hurt someone she loves.
As she does with a lot of things that cause her deep fear and anxiety, her solution is to run and hide herself away. She thinks it’s better to just avoid the person, lest she hurt them more than she already has.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
It’s not a secret that Arceus despised, detested, and loathed his children. He was angry and abusive to them, controlling them and their actions until it literally broke them. However, for some reason, Giratina seemingly got it worse than her brothers. While they all suffered under his tyrannical rule, she got targeted.
Because he created something volatile and unpredictable. While her brothers could use their powers well and with far less trouble than hers, her antimatter was volatile, and unpredictable. Arceus created something he couldn’t control, and that made him feel threatened.
He feared her, but in a primal sort of fear, and not the traditional sense. This primal fear manifested into rage and controlling behavior, which lead to heavy emotional, mental, and physical abuse. His way of solving the problem of her unpredictability was to take her away from her brothers and lock her away into a room far back in the hall of origin. Out of sight, out of mind.
Yet she still destroyed and ruined, all because her powers were too much for her to handle at such an age. It was good for Arceus, however, because he was able to successfully throw her out of the dimension and into the Distortion World, shifting the blame on her for her violent behavior and destructive nature. In reality, it was his answer to his subconscious feeling of being threatened.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
honestly. there’s so many things and so many places giratina has just. never been able to do/see. she has been out of the distortion world for around 20 years now, but she spent the first (almost) 2 years staying in the spring out of fear, terrified to leave since she knew that arceus knew she had gotten out. nothing scared her more and kept her awake at night like that fear, and it crippled her even after those initial years. while she left the spring, it was hard for her to leave the region for another decade after. she still is reluctant to leave sinnoh for an extended period of time.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Giratina has numerous scars across her body, some being very minimal, and some looking quite horrific. Most of her scars were sustained by her father, while others were from more minor events.
Neck scars -- Giratina has two, slash like scars on the left side of her neck, and a puncture scar on the right side of her neck. These scars were self-inflicted during her time in the Distortion World following her initial death, and were means to try and end her life in her madness. She only found that not even death could free her from the Distortion World. These three scars are not covered and are noticeable, unless she’s wearing something with a high collar (which she usually isn’t).
Arm scars -- Giratina suffers quite nasty scars up and around her arms, starting at her wrists and ending just below her shoulders. They look almost white in color, with a very slight twinge of blue to them. The scars look like cracked ice, spiderwebbing up and around her arms. Since she usually wears long sleeved shirts, jackets, or sweaters, these scars are often covered and unable to be seen. One other thing to note about these scars is that, while it isn’t exactly ice, they almost feel cold to the touch. Colder than her skin is normally, enough for a noticeable difference.
Chest scar -- She has a scar in the middle of her chest that looks similar to one of those plasma balls, or a spiderweb crack, starting from her sternum and spreading out in all directions, until the scar tissue finally thins, similar to a lightning bolt. Considering she would have to be shirtless for it to be seen, it’s covered at all times unless she’s wearing a v-neck style shirt.
Thigh scar -- She has a scar on her left thigh, starting at the top of her knee that wraps around her upper leg, spiraling up and stopping a few inches below her hip. Considering she only ever wears shorts or skirts, this scar is usually visible unless she happens to be wearing stockings.
Minor scars -- Giratina has other, more minor scars across her abdomen and back, mostly knife, or bullet scars from getting into fights or sketchy situations. These are all generally covered by her clothing.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Since Gira (and the ghost kids) don’t give off any body heat thanks to being dead, you can’t see their breath on cold nights. Their bodies are naturally cold, and if you’re around them in a place that’s room temperature, there is a slight, noticeable chill to them. Of course, if they sit by a fire, or eat/drink something warm, their bodies do absorb the heat. It just doesn’t maintain the heat well (ghosts don’t like to be overly warm anyways). Sitting under blankets doesn’t really do much for them either since there’s no body heat to be trapped underneath, unless they’re sitting under the blanket with someone that’s not…. dead, or if the heat is on (which it usually isn’t in Giratina’s house).
Their bodies mostly seem to mirror the temperature around them, as if they’re cold blooded in a weird way. Thankfully, since most of their organs don’t really need to function, the aspect of them freezing up is nothing they worry about. They mostly have to worry about their body itself freezing, as they’ll have to simply wait until it gets warm enough to thaw them or allow them to move freely.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Giratina, her kids, and all of the ghosts in the spring cause a profound cooling effect on the entire area. The interior of the spring is easily over ten degrees cooler than the route immediately outside of it. Ghosts exude a chilling vibe, and even Alastor being in a room by himself causes the temperature to drop several degrees. They thrive in these environments, so it’s no wonder they’ve all congregated in Sinnoh, a notoriously cold region. Sunny weather and warmth aren’t great for ghosts, with many coming out only on cold, overcast days, or at night. Giratina herself detests heat and sunny weather, and is rarely seen in direct sunlight. For her, it feels like the sun’s rays start to burn her within moments, in a pain that is comparable to a sunburn but quicker.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Giratina has a bit of a fear of loud noises. Loud noises remind her of being yelled at by Arceus’ booming voice, and beyond that, the Distortion World is very very quiet besides a few ambient noises that sound like they’re far off in the distance. She spent 5 billion years, over a third of her life, in this quiet, only speaking to herself in hushed tones to keep herself from going mad. So getting out of the Distortion World to a planet that is totally new to her, with bustling people and lots of noise.... It really, really overwhelmed her senses and she had a breakdown when it happened.
Loud noises like thunder, fireworks, and explosions can quickly overwhelm her senses and give her sensory overload. Even her voice while yelling isn’t all that loud, and the only way for her to really yell is for her to distort her voice, upon which she’ll cover her ears. She never yells at other people; it makes her feel like shit.
But yeah. Hearing loud noises gives her sensory overload, and bad memories. If it’s bad enough, she’ll cover her ears and just crouch into a ball on the floor
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