nostalblue · 7 months
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おっと危ない! 空腹で、美味しそうな焼きたてパンと間違え、うっかり手を出そうものなら酷い目に合いそうだ。
 ⇨ 森の妖怪一覧へ
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ellie-lili · 1 year
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7thphotography · 11 months
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tatsuyawindow · 1 year
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kamanori · 1 year
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Pilzunterricht für Kinder. Ich war derjenige, der es am meisten genossen hat.
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vibinwiththefrogs · 16 days
Oh god I'm going to meet with someone and speak Japanese tomorrow for the first time in like 8 months, let's hope I don't spontaneously combust
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koredayo · 1 year
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superkirarabbit · 1 year
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南方熊楠記念館 今回の旅の目的の一つ。大好きな熊楠を知る上でも訪れたかった場所。白浜はそっちのけで、こちらに直行(笑) 屋上デッキから見るパノラマビューも気持ちよくて最高だった! #nature #refresh #japan #和歌山 #holiday #fun #travel #tree #tour #leopard #南方熊楠 #博物学 #巨星 #植物学 #菌類学者 #民俗学 #創始者 #在野 #学者 #西牟婁郡白浜町#sea #scenery #panorama #view #展望デッキ #ピロティ#南方マンダラ #曼荼羅 #森羅万象#南方熊楠記念館 (南方熊楠記念館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAoYPIP1Kj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chihirokosaka · 2 years
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ずっと連れて行ってあげたかった科博。キラキラ✨大好き次女も宝石展なら行けるかと片道1時間半、みんなでがんばりました。 大変だったけど、行けなくもなかったことに2人の成長を感じつつ、長女がぐずる様子を見て、お出かけのときは、小さい弟の手を引く母の後ろを一生懸命追いかけた自分の幼少期を思い出したりした。次女が私にべったりなので、さみしい思いをさせてしまったね。 #国立科学博物館 #宝石展 #母は宝石より菌類が好みだった #小さき生きものに宿る美 #子育て日記 #長女の試練 (国立科学博物館 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc-guWhvL9D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nostalblue · 7 months
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 ⇨ 森の妖怪一覧へ
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leomacgivena · 3 months
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7thphotography · 1 year
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tatsuyawindow · 1 year
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brygry · 26 days
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lalunameli · 4 months
Translation: Lunatic Heroes Column Card
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These are my photos of the Lunatic Heroes Column Card. I literally bought this just so I could translate it 🥰
Yuri Petrov ユーリ・ペトロフ
Excerpt from the column "Working People" from the children's newspaper in the city
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Question 1. What kind of job is a Hero Administrator?
Nice to meet you. My name is Yuri Petrov. Even if you ask me about my profession, there will be many children who won't understand. A judge's job is to exercise judicial power by holding a trial. And the Hero Administrator is literally the job of managing heroes. Specifically, we receive a dispatch request from the scene of the incident or accident, and determine whether a hero really needs to be sent, deal with various problems caused when the hero is dispatched, and make decisions about the hero. If I make a wrong decision or if the timing of the decision is delayed, the damage of incidents and disasters will increase more and more, as well as the number of victims, so I think it is a very important role.
Question 2. I also want to be a Hero Administrator, how do I become one?
It is a job that can only be given to people who work in the Justice Bureau, so you would need to join the Justice Bureau first. In order to do that, you have to pass the bar exam and be qualified to become a judge. And in order to do that, isn't the best way to work hard at school?
Question 3. Are you friends with the heroes?
No, we're not friends. It is prohibited due to the exchange of personal contact information, so we have no private relationships at all.
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Question 4. Who are you close with?
Consequently, I'm not good friends with anyone. Having personal feelings can lead to a momentary lapse in judgement.
Question 5. What is the most important thing needed to do your job?
What you need for this job is calm judgement and split second decisiveness.
Question 6. Is there anything that gives you an advantage to work harder?
That's a difficult question. If you dare try something, put plenty of syrup in your coffee so as not to make a mistake in momentary decisions. By doing this, you will be able to improve your thinking and make the right judgement calls. It has been scientifically proven that the brain is activated by ingesting glucose. There are various types of sugar, but there is no other source of energy for the brain other than glucose. By the way, sources of glucose like grape sugar are never in the shape of a grape.
Without a doubt, sometimes people misunderstand because the bacteria called staphylococcus is a mass like a bunch of grapes when viewed under a microscope.
(TN: I added the mention of grape sugar because the actual word used is ブドウ糖 which can translate to grape sugar or glucose. It's clear it's a pun on words because staphylococcus is written as ブドウ球菌, with ブドウ (grape) being the commonality. So even though Yuri is educating the kids on glucose, I added grape syrup to keep the pun intact, even though they are the same word).
Question 7. Good luck with your work.
This is not a question, is it? Thank you. I will do my best, for the peace of the citizens.
And for justice.
Here are scans of the Lunatic Hero Column Card provided by @tnbscans
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Bonus Translation:
From Hero TV Fan Vol. 1 Episode 13, this little blurb:
Scan courtesy of @tnbscans
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Check!! 見つめる者
Check!! A staring person
For Yuri (Lunatic), the heroes' sense of justice is incompatible with his own.
However, the behaviour of outsiders like Ouroboros is even more unforgivable. This is why he's not convinced that the heroes are struggling like this, and watches the battle with an annoyed expression (on his face).
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favorite--goods · 1 year
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光触媒テクノロジーで除菌&脱臭☆ 取り付け簡単なカルテックの電球型消臭機「脱臭LED電球」
ー 2023年1月25日 お手洗いや玄関で便利に使える電球型の消臭機です☆ LEDソケットに電球として差し込んで使える♪ ( ^ω^ ) 光触媒フィルターは洗うことで消臭&除菌力が蘇るようなので、定期的に洗浄して何度も使えるところもいいですね〜
消臭効果あります! 玄関に設置しました。 廊下はヤニ臭いのに玄関はとても爽やかです。 40Wの割に明るいので、その明るさに慣れないです。 トイレだと明るすぎるのではないかなって思いますが、 消臭効果は絶大なので追加購入しました。 廊下にも設置してヤニ臭さを一層しようと思います。 (Amazonカスタマーレビュー)
いいですね~ 高齢になり、トイレの照明の消し忘れが気になりだして購入した。 センサーライトと合わせて消臭機能付きだったので想定通りのものだった。 しかも、換気扇を回す必要がなくなり省エネ的にもメリット大。 今は、消臭用ファンの寿命を考えて壁スイッチで入切りしているが、 多分近い将来は、壁スイッチの操作はしなくなると思う。 ちょっとした認知症対策です。 楽天みんなのレビュー
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