ainescribe Β· 3 years
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γ€Žγ€€η¦  』  CALAMITY
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FANDOM : kimetsu no yaiba and noragami.
WARNING : mentions of death, killing and blood. UNEDITED.
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rusty sky
❝ this was a mistake. ❞ you decide, standing in the midst of the forest where the shadows began to gradually encroach onto the path as the sun slowly set. you weren't oblivious to the rumors of demons milling through the darkness, whispered tales from those fortunate enough to escape their grasp. you knew there was a level of truth behind their words. your parents seemed rather adamant over their existence and that rubbed off on you.
even you, a wayfaring deity, a minor god with little to their name had their reservations with the night creatures. while you were gifted with the strength and speed that far exceeded that of an average human, you were still in a place of vulnerability, knowing fully well that you could die if you were to encounter a particularly powerful demon. yes, you knew it had longevity but immortality? you weren't unkillable.
a twig snapped somewhere in the bushes and you flinched, rapidly spinning around to eye the spot with newfound weariness, eye twitching with terror.
❝ fuck, this WAS a mistake. ❞ you babbled, beginning to pace forward in a stiff, urgent speed walk. ❝ i'm going to suffer a painful death now, aren't i? ❞ a few more twigs snapped and you picked up your pace, sending a quiet prayers to the kamis above to assist a wretched demigod like you.
the bushes parted, the leaves crunched, you could hear heavy breathing in the air. you blinked, feeling your body temperature drop considerably while your skin prickled with terror. something moved in the darkness. you could hear it. you could sense it.
this was it. the end of the line. the curtain call. the climax of your journey.
you looked behind you, now positively panicking, ready to deliver a shrill scream when something stepped into the light. it's dark eyes rose to meet yours, stopping at the sight of you before it opened it's fanged maw and...
❝ a dog? ❞ you mumbled, confused and relieved at the sight of the tiny shiba inu that graced your presence. you bent down to pat it’s head, a small smile gracing your face as it yipped, bounding towards you. you crooned inwardly at the sight. ❝ hey there little guy, what are you doingβ€” ❞
the dog began to morph as it came closer, it's teeth growing needle sharp while it's frame seemed to grow.
❝ are you kidding me?! ❞ you screeched with blatant distaste at the sight of the furry and very demonic abomination in front of you. it tilted it;s head to the side, opening it's jaw and delivered a small 'bork' before taking a step forward.
maybe it was friendly?
you didn't have time to react to the blur that lunged towards you, ducking before it could tear you apart. the tree behind you fell prey to it's cruel assault, leaving behind shredded bark that could may as well have been you had you not been careful
never mind. you decided. it's out for blood.
in moments like theses, you were either tasked with the following options as a deity ; a) kill the demon with your shinki and be done with it or b) kill the demon with your bare fists. despite your godly heritage, however, you were still raised by a human woman and said humanity rubbed off on you.
so as a human, your first instinct was to run.
you picked up your pace, your feet carrying you across the forest floor with the demon in hot pursuit behind you. you could hear it cackling now and a few momentary glances showed it turn more humanoid as it came closer and closer. it was speaking, a high, rough and slimy voice that did not sate your nerves in any way.
❝ i just want to play! ❞ it laughed. you could feel it's breath on your shoulder and threw yourself to the side before it could drive it's hand into your stomach. you escaped but your waist stung, red blooming across the torn cloth. you winced, touching the area, staining the tips of your fingers with blood.
shit, shit shit-
you needed to do something.
but what?
clear you breathing? were you breathing to fast? your chest felt heavy.
okay, calm down. breathe, breathe, breathe.
you didn't dilly dally any further, scrambling to your feet. something struck your head; a fist and you were surprised your brow wasn't split open from the sheer power of the blow. the demon gasped, probably feeling befuddled at your tenacity while you dragged yourself away from it, vision blurring over.
you didn't know where you were headed, running, running, running across the dirt. you lost your slippers along the way, the hard stones digging into the soles of your feet, tearing open the skin and leaving a bloody trail behind you. if you were still conscious, you would have winced, cried out, maybe even berated yourself for leaving a blatant path for that thing to follow behind.
but you were too busy trying to escape. a village; you needed to get back to a village; maybe hide. or find a demon slayer.
if only you had a shinki.
if only youβ€”
your face met brown dirt, fingers digging into the mud as you tried to hoist yourself up again. you were aware of the throbbing in your head beginning to grow worse and the sting in your feet. looking up, you scanned your surroundings. trees, plants, leaves and...a boy?
a boy.
he stood there, watching you. you couldn't make out his features behind his kitsune mask but you groaned anyway, beckoning at him with urgency. ❝ demon. ❞ you croaked out. ❝ run. there's a demon... ❞
he flinched, looking around him with a stance that reflected his confusion. then he settled his gaze on you again. ❝ are you talking to me? you can see me? ❞ he asked, his voice hushed, amazed. you gritted your teeth together. what kind of absurd question was that? why would he evenβ€”
your vision had cleared momentarily and you could see the faint peach glow that seemed to surround him as well as his hazy transparency. ❝ a wandering spirit. ❞ you breathed. was this fate? the opportunity was too good to be true and your body seized up. your pain was forgotten; you were on your feet again. ❝ and a pure soul no less...this is...this is amazing i... ❞
the boy stepped back, bowing his head with a hint of weariness. ❝ what the hell are you going on about?! ❞ he questioned, holding up a hand before you could do anything brash even though the most you wanted to do was probably cackle and tackle him down into a celebratory hug.
you could understand his weariness and sighed, straightening up.
❝ i am a god. ❞ you declare.
the boy's arms dropped to his sides.
❝ i don't know how you can see but you seriously need some help. ❞ he deadpanned. ❝ you hit your head, yes? if there is a demon close by, the most i can do it guide you out of the forest. find a doctor, you're spouting nonsense. ❞
you shook your head, grabbing the ends of his haori. ❝ please hear me out. ❞ you begged. the boy paused, turning to you. ❝ i really am a god; a minor deity reincarnated. it may seem far fetched but it's true. the demon will be here any second now and even if you help me, i still won't be able to escape. ❞ you inhaled sharply. the boy turned to face you.
❝ calm down. ❞ he said, his voice a little more gentle down. ❝ now continue. ❞
you nod. ❝ you're a pure soul and because of this, i can take you in as my shinki or weapon. if you agree to do so, then i'll have a chance to survive this demon attack and kill it. i'll give you the rest of the details afterwards so please... ❞
he regarded you for a moment.
❝ you need a nichiran blade to slay demons. ❞ he stated flatly. you sighed, feeling exasperation and desperation pile up. you could hear the faint sounds of foliage toppling over and the boy seemed to have picked up on it as well if his taut shoulders were anything to go by. you looked at him dead in the eyes.
❝ trust me. ❞ you enunciated. he stared at you for a split second and nodded. you inhale sharply, feeling something tremble inside you. you didn't know how to acquire a shinki; you were never taught how to by tenjin when you encountered him that fateful day. but you found yourself speaking anyway. ❝ what is your name, spirit? ❞
he hesitated for a moment before answering your question. ❝ my name is sabito. ❞
the snapping grew louder. you nodded. ❝ sabito. ❞ you repeated. ❝ thou, with nowhere to go and nowhere to return, i grant thou a place to belong. ❞ from the depths of your mind, you questioned how these words flowed out so easily, but you kept going, colored light beginning to glow through your fingertips, tracing out the kanji ' ιŒ† '.
❝ i am the deity [ name ] and i give thou a name to bear as my sacred weapon to defend the people of this plane. with this name, i call upon thee as my shinki. Thou art ; as regalia, ' sho '. come shoki ❞ the light the momentarily enveloped sabito was blinding. between the pounding of your heart and the sudden cry of the demon as it finally tracked you down, you felt a weight settle in your hands and a flurry of feelings and emotions, image after image flitted through your mind.
sabito as a child, his peach head blending with his sibling's and parents in a friendly tussle as laughter rang through the air, sabito kneeling by their dead bodies years later, weeping while the demon slayer cleaned their blade, eyes reflecting a shared sadness, sabito training to wield a sword under stern eye of urokodaki with little giyu as a friend and sabito dying in the hands of a demon.
you hadn't realized you were crying until you were tackled down by the demon, a shuddering gasp escaping you. the peach haired boy in the kitsune mask was now a sword with a peach hilt, the edge of the blade seeming to glimmer with water. your shoulder stung when the demon sank it's teeth into the flesh, nearly ripping it out. your fingers tightened around the hilt and something in you ignited; a spark, a familiar rush that drowned any noise out in you ears.
you could heard sabito's concerned voice ring out in the corner of your mind.
you lifted the blade, slicing the demon's arms off before delivering a kick to it's stomach. it stumbled back, eyes widening when it saw the blade in your hand. ❝ what are you... ❞ it whispered out.
instinct and muscle memory made you raise sabito in your hands, something, something whispering in your head, a faint feeling that was so familiar you acted on it like second nature.
seconds later, you stood over it's disintegrating remains, it's blood staining the katana in your hand. ❝ rest in peace. ❞ you murmur. ❝ revert, shoki. ❞ the light flashed in your hand again, engulfing sabito until he stood in front of you as a boy once more. he was still for a second before patting down his body to affirm that he was human again. you saw he lost his transparency though the faint aura of peach still lingered.
❝ what happened? how did you...i thought you were.... ❞ he took a deep breath, his hands reaching up to his mask to slide it down. ❝ you weren't lying? ❞ asked the lavender eyed boy. you shook your head, feeling dazed yourself.
❝ i wasn't even sure i could do it... ❞ you murmur under your breath. ❝ but i did...you've accepted me and...i saw... ❞ you swallowed, throat tightening. ❝ i'm sorry about the invasion of privacy but i had to bear witness to your past and uh...i can give you a hug if you want... ❞
he hastily shook his head only to freeze up again. ❝ why are you crying?! ❞ he asked, a tad bit hysterical from the events. he awkwardly patted down at your shoulders to offer some form of comfort while you bawled your eyes out, overwhelmed from everything. gripping his haori, you pulled him into a hug.
❝ it's okay, you're okay. ❞ you sniffled. sabito held an expression of helplessness, arms circling around you.
❝ uh, yeah, sure...I'M okay... ❞
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