#--with asher franklin ∖
mayxlee · 2 months
location: charity baseball game
character: @ashfrank​​ & maya.
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Maya settled into her seat at the charity baseball game happening at the local baseball field in Claret Park, a tub of popcorn in her lap. As she munched on a handful, she glanced at the person next to her, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. "This is stressful, even if it's a charity game," she remarked with a small laugh, gesturing toward the field where players were warming up. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation, the crowd eagerly awaiting the start of the game. Maya couldn't help but admire the community spirit, knowing that everyone's participation was contributing to a greater cause. Despite the pressure of the game, she was glad to be a part of something meaningful, supporting Providence Peak Memorial's new research initiative.
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yasdogan · 3 months
closed starter for @ashfrank at skyline shopping center
While Yas wouldn't say that she was avoiding Asher, exactly, she'd definitely been a bit slower to reach out since spending the weekend with Sage at the cabin. Part of it was guilt, part of it was the fact that she wanted nothing more than to sit there and talk all about it with her best friend and knew she'd struggle to keep it in if she was around Asher. Unfortunately, her best friend was the one person she couldn't be open about her weekend away with Sage with. Regardless, there was only so long Yas could go without seeing Asher and with a few errands to run, she'd bribed Asher into spending the day at the mall with her. "Okay, but when are you going to get married so I can dress you up in something cute like this?" she asked teasingly as they walked by a shop window full of wedding dresses.
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asherfranklinold · 1 year
Who: @nadiamorgan Where: Holy Spirits
Asher was a little lonely, which was why she found herself drinking alone. Maggie was with Atlas, Sage was working and Yas was on shift, living Asher alone, and she wasn't great at being alone. She was having fun though, there had been a few fun conversations and she always enjoyed the people watching that came with sitting at a bar. She sipped her drink before her eyes drifted to the person who was sitting a couple of chairs down, no-one between them.
"Hey," she said, waiting until they were looking in her direction, "you're a paramedic right?" she asked, hoping she was right, "you brought in the twin mom right, you delivered the first baby on site?" Asher had remembered the event for two reasons, one it would be interesting to note that the two babies had different birthplaces, one at the house and the second at the hospital. The other reason she had noted it was because the paramedic was gorgeous, even moreso now that she was out of uniform.
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foster-notmatty · 1 month
—Starter for @ashfrank Location: Hookah Me Up!
"Y'know, I don't mean to sound dramatic, but I swear I had this tickle in my throat for a couple days and it took a while for me to shake it..." Was he saying that spending time with Asher and her niece was bad for his health? I mean, not explicitly, but he also wasn't not saying it. The afternoon had ended up going better than he thought it would, but that didn't mean he was ready to be called up as a regular babysitter.
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rcmandaniels-archive · 2 months
→ below zero. closed for @ashfrank 
Roman didn’t have much of a sweet tooth. It had been something the bandmates used to make fun of him before; that he was too bitter to simply enjoy anything too sweet. He used to laugh along but lately, he really felt the bitter akin to arsenic in the back of his throat, lodged there with no telling if it could ever be removed. That said, he promised he’d meet Kaya and Iris at the ice cream shop when his slot on the radio was done for the day, finding himself finishing earlier than he meant to, thus left to his own devices until the former drummer came with daughter in tow. He had chosen the shop’s special ‘flavor of the day’ which was some strawberry monstrosity that tasted far too artificial that he was surprised the components were even FDA approved. His face must have been saying everything, noticing someone staring over at him. “This is an absolute no.” He explained, curt and final.
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tysingh · 2 months
closed starter for @ashfrank at the petting zoo - spring event
There were a lot of animals that Tyler loved, but walking past the petting zoo had very quickly taught her that llamas were not on that list. A rogue llama from the petting zoo had managed to reach over the small fence, taking the pretzel Ty was about to eat right out of her hands before quickly trotting away. "Yo, what the fuck?" Tyler yelled out, turning around to face it, a bewildered look on her face. "You fucking saw that right?" Ty's attention shifted to the person behind her, her hands now gesturing wildly to the llama that looked absolutely pleased with itself as it started munching on Ty's snack.
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lorelai-tseng · 2 months
character: Asher Franklin @ashfrank
location: At the 96.8 The Peak Vendor; Spring Extravaganza
Lorelai had already tried her luck at the raffle, she'd done well last year, and was hoping for something again this year. But now she had also seen that there was possible prizes to be won at the local radio station booth as well. She wasn't too sure if she really needed any of the prizes, really her eyes were on the gift cards if anything. Approaching the table she looked towards the person manning the table. "Hello, yes, I was here to spin the wheel." She wasn't sure whether or not she could just go up to it or if she would need to wait until the woman was next to her for fairness' sake.
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dylan-westwick · 2 months
character: Asher Franklin @ashfrank
location: Charity Baseball game; Spring Extravaganza
Dylan had come to cheer on a few people she knew who were playing the game, it'd been awhile since she'd come to a baseball game, and she was excited for her to one day be able to bring the twins to a game too. But for today they were at home with their grandparents and she was happily ordering herself a hotdog which she had forgotten the last time she'd had one. Sliding over to the condiment area to dress her dog up, she was about to go for the ketchup bottle when someone else was going for the mustard and she knocked arms. "Oh sorry 'bout that!" Dylan chuckled as she looked up from under her baseball cap, realizing she recalled the woman from the gallery. Or rather from the event that the woman had called out as being bad. She had felt a lot of self consciousness, probably too much, about that conversation and now was face to face with the woman again. "Oh hey there, Dylan...the art curator at Fine Arts Club."
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Over her years of being in Providence Peak, she's been through quite a lot of experiences and met quite a handful of people. One of them being Asher Franklin. Finding an OBGYN during her second pregnancy had been difficult, especially considering her pregnancy concerns from her pregnancy with Alex and wanting someone who'd be willing to help her in case she went through placenta previa again. Yet, she'd been fortunate to find Asher. And even though she lost Theodora almost half-way through her pregnancy, they've remained friends over the next near two years. It amazed her how much they've gone through each other together, especially now with her third pregnancy, yet she cared very much about Asher. And she knew the other cared about her as well. Having been reading one of the books Eli gotten for her from home, she'd been feeling the most relaxed right now than she has within the past few days, finally. She noticed a familiar flash of blonde hair and smiled warmly as she closed her book. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," she mused. "I promise, I've been on my very best behaviour. Even though I was going a bit stir-crazy for a moment there."
𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚕, 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔 ; 𝚓𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 || @asherfranklin
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hcnayun · 9 months
— characters: hana & asher — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @asherfranklin
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When it came to the rugged outdoors Hana's only experience was only by way of photoshoot sets. She'd been to some incredible places, no doubt, but everything had been very carefully controlled. This bonfire and camping tent stuff was so far out of her wheelhouse that it was in another country.
"You don't think there's bears out here, do you?" Wide-eyed as the realization hit after walking and mingling around the landscape a bit, the former model looked imploringly at the blonde.
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"It's bad enough I reek like that bug spray stuff but do I have to wear some kind of bear repellant, too?" The guide and sale associate at the outdoorsman shop had thrown too much information at Hana at once and she was feeling overwhelmed.
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yasdogan · 9 months
closed starter for @asherfranklin at providence peak memorial
Since the fallout with Asher, Yasemin had been doing her best to respect her best friend's anger and need for space. That hadn't stopped her from texting Asher every day with a mix of apologies, random thoughts, and everything else in between, but she'd managed to not go hunt Asher down in person. After her recent run-in with Sage, however, Yas knew she needed to go pin Asher down to talk. Even if it was just to let Asher know where her head was at with possibly moving, she needed to see her best friend. With an extra lunch in hand, Yas left her office a bit before when she knew Asher would be leaving hers and beelined over to Asher's door. Poking her head in, teeth biting nervously at her lower lip, Yas knocked softly on the door to alert Asher to her presence. "Hi. Can we...talk? I brought lunch. Or if...if you're not ready to talk, can I sit here anyway?"
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asherfranklinold · 1 year
Who: @atlaswilliams Where: Atlas' House
Asher was dropping off Maggie, it was the end of her shift and the start of Atlas' as Sage was still at work. However Asher did not have other plans. She knocked on the door, Maggie's hand in hers, waiting for Atlas to open the door for them. She had Maggie's bag of things over her shoulder, just some additional things that the little girl liked to take from place to place with her. When he opened she smiled and Maggie tottered towards him. Asher looked at him, her eyes wide, "so, I know it's your turn but I'm not ready to say goodbye yet so can I come in for a coffee?" she asked, looking down at the two year old, "you want your favourite aunt to stay don't you," she teased.
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foster-notmatty · 2 months
—Starter for @ashfrank Location: Fredrick's Farm
He'd heard a lot about Asher's niece, but so far, had never actually met her. Despite being the daughter of one of his close friends, Foster had yet to hear anything about the girl that made her an obvious exception to his 'No Kids' Rule. Well, maybe 'rule' was overselling it, but Foster and children didn't mix, and he went out of his way to avoid them... It was kind of hard to do here, though, where little humans weaved between cornstalks and adult legs indiscriminately. He supposed, if he had to stop and talk for a while, at least he'd be standing still where there was less of a risk of tripping. "Hey," he said, eyes uncomfortably shifting between Asher and the little girl, hoping he didn't sound too much like he was being faced with the choice between the guillotine and the gallows.
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providencepeakrp · 10 months
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Character Name: Asher Franklin. Type of Connection: The Ex. Connection Name: UTP. Connection Age: 30-36. Suggested FCs: Katherine Barrell, Jenna Coleman, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, UTP.
Asher and this girl met when Asher was at John Hopkins for pre-med in Baltimore. It started off light but got serious without Asher even realising. Asher had never been good at relationships but something with this girl just meant that it felt natural, it wasn't work. Problem came when Asher abandoned post to go home and support her sister. She went home as soon as she got the call, always planning to come back, but then that never happened. She basically just ghosted this girl with not much of an explanation. How they ended up back in Providence etc is all up to you and we can plot out details.
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes please, just to plot.
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running-tweezers · 10 months
Redacted Characters as things my husband has said
Context: I’ve known my husband for 10+ years (married for almost 5) and that entire time I have kept a list documenting every unhinged out of pocket thing he’s said that made me laugh.
Ivan: You can love things and still lock them in a room
Marcus: She blinded me with science. Oh god, that science got way up in there, oh god it hurts. It’s bad.
Asher: my filthy beta bussy
Milo: (to our cat) Pippin if La Llarona was in here you’d tell us right?
David: Enjoy wolf titty, nerds
Gavin: You’re skipping right past horny jail, you are going to the slut penitentiary
Caelum: Mom says it’s my turn to be baby!
Lasko: The doctor said “I diagnose you with bottom”
Damien: Aloe Vera is body ranch. It cools me down like ranch on hot wings.
Huxley: Early to bed, early to rise, gives you rockin tits and thunder thighs….. Ben Franklin said that.
Vincent: That’s the clinical term for vampirism, hepatitis V
Sam: I’m Woedy, the coweboy. There’s a lizard in my socks
Guy: What’s the classiest flavor of Dorito?
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sagefranklin · 7 months
— yasemin dogan franklin house, claret park.
The nerves ate her alive; her chest stuck somewhere between a fluttering excitement and a worry that the other woman would simply never show up. There was a part of her that considered making a pantless joke, but only held her thumbs over her phone screen for a split second before groaning in frustration with herself and locking it all together, slipping the device into the pocket of her joggers as she glanced toward the tiny blonde contently playing with her toys just a few feet away, unaware of the internal strife she'd caused her mother by one simple misdial. "See what you've gotten us into?" Sage teased, ruffling the toddler's hair slightly as she stood from the spot on the floor they'd been hanging out on, deciding that her anxious energy was better spent putting away a few miscellaneous items and pacing instead. She didn't know what the protocol for this was — if Yasemin actually showed up. Should she send a text to her sister? Make her aware of what was happening, just in case the other Franklin would dare show up out of the blue? Or maybe she should ask for permission? No, that sounded silly, right? They were all grown adults and Asher already said that she never would have minded the relationship between them, just the lack of honesty. Before she could decide, the doorbell rang and pulled her from her worry. Her attention fell completely on the woman who waited beyond the door and Sage took a deep breath before closing the distance between her and the entryway and pulling it open. "Hey. Hi," She started, swallowing any other variation of a greeting that threatened to bubble up. Her gaze cast downward and she couldn't help the soft, awkward chuckle, "Looks like you found pants. That's, uh, that's good."
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She was saved from potentially furthering the flush she felt creeping up the back of her neck and spreading toward the tips of her ears by a tiny blonde blur skirting around her, headed straight for where Yasemin stood on the doorstep. A toddler sized cannonball threw itself against the woman, excitedly calling her name.
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