#☆ itsa me (munday)
silksworn · 9 months
it may no longer be national g0th day (my favorite holiday), but it is munday! praise lolth or whatever.
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interestingfolks · 2 years
Itsa me, Sister Laudna Munday Hunter, Dark Lord of nightmares I'm a total Sugma Female.
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griefprofiled · 4 years
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happy monday morning all i want in life is to be able to dutch braid my own hair but n o
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gold-gristlechewer · 4 years
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Happy Munday!!
I'm posting this from my cell at work, but I'd figure I'd join in on sharing my mug with my new followers at least once while I can LOL
Hope everyone's having a great day!!
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warcrmnl · 4 years
tag drop
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airxn · 5 years
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happy munday! here’s me all bundled up waiting outside First Avenue for Caravan Palace!! luckily there was a heat lamp where we were waiting, but man i would do it again in a heartbeat
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mettatoniic01-blog · 6 years
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munday funday i gotta do starters
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dcntend-blog · 6 years
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did some one call for a GAY
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leading-atlas · 6 years
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Happy Munday, ya’ll. I got a fly as hell haircut and I’m showing it off 👍👍
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slcyer-a · 7 years
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Ummmm idek
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griefprofiled · 4 years
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it's 🌠monday🌠 here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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storieswrittcnarc · 4 years
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Happy Munday! Itsa me, ya boi Ares.
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happymediium · 4 years
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i forgot about munday and i have like zero recent pictures bc i haven’t put on makeup since lockdown started but HI HEY HELLO itsa me
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quiet-kunoichi · 7 years
i was tagged by: @kusunokihime​ first, the basics. hi, people call me jack, im like, whatever gender you want me to be tbh idc (tho i am physically a girl if that info pleases you aha) i am 18+
✦ I have a few sleeping disorders as a result of my PTSD. Some nights are bad, some aren’t. REM Behavioral Disorder causes me to act out my dreams, and since many are nightmares, it ain’t pretty. I’ve had a knack of lucid dreaming without actually meaning to - those aren’t fun because they end up in lucid nightmares. in short, sleep is my enemy until it’s 7am and i have to get up & go somewhere (then i dun wanna leave bed ahahah) ✦ I’ve been writing since I was in the third grade - published some ‘books’ at my elementary school. Bonus fun fact, I visited there the other day and was informed that I’m still the only author that published the most amount of books in my stay there - 13 total, 2 co-written ✦ A very close friend introduced me to Naruto when I was like, 8. We sat up and watched every single episode, created our own characters, and acted things out instead of writing it down. Her character’s name was Kimiko - that friend, since the age of 10, has been either missing, or in juvie/jail. I miss the old her with all my heart - thus, I donned my character with her old character’s name. ✦ Iiii have done a few cosplays in my time. The two I recall the most are Naruto Uzumaki and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. (hence the faceclaims for mun, yes?) ✦ At the age of 7 I ‘graduated’ 21 levels of intensive swim lessons (they’re styled to prepare teens and young adults to become lifeguards) ✦ Probably gonna sound weird to y’all, but I have this sixth sense (unlike common sense) that has saved my sister and I from a mass shooting, saved my mother and I from a car wreck, and saved my seizing brother countless of times. ✦ Favorite musical is Grease. (and im really not a fan of musicals) I will sing every song, and I’m terrible at singing, really. ✦ Top favorite Disney movies as a child were The Lion King and Mulan ✦ I absolutely love the horror genre and anything ‘spooky’ or ‘creepy.’ Since I was a kid, I’ve been watching horror movies and working at haunted houses. Last time I worked at one was Oct 2015. I was in a full-contact enclosure and nothing was run right or safely. I ended up having to save a kid from an asthma attack. Bonus: Boss came to me and told me I would get fired because I should have stayed in character (number one rule was never take my mask off or leave character) I told him point blank to shove his fake chainsaw up his ass and rev it. Him and his ‘crew’ (they were all scammers) left to California the next night.  ✦ One time at summer camp (all good stories start this way don’t they?) I was horseback riding. They didn’t have enough saddles for everyone, so they made me ride bareback since I was the only one with previous experience with horses. Well, of course, they gave me the most ornery horse, too. Middle of the forest, my horse kicked back and booked it into the underbrush. I held on until he calmed and let him graze. It was an hour until counselors found me, WHOOPS ✦  I was the only one who spoke at my grandfather’s funeral. I was 13. ✦ dude i love long walks. tbh there’s no point in being my friend unless you can withstand a walk with me. its where i can really let my ideas flow and spill all of my thoughts. you’re blessed if i ask you to take a walk with me. (also im blessed if you join me bc wow that’s nice of you) ✦ Uhh I love s’mores and the smell of campfires/the woods? I’m always down for spontaneous road trips to just about anywhere - adventures are great & I tell great campfire stories, promise ✦ I was in the 8th grade when I auditioned for my first play. Much to my surprise (and horror bc i had stage fright at the time) I was cast as the lead role: Robin Hood. After 200+ memorized lines, and acting like a total goof on stage (got all my tips from watching Naruto himself) I got over my stage fright. Out of all the plays I’ve been in since then, it was still my favorite because it was the only one I had the most fun with.  ✦ Last summer I took a trip to the largest theatre festival in the world, the Fringe festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. A troupe of us were invited and we preformed a play there. (Bonus: in that play, i stripped from hundreds of snow layers and made out with a dude, implied sex at the end. dude’s kissing: not so spectacular) Although the group I was with wasn’t really.. a positive one to be around, it was still an experience I’d never forget (esp after spending a year and a half fundraising 96,000 dollars to get there) Bonus bonus: I HATE PLANES OH LORDY. but i love traveling. that’s a problem. tagging: @perseveringspirits & anyone else who actually read every single one of these. rly. id like to know x’D
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luviinar-blog · 6 years
monday more like munday look at my face bc ive never posted it
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itsa me. mortimer.
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evil-girl-art · 6 years
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Nanbaka oc week day 5- just another manic munday! Welp- itsa me- anyways- i guess i'll put some stuff about me?? -always tired -19 and havent done anything with my life rip -a n x i e t y -i like sculpting stuff with sculpey- -hair is always changing colour -most of my nanbaka ocs are literally just my ocs revamped to be in a nanbaka au type thing- i have a ton im just too lazy to post em all- -i've been obsessing over nanbaka for nearly a year now- still aas crazy about it as the first day i started watching lmao Anyways thats all i wanna say rn- im not super interesting haha-
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