#🌿 replies
pauvre-lola · 4 months
oh my goodness your art is absolutely gorgeous! I wanted to ask what brushes/programs you used? your style is amazing!
woopsie sorry i didn't see your ask before ! thank you for your kind words, I use SAI2 with brushes I've made myself. Some of my old brushes are available for photoshop and csp (i've heard they work on procreate too) on my kofi but I no longer update them 💦
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tranquil-ivy · 2 months
Ugh…Death Island Leon has been on my mind all day…I just can’t get over that old man!!
Imagine waking up early, standing in the kitchen wearing those teeny tiny nightgowns, flipping pancakes, all while you and Leon’s kid(s) is sleeping in bed peacefully. The early morning birds chirping, bright sunrise creeping in through the windows.
You’d be softly humming to yourself, sizzling echoing throughout the kitchen as you flip a silly little heart shaped pancake. Suddenly feeling those strong, burley, yet familiar arms wrap around your waist, one coming up by your shoulder.
Gentle kisses being pressed up against the nape of your neck, rough hand squeezing and massaging your hip. Needy mumbles coming from his tired lips, talking about going back to bed for something ‘quick’ while the kid(s) sleep. Those black sweatpants hanging from his hips, showing that prominent “V” line of his, happy trail hiding beneath the cloth.
God…Why can’t I get that man out of my head! 😣
- Anon! 🎀
My god... You have no idea how fucking badly I want that 38 year old man to annihilate me 🎀anon...
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Just imagine him clinging onto you like you'll vanish if he let's you go. He always says it'll be quick but it's never quick with Leon. Not when he's in one of his moods. He'll just keep kissing your neck, eventually start nibbling at your skin. Soft little pleases and you know you want to.
Eventually he'll realize you're finally listening to the voice of reason (his morning wood pressing into your ass) and look at the stove clock with a smirk, knowing the kid(s) won't beup for at least another half hour. Leaning into your ear and he whispers seductively y'know, we don't even need to leave the kitchen, you'd look great up on the counter.
To which you grip the spatula a little tighter, trying desperately to cling to the tiny shred of resolve you still have. That's when you feel his hands glide down your thighs and under the tiny nightgown. His rough hands gliding his calloused hands over your soft belly and he feels you finally lean back into him as he playfully pulls at the waistband of your underwear with his thumb. He can't help but smirk, feeling cocky about winning you over.
There's my girl, lemme take care of you~
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fullsunstrawberry · 2 months
I must remind you that if someone gives you a jongseob youre legally obligated to share with me. No compromises, at least 50/50.
(Referring to your last post just in case this sounds weird if you read if a few days later)
(Drink water)
who says we’re not gonna be a truple… 🙏
here is some jongseob photos that i love hehe
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hecatombi · 8 months
@spookyagentfmulder // x
It wasn't every day that Vash went into bars for anything other than plant maintenance checks. Yeah, maybe he'll have a drink or two every now and then -- but, just as he'd always done, his first instinct when arriving to any new place is to scout the shadiest bar out. The one furthest from the cops, or normal civilians -- anyone who would turn him in.
Or, at least .. that's what he had been doing for as long as he can remember. Visit a town, check their water supply, fix their plants. Spend a day scouting out the shops, avoid the people so they don't get hurt. Leave. Find a new town. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. The endless deserts of Gunsmoke had been familiar to him for one hundred forty nine years. it's all he'd ever known since the great crash, too. And anything he knew about Earth, about plant life -- he either knew it from Luida or Rem, and he was always told that Earth had become a wasteland.
So, then --
Why now had he awoken on a planet so similar to Earth? Where was he? He can't even remember how he got here, or why there's so many people, or why the city streets are .. decidedly less higher tech than he's used to; if he didn't know any better, he'd almost say this WAS Earth. But, that wasn't possible -- it was supposed to be gone, wasn't it?
Then again, he knows more than anything that despite the weird vibes he's getting, and how out of place he feels, he must stay calm. Irrationality leads to dark places, and though it was tempting to freak out, he'd only JUST gotten here. He needs to familiarize himself with his surroundings, keep a keen, observant eye on everything going on. Maybe it was just a new place he'd never seen before on Gunsmoke, where they just HAPPENED to not have any sand or worms or endless bloody red oceans from where he could see. Then, it was time to do what he always did. Check out the nearest bar, and get the low down on just where he was. Shouldn't prove all THAT difficult, right?
... Ultimately, it took longer than Vash would like to admit to find a bar. There was no real clear cut signs, and this place was so colorful and vibrant that it almost felt overwhelming. The place wasn't made of the typical Gunsmoke building materials; nothing here felt as rustic. It looked kind of retro to him, with patrons all in equally bright clothings and chattering away to each other.
The thing that was sounding alarm bells more and more, though, was the fact that nobody really turned to look at him. Granted, he was still kind of condensed, as to not freak out the other humans in the bar -- but even so, he stood at a hefty six foot five in said form. And yet, while he was pretty tall, there seemed to be other humans his size, too? Usually, he'd stick out like a sore thumb from that alone, and from his signature bright red coat, but here .. that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
How.. very, very strange.
Well, alright. Might as well try to find a seat.
So, that he does. After gazing all around the establishment, he sees one open seat -- with a man sitting in one side of the booth, and the other completely empty. He seemed to be drinking alone -- and though Vash couldn't tell you why, he felt drawn to him. Keeping his head hung a little low, Vash weaved his way through people with inhuman fluidity -- and once he got to Mulder's table, he knocked gently.
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"Auhhhmmm..." Vash sheepishly smiled, brows knit upwards ever so slightly. Scritching the back of his neck, and with a slightly nervous laugh, he shoots his shot. Hopefully, his smile was gentle enough to not be offputting in any kind of way.. "Excuse me, is this seat taken? I can't find anywhere else to sit, so ..."
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storyuntrue · 9 days
@theirmadness: singing in a marilyn monroe voice: happy birthday, mister stark.... [ from nat ]
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The   slow   smile   on   his   face   widens   with   every   note   her   voice   carries,   dark   eyes   glinting   and   trained   solely   on   the   redhead.   “My,   I   think   I   just   got   the   best   birthday   present   ever.”   Tony   makes   a   show   of   sweeping   his   eyes   over   her   body,   the   skin   tight   dress   doing   wonders   to   highlight   the   voluptuous   curves.   “Is   there   any   way   I   could   get   you   to   sing   to   me   every   night?”  
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atlcscp · 3 months
hope you’ve been doing okay!!!
WAAA SCORR THANK U I HOPE YOURE DOING OK TOO !!! I've been doing well :3 actually was having milo this morning and wanted to share with you‼️ :3 STAY SILLY MUTUALBESTIE‼️🦋💙
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hobidreams · 1 month
MISS RAIN!!! i just refreshed my dash and the mlt drabble popped up??2!(‘g words cannot express how much i love the mlt couple😭😭😭 yoongi saying janae completely had me melting😭 crazy how even after all this time mlt still has me by the throat😭 it’s so so so lovely to see how they’re all doing🥹🥹 hobi n the queen??? power couple for sure🥹 AHHHH my heart is just so warm😭
i was actually just taking a brief break from writing so i opened tumblr then saw that🥹 thanks for sharing it with us babes!!!
(also if ur wondering, i’m working on a sonnet!! my prof told us to take the catchy part of any pop song and then turn it into a sonnet, so i’m currently scrolling thru my spotify🤣 current candidates are obsessed by olivia rodrigo or espresso by sabrina carpenter🫡)
hope ur well babes!!! miss u🫶
- 🌿
+ damn, sonnets are so hard babes😭😭😭😭 -🌿
baaaaabeeeee!!!! 💗💗💗 lmao yeah i was cackling at the shock in ppl's comments here and on ao3 LOL they were like ???? at the notif email 🤣 im so glad that the story could still hit so hard after so long 😭 will it be ... three years this year??? or two years?? idk lmao. hobi and the queen was my personal indulgence...... i actually fully intended on leaving it a mystery forever but lowkey i kinda want to write a drabble that shows how they got together--
omg sonnets are IMPOSSIBLE haha what song did you pick? im also obsessed with espresso and have been playing it 24/7 💗💗💗
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demonslayed · 11 months
@whirling-fangs. / from here.
kotoha   isn't   entirely   oblivious   to   her   son's   comings   &   goings   ,   not   as   much   as   he   might   think.   although   ,   she   can't   ever   say   for   sure   where   he   seems   to   be   going   ,   just   that   he   leaves   as   soon   as   he   can.   she's   eager   to   wrap   inosuke   in   her   arms   ,   pressing   her   lips   to   the   top   of   his   head.
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❛   just   promise   you'll   be   back   before   sundown   ,   okay   ??   ❜
she   gives   him   a   tight   squeeze   before   her   hands   settle   on   his   shoulders   ,   smiling   at   him.   inosuke   is   her   pride   &   joy   ,   the   best   thing   in   her   life.   if   freedom   was   what   he   sought   ,   kotoha   would   do   everything   in   her   power   to   ensure   he   could   have   it.
❛   and   don't   ever   think   i'll   let   you   leave   without   a   hug   ,   my   silly   boy.   ❜
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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pauvre-lola · 4 months
UGH i want to EAT your art style 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
bon appétit ✨💗
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tranquil-ivy · 1 month
Imagine you’re just trying to pee in peace, maybe a moment to yourself after having to chase your daughter around all day. All for Leon to come barging in, opening the bathroom door like it’s such a normal thing.
“You know—I saw that trend on Instagram, and I personally think me and you would be horses, and Violet a tiny pony…I see you as one of those pretty white horses honey.”
You just have to sit there like ‘😐’ while trying to go to the bathroom as Leon continues to ramble on about being horses in another lifetime, swearing that you’d be the prettiest horse in the wild. Violet was just happily cooing and playing with her daddy’s hair like always, not even having a clue as to what was going on.
- Anon! 🎀
(It's just such a funny thought.) Video in question
This is the man I fell in love with... Was the thought going through your head as you lower your magazine, staring at your husband as your 6 month old tugs at her father's hair without care. He seems so unphased as he leans against the bathroom door frame continuing to ramble.
"What're those horses called? Like it's a specific breed."
"Leon,... my love," you stare at him as his attention is pulled from thought, eyes locking on you, "Five minutes.... Of peace. Please."
"Ah, yeah. Sorry. Enjoy your time." He steps back, shutting the door with his leave. You sigh in relief as you go back to your magazine. Staring at the beauty article you were trying to read before you look at the door.
He's at the the other side still, isn't he?
"Camarillo Horses." You softly say, hearing the familiar sound of his foot stomping in the hallway.
"Right! Camarillo horses!"
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earthssprout · 8 months
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🌼🐌 answered asks ! // unprompted. ( always accepting ! )
@bluwei sent: a sinking feeling of being watched is confirmed when he sees a little human girl staring at him. how did she find him so easily ? too careless for his own good for an ego so big. leo, frozen at first, blinks once, then twice … slow movements as he tries to not startle her. ' guess the turtle is out of the bag--- let's pretend you didn't see me, deal ? '
THE RUSTLING THAT CAME FROM THE ALLEY, A STRETCH OF DARKNESS BETWEEN the tall brick faces of two buildings, broke the eerie quiet of the night—and though such noises should deter little ones, this Little One was currently desperate for help, for any sign that it may be coming. So, with her stuffed companion Mr. Frog held tight, the child slowly wandered into the darkness. The shadows were quick to wrap her tiny frame in their mystery, murk blurring the forms of anything—and anyone—found within the space, and thanks to the surrounding buildings blocking the moon with their height, there was no light to help little Ari find her way through. 
Then came the thinking—the terrible, dreadful Worries. Suppose the sound wasn't made by Help at all? Suppose it was made by something—or someone —-else? Suppose that something or someone had no intention to help Ari? 
Suppose the noise was only imagined?
… Suppose monsters truly do lurk in the shadows? 
Suppose one really could be sat in the timeout corner indefinitely … 
Before regret could set in and encourage Ari to turn around and hurry back to the mouth of the alley, her eyes landed upon a figure. And then her ears heard a voice. Both were quite strange. 
The trembling child shuffled forward, squinting. The Thing sounded friendly, which—combined with the child's dangerous amount of naivete—was enough for Ari to gravitate towards its source. But when her large eyes could finally make out what the Thing might be, the sight sent a new kind of thrill to her heart. 
The Thing … was no Thing at all … but a turtle … a walking, TALKING turtle … 
The spring in the child's step returned, and despite the threat of the night—and the danger of her current position—Ari happily came closer to the Turtle - Man, her smile beaming as bright as her sunshine - filled eyes. 
" mmm … mister is a mr. Tur … le … a mr. Tur - lul, peas? he is?! " 
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" I lll … I love mr. Tur - luls! wi … www— with aaaall my heart! " 
The excitement—the thrill—made it difficult for Ari to focus, so she accidentally ignored the ' deal ' that the Turtle - Man had attempted to offer. The orphan was suddenly hopeful again. Perhaps the Turtle - Man would help her get home? 
" m — mr. Tur - lul will help me, peas? "
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fullsunstrawberry · 2 months
I'm so socially awkwardddd so imma do it with a note but love, its still so awkward like imma probably just go up to bro like 🧍‍♂️hi pls take this 🏃‍♂️
Anyway fingers crossed and thumbs pressed lol byeeee~
how did it go?!?! ur so brave cause i could never 😮‍💨
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strawberry jongseob for luck
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bonnieventure · 1 year
THIS or THAT pt. 5
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goldlighter · 11 months
something something it was a waste for them to get rid of carla for many reasons but a big part is re: chris. she had been keeping an eye on him since marhawa. carla, whose palette is red blue and black. int he mansion, w/sker wearing black and blue, j/ill in blue, b/arry in red. c/laire's red, w/skers black outfit ( he didn't see steve, but steve in blue). j/ill's "bird lady" outfit, blue and black and red. the fight, j/ill's blue battlesuit, red p30, w/sker in black. a repeating set of colours.
similarly, c/reon as a ship doesn't work for me for many reasons but a lot of them revolve around 6. l/eon making a pissing competition out of who has lost the most - "i lost over seventy-thousand people, including the president!" okay but did you know them? were you tasked with looking after them, protecting them? did you spend entire days, weeks, years with them? did you know their skills, their families, their names, what kind of jokes they liked? did you have to attend their funerals, plan their funerals, carry the caskets? that's not the same as chris' team that he watched be murdered in front of him, twice. right after telling him that no, chris is wrong, "a/da" didn't kill those people ( technically he's right, its carla, but neither know that ), denying chris - who is already struggling with reality - the truth. sure, l/eon doesnt know about chris' brain damage or alcoholism, but it doesn't stop him from immediately shutting down anything chris says and dismissing it. even pre 6 - chris may not know a/da, but he knows her name. knows she was in arklay. knows she was working with w/sker, had connections to irving, to spencer. knows she impersonated b/saa and then suddenly all info on her was heavily restricted. assumes she's umbrella, or was ( and she was, briefly, even if undercover, in arklay ). l/eon protecting her, refusing to be upfront about her, talking about her - when chris knows she's a player in this game responsible for tragedies even if he can't pinpoint exactly what or where ( the information he's lacking, l/eon has a lot of and vice versa, the only thing i think neither know is like...how deep her involvement w s/immons and her involvement w j/avier ). that's way more interesting as a point of conflict and, perhaps, resolution ( i doubt it, esp post 6 ) than uwu soulmates theyre so in love even though half the time they're arguing ( people look to v/endetta and ignore that chris' priority, repeatedly, was r/becca, if he had to pick one of them to save it would have been her ).
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
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here <3
ahh I want to hug them so bad oh my word fjxnd
also love the kitty that snuck in there lol
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