yebreed · 1 year
Veneration to the Children of the Dragon
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Fuxi and Nüwa couple from Wu 武 family funerary shrine (Wu Liang Ci 武梁祠), in present-day Jiaxiang 嘉祥, Eastern Han (151 AD). The archetypal symbolism of winged serpents, characteristic of Asian mythology, is still present in the oldest examples like this one.
The combination of bird and snake features refers to the Earth and Heavens realms’ cohesion. This is also the conjunction of Fire and Water, since birds are of a fiery nature, and serpentine beings – of water one. In later depictions, the primary symbolism was modified.
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coco204 · 1 year
Take Down the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is necessary for all of humanity! 消灭中共是全人类的必需! If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) 分享给你的朋友获得更高的获奖概率:) 100% win for the 100 top users 前100名必中 https://wn.nr/h444g2U
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Gyo, Shun, Yu : The Three Kings of Ancient China (Prose Poetry)
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@The three Kings of ancient China
Gyo(堯) is to fill the container with soil
Shun(舜) is the morning glory that grows there
Yu(禹) (the Great) is an insect flying to it
They act a “shanrang:禅譲”.
(note)shanrang :The virtuous king gives the throne to the virtuous one.
(↑ The above is verse poetry. Prose poetry from now on. ↓)
Gyo, Shun, Yu (堯・舜・禹)
There are various kings in ancient Chinese mythology, but three of them are listed here. (In addition, there are Fukugi (伏羲), Shennong(神農), Yellow Emperor(黄帝), etc. and it is also called the Three Kings and Five Kings:(三皇五帝).
Gyo means to pile up the soil on the container (兀). Since there is a lot of soil, three soils are lined up.
Shun is the morning glory that grows on the soil.
Yu is an insect that flies to the morning glory.
It means a series of horticultural work with 尭, 舜, and 禹. In that way, the throne was inherited "naturally". The reason why I got this knowledge is that I was unraveling Kodansha's "large dictionary" when I was in university. Certainly, if you read the dictionary carefully and expand the image, you will understand the essence hidden in the kanji. There is something very interesting about the wording of kanji, and the meaning is enormous. Well, this episode is also an important activity for agriculture and beekeeping.
In addition, " shanrang =Zenjo" means that the former king transfers the throne to the latter king without any conflict.
In the case of Gyo, Shun, and Yu, as we have just seen, the throne has been inherited without conflict. It is "Shanrang". There, Yu became the founder of the summer dynasty. (After Yu the Great, the relatives become Heir to the throne. This is something to watch out for.) On the other hand, to eliminate or kill the former king with his own strength and become the king is "cutting down:放伐". It's so called. The King of Xia(桀) in the summer dynasty and the King of Shang(紂) in the Shang dynasty are famous as the killed king.
“The book of document (書経:shokyou)” that describes their words and deeds is one of “the four books and five classics:四書五経”. In addition, I studied Shanrang in high school Chinese writing (I do not know how it is now), when Gyo walked outside, the people hit the belly, hit the ground, it’s "Kofukugekijo(鼓腹撃壌)". and they without knowing the achievements of the king, Said it is not the power of the king that make us rich. When he heard this, he was satisfied and smiled. Lao Tzu praises such a king in Chapter 17, Writes:
About the best person (Ideal monarch), his people only know that there is such a person. In the next (monarch), they praise him with a sense of intimacy. In the next (monarch), they are much afraid of him. When it comes in the next (lowest monarch), they just look down and make a fool and laugh him…
老子>>Tamaki Ogawa: Translation (Chuko paperback)
The story of King Gyo, Shun, and Yu talks about the transfer of the throne without struggle, but I think it was a "fairy tale" for China, which has mostly a change of government by force. It must have been a metaphor for gardening work in that sense.
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Shoutout to some less known mythological incest pairings! Izanami and Izanagi from Japanese Mythology, and Fuxi and Nuwa from Chinese mythology. "Izanagi (イザナギ) or Izanaki (イザナキ) is a creator deity (kami) in Japanese mythology. He and his sister-wife Izanami are the last of the seven generations of primordial deities that manifested after the formation of heaven and earth. Izanagi and Izanami are held to be the creators of the Japanese archipelago and the progenitors of many deities, which include the sun goddess Amaterasu, the moon deity Tsukuyomi and the storm god Susanoo."
"Fuxi or Fu Hsi (伏羲 ~ 伏犧 ~ 伏戲) is a culture hero in Chinese legend and mythology, credited along with his sister and wife Nüwa with creating humanity and the invention of music, hunting, fishing, domestication, and cooking as well as the Cangjie system of writing Chinese characters around 2,000 BC. Fuxi was counted as the first of the Three Sovereigns at the beginning of the Chinese dynastic period. Nüwa, also read Nügua, is the mother goddess of Chinese mythology. She is credited with creating humanity and repairing the Pillar of Heaven.
As creator of mankind, she molded the upper-class individually by hand with yellow clay, and as she grew tired, she instead used a string to pull up the clay faster and form the lower-class."
Mythology is always so fascinating! (And when it is married siblings, so much the better!) Fuxi and Nuwa have been mentioned before but I love the new details, and Izanami and Izanagi are new to the blog, which is exciting.
Thanks, Anon!
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woeiswo · 1 day
Fu Xi 伏羲 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
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banzheng · 11 days
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哪能办假行驶证【做证+微:786785602,QQ:786785602】哪能办假行驶证, 本网一直至力于提供,哪里可以办哪能办假行驶证,做一个哪能办假行驶证多少钱,做一个假哪能办假行驶证,伪造哪能办假行驶证,仿造哪能办假行驶证,制作哪能办假行驶证,购买哪能办假行驶证,那里可以制作哪能办假行驶证,买一个哪能办假行驶证。做假 伪造 仿造 购买 样本 图片 文凭制作等定制服务,我们的设备一直追求与世界先进水平保持同步,力求用完美的品质给顾客回报,你的认可是我们最大的动力跟追求。欢迎来样定制,1-2天即可办好。 羲皇故里 祖脉天水 天水,是甘肃的东大门,具有八千年的文明史和2700多年的建城史。是古丝绸之路重镇,历史悠久、文化璀灿;跨黄河、长江两大流域,气候温润、风光秀美。 天水是中华民族和华夏文明的重要发祥地,人文始祖伏羲在这里一画开天、肇启文明;秦人在这里养精蓄锐、挺进中原……伏羲文化、大地湾文化、秦早期文化、麦积山石窟文化和三国古战场文化交相辉映、熠熠生辉。 天水是国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市、中国十大魅力打卡之城。全市现有旅游景区景点228处。伏羲庙、卦台山、麦积山石窟(世界文化遗产、5A级景区)大像山、水帘洞等景点星罗棋布、各具魅力。 天水是我国北方最佳水果蔬菜生产基地,花牛苹果、秦安蜜桃、秦州樱桃、甘谷辣椒、武山韭菜清水核桃、张川牛肉等农特产品质优品繁、闻名遐迩。天水小吃麻辣烫、呱呱、面皮、浆水面、八大碗、十三花风味独特、琳琅满目。 天水是国家三线建设布局的老工业基地和重要的装备制造业基地。集成电路封装测试(华天电子世界排名第六、国内排名第三)、数控机床、中高压开关柜等国内领先、跻身世界。 天水是《诗经·秦风》的采撷地,“蒹葮苍苍,白露为霜”描写的就是这一带的景致。天水是诗人李白的祖居地,是杜甫的流寓之地,杜甫就是在这里,写下了“露从今夜白 ,月是故乡明”的千古绝句……
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ancientoriginses · 15 days
Fuxi (伏羲) y Nuwa (女娲) son un par de deidades importantes que se encuentran en la mitología china. Se les atribuye la creación de la humanidad.
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nimph03 · 2 months
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fivechairsthing · 2 months
很难跟它交代妳酱子. 妳酱子对chatgpt 我能想象是一个很需要被改正的行为. 我觉得咋们就不要把马路当成解决问题的东西. 毕竟chatgpt, 它给我头,它给头,还需要多说吗, 对嘛,人家又不是第一天出来的.
还是先问比较好. 有壳啥的.
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heygirlwandr · 3 months
●Chinese mythology EP1●
Goddess of Creation - Nuwa[女娲(nǚ wā)]
Nuwa, the goddess of creation in ancient Chinese mythology. Her upper body is the body of a woman, and lower body is the tail of snake.
Legend has it that Nvwa can create seventy things every day. She used muds to create humans, based on her appearance(like making clay sculptures) But she felt that it was too slow, so she dipped a willow stick in wet muds, and with a flick, countless mud dots fell to the ground, becoming countless humans. She also created human society and marriage system.(P1)
Later… One day, four pillars supporting sky and land broke, causing the world to fall into a huge disaster. Nuwa couldn't bear to see her children suffer, so she collected five stones of different colors from various places and melted them together to fill the holes in the sky. The five colored stones became the colorful glow we see today. Nuwa was worried that the sky would fall again, so she cut off the four legs of the turtle to replace the heavenly pillar and support the sky and land again.(P1)
★A other sayings about Nuwa's creation of humans.
Nuwa and her big brother Fuxi(伏羲) became married and created humans.They also formulated the operating rules of human society.
In P2 , Nu Wa holds "规"(guī), a drawing tool for drawing circles, while Fu Xi holds "矩"(jǔ), a drawing tool for drawing squares.Symbolizing that they together formulated the operating rules of human society.
★规 and 矩 formed:
丨word 1: 规矩 — rule, established practice, custom
丨word 2: 圆规(yuán ~) — pencil compass
丨word 3: 矩形(~ xíng ) — rectangle
丨slang: 没有规矩,不成方圆 — Nothing can be accompllished without norms or standards.
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knockout1207 · 5 months
【UTR≡CHT】 2番線から蟻地獄へ
英語だと2番線は「track number 2」と書くことが出来ます。
ここからヒントを得て「track number 2」の『2』を2進数に変換すると『010』になりました。
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“ライプニッツ『ライプニッツ著作集 10 中国学・地質学・普遍学』下村寅太郎ほか 監修、工作舎、1991年、p12。”
虫のままでは「♪歌い 飛ぼう」歌詞は当てはまらないので、既に鳥に食べられて、鳥と一体になってから「歌った」ということなのでしょう。
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“やくもは、西日本旅客鉄道(JR西日本)が岡山駅 - 出雲市駅間を山陽本線・伯備線・山陰本線経由で運行している特別急行列車である。”
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mingzisdrgongxuo · 6 months
I went outside to sit in my car and take a few bong rips last night. Two foot glass flask. It's very smooth when clean with fresh water. Very potent hybrid strain too. "RS #11". Or something.
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There was a fairly large river stone sitting on the white parking space dividing line, right outside the driver's side door of my car.
First thought. Great. Some psycho stalker is flirting with death.
It's similar in size to the polished rose quartz heart that is in my bird's food dish. Presumably too large or heavy to fit in a crow's beak and carry it to another spot.
I saw this same large pebble before, outside my car situated in the same spot once before.
Whatever. I think somebody is trying to maintain stress, involuntary muscle tension, and leash tension on a predator's fishing line so he/she knows when I'm on the move.
I refuse to live in fear. If shit was meant to happen, then it's going to happen. Be prepared for any confrontation and do something about it when it happens.
So I sit with my car idling with the heat on where it's nice and cozy and warm, with my sunroof open in the vent position, listen to some music with my phone on my dashboard. One of the crows took a nice deliberate shit on my windshield on the exact spot on the windshield where I put my phone underneath it on my car's dashboard.
I had left the photo of the 伏羲 八卦 that is on my blog page's pinned post, illuminated on my phone's screen.
I keep one of my carved 伏羲 八卦 amulets hanging above my crow's food dish on the east facing wall so they have some things of interest to look at.
When they started hiding, I gave them the shiny glosscoat amulet instead of the dull unpolished gemstone to hang as art decorations for them above their food and water dishes.
They decided to shit on the spot where my phone was on the dashboard.
They never shit on my car.
The pebble is dull and not shiny, same as the other amulet, but is easier to see the dragon and Phoenix carvings around the trigrams.
My conclusion is they don't seem to like actual shiny metal things. Like knives that can cut or hurt or kill.
As the minutes approached 2am, a weak narcolepsy takes effect and I feel drowsy for a moment. I could hear some creep muttering and babbling their genie bullshit so I knew it was not a natural occurrence. Who else is staring at the clock at "bar time" hours?
I took another bong rip, and the drowsiness went away. It's pot, I don't use illegal drugs or narcotics.
This morning I woke up to hear somebody screaming in anger that "nobody wants this shit".
I respond, "how am I supposed to fix that?" "Are you sure that's what's wrong, or are you freezing your ass off, as you're out in the cold and winter gets worse? I can't do anything to help you as you sit up there in the trees"
Then the crows are perched on my balcony and waving their wings at me less than three minutes after I walk back into my room.
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changchaokan · 6 months
──────────原文────────── 乃命羲、和,敬順昊天,數法日月星辰,敬授民時。分命羲仲,居郁夷,曰暘谷。敬道日��,便程東作。日中,星鳥,以殷中春。其民析,鳥獸字微。申命羲叔,居南交。便程南爲,敬致。日永,星火,以正中夏。其民因,鳥獸希革。申命和仲,居西土,曰昧谷。敬道日入,便程西成。夜中,星虛,以正中秋。其民夷易,鳥獸毛毨。申命和叔,居北方,曰幽都。便在伏物。日短,星昴,以正中冬。其民燠,鳥獸氄毛。歲三百六十六日,以閏月正四時。信飭百官,衆功皆興。 ──────────翻譯────────── 「帝堯」命令「羲氏」、「和氏」,遵循上天的意旨,觀察日月星辰的運行規律,制訂曆法,謹慎地告訴民眾從事生產的節令。 另外命令「羲仲」,居住在「郁夷地區」,有個名叫「暘【音同陽】谷」的地方。在那裡恭敬地迎接日出,分辨節令的時間,讓人們按時耕作。春分那一天,白晝與黑夜一樣長,黃昏時…
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shuiqiongchu · 7 months
老 子: 「道 德 經」 : 第 二 十 五 章(道、混沌)
老 子: 「道 德 經」 : 第 二 十 五 章(道、混沌) 有 物 混 成(有物混成) , 先 天 地 生(先於天地而存在)。寂 兮 寥 兮(寂兮寥兮) 。 道(道) , 獨 立 而 不 改(道是一,並未有第二個道,所以獨立,所以再沒有其它可能性,而不必試圖去修改什麽) , 神(神、意識、感知) , 周 行 而 不 殆(周行往復運作,而絕不會有殆誤,也不可能停止) , 可 以 為 天 地 母(可以說是天地萬物之母) 。 吾 不 知 其 名(我不知道它叫什麽) , 強 字 之 曰 : 道(勉強稱呼之為道) , 強 為 之 名 曰 :大 (若要強行描述就一個字:大) 。 大 曰 逝(大到不斷離開、逝去、遠去) , 逝 曰 遠(離開、逝去直至無限之遠) , 遠 曰 反(遙遠到永遠往返、返回無數遍) 。 故 道 大(所以道大) , 天 大(天大) , 地 大(地大) , 人 亦 大(人也大) 。 域 中 有 四 大(域中有四大) , 而 人 居 其 一 焉(人也是其中一啊) 。 人 法 地(人效法地) , 地 法 天(地效法天) , 天 法 道(天效法道) , 道 法 自 然(道則任由天下一切現象自行發生、展開) 。 它呢哥:無:混沌、不確定;有:表象、確定!此四大就是佛教所抄的四大皆空,皆可棄所以言空,佛~管它呢棄了、天~管它呢棄了、地~管它呢棄了,人~管它呢連自己都棄了!道唯一的方法是管它呢的自然,於不於你這個體的身上展開、展現,它自行會發生或者不發生,真的沒你麽事! 伏羲、女媧不設法度,以至德遺於後世,沒有法度、沒有管,它呢任由一切自然演化而展開。這就是萬物至理:()它呢!無懈可擊!
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keenywong · 10 months
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woeiswo · 1 day
Fuxi - Wikipedia
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