#✧  | ▹ •  ❛ body claim    jessica hamby
eddysocs · 8 months
True Blood OC Masterlist
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Name: Amaya Martindale
Face Claim: Megan Fox
Love Interest: Ginger
Fic Title: Ginger Snapped
Plot Summary: As the recently dethroned vampire queen of Virginia, Amaya is out searching for her next venture. Her travels lead her to Shreveport, Louisiana, where she takes a job in a strip club, a place that earns her easy pickings in getting a meal. Then she hears of a little club called Fangtasia. Curious, she pays it a visit and becomes utterly enamored with Eric and Pam's pet human, Ginger. After the way she sees them treat her, she decides that Ginger deserves better, and Amaya sets her sights on taking control of Louisiana and bringing Ginger in as her consort.
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Name: Angelique Blanchard
Face Claim: Genevieve Padalecki
Love Interest: Bill Compton
Fic Title: Humanity
Plot Summary: Angelique Blanchard grew up with a love for history. She even gives historic home tours around Bon Temps and Shreveport on the weekends. The rest of her time is spent bartending at Merlotte's or reading historical fiction and nonfiction alike. And one night, she meets Bill Compton. No stranger to his family lineage, she instantly wants to get to know him, fill in the gaps of history as she knows it, but is she really prepared for what it means to get to know a vampire?
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Name: Autumn Wade
Face Claim: Phoebe Tonkin
Love Interest: Jessica Hamby
Fic Title: Light Meets Dark
Plot Summary: There has always been a rift between vampire and faerie kind, and after the vampires nearly drove the faeries into extinction, the faeries retreated to their own realm. Centuries later, adventurous faerie Autumn wants nothing more than to explore the mortal plane, but even with vampires now out of the coffin and drinking Tru Blood, it’s deemed too dangerous. But Autumn doesn’t take no for an answer and makes her way out to Bon Temps where she meets Jessica Hamby, a baby vampire who doesn’t seem all that bad. As the two grow closer, they’ll have to fight to change years of hatred for the sake of starting something new.
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Name: Brooklyn Hammond
Face Claim: Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: Rosalyn Harris
Fic Title: Fang Banger
Plot Summary: When a scream in an alley leads Brooklyn to find a vampire feeding on a less than willing victim, she steps in, drawing the attention to herself. The victim escapes and Brooklyn is left to face an angry, hungry vampire, but she’s not afraid. She allows her to feed from her, knowing full well she's taking her life in her hands by doing so. As she’s being fed on, she presents a deal; access to her body to feed or fuck any time in exchange for safety, security and a comfortable life. Once the deal is struck, Rosalyn will find that Brooklyn's loyalty runs deeper than even the blood in her veins.
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Name: Cinda Stackhouse
Face Claim: Claire Holt
Love Interest: Eric Northman
Fic Title: States Of Being
Plot Summary: When the Stackhouses made a deal with Warlow all those years ago, it was Cinda who was the first born fairy in the bloodline, but she was kept a secret, sent off to the realm of the fairies for protection. Though, despite their best efforts, Warlow tracked her down, not about to let them out of their agreement. Cinda, however, was ready for him. Using nearly all of her light, she bound him in a magic cage. That’s when she decided to become part of the human world and where she first met Eric Northman in the 1400s. When she was made vampire some years later, she never expected their paths to cross again, but it seems that even the ages couldn’t keep them apart.
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Name: Gideon Thibodeaux
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
Love Interest: Russell Edgington
Fic Title: Edge Of Glory
Plot Summary: Gideon has always been obsessed with the idea of vampires and the day they "came out of the coffin" was the best day of Gideon's life. He considers himself one of the OG fang bangers and frequents vampire nightclubs, until he eventually starts working at one. It’s his dream come true, at least so he thinks, but one night a vampire loses control and nearly drains him dry. He’s saved by one Russell Edgington, who's entranced by his resemblance to his recently deceased Talbot. It’s up to Gideon to prove himself as a worthy replacement, or get himself killed in the process.
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Name: Jade Moreau
Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Pam Swynford de Beaufort
Fic Title: To Be Hers
Plot Summary: While quite literally running from her problems, Jade seeks refuge in the nearest establishment willing to open its door to her. Without a care as to the place she’s stepping into, she collides head on with club co-owner, Pam, a vampire who's none too pleased with the intrusion. Jade pleads her case, but the unsympathetic Pam doesn’t give a damn what kind of trouble she’s in. Yet Jade is persistent and able to strike a deal. She can stay under the protection of the club if she's willing to work for it.
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Name: London Greer
Face Claim: Ashley Greene
Love Interest: Sarah Newlin
Fic Title: The Grey Area
Plot Summary: London Greer always wanted to be a nurse, and now she is one. Forever. She keeps her status as a vampire under wraps in order to continue caring for her patients, knowing that not everyone would accept a vampire as their nurse. Her whole goal in life is to spread love and healing, but sometimes people just can’t get past seeing her as a monster. Her most difficult challenge to date is getting Sarah Newlin to see the light in the darkness.
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Name: Lyra LaSalle
Face Claim: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Love Interest: Maryann Forrester
Fic Title: Strange Effect
Plot Summary: Lyra grew up in a commune in southern Louisiana and fled the night she was meant to become a sacrifice. Ending up in Bon Temps, Lyra loves the relative quiet of the little community, and settles there, but her cult isn’t done with her yet. And it’s not only her past out to get her. It should be a red flag for her when Maryann Forrester waltzes into her life, but she can’t quite bring herself to care, not when Maryann is so captivating. Only, it’s not just Maryann's spell over her, but something more, an inherent connection that neither of them expects. But can they save each other from the forces that seek to destroy them?
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Name: Tovah Olander
Face Claim: Antonia Thomas
Love Interest: Arlene Fowler
Fic Title: Once Bitten
Summary: When Tovah Olander blows into the little town of Bon Temps, everyone is abuzz. Word is that where Tovah goes, trouble follows, but Tovah doesn’t mind her reputation, she’s just out to have a good time. Usually she’ll just blow through towns like a storm, but something about Bon Temps tempts her to stay. That something is Merlotte's waitress, Arlene Fowler.
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ceriseichorarch · 6 years
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  * tag drop / body claim ! 
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