#回乡偶书 poem
inmoonlightpoetry · 8 months
《回乡偶书》- 贺知章
回乡偶书, Impressions on Returning Home, by He Zhi Zhang 贺知章, translated with pinyin and vocabulary
huí xiāng ǒu shū – hè zhī zhāng (唐 – táng) 少小离家老大回, 乡音无改鬓毛衰。 儿童相见不相识, 笑问客从何处来。 PINYIN: Huí xiāng ǒu shū Shǎo xiǎo lí jiā lǎo dà huí, Xiāng yīn wú gǎi bìn máo cuī. ér tóng xiāng jiàn bù xiāng shí, Xiào wèn kè cóng hé chù lái. ENG: Impressions on Returning Home Young when I left home, old as I return, My dialect has not yet changed, but the hair on my temples is thinning. Children meet me not…
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
回乡偶书·其一 - Homecoming, random scribbles (½)
by 贺知章 (He Zhizhang, 655 - 744)
少小离家老大回 shǎo xiǎo lí jiā lǎo dà huí Youthful and young, I left home, returning aged and old,
乡音无改鬓毛衰 xiāng yīn wú gǎi bìn máo shuāi the sound of home in my voice unchanged, hair at my temples greyed.
儿童相见不相识, Értóng xiāng jiàn bù xiāngshí Children, when we met, did not know me;
笑问客从何处来 xiào wèn kè cóng hé chù lái smiling, they ask, “A guest! Whence do you come?”
回乡 is returning to your native home, to your hometown, and 偶书 is written by chance - like, had a thought and wrote it down. This could be a record of an encounter he had upon his return. It sounds very natural. It’s not trying to be a work of delicacy and Art, but instead just plain narration, a noting of his feelings and thoughts on being back in his hometown - there are familiar accents from memories of his younger days all around, accents just like his own. Only, he is hearing them now as an older man with greying hair. 
I think the knife in this poem comes from the last line. 
You’re a stranger in a familiar land. 
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fouryearsofshades · 2 years
回乡偶书( 其 一)
少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰, 儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来?
离别家乡岁月多,近来人事半消磨。 惟有门前镜湖水,春风不改旧时波。
HOME-COMING By He Zhizhang Translated by Xu Yuanchong
no. 1
Old, I return to the homeland while young, Thinner has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue. My [the] children, whom I meet, do not know am I. “Where are you from, dear sir?” they ask with beaming eye.
no. 2
Since I left my homeland, so many years has passed, So such has faded away and so little can last. Only in Mirror Lake before my very door The vernal wind still ripples the water as before.
He Zhizhang was a Chinese poet and scholar-official during the Tang Dynasty. He obtained the first place in the final official exam at a young age of 36, and have successful 50 years career as an official.  These two poems were written when he finally returned home when he asked for retirement at age 86 after almost died from disease. He died later that year. Unlike a lot of poets who have a terrible life, He Zhizhang was successful and famous when alive, and died during the peak of the Tang Dynasty, never had to see the weaken and deteriorating state of his country.
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fwoopersongs · 4 years
诗词 | Poetry
Poems that were not attributed to to being written within a specific year are dated with the lifespan of their writer. If the poet has neither a birth nor death date on record, the dynasty in which they were born will be used instead. All dates are sourced from baidu, 16Jan21 and earlier. 
Information on each poem is presented as such: 
Poet’s name in pinyin (Poet’s life and death / Dynasty, start and end) | 《Title of collection if any》 Poem title (date it was written, as provided by baidu) - Link to fwoopersongs translation post.
■ Commentary □ Accompanied by images
SHANG - QIN DYNASTY 【1600 - 206 BCE】
Unknown | 《诗经》郑风·子衿 (1000 - 600 BCE) - Shijing: Airs of the State of Zheng · His Collar □
Unknown | 《诗经》国风·郑风·山有扶苏 - Airs of the State of Zheng, Mountains Have Leaning Shrubs ■□
Qu Yuan (340 - 278 BC) |《楚辞》 渔父 - Songs of Chu: The Fisherman ■
HAN DYNASTY 【206 BCE - 220 CE】
Unknown | 白头吟 (202 - 8 BCE, Western Han Dynasty) - lament for a wish ■
Kong Rong (153 - 208) | 临终诗 (208) - last words ■□
THREE KINGDOMS 【220 - 265】
Cao Zhi (192 - 232) | 蝉赋 (220 - 226) - Ode to the Cicada 
TANG DYNASTY 【618 - 907】
Wang Wei (699 to 759) | 鹿柴 (742-756) - Deer Villa ■
Wang Wei (699 to 759) | 杂诗三首 (755 - 761) - miscellaneous poems three ■□
Li Bi (722 - 789) | 长歌行·天覆吾 - Long Song (Heaven is above)
Liu Yuxi (772 - 842)  | 八月十五日夜玩月 - Frolic ‘neath the moon on Mid-Autumn’s night ■
Zhang Jiuling (678 - 740) | 感遇十二首 (737) - sentiments on the road
Li Bai (701 - 762) | 大堤曲 - Song of the embankments
Li Bai (701 - 762) | 独坐敬亭山 (744) - Sitting alone on Mount. Jingting
Li Bai (701 - 762) | 侠客行 (744) - An Ode to Swordsmen ■□
He Zhizhang (655 - 744) | 回乡偶书·其一 (744) - Homecoming, random scribbles (½) ■
Li Bai (701 - 762) | 将进酒 (752) - An Invitation to Drink ■□
Li Ye (730 - 784) | 八至 - Eight Extremes
Du Fu (712 to 770) | 春望 (757) - The View in Spring
Zhang Wei (Tang Dynasty, 618 - 907) | 同王徵君湘中有怀 (758) - With Master Wang in Xiang Zhong, Speaking My Mind ■
Liu Changqing | 送灵澈上人 (761) - Seeing off Venerable Ling Che  □
Du Fu (712 to 770) | 春夜喜雨 (761) - Delight at rain on a Spring night ■
Xu Ning (800s, exact date unknown) | 庐山瀑布 - Mt Lu Waterfall □
Yuan Zhen (779 - 831) | 离思·其四 (809) - Thoughts on Parting (Part 4) ■□
Bai Juyi (772 - 846) | 暮江吟 (822) - Sunset over the river, a song ■□
Bai Juyi (772 - 846) | 问刘十九 (772 - 646) - A question for Mr Liu □
Jia Dao (779 - 843) | 寻隐者不遇 - Failing to Meet the Recluse ■
Wen Tingyun (~812 - 866) | 新添声杨柳枝词 - Newly Added Melody to Willow Branch Lyric ■
Wen Tingyun (~812 - 866) | 商山早行 (859) - Morning Departure from Mount Shang ■□
Unknown (Tang, Zhaozhong period, 867 - 904 ) | 三生石上旧精魂 - An Old Soul On the Stone of Three Lives ■
SONG DYNASTY  【960 - 1279】
Li Yu (937 - 978) | 浪淘沙令·帘外雨潺潺 (978) - Waves Washing the Sand (Ditty) · The Sound of Rain Beyond the Windows ■□
Li Yu (937 - 978) | 虞美人·春花秋月何时了 (978) - Lady Yu · Spring flowers, Autumn moon, oh when will they end? ■
Tang Hui (Southern Song Dynasty, 1127–1279) | 八声甘州·摘青梅荐酒 - Eight Melodies of Ganzhou (Pluck the plums to taste with wine) ■□
Lin Bu (967 - 1028) | 山园小梅二首 - Little Plum Blossoms of the Garden in the Mountain (2) ■□
Wang Qi Song (Song Dynasty, 960 - 1279) | 梅 - Plum Blossom ■
Liu Yong (Northern Song, 984 - 1053) 归朝欢·别岸扁舟三两只 - boats on the opposite shore ■
Qian Weiyan (977 - 1034) | 玉楼春·城上风光莺语乱 (1033 - 1034) - Above the city
Su Shi (1037 -1101) | 江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜记梦 (1075) - River Town Melody · A Dream on the 20th Day of the Second Month in the Year Yimao
Su Shi (1037 -1101) | 明月几时有 (1076) - When will the bright moon appear?
Su Shi (1037 -1101) | 定风波·莫听穿林打叶声 (1082) - Still the Wind and Waves • heed not the sound of rain in the forest
Su Shi (1037 -1101) | 题西林壁 (1084) - Written On this Wall in Xilin ■□
Li Zhiyi (1048 to 1117) | 卜算子·我住长江头 (1102 - 1117) - Song of Divination · I live at the Long River’s head ■□
Li Qingzhao (1084 - 1155) | 如梦令·昨夜雨疏风骤 - Song of a Dream
Li Qingzhao (1084 - 1155) | 一剪梅·红藕香残玉簟秋 - plum blossom cutting · red lotuses linger in remnants of fragrance ■□
Li Qingzhao (1084 - 1155) | 满庭芳·小阁藏春 - The Little Courtyard Hides Spring ■□ 
Xin Qiji (1140 to 1207) | 青玉案·元夕- Green Jadeite Platter · Fifteenth Day of New Year ■□
Lu You (1125 to 1210) | 己酉元日 (1189) - First Day of Ji-You ■
Lu You (1125 - 1209) | Cat Poetry Collection - Lu You and His Cats □
Shi Xinghai  (1224 - ?) | 送清上人归苕溪 - Seeing off Venerable Qing  ■
JIN DYNASTY 【1115 - 1234】
Wang Liangchen (? - 1218) | 九月七日饮 - seventh day of the ninth month, drinking □
YUAN DYNASTY  【1271 - 1368】
Wang Mian (1310 - 1359) | 徐竹隐 - Seclusion in the Bamboo Forest
MING DYNASTY  【1368 - 1644】
Li Zhishi (Ming Dynasty, 1368 - 1644) | 为何凝生 题十九首其十二 · 浣月池 - for what were we born 2/19 · Moonwash Pool ■
Wang Guangyang (? - 1379) | 画虎 - Tiger painting
QING DYNASTY 【1644 - 1912】
Nalan Xingde (1655 - 1685) | 长相思·山一程 (1682) - longing for home (a journey)
Kuang Minben (1699 - 1782) | 是非审之于己 (1754 - 1757) - On a couplet from the Yuelu Academy ■□
Fei Ming (1901 - 1967) | 飞尘 (1936) - the flight of dust motes ■
Dai Wangshu (1905 - 1950) | 在天晴了的时候 (1944) - When the sky is clear and sunny □
Xi Murong (1943 - Present)  | 回眸 - Look Back ■□
Unknown | 道别 (unknown) - Saying Goodbye
for childhood nostalgia (the first Chinese poems I ever learnt) ■
南洋景色 (1945, Strokes of Life: The Art of Chen Chong Swee) - Nanyang Scenery
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