#✧  | ▹ •  ❛ body claim    mal bertha
stfuimprojecting · 1 year
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I posted 998 times in 2022
That's 634 more posts than 2021!
133 posts created (13%)
865 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 718 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#911 fox - 287 posts
#criminal minds - 124 posts
#evan buckley - 116 posts
#descendants - 109 posts
#eddie diaz - 107 posts
#buddie - 64 posts
#derek morgan - 47 posts
#mal descendants - 46 posts
#mal bertha - 46 posts
#jay son of jafar - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but she still feels like something is missing because she’s single and she’s not a mother and she doesn’t have that traditional family life
My Top Posts in 2022:
buck desperately clawing at the ground, trying to get to eddie
and they’re not in love 🤨🤨🤨
make it make sense
49 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
jay’s life has always been about servitude. he lived to serve jafar and now he lives to serve his gang. servitude is how jay shows love.
the reality is jay will never live for himself. because he doesn’t think of himself as deserving of love.
53 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
i can’t believe 911 actually had eddie telling buck that he’s not expendable
and i’m supposed to be normal about that, i’m not supposed to go absolutely bonkers insane about that
they’re a family! they have a son! they’re in love!!
63 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
back on my descendants bullshit and this is a post that's been a long time coming
the reason why i'm so so obsessed with descendants and why it will always be my #1 hyperfixation is because its about agency and freedom of choice
the central theme of d1 is nature vs nurture. we are told that we born as we are and we cannot change. this idea is introduced by the core four, they are literally rotten to the core. this, is then immediately put into question by the plot of the movie. the whole plot is literally that despite their parentage and outside pressures, these four kids CHOOSE to be good. that once they are removed from their toxic environment and are given freedom and the opportunity to be whoever they choose to be- they choose to be different, they choose to learn and grow
it's about breaking cycles. it's about claiming agency over your body, your identity, your life. its about the freedom to choose
and if that doesn't make you crazy! if that doesn't make you go absolutely bonkers insane! then don't talk to me
115 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
while jay is the brawn of the gang, i truly believe that he would also be the diplomat
i know in the movies we see evie act as a peacekeeper and the grounding force between the rotten four and the sea three, in most circumstances i don’t think she would act as a good liaison with other gangs. not because she isn’t capable, but because she simply doesn’t have much experience on the isle. having spent the majority of her life in exile, evie would not be up to date on isle culture and politics. that being said, she makes a great liaison between the isle and auradon.
jay on the other hand would be well versed in isle culture and politics. not to mention that despite being categorized as a somewhat of a loner in the books (in the sense that he didn’t really run with a gang until mal came along), he’s shown to have few enemies and would even temporarily ally with other gangs when beneficial. in d3, once the antagonism between the two gangs subsides, jay gets along great with the sea three. and jay, while occasionally rash, is incredibly emotionally intelligent. the main thing that comes to mind is in d2 when jay offers to go to the isle with mal as he comforts her. he’s also often shown to be a physically grounding presence for the people around him. and unlike mal, we know that jay isn’t overly concerned with being top dog. we see this in d3 when jay gives up his captainship to lonnie. he is much more concerned with doing the right thing and maintaining balance and fairness. that being said, jay wouldn’t allow people walk all over them in an effort to maintain the peace. he would do what is necessary to accomplish what needs to be done.
anyways it’s 3 am and my brain isn’t working at full capacity and i’m sure there’s more to say. but tldr i think jay should be the diplomat of the gang, at the very least between other gangs.
188 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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sparrowmoth · 4 years
A Heart is Not a Plaything • [AO3]
Teen | 1.5K | Rotten OT4 | Angst, Em. + Phys. Hurt/Comfort, Mystery
A/N: Prompted by the lovely @mycroftinthemindpalace​: “Any of the Core Four see Cruella hit Carlos, and lose their minds about it, together or separately.”
This is a loose interpretation of the prompt, telling not the story of what happened, but the story of what happened after. There are purposeful elements of mystery due to the fact that I’ve limited the POV to Carlos’ thoughts/perceptions, but you’ll find many clues throughout as to what’s going on and why Maleficent has gotten involved in it. I hope you enjoy!
CW: Intoxicated/drugged character, emotional/verbal child abuse, implied physical abuse, implied addiction (prescription drugs), blood mention, and minor swearing
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How long had there been darkness?
Carlos didn’t know, couldn’t remember.
He tried to open his eyes, make sense of his feet, think clear enough to be sure he wasn’t dreaming, and then to know where he was waking. His mother’s closet? No. Must be—the hideout? That was… Mal’s voice, he was sure now, but—she sounded… not quite herself. He had to listen harder. Listen.
“—because he’s mine,” Mal was saying, her voice too loud in his ears, “and if she breaks him—”
“You’ll find other toys,” came the bored reply—that voice like Mal’s but so much colder.
Fuck. Where was he, where was he? What had happened? Why was she—if that was her—and it had to be—
Carlos shivered beneath the skin, more and more aware of his body. He felt a heaviness, like gravity returning—a heaviness like he were meant to fall, but couldn’t. He blinked back shadows until the world appeared, though all he could really see of it were his own feet, his bent knees, his limp hands—
He heard a scoff from somewhere ahead of him; again, that voice like crunching ice spoke: “What’s so special about this one, hmm? Tell me, Mal! Go on! I’m simply dying to know—” There was a pause, and a sound like straining bones beneath the soft shuffle of woollen robes. “—because from where I’m sitting, my little spark, it almost looks like you care about this… unfortunate thing you’ve stolen.”
“I didn’t steal him, mother,” Mal grit out. “I claimed him as mine. He’s been mine for years—”
“Oh, has he?” came the sharp reply, a strange sort of humour laced all through the words.
(There was a long quiet after that—then, a piercing laugh and a shallow exhale.)
“Mal,” someone murmured in a warning tone, the rumble of their voice felt all through Carlos’ body.
He blinked back into focus, suddenly aware of the feeling of Jay’s heartbeat, the sound of his breath, and the warmth of his arms hooked beneath Carlos’ own. He was sure if Jay were to let go now—
But he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t.
“Shut up,” Mal hissed, drawing Carlos’ attention. He couldn’t find the energy to lift his head enough to see her, but he was pretty sure she was the shadow in the corner of his eye. The flash of green he’d caught made him more sure, in retrospect. Where was Evie, though? And where was here? Outside...? No.
Carlos lost his train of thought when That Voice began to speak again.
“You still haven’t told me why…”
“Why?” Mal echoed, a tinge of apprehension, maybe even fear in her tone.
(Carlos wondered if only he could hear it, or if he’d imagined it altogether.)
“Yes, why—” A loud bang sounded, making Jay jolt and Carlos flinch against him. “—are you here? Why are you dirtying my floor? Why… are you asking me to intervene in this, Mal Bertha Moors?”
Mal’s stutter was easy to miss, but Carlos was sure he heard it: “I-I told you—”
Another bang interrupted.
(Carlos felt Jay’s muscles tense, felt him draw his body in a little closer.)
“I-I’m your daughter,” Mal whispered, maybe more to herself than to her mother.
Something in her voice made Carlos want to look away, though he couldn’t even see her properly. He closed his eyes against the sound of her soft, shuddering exhale, for what little that was worth.
“Mal, let’s just—” Jay went suddenly quiet, and Carlos figured Mal must have glared at him; then, his ears attuned to that same sound as before: the straining of bones and the rustling of thick wool.
“Not because you deserve it, not because you have earned it...”
“I know,” Mal said quietly, “but I—”
“—will not interrupt your queen when she addresses you,” came the hiss of an answer.
The silence thickened over several seconds, and Jay’s breathing grew more and more shallow.
“This once, Mal…” (Carlos opened his eyes again, stared hard at his shoes as he listened.) “This once, I will humour you and your childish attachments, but—” (There was a tense pause.) “—if you throw your bones at my feet like this ever again, I will not so much as ask you which wolf to feed before I’m rid of them, do you understand?”
“Yes, mo—”
“Yes, your Maleficence.”
“Yes, your Maleficence,” Mal repeated, her voice so soft and strained, she didn’t sound herself at all.
Jay shifted slightly, dragging Carlos back a half-step. He blinked down at his boots and the blood-stained stones, wondering for a moment how long they’d been there for his blood to have dried.
Oh, but—not his blood. Not his, no—
That wasn’t the right colour for human.
“Mal? I’ve promised you nothing.”
“I know…”
There was no dismissal, except for maybe a gesture that Carlos had missed. He couldn’t seem to find the energy to lift his head even now, so he had little sense of anything but the fact that Jay was taking him somewhere, and—far as he could tell, out of the corner of his eye—Mal seemed to be following, rather than leading. (She didn’t speak for at least a minute; not until they were out from… wherever.)
“Stop,” she said abruptly, making Jay pause mid-step.
Carlos watched Mal’s boots come toe-to-toe with his; then, suddenly, her hand appeared—
“He looks awake,” she muttered as she lifted his chin with a hint of a scowl. “How long?”
Carlos blinked at her, confused. He, as in... himself? Why was she talking to him like he wasn’t him…?
“Don’t know, but... a while, I think,” Jay murmured, adjusting his grip under Carlos’ armpits.
Mal breathed out a sigh. “So, you heard all that, huh?”
“Might not remember tomorrow,” Jay said quietly, when Carlos didn’t answer.
(He couldn’t feel his tongue—or rather, he could, but it felt fuzzy and limp and not-tongue-enough.)
The sound of hurried footsteps starting suddenly out of the quiet caused Mal to whirl so quickly that she forgot she’d been propping Carlos’ chin up. His head fell forward and hung there, lolling back and forth like a rusty, stuttering pendulum. (He could hear Mal talking to someone, but who—?)
“It’s just Evie,” Jay murmured, reaching to cup Carlos’ head with one hand while using the other to guide him around. (Carlos meant to nod in answer, but never actually did.) He slumped heavily into Jay’s chest, not even trying to hold onto him. His arms were like lead.
“Here, don’t worry, I’ve got you…”
Jay hoisted Carlos off the ground with a soft grunt. He slipped an arm around Carlos’ waist, the other under his bottom in a way that some part of his mind complained was too embarrassing to allow, yet—he was so tired, he just surrendered to it—couldn’t seem to really, honestly care, no matter any part of him that might want to. His eyes fell half-shut, and he let his head drop onto Jay’s shoulder.
“—until tomorrow,” Evie was saying, slightly out of breath as she addressed Mal. “I told her we’d do it in the morning, and as long as everything’s done by noon, I don’t think she’ll…” Evie trailed off, and though Carlos couldn’t see her, he felt the weight of her eyes as she asked, “Is he awake…?”
No one answered that Carlos could tell; but Jay turned slightly at the same time that Evie stepped to his side, appearing in Carlos’ line of sight as a blue-tinged shadow, silhouetted by the dim lavender light of mid-evening. “Hey there, pup,” she whispered, reaching up to brush his curls back with a sad smile. “Don’t fall asleep yet, okay? Not until I get a proper look at you, at least.”
Carlos stared at her tiredly, barely able to muster a low whine in answer.
“Oh, I know, I know,” said Evie, voice warm and sympathetic.
He wanted to ask her what she knew, wanted to ask her what happened, why he felt so strange; but before he could even try, Mal’s hand was on Evie’s shoulder. “We should go now,” she said lowly.
Evie sighed but nodded, stepping back to address Jay. “Make sure he stays awake.” She glanced at Carlos, who hadn’t looked away from her, his expression unreadable but for the sheer exhaustion. “Whatever he took today, it’s wearing off. If the pain hits, just…” She sucked in a breath. “Try not to jostle him too much. I’ll put him under again when we know what we’re dealing with…”
“You got it, princess,” Jay replied with a hint of a smile in his voice. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep him safe.”
Evie tried for a smile, as well, as she looked at Jay. “I know you will.”
With that, she reached for Mal’s hand, pulling her ahead of Jay, out of Carlos’ range of vision—
“Time we get you home,” Jay murmured, starting after the girls.
Home, thought Carlos, blinking sleepily as he watched Jay’s heels flash in and out of his view.
He’d never used that word for anything, really, but if the four of them were going somewhere…
Well, maybe that was the word they should use for it, yeah.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are always appreciated. <3
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ceriseichorarch · 6 years
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  * tag drop / body claim ! 
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