#đŸ”„ sapnap: born from fire
thunder-at-dawn · 2 years
lee quackity ler sapnap and wings :]
It was irritating, how he always did this. He always acted like this was his first time discovering this information.
“They’re so
 soft! I’ve never felt a duck’s wing before!” Sapnap marveled, gently running his fingers through the soft, yellow feathers.
“S-Suhure yohou hahavehen’t
” Quackity, who knew he was talking bullshit, hid his flustered, pink face from his fiancĂ© as he laid down on the floor.
“Oh my god dude, this is like, the best thing I’ve ever felt.” Sap chuckled. “Why are you hiding your face?”
“Shuhut uhup, duhude! Y-Yohou knohow whahat yohou’re dohoing!!” The duck hybrid blushed, currently in a giggling frenzy.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” The other lied, starting to lightly scribble at his fiancé’s wings. Quackity squealed, his golden wings fluttering out of control.
“SAHA- SAHAPNAHAP!! SahAHAPnahap!!” He shrieked out, frantically grabbing hold of his hands. “Mi amohor, pleheheheahase!!”
Sapnap paused, smiling as his love gripped onto him. “You’re adorable.”
“Shuhut uhup.”
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thunder-at-dawn · 2 years
lee sapnap
ler karl
(is this good idk😭)
cw: getting hurt, mention of blood
“You should really be more careful.” Karl pouted, continuing to carefully wrap the gauze around Sapnap’s shin.
“Hey, it’s not my fault that the ice wanted me to fall.” He rebutted.
“Sapnap, you were running down the ice-covered prime path and saying “I’m a fire demon, I don’t care what the ice thinks.”” Karl rolled his eyes, giggling as Sapnap huffed. “Just
 promise you won’t be as reckless next time?”
Sapnap looked to the side, not exactly wanting to fulfill that promise. Where was the fun in being safe? And to be fair, both of them laughed about it before noticing the bleeding. He sighed, muttering quietly. “
I promise.”
“I can’t hear you.” Karl sighed. It was kind of sweet, how much he cared. The time traveler tried to make eye contact with his fiancĂ© before getting an idea. He reached over and squeezed the other’s knee, smiling as his whole body jolted with surprise.
“K-Kaharl!” He stuttered, lightly pushing his hand away.
“Come ooooon! I want to hear you say it!” Karl laughed along, his hand spidering underneath the other’s knee and making Sapnap’s laughter increase in pitch.
“Ohokay, ohokahAHY! Ihi prohohomiHIhise!” He agreed. Karl smiled, gently kissing Sapnap on the forehead. The ice and the weather outside was cold, but their laughter throughout the night kept each other plenty warm.
send a character to be the lee, a character to be the ler, and a tickle spot, and i’ll write a short fic! :}
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thunder-at-dawn · 2 years
oh neattttt funky idea:
Lee!Dream, Ler!Sapnap Ribs :]]
“Ooooooh, Dream! You better get back here and give me back my bandanna!” Sapnap taunted.
“I don’t think so!” Dream called back with a laugh, continuing to race through the nether. The two of them laughed as Sapnap chased him around the area, trying his hardest to catch up. Seeing him take a turn to the left behind a hill, he thought fast and ran around the other side, hoping to meet him in the middle.
Dream raced around the hill, his friend’s bandana held tightly in his right hand. He ran around, hoping to lose Sapnap at some point, before suddenly getting tackled to the ground.
“Wha- how did you-?!”
“Looks like the SMP’s best speedrunner isn’t the most clever.” Sapnap chuckled. “Now, do you plan on giving my bandana back anytime soon?”
“Nope.” Dream chuckled, holding it high past his head, and out of Sapnap’s reach.
The fire demon shrugged. “Alright. I anticipated this.” Dream stared in confusion, until he finally felt Sapnap’s hands slip under his hoodie, and fingers vibrating into his ribcage.
“Waha- WahAHAIT- SahAHAPnahap!” Dream squirmed in place, trying his to hold the bandana above his head and not pull his arm down. “We cahan tahalk ahabout thihis!”
“I don’t know
 it’s probably hard for you to talk with how much you’re laughing right now.”
“Sh-Shuhut uhup!! Shuhutuhupshuhutuhupshutup!” Dream’s face turned pink from embarrassment.
“Not until you give me my bandana back!” Sapnap said with a cheshire cat’s grin. To be completely honest, Dream could keep the bandana if he wanted to. He was just feeling a bit mischievous today, and wanted to mess with his best friend.
send a character to be the lee, a character to be the ler, and a tickle spot, and i’ll write a short fic! :}
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
like a 1 or a 2, he doesn’t give me the vibes honestly
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
Sapnap and “Wait, I promise I’ll stop”?
“Wait, I promise I’ll stop.” Sapnap said, slowing down the movements of his fingers.
“Wahaihit, reheally?” Dream asked, catching his breath. When Sapnap nodded and stopped completely, Dream muttered out a quick “Perfect.” before reaching up, grabbing his friend’s arms, and turning him over so that their positions were switched. He dug his fingers into the spaces in between Sapnap’s ribs, smirking as the other shrieked with laughter.
six sentence fics: send me the first sentence to a fic in my askbox, and i’ll write the next five sentences
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
C!George: Mohohove bahahack uhuHUHUp
“Mohohove, bahahack uhuHUHUp!â€ïżŒ
George and Sapnap had found a small, uncovered crater from the L’Manburg explosions while exploring...and both of them managed to fall and get stuck inside. Sapnap wasn’t sure when they would be rescued, but he took the pportunity to it’s full advantage.ïżŒ
“I can’t move, because we’re stuck in this crater for a while, and we gotta wait until someone rescues us!”
“SahahAHAPNahap!” George wriggled around in Sapnap’s grasp as he felt the other curl his fingers into his sides, laughing softly as he learned into his friend’s body.
six sentence fics: send me the first sentence to a fic in my askbox, and i’ll write the next five sentences
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
C!sapnap “Why would I not?”
“Why would I not?”
“YOHOHOU’RE SOHOHO BAHAHAD- SAHAHAPNAHAP, QUHUHIHIT IHIHIT!!” Dream wriggled and thrashed on the ground, a few cackles spewing out of his throat before repeating the question he had asked before. “WHY WOHOULD YOHOU DOHOHOHO THIHIHIHIS?!”
“You deserve it, and it’s fun.” He shrugged, continuing to vibrate his fingers in between Dream’s ribs.
six sentence fics: send me the first sentence to a fic in my askbox, and i’ll write the next five sentences
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
For the brotp ask meme could you do George and Sapnap??
yes yes yes :D
who’s more ticklish?
GEORGE. there’s no debate it’s george
what kind of tickles are they sensitive to?
rough tickles for both, but soft tickles get to george sometimes
which role does each of them hold?
george is the lee between them a good 90% of the time
how did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
dream found out george was ticklish and told sapnap instantly LMAO
who’s more likely to instigate a tickle fight?
sapnap 100%
how often do they tickle each other?
very very often, it’s a regular thing for them
who’s the least likely to ask for tickles?
probably sapnap, george usually doesn’t have to ask bc sapnap will wreck him on his own, but every once in a while he’ll have to ask for it, which sapnap 100% on purpose makes him do to fluster him
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
for the brotp ask meme 😳 can you do dream n sapnap or bad n skeppy?
i don’t watch much of bad or skeppy, so i’ll do dream and sapnap!
who’s more ticklish?
dream, surprisingly! sapnap is pretty close to him though
what kind of tickles are they sensitive to?
dream is sensitive to both soft tickles and rough tickles, but soft tickles get to him more. sapnap is more sensitive to rough tickles, and raspberries absolutely kill him.
which role does each of them hold?
both of them switch between lee and ler quite frequently with each other.
how did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
they had challenged each other to a speed running challenge, and at one point, sapnap shoved dream in the side to get past him while running. however, what sapnap didn’t expect was for him to hear dream quietly laugh. needless to say, the speed running challenge got put on hold.
who’s more likely to instigate a tickle fight?
sapnap, because he’s a teasy little shit
how often do they tickle each other?
very often, it often starts with one of them lightly poking each other and turns into an all out war between the two of them
who’s the least likely to ask for tickles?
neither of them. since they’ve known each other for so long, both of them just give each other this look, and they just know. however, neither of them will directly ask for it until the day they die.
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
Tk headcanons for sapnap? :0 also Btw ur anonymous ask option is turned off! ïżŒ
my bad, it should be on now! anyway here’s some sapnap headcanons :D
Lee HCs
will still somehow to find a way to tease the ler as he’s being tickled
worst spot is the stomach
raspberries absolutely murder him
will squirm and attempt to fight back 90% of the time
he’s like 75% ler i’d say? but still finds his way into the lee zone from time to time
Ler HCs
when sapnap is about to wreck someone, he gives them a smirk, some teasy remark, and like ten seconds for them to run
don’t even think about running away though because he WILL catch up
if it’s quackity or karl that he’s tickling, the teases and flusters are given out to them way more than anyone else
dream and george are close seconds though
aftercare hugs and cuddles are a must
he can be pretty ruthless at times, but he makes sure the lee had a good time and that he didn’t overdo anything
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