xiakeponz · 3 months
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I just wanted to translate a lil' bit of this book I was reading, because I didn't realise just how many poems (in the case of this book, Tang dynasty poems) have been lost to the ravages of time, and what a miracle it is that we even have a 唐诗三百首 today. Short note from me about translation approach is at the end under the cut.
王晓磊 (六神磊磊) 著
ISBN: 978-7-5302-2250-8
The Cambrian Age of Tang Poems by Author Wang Xiaolei (ISBN: 978-7-5302-2250-8)
Chapter 1 
Do you know how fortunate you are to be able to read Tang poems today? 
我志在删述,垂辉映千春。- 李白
My ambition is as grand as when Confucius compiled The Book of Poems, so that the radiance of my poems may shine a thousand springs from now. 
At a time 400 years ago from the present day, during the Tianqi Era (1621-1628) of the Ming Dynasty, when Eunuch Wei Zhongxian’s (魏忠贤)authority could eclipse the heavens- 
In the Haiyan district of the Zhejiang Province, there was an old man who silently shed his official’s robes, and folded them neatly. This was a set of blue robes embroidered with white pheasants, signifying that he was a fifth-rank court official. 
Outside, someone yelled, “Official Hu, why haven’t you come out yet! We’re waiting to escort you to De Zhou so you can take up your post there!”
“Take up my post?” The old gentleman gave a small smile, then muttered to himself, “Goodbye,  court politics! I have long grown weary of you. I’m going back to my hometown, and spending the rest of my years completing a very important matter- to compile the most complete set of Tang poems, so that there will no longer be any left out, so that no longer will there be any lost to the ages, so that our descendents can read them all!”
Let us remember the name of this old gentleman: Hu Zhenheng (胡震亨). 
Perhaps it is very difficult for people of the present day to understand - wasn’t he just wanting to make a compilation of poems, was that really so difficult? Did he need to really go this hard? Actually, yes. Back in that time period, it really was that difficult.  During that time, there were no publishing companies, printing factories, libraries, or convenient search engines. If you wanted to look up a poem, you’d have to pore through countless scrolls, you may even need to  trek over mountains and cross rivers just to be able to make a copy - and even after all that, you may not even have been able to make that copy. 
If Ol’ Hu slacked off, and didn’t make this Tang poetry compilation, what would have happened? The answer to that is, that the consequences would have been very dire.
At that time, Tang poetry was already starting to go extinct just like how our flora and fauna species are going into mass extinction today. According to Hu Zhenheng’s estimations, at least half of all Tang poetry had already been lost. 
Perhaps you are thinking, how the hell does poetry just go missing? As long as the poet is good enough, as long as the poem is good enough, then wouldn’t such works just be passed down through the ages, and be able to endure, that way? 
It really doesn’t work like that. 
Let me ask you a very broad question: out of all of the Tang poems, which one is the best? Perhaps many people will respond, off the top of their heads, “A night of moonlit blossoms on the river in spring” (春江花月夜“). This poem is lauded as the “a singular page eclipses the entire Tang dynasty” poem of poems, after all. Well then, who is the author of this fine poem? Many of you readers can answer, Zhang Ruoxu(张若虚). 
This Mister Zhang has written such a great work, and has made such a great contribution to Tang Poetry. Well then, how many of his poems remain today? A hundred poems? Eighty? The answer will shock you - merely two of his poems remain today. 
The only reason “A night of moonlit blossoms on the river in spring” was able to be passed down to the present day, is really nothing more than a giant fluke. It was thanks to a very accidental opportunity, that when people in the Song dynasty were compiling a book of songs and ballads for their music bureau, they recorded this very poem by Zhang Ruoxu into the compilation, and enabled it to be passed down through the ages. 
Apart from two poems, all the other works created by Zhang Ruoxu in his lifetime, do not exist today. 
Now let me ask you another similar question: out of the pentasyllabic quatrain poems (五言绝句)in the Tang dynasty , which one is the best? Many will immediately respond, “Climbing White Stork Tower” (登鹳雀楼). Yes, the one which everyone recited as a child - the sun sets against the mountains, the yellow river flows into the sea” (白日依山尽,黄河入海流). Its author is recognised by most people as Wang Zhihuan (王之涣). 
So then, how many poems has the great poet Wang Zhihuan left behind? The answer will again flabbergast you as you read it: there are only six poems left behind, the rest are all gone. 
Within a thousand years, we do not know how many lines like “the sun sets against the mountains (白日依山尽)”, and “the tides of the ocean and the moon rise in tandem (海上明月共潮生)” have been lost to the ages forever. 
The misfortunes of our friends Wang Zhihuan and Zhang Ruoxu, were not mere happenstance. 
How many poems of Li Bai (李白)have lived on to see the light of today? The most pessimistic takes say that, about one-tenth of all his poems exist today. 
This great genius has been writing poetry all his life, so estimates of his total poem count sits at around five thousand to ten thousand poems. For every ten of his poems, we may never ever be able to read eight or nine of them. 
Before passing away, Li Bai had sorted out all of the drafts and writings he had made in his lifetime, and solemnly entrusted it all to his uncle (族叔), Li Yangbing (李阳冰), and asked that he compile them into volumes, so that it can be passed down through generations. Li Yangbing did not fail Li Bai’s wishes, and poured his heart into compiling the Thatched Cottage Anthologies (草堂集)of which there were ten scrolls … which then subsequently got lost to the ages in the Song Dynasty. 
Now let’s talk about Du Fu (杜甫)。Essentially all the poems written by this similarly great poet before the age of forty, have been lost to the ages. How long did Du Fu live? Until age fifty-eight. That is to say, that all the poems he wrote for most of his life, were all for nothing. 
Another big shot, Wang Wei, (王维)fared no better. During the Kaiyuan era alone (713-741) he wrote hundreds if not thousands of poems. By the end, less than one-tenth of the total remained. 
There are countless other examples. The early Tang poet, Song Zhiwen(宋之问)was big-name poet who established the foundations of regulated verse poetry. He had poetry volumes circulating during the Tang Dynasty, however the circulation still ended during the Jiajing era of the Ming dynasty, and was finally lost during the Wanli era. All twenty volumes of the writings of gifted female scholar-official, Shangguan Wan’er (上官婉儿), were entirely lost in the Song dynasty, and we only have thirty-two of her poems remaining today. 
The poetry volumes written by one of the “Elite Fours” of the early Tang dynasty, Wang Bo (王勃),the genius who famously wrote “the hues of twilight fall in line with the solitary flight of a wild mallard (落霞与孤鹜齐飞)”, were arduously able to survive for a few hundred years, however, come the Ming dynasty, they were all completely lost all the same. 
This is like saying that the complete works of Jing Yong (金庸)were all lost to the ages, and you would only be able to glean snippets and excerpts of his original writings from the column writings of Liushen Leilei (六神磊磊)to get your hit. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry. 
The great Meng Haoran (孟浩然) can be counted as lucky. Shortly after he passed away, there were already people making compilations of his poems. Even so, many of his creations have still been lost. There is also the great Li Shangyin (李商隐), who wrote “the silkworm spins silk even ‘til death (春蚕到死丝方尽)” and “our hearts are connected through a singular nexus (心有灵犀一点通)” , who personally compiled forty-odd scrolls of his writings, however, those have all been lost, and not a single volume remains. His poems have all been scrabbled together piece-by-piece, by those after his time. 
So, do you still think that those poems which have been lost to time, were lost purely because they were shoddy poems, of little worth, so no one wanted to remember them? Not at all. Even if they made a mark in their heyday, poems that are handed down will eventually be lost to time, all the same. 
People in the Tang dynasty have recorded, that of Li Bai’s CiFu (辞赋)poetry, the poems Dapeng Fu (大鹏赋)and Hongyou Fu (鸿猷赋)were incredibly marvelous, so much so that they even surpassed the calibre of writings of the big guardians of CiFu poetry from the previous generation, Sima Xiangru (司马相如) and Yang Xiong (杨雄). Fortunately, we can read Dapeng Fu today, but … where is Hongyou Fu? Sorry, it’s gone, lost forever to the ravages of time. 
Translator’s note:
There are many ways to do a translation, and this one is more for the vibes than for the “literal” translation - that is not to say it is inaccurate, but as someone who has translated for years from Japanese to English, or from time to time, Chinese to English (when I feel like it lol) I thought I’d state the purpose of this translation so you can get a sense of my choices here.  I am translating this very casually and more for speed / for fun, it is a very pulling-words-off-the-top-of-my-head translation than the other kind of translation I do where I sit there for hours milling over a singular word. A partial reason for why I can do this style of translation is because the prose of the book itself is very conversational and casual (I will tangentially note, this writing style is kind of controversial with the Author’s other works that discuss poetry, as some readers view it as “low-brow”, but for me, I like it. I think it makes the content very digestible and accessible to readers who are new to poetry). This translation is for my buddies in the poetry club, who are mainly diaspora and/or can read Chinese to any extent anyway (in particular, I want to thank the funny and great @fwoopersongs, for always being here to chat poem stuff and making me interested in the lives of the poets and the context surrounding the poetry rather than just the poems themselves).  As such, I will try to remember to include the Chinese characters for people’s names, so you can read it with the correct tones. I bought this book and started reading, and thought wow, this is cool, I want to share it. A lot of the Chinese terms here I’ve only thought about and experienced in Chinese, I don’t watch Mandarin-language shows with any subtitles, and I don’t typically experience other Chinese Media in English so I am not sure what the “standard” (if any) terms in English would be - it’s for the vibes, especially the parts where I am translating literal poetry. For example, the author pulls verses from poetry here to set the tone for the start of a chapter, so the goal of my translation here to make a translation that it conveys to the reader a reason why that verse was chosen, rather than the “perfect” way 千秋, 碧落,独倚 or a word like that is translated (or, for example, everyone let’s agree on a translation of the poem title 《春江花月夜》 - pain - lol). I do not think I can do any of these poetry translations justice, as poetry translations in any language is more like a feeling of the soul that you try to fit within the available confines of another language, hoping that the reader on the other side can experience something in their own individual way through your shared humanity rather than language alone. Also, I do have a lot of commentary and notes that I wanted to make but I might do that in a different place (maybe as footnotes) at another time, I don’t want to interrupt the flow of the reader by sticking my own comments everywhere.
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ae86distory · 6 years
(第五章)       中午起床后,两人又表现的好象普通朋友一般。我和他俩先后洗漱完毕。下楼去餐厅吃了点饭。餐桌上的他显得非常热情,时不时的给老婆还有我夹菜。老婆也总是偷偷地用自己的美目温柔地注视着他,眉梢上的春意依稀可见。弄得我郁闷不已,只能满头使劲吃饭。
      饭后我们回到了房间里。老婆把昨天买的衣服和鞋子拿到里屋换穿了起来。       等她换完出来,我和小夏的眼光都被她给吸引了过去。只见她一身宝蓝色的短袖紧身套裙,披肩的顺直长发,丰挺的Ru房将胸前的衣服高高顶起一座山峰,衬托出她那凹凸有质的婀娜身姿。白色的透明丝袜包裹着那双迷人的大腿,还有那双白色的高跟凉鞋穿在她的脚上也显得分外妖娆。她看着正在发呆注视她本人的我俩,嘴角含俏,轻轻对我说道:“小军,走了,我和你夏叔叔送你回学校吧。       妈妈也要回饭店去了。”“呃,对,小军,该回学校了。”小夏也清醒了过来对我说。“嗯”我答应了一声。三个人随即拿好东西离开了宾馆。       轿车驶离了宁奉市,朝县城的方向开着。路上两人依旧说说笑笑,只是因为我在的关系而没有表现得太过露骨。二个小时的路程很快过去,车开到了校轿车驶离了宁奉市,朝县城的方向开着。路上两人依旧说说笑笑,只是因为我在的关系而没有表现得太过露骨。二个小时的路程很快过去,车开到了校门口。       我拿了东西下了车,转身对小夏说了一句:“谢谢夏叔叔,再见。”他听了微笑着回道:“不客气小军。以后有什么东西你爸妈不给你买的就跟我说,我来买给你。”说完他从自己的包里拿了一张名片递给我后又说道:“拿着,这是我的名片。打电话或者到我公司找我都行。”我伸手接了过来,上面写着“兴业集团驻定沈县有限责任公司总经理夏天洪。”底下是他的通讯联络方式和公司地址。       “哎呀,夏总,这怎么好意思呢?昨天就已经太破费你了。小军,快还给你夏叔叔。”这时老婆的声音传来。见我要把名片递还给他,小夏连忙对我说道:       “小军,别听你妈的。快拿着。”接着又对老婆讲道:“沈老板,没事的。我看小军他挺好挺乖的,我很喜欢。以后我有时间也会督促他的学习。你就放心吧!”       老婆听了其绣美的脸庞再一次展开了笑颜。半是埋怨半是感谢地对他说:“夏总,你真是——嗨,那行吧。”说完又朝我讲:“小军,听到了吗?以后有学业上的问题没弄懂的就多请教请教夏叔叔。但不许你来问夏叔叔拿钱。明白了吗?”       “知道了。那我进去了妈。”我答应了一声就转身朝寝室走去。“这孩子!”       老婆无奈地低语了一下就对小夏说:“你等一下,我送他到寝室。”小夏大度地挥手说道:“没事儿。你先去送他吧!”       我和老婆两人一前一后的走到了我的寝室。里面室友们也都不在。她帮我整理了一下床铺,又给了我五百块钱,叫我买些自己喜欢吃的东西。说完这些她就跟我告别离开了寝室。我站在门口看着她艳丽的背影,决定再去看看他们会到什么地方去,就悄悄地跟了上去。刚走了一段,就见她拿出了手机打电话。接通后听见她对电话那头讲道:“小王,下午我还有些事情,可能要晚上七点左右过来。       有什么事情你打我电话吧。对,那先这样。“说完就挂上了电话径直往校门口走去。她口中的小王是她饭店的领班。我看了看手表,现在才三点不到。心里断定他们又要去偷情了。也就继续远远跟着。       到了校门口见她上车后轿车就往县城方向驶去。我赶紧跑到了学校边一家小卖部找了老板借了他的摩托车追上去。这家店老板和我很熟,我经常借他的摩托车去县城书店借小说看。他也习惯了并不在意。远远跟在车子的后面,我在心里祈祷他们千万别去小夏住的云飞小区。要是那样的话就看不到他们的活春宫图了。       车过了江南桥往县城中心地带开着。很快到了城里最高的建筑物—邮政大厦门口。       他们在停车场停好车,一起走进了大厦。我忽然想到他刚才给我的名片上写着得地址不就是邮政大厦吗?凌晨的时候老婆不是说过几天前在他的办公室给他Kou交过吗?看来他们下午就会在这儿偷情了。想到这儿我也就把摩托车停好,找了个小店买了包烟。打开抽了二根后才进了大厦。
()好看的txt电子书       进去上了电梯,到了名片上所写得十七楼。电梯门开了后我探头探脑地走进去,发现整层楼都是他们公司的。由于是周末前台没有人,于是又往前走。公司和前台连接地安全门虚掩着,我轻轻推开进到他们公司的办公区一瞧,也一个人没有。在向里面进发,见到最靠里的一间办公室门半开着,就轻轻地走了过去。       快到的时候就听见里面传来了说话声:“这儿真的没问题吗?待会儿不会有人来吧?”那是老婆的声音。她话刚说完小夏的说话声也传了出来:“没事儿,宝贝,今天星期天谁会来公司啊?”只听老婆继续道:“要不还是到你家去吧。       我总觉得这里不安全。”“别怕啊宝贝。你看不是有我在吗?再说在这儿Zuo爱多浪漫、多刺激啊!你说是不?”小夏说话的腔调开始变得轻佻起来。只听老婆“噗嗤”       一笑后说道:“有你在?我就是怕你这头大色狼!才过了半天又想要了。待会儿还不知道要怎么折腾我呢?”“不会,不会。我爱你还来不及怎么会折腾你呢宝贝?等会儿我会温柔地爱你的!”小夏对她淫荡地说着。       听到这儿,我把头伸了过去。看到小夏迫不及待地搂住了老婆那成熟性感的身子,嘴在她的脸上、脖子上不停地亲吻,双手在老婆身后把她的的裙子卷到了腰上,磨娑着她圆翘的玉臀。       老婆也正闭着眼睛,软绵绵地在他的怀里接受着他的抚摸,娇嫩软滑的香舌也任由他亲吻吮吸。他的手抚摸着滑溜溜的丝袜和肉乎乎的翘臀,胸前感受着老婆Ru房的柔软和丰满,下身已经涨得好象铁棒一样。       而老婆也感觉到了他的荫茎顶在自己小腹上的硬度,手不由得伸到了他的腿间,隔着裤子摸到了那根硬硬的家伙,轻轻的揉搓着。他连搂带抱地把老婆弄到了沙发边,她伸手去解自己套裙上的扣子,小夏这时抓住了她的手说:“宝贝,看你穿这件衣服我就受不了,穿着做吧!”       说完手从她解开一粒扣子的套裙领口处伸了进去,直接就握住了她的Ru房,老婆呻吟了一声,软在了他的怀里。他摸了一会儿,解开了套裙上边的扣子,只剩下下边的一个扣子。老婆的胸罩是白色的蕾丝花边式样,这时一对丰挺的Ru房已经全都跳到了胸罩的上面,白皙的Ru房上一对肉色透着黑紫的大|乳头此时已经硬硬的凸起来了。       这时见他从老婆的套裙下沿里面伸进了内裤,在她柔软的荫部揉搓着,老婆的双腿则微微地用力夹着他的手,轻轻的颤抖着,他的手指感觉到那里已经是又湿又滑了。老婆浑身就像过电了一样,更加软瘫在他的怀里。他立刻就把老婆脸朝下放到沙发上,将她的丝袜和内裤拉脱,挂在一只小腿下面,白白嫩嫩的臀部翘翘的挺着。他飞快地脱下衣服裤子,挺立着自己坚硬的荫茎,双手抱着老婆的臀部向上拉,老婆双手扶着沙发站了起来,用力挺腰让圆圆的的臀部翘起。小夏身子往前倾,坚硬的荫茎伴随着老婆双腿的软颤插进了她的身体里。       老婆的嘴唇咬住了几绺飘到嘴边散乱的长发,眼睛闭着,丰满的Ru房在胸前晃动。       伴随着他的抽插,老婆嗓子里按捺不住的淫叫声。他更加兴奋了,荫茎大力地在老婆湿润的荫道内抽送着。老婆也用下体紧紧的夹住他的荫茎,“吱吱”的水声在两个人交合的地方传出。他感觉有点忍不住的时候,就暂时停下将手伸到老婆身前揉摸她的丰|乳,隔一会儿又继续。这样几轮下来,老婆的呻吟已经有点肆无忌惮了:“啊——唉呀——哦——啊——老公——使劲——啊呀!”在棕色的皮质沙发上,老婆好象在游泳一样已经全部趴在了上面,双手向前伸着,宝蓝色的套裙也卷了起来,露出白嫩光滑的玉背。臀部高高的翘起,小夏那根粗大坚硬的荫茎大力的在她的身体里抽送着,湿漉漉的荫道则还在发出“吱吱”的摩擦声。       一小会儿后,他用双手把着老婆的胯部,用力地运动着坚硬的下身,感受着她柔软的肉壁的摩擦和温热,体会着这个成熟美艳的中年女子在自己身下的颤抖和呻吟。他“啊”地大吼一声射出了自己火烫地Jing液。伴随着他的She精,老婆的身体也在狂热的激|情下绽放,两腿并得紧紧的,丝袜和内裤挂在腿弯,娇嫩的玉趾在白色凉鞋里用力地蜷起,下身不停发出痉挛,一股股温热的液体冲击着他的荫茎。       两人维持着这个姿势一分钟后,小夏拔出湿漉漉的荫茎,一股|乳白色的Jing液混合着透明的Yin水从老婆那微微开启的荫唇中流出,顺着雪白的大腿向下淌去。       他赤裸着下身,走到摆放面巾纸的办公桌旁从中抽了几张出来后又来到老婆身边帮她仔细地擦拭着她的下体。他边擦边感慨得说道:“真舍不得你回去啊!”       “哎呀,人家人也给你了,你还想怎么样啊?”老婆喘着气的说道。“想怎么样?
      嘿嘿!       宝贝,我想好好和你玩上一整天!你说怎么样啊?“小夏擦完将纸巾扔进了垃圾桶后也斜躺在沙发上抱住她色迷迷地说着。”一整天?呵,还不得累死你啊!       “老婆微微喘息的嬉笑着。见他又俯身用嘴吸啃着她自己的|乳头,不禁又低吟了一声:“嗯——轻点嘛!”他吸了一会儿抬起头问:“怎么样啊?我的宝贝。”       “人家要回家的嘛!饭店又不能不管啊!”老婆娇声回答。“那这样吧我看,下星期我就把那八万块打到你的账户上。然后你去找那几个店面的房东把他们那儿给租下来。接下来就把你饭店和那几个店面打通重新装修,装修的人我来找,装修费用也走我们公司的账面。不用你自己来承担。接着饭店装修的日子里你找个你方便的日子就跟你老公说去省城采购新餐饮设备。然后我们一起去省城,那边我有一朋友是专门经营这个的。他还欠我们公司的钱,到时候我跟他打个招呼他肯定会给安排好的。这样我们不就有一整天的时间了吗?”小夏笑着对老婆说。       她没有立即回答,躺在那里想着。小夏见老婆不回答,又用手在她的身体游弋着。       一边催促着问道:“行不行啊?宝贝。”“那,那你为我用你们公司的钱办事。       你们集团上面派人来查账了你怎么办?“老婆到是为他考虑起来。”嗨!我还以为你担心什么呢!“小夏大喇喇道,接着他又说:”别担心,宝贝。我们集团下属每个公司都有这种事的。根本就没人因为这个而出事的。放心好了。“老婆听了把头埋进了他的胸口娇声柔气地说:”我是担心你嘛!要是你为我出事了我心里会不安的!“”只是不安呀!那我可是太伤心了!我可是为你贡献了自己的青春、热血。用我‘老二’里的精华来安抚你这个许久没有得到慰藉的、久旷的肉体和心灵——哎哟!“他正语带调侃地滔滔不绝时老婆在他的肩膀上咬了一口,咬完还忿忿地说道:”大坏蛋!油嘴滑舌!“看着她亦嗔亦臊地美丽容���,小夏的荫茎再次涨大起来。他低头吻住了老婆的朱唇,双手抚弄着她丰满的Ru房。       老婆也闭上了眼睛热情地回应着他。两人的舌头在对方的口腔里不停地翻滚着、搅动着、吸吮着。过了一会儿,小夏的舌头离开了老婆的嘴唇淫笑着对她说:”       我又要操你了。宝贝。“手已经摸着她光滑的大腿,一边向蜜|穴处探去。”大色狼!“老婆轻声啐道。却没有反对那双手,微微的叉开了双腿,让那双手去抚摸自己腿根处最柔软的地方。他拉着老婆的手,让她伸进去,摸他粗大的荫茎,老婆立刻握住了那热乎乎的东西,随后不由自主地帮他温柔地上下套动。他的手摸到了老婆湿热的阴门,她浑身一颤,手上紧了一下。此刻小夏在也按捺不住了。双手抱起了老婆的身子,她也顺从的把着小夏翘立着的荫茎,顶到了自己那里。       “啊”       一声轻叫,她已经坐到了小夏“啊”       一声轻叫,她已经坐到了小夏身上,一只小腿上还缠着卷起的丝袜和内裤,高跟的凉鞋在脚尖晃荡着。小夏则用自己的腰肢用力的向上顶着,一边顶一边把还挂在老婆玉颈之处的套裙和胸罩都脱了下来扔在一旁。她的身子软软地贴在小夏的身上,胸前的一对丰|乳随着他动作上下摩擦着他的胸膛。那根银白色的钻石吊坠也不住的跳动。只见她浑身不停的哆嗦,娇喘连连,下身紧紧地箍着他的荫茎。       小夏也被她那对圆润丰满的Ru房撩拨得“哦哦”直叫唤。干了有十多分钟,小夏停了下来,呼吸急促地说道:“宝贝,上那边去。”手指着办公桌旁的落地窗。       “啊?不要啦!坏蛋!那会有人看见的啦!”老婆抱着他的身体冲他撒娇并反对着。“没事儿,这里这么高,没人会看见的。”见老婆还要说什么,他也就不多解释,双手箍住她的腰肢,荫茎也没离开她的体内,猛得用力把她抱了起来一步步的走到落地窗前。“哎呀,坏蛋!色狼!流氓!放我下来!快放我下来!       被人看见了我怎么做人啊!”老婆羞臊地用手拍打着他的背部抗议道。刚想脱离他的身子,人就已经被他死死地顶到了落地窗的玻璃上。他的嘴探到了老婆的胸前,不停地在她的粉颈、Ru房和腋下吸吮、舔咬。一双手抬着她那修长滑嫩、没有丝毫赘肉的大腿,屁股不停的用力耸动。在他这样的攻击下老婆很快浑身充满了那种Zuo爱特有的酥麻的快感,一种火热的羞臊感,刺激感让她的身体再次发烫起来。       她的双腿又情不自禁的盘在了他的腰间,并叫喊着:“啊——啊——坏蛋——流氓——啊——老公——好舒服啊——爽死了——你真会弄啊!”小夏的额头留出了汗液,现在也极其兴奋的他“呼哧呼哧”的喘着气边干边朝老婆叫喊:
()免费电子书下载       “爽是吗?那要不要干一整天?要不要去省城?说!说啊!”“要——我要——给你干一天——给你——给你啊!”老婆白已经被弄得高潮迭起,下身一边紧紧的裹着他的荫茎,一边不断的分泌着高潮时的Yin水,嘴上肆无忌惮地回答着。       “好!好啊!不愧是我的女人!我的姐姐!我的老婆!我的宝贝啊!干你!我干你!干死你!”小夏的嘴也狂呼乱喊起来。老婆立刻回应道:“来啊——干死我吧——啊——啊!”她开始高潮,体内分泌出了自己淫液冲刷着小夏的Gui头。他感觉到了自己的荫茎被一股热流扫过,顿时觉得酥爽无比,随即精关大开。“扑哧扑哧”       朝老婆的子宫深处射去了他的子孙。两个人相互紧紧地搂着缓缓坐倒在落地窗前的地上喘着粗气。他用舌头舔舐着老婆香肩上流下的汗水。她娇慵无力的靠在他身上缓缓说:“天洪,别舔啦!这是人家的汗啊!”       只见他舔完后舌头在自己的嘴唇上绕了一圈,仿佛非常美味。咽了下去之后对老婆说:“这不是汗。这对我来说是最好的壮阳药!”“坏蛋!”老婆好似害羞般的躲进了他的怀抱里幽幽得说:“你也是我的补药!你知道吗天洪。人家都快被你给迷住了!我以前从不去酒吧的。那天也不知道你给我灌了什么迷魂汤就跟你去了。还跳那么下流的舞。       你想我都四十多了,去那里的都是你们这种年青人,现在想想都还脸红。       “”哎,宝贝。可别这幺说,你现在可是最有魅力的时候。你的成熟美丽、气质优雅可不是那些小姑娘能比拟的。有一句话就是形容你这样的女人。叫出门是贵妇,床上是荡妇。“小夏笑嘻嘻地说道。”讨厌!“老婆啐了他一句后又说:”       还有昨天半夜,人家本来不想跟你那样的。你死皮赖脸的要和我那样,我,我就顺了你了。       想想要是那时候我儿子醒来让他看见那可咋办啊!“小夏搂着老婆在她耳边说:”他不是没醒吗?没事的。像你儿子这年纪的小年青睡觉都很死。再说昨天他也累了,所以更加不会醒了。“说到这儿,他脸上又露出了淫荡的笑容问老婆:”你不是说蹦迪下流吗?那我们现在就来下流一把怎么样?“”又要干什么啊?       “老婆疑惑地问他。他不说话,先从饮水机里倒了两杯水,把其中一杯递给了老婆。       她喝了几口后就放在了桌上。看着他再走到办公桌前开启了电脑。然后打开了电脑音响,操作了一下音响里立刻就传来了激昂地迪斯科音乐。随着音乐节奏他浑身赤裸地晃动起来。到了老婆面前对她张扬地说道:“来,宝贝。先把衣服穿上,胸罩、内裤还有丝袜都穿上。然后让我们一起随着音乐舞动起来!”“又出歪主意!”说完老婆用自己的芊芊玉指点了一下他的额头。       从小腿处提上了自己的内裤穿好,又拉上了丝袜,接着拿起胸罩带好,扣上扣子,然后捡起了在地上的套裙慢慢地穿着。小夏跟着音乐节奏一直在晃动。但目光在边上注视着老婆的这些动作。等她终于穿带完毕的时候只听他大叫一声:“ONE—TWO——EVERYBODY—HEREWEGO!”他一下子跳到了老婆的面前依旧赤裸着摇晃起来。       他把头摇得好像要掉下来似的,老婆也跟着他摇晃起来。过了一会儿,一个奔放另类的摇滚乐在房间内响起。老婆也渐渐习惯了乐曲声开始恣意地让她自己扭腰送胯。她夸张地摆动着臀部,而光着身子的小夏由后面扶住了她的腰肢,用双手将她圆润的臀部拉向他自己,而老婆也主动配合他的动作,把圆圆的翘臀送了过去。       他紧紧拥住老婆的纤腰,用下身的那根荫茎研磨着她迷人的玉臀。忽然他用手掰开老婆的裙摆,触摸到里面的丝袜。老婆没有阻止他的动作,反而身子向前倾去,顺直的秀发随着头部的摆动而四处飘扬,诱人的臀部也正贴着他那根又缓缓变大的荫茎上下移动。他看着老婆如此诱惑,如此性感风骚的撩人动作。猛得一下就把正在自己手中抚弄着的丝袜给撕扯下一大块来,跪下自己的身子张嘴舔啃起老婆大腿。受到刺激的老婆“嘤咛”一声,双腿也跪了下来,长发落在了她耳朵的两侧。       这时小夏来到了老婆的身前,用手指钩住了她的下颚让她抬起了头。立刻一根粗硬的,泛着光泽的大荫茎呈现在老婆的面前。他淫邪地笑着,正对着老婆的头部一手撸动着自己的荫茎,另一只手则抓住她的后颈慢慢往前送。只见荫茎到了老婆鼻子跟前时一股淫糜地气味传来。熏得她一阵颤栗,脸色发红,嘴唇微张,伸出了自己娇嫩的香舌在他的Gui头处轻舔了一下。瞬间他舒服的浑身颤抖,把自己的荫茎紧紧贴在了老婆性感地嘴唇上。她也顺从地张开了嘴,把荫茎含了进去。       老婆那柔软的嘴唇慢慢的包进了圆圆的Gui头,她一边感受着硕大的Gui头在嘴里的那种肉感和鼓胀的滋味,一边用柔软嫩滑的舌头在Gui头上不断的转着圈子,时而用舌尖轻舔一下马眼,手柔柔的抚摸着他的阴囊。顿时让他感觉到舒爽无比,俯下身子去解她的套裙扣子。老婆对他的动作视而不见,继续用自己红润的嘴唇含着他粗壮的荫茎缓缓的前后套弄,一次次的向嘴里深入。终于他解开了套裙上面的三颗扣子,从衣襟里拽出了老婆的胸罩,单手握住了她的一只Ru房开始揉捏了起来,腰部不由自主地向前挺动着。一时间只听见房间里老婆她发出“唔唔唔”
      的吞吐声、呻吟声,脸颊更是通红一片。这样弄了一会儿,可能怕老婆跪在硬地上膝盖受不了。他就把老婆扶起来,让她半跪在沙发上,自己则侧身站在沙发的一边,继续让老婆为他Kou交。老婆卖力地为他吸吮着他的荫茎。手上也不闲着,在他的屁股缝上,将纤细的手指摩擦屁眼周围,弄得他“咝咝”倒吸着凉气。       双手也抱住她的头一下一下的抽送起来。这样又弄了有七八分钟,他从老婆口里抽出了荫茎。一边继续用手自己撸弄着一边喘着粗气问她:“宝贝。你的舌头真棒!       我快要射了!像上次在我这里一样行不?“老婆含羞带怨地看了他一眼回答道:”坏死了你!都被你这样了你还问什么啊!“低头又看了一眼自己罗衫半解,皱巴巴挂在自己胸前的紧身套裙后说:”待会儿出来的时候小心点。这衣服这么贵弄脏了就可惜了。“”来,伸出你诱人的舌头吧!舔我的马眼。对!对!好爽啊!“       他让老婆用舌头一下一下的舔舐着他的Gui头顶端马眼处,自己则用手快速的套弄着荫茎根部。只听他继续说道:“看着我宝贝。快看着我。对,目光再表现的淫荡一点。”老婆抬着头,眼神迷离,而又充满情欲看着他。香滑红嫩的舌头如灵蛇一般在他的马眼处游走。他看着老婆如此骚浪地样子,身体开始发抖了,左手猛得抓住老婆的秀发,让她的脸对准自己的荫茎,右手发疯一样撸着。老婆的双眼紧闭,等待着他的发射。只听见他语带癫狂的叫喊着:“宝贝!来了!我要射了!衣服吗?衣服弄脏再去买新的啊!我给你买!给你买新的啊!啊!!!”       一股白色的Jing液打在老婆的脸上,然后,又是一股,一股接着一股,接连喷射在了她的额头、鼻子、嘴唇、头颈、甚至胸口上。直到他长长的出了一口气,“哦!”       的一声然后一下子坐在沙发上,抱着老婆热烈地亲吻着。两人相拥在一起,彼此交换着口中的唾液和刚刚打在老婆脸和另外各处的Jing液。过了一会儿,他站起来去关掉了音乐。老婆拿起刚才没喝光的水漱了漱口后对他埋怨道:“坏蛋!       你又弄得我一身Jing液。待会儿怎么出去啊?”“嘿嘿,对不起啊我的宝贝。你不知道刚才你自己的表情有多么风骚。我都想射到你的嘴里了。”他坏坏地说道。       “哼!       得寸进尺的大色狼!“老婆忿忿不平地说着。接着又转了语气轻声说道:”天洪。“       你虽然还年青,身体也好。但这方面还是要节制。你瞧从昨天到现在我们一共七次了。总这样的话你还要工作,身体会吃不消的。“”嗯。谢谢宝贝这么关心我。       不过你放心,和你这么成熟而有魅力的女人在一起我每天都有使不完的力气。       “他笑着说道。不等老婆再说,他又神秘昔昔在老婆身边耳语:“就算被你榨干了我也愿意!”“讨厌!”老婆娇嗔道。“嘿嘿,我说宝贝老婆。那我们什么时候去省城啊?”他见老婆从袋子里拿出昨天出门时候的那套行头开始穿戴就问她。       她考虑了一会儿对他说:“下周肯定不行的。我儿子下周回家我得陪陪他。       等他回学校的那周在去吧。好吗?”“行的啊!我可是非常期待呦!宝贝!”他又色迷迷地说道。“你真是没救了!”老婆娇羞的对他说。眉角眼梢上还带着春意,看上去异常艳丽。       我见他俩准备着要出来了,就离开了那里,骑车回了学校。在路上我想着他们要去省城的事情,思绪纷乱。
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