machiavellli · 3 months
Well, my boyfriend's in a band
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He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
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I've got feathers in my hair
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I get down to Beat poetry
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Singer Sotto, 2024 (1990). Singer Vehicle Design have revealed their 300th restomod that started life 34 years ago as the 964 series 911 Targa. The bodywork has been replaced with carbon fibre and the engine is Singer's 4.0 litre air-cooled flat 6 that manages 390hp and can hit 9,000rpm. Sotto is finished in Resistance Blue
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oliveoomph · 7 months
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Root & Shaw - Person of Interest
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l-incantatrice · 1 month
Nell’ultimo anno ho mandato affanculo qualche persona. Prima di tutto due dietologi da cui ero andata per perdere qualche chilo. Purtroppo tre anni fa ho dovuto iniziare a prendere un farmaco che è anche anabolizzante,così nel giro di 15 giorni ho messo cinque chili pur seguendo una dieta ipocalorica e bilanciata. Questi due medici non solo non sono riusciti a farmi perdere peso,ma con le loro diete sbagliate hanno peggiorato le mie patologie. Ora sto andando da una nutrizionista giovane,seria e onesta e finalmente,anche se molto lentamente,comincio a perdere peso e le mie condizioni di salute sono migliorate. Poi,lo scorso novembre,ho mandato affanculo la mia parrucchiera,da cui andavo da circa 17 anni e con cui avevo un rapporto amichevole. Nell’ultimo anno era molto scorbutica perché voleva che facessi il colore e il taglio che piacevano a lei e non approvava le mie scelte.Alla fine mi sono fatta convincere a tagliare i capelli come diceva lei,ma me li ha tagliati troppo corti e stavo malissimo. Ho fatto mesi a disagio quando uscivo di casa. Ora vado da un altro parrucchiere che ha tinte ottime,é molto bravo e tratta le clienti come regine.
Quindi,visto che mandare affanculo quelle persone,mi ha migliorato notevolmente la vita,sto già pensando a chi può essere il prossimo da mandare affanculo 🤣🤣
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Oggi giornata super noiosa, quindi vi beccate questo. Almeno la serata si fa più divertente 😩🙈
È il ringraziamento di tutti i bacini ricevuti nei giorni scorsi ahahah ✨✨ grazie per avermi fatto vincere la scommessa
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monochromiamen · 2 years
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Enzo Gama and Ronald Sotto by Pedro Pedreira
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dark69skin · 6 months
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Ronald Sotto
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catsloverword · 4 months
Frasi ad effetto, auguri esplosivi, buona fine e migliore inizio, ora di bilanci... Potrei scrivere pensieri fortemente ispirati, ma ciò che quest'anno avevo da dire, l'ho detto ed è tutto contenuto in questo mio blog. Il mio anno è iniziato a maggio e finisce oggi. E, per citare una famosissima frase: "Dopotutto domani è un altro giorno" e si vedrà...
Grazie a Tutte le belle anime incontrate qui in questi mesi, che mi hanno letta ed emozionata.
Buona fine anno
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gumnut-logic · 1 month
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At 120 kilometres per hour, Virgil’s little hydrofoil tripped on its own foils and spun in the air, coming down hard, before bouncing off the water surface to spin again, bounce again and again until its angle of entry penetrated the water surface and drove her under.
There was a split second of pure frozen horror.
Then the comms erupted and Gordon moved.
His scanners tracked the pod as it dove, speed leeching into the water the deeper it got. He knew there was enough air in the craft for it to resurface by itself, but that calculation neglected to take in any possible damage to the hull.
It would only take a crack.
He flung TB4 into a steep dive, deploying her arms on approach and grabbing the wounded pod. Shifting his turbines into reverse, he slowed her plummet and began pulling her towards the surface.
His lights shone on the cabin.
Virgil was slumped in his restraints.
“Gordon, what’s the pod’s status?” Scott’s voice was strong as ever, but it was trembling just that little bit. Shock, no doubt.
“Recovering now. Pilot appears unconscious.”
“I have no response from Virgil.”
“Neither do I.” His heart was thudding in his chest.
It took years to get to the surface. Likely a matter of seconds, but staring at his injured brother while separated by marine acrylic and water and not able to do anything but look, stretched time beyond belief. But eventually they surfaced, the sun sparking off wet metal and plastic, Thunderbird Two’s engines shaking the air some distance off starboard.
Securing TB4, Gordon flipped out, under, and swam over to the crippled hydrofoil. He climbed up the side of the craft, his gloved hands ghosting over dented metal. Her foils were bent at odd angles, but the core pod…the core pod was secure. Thank god for good and safe design. Her seals had held.
He banged on the clear acrylic. Virgil didn’t react.
He reached around the back edge of the hatch, his fingers searching for the emergency release. The ocean made the world go up and down.
Finally, his fingers caught the latch and with a hiss of broken seal, he hauled up the hatch. The sea breeze stirred Virgil’s hair.
Gordon yanked off a glove and holding his breath reached for Virgil’s pulse.
His brother’s heart beat against his fingertips.
Oh, thank god.
“H-he’s alive.”
There was an incoherent sound of relief at the other end of the comline.
“We’re going to need a spinal board down here.”
“Copy that.”
It didn’t surprise Gordon to see Scott pin drop from Thunderbird Two several moments later. He’d stripped off most of his uniform, leaving only his undershirt and shorts on. He had also donned a harness to which he had attached one of TB2’s first aid kits. He paddled over on the spinal board and hurriedly clambered up the side of the mangled hydrofoil, his eyes seeking his injured brother.
Gordon had done a visual assessment of Virgil. It appeared that the pod’s safety harness had done its job. There were no obvious major injuries. There would be bruises, no doubt, but his brother appeared to be in one piece.
Scott’s fingers brushed against Virgil’s hair.
“Let’s get him out of there.”
It took some awkward manoeuvring and Virgil was damn heavy, but finally with his spine and neck immobilised as much as possible, the two brothers manhandled him into a basket stretcher lowered from TB2.
Virgil did not stir at all.
Taking one last second to grip Gordon’s shoulder in thanks, Scott rode Virgil’s stretcher up into the confines of Thunderbird Two, and the aquanaut was left staring at the mangled and empty hydrofoil.
As TB2 tore off towards the mainland, Gordon swore and sunk his boot into the side of the crippled craft.
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mynameis-gloria · 5 months
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Sabato, la giornata si è forse conclusa
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absentlyabbie · 5 days
i think a gentle reminder perhaps all of us need sometimes is that, though we have around here a very free culture about conversational tagging, and tumblr as a social ecosystem treats tags like muttering under your breath or a little aside...
unless they're deactivated or have deleted the original post, the person who made the post you're reblogging is still very likely to see your tags. so will the person you reblogged from directly.
commentary tagging may indeed be much like muttering under your breath, but take into consideration that you are muttering in a crowded room not all that far away from the person you've decided to comment on.
they can probably still hear you. the people around you hear you. and any of those may choose to ignore it or even just uncomfortably look away if your muttering edges into faux pas territory, others may find it very rude or even insulting and not simply pretend they didn't hear you.
you may reblog a post "muttering" about how you think the person who made it made a cringey stupid joke and you don't know why people are laughing. but in this analogy you are all in the same room at the same party and you run the risk that the person who told the joke hears you and turns to ask "hey what the fuck."
you might be fine with that and intentionally open to being confrontational, you may be one of those people who thinks "brutal honesty" is a valid form of connecting with others, but if you would be embarrassed or wince and feel guilty if op turned to you and said "hey. what the fuck. that was really unkind" maybe think twice about what you want to say and how you want to say it, and where you want to chance being heard.
it's not an outlandish expectation that we treat one another with kindness and respect, strangers and all.
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barrenwomb · 1 year
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ninacarstairss · 3 months
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this is my roman empire
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jalynckie · 3 months
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simone dopo aver pranzato con mimmo
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i-am-a-polpetta · 6 months
"la vita trova sempre un modo"
te lo dico sempre, ma quando sto così male io per prima smetto di crederci, come se fossero solo un insieme di parole senza senso. non alzarmi dal letto, esser tentata di raccontare una cazzata qualunque per non presentarmi in ufficio perché semplicemente non ci riesco. perché non posso dire la verità? perché devo nascondermi dietro ad un malessere tangibile? io il problema ce l'ho nella testa e non riesco a controllarlo.
mi viene da piangere a pensare che il giorno prima stai bene e il giorno dopo non capisci nemmeno più chi sei, a chiederti perché sei al mondo e perché sei andata in ufficio stamattina.
mi sento così fragile. ho il cuore intrappolato e la testa desposte che mi dice che la musica è cambiata.
e me lo dici sempre "fai un piccolo sforzo anche se smetti di crederci".
alla fine ci sono andata in ufficio, direi che per oggi sia già un grandissimo traguardo.
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