#✰ avarice
crazyboredasians · 9 months
horóscopo rolero de la semana
aries: te van a ghostear la búsqueda
tauro: se va a desocupar la carita que quieres desde el año 1982
géminis: van a salir fotos nuevas de tu fc y vas a quererle cambiarle el pack, otra vez
cáncer: anda a responder la trama que debes desde marzo leo: te van a coger una trama, pero la otra persona escribe como niño de cinco años virgo: te van a nominar a algo y vas a perder por desempate libra: tu tema favorito va a caer inactivo escorpión: se te va a romper la tablilla sagitario: deja de responder en el pide rol por favor tienes cuarenta y siete temas ya no puedes con más capricornio: vas a querer crearte un personaje pero te va a ganar el fc una búsqueda de fc obligatorio más aburrida e intrascendente que ver secar pintura acuario: te va a dar por renovar las fichas de tus personajes a las cuatro de la mañana (no lo hagas) piscis: te van a pedir trama por tu carita sin leerte la ficha
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banita163 · 26 days
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Azul: MC, why would you ask the customers for a 200% tip?
MC: I'm expensive and it costs an arm and a leg to even glance at me.
Azul: ...
Azul: You've got to be kidding me.
MC: They still paid, so I don't see any problem with that.
Azul: ...Wait. They did?
MC: Yes. The tipping jar was too small, so I had to ask Jade to bring me a larger one.
Azul: ...
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maximum-boobage · 3 months
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ribfish33 · 8 months
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avariceaside · 1 month
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We were ROBBED of Zagreus getting to be an annoying older brother
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bressynonym · 7 days
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devildomwriter · 5 months
A Door to the Future | Mammon x Reader
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.7K words | GN! Reader | CW: children
“Shit, which door did Barbatos say it was again…” Mammon walked down a corridor of doors in Barbatos’s room. He wasn’t even sure if he’d gone down the right hallway.
“Red door, red door…I think,” he mumbled as he strolled. His eyes lit up when he saw the door near the end of the hallway. “Bingo!”
He laughed to himself and sprinted to the door. He opened it up exited and waltzed right in when something collided with his leg.
“Hey!” He snapped instinctively before seeing the object was in fact a small boy.
“Oh shit, you alright kid…” Mammon asked and awkwardly crouched down to check on the boy. The boy looked up at him with bright blue eyes and Mammon raised one brow curiously.
“Hey, you kinda look like—“
“Papa!” The boy exclaimed and clung to Mammon’s leg. “I thought I didn’t get to say goodbye.” He sobbed and Mammon froze awkwardly.
“Yeah…um…here I…am?” Mammon was beyond confused and his instincts were telling him this definitely wasn’t the right door.
“Mammon, is that you?” Mammon froze when he heard your voice. Suddenly you appeared before him, older and more graceful than before but just as beautiful.
Mammon’s cheeks flushed when he saw you. “Oh, uh—“
You hugged him excitedly. “Good, I was worried Matty missed you.” You sighed in relief and Mammon looked around the room anxiously.
What was happening? Where did this door lead?
“Why don’t you have some coffee before you go, you can’t run off to work like that without breakfast,” you told him and he nodded wordlessly.
Wasn’t this the house of Lamentation? Something felt different about it. Mammon saw toys scattered across the floor and when he waltzed into the dining room behind you he saw six chairs instead of eight.
This made Mammon uneasy. Was everyone okay?
“Six…” you heard Mammon mumble worriedly.
“Did you forget? Leviathan and Asmodeus are visiting later so I brought the extra chairs out.”
Mammon noticeably relaxed when he felt Matty cling to his leg again. Mammon wasn’t sure what to do and kept walking, dragging the other leg behind him as the boy laughed excitedly.
“Daddy?” Mammon gasped and looked behind him where he saw a young girl, the spitting image of himself.
She wore a backpack and her hair was in a sloppy ponytail. She looked confused and possibly annoyed?
“Why aren’t you at work? Are ya skipping again?” She glared teasingly.
You laughed and Mammon shook his head, “I ain’t skippin’!”
“Ava, don’t tease your father so much,” you scolded and Mammon audibly gulped.
He was cut off when he heard Barbatos’s voice in his head.
“Mammon, return. Now.”
Mammon gently pried the boy from his leg and gave you an anxious look.
“Hey, listen…Umm. I gotta—“
You smiled and nodded. “I know.” Of course, you knew. Mammon wouldn’t stop talking about the future he saw with you when he returned to his own timeline. You’d wondered when you’d finally meet the Mammon of the past again. Alas, you couldn’t get him to stay any longer than he originally had.
You and Mammon shared a knowing smile. “See ya soon…yeah?” Mammon asked and you nodded. You waved and beckoned Ava and Matty to your side.
“Kids, say goodbye to dad.”
Ava grinned and Matty waved, “Bye papa!” They chimed in unison and Mammon, looking back until the last second shuffled out the door he came through.
Barbatos dragged him into the hallway and glared down at him.
“Wh…what was that…” Mammon gasped, holding his chest.
Barbatos rolled his eyes. “That was what you weren’t meant to see.”
“Wh-huh…d-does that really happen!? Are ___ and I gonna? Y-you know!”
Barbatos rolled his eyes again and sighed. “It’s a possibility.”
Mammon turned red and his heartbeat faster. “Hell no! It’s not a possibility, that’s happening! Definitely!”
“If you say so,” Barbatos clucked and started walking away towards the correct door.
“Hey don’t leave me!” Mammon yelled and ran after him, mind racing.
Could he make it happen? Of course, he could right!? Anything to see those little kids again, and you…every day for the rest of his life.
“Ava and Matty, huh…” Mammon grinned to himself. He couldn’t wait to tell you all about it. “___ is definitely gonna be with me, not even Lucifer can change that.”
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crazyboredasians · 19 days
Yo si he conocido a personas que, lo crean o no, tienen muchos personajes y son activos con todos. / yo también, también depende de cómo se rolee y todo eso. Si no haces 2000 palabras por post y te mantienes en límites normales, que calidad no es cantidad, llevar temas de forma rápida se hace fácil. No se tarda tanto en rolear. Un brindis por esos usuarios que son capaces de llevar a todos sus pjs
Si, si. Recordemos que escribir poco no significa que se haga mal y que escribir mucho no significa que se haga bien. 👍🏼
✰ avarice
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banita163 · 2 months
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
MC: That'll be 350.
The customer: What?! But the drinks and the food's only 50!
MC: It's not just the food you're paying, but also the ambiance.
The customer: What ambiance-
MC: Me.
The customer: ...
Azul, Jade, and Floyd: *watching them*
Azul: I'm going to lose a customer.
Jade: Calm down. You've never seen them work.
Floyd: Yeah.
The customer: But still... Isn't that too much?
MC: Can you say that to my face?
The customer: ...
MC: You're staring. It'll be 400.
The customer: Oh my seven- Fine! I'll pay the 350!
Azul: ...
Jade and Floyd: Pft-
Azul: I've just lost a customer.
Floyd: No. That customer will be sure to come back.
Jade: Why do you think your business revenue doubled in the past few weeks?
Azul: ...
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qvert · 2 years
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Here’s to Beatrice swearing 🙌🏻
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liljamescuzzn · 6 months
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cuties-in-codices · 6 months
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in 'fleur de vertu' (french translation of the italian 'fiore di virtù'), illuminated by the maître de françois de rohan, france, early 16th c.
source: Paris, BnF, Français 1877, fol. 31v
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bressynonym · 1 month
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I know you like it sweet So you can have your cake
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crazyboredasians · 1 month
Y por estas cosas me gustaba la iniciativa del foro fallecido este (cuyo nombre no recuerdo, perdón ;;) de poder poner en el perfil tu ritmo de respuesta. Así nadie se lleva sorpresas y a los que les cuesta hasta contestar un mp no tienen que andar avisando uno por uno que se tardan en responder normalmente. Porque si, en general al arreglar rol nadie dice "oye, cabe la posibilidad de que te conteste una vez al mes ¿Estás bien con eso? Es solo para que estés avisado y nos evitemos malos entendidos a futuro". // en Days Gone existe ese huequito en el perfil (: así la gente puede tener una idea de cuánto puedes tardar o cuánta disponibilidad tienes. Sin embargo, también se lo puedes decir a la persona interesada. Siempre que me llega un MP de trama o tema, antes comento el ritmo de posteo que puedo llevar en ese momento, así ambas partes estamos en paz.
Esa es una idea genial, ya la he visto implementada en otros foros y me gustó mucho. 👍🏼
✰ avarice
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