datenarche · 5 days
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yoga-onion · 1 month
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[Image above: Gobajo statue with a crown of elephant, the largest animal on land, on its head. One of the Eight Legions.]
Legends of the humanoids 
Reptilian humanoids (10)
The Eight Great Dragon Kings – Dragon tribes who listened to the Buddha's teachings.
They are the eight kings of the dragon races, who belong to the Eight Legions of Buddhist dieties. They protect the Buddha Dharma.
In Buddhism, Nagaraja (lit. 'king of the nagas') in Hindu mythology was incorporated as various dragon deities, including the Eight Great Dragon Kings. 
Nagarajas are supernatural beings who are kings of the various races of Nagas, the divine or semi-divine, half-human, half-serpent beings that reside in the netherworld (Patala), and can occasionally take human form. The duties of the Nāga Kings included leading the nagas in protecting the Buddha, other enlightened beings, as well as protecting the Buddha Dharma.
Some of the most notable Nagarajas occurring in Buddhist scriptures are Virupaksa, Mucalinda, Dhrtarastra, and the following Eight Great Dragon Kings:
Nanda (Ananta, lit. joy): Ananta and Upananda were brother dragon kings who once fought against the Dragon King Sagara.
Upananda (lit. sublime joy): Brother of Nanda. Together with King Nanda, he protected the country of Magadha, ensuring that there was no famine, and when the Buddha descended, he sent rain to bless it and attended all the sittings where he preached. After the Buddha's death, he protected the Buddha Dharma forever.
Sagara (lit. 'Great Sea'): king of the Dragon Palace. King of the Great Sea Dragon.The 8-year-old Dragon Lady in the Lotus Sutra was the third princess of this Dragon King and was known as the Zennyo Ryuo (lit. "goodness woman dragon-king").
Vasuki (lit.'treasure'): sometimes referred to as the Nine-Headed Dragon King with the 'nine' meaning the extremity of yang and extremely large and powerful in number. Thus, he was thought of as the "Nine-Headed Dragon King". In the original legend, he was seldom called the 'Many-headed Dragon King' because there were a thousand of heads. Originally, he protected Mt. Meru (Ref1) and took tiny dragons to eat.
Takshaka (lit. ‘polyglot' or 'visual poison'): When this dragon is angrily stared at, the person is said to die out. From the Golden Light Sutra, the Seven-faced Tennyo is said to be the daughter of this Dragon King.
Anavatapta (lit. "cool and free from heat"): was said to live in the mythical pond in the northern Himalayas, Anuttara (lit. "free from heat"), which emitted great rivers in all directions to moisten the human continent of Jambudvīpa. A pond that stretches for approx. 3142 km, the banks of the pond were said to be made of four treasures, including gold, silver and others. This Dragon King was venerated as an incarnation of a Bodhisattva.
Manasvin (lit. 'giant' or 'great power'): When Asura (See2 & See3) attacked Kimi Castle with seawater, he twisted himself around and pushed the water back. Kimi Castle is the castle in Trayastrimsa at the top of Mt. Meru, where Sakra (Indra:Ref) resides. 
Uppalaka (Utpala: lit. blue lotus flower): blue lotus flower dragon king. He is said to dwell in a pond that produces blue lotus flowers. In India, the shape of the petals and leaves is used metaphorically to represent the eye, especially the blue water lily (nilotpala), which is a metaphor for a beautiful eye. In Buddhism, the Buddha's eyes are considered to be dark blue (nila), one of the 32 phases (ref4) and 80 kinds of favourites (ref5), "eye colour ".
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ヒト型爬虫類 (10)
仏教では、インド神話におけるナーガラジャ (ナーガの諸王の意) が、八大龍王をはじめさまざまな龍神として取り入れられた。ナーガラージャとは、冥界 (パタラ) に住む神または半神半人の蛇のような存在であるナーガ (参照) の様々な種族の王であり、時には人間の姿をとることもある超自然的な存在のこと。
難陀 (アナンタ:歓喜の意): 難陀と跋難陀は兄弟竜王で娑伽羅 (サーガラ:大海の意) 龍王と戦ったことがあった。
跋難陀 (ウパナンダ: 亜歓喜の意): 難陀の弟。難陀竜王と共にマガダ国を保護して飢饉なからしめ、また釈迦の降生の時、雨を降らしてこれを灌ぎ、説法の会座に必ず参じ、釈迦仏入滅の後は永く仏法を守護した。
娑伽羅 (サーガラ:大海の意): 龍宮の王。大海龍王。法華経に登場する八歳の龍女はこの龍王の第三王女で「善女龍王」と呼ばれた。
和修吉 (ヴァースキ: 宝有の意):「九頭龍王」と呼ばれることもある。「九」は陽の極まりを意味し、数が非常に多く強力であることから、「九頭龍王」と考えられた。そのため、彼は「九頭の龍王」と考えられていた。元の伝説では、頭が千個あったため、稀に「多頭龍王」と呼ばれることもあった。もともとは、須弥山(参照1)を守り、細龍を捕らえて食べていた。
徳叉迦 (タクシャカ: 多舌、視毒の意): この龍が怒って凝視された時、その人は息絶えるといわれる。身延鏡と金光明経から七面天女は、この龍王の娘とされている。
阿那婆達多 (アナヴァタプタ: 清涼、無熱悩の意): ヒマラヤ山脈北部にある神話上の池、阿耨達池 (無熱悩池) に住み、四方に大河を出して人間の住む大陸 閻浮提 (えんぶだい) を潤していた。 全長800里 (約3142 km)にも及ぶ池の岸辺は金・銀などの四宝よりなっていたという。この龍王は菩薩の化身として崇められていた。
摩那斯 (マナスヴィン: 大身、大力の意): 阿修羅(参照2 & 参照3)が海水をもって喜見城を侵したとき、身をよじらせて海水を押し戻したという。喜見城とは須弥山の頂上の 忉利天にある 帝釈天 (梵: インドラ参照) の居城。
優鉢羅 (ウッパラカ: 青蓮華の意): 青蓮華龍王。青蓮華を生ずる池に住まうという。インドでは花弁や葉などの形状を比喩的に眼を現すことに用いるが、特に青睡蓮(nilotpala)は美しい眼に喩えられる。仏教では仏陀の眼は紺青色(nila)とされ、三十二相八十種好(参照4)の一つ「眼色如紺青相」となっている。
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theia-eos · 1 month
small question about "shadows of the crimean liberation"
in chapter 11 how come Janaff and Ulki didn't recognize Soren as a black dragon branded? I understand for story reasons but you mention specifically that they don't know even after meeting Deghinsea and Kurthnaga in Goldoa so I was wondering if there was another reason too?
Ah, thank you for asking! I do plan to go into it more in other stories, but since it would be from the point of view of characters who don't have the whole picture, I'm happy to provide a top down view.
There a few components to consider.
The first being that Micaiah and Soren recognize that there is something powerful and ancient within each other respectively during Radiant Dawn.
Soren: The Maiden of Dawn… What are you? One of the Branded, that’s for sure. But there is something else about you… Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power. Micaiah: Yes, and you would know. There’s something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so…ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common. Radiant Dawn, "Blood Contract," Chapter 3-13
So there is some ancient energy within Soren, this is clear foreshadowing to Soren being descended from the Ancient Black Dragon King himself. Micaiah having some unique great power is a likely reference to her being the apostle and having inherited Lehran's ability to hear the Voice of the Goddess and awaken the goddesses.
The other, and most important, component is that Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson, and Caineghis all go to the meeting with Deghinsea and Kurthnaga, and presumably Ranulf, Janaff, Ulki, and Nealuchi all accompany their kings. Many of them speak to, with, and are around Soren, and none of them notice in the game. This despite Tibarn saying later on in Radiant Dawn that:
Tibarn: That Almedha is a formidable woman. At first I doubted her claim that she was the daughter of that useless old lizard. But even I had trouble holding her down. Me! She’s no ordinary beorc woman, that’s for sure. Elincia: I agree. Lady Almedha and Prince Kurthnaga share a striking resemblance, as well. Not just their faces, but their mannerisms, too. Tibarn: Is that how beorc spot blood relations? We laguz use scent, mainly. Speaking of which, something has been bothering me about Almedha. She has no distinct scent. It’s as if she is neither beorc nor laguz. Elincia: She actually told me something that I wanted to ask you about. She said that she lost her power when she became pregnant with King Pelleas. Radiant Dawn, "Unforgivable Sin," Chapter 4-5
The Extended Scripts expand on it a bit more
[ティバーン] そうか…ベオクは そうやって判断するのか。▼ [エリンシア] ラグズは、どうなさるんですか?▼ [ティバーン] 主に匂いだな。▼ ラグズとベオクは大きく違うし、 ラグズの中でも種に応じて違う。 …俺たちはそうやって個体を見分ける。▼ が、あのアムリタという女は…… どこかおかしい。▼ Radiant Dawn, "Unforgivable Sin," Chapter 4-5
The basic gist being that each type of laguz has its own unique type of scent in addition to the major difference in scent between laguz and beorc. You can read a fan translation by the always lovely amielleon here.
Tibarn also remarks a few sentences later (fan translation, again, provided by amielleon) that "Parentless" have a scent closer to a beorc.
[ティバーン] 黒竜王がベオクと交わったとでも? それは、天地がひっくりかえっても ありえねえ話だろうぜ。▼ ”親無し”は、むしろ ベオクに近い匂いがするって話だ。 それでもないから…分からん。▼ Radiant Dawn, "Unforgivable Sin," Chapter 4-5
But that clearly means they have elements of both laguz and beorc in their scent, just more beorc than laguz. (This makes it clear why laguz who aren't in the know, like Skrimir or Vika, could mistake a Branded for a beorc, but Tibarn is clearly in the know and can pick up on however small that differentiation is).
And yet no one, not even he-who-spoils-the-Black-Knight-reveal-almost-certainly-based-on-scent-alone Ranulf, notices that Soren is dragon branded, let alone related to Dheginsea or Kurthnaga. Or if they do, they are weirdly and uncharacteristically quiet about it. Which some of them would be quiet (Ranulf is more of a quiet investigator, but even he has moments of cheek "I know what your secret is" [though maybe he's just trying not to upset Soren by keeping quiet]), and others (especially Tibarn) would never be quiet about that tidbit of information ("You'd let your own grandson die by sending us back to the Kauku Caves?" [I love Tibarn, but if he knew, he'd say something for certain when they're in Goldoa in Radiant Dawn, despite the fact that the revelation would kill Soren on the spot]).
So, why does Pelleas have to figure it out? Kurthnaga travels with the Greil Mercenaries in Part 4 and can fight alongside Soren in the Tower, and yet, nothing??? His own nephew is right there, and nothing???
I have nothing, no really good info from the games, so I have to come up with my own answers based on what little we do get.
So back to why can't anyone recognize what Soren's scent is. If the games don't give me the info I want, then I'll make it up.
Well. as Tibarn says, Almedha has no scent that is distinctive of either beorc or laguz. Beorc and laguz have different scents, and the different tribes have their own unique notes as well.
I've decided that the "beorc scent" is of different varities of metals (copper, gold, silver, tin, etc.) and the "laguz scent" is more earthy. Beast tribes being herbal (I reference lions having a basil note later on in that story), bird tribes being more air/water (herons smelling of petrichor, ravens like a storm, etc.), and dragons being stony (black dragons having a subtle clay scent, etc.). Soren mostly gains the metallic scent of beorc, as Tibarn describes, and since laguz have difficulty smelling anything beyond metal scents, the more subtle earthen smell is lost, they just know it's not all beorc if they're more aware than the average laguz.
In addition to that, he has an ancient power from his maternal grandfather within him that Micaiah can sense., and Reyson can also sense to a smaller degree. Maybe it alters Soren's scent a little, maybe not. I'm undecided as of right now.
So Soren just sits there, being a little enigma, because you would have to get up close and personal and smell him to get the obscured notes of his dragon scent, and no laguz is doing that. (Would be funny if the dragon laguz scent notes were stronger in his breath since he's a dragon. Like he just sighs very heavily because of someone annoying him and all the laguz in the room are like "!!!").
And that's why no one can tell he's black dragon for the moment.
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kaitou-archive · 8 months
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Otomedia Plus + SPRING 2017
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
I want to sleep together with you ♡ Spring Bedtime
アナタと一緒に眠りたい♡ SPRING ベッドタイム
Character Bio
Joker (Voice: Ayumu Murase) By making Joker frustrated with Hosshi, we got to see the Joker's funny, impatient faces in Season 3-4. (Director Teramoto)
ジョーカー (声/村瀬歩) 「ジョーカーにホッシーへ の苦手意識を持たせたこと で、シーズン3.4ではジ ョーカーの焦った面白い顔 が見れました」(寺本監督)
Hachi (Voice: Yumiko Kobayashi) Hachi is now "Hachi the Phantom Thief Apprentice" and is on the same advance notice as Joker, but one day we may be able to call him "Hachi the Phantom Thief". (Director Teramoto) ハチ (声/小林由美子) 「今は“怪盗見習いハチ” でジョーカーと一緒の予告 状ですが、 いつか “怪盗ハ チ” と言える日が来るかも しれませんね」 (寺本監督)
Spade (Voice: Hiro Shimono) In episode 44, Spade's bond with Ai alongside Spade's childhood was depicted, and the gap between episode 43 and 44 is quite drastic (laughs). (Director Teramoto)
スペード (声/下野紘) 「第44話のスペードは、 幼少期のスペードとアイの 絆が描かれた第43話との ギャップが激しかったです (笑)」 (寺本監督)
Phoenix (Voice: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) In Season 3, the rivalry between Phoenix and Joker was emphasized, but in Season 4, the two became gradually closer.
フェニックス (赤井翼) (声/松岡禎丞) 「シーズン3ではジョーカ ーとのライバル関係を強調 していましたが、シーズン 4ではだんだん仲良くなっていきました」 (寺本監督)
Hosshi (Voice: Atsumi Tanezaki) Hosshi is a divine beast that loves treasures and Hachi's homemade kompeito. In the rocket in episode 52, the way it spins around and squishes in a gravity-free state was also very cute.
ホッシー (声種崎敦美) お宝とハチお手製の金平 糖が大好物な神獣。 「第52 話のロケットのなかで、無 重力状態でくるくると回転 したり、むぎゅっと潰れた りしている様子も可愛かっ たですね」 (寺本監督)
Roko (Voice / Misaki Kuno) Since season 3 he's had few appearances so at the production site Roko’s line in episode 36, "I'm free so it's okay" became a hot topic, "'Roko, are you sulking?' (laughs)" (Director Teramoto)
ロコ (声/ 久野美咲) 「シーズン3からは出番が少なく、 制作現場では第 36話のロコの『暇なんで いいですよ』 という台詞が、 『ロコ、拗ねてる?」 と話 題になりました(笑)」(寺本監督)
(Top left note) Joker and friends are surrounded by tasty food. The apple pie is for Shadow and Rose, and Hachi's oden is probably for Hyakkimaru (Director Teramoto)
ジョーカーたちの周りにはご馳 走がズラリ。 「アップルパイはシ ャドウとローズ用で、ハチのおでんは百鬼丸用かも」 (寺本監督)
Joker and company have finished their adventures in Season 4 so now we're here. It's Japan in Spring, where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! It seems that everyone is enjoying Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) while feasting on Hachi's cooking. I wonder what kind of festivities they have in store, Director Yukiyo Teramoto!
"March 13th is Spade's birthday and April 13th is President D's birthday, so this could be a celebration for them as well. The apples may have been a gift from D."
I want to keep watching the peaceful atmosphere of the phantom thieves, but they must be waiting for the next treasure!! Until we see Joker and his friends again, 'smile and au revoir'!
シーズン4での冒険を終えたジョーカーご一行が、本日やって来た場所。それは、桜咲く春の日本! ハチの料理に舌鼓を打ちつつ、みんなでお花見をしているようです。一体どんなお祭り騒ぎになっているんでしょうね、寺本幸代監督! 「3月13日がスペードの誕生日、4月13 日がプレジデントDの誕生日なので、 ふたりのお祝いも兼ねているのかもしれま せんね。ほかのみんなも続々と集まって きて、りんごはDからの差し入れかも」 穏やかな雰囲気の怪盗たちをずっと見 ていたいけど、彼らには次なるお宝が待 っているハズ!! またジョーカーたちに 会える日まで、笑顔でオ・ルボワール!
Spring Blossom Interview with Director Yukiyo Teramoto
春満開インタビュー 寺本幸代監督
Please tell us about the secret story behind the production of the final episode.
Finishing and shooting lasted all night for about three days, and it seems that I could see hallucinations by the end of it (laughs). I am relieved that we were able to broadcast the content that we were able to show. The trick that the passcode to unlock the missile is "HEART" was thought up by Naohiro Fukushima, in charge of screenwriting. I think the highlight was the scene where Joker writes his name on the spaceship and tells Phoenix, "Be sure to come back." I wonder when he wrote the name, but in the shot of the spaceship just before this scene, the name is obscured by light to disguise it. So the name was already written at that point.
最後は仕上げと撮影が3日間くらい徹夜して、 幻が見えたそうです(笑)。なんとかお見せでき る内容で放送することができて、ほっとしまし た。ミサイルの解除パスコードが 「HEART」 というトリックは、脚本の福島(直浩)さんが考 えてくれました。 ジョーカー的には宇宙船に名前 を書いて「必ず返しに来い」とフェニックスに言 うシーンが、見せどころだったと思います。いつ の間に名前を書いたのかと思いますが、そのシー ンに入る直前の宇宙船が映るカットでは名前を誤 魔化すために光を入れて見えなくしています。な ので、あの時点ではすでに書いてあるんですよ。
What was the most memorable moment for you other than the last episode?
There is a scene in the end of episode 50 where Spider Ace protects President D from a sniper's bullet and shows him the "DF" ring on his left hand, saying, "I have sworn my allegiance to President D." When the first picture came in, the ring on Spider Ace's middle finger was forgotten, so I asked for the picture to be redone and a ring to be added. Then somehow, I ended up with a picture of Spider Ace with the ring on his ring finger (laughs). The staff around me and I laughed hysterically and rushed to have it fixed.
第50話のラストでスナイパー幻魔の銃弾からプ レジデントDをかばったスパイダー・Aが、「オ レはプレジデントDに忠誠を誓ったんだ」と左手 の《DF》の指輪を見せる場面があります。最初 に絵が上がって来たときスパイダーAの中指に 指輪を描き忘れていたので、リテイクで指輪を追 加してもらったんですよ。そうしたらなぜか、ス パイダーAの薬指に指輪がはまった絵が上がっ て来てしまって(笑)。周りのスタッフたちと大 爆笑しつつ、慌てて直していただきました。
By the way, In this issue, we are looking into the sleeping habits of Joker and his friends! Who among them do you think is the best at getting up early?
ちなみに今号では、ジョーカーたちの睡眠事 情に迫っております! 彼らのなかで、早起きが 得意そうな人物は誰だと思いますか?
Hachi has to prepare food, so I think he wakes up early. It seems that Hyakkimaru is also living a proper life. It seems that Spider Ace, who is in a pumped up state after drinking coffee, will wake up early, but I feel that he will be weak in the morning if he hasn't.
ハチはご飯の支度があるので、早起きだと思い ます。百鬼丸もきっちり生活していそうですよ ね。コーヒーを飲んでヒャッハー状態のスパイダ Aも早起きそうですが、コーヒーを飲んでい ないヘタレ状態だと朝が弱そうな気がします。
Is there a character you would have liked to explore more?
では、もっと掘り下げて描いてみたかったキ ャラクターはいらっしゃいますか?
I wanted to depict how Spider Ace came to be loyal to D. I liked Spider Ace and Detective Wolfe in the original story, and I really wanted to have Detective Wolfe appear in episode 35, but there was no room for him, so I gave up on the idea. I am glad that I was able to create an interesting combination with D and Spider Ace, but I also wish I could have drawn those two in the story. With Dai Sato, who is in charge of the series composition, I was also thinking about a story about Dr. Neo's astronaut days. When he was young, he had a moment when he saw a spaceship that was disguised as a comet for a moment due to the influence of a solar flare, and from that moment he came to believe that aliens existed. It was a shame that we couldn't depict it. Neo knew Silver when he was young, and I wanted to depict that with Purple as well.
スパイダーAがDに忠誠を誓ったキッカケを 描きたかったです。 スパイダー・Aは原作でのウ ルフ刑事とのコンビが好きだったので、本当は第 35話でウルフ刑事も登場させたかったのですが、 入る隙間がなくて諦めました。そのおかげでDと スパイダー・Aという面白いコンビが出来たので よかったという思いもありますが、あのふたりも 描きたかったという気持ちもあります。シリーズ 構成の佐藤 大さんとは、ドクター・ネオの宇宙 飛行士時代のお話も考えていました。若かりしネ オが太陽フレアの影響で一瞬だけ彗星の変装が解 けた宇宙船を見た瞬間があり、そこから宇宙人は いると信じるようになったという設定だったのですが、これも描けなくてもったいなかったです。 ネオは若い頃のシルバーとも顔見知りなので、パプルも交えてその辺りを描きたかったですね。
Finally, please tell us what "Kaitou Joker" means to you, Director Teramoto.
For me, it is a special work that fulfilled my dream of directing an animated TV series. I myself have loved anime since I was a child, and even now as an adult, there are many works that I still remember as my favorites. There are still many stories I would like to tell from the original work, and if there is an opportunity, I would love to do a sequel. The staff also said that they would like to do a sequel, so I feel that "Kaitou Joker" is a work that is truly loved by everyone.
私にとっては、TVアニメの監督をやりたいと いう夢が叶った特別な作品です。私自身も小さい 頃からアニメが好きで、大人になった今も好きだ ったと思える作品がたくさんありますが、アニメ 『怪盗ジョーカー』を観てくれた子どもたちも大き くなり、いつかジョーカーたちを思い出すことが あるのかなと思うと、すごく感慨深いです。 まだ 原作でもやりたいお話がたくさんありますし、機 会があったら続編もぜひやりたいですね。スタッ フも「続編がやりたい」と言ってくださっている ので、『怪盗ジョーカー』は本当にみんなに愛され ている作品だと感じています。
Spring Blossom Interview 2: The Phantom Thief Roundtable Discussion
春満開インタビュー2 怪盗座談会
Nice to meet you! To start off, what do you dress in at bedtime?
よろしくお願いします! まずは、夜に寝る時の格好を教えてください
Tsubasa: I don't change my clothes.
翼 「僕は着替えないよ。」
Joker, Hachi, Spade: Huh!?
ジョーカー・ハチ・スペード 「え!!!」
Joker: That's so dirty. Do you even take baths?
ジョーカー 「おまえきったねーな。風呂とかどうしてるんだよ?」
Tsubasa: Why should I take a bath if I don't like water? You can use flames to sterilize, so there's no problem. Even the dirt burns off.
翼 「水が嫌いなのに、どうしてお風呂に入らなくちゃいけないのさ。炎を使って殺菌できるか ら問題ないよ。汚れも燃えつきるしね。」
Are you a good sleeper or a bad sleeper? Also, when you ask someone to wake you up in the morning, do you have a vision of how you want them to wake you up?
寝起きはいい方ですか? それとも悪い方 ですか? また、誰かに朝起こしてもらうと き、「こうやって起こしてほしい!」という理 想はありますか?
Joker: I can wake up on my own, so I wish people would stop pestering me. Also, when I'm ready to get up and someone tells me to hurry it up, I don't want to get up! I wonder why?
ジョーカー 「自分で起きられるんだから、放っ ておいてほしいよなー。あと、もう起きるって 思ってる時に限って「早く起きろ」って言われ ると、起きたくなくなるんだよ! なんでだろ うな?」
Spade: It's not good to so lazy. Because of that, everyone had to wait for breakfast.
スペード 「キミが怠惰なのがいけないんだろ。そのせいでみんなが朝食を待たされたんだよ。」
I see... So, since the season is Spring, do you phantom thieves have a particular favorite flower?
そうなんですね・・・・・・では、季節は春ということで、怪盗の皆さんは特に好きな「花」 はありますか?
Spade: I like roses. Unlike some people, I think roses are elegant flowers.
スペード 「ボクはバラが好きかな。誰かさんと 違って品のある花だよね。」
Joker: Why are you looking at me?
Hachi: Certainly, such gorgeous* flowers suit you, Spade-san.
Joker:A 'curry' flower!? (Heart eyes)
Hachi: Not 'curry'.
*Gorgeous (華麗), pronounced 'karei', which sounds similar to 'カレー' (karee, curry). The joke lost in translation is that Hachi has said a gorgeous flower, and Joker hears 'curry' because the word sounds similar.
Tsubasa: I like the flower called Hanabi that I saw when I went to Japan. It was a beautiful flower burning in the sky.
翼「僕は、日本に行った時に見た花火という花が気に入っているよ。 大空に燃える花できれい だったな。」
Hachi: Phoenix-san, that isn't a flower.
Spade: You're unexpectedly romantic....
Spring is all about flowers, but is there anything that attracts you more than flowers?
春といえば「花」ですが、「花」より心惹 かれるものはありますか?
Hachi: Cherry blossom viewing is great, isn't it? Let's all go to hanami together!
ハチ「お花見いいっスよね。みんなでお花見行 きましょうよ!」
Joker: Oh, nice! Don't forget the curry!
ジョーカー「お、いいね! カレーも忘れんな よ!」
Hachi: Joker-san, you eat too much curry. I'd like a different menu once in a while.
Joker: Ehhh......
Spade: I'll ask D and the others to join us. Hachi, Dark Eye and I would like to request to have meat and apples on the menu.
スペード「Dたちにも声をかけようか。ハチく ん、ダークアイと一緒に肉やりんごのメニュー も頼むよ。」
Tsubasa: No curry from Hachi this time? In that case, I'll request something extra spicy!
Hachi: Leave it to me!
It's going to be a fun hanami! Lastly, please give a message to the girls reading this book, who are always excited to read about your great activities.
楽しいお花見になりそうですね!では、最後に。皆さんの活躍にいつも胸を躍らせてい る、この本を読んでいる女の子たちへメッセー ジをお願いします。
Hachi: It's a little embarrassing to hear that I'm doing so well~
Joker: Is this really that interesting? If this is the end, can I go find a treasure?
ジョーカー「こんなもんがおもしれーのか? これで終わりなら、お宝とりに行っていいか?」
Spade: Yeesh, he's so impatient. I hope you've had fun. Well, I'll be on my way, too. Adios.
スペード「やれやれ、せっかちなヤツだ。楽しんでもらえたかな? それじゃ、ボクも行くこ とにするよ。アディオス。」
Tsubasa: I hope there's games next time. See you under the Southern Cross!
Joker: Alright! Let's go, Hachi!!!
ジョーカー「よっし!行くぞ、 ハチ!!!」
Hachi: Yes, Joker-san!!
Joker: See you next time! Welcome to the Shining Night!!
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voorice-corp · 25 days
The Vicquisition, Translated
so, I keep going on and on about how I'm going to do a new, and revised translation of Phantom Of The G4, given that I am fluently bilingual in both Chinese and English. well, today I had the urge to translate... a certain segment of the game, both to see what I'm getting myself into, and to confirm the things I've heard it means for a certain character. that, of course, being my dearly beloved, Victor. specifically, his only appearance in POTG4 where he asks Vincent and Vanora a series of questions in order to let them pass deeper into the Myers facility.
I don't have the game itself, yet. because I abide by the rules to play VTSOM first. instead, I found a video of someone's playthrough of it - the audio is in Chinese, and not all dialogue options are covered. but in the meantime, this is quite a lot...
without further ado, my translation, notes and other commentary below the cut. Victor's lines are in red, Vincent's in purple, and Vanora's in pink.
想要我讓開很簡單。你只需要回答一些我的問題。 If you want me to make way, it’s very easy. You just need to answer some of my questions.
the player is given a yes/no prompt, and selects yes
很好。 Very good.
我們上次見面是什麼時候了,文森? When was the last time we met, Vincent?
你以為我會記得這種事?真是自作多情。 You think that I’d remember this sort of thing? What wishful thinking. (Note: The second sentence was a bit difficult to translate bc there’s several meanings to this phrase 自作多情 (literally "self-make-many-feelings"), from being overly sentimental to self-flattery/imagining yourself as everyone’s favourite person)
是這樣嗎? Is that so?
難道你不記得你我引以為傲的那件事了?我們那時候到達的是任何人都無比渴求的巔峰。 Could it be that you don’t remember what we were so proud of? What we had reached then was a peak everyone had been longing for.
而你卻說過,財富、知識、榮耀… And still, you have said: wealth, knowledge, glory...
player is given 3 options to finish his sentence: 是每個人都渴求的。 "… are what everyone longs for." 都毫無意義。 "… are completely and utterly meaningless." 不過是權力幾種類型。 "… are just various forms of power."
the player picks the second option
你這句話就已經背叛了來這裡的初衷了。 What you said here goes against your original intention to come here.
我隱約記得,文森·埃奇沃思從來不會後悔。 From what I vaguely remember, Vincent Edgeworth never, ever regrets.
最可怕的敵人,就是沒有堅強的信念。而能夠被輕易擊敗的人根本不配存在於這個世界上。 The scariest enemy, is to lack strong belief. And people who can be easily defeated are not worthy of existing upon this world.
he kills you with one smack of his metal hand. game over, go back to previous save…
this time the player picks the third option of above
而我們已經擁有了這些,甚至更多。 And we already had these, if not even more.
我們?別開玩笑了。 "We?" Stop joking around.
財富、知識、榮耀。沒有我哪一個你能保住? Wealth, knowledge, glory. Without me, which one could you have kept?
沒記錯的話,你還因為此時欠在下一瓶酒。 If I’m not remembering wrong, you still owe me the next bottle of alcohol for this. (Note: In Chinese, the word they use can both specifically refer to wine, and all kinds of alchohol in general.)
一如既往的自負,你還是嗜馬丁尼如命? Conceited as always, and still so fond of/addicted to martini like your life depends on it? (Note: Is the "addiction" literal or metaphorical? Maybe both? Truly we will never know.)
這還需要在下解釋? Do I still have to explain this further?
的確,好的基酒對一杯馬丁尼十分重要。 Indeed, a good base spirit is essential for a martini.
3 dialogue options for the player again, all with the following structure: 所以我當然不會放過到手的頂級⋯。 "And so, of course I will always have some top tier [option below] on hand." 杜松子酒 gin (Note: Literally "juniper berry wine" which I didn’t recognise at first bc usually I see it written as 琴酒 which reflects it phonetically) 白蘭地 brandy 伏特加 vodka
the player picks the third option
伏特加?你以為自己是在調製什麼? Vodka? Just what do you think you are mixing here?
player gets two options to answer him with: 一杯血腥瑪麗。 A Bloody Mary. 一杯激情海岸。 A "Passion Coast". (Note: I've done some rudimentary research on cocktails, but have never heard of something with a name like this. If anyone knows what this is, I'd appreciate the help. EDIT: a friend of mine on discord has informed me that it's most likely referring to the cocktail called Sex On The Beach)
player picks first option
血腥瑪麗?人道,「惟有經歷諸多苦難才能懂的苦難賦予你的意義」。 Bloody Mary? People say, "only by experiencing much suffering can you understand the meaning the suffering bestowed upon you."
虛假的苦難,虛假的血腥。這和你的過去比起來算什麼? False suffering, false blood. How does this even compare to your past?
我親愛的文森,你都已經忘記了你所承受的一切嗎?那你的存在就沒有意義了嗎? My dear Vincent, have you forgotten all that you’ve had to go through? And now your existence no longer has meaning?
he kills you, game over, go back to previous save
player picks vodka again and then second option of above
激情海岸?一向只喜歡乾身酒的你,怎麼可能喝這些果汁飲品呢。 Passion Coast? You’ve always only liked dry cocktails, how could you drink this kind of fruity/juice based beverage?
and again, he kills you. bro, stop judging people's taste in drinks 😭
player picks gin for the original question
這個自然。等我們從這個鬼地方出去,我給你便是。 Naturally. Once we get out of this damn/accursed place, I’ll give you some.
慢著,那件事指的是什麼? Wait a second, what do you mean by "that thing/event/incident" ? (Note: I take it she’s referring to the above "what we were so proud of" thing)
薇諾拉,「好奇心是大腦貪求的慾望」。慾念太強對身體可不好呢。 Vanora, curiosity is a desire the brain craves. And to desire for it too strongly is not good for the body.
看來你的這位同伴想知道的格外多呢。 Looks like this companion of yours knows quite a lot.
作為一名律師,我能做的僅僅只能讓人摒棄自己的信仰罷了。她的好奇心與我無關。 As a lawyer, all I can do is make people abandon their own beliefs. Her curiosity has nothing to do with me.
沒想到你也有無能為力的一天? And you didn’t think you’d also have a day where you’d be powerless?
對方可是要以妨��執行公務的罪名將我逮捕呢,你說是吧,薇諾拉女士? The other side/party wants to capture me for interfering with official duties. Isn’t that so, Miss/Lady Vanora?
哈哈哈。堂堂梅爾斯職業律師居然會因此害怕? Hahaha. The dignified professional lawyer of Myers is scared of this?
再厲害也不過是一個俗人,出生起就已經被政府的一紙契約束縛著了。 No matter how mighty one is they are still a common person, already bound by a government contract at birth.
這麼說來,我突然想起你當年引用的一句話。不帶劍的契約不過是一紙空文… What you said, suddenly reminds me of something you said back then. A contract without a sword, is simply a blank paper.
player is given 3 options now, to respond: 而政府的職責,便是化身為此劍。 And the government’s duty is to manifest as this sword. 它毫無力量去保障任何人的安全。 It has absolutely no power to protect anyone’s safety. 只有突破這本不存在的枷鎖,才能真正跳出羊圈。 Only by breaking these nonexistent shackles can one truly jump out of the sheepfold.
player picks the third option
跳出羊圈?真是荒謬。 "Jump out of the sheepfold?" How ridiculous.
有一些人的存在,是註定不能被救贖的。 Some people’s existences are doomed to never be redeemed.
and again he kills you, because dragon cult ahh belief
player picks the first option
…真是有趣的答案。 … what an interesting/funny answer. (Note: Yes, in Chinese we use the same word for both of these)
不過我倒還記得一句話,地獄是太晚發覺的真相。那麼恭喜你獲得一張免費的地獄門票。 However, this reminds me of another saying, "hell is a truth/reality discovered too late." And so, congratulations on earning a free ticket to hell.
this time he isn't just killing you, he's SLAYING because holy shit if that isn't badass I don't know what is
player picks the remaining second option
話雖如此,你可是從來沒有怕過。 You say this, but you’ve never been afraid of it before.
我們都是遊走在劍鋒的人,這一點你沒資格說我。 We’re all people who walk on the point of a sword, you have no right to tell me this.
那你回到此地是為了什麼? Then why did you come back to this place?
and again, 3 dialogue options for the player 任何東西都有一種特有的功能,某種工作或許只有它能做。 Everything has a unique function, and there are some jobs that only it can do. 無論這個漩渦有多令人絕望,我總是要走這一遭的。 No matter how hopeless this whirlpool/spiral/vortex will make me, I was always going to walk this path. 在下解釋過了是受人所迫。 I’ve explained that I was forced to do this.
player picks the third option
受人所迫? "Forced?"
文森,任何人用這個藉口我都會半信半疑一下。至於你,我是絕對不會信的。 Vincent, everyone who uses this excuse, I will doubt (literally, "half-believe-half-suspect") for a moment. And in your case, I would never believe it.
and he kills you. we are so close to the end, yet so far…
player picks the first option, which becomes slightly modified for Vincent to say
任何東西都有一屬於它自己的功能。某種工作或許只有它能做,甚至比其他人更好。 Everything has its own function. There are some jobs that only it can do, sometimes better than other people, even.
真正的贏家只會讓這件東西為他所用,並讓他物超所值。弱肉強食,我只是不想看庸人螳臂擋車罷了。 True winners will only use this thing for their own ends, and give it an excellent value. The weak are meat and the strong eat, I just don’t want to see mediocre people biting off more than they can chew. (Note: The phrase they used here, 螳臂擋車, literally translates to "a mantis using its arm to block a cart", meaning to underestimate what you’re taking on)
所以,請問你問完了嗎?你已經浪費了我太多的時間了。 So, may I please ask if you’re done asking? You’ve already wasted far too much of my time.
確實。你做的很好,文森。我想,我也沒什麼好多說的了。 Indeed. You did very well, Vincent. I think I don’t have anything more to say either.
he moves out of Vincent and Vanora’s way
那就祝你們好運了。 Then I wish you two good luck.
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chuck-snowbug · 3 months
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愛車のビートル付きの、播州愛山を用いた日本酒二種飲み比べ(十四代 中取り純吟 播州愛山 & 加茂錦 荷札酒 播州愛山 純米大吟醸 仲汲み)、自家栽培ゴーヤとさつま芋と人参のかき揚げ、冷やしうどん、焼き茄子。
Two Kinds of Japanese Sake(Juyondai & Kamonishiki) feat. My Orange Beetle, Kakiage(Tempura) & Cold Udon Dinner - October 2023
Previous Post:
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avaantares · 2 months
AVA rants about FFVII localization (again)
I know I have more Opinions about media localization than the average person, but I am frankly baffled by the extent to which the FFVII franchise changes words that are already in English in the original Japanese to different (and often less appropriate) English words for no reason whatsoever.
I mean, in a game that's a thinly-veiled soapbox about ecological responsibility, did we REALLY need to change "Monsters," a word that accurately describes dangerous mutated creatures that are largely the result of humans screwing up the environment, to "Fiends," a word that refers to evil spirits? Do they think Americans are too dumb to know what a monster is? What benefit does that change offer?
Or sometimes changing the word is understandable, but then they choose something that's not an improvement. I can see wanting to change "Feelers" (the Destiny Tadpoles), because it sounds a bit odd, but "Whispers" is no more comprehensible -- in fact, it makes even less sense for something that detects and responds to changes in the timeline.
A few more from last night's Rebirth play session that struck me as especially arbitrary, just off the top of my head:
World Report -> World Intel
Battle Simulator -> Combat Simulator
Biorat -> Toxirat (but it... it poisons you. Y'know, exactly like the Bio spell? It's right there in the name, guys)
Ancient Matter -> Protorelics (my guess here is that they didn't want players to associate the items with 古代種, which gets translated as the Ancients in English, so this one might get a pass)
...And that's leaving aside the whole saga of NPC names, nearly all of which are changed from non-Japanese names to other non-Japanese names (e.g. Green -> Billy, Val -> Vash, Aniyan Kunyan -> Andrea Rhodea, et al.). The ones that date back to the original game can be slightly forgiven because '90s localizations were Like That, but many of these are new characters for the Remake trilogy. (There's also my whole beef with altering characters' personalities -- because sweet girl-next-door Aerith wasn't edgy enough and needed to swear more, I guess? -- but I've ranted about that plenty in the past.)
Anyway, I'm getting a ton of Japanese language practice playing this game, because the English subtitles are often saying the exact opposite of what the Japanese dialogue is and using completely different names for people and things, so I have to pay attention.
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dcextra · 7 months
Volume 4 extra pages. (Transcribed w/ machine translation.)
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超感謝おまけのおまけPart. 3 Super Thank You Bonus Bonus Part. 3
警視庁捜査二課極秘資料? Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Division 2 Top Secret Materials?
対快盗キッド用 傾向と対策 キッドが次に狙う獲物を大胆予想!当たればキッド確保間違いなし! For anti-kaito kid Trends and countermeasures Make bold predictions about Kid's next target! If you win, you are sure to secure a kid!
快盗キッドの犯罪傾向最近狙われた美術品 Kaitou Kid's criminal tendencies Artworks recently targeted
レッド・ティアー ルビー Red Tear Ruby
クリスタル・マザー トパーズ Crystal · Mother Topaz
グリーン・ドリーム エメラルド Green Dream Emerald
ブルー・バースデー サファイア Blue Birthday sapphire
ブルー・ワンダー アクアマリン Blue Wonder Aquamarine
ダーク・ナイト ブラックオパール dark Knight Black Opal
ゴールデン・アイ キャッツアイ Golden Eye Cats eye
ブラック・スター 黒真珠 Black star Black pearl
しかし最近、怪盗キッドに狙われた美術品をみてみると、ある傾向が見られる。あきらかに怪盗キッドは世界でも有数の巨大な宝石ばかりを狙っており、しかも何やら色にかかわる異名を持つものばかり。 International wanted person number 1412
Also known as Kaitou Kid, used to aim for the world's top works of art such as paintings, sculptures, and jewelry.
However, when we look at the artworks that have been targeted by Kaito Kid recently, we can see a certain trend. Kaitou Kid is clearly after the world's biggest jewels, and most of them have different names related to their colors.
また世界を股にかけていた怪盗キッドが、都内近郊での犯行を多発させているのは、キッドの標的となる宝石がたまたまそこにあっただけと思われる。 It is unknown why he changed targets, but there is no doubt that this will be a clue to securing Kaito Kid.
Also, the reason Kid, the phantom thief who traveled all over the world, often commits crimes in the suburbs of Tokyo, is thought to be because the jewels targeted by Kid happened to be located there.
フルルル!ワシが三日三晩徹夜で分析した怪盗キッド逮捕のためのマル秘情報をそっと教えよう! Furururu! Let me secretly tell you the confidential information that I analyzed for three days and three nights to arrest Kaito Kid.
(next page)
唯一色がだぶっているのはブルーだが、「ブルー・ワンダー」は、怪盗キッド自らが選んだ標的ではなく、鈴木財閥の相談役の鈴木次郎吉氏が挑戦状を叩き付け狙わさせたもの。つまり怪盗キッドは、これまでに狙った宝石とは違う色のものを狙う可能性が高い。これまでに狙われていない色といえば、イエローやピンクといったものが、あげられるのだが・・・ Don't aim for the same color
The only color that overlaps is blue, but ``Blue Wonder'' is not a target chosen by Kid the Phantom Thief himself, but a challenge given to him by Mr. Jirokichi Suzuki, an advisor to the Suzuki Zaibatsu. In other words, there is a high possibility that Kaitou Kid will aim for a jewel with a different color than the jewels he has targeted so far. Colors that have not been targeted so far include yellow and pink...
おそらく怪盗キッドは、世界最大クラスの宝石を次々狙っていると思われる。すると今までに狙われていない宝石が、つぎの標的に選ばれる可能性が高い。有名な宝石では、ダイアモンド、ガーネット、アメジスト、ラビスラズリなどがまだ狙われていない。特に怪しいのはダイヤモンドであるが、ヨーロパ最大のものは過去に狙われているので、それ以上のものが・・・! The next jewel to be targeted
Kaitou Kid is probably aiming for the world's largest jewels one after another. Then, there is a high possibility that a jewel that has not been targeted before will be selected as the next target. Among the famous gemstones, diamonds, garnets, amethysts, and lapis lazuli have not yet been targeted. The diamond is particularly suspicious, but the largest one in Europe has been targeted in the past, so there's something even bigger than that...!
結論 怪盗キッドが次に狙うのは・・・ ピンクかイエローの世界最大のダイアモンド!
Conclusion Kaito Kid's next target is... The world's largest pink or yellow diamond!
ボクさえいれば、いつでも捕まえます。 こ〜んなの時間の無駄! As long as I'm here, I'll catch you anytime. This is such a waste of time!
There are countless colors of gemstones and it is impossible to predict. For example, the Aurora Collection in New York is a collection of jewels in over 200 different colors, and the display all in one place is just like the shining aurora borealis.
Furthermore, ``red tear'' is classified as a ruby, but among the corundum gemstones, only red ones qualify to be called rubies. Therefore, blue "red tier" is usually classified as sapphire. Also, there are many different names for the same type of gemstone, so it's difficult to predict the color or type of gemstone based on just a few clues.
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oka-akina · 7 months
J庭ありがとうございました! 新刊『よわよわおちんぽとじこめナイト』、たくさんお手にとっていただきありがとうございました。思いのほかいろんんな方に見ていただきましてとてもうれしいです…!
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①通販のお知らせです。 フロマージュブックスさんのサイン本フェアに参加しています。 販売期間は10/8〜25(水)23:59で、受注販売となります。もう始まってる!とびっくりしたのですが、先着や抽選ではないので期間内にポチっていただければいつでも大丈夫です。 新刊『よわよわおちんぽとじこめナイト』と『イサド住み』の二種類で参加しています。
おかわだのサイン??とは???という感じなんですが、まあなんか野菜とか卵とかについてる「わたしが作りました」シールみたいなもんかな…。表2か表3 になんらか名前的なものを書きます。 受注数がわかってから用意しますので、お届けは11月中旬ごろの予定です。詳しくはフェアページをご覧ください。
★フロマージュブックスTOP https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/fromagee/
★フェアTOP https://x.gd/xi4g5 「フロマ通販受注販売会場」または「サイン入り同人誌一覧」に入っていただき、作家名「オカワダアキナ」で検索すると出てきます。
作品ページ ★『よわよわおちんぽとじこめナイト』 https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/fromagee/detail/detail.php?product_id=2101569
★『イサド住み』 https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/fromagee/detail/detail.php?product_id=2101570
いつもやってるBASEストアでの通販は、フェア終了後、11/11文フリ東京の後になるかなあと思います。 数の管理が大変になっちゃうのと、文フリ新刊の〆切前でわたしがいまとてもとてもドタバタしているので…。 (売り切れちゃった場合どうするかとかはまだ考えてないです。。。)
②Kindle版のお知らせ まだ準備中ですが、よわよわ〜はKindle版を作ります。 タイトルにおちんぽ・OCHIMPOって書いてあるR18の同人誌なので、紙の本で手元に置いておくのはな…という方はぜひこちらをどうぞ。
タイトルがモロなので「恥ずかしい」というお声はめっちゃもらう、めっちゃわかる…。リツイートしづらいなあみたいなのもほんとわかるのでどうかお気になさらず。。。 フロマージュブックスへの委託もそうですが、おたがい名前が見えない方が手に取りやすいかなあというのもありますので、気兼ねなくポチっていただける手段としてちょっとずつ電子書籍も整えている感じです。『イサド住み』『ハッシャバイ』も予定しています。 販売スタートになりましたらまたお知らせしますのでよろしくお願いします。
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取り急ぎこんなところかな? どんな作品で〜という話はまた改めてめっちゃとてもしゃべりたいのですが、「エロ・クィア・ラブ・面白をぜんぶ両立させた愉快なお話が書きたい〜〜!」という思いで書いた小説です。 『イサド住み』を書いたとき、初めてトランスジェンダー男性のボーイズラブを読んだ、こういうのがあってうれしい、もっと探してみたいというお声をいただいて、すごく励まされました。 で、そこからもう一歩進んで、エンタメとかエロに極振りした愉快な話も書きたいな〜!と思ったので挑戦してみたつもりです。ウルトラハッピーでとびきりクィアでバッキバキにインモラルな話になったのではと思います。
フェア通販の発送が11月中旬で、次回イベントは11/11(文フリ東京)なので、今からだと一番早いのはKindleかな。 べつに急いで読みたい人もそんなにいないと思うんだけど、わたし自身が「書いたものはすぐお届けしたい、大丈夫だったか知りたい」と情緒がジェットコースターなので(毎度そう)、もしよかったら読んでいただけますととても励まされます。
試し読みはこちらです。1万5千字くらい(作品全体は4万字ちょいです) https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=20788049
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datenarche · 2 months
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yoga-onion · 8 months
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Legends and myths about trees
World tree - the source of wisdom of the ages
The world tree is a motif present in several religions and myths around the world. It is represented as a colossal tree which supports the heavens, thereby connecting the heavens, the terrestrial world, and, through its roots, the underworld. 
Many Eurasian mythologies share the motif of the "world tree", "cosmic tree", or "Eagle and Serpent Tree". More specifically, it shows up in "Haitian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Norse, Siberian and northern Asian Shamanic folklore".
The World Tree is often identified with the Tree of Life, and also fulfills the role of an axis mundi, that is, a centre or axis of the world. It is also located at the center of the world and represents order and harmony of the cosmos. Each part of the tree corresponds to one of the three spheres of the world (treetops - heavens; trunk - middle world or earth; roots - underworld) and is also associated with a classical element (top part - fire; middle part - earth, soil, ground; bottom part - water).
Its branches are said to reach the skies and its roots to connect the human or earthly world with an underworld or subterranean realm. Because of this, the tree was worshipped as a mediator between Heavens and Earth. On the treetops are located the luminaries (stars) and heavenly bodies, along with an eagle's nest; several species of birds perch among its branches; humans and animals of every kind live under its branches, and near the root is the dwelling place of snakes and every sort of reptiles.
A bird perches atop its foliage, "often .... a winged mythical creature" that represents a heavenly realm. The eagle seems to be the most frequent bird, fulfilling the role of a creator or weather deity. Its antipode is a snake or serpentine creature that crawls between the tree roots, being a "symbol of the underworld".
The imagery of the World Tree is sometimes associated with conferring immortality, either by a fruit that grows on it or by a springsource located nearby. In some descriptions this "water of life" may also flow from the roots of the tree.
The world tree was an important element in shamanistic worldview as well, and it is said that the giant bird ... hatches shamans in the branches of the World Tree.
Some species of birds (eagle, raven, crane, loon, and lark) are revered as mediators between worlds and also connected to the imagery of the world tree. Another line of scholarship points to a "recurring theme" of the owl as the mediator to the upper realm, and its counterpart, the snake, as the mediator to the lower regions of the cosmos.
Northern Eurasian and Central Asian traditions wherein the World Tree is also associated with the horse and with deer antlers which might resemble tree branches.
Some scholars have pointed out that, from the perspective of evolutionary biology, the concept of a world tree may have originated in human thought. This is because our ancestors lived in trees for about 60 million years, and for them the trees were everything in the world. This is why the collective unconscious that the world is made of giant trees has remained with us to the present day.
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世界樹 〜 時代の叡智の源
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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【Performance Review】Takarazuka Revue Flower Troupe “ENCHANTEMENT–A Luxurious Perfume“
Takarazuka Revue Flower Troupe Performance starts performing in the Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre from February 18 onwards.
Musicla Romance “MAYERLING” (Original work / Claude Anet, Script / Shibata Yukihiro, Adaptation・Direction/Koyanagi Naoko) and Takarazuka Spectacular “ENCHANTMENT–A Luxurious Perfume–” (Script and Direction / Noguchi Kousaku) is a two-set work. It will be performing till March 19.
(Source taken from mati sowa // Spoilers below the cut)
Since there was a contrast of Koyanagi’s calm approach to the musical, after “MAYERLING”, there was a brighter layer of glamour in Noguchi’s “ENCHANTEMENT”.
With the golden tuxedo, the white suits and kungfu-like costumes, these gorgeous costumes are like layers adding onto each other, there were a variety of beautiful and powerful dancing.
About the “Perfume”, the whole show is composed and divided into 3 parts of “Top Note” “Middle Note” and “Last Note”.
After all, if we think of perfume, there are American standard numbers (scenes) and the wonderful music of classic famous songs that strike an impression, all of these are across the show.
The dominating CHUUZUME and the moving singing scenes in the Middle Note was exceptionally memorable.
Before the performance, during the stage rehearsal in the Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre, Yuzuka said this upcoming comment.
“This stage performance that we deliver in the theatre exists because of the support from everyone. As we will soon embrace Shonichi, I’m in heartfelt gratitude. The show is about the world in the tragic love story of the 19th century Crown Prince and the baroness, the show is about me as perfumer inviting everyone to this enchanting night. From New Year’s Day we already performed in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre, and finally as we enter spring, we will start performing in the Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre. Please look forward to it until Senshuuraku!”
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浪漫音樂劇「梅耶林」(原作/Claude Anet,劇本/柴田侑宏,潤色・執導/小柳奈穂子)和Takarazuka Spectacular「ENCHANTMENT-華麗的香水-」(腳本和指導/野口幸作)是兩套作品。公演將繼續到3月19日。
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veiledfox · 4 days
It's Been Long Enough / Kitsune's Return
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"Lady Kyuushi?"
A lack of response, little more than the static buzz of a broadcast experiencing difficulties from beyond the door. Followed by a voice, one of a man, screams, and explosions all distorted slightly by various degrees of electronics. A voice, on a slight delay, seeming to repeat the words in translation.
-"In the midst of the chaos, interference seems to be affecting our equipment."
-"We are committed to continuing to report events as they occur."
-"As we have seen before, some sort of Dragon has appeared in the skies over Tokyo and now something appears to be fighting the Dragon."
-"The dragon appears to be already damaged, with parts of its body missing and other parts looking like bone."
-"Although it has not been possible to clearly confirm what is engaging the Dragon, there are multiple reports of seeing what appears to be a flash of crimson and a tail."
Another burst of static cutting off the audio of the broadcast. The Doll takes a redundant breath, and sighs a few seconds later. "Lady Kyuushi, you've watched that broadcast a number of times now. I understand your worry, and all of us share in that worry, I assure you, but it has been a month. Records have shown that, in the past, their response has been near instant. If the Gods have not acted by now, it seems safe to assume they aren't going to."
Silence, still, beyond a shift of fabric and the sounds of chaos resuming.
-"Sorry, but we are back near the Shibuya intersection. The Dragon has been knocked out of the sky and the battle appears to be continuing on the ground."
-"Thus, we sometimes get a better view of the being fighting the Dragon."
-"At first glance, they appear to be human, but they seem to possess a variety of non-human characteristics."
-"It appears to have several tails, and the top of its head appears to have ears or horns."
A pause in the report is met with a scream from the reporter just barely audible over a loud, horrid roar. It's tone deep, volume loud, yet while it sounds rather intimidating, it also seems rather hoarse as well. As if the vocal cords of whatever was making the sound were strained, or perhaps damaged. Static briefly bursting from the report, before clearing again. The prior scream replaced with a loud crash of glass.
What sounds like a burst of flame can be heard, before a rush of wind follows, and a war cry from a feminine voice immediately after. The roar of the Dragon heard again seconds later, though what sounds akin to a gurggling is now present among it. The noise dragging on for a moment longer, waning, before a loud thud could be heard. Some kind of hissing starting, a shallow growl behind it, until a high pitch whine takes over that builds until a loud chime rings out.
-"It looks like…the Dragon has been defeated?"
The reporter speaks after a pause, some disbelief in their voice.
-"The being that was fighting the Dragon had just been thrown against the side of the building."
-"But they somehow stopped just before and stayed in the air as if on an invisible platform!"
-"Then a kind of light enveloped them, made them change their clothes, and somehow gave them a large sword."
-"They lunged at the Dragon, piercing its throat and flipping it over."
-"While the Dragon was trying to recover, they were again enveloped in light, their attire changed a second time, and their sword turned into a staff."
-"Then they cast some sort of spell, which pulsed outward from themselves and struck the Dragon. The Dragon now appears to be disintegrating."
-"They are descending from the Dragon."
-"They look like a Woman."
-"Long red hair."
The reporter's words are interrupted with a quick, soft gasp. Then a whispered...
The audio stops, either cut off entirely or merely paused, some ruffing able to be heard through the door. Hotaru, once again, taking an unecessary breath as she adjusts her stance. Crossing her arms before the sigh that follows this one, just as it had the last. Her foot starting to lightly tap against the wood floor of the home.
"I've frequented the Mythos communities nearby, and in Tokyo itself, throughout this past month. None have reported hostilities towards them from Humans, neither those of the common people or the few who have been aware of us already. Some have been experiencing an increase in Human visiters who have been genuinely curious, but they've been few and far between." Taking a brief pause, ceasing her bouncing foot and shifting her weight.
"The Elves appear to be a aggited, but that's mostly just their old ways, spouting nonsense about how we can't disturb the balance of the world and what not. Elders of various Species have been working to help prepare the Mythos community for the possibility of becoming more entangled with Humanity, both the good and bad outcomes of such. Not to mention that there's been no sign of anyone searching for Kitsunes with intent to harm them, nor has anything attempted to enter the Shrine Lands that isn't supposed to be here."
As her voice stops, silence falls again. The ocassional breath beyond the door or shift of fabric being the only sound to break the pause that starts to hang in the air. Joined a few seconds later by the tapping of claws against wood, and a soft and curious cry of "-sol?" Emerald eyes drawn to look to her side where Hotaru sees Tsuki, the Absol Kyuushi had caught and brought back to the Shrine Lands, standing at her side. His red eyes looking back at her, their gazes meeting for a moment.
Clearing her throat, Hotaru squats down next to the Pokemon, reaching a hand over to gently stroke through the fur mane around it's neck a bit. "We all miss you, Lady Kyuushi. Us here in the Shrine Lands, and those in the Mythos communities that know you. Not to forget how much your Lovers across other Realms might be missing you. Plus, it's likely that the Sovreign of Dawn has recovered your Mother's White Whistle by now, don't you think?"
Silence, again, though for a much shorter period of time now before shifting sheets again. The soft creak of wood, and a series of steps approaching the door. A familiar sliding of cushioning material against wood as the door is slid open, Kyuushi stepping through in her full humanoid form. Blue gradient sections of skin, long dark claws, tall horns, furred ears, collective tail hanging just above the floor. Bags under black sclera eyes, ocean blue irises rimmed by the faintest bit of piercing yellow, tired, full of worry, hints of fear and uncertainty, but a touch of renewed determination.
Though an odd moment falls where the Kitsune simply just... stands there, taking slow and deep breaths, not saying anything or looking to the two in the hall. Until, finally, she turns her gaze to them and inhales to speak.
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"I'm going to bathe. Bring a change of clothes, my delving gear, Perditor, and the stored vials of my blood."
Short, direct, commanding, but it was better than silence. It got a small smile across the Doll's face, and the Absol trotting over to nuzzle against her leg with a wag of it's curved tail. An action which was met by the Kitsune easing down a little to pet the top of it's head, before she stands again and steps past and through the hall filled with her vast collection of foreign Realm objects toward the foyer. Trodding straight through and to the front door, which she slides open, stepping outside onto the veranda and taking a deep breath under the sunlight.
Raising her hands, she clasps them together and reaches them high above her head as she stretches with a groan. Some joints popping, a bit of chittering rumbling from her throat amid the groan of effort, her tails separating and splaying out behind her as their fur puffs out. A shake rattling her entire form, then a deep sigh as she lets her body relax again.
Beside her, during all this, Kage had sat up from where he was rested against the wall. The Zoroark lifting it's head, excitement making it's tail flail, before it releases a howl that echoes through the Shrine Lands. Almost as if signalling her return, to which movement starts to take life across the landscape.
The sands of the beach shifting and rising, falling away to reveal Blu, the massive Garchomp, who stomps over and happily greets her trainer. Flapping metal wings following shortly after as Ser, Kyuushi's Corviknight, lands atop Blu's hammerhead and caws out with a flare of it's wings. Stepping down from the veranda, the Kitsune takes a moment to greet both of them, or at least she was about to when a burst of movement slams into her, almost knocking her over completely. The source of which now wrapped around her, giggling, and lifting it's bright pink eyes up to look at her.
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"Friend Kyuushi! Friend Kyuushi! Axel happy to see Friend Kyuushi!"
Ever the giant ball of energy and happiness, it was almost contagious. A smile starting to curl the Kitsune's lips as she wraps one arm around him, raising her other hand to pet the top of his head. The attention quickly getting his head lifting to press into her touch like a cat or dog.
"Yes, Axel, it's good to see you again too my adorable little friend." She returns the energetic greeting with a warm, affectionate tone. Not even getting to set the Chimera down before she's approached by others. Saku flying over to nuzzle her cheek, Zip and Puff bounding over to her feet, Kit gekkering from the edge of the roof above. She could even smell and sense Artig nearby, though a quick glance around wouldn't grant visual on the odd Feline being.
"Thank you for checking on me, everyone, I'm fine, and I'll recover before too long. My mind's just been a mess for a while with everything that happened." She speaks to the group that had gathered around her, easing Axel down to the white sands as she does. "Mind waiting a little longer for me, everyone? I want to clean up then I have some business to wrap up before I get back to work."
Those around her give nods and noises of acknowledgement, though it's only now that she really notices one hasn't greeted her yet. Takibi, her Quilava, wasn't anywhere to be seen, nor did she smell or sense them in the vicinity. First to cross her mind was that, perhaps, they were in the Sanctuary with the others from their Realm. Nothing had been brought to attention to make her consider anything had happened to Takibi, so for now she decided to let them be and focus on her business.
A bit more short interaction with other residents of the Shrine lands, a brief walk along the river that fed into the lake around the Grand Tori, and Kyuushi arrived at the pristine waterfall. It's chill waters felt fantastic on her sore, stiff body as she stood beneath it. The magickal aspects the waters of the Shrine Lands had been blessed with were quick to work on her body, easing built up tension and losening tightened joints. Of course it wouldn't be as thorough at loosening her up as a proper massage, but maybe she could venture to the Gegenees Masseuse after she returns from the Ido Front.
It would be a short while after that the Doll would eventually approach. Perditor slung over her shoulder, a set of simple clothing on one arm, her delving gear on the other, and a small container carried by an ethereal hand of emerald energy. A small bow of the head as their eyes met, before Hotaru would await her Lady's exit from the waters. She wouldn't even be two steps out of the river before being engulfed by blue flames as she takes her true form. Trotting over toward her companion in such Feral form, before being enveloped again and emerging in her humanoid state once more, dried of the water that had been clinging to her body just seconds prior.
A mere two minutes would pass as the Kitsune dressed, swiftly donning her equipment and receiving her Artifact from Hotaru. She had a meeting to get to that, by this point, was likely long overdue. Enough time had been wasted, and she didn't want any more to pass unnecessarily. Collecting the container from Hotaru last, once everything was set in it's place and secured, she opens it briefly to check on the contents. Five sealed vials of bright, flowing, Kitsune blood. Sealing the case again, she stores it away safely, gives the Doll her thanks, and in a blur of motion darts for the Tori.
Those still gathered in front of the home atop the white sand beach don't even have a proper moment to glimpse their host leaping from the edge of the crater. One swift blur of red dashing toward and through the Grand Tori Gate and vanishing with a gust of wind as she passes through.
Meanwhile, for the Kitsune herself, it's all a rush of color. An exciting rush, but a rush nonetheless. The familiar shades of her home, her companions, then the brief endless expanse of all existence. Seconds after, a setting sun over the edge of the crater that the grand city of Orth had been built within. The sky a beautiful mix of oranges, reds, blues, and the faint beginnings of deep dark shades of the coming night sky in this Realm.
She doesn't even stop to take in the familiar, beautiful view, however. Not bothering to watch for anyone who may be watching the entrance of the Abyss in this moment, she launches herself out and over the center of the pit and eases herself into a dive down to it's depths. Passing straight through the layer of clouds that obscurs it's entrance into the first layer. Passing straight through in seconds, into the Abyss proper, all coated with countless layers of subtle, thin, colorless, gossamer like haze to her eyes now.
Down, slipping through hundreds, thousands of the gossamer sheets that were the curse of this place. Surging past the vast hill scapes, cliffs, and forests that lined the expanse that was the Edge of the Abyss. Passing into the inverted massive trees that hang from beneath the first layer that makes up the second, the Forest of Temptation. Plummeting past their canopies to the entrance of the grand chasm that was the third layer, the Great Fault. She can already spot a Crimson Splitjaw flying about, even at the distance she was, but she wasn't about to let it halt her descent.
Though she wasn't about to waste a use of Perditor's Arrow of Light, not on something that, at the moment, felt so trivial. Waiting as she continued to speed down through the vast pit, drawing closer and closer to the beast. By the time it notices her, she would already be too close for it to intercept her if it were to head straight for her. If the Beast wanted to chase her, it'd have to let gravity take it much like she was doing.
Sure enough, it would do just as she expected. Immediately twisting it's thick, serpentine body into a downward angle and surging down. It's added weight and the aerodynamic aspects of it's form would grant it the speed needed for it to not only keep pace, but make enough room between itself and it's supposed prey. After a moment longer of it's downward trajectory being able to turn and begin up towards Kyuushi, opening it's large maw with a loud hiss.
She would meet such a frontal assault with a shift of her tails, the nine furred appendages curling, stretching, and sliding down along her form to envelop herself. Surrounding her body, they twist and mold to her form, stiffening as their tips meet past her head. Their formation taken and the grooves along them starting to spin the now encased Kitsune rapidly as the air catches.
A slight adjustment to her overall form would set her path ever so slightly off from the Crimson Splitjaw. Combined with the rapid rotations and the speed of her descent against it, the beast would be met with a swift, brutal impact. The point formed by her stiffened tails catching the side of it's open maw, and carving through it to push past along the side of it's long body and shoot past to continue down.
The beast, crying out in pain and frustration, though unable to properly attempt to correct and follow. Disoriented from the hit, it can only veer off and crash into one of the cavern openings in the cylindrical wall of the chasm. Kyuushi, hearing the sound of it's impact quickly getting quieter behind, quickly flares her tails out around her. Knowing the speed she was going, and the shape of the descent path through the Abyss, the fourth layer would demand she slows herself.
Letting her tails puff out as much as they can, it works to create more drag and slow her a fair bit. Not by much given her speed and the less than proper method she was using, but it was more than enough for her to flip herself head over foot. Calling upon the Magicks her Kitsune blood granted her, the soles of her shoes start catching on an unseen surface as they alight with blue embers.
Utilizing her air-walk, she adjusts the angle of her feet, slowly easing herself out of the downward descent into more of an angled path just as she exits the grand chasm. Steam from the warm, constant shifting waters of The Goblets of Giants greeting her instantly felt pleasant to her skin. She would adjust her angle, continuing her angled descent for the moment and let her eyes wander to take in the landscape below.
With the nature of this layer, the placement of everything was never the same between visits. At least not this high up in the layer. The formations that made up the 'goblets' were always collapsing as others grew in around or below them, thus the initial entry would always shift and change. The land below, however, as the Abyss would begin to adjust and curve toward the fifth Layer, was thankfully fixed in it's placement and formation. Offering a vast contrast between the two that, at times, was a little baffling to see the two extremes in the same space.
Just another reason Kyuushi loved this Realm, loved the Abyss, despite all it's dangers and the life-threatening conditions she had to contend with. It felt rather freeing, returning here after having been away for so long, and with the Abyss blessing no less. The way the gossamer cover of the curse was constantly in flux, shifting this way and that, opening up in some places while others closed off, she could truly travel this place much more freely now than she could before.
She would have to remind herself she wasn't here for such a thing, a short shake of her head and focussing her mind back to her task. Scanning for any threats, thankfully no Orb Piercers were in sight, allowing her to turn her gaze to pinpointing a path down through the Goblets. Finally easing to a stop mid air after a moment longer, the Goblets a mere hundred feet or so below, her movement changes into a series of leaps. Lunging forward and down bit by bit, catching herself in the air upon more ethereal embers, then launching again.
Dipping down past the edge of one Goblet, she catches herself just above the waters of another. Doubling back to slip between the edge of this new one and the underside of the prior, where she can drop for a bit before having to stop again. Darting over a smaller Goblet, past a waterfall that feeds into it from one above, she finds another opening to drop through that gets her past the Goblets' caps.
Finally letting herself land proper, her feet meet one of the support structures for a Goblet. One that curves off and around, under others, which she follows for the moment. Descending more casually now, through still at a sprint, until her path is intersected by another support. Here she leaps onto the new one, following it briefly before letting herself drop to another that's further down. One after another, down further and further through the maze of growth, the solid ground below growing closer and closer by the minute.
Until, finally, her feet set down on dirt once more. Dark, thick dirt which puffs into the air ever so slightly on impact. Her coat and tails easing down around her, a hand rising to adjust her hat and ensure it secure atop her head before checking on her Artifact still set o'er her shoulder. A satisfied nod, a little proud of herself for such a swift descent, even though she had more to travel still.
Though, with her location in mind, she did wish to take this leg a little slower. To check in on a specific part of this layer, and to inspect it's condition. Thus she would begin this last leg of her trek, through a few caves, down a cliff, past a few ponds, then through a small forest to a vast hillscape which granted a vast view. Rolling hills along the ground before her in a slight decline. The Goblet supports in the distance rising above, waterfalls pouring down from the caps, steam filling the air lightly.
Most still scorched, dead from the Sovreign of Dawn's method of exterminating an infestation. Though she could spot a few scant spots here and there, smell them even, where greenery was starting to return to the landscape. No sign of the flowers that once decorated it so beautifully, sadly, but she could still take comfort in knowing the land was recovering. If there was anything she was sure of with the Abyss, it would be that it was capable of a great many things.
With her curiosity satisfied, and a bit of hope improving her mood, Kyuushi would launch herself over the hillscape to get to the remaining descent proper. Dirt becoming pale sands, the light of the landscape prior fading away and darkening as the walls of the abyss close off over head. The sounds of life and rushing water fading into the background as silence starts to take hold. The Ido Front, dark, cold, still imposing in the distance even with the large section of it missing, ever present in the distance at water's edge.
Instead of crossing the sands directly, knowing full well the dangers that were present in this place, she would tread across the air just a foot above. Not dedicating herself to a full sprint this time, but still pressing onward quickly wishing to be done with this deal and to return home. There was still so much for her to do, after all, the sooner she could get back to it all the better.
Just a few minutes would be all that passed before she was approaching what acted as the entrance to the ruined Ido Front. Having spotted one of Bondrewd's Hands on her path, despite it's attempts to avoid her, she wasn't surprised one bit to see the White Whistle himself standing in wait to greet her. Stepping just out from the entry and putting his hands forward and out in a familiar, excited gesture.
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"Ah~ Lady Kyuushi, how splended it is to see you again! It has been quite some time, you are alright I hope?" He bellows out in his usual grand tone, with only the faintest hint of actual concern.
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"Don't try and make it seem like you were actually worried about me, Bondrewd. We both know you merely wanted the samples of my blood now that I've adapted." Shot back quickly, almost coldly, even with how good a mood she was currently in.
"My my, rather blunt and direct don't you think? It is true that I have been anticipating this delivery, but to think I wouldn't be worried about whether such a marvelous being such as yourself was in good condition? I would so love to run a great number of experiments on you, and I could only do so if you were alive..."
Silence falls between them for a few seconds. The helmeted man seeming to freeze in place, while Kyuushi's eyes narrow and her tails puff, readying herself for some kind of assault. Thankfully, such would prove to be unnecessary. The Sovreign of Dawn moving one gauntletted hand behind his back into his signature stance, while his other rises as if giving a signal.
One of his Hands, the assistants that aid his work, stepping forward from the shadowed hallway that was past the entrance. His hands cupped together in front of himself, an object wrapped in cloth set in his hold. Walking out past his leader, he makes his way to stand before Kyuushi, holding out the object for her.
With a bit of caution, the Kitsune moves a hand to pull the cloth from it's folded state to see the item beneath. Sure enough, as promised, a White Whistle. Some small chips here and there, but a little surprisingly clean. Likely cleaned by one of the Hands on Bondrewd's order so it would be in good condition for when she came to claim it. Intricate carving and detailing giving it an appearance akin to a sakura bud right on the verge of blooming.
The sight of it causes her mind to flash back to her memory of her true first visit to this Realm. To being a young, curious Kit, only barely having learned to take Human form a year prior, being lead through the Torri and exiting into a vast cavern. Impossibly lit, it's landscape twisting, turning, and dipping wildly, it's plant life vibrant and countless ruins of buildings long abandoned everywhere. Of course, the vast array of wild life that existed too. Including the tall, almost giraffe like Turbinid Dragon that attacked her and her Mother...
Such was the last time her eyes saw this treasure of her Mother's. To see it here, now, was almost magical. So much so that her vision began to blur as her chest grew tight, tears welling in her eyes. A few blinks to let what was present loose, she would ever so gently take the whistle in hand. Immediately able to feel the power that seemed to vibrate in it, and the odd gentle warmth that it seemed to inherently emit, even now all these decades later.
Bringing it to her chest, she clung to it a moment in silence. Taking a deep breath to gather herself and calm her emotions. Letting one hand free so she could retrieve the case with the blood samples promised, replacing the Whistle's place in the man's hands with the case. Taking a second to look up to his helmeted head, give a small but genuine smile, and bow a little to him.
"Thank you so much for taking such good care of it."
The Hand doesn't speak in response, but returns the slight bow of the head in both acceptance of her gratitude, and reciprocation for what was provided in return. Gently securing the case in his grasp before he turns to return to the interior of the Ido Front, continuing down the hall likely to whatever labratory room the Sovreign wished.
Bondrewd himself, still remaining in his spot, would bring his hands in front of himself again. Clapping them together once, and bowing forward a bit himself.
"Marvelous. A deal fulfilled on both sides, without any harm or destruction. A Mother's treasure returned to her Daughter, and samples for tests provided. I will sorely miss your visits, Lady Kyuushi, but I will forever appreciate your generous donations. I do hope we will meet again."
She can practically feel his thirst for whatever experiments were rushing through his mind in his voice. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to be snarky, not right now, not with what had just been done for her. Kyuushi, instead, takes a quick breath before bowing in return.
"And I thank you greatly for agreeing to utilize your resources to recover this for me. I won't forget this good will, but please do still refrain from trying to pull anything with me. I may visit again in the future, if anything else comes up. Otherwise, your Hands might see me around. Goodbye, Sovreign of Dawn."
The masked head bows again after her words, an action she reciprocates this one last time. Watching him turn, folding his arms behind his back as he disappears into the darkness of the Ido Front's interior. Vanishing into the shadows, such a fitting way for him to make his exit. Much like the star speckled and nebula riddled expanse that was her path home as, with none watching her, she calls upon the Grand Tori and takes a simple step backward.
Her next step lands upon those familiar ethereal embers, just above the sparkling waters of the lake that surrounded the Tori Gate. Taking in a breath of the familiar, comfortable, safe air of her home, then looking down to the whistle in her grasp again. Finally letting the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth take form across her face.
Turning to begin her return to shore, to the white beach that was the foundation of her home. Her gathered companions had dispersed, mostly. Tsuki and Kage cuddled up together on the veranda by the door, their heads rising as they notice her return. Hotaru, kneeling opposite from them by the door, who's head rises and her eyes scan Kyuushi. Quickly taking note of the whistle in her grasp, to which a smile of her own takes hold. Blu, the massive beast she was, laid across the sand just in front, though it would appear she was asleep given the loud snoring rumbling from it.
A small, gentle jump would carry Kyuushi up, over, and past Blu's slumbering mass and onto the small walkway directly. Stepping over to the Doll as she rises, Hoshi's fluffy white head poking out from the collar of her top, she holds the recovered treasure forth for them to see.
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"A beautiful treasure, Lady Kyuushi, it makes me happy to see it returned home. I'm certain your mother cherished it greatly, and is happy to know it has been recovered." Her tone soft, genuine, caring. She knew such topic was sensitive, but she was also aware of how accurate such a thought surely was. Even if she hadn't met the Matron herself, from what she had been tld of her, she felt she understood well enough with what she had been told of her.
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"Yes... I'm sure she would be overjoyed... I can remember how down she seemed to be back when she first lost it. Happy that I was safe and secure considering the dangers that had presented themselves, of course, but I could tell there was something off for a while after. I'm certain they held on the best they could all this time for her sake, considering how warm it still is to the touch."
Hotaru, taking a moment to allow silence to fall as they simply just... take in this moment briefly. Easing a hand up to gently close Kyuushi's around the whistle, holding it over the Kitsune's. Looking up to meet her eyes again in a silent expression of understanding and relief before opening her mouth a second later to speak again.
"While you were in the Realm of Orth, I took the liberty of contacting Alexis to schedule a massage for you for tomorrow. I figured your bath earler wouldn't have been enough to recover from your isolation entirely. I also spoke with others of the Mythos community in the area, and none have reported anything wrong or off since the event. No issues with Humans, or Gods, still. I have heard some talk of an Oni of deep blue asking around about you, however. He apparently seemed excited by what you had done."
"Do you think anyone told him about me?"
"Those who I spoke to mentioned they did not tell him anything he didn't already seem to know. Which, one mentioned, seemed to be quite a bit, despite his time away from you."
"Not entirely surprising, given what little of his past I do know." A brief snicker from the Kitsune. "I'm just glad to hear he's still okay. To know he's so close is nice too, I will admit, but just knowing he's still active is good enough... I can't let him down by falling behind on projects we have going."
"Might I suggest checking in on The Sanctuary, then? Someone's been leading the construction efforts when I've not been present, and they'd be quite happy to see you after so long. Though he may look a bit different." A small smirk crossing the Doll's face.
The suggestion got a brow to rise above the Kitsune's eyes in interest, a bit of curious excitement spurring her collective tail to start swinging about behind her. "I will do just that, thank you, Hotaru."
Before she moves to leave again, Kyuushi takes a moment to hug her companion. A gesture that's reciprocated happily as the two take a moment to simply enjoy the embrace, and turn their minds forward to whatever would come next. Easing away from one another, though still holding on, they share a short look of renewed confidince and determination.
After which, they part and begin about their separate business. Kyuushi setting into a quicker pace across the veranda then down to the sands to head uphill to the pagoda past the shrine. Hotaru stepping aside before vanishing, entering her Pocket Dimension to work on some things herself.
Pacing up the stone-step-covered hill, approaching the shrine atop it, Kyuushi eases her pace a little. Turning her gaze to the shrine itself, a small smile and a soft sigh escaping her. "Things are changing for the better, it seems, dear Ancestor. Perhaps you can watch it change through my eyes, seeing how they've got a hint of yours in them."
A small bow given in reverence to the Grand Kitsune of which she spoke to, a few seconds pause, before straightening herself to continue her path. A full turn awau from the shrine, then a light jog for the Pagoda and up it's small set of stairs into the structure proper. Immediately letting her eyes drift to her left, where the new podium had been installed a short while before everything happened.
A fairly simple podium, wooden, not secured to the floor so that it could be moved if needed. Atop which, however, sat a small shrine with it's doors open wide. Within, atop a small cushion, sits an orb of what appears to be glass with a green tint. Though, when looking at it, one would see that it is anything but opaque. A landscape visible within, though vastly smaller and yet so finely detailed. The sky above similarly visible, and the hints of a storm present in the form of dark clouds off to one side.
What catches her attention about it first is the change at the center of the landscape. She can't quite tell what exactly has happened, but at the very least she could see that a fairly sized clearing had been made in the forest at the center of the sprawling land. Reaching a hand forward to it, she concentrates on her connection to the pocket space to grant herself entry.
When next her eyes open, sunlight shining on her from above now instead of being in the shaded pagoda, she's greeted by the sight of a great many uniquely colored Pokemon. Some are carrying supplies, others are lifting objects or holding them in place, a few are securing things together. Various buildings all being constructed, a small village of sorts almost completed around the entry point of the Sanctuary. All in an older, more traditional style similar to her home outside.
At her arrival, however, there are a number of the creatures who rushed over to greet her excitedly. A pair of Pichu, a Noctowl, a Teddiursa and it's Ursaring parent lumbering behind it, among others. Though it would be a moment before one in particular darted over, practically tackling the Woman with a hug. Immediately the scent and sense from the being was familiar to her, but as her gaze turned to take in the view of them, it was... a Typhlosion?
She reciprocated the embrace regardless, but she was admittedly confused for a second. Though seeing it's wildly happy expression at seeing her as it looked up, it finally clicked. "Takibi?" Asked with some excitement behind her voice as the new form began to make more sense to her. The Typhlosion, hearing it's name called, excitedly crying out and rapidly nodding it's head.
"Well well!" Amusedly responding to the confirmation, she gently breaks the embrace and moves herself and Takibi both to provide some space to allow her to look over his new form in full. "Look at you! So big and strong now, much different from the little Cyndaquil I saved! Plus I hear you've been leading the others in aiding the construction too, yeah?"
" 'Phlo'!" He starts to reply, going into a series of shouts and chatter that, thankfully because of the Magicks of the Kitsune species, Kyuushi could understand. Tell of how, at first, Hotaru had been leading the construction for entire days in a row. Of how, at first, it was only him and Kyuushi's prior caught Pokemon helping with the efforts. Though, after some time, he had started paying more attention to how the Doll was guiding everything, and learned how to read the blueprints provided bit by bit. Eventually starting to aid Hotaru, then taking over from time to time so she could return to other duties.
For Kyuushi's side of this exchange, she couldn't help but feel so much pride and appreciation for the Typhlosion. A wide smile crossing her face, her collective tail swinging about behind her, and excitement bubbling up within. Once he was finished, she would embrace Takibi again, firmly hugging the sepia toned Pokemon. "Thank you for putting in so much effort, Takibi. I'm sorry I locked myself away for so long."
A moment of the two taking in one another's presence again passes before they separate once more. The Kitsune setting a hand atop the Typhlosion's head and petting him a bit with some chuckling. "Now, how about you show me around?" After lifting it's head into her touch, the Fire Type happily cries out and nods it's head. Turning to begin guiding it's Trainer through the in-progress settlement and show off what was completed, and what was still needing to be done.
Kyuushi would be present for the rest of it now. At least, as much of it as she could with other things needing her attention still. Not to mention the many people she missed greatly.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/78znr4Q by wolfs_lover 電影「大開眼戒」、「烈火悍將」、「落日殺神」、「蝙蝠俠3」、「捍衛戰士」拉郎 分級:BL 限制級 時間軸:1999年聖誕節 配對:冰獨、克文克、方蝙比爾 (H:冰獨、克文、方蝙比爾、All比爾) 【登場人物】: 蝙蝠俠3>布魯斯‧韋恩 40歲 烈火悍將>克里斯‧希斯赫里 48歲 捍衛戰士>冰人 55歲、獨行俠 53歲 大開眼戒>比爾‧海爾弗德 38歲 落日殺神>文森 46歲 【備註】: (1)從前從前,有一個平行宇宙,在那裡,湯姆克魯斯和方基墨在電影裡的角色,用一種開心快樂又情色的方式和平地相處在一起。 (2)有年齡操作的冰獨。這是身體健康的阿冰剛成為太平洋艦隊總司令的時候。 (3)有年齡與時間軸操作的「烈火悍將」和「落日殺神」主線故事。私設:這兩部電影發生在同一個世界觀,克里斯在烈火電影結尾多年後成為殺手文森的老闆,在落日電影結尾把地鐵上負傷的文森撿回家休息。 (4)故事從電影「大開眼戒」派對上比爾被抓包,脫掉面具那場戲開始。眾人各自帶著不同的動機,出席了這場地下盛宴。 ◆前情提要 【大開眼戒】 比爾‧海爾弗德醫生半夜遊走,偷偷溜進了達官貴人的性愛轟趴,還被當眾抓獲是未經許可自己參加的。故事從他被派對主人紅衣主教要求脫掉衣服的場景開始。 ◆私設世界觀 【烈火悍將】電影結尾克里斯成功脫身,經歷幾年經營與耕耘,成為黑幫老大,旗下有許多殺手。 【落日殺神】是克里斯組織裡最強的殺手,經歷電影事件後在地鐵上奄奄一息,被老闆撿回照顧。 【蝙蝠俠3】總之蝙蝠俠要來打擊犯罪。來上班的。只是剛好遇到小醫生,就吃點小可愛補補身體。 Words: 18620, Chapters: 2/?, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: Top Gun (Movies), Heat (1995), Batman (Movies 1989-1997), Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Collateral (2004), Interview With the Vampire (Movie 1994), Tombstone (1993) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Chris Shiherlis, Vincent (Collateral), Bruce Wayne, William "Bill" Harford, Doc Holliday, Lestat de Lioncourt Relationships: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Chris Shiherlis/Vincent, Bruce Wayne/Dr. William "Bill" Harford, Doc Holiday/Lestat Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/78znr4Q
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cooking256 · 4 months
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味噌煮込みうどん 北陸の郷土料理
味噌煮込みうどんは、富山県を中心に食べられている郷土料理の一つです。具材としてうどんを使い、味噌ベースの濃厚なスープで煮込んだ料理です。富山県では、冬季に特に愛される温かい料理として知られています。 一般的な味噌煮込みうどんの作り方は次の通りです: 1. 具材の準備 豚肉や野菜(キャベツ、にんじん、玉ねぎなど)を適当な大きさに切ります。富山県の地域によって、具材のバリエーションは異なる場合があります。 2. 味噌ベースのスープの作成 味噌、出汁、醤油、みりんなどを使って味噌ベースのスープを作ります。地域によって、使われる味噌の種類や調味料は異なることがあります。 3. 煮込み うどんをスープに入れ、具材と一緒に煮込みます。野菜や豚肉の旨みがスープに移り、うどんがスープの味を吸収して、深い味わいを出します。 4. 仕上げ 野菜や肉が柔らかくなり、うどんがスープを吸収するまで煮込んだら、器に盛り付けます。最後に、お好みで刻みネギや天かす、唐辛子などをトッピングすることがあります。 味噌煮込みうどんは、濃厚でコクのある味噌スープが特徴で、野菜やうどんがスープの旨味をたっぷり吸い込んでいます。冬季に温かいスープとして親しまれ、富山県の地元の人々や観光客に愛されています。
Miso stew udon Local cuisine of Hokuriku
Miso nikomi udon is one of the local dishes eaten mainly in Toyama Prefecture. This dish uses udon noodles as an ingredient and is simmered in a rich miso-based soup. In Toyama Prefecture, it is known as a warm dish that is especially loved during the winter. A typical recipe for miso stewed udon is as follows: 1. Preparation of ingredients Cut pork and vegetables (cabbage, carrots, onions, etc.) into appropriate sizes. Depending on the region of Toyama Prefecture, variations of ingredients may vary. 2. Make miso-based soup Make miso-based soup using miso, dashi, soy sauce, mirin, etc. The type of miso and seasonings used may vary depending on the region. 3. Stew Add the udon noodles to the soup and simmer with the other ingredients. The flavor of the vegetables and pork transfers to the soup, and the udon noodles absorb the flavor of the soup, giving it a deep flavor. 4. Finishing Simmer until the vegetables and meat are tender and the udon noodles have absorbed the soup, then serve in a bowl. Finally, you may add toppings such as chopped green onions, tenkasu, or chili peppers to your liking. Miso Nikomi Udon is characterized by a rich and rich miso soup, and the vegetables and udon noodles soak up the flavor of the soup. It is popular as a hot soup during the winter and is loved by locals and tourists in Toyama Prefecture.
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kennak · 2 months
対策とセットで公開しろよボケがまずサンプルはhttps://www.neo-blood.co.jp/を見れば大体わかるこういう詐欺サイトにはひっかからないようにしようなで、対策見分け方としてはhttps://www.ccj.kokusen.go.jp/jri_sysi?page=sgSiteあたりが参考になる最初から騙されずに買わないのが一番いい。このサイトで予習すればだまされる率も減るだろうで残念ながら騙されてしまった場合。汎用的な対処法についてはhttps://www.ccj.kokusen.go.jp/chatbot_answer?page=mhuhn&ksi=creditの3.クレジットカード会社への相談についてを見ろ追記を見たが銀行振り込みの場合はhttps://www.ccj.kokusen.go.jp/chatbot_answer?page=mhuhn&ksi=paidが参考になるだろう。クレカ会社より早いかもしれないぞ警察行って被害届出して、銀行に行くだけだな。頑張れで、ここから↓は「クレジットカードで買い、決済も通ってしまった」かつ「商品が届かない」場合に限っての戦い方を書く理由は実際に俺(正確には家内)が受けた被害がそのタイプだからだまずは不正利用の可能性があるので、即刻カードを止めるそのときに、「チャージバックの手続きをしたいんだがどうすればいいか」も一緒に聞いておくあとからチャージバックの手続きを取ることになる※ちなみに最初に消費者センターに相談したが、最終的にはVISAにチャージバックを申し込むしかないので、消費者センターの出番はない。親身に相談には乗ってくれたが実効力は無かった。次にメールが返ってこないことを承知で以下のサイトのサンプルをベースにした「契約取り消し通知書」を、おそらくは贋サイトに設置されているお問い合わせ窓口のフォームやメアドに送るhttps://syouhisya.net/nettsuhan_torikeshitsuchi/A) 通常のバージョンを使うといい ※AとB間違えてたので訂正 すまんこれは相手に届けるのが目的ではなくその後の手続きをスムーズに進めるための材料づくりなので催告とかまでは要らないと思う どのみち内容証明郵便では送らない(そもそも送るための住所がダミーだし送っても意味ない)俺が送った実際のメールは下記 見ればわかるがAをベースにしているなお業者には名前と住所を知られてしまうことになるが、どうせ通販と思って買っているので向こうにはバレている通知書令和4年2月7日株式会社アクセサリー本舗 御中住所 ××県 ××××××××××××101氏名 ●●●●貴社の運営するサイトで購入した商品の売買契約の解除(取消)について私は、令和4年1月22日、貴社の運営するウェブサイト( https://trailover.top/ )において下記に挙げる商品を購入する旨の申込みを行い、同年1月22日、貴社サイトに記載されている要領に従って当該商品の購入代金として金8490円を支払いましたが、未だ貴社から購入した商品の送付を確認することができない状況です。つきましては、私は貴社と取り交わした当該売買契約を解除(又は取り消し)いたしますので、至急、お支払いした商品の購入代金および送料の合計金8490円を返金くださいますようお願い申し上げます。記1 x |||1列3段タイプのフラップチェスト (約)幅40cm■色:ホワイト・ナチュラル・ブラウン[ディスプレイラック マガジンラック ラック 壁面収納 見せる 本棚 木目 収納 キャビネット フラップ扉 お洒落 シンプル モダン 選べるカラー] (500028211) = 7,040円1 x お買い得品!携帯電話 スマートフォン用ネックストラップ idカード ネック ストラップ 首に掛ける十分な長さの丈夫なストラップはワンタッチで取り外し可能。安い 子供用、ガラケー|||モバイル ネックストラップ。スマホストラップ 首かけ型落下防止ロングストラップ。ワンタッチで外してスマホリングにも。旧携帯や社員証、IDカード入れ、パスケースにも。キッズ キッズ携帯 子供 iPhone エクスペリア (lqd_neckstrap01) = 200円カラー シルバー1 x お湯の上でもふってチャポチャポ、カラカラ!赤ちゃんの感覚を刺激するバストイ|||あす楽【munchkin マンチキン】ベビーバスボール (ピンク・ブルー)知育玩具 赤ちゃん 水遊び 水あそび お風呂遊び おもちゃ シャワー 出産祝い 誕生日 お祝い プレゼント ギフト (tymu11381) = 440円カラー カラーバリエーション ブルー1 x 冷凍ケーキ/パスキエ/マカロン/冷凍/|||ケーキ屋さんやカフェと同じ味わいをご家庭で! BRIOCHE PASQUIER[ブリオッシュ パスキエ]パスキエ マカロンコレクション(6種各2個)[冷凍のみ] 【3~4営業日以内に出荷】 (26461-1) = 810円以上で、これを1日1回、5日間ほど連続で送り、都度PCの時刻が入るようにしてスクショを取るか、お問い合わせフォームの場合は「入力して送信前に」PDF印刷しておく(お問い合わせフォームは所詮ダミーであり、送信するとテキストデータは闇に呑まれるだけなので)俺の場合はメールとフォームへの問い合わせを両方やって全部記録を残したさらに2週間程度待ち、いつまでも返信が無いしモノも送られてこないことを確認する駄目押しで最後通告をもう一通送ってもいいしつこく送っても返信が来ることは無いので限りなくしつこく行く こうすることで民事上の要件は十分満たすはずだどうせ向こうは日本の法律に従う気はないが念のためだほんで、そのスクショを手元にカード会社に連絡し、チャージバックの手続きを行うhttps://www.gladiator.jp/false-pretenses/2019/11/07/%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AC/既に停止のときに問い合わせしていて、チャージバックの手続きが分かっていたり、必要な書類が手元にある場合はその通りに進めるそうでなければ改めてクレジットカード会社の窓口に連絡して口頭で話せばチャージバックに必要な書類とか連絡先を教えてくれるだいたいは家に書類が届いてそれに返送する形になるかと思うあとは教えてもらったとおり/紙に書いてある通りに、クレジットカード会社にチャージバックの訴えをしこしこ書いていく要点としては①そもそも特定商取引法に基づく表記のない詐欺サイトであること②運営者の住所氏名がダミーであること③商品が届かないこと④商品が届かないことを理由に催告を再三行ったが返信が無いこと このとき、撮っておいたスクショやPDFを参考資料として添える 郵送の場合は印刷して同封する俺の場合は上記を述べたうえで、さらに余白に英訳した文も載せた理由は向こうの上司的な存在はVISAになるだろうからだ 意味があるかは知らんあとはVISAが頑張ってくれるので待つ、返金を確認して終わり俺の場合は3か月くらいかかったが詐欺師から無事金を取り返し、その金で焼肉を食ったたかだか8000円のためにどんだけ時間と手間をかけるんだという思いもあるが、泣き寝入りして詐欺師を儲けさせることは嫌だったので戦ったお前も泣き寝入りしてないでちゃんと戦え。詐欺師に儲けさせるな 「ボケが」について解説するたいした理由ではないが複数ある詐欺手法の拡散が目的という割には情報が無い これが一番でかい サイトを示すとお前が幇助とかになるのが怖いのかもしれないが、俺が貼ったまとめサイトみたいなのもあるし、スクショ撮ってもいいし https抜きで晒すとかやりようあるだろ 文脈付きで晒した実物に騙されたとか言ってお前を責めてくる奴がいるわけねえだろ、常識で考えろ んで対策もぶっちゃけ自分が取ってないから、見た人がどう行動するべきかも書いてないじゃん なんも情報ないから得られるもんがねー 注意喚起になってねーからそれ 結局泣き寝入りして詐欺師を儲からせてるくせに「Googleの責任」 チャージバックは調べたところ支払いを踏み倒す制度なので、チャージバックされればそのまま詐欺師への有効打になる 銀行口座の場合はも��と迅速にもっとヤバ���口座凍結という手段が取れる 口座凍結されたらまっとうな回復手段は無いらしい クリティカルヒットだ かように戦う方法はある やってないのはお前 (やってるならそのまま頑張れ、勝ったら報告しろよ) 戦って詐欺師から金をもぎ取り返してから他人の責任を問え微妙に間違った情報を書いている ベトナム人がどうとか商品がニッチだとかはぶっちゃけ本質ではない 差別はやめろ スクレイピングで吸い取ってるんだからお前だろうと誰だろうと何かニーズを満たす商品を乗せてるに決まってる 名前なんか適当に決めてるんだからどの国籍だってあり得る 判断基準はそういうのじゃなくて、トップレベルドメイン(.top, .shopとか)、特商法に基づく表記、住所氏名がダミー、値付けがおかしい、他の商品の説明が明らかにフリマサイトとか あとはまあ消費者センターのHPに全部載ってる 愚痴る前にちゃんと精査してから共有しろ 騙されて反省してます感が足りない 騙されたことはお前の落ち度 真摯に受け止め反省しろ 俺は騙されたの自分じゃなかったけど、もし自分が騙されたとしてもそこは反省して、それはそれとして戦ってたと思うよ 闘志が足りない https://i.imgur.com/1r7WKKL.jpeg
対策とセットで公開しろよボケが まずサンプルは https://www.neo-blood.co.jp/ を見..
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