#❰ ♥ ― lisanna. asks. ❱
fairybond · 1 month
"You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down." ╱ for lis 😂
lack of sleep starters // no longer accepting
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Stumbling back a step, she rubbed her forehead and mumbled a denial about being tired. Her protesting pout was then interrupted by a yawn that left her rather shamefaced.
Okay, okay…maybe he was right. Yet, the idea of lying down, or being still in any way…it stirred up an anxious flutter in her chest. Lisanna sighed, a frown settling on her lips as her eyes turned downwards. This feeling, it was all too familiar, despite the years that had passed. 
Life with the Fairy Hunter on your trail meant there was no time to relax. No time to truly rest. They always had to be ready to pack up and go at a moment’s notice. It was how they survived. But not all of them were so lucky…
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She bit her lip, closing her eyes and then taking in a slow breath. Now was the time to push everything aside and put on a smile, to agree with the suggestion and lie down. To pretend her body wasn’t locked in fight or flight mode, despite how tired she was. To pretend that she was fine.
Around anyone else, she might have done so. But this was Sting. He had seen her at her worst. And he understood her. He never judged, only cared. And it was okay, wasn’t it? To rely on him, to trust him.
She pulled in another breath, somewhat shakily, then looked over at him, a touch of hope in her eyes. “Will you lie down with me?”
Tempting as it was to pull her gaze down and shy away, she shored herself and allowed an admission through, barely a whisper. “I…I’m…scared.”
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tokkias · 1 year
♥ strauss siblings?? i saw ur lisanna post and loved it
headcanon asks . always open
♥ - family headcanon elfman is the first to move out when he and evergreen move in together and it hits mira really hard. evergreen will wake up in the morning, go to the kitchen and mira is already there making breakfast for them even though she does not recall her or elfman giving her the key. she plays it off as just wanting to take care of her baby brother and that's why she's there all the time but she's actually having really bad separation anxiety. she and elfman have been together their whole lives and now she doesn't know what to do with herself now that it's just her and lisanna. lisanna is sad that he's gone and is known for a spontaneous visit from time to time but because of the time she spent away from them, she's nowhere near as bad as mira is. evergreen doesn't mind too much at first because she's not going to say no to a meal cooked by mira (who she will reluctantly admit, is a far better chef than her) and she doesn't mind her company, but at some point mira is over more often than she isn't and ever realises that it's because she's having a hard time letting elfman go. if it wasn't for evergreen forcing elfman to talk to mira about it he'd probably never mention it because he's having a hard time adjusting too. it's a little bit of a tearful confrontation but elfman assures her that he's okay and he's got evergreen to take care of him now, and she has to dedicate herself to taking care of lisanna (who insists she doesn't need "taking care of" but will not say no to mira doting on her a little bit more often).
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kurogane-redfox · 8 months
@kissespink [♥]
"Alright, where does this stuff need to be put?"
He knew she was capable of carrying things herself, of course, but he also knew she could be a bit clumsy. The things weren't breakable by any means but he had a feeling she'd feel really bad if she tripped and dropped everything onto the floor. Mostly because it would give people more work to do to get everything set up for the end of summer celebration the guild threw.
"Do ya need me to do anythin' else while I'm here? I ain't takin' a job cause I was asked to help set up this year."
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That, and Mirajane had convinced him to sing for everyone. Which... wasn't something he was looking forward to doing in all honesty. Everyone who didn't know he COULD sing would likely boo him before he even started. Hopefully they'd actually LISTEN despite that. He wasn't sure what song to sing yet but he'd eventually pick one. Hopefully before he was set to go on stage.
"I'm also makin' some snacks for the gatherin' but nobody other than Mirajane, Lisanna, Kinana, and yerself know that."
He often made treats that he supplied the kitchen with. Nobody else in the guild knew. Though there were quite a few people who LOVED his goodies. He'd never admit that he was the one who made them. Well, maybe not NEVER, but it wouldn't be any time soon regardless.
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natsumasterlist · 2 years
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮’𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞
♥︎ I would like to start this post off by saying I am not a therapist nor do I have any training in that field. This is all my own speculations. I would like to talk about Natsu’s attachment style and how it correlates with his actions. When Natsu was younger he was basically abandoned by Igneel. Of course now he knows that’s not true, but the feelings that lingered in Natsu have given off the same effect. When Natsu finally does see Igneel again he feels frustrated. This isn’t because natsu is mad at Igneel, but it’s because he’s hurt. Igneel left him for years and when he finally returns he just kind of ignores Natsu. Igneel heads straight for Acnologia while giving Natsu a rushed explanation as to where he’s been.
I bring this up because after Igneel sends Natsu off to Mard Geer we see an emotion Natsu was hiding. I’m not entirely sure if he’s upset or really happy in this moment but we see Natsu shed tears. It shows that Natsu is hiding this side of himself even from Igneel. If we look at when Natsu first joined the guild, he was often by himself. He didn’t try to make a lot of friends until Lisanna came around. He closed himself off to that kind of interaction. Also him hiding his feelings of weakness and sadness all led me to believe this is because of Igneel. This is because Natsu has developed abandonment issues. That’s why Natsu tries so hard to save everyone in the guild and why he keeps a brave face on. He can’t lose them like he lost Igneel. I think that Natsu partially blamed himself for Igneel leaving. Now going back to the attachment styles, I believe Natsu is currently going from an avoidant attachment style onto a more secure one. Natsu making new friends and putting the faith he does in his guild members all show that this isn’t effecting him like it once did when he first joined the guild. However Natsu still hides his emotions, he still goes off on his own when he’s deep in thought, and he also set his expectations overtly high for himself. This all relates back to how Igneel left him. Natsu was left without him for years, he must’ve had wondered why he left. So much so, that the first thing Natsu asked him when he saw him again was why? This wound is so fresh for Natsu that every time he sees Igneel he breaks down in tears.
The only way for this to change is for Natsu to feel like he won’t be abandoned again. It was going well until the guild broke up leaving Natsu blindsided. Of course now it’s back and there’s no plans of it disbanding again but I would like to highlight the last few words Natsu says in fairy tail. “We’ll be together forever from now on”. This could be read as a sweet moment between Natsu and Lucy but it also could be read as a swear. Natsu will never let what happened to the guild happen again. He won’t randomly go off and train for a year. He will stay and make sure the guild thrives. This is both a good and bad thing. It means that Natsu fully trusts the guild and doesn’t want to leave its side. But this also means that Natsu will put on his tough guy exterior for even longer. The phrase “together forever” that Natsu uses reminds me of what he couldn’t do with Igneel. It’s slight but Natsu still holds onto that fear. He can’t let them leave him like that ever again. This will make Natsu try to be even stronger and make him avoid his emotions even more. The only way to fix this is by making him feel that this is a secure place. He doesn’t have to be strong to keep his guild together. He just has to be Natsu.
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fairybond · 9 months
[ LAY ] for lis ♡
Hair Prompts / Accepting
[ LAY ]:           the sender lays down in the receiver’s lap to let them play with the sender’s hair.
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Seated on the sun-warmed grass with her knees up and her palms bracing her weight behind her, she tilted her head back to stare up at the clouds. They drifted lazily across the blue expanse, unbothered by the way it was slowly fading in brilliance as the sun began its descent. The afternoon was soon to be over, but still, warmth continued across Lisanna's skin like a lingering embrace, one she would always be grateful for.
A peaceful sigh slipped from her lips as the faint breeze gently tousled her hair in a soft caress. There was nothing quite like being outdoors on such a fine day, especially with friends and those she cared about. Tilting her head down again, her eyes sought her companions and the reassurance of their presence.
To her right, Lector lay on his stomach with a book open before him. She’d come to find the exceed was quite the voracious reader, and he’d been rather excited to come across that particular book when they’d passed through the town earlier (it was something about Stellean history, or maybe recipes? She wasn’t entirely sure, but Lector would no doubt give a full review or recount once he finished it anyway).
To her left, Sting sat in a similar position to her own. His legs were slightly bent to bring his knees up, only instead of leaning back against his hands, his arms rested loosely draped over his legs. His fingers idly twirled a long blade of grass he’d plucked.
She watched as a yawn slowly overtook his features, and she was reminded rather strongly of a cat with the way the motion started off rather cutely and ended with reminder of danger, the flash of sharp canines. She briefly touched the tip of her tongue to her own teeth, tracing the noticeable points that had developed from overuse of her magic. There had been times when she had been too self-conscious to smile fully around people, but that was certainly no problem around Sting.
He yawned a second time, pulling her from wandering thoughts to focus on the current moment. Perhaps he’d had a rough night? She stretched out her legs before herself and shifted one hand to lightly pat her lap.
“You’re tired,” she said, a soft smile forming, “Why don’t you lie down for a bit?”
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As he moved to reposition himself and rest his head upon her lap as indicated, Lisanna fought to keep her smile from growing too wide. But oh, she loved having him close. Her stomach fluttered as he settled, and her hand instantly moved to comb lightly through his hair. The physical connection tethered her to the moment, loosening the tendrils of anxiety that always hovered in the back of her mind, ready to grab her.
She focused on the softness of his hair, the way it slid between her fingers and gleamed in the sunlight. Warmth unfurled in her chest like a blooming flower, serenity soaking into her soul. Even the animals within her seemed to relax, she imagined them all curling up for a peaceful nap together, tempting her to close her eyes too, yet she resisted.
Her attention stayed on the task at hand, her nails now lightly raking across Sting’s scalp. She eased her weight forward to allow her other hand freedom, wiping it against her side to free it from any grass clinging to it.
“The fireworks display isn’t for another hour or so at least,” she commented, beginning to use her now-spare hand to trail her fingertip down his forehead and along his nose (ending, of course, with a light boop). “So, you can sleep until then if you want.”
She followed the line of his jaw with her finger in a gentle stroke, before fitting her hand to the curve of his cheek, thumb brushing across his skin, luxuriating in the warmth of it. There was something about the sight of him relaxing that both tightened and eased her heart all at once, leaving an ache and a wish. Having gone through so much in life already, he deserved a break, she thought, a sanctuary where he could be himself and be free of worry.
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“You’re safe,” she said quietly, “I’ll protect you.”
As the last words fell from her lips, she paused, heart skipping and breath catching. Her hand in his hair tightened for just a moment, as thoughts became scrambled in her mind. She’ll protect him? Why did she say that?
While she might typically say such a phrase in a lighthearted manner (for really, her being able to protect anyone was surely a joke), the way it had come out now was as an unmistakable, solemn promise. It had been all too natural to say, to reassure, the conviction and burning truth was seared into her heart, after all. She would protect Sting. From anything she could.
Including her own, foolish and embarrassing, heart.
She cracked a smile and shook her head with a laugh, as if she had indeed meant her words as a joke, in mock seriousness. Removing her hand from his face, she rubbed her cheek a little sheepishly. “I’ll wake you; I mean. So, get some rest.”
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fairybond · 8 months
“No, I don’t suppose I’d call myself a people person. I’m rather more interested in birds, actually.” // @ lisanna ( imagining jellal in a bird shirt now )
Some old meme I can't be bothered finding // @aetrnalis
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If you had asked Lisanna how she thought her next visit to Magnolia would go, she would certainly have not been able to predict the current situation. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been too surprising to her however. Sleepovers with Lucy and Levy were common for her, and even Natsu joining in was not completely rare. The addition of Jellal was what stood out. He seemed rather out of place in the apartment, while everyone else lounged upon piles of blankets and pillows.
The specifics of how Jellal came to be under Natsu’s (and to some degree, Levy’s, as she was present and still very much working for the Council) supervision was not totally clear to her. There was something said about Gajeel she thought, but she’d decided not to get caught up on the details. After all, what was happening now was much more important…
“Hmm, interesting,” she said, eyes dropping back to the magazine in her hand, “Okay, not a people person…so if I follow that line…”
She tapped the diagram on the page, lightly dragging her fingertip along the coloured line.
“Next question…do you prefer summer or winter?”
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The answer would determine whether Jellal’s soulmate was Rogue Cheney or Lyon Vastia.
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fairybond · 8 months
Pokes Lisanna in the forehead.
While her instincts (fuelled particularly by the more...aggressive souls she possessed) told her to swat away his unexpected touch, she instead laughed slightly and tilted her head.
Putting a finger to his forehead in return, she asked, "Are you testing to see if I'm real?"
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Sometimes she felt that need, after all.
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fairybond · 8 months
[ BLOOM ]:          sender weaves a number of flowers through the receiver’s hair. / rogue @ lisanna 👀
Hair prompts // accepting
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There were times when Lisanna contemplated cutting her hair short again. It reached just passed her collarbone now, hardly what most people would consider long, yet it was certainly a new record for her. In the current moment, however, she could only be glad she had resisted temptation.
Rogue’s touch was gentle, as it always was, a soft shifting of her pale locks between his fingers. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to savour both the warmth from the sunlight on her skin and the soothing sensation of having her hair touched. Could there ever be a more peaceful moment? She didn’t think so. There was no way to beat the beauty of a sunny day among a field of wildflowers, or the company of a certain shadow dragon slayer.
She peeked an eye open as the scent of the nearby lavender grew stronger, catching the sight of the sprig Rogue would soon set into her hair. A smile touched the corner of her mouth, and she wondered how many other flowers were now gracing her head. Surely it was time to repay the favour.
Oh, she could just imagine it already. 
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Her smile became a grin as she slowly turned to face him, eyes sparking with excitement and perhaps a little mischief. She attempted to school her features, lips settling into a hint of a smirk.
“Can I do you now, Rogue?”
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fairybond · 1 year
Runs and hugs Lisanna.
The air rushed from her lungs, unprepared as she was for the sudden embrace (where had he even come from??), and yet...it was instinct to wrap her arms around him in return, a smile instantly forming. Warmth bloomed in her chest, pleased as always to see him. Natsu. She hugged him tighter for a moment, before shifting a hand to rifle affectionately through his hair.
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"Well, hello to you too," she said, smile softening, "Everything alright, Natsu?"
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fairybond · 1 year
❛ wait, is that mistletoe? ❜ // @lisanna ; )))
winter themed asks // accepting
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     Paused beside Rogue, and glancing around the snow-laden town to get her bearings, Lisanna peered up, directed by his question. She blinked at the sight of the cheerful little plant suspended above them. Had the townspeople put it up? Was there more around the place?
     She grinned at the idea of someone getting into the festive spirit, “Why, yes, I think it is.”
     Her eyes shifted to Rogue, heartrate beginning a little skip at the realisation of their position. Tradition dictated they kiss now, and it would be rude to ignore such a thing, wouldn’t it?
     She turned to face him, mind racing as quickly as her pulse. A grin took to her lips, a hint of playfulness tugging up the corner of her mouth.
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     “And you know what that means,” she said, stepping closer to him.
     Slowly, she reached up and delicately captured his face between her hands. Raising herself up on her toes, she leaned closer to him. She stilled for a lingering moment, and then it was only the devilish quirk of her lips that would give warning to her next move.
     A flurry of soft little kisses across his face – his cheeks, jaw, chin, forehead, and even the bridge of his nose received the rush of gentle affection. She couldn’t help but giggle as she released him and let herself drop to her normal height.
     Despite others finding him intimidating at times, Lisanna knew he could have quite the adorable reaction in certain circumstances, and she hoped this was one of them. He really was too cute when blushing.
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fairybond · 1 year
❛ wait, is that mistletoe? ❜ / lis ♡♡♡
winter themed asks // accepting
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     The inter-guild winter party was in full swing. Hosted by Blue Pegasus, (of course) the large hall was lavishly decorated to celebrate the holiday season, and it was clear that plenty of effort had gone into the grand affair.
     Lisanna herself had been more than happy to be on the team of decorators setting the scene, even if it had taken a couple of days to arrange everything just so. There were many things to be considered when putting together such an event, after all. Lighting, space, ornaments, chairs and tables, food and drinks, music and so on.
     Most of her time had been spent on adorning the walls and festive trees with strings of light and ribbon, adding pretty baubles and glittering stars in carefully selected places too.
     The way the crowd of guests, and members of her own guild as well, had looked around in awe as they entered the hall, proved that the energy, time, and money spent had been well worth it. Even an hour or so into the party, she could still see the appreciative gazes admiring the atmosphere that had been created.
     She was sure a large part of the wonderful ambiance came from the special enchantment one of her guildmates had set up – it provided a soft snowfall, drifting down from the high ceiling but never resulting in so much as a single flake landing anywhere. Coupled with the lighting (the main sources of which were floating, snowflake shaped lacrima), the indoor snow conjured a sense of surreal magic, one that had Lisanna (and others) sighing wistfully.
     Surveying the vast room with delighted eyes, she didn’t even glance at Sting as he voiced his question.
      “Yes, it is!” she answered, without real thought but with a proud grin, “I added it all over the place, I thought it would be fun.”
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     She did enjoy (perhaps a little too much) the chance for a bit of mischief and matchmaking. Just who would end up beneath her cheeky decorations? And who would follow through with the tradition?
     It was only then that she turned her gaze to Sting. His own gaze was fixed upwards, causing a sudden spike in the rhythm of her heart.
     “Oh.” It was hardly more than a breath that escaped her, as she stared up at the cheerful colours and all too familiar shape of mistletoe above them.
     Awareness of him was never too far from her senses, always teasing her with sensitivity to his very existence. Said awareness now crackled to the forefront of her mind and body, until she could see only him. The soft lighting around them seemed to caress his face, shifting and gently warming blond hair, and highlighting the flecks of colour within hazel eyes.
     Sting. So familiar to her now, so beautiful.
     With all her hopes of setting others up for fun with the mistletoe, she had never considered herself being caught under it. Certainly, she had not thought she might end up caught under it with Sting (although there was no denying, she felt a certain thrill about it now).
     Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, a strange lightness buzzing through her body as a faint flush crept up to her cheeks.
     The point of mistletoe was to initiate a kiss between a couple. Did she want to kiss Sting? Yes. Did he want to kiss her? Probably not.
     It would be best to cut him loose from the holiday tradition, she decided. Her dismissive words came out in a rush, “It’s just silly, though, isn’t it? Absolutely not necessary to follow through on, and I mean mistletoe can also be super unlucky for some. Like getting stuck under it with a total creep!”
     She scrunched her face at the thought of some pervert puckering up to her, but quickly noticed a potential interpretation of her words and hurried to reassure him.
     “But you’re not a creep! Not at all! Anyone would be lucky to be stuck under the mistletoe with you!”
     The words prompted the scenario to appear in her mind. Sting, under the mistletoe with someone else. Kissing someone else.
     Her heart squeezed painfully at the thought, and an echo of a growl reverberated in the depths of her soul, threatening to be verbalized. She squashed the impulse by pushing the mental image away, forcing her mind back to the clear issue of the fact it was her with him currently.
     And wasn’t she just making it awkward now? They were friends, it didn’t have to be weird, and there was nothing against a mistletoe kiss being but a simple peck on the cheek. Her friendship with Sting was not an unaffectionate one, and he had kissed her forehead before, so really…it would be weirder for them to do nothing in this moment, right?
     The decision brought both relief and a spark of nervousness. She let out a breath, a slightly sheepish smile shaping her lips as she said, “I hope no one tries to kill me for being the lucky one here.”
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     Before she could talk herself out of it, she lifted a hand to rest upon his shoulder, steadying herself as she stretched up, intending to place a kiss upon his cheek. Somehow, her lips touched the corner of his mouth instead (and shock had her lingering there for a moment). Butterflies swarmed in her stomach, fluttering up to her chest as she lowered herself down again.
     She turned away, letting her hand fall from his shoulder as she tried desperately to refocus on the party. She could only hope her blush wasn’t noticeable, and that her voice sounded even, “Everything looks great here, doesn’t it? So beautiful.”
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fairybond · 1 year
❛ are you warm enough? ❜ / for lisanna ♡
winter themed asks // accepting
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     Over the previous night, winter had swept through and painted snow across the town in a heavy-handed brushstroke, leaving the area entirely picturesque. The buildings and streets were still thick with it now, even after the townspeople had taken to shovelling pathways clear. It would be a task frequently repeated in the coming weeks, there was no escaping the fact the cold season was upon them now.
     Spring was Lisanna’s favourite time of year, but she couldn’t deny there was a certain appeal in winter. Cozy times with friends or family, tucked inside next to a fire, huddled under warm layers of clothes and blankets, sipping hot chocolate or tea. It was wonderful. 
     A downside of winter was, of course, having to venture outside and feel the great chill itself. Beautiful views could only make up for the freezing air some of the time, she thought. Even so, she was lucky to not typically feel the cold as much as some other people tended to do.
     So, as she walked beside Sting down the street (rather slowly, mindful of the potential to slip), it was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she was perfectly fine, thank you. What held her back from her remark was a flicker of mischief, sparked by her hopeless heart and ever-present wish for closeness.
     She pulled her gaze up from the great effort of watching her steps, looking to Sting and smiling. Conveniently, a sharp breeze cut around them at that moment, harshly prickling at any hint of exposed skin. Lisanna abruptly held herself tight against the genuine shiver that came over her.
     “M-maybe not as much as I thought,” she laughed.
     Shifting nearer to him, she huddled against his side, glad for the excuse to be close (and for further security against slipping and falling onto the icy ground).
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     “But what about you?” she asked, peering up at him, “I think you’d better stick close to me, so you don’t get cold.”
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fairybond · 1 year
❛ winter is for hibernating. i’m going back to sleep. ❜ for lis~
winter themed asks // accepting
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     The sleepy voice was soft, yet carried through the lacrima call clear enough. Hearing that she had definitely woken up Evergreen brought her a slight sense of guilt, but what’s done was done and there was no going back now, she told herself.
     ‘She has a point’ – that was the impression of agreement Lisanna dimly felt from the Bear soul dwelling within her.
     “No, no, noooo.” Lisanna shook her head in the effort to both disagree with Evergreen and dispel the thoughts coming from the bear. She pouted for a moment, but swiftly slid a more welcoming and cajoling curve to her lips. Despite the fact the other woman wouldn’t see it, what with the voice-only call and all, Lisanna hoped the expression would come through in her tone and help her cause. “We can have a nice, hot, cup of tea if you get up. Or a hot chocolate.”
     She wasn’t sure what else she could do to tempt her.
     “It’ll be an easy walk, I promise, and quick too! We’ll just pop to the antique store, get what I need, and come back. Y’know, I hear there’s some nice teapots there too. Maybe you’ll find something you like and it’ll all be worth it!”
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     It was an errand that Lisanna wouldn’t typically need help running, however, having company was always welcome and preferred (particularly after jolting awake after a nightmare and feeling frighteningly alone, as she had done just a mere couple of hours ago).
     “It’ll be fun!”
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fairybond · 1 year
❛ fine, i’ll be nice. but just until the holidays are over. ❜ @ lisanna
winter themed asks // accepting
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     She couldn’t be sure if it was her gentle nagging or her puppy-dog eyes (or perhaps a combination) that led to his acquiescence in the end, and it was also possible it didn’t really have much to do with her at all. Who could actually make Laxus Dreyar do anything he didn’t really want to do anyway?
     In any case, she was simply pleased to hear he would be making an effort of amiability towards others.
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     “That’s great, I’ll take it!” she said, a bright grin jumping to her lips as her hands fisted together against her chest.
     Her grin slipped away, expression turning oh-so-innocent (but there was no hiding the mischievous sparkle in her eyes).
     “In the spirit of niceness, you’ll want to help me go shopping for gifts for everyone, right?”
     Cue the return of big, pleading eyes.
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fairybond · 2 months
was Carena drunk? maybe. maybe a little. Master Bob's mimosas were pretty good and she might have indulged a bit. she surely indulged enough to be seated next to Lisanna, cradling the younger woman's face in her hands as she inspected it. "You have an honest face," she solemnly annouced.
Trust sentence starters // accepting
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Light and airy, buoyed by the warm giddiness of alcohol, Lisanna giggled and grinned. The touch of her friend’s hands to her face only widened her smile, a happy and cat-like purr emanating from her for a moment as she leaned into the touch, delighted at the contact. She attempted to school her expression to match the seriousness of Evergreen’s, but her eyes continued to sparkle.
“You have an honest face.”
She blinked, surprise flickering across her features. “I do?”
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Daring not to think too deeply on the topic of honesty, her grin returned as she added with a laugh, “Maybe that’s how I get away with so much, do you think? Or maybe it means I should never play poker!”
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fairybond · 2 months
her headache had reached a level where it truly bothered her, so she waved Lisanna over before resting her head against the blissfully cool surface of the table she was seated on. "i don't like asking for help, but i don't have a choice," she muttered, happy to hide her face.
Asking for favours // accepting
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Entering the guildhall, her eyes searched for a means of distracting herself from the sense of unease that had been plaguing her throughout the day. It reminded her of a swarm of bees, this unease. A low level buzzing or humming, an almost stinging sensation along her skin, an anxious flutter within her heart and stomach. Like something was wrong, or was about to go wrong. Yet she knew it was nothing more than a remnant of memories, of trauma, forcing her body into a state of alertness.
Movement caught her attention and drew her gaze over to the relative quiet of a table in the corner, where Evergreen sat (or rather seemed to slowly slump). Relieved and intrigued, a light smile shaped her lips as she headed over to her. Upon drawing nearer, getting a closer look at her and hearing the words spoken, Lisanna’s smile faded. A frown of concern took its place as her eyes ran over her friend.
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“You don’t look so good,” she said, chewing her lip for a moment. No doubt Evergreen would hardly appreciate the statement of the obvious, and Lisanna knew the other woman would likewise not appreciate her causing a scene over her current condition (although the temptation to scoop her up and carry her off was rather strong).
Lisanna leaned a little closer, inspecting and assessing, before offering a comforting smile. “No worries at all, I’ll go get you something to make you feel better, then we’ll get you home to rest, okay?”
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