#ドラ えもん
squibo · 7 months
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albertonykus · 1 month
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If Nobita's Dinosaur had been written today.
Knowing of Fujiko F. Fujio's interest in paleontology, he almost certainly would have been aware of the dinosaurian origin of birds had he lived to present day. It is nice to see that recent Doraemon works made after his passing (such as the 2017 episode "Snow and Dinosaurs" and the 2020 film Nobita's New Dinosaur) have leaned into that.
This might be part of the "main character Shizuka" AU; I've deliberately left it ambiguous.
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hazbin-a-blood-bag · 5 days
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Bandai Headquarters, Asakusa
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yumekiki · 1 month
Doraemon doodles because I'm having a hyperfixation
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doraemon-facts · 1 month
What do Nobita's friends want to be when they grow up?
Shizuka wants to be a flight attendant, nurse, or kindergarten teacher (職業テスト腕章, 1981 manga story). Because of this, Doraemon invited her to be a flight attendant when Nobita ran his own airline with the "Tricycle Plane" (三輪飛行機). Another time, she said she wanted to be a diplomat (Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen, 1994 manga).
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Source: のび太航空, 1982 (manga)
Gian says many times that he would like to be a singer (職業テスト腕章, 1981 manga story), but he has also mentioned wanting to be a model.
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Source: きせかえカメラ, 1974 (manga)
Suneo usually says he wants to be a fashion designer. He has also expressed interest in being a director (のび太放送協会, 1975 manga story).
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Source: きせかえカメラ, 1974 (manga)
And Nobita? We've looked at his career aspirations before!
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hioko-chi-sensei · 6 months
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Doraemon :3
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yasuhirockhow · 1 month
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos, una nueva entrega en esta ocasión hablaremos del Tanabata una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Qué es el tanabata?¿Cuándo se celebra?¿Cuál es su origen?El tanabata, surge en China en la dinastía Han que posteriormente llegará a Japón durante el período Nara (710 d.C.- 794 d.C.) a través de la nobleza ,pero no fue hasta el período Edo (1600-1868) que se hizo popular. Esto lo podemos ver en el anime como es el caso de Doraemon (ドラえもん), pero hay montones de animes que tratan esta temática una película que trata estos temas podrían ser: Amor de Gata, Kimi no Nawa, Kimetsu no Yaiba podría hacer una lista que nunca acabaria de la cantidad de anime que hay que trata el Tanabata. ¿Qué es el tanabata? Cuenta la leyenda de Orihime y Hikoboshi que solo se pueden ver la séptima luna del séptimo mes, se crea un puente que les permite cruzar y estar juntos ¿Cuándo se celebra? Se celebra el 7 de julio y lo más característico de esta festividad son los fuegos artificiales y en Tokyo por ejemplo: el templo Zojoji, pero cualquier templo lo podréis apreciar muy bien. tanzaku ¿En qué consiste? Se coloca un trozo de papel con tu deseo y se colocan en árboles de bambú. Para terminar me gustaría mencionar que hay una constelación que representa esta maravillosa historia. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - ようこそ、日本の考古学者たちへ。今回は七夕についてお話します。 - 七夕とは何か、いつ祝うのか、その起源は? 七夕は中国の漢の時代に始まり、奈良時代に貴族を通じて日本に伝わった。 ドラえもんなどのアニメに見られるが、このテーマを扱ったアニメはたくさんある:七夕を扱ったアニメは枚挙にいとまがない。織姫と彦星は七夕の日にしか会えないという伝説がある。 いつ祝うの?月7日に行われます。このお祭りの最大の特徴は花火で、東京では増上寺が有名ですが、どこのお寺でもよく鑑賞できます。 短冊 短冊とはどんなものですか?願い事を書いた紙を竹に貼る。最後に、この素晴らしい物語を象徴する星座があることをお伝えしたい。 - それでは、また次の記事でお会いしましょう。
Welcome to the Japanese archaeologists, this time we are going to talk about Tanabata, so make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - What is tanabata, when is it celebrated, what is its origin? Tanabata, which originated in China in the Han dynasty, later came to Japan during the Nara period (710 AD - 794 AD) through the nobility, but it was not until the Edo period (1600-1868) that it became popular. This can be seen in anime such as Doraemon (ドラえもん), but there are lots of anime that deal with this theme, a movie that deals with these themes could be: Love of Cat, Kimi no Nawa, Kimetsu no Yaiba I could make a list that would never end of the amount of anime out there that deals with Tanabata. what is tanabata? Legend has it that Orihime and Hikoboshi can only see each other on the seventh moon of the seventh month, a bridge is created that allows them to cross and be together. When is it celebrated? It is celebrated on the 7th of July and the most characteristic of this festivity are the fireworks and in Tokyo for example: the Zojoji temple, but you can appreciate it very well in any temple. tanzaku What does it consist of? You put a piece of paper with your wish on it and place it on bamboo trees. Finally, I would like to mention that there is a constellation that represents this wonderful story. - I hope you liked it and see you in the next posts have a nice week.
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somescenecatholic · 8 months
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YIPEE!!! ITS HERE!!!! X333 I'm gonna be the coolest person ever for halloween!!!
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hk-floraphf · 2 months
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winterfieldfrontiers · 7 months
Dekinobi focus episode in Doraemon
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The Moai Statues Of Easter Island 
Nobita and Doraemon play with the game machine "Action Quiz" that actually acts and answers using secret tools. Nobita, who just made a mistake, was hit by Kaminari every time he made a mistake.
Nobita thought that it would be unreasonable for Dekisugi to do this, but he brought Dekisugi at once, but Dekisugi gave the correct answer one after another and got a medal. but then Nobita finds a moai statue lying near the moai statues along the coast and tells him to restore it ...and it's chasing them! ??
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doraemonfanclub · 29 days
Puppet Doraemon.
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albertonykus · 5 months
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There are many benefits to being a marine biologist.
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beechigo · 11 months
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studying japanese with ドラえもん (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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77i6 · 8 months
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doraemon-facts · 4 months
In an early story in the manga, Doraemon ran on all fours.
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Source: ドラえもんあげる, 1970 (manga)
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