#❁       daily mbs
khokokat · 8 months
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bloofer lady my beloved 🤍
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dailyastarionpics · 9 months
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I've been dead in the ground for long enough. It's time to try living again.
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dailyboatboys · 2 months
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[22] she etho on my slab till i oh snappers
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catpeepeepoopoo · 4 months
doodling murderbot everyday until i get someone to read it - day 10
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from: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31447442
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maxphilippa · 8 days
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drew these guys for @andeisafag
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Daily Neuro-Divergent Character #24
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Olivine Ridley!
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From Here For Sweethearts and Blackout Hospital!
Ollie canonically has Autism, ADHD, and Narcolepsy!
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k-charms · 8 months
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. ❖ 🥀 ❁⠀ ⟡
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thefourchimes · 1 month
had a funny moment earlier at campus
so i’m sure we all know this scene and picture of the cool sisters
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11/10, very meme-able and hilarious
and so its break time and i’m in a classroom with my humanities friends after we just had a class, and we’re just having the usual chaotic and wild time with each other (us humanities are very insane /lh /pos)
naturally for me and my hyperfixation, i bring up encanto a whole lot and my friends have heard me yapping about it a lot already too so they’re not surprised, they even talk about it with me too
in the middle of us discussing which encanto character is who in our friend grp, one of my friends asked if i wanted to watch encanto on her laptop, and ofc i said yes, so we did watch a bit
at one point, we were at the chaotic dinner scene
we were just watching it but then we had to pause it because another friend of ours was talking about something
i went to pause it without properly looking at the scene it stopped at, then we talked a little bit with each other while the movie is paused
after a bit, one of my friends looked over and pointed out the movie again, and then i looked too and saw—
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i had apparently somehow paused it at the same exact moment of the pic 💀 the hilarious part about this is that i had even showed that very same pic to my friends earlier before we started watching
the timing and the brain rot is so real
encanto hyperfix is strong woooooo
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welpuu · 23 days
assorted eden doodles
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woorldismine · 23 days
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. . A secret romance in the air
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dailypickleii · 4 months
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day 2
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daily-wobbledogs · 4 months
DAY 3 - Kuukcuu
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Import Code: 1b8<F4EF6E37C16fF49=F08C3^;0C20FC07120FE2EF8k<FCun0bA0T9a0b2320<0aa07CF86aF:7C61BA4478BEF001cD37BA5ba0C:cbDD:2FB8:0uDC1;1120<c3<Ea=:c4;<43Eb:8:a;EEa0B:32EFaaA6aF3D63eD0D:a:Aa^:167FAa036FC8.F;8E33e55^C08aaFF^A^FDL36FF1cFu37233B^UD;3142E;A.9E007:K2^1uCc1F10:1Ca399F3C162023c616F3801c821F^0DaFmF30a3640E4F^E^cA417F^7a4DFE=ED
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Hello!!!! Feel free to answer any one/combination of these questions that you want you. I'll be excited to see your answers. Hope you're having a good day!
Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Quincey Morris
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
2. Reynie - I love how relatable he is, especially when he doubts himself, such as when he worries he's a bad person for liking the Whisperer (never mind that it operates similar to a drug) or when he fears he is bad for thinking they should cheat on tests. I also LIVE for his unhinged moments, like in TPJ when he yeets Noland's radio and later, Risker's diamond into the water. Like, Reynie, you absolute cinnamon roll, what are you doing??????
Sticky - that he's canonically very HandsomeTM and can pull anyone he wants!!! I love that for him, he deserves it. They just have to understand his love language of obscure words first...(oh and also he's braver than he thinks but you asked for my personal favorites and that's definitely mine)
Kate - Basically everything -- she's my favorite character overall -- but I think it's her positivity in the face of danger, her ability to bounce back from everything she's faced in her life. One line that still sticks with me is when Reynie says "'It's not funny, Kate.' For a moment - a fleeting moment - Kate looked desperately sad. 'Well, of course it's not funny, Reynie Muldoon. But what do you want me to do? Cry?'” It could come off as a little toxic positivity, but I feel like it's done in a way where that's just her personality, where she's not trying to influence others to act the same way, and I love that!!! I lean towards the optimistic side like her and it makes me happy to see someone like that in a book series I love so much.
Constance - definitely her sass and that one monologue in Riddle of Ages where she finally snaps after feeling excluded the whole book...not to mention feeling hurt Reynie thought she was annoying (even though she knew that was a temporary thought and NOT his true feelings)...oooof...that hurt, I can relate Connie girl :(
5. This is actually super hard!! I love music and I love MBS but for some reason I've never really associated the two together. Weird right? Here's my best shot!
As a group - Right Back to Where We Started From by Maxine Nightingale (because they need a feel-good family bop)
Reynie - Under Pressure by Queen ft. David Bowie (to describe his pressure as the leader)
Sticky - Lonely by Imagine Dragons (to describe his anxiety)
Kate - I'm Still Standing by Elton John (to describe her bouncing back from hardship)
Constance - I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy (to describe her stubborn nature -- plus I like to listen to this when I'm mad so it fits lol)
20. Reynie - if we're talking show, definitely SQ!!! I feel like they're both introspective and kind-hearted, and they would've made great bffs had things been different. In the books, to spice things up, I would've loved to see a young Nicholas and Reynie meet up -- they definitely would have been besties since as an adult, Nicholas always seems to know what Reynie is thinking. I do think they would still need someone like John to stand up for them since Nicholas had that gaggle of bullies on his back and he didn't Home Alone them/somehow persuade them to back off until later.
Sticky - For the books, a young Number Two. They're alike in a lot of ways and it just makes sense :) (not that they can't be besties at their current ages, but this is for adventuring possibilities, like with Nicholas). As for show Sticky, I think it would be highly entertaining if Jackson and Jillson had taken a liking to him while he's at LIVE. They find his intelligence and wit interesting and he's a favorite of Curtain so they start following him around too. At first, Sticky hates this but with time he starts to enjoy their harmonious presence, and how they seem to know what he's thinking. An ideal friendship? Maybe not. But certainly unique. I’d also love to see how this affects season 2.
23. Kate and Constance - the very talented @magic-swords-art drew this image of Kate and Constance after I asked and I can't stop thinking about it!!! 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
Now you wanted to hear about my boi QUINCEY “THE COWBOY” MORRIS!!!
22. I actually don't read fics of Dracula (even though I know I should) but I guess something I don't like in actual movie adaptations of the story is when they leave him out, which is unfortunately most of them. Like hello????? You're leaving the most fun character out????!!!!! What's wrong with y'all?!?! I know it's because it's a Serious Story and they think having a cowboy will ruin that but newsflash: comedy can exist in a drama, it's been done before. Plus, the Dracula musical made it work. I don't see the issue here.
25. I saw the musical my freshman year of high school and one of my friends played Quincey. My first thought was, “there’s a COWBOY?!?!!?!?!?!” They definitely made him even more of a comic relief in the musical so that was fun to experience, but he didn’t get much more than that, iirc. Then, years later, I would read Dracula Daily and get to Quincey introduction. My first thought was, “THERE’S A COWBOY?!?!?” That’s right, I forgot this fact! Though as I read the book, I totally love what Stoker did with his character. For Quincey being a total stereotype of what a Texas cowboy is, Stoker still gives us ways to follow this character’s growth in an interesting way. Sure he starts as another suitor of Lucy, but when things get serious, Quincey does too. He actually knows what to do to hunt Dracula down (he is a cowboy after all and they did have to defend their cattle from various predators) and his role as comic relief gets pushed to the wayside so it doesn’t change the tone too much (see Dracula adaptations?!). You really feel for him and love him as the book goes on and you don’t want to see anything bad happen to this character. So tl;dr my impression is rootin’-tootin’ cowboy with a heart of gold. 🤠💛
6. So I feel like I am also the Comic ReliefTM in my friend group (though they’re also funny, I’m usually cracking jokes 95% of the time) and while that’s great, it can lead to outside people underestimating me or seeing me as frivolous/ditzy. I feel like that’s why Quincey keeps getting pushed to the wayside by movie adaptations— they see his character as not worth the trouble, even though I think audiences would absolutely love him given the chance. I mean look at Dracula Daily!! There were so many Quincey memes and love. In fact he’s in my top three fave characters (I’m sorry, he’s beat by Mina the train fiend)! So I guess we kind of have that in common. On a more fun note, his proposal was S-Tier and I hope to propose to someone, or be proposed to, with that same level of goofy sincerity. :P Oh, and I say “y’AlL” so we have that in common as well.
Thank you for the ask, Sophie, this was super fun!!
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
TPJ thoughts again. But. Martina.
Over the course of TPJ, Jackson and Jillson get captured by Milligan, and Martina's probably, what? 16/17? She's running around Europe, maybe as an orphan maybe as someone who just got swept up in Curtain's plans and didn't have the option to go home to her family, and these two people she views as "adults" get taken out.
She doesn't know where, she doesn't know how. But these "big kids" she's looked up to and modeled her behaviour after and idolized for years are suddenly out of the picture. And Curtain just cuts his losses and abandons them.
The period of time between that happening and Martina getting left on the island must have been filled with so much grief and terror. We don't even hear Curtain say anything about where J&J might be, or if his plans have been thrown off or really anything. Martina was mourning the loss of these people she respected and trusted (And probably looked to for protection and at least some kind of older-sibling assistance) when no one else said a word about it, and she didn't even really know Milligan.
She knew he was the guy they all taunted when he got captured at the Institute, and that he was a really good fighter, but that's about it. The Ten Men probably really enjoyed telling her and SQ horribly frightening (And probably 65% made up) stories about what a competent agent Milligan was whenever they got bored.
If she got told anything about the situation, in all likelihood she was petrified that he was out for revenge, and would hurt her and the other Executives just to be cruel the way McCracken and his men would. So, she's bouncing between sheer terror and coming to terms with what Curtain's plans really mean, and then they just leave her.
She gets abandoned to the mercy these people she's been indoctrinated are awful and fully expects to hurt her as the only (Admittedly abhorrent) security and direct parental influence in her life disappears in a very aggressive betrayal.
I just checked, and they leave her caught in a rope hanging upside down off the side of the Shortcut, ten feet above the water
And then she goes on to give up a bunch of Curtain's secrets, but how happy do you think she was to see Jackson and Jillson again? She probably thought they were dead in a ditch or else in some maximum security prison where they'd all be kept in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives. But, lo and behold, they're safe and sound and the Benedicts are actually fighting to keep it that way.
(And then of course there's a spin off idea here of Milligan being the one to have captured and then interrogate them and the three of them learning that he's not a horrible person who's going to hurt them but I don't have time to go into all that right now)
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daily-pink-character · 9 months
Pink character of the day-★
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ᵈᵃʸ ⁸
Aubrey(Aubergine ᵃᵖᵖᵃʳᵉⁿᵗˡʸ)
from: Omori
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faespirit · 2 years
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