#๐ŸŒ˜ - host . exe
moonlit-flowerfield ยท 5 months
Last night, we (my mom and me) had to put on CONSTRUCTION GLOVES to grab my near 6 month old kitten from under my bed to put her in a harness and leash and black towel in order to make it so she couldn't get into (yes, into) my boxspring.
My mom has 4 bandaids on her right hand. I have 1 in an annoying spot. The kitten (understandably, she's only been here for 5 days) has regrown EXTREMELY WARY of me. But! She sleeps on my bed a little sometimes from what I can see, so I count that as a small victory. Small. I still got set back like... 5 weeks. With trust building.
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someonewhos-world ยท 6 months
Jett and Jack headcanons. :)
>he's not entirely an outdoorsy person. More so a insidesy person. He doesnt know why he agreed on World Tour. Might've been the chance to see the world.
>oh and money.
>bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy he bounces on his toes a lot bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy
>remember how I said the twins were like. "We gotta get off this show the host is fucking insane."
>Jack being separated and out onto Team Chris is really really really really really hot just made him go "ykw, I wanna see how this plays out."
>He also just gives the most disapproving look every single time someone falls for Alejandro and then gets eliminated. Even himself. He was screaming and cursing the entire time during his and Noah's elimination.
>literally bites people if they try to touch his hair clips. Don't touch them.
>speaking of biting people. The first time he bit Jett,Jett was literally "YOU BIT ME"
>probably befriended the rats. Also probably walked into the cargo hold for a blanket or something, saw Ezekiel and it was just a staring contest before Jack fucking r a n out of there.
>has dislocated at least one (1) area of his body and had to see Chef.
>judged everyone's outfit.
>Judged Sierra. Very harshly. Everytime he sees her hes like
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>he loves gummy fruit though. Definitely bought sweets everytime they were finished with challenges and given a chance to roam around.
>literally cant walk in a straight line. Walks like a drunk person and sometimes actually stumbles.
>wears an over sized Drama Brothers shirt with some sweatpants that are actually really warm.
>He was screaming into that pillow in the hotel on Hawaii and kicking his feet on that bed and pacing and trying to reason with himself.
>denial is a river YOUR ASS IS GAY JACK
>fell for Noah first bc he though he was like funny, smart and super super pretty. He like. Just would zone out staring at him and Owen. Until Jett would shake him like "you're a weirdo" but then Jett gets shoved into a room.
>He then fell for Owen at the same time because he absolutely adored how sweet and adorable and funny and- oh hes daydreaming again.
>screaming into his pillow again.
>cant swim
>can walk straight, but he like. Saunters and sometimes prowls if he's feeling a little aggressive.
>judgemental pt2.
>judging Sierra so hard pt2
>Ok ok but he doesn't entirely care about people touching his hair clips. Hes actually pretty chill about it.
>wears a oversized sweater. Has a Drama Brothers t-shirt under but refuses to remove the sweater. Has weird pants. They have zippers on the bottom and then randomly, above the knee theres zippers around the whole leg.
>does experience phantom limbs with his lack of legs but it's not. Unbearable. Not anymore.
>is afraid of women. Not in a sense of not being good enough for a woman or controlled. It's moreso a slight fear that something bad will happen if he gets close
>now apply this to how he realizes he has a crush on Gwen. The weird goth girl who dated a guitarist and then broke up with him and then kissed Courtney's boyfriend.
>Jett???? Was so baffled and scared like "oh God. This is sort of good because I can open up again??? But also I have a super bad feeling and this feels very wrong on many levels if I get too close." And just never actually confessed because he got eliminated in New York.
>but he does gift Gwen items and trinkets he thinks she would enjoy. Most probably gave her his only copies of Dracula and Romeo & Juliet.
>Now. Cody. Oh sweet Cody. Jett absolutely fell for how sweet and genuine Cody is and just how nice he is. It's not even a denial of sexuality. It's a denial of absolute feelings because Jett is super mean and just not the nicest person to be around if Jack isnt there. So talking to Cody?? Without Jack??? It was hard.
>So hard in fact Jett decided to just gift Cody sweets and stuff he would get with Jack. With like. The lamest excuse of "I saw it and thought of you" and "i saw you eyeing it so--"
>hes a dork and a puppy for both Cody and Gwen. Hes in love, he cant deny it anymore at this point.
>this is him
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>Can't even man up and confess before hes eliminated smh.
>Oh but he does carry a first aid kit in his pockets. Because he has a lot of pockets. He has Mary Poppins pockets.
>has literally everything in his pockets except the kitchen sink.
>can't spell for shit. I promise you he knows how to spell but there are words that look off to him and he hates it
>only joined world Tour to explore the world. Is an outdoorsy person 100%
>probably threw his leg at Alejandro just to throw him off his game and took his leg back hopping
>like. He hopped on his other leg,bent down, stuck his leg back on and ran away.
>petition to get Jett a giant jellyfish squishmello.
>eats sashimi. Specifically the salmon one. He likes salmon.
>has told Noah to his face that he hates his shoes. Horrible,horrible footwear choice,what are those?
>the orange on those shoes are not vibing with the fit.
>are they sneakers??? Or are they sandals.
>literally has snacks in his pockets.
>can swim
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
This is out of left field, but the cut song "Obvious" from DEH.
The line "How could you miss, something that's this plain to see? When it's glaring, and staring right at you so obliviously."
I never realized how much that line pisses me off. Like, the song is good. The lyrics fit, but...
"How can you miss such an obvious thing?โ€ Easily. Many different reasons, but...
Some people ignore. Sometimes, it's obvious to the person who's causing it, but they've learned to act so "normal" it's not to anyone else. Sometimes they're slower in that aspect. Sometimes they just don't get it in the way you're making it obvious, because they're just too literal or even the opposite.
I bet you couldn't tell a normal post between me and Miizu. Miizu had to learn how to be me. To a point where it can become blurry when she does.
Obvious for you is not obvious for everyone.
To call someone stupid for not seeing what you mean or getting it, because it's obvious to you is rude and unfair.
Especially when not long before they mentioned wanting to grab things they can use against themselves. And have been combating worse thoughts for the past few days.
๐ŸŽ€ - honestly I can't tell who wrote this post, so pretend we both did.
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 4 months
I realized something.
Due to my trust issues, I am terrified of losing friends BUT KEEPING FRIENDS IN THE SAME CIRCLE AS THE LOST ONES because I can never be sure what's happening in honest with the ex-friends.
The ex friends could be slandering my name and I won't have someone's telling me. Or the still friends won't defend me but will tell me. Or the still friends will say "it was a slip up". Or the still friends will slowly abandon me.
I have had so much torture from situations like that. To the point where I'd rather suffer in silence than complain. And it's usually why when I actually speak my boundaries, it backfires on me.
I'm so tired of people doing that to me.
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 4 months
Someone is blaring "stayed gone" from Hazbin and both Angel, Rose and I yelled, in unison "WHO'S BEING A BITCH NOW"
I don't know what's more impressive, the fact that Rose hates that song to the point of actively calling someone a bitch, Angel being surprised Rose swears or the fact that we literally were in enough unison that it was like one person said it (but wasn't blurry because we VERY MUCH KNEW WHO SAID IT AND COULD HEAR THE SLIGHT DIFFERENCES)
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 5 months
Patton convinced Remus and Logan to match Icons and then wanted to ask someone else's Janus and Virgil to match too and Logan shot that down SO FAST like "I already dislike not using an image that is not Thomas himself, but is fan art, we are not dragging anyone else with."
He's embarrassed fjabckwnkcm
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 5 months
I miss ansem, guys... :(
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
Fun fact: i wanna date Percy's mom
๐ŸŒŠ - Fun fact, Riptide can still hurt you
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
Aight. If someone blocks you on one thing (Twitter, insta, snap, discord, WHATEVER FUCKING SITE/APP), but not on another. The INTERNET POLITE THING TO DO IF YOU AREN'T GONNA UNFOLLOW IS DNI WITH THEM.
The chances are they forgot or couldn't block you for whatever reason. More so forgot being higher. Or, it could be a test to see if you deserve a second chance. Or they just need space.
AND ANOTHER THING. If a friend of the person who blocked you told you to LEAVE THEM ALONE, what makes you think they want to even talk to you, let alone see your name in their notifications? If a 3rd party tells you off, you have a VERY BIG INDICATION THEY DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE.
Anyway, internet psa over.
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
Logan let me change his proxy AS LONG as it wasn't ๐Ÿ’™ or feelings-y. I asked him if the booms were good and he said "I have to think."
๐Ÿ‘“ - For now, the glasses will suffice.
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
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The lad came and I can't even be mad, he is hugging me and refuses to let go because I almost started crying.
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
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moonlit-flowerfield ยท 6 months
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What if i told You Maomao is my new personality /hj
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