#• Bottle label
customlabeldesign · 5 months
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Hello There,
Here is my new Product Packaging Design project presentation. If you need to improve your business design quality please feel free to contact me. Don't feel shy to ask any question.
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samcreates · 2 months
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The Fool (Fortune's Favour) Bottle Label -- by Sam Roche.
I designed this bottle label for a small batch of personal-use mead. For two best friends who wanted to showcase a tarot theme.
Because it was their first batch, The Fool was the ideal Major Arcana. I incorporated mead/honey-themed designs within the project. Instead of The Fool's iconic bag on a stick, he carries a hive on a stick. Instead of his dog companion, he has a bee.
The symbol the two mead-makers imprint in the wax seal (not pictured) is an eye, so it was important to incorporate an eye in the project as well. I thought to make the iris blue, like a Nazar (or Evil Eye), to stay on a bit of a spiritual-theme.
(The mead was great, by the way.)
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alenasbdesign · 5 months
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Liquor Bottle Labels (4" x 3.5")
Dimensions: 4" x 3.5"
Each set includes 6 matte labels
Scratch-resistant and waterproof
Vibrant, full-color, photo-quality printing that stands the test of time
Easy peel-and-stick method; labels are easily applied by removing the crack and peel backing to expose the permanent adhesive
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adiladedesign · 6 months
Rustic Hot Sauce Kraft Label Sticker
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tetibright · 7 months
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(via Custom name orange tropical leaves cream wine label | Zazzle)
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bestshopzone · 7 months
Custom Koozie Design
Origin and Evolution
Remember those precursors to the Koozie? Yeah, me neither. They were way before our time and not half as much fun.
What are Koozies?
You're probably drinking from one right now, aren't you? Koozies, those cool, insulated wraps that keep our beverages chilled, our hands dry, and our style game strong. CHECK HERE
The Evolution of Koozies
Koozies have come a long way since their inception in the late 70s as simple, uninspiring can coolers. Over the years, however, these humble beverage holders have transformed into superbly versatile tools for both personal expression and business promotion.
Current Market Demand for Customized Koozies
But, hold on to your hats, folks, apparently there's a continually rising demand for custom Koozies. From weddings to corporate events, people just can't get enough of these customizable nuggets of neoprene!
Why Customized Koozie Designs?
Alright, love, spill the tea? (Not literally, of course. We all know a hot tea spill can result in a hasty retreat). So, what's all the fuss about customizing Koozie designs?
The Power of Personalized Items
We humans are funny, aren't we? We have a strange affinity for anything that has our stamp, our signature. It feels more us, doesn't it? Customized items, like Koozies, add a certain level of personal touch that could even make Uncle Bob smile. CHECK HERE
Various Utilities of Custom Koozies
Besides showing off our quirkiness, custom Koozies have become a creative way to promote businesses or send off guests with a memorabilia from memorable events like births, weddings, or graduations.
Different Audiences for Customized Koozies
Each audience is as different as cheddar and brie. The corporate crowd might like their Koozies crisp with a logo, while college students might prefer sassy, funny quotes to bring out the laughs on a Friday night.
Various Types of Koozies
Ah, the world of Koozies is as varied as a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.
Classic Foam Koozies
You can't go wrong with the OG of Koozies. Inexpensive, effective, and comfy in the hand. A timeless choice, like apple pie or a rerun of Friends.
Neoprene Koozies
The Rolls Royce of Koozies, if you will. They're ultra-insulating, durable, and possess a certain sleekness that's hard to resist. CHECK HERE
Specialty Koozies
For those who aspire to be unicorns in a field of horses. Think Koozies shaped like football jerseys, flasks or even dresses that offer a unique twist.
Designing Your Custom Koozie: A Step by Step Guide
Creating a custom Koozie design is like baking a cake – you need the right ingredients, a great recipe, and a cherry topping for the perfect finish. Let's bring out our aprons, shall we?
Choosing the Right Material
There are a few factors to consider while selecting materials such as durability, comfort, insulation, cost, and, of course, how it feels in your hand. Take time to compare different materials and choose the best match for your purpose like a chef curates ingredients for his signature dish.
Creating the Perfect Design
Pray to the muse, go crazy with the color palette, or brew a pot of midnight oil and set up a brainstorming session. After all, your Koozie design is a reflection of your brand or occasion. Like a well-curated outfit, each element of your design speaks volumes of your style statement.
Finalizing Your Design for Printing
Once your design is ready, give it a good once-over. Refine it until it's as smoother than a Sinatra croon. Pay attention to colors and patterns as these are the seasoning to your design dish. Lastly, ensure your design is ready in the correct format and quality for a high-fidelity print.
The Printing Process: Bringing Your Koozie Design to Life
We're all set for the main attraction - the transformation of your design from a digital entity to a real, touchable, koozie. CHECK HERE
Selecting the Right Printing Method for Koozies
It's time to play matchmaker! Your design and the printing method need to fit together better than PB&J. Screen Printing, Sublimation, and Heat Transfer each come with their advantages and limitations. Choose wisely, as the perfect match is the backbone of a great print.
Ensuring the Best Print Quality
Think of yourself as a maestro, perfecting every note for the symphony. Consider factors like ink quality, color vibrancy, print resolution, and alignment to churn out a masterpiece.
Post-Printing: Koozie Care and Maintenance
After all your hard work, you want your creation to last longer than a snowflake in summer. Handle freshly printed Koozies with care and follow proper guidelines for cleaning and maintenance to ensure your Koozie stays "hip" and "happening" for long.
Spotlight on Unique Koozie Designs: Real-world Examples and Inspiration
As the saying goes, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." But, we prefer the term "inspiration." So, let's dig into unique Koozie designs that have actually turned heads.
Spotlight on Successful Koozie Designs
These designs have lived to tell the tale of their success. Each one is a lesson, a secret ingredient to the recipe of creating awesome Koozie designs. Analyzing these designs would be like talking with Gordon Ramsay about his favorite dish.
Inspiring Ideas for Your Next Koozie Design
Whether you're planning a social gathering, a corporate event, or even a community drive, these design ideas are sure to tickle your creativity bone. Take notes, folks!
Trends in Koozie Design
Styles may change faster than a chameleon, but by keeping abreast with current trends and anticipating future ones, your Koozie design could be the vogue of tomorrow, or even lead the pack!
The Business of Custom Koozie Design: Challenges and Opportunities
Running a custom Koozie design business is like sailing a ship. There might be rough seas and unfriendly winds, but there will also be plenty of opportunities to discover new islands. CHECK HERE
Challenges in Custom Koozie Design and How to Overcome Them
Like any other business, custom Koozie design has its challenges - meeting client expectations, dealing with competition, or ensuring timely deliveries. But remember, a sailor never becomes skilled amidst calm waters.
Opportunities in the Koozie Design Business
The increasing demand for customized items is a beacon of opportunities. Identify trends, ride the wave, and make the most of these opportunities to mark your place in the industry.
Case Studies of Successful Koozie Design Businesses
Success stories are not just impressive, they are inspiring. Recognize the ingredients that cooked their success, learn from their experiences, and claim your share of the cake! Best Designer
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fandomsandfeminism · 10 months
I'm begging people to not be afraid of OTC pain meds.
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OTC pain meds are not a devil’s bargain or a moral failing. They are a tool to reduce unneeded suffering. They do not destroy your organs if taken correctly, and there is no reward for the people who take the fewest pills in life.
Take what helps, and take it safely! If you have prescription meds or other health issues, always check for possible interactions/adverse effects. 
Edit: the upper limit for paracetamol/acetaminophen is actually more like 4g for most people! :)
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ichsany · 1 year
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Packaging Label Design: H2O - That’s it
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sandflakedraws · 3 months
fun fact! the junior novelization for TBT is delightful.
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also, a great observation from a friend of mine
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wiisagi-maiingan · 2 months
And I've said this before but for people who don't think an organzied first aid kit is necessary if you've got a medicine cabinet or some other mishmash of medical supplies, I can say from firsthand experience that it REALLY sucks to try digging through a random assortment of bottles and boxes looking for the one specific thing you need while you're bleeding everywhere and your vision is a bit blurry.
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tatzelwyrm · 7 months
Thinking about Wolfwood praying to god and Vash being the one who answers.
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customlabeldesign · 5 months
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Hello There,
Here is my new Product Packaging Design project presentation. If you need to improve your business design quality please feel free to contact me. Don't feel shy to ask any question.
Professional Product Label & Packaging Designer
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🌱 Product Label Design & Packaging Design
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🌱 All Type Bottle & Box Label design
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batfam-belfry · 3 months
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Ten bucks says the Benadryl knocks them out before they find the Joker
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missxoier · 4 months
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My baby is so lonely...no one understands him
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moeblob · 5 months
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im still very sick and lets just say it aint goin well.
(please let me be healthy soon)
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~ Silver and Gold ~
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