#࿐ ࿔*: &. — dash game
homicidal-slvt · 3 months
2 Truths 1 Lie {Fictional Crush Edition}
Rules: Do a poll with 3 fictional crushes you supposedly have - except one of them is a lie. See if your followers/mutuals can guess which one you actually don't have a crush on.
This should be easy enough for y'all to guess lol
No pressure tags: @deadbranch @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms @ghostslillady @shadofireshinobi @sofasoap @macravishedbymactavish @ghosts-goldendoodle @waltzthegenderfluidpan @sarraa-26 @sky-is-the-limit @shrimpleastha @scar-crossedlvrs @saturncodedstarlette
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seth-the-giggle-fish · 5 months
💛Cozy Things Tag Game
Tagged by: @leechysmile
Comfort Food(s): Stuffing (I actually loose my appetite very easily and it's easy enough to eat)
Comfort Drink(s): Tea, ICEE's, hot chocolate
Comfort Movie(s): The Batman (2022), The Sound of Music, Baahubali 1 and 2 (with subs because the english dub isn't great), Detroit Evolution
Comfort Show(s): Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fruits Basket (it helps me cry and actually process my emotions), YuYu Hakusho (the anime, haven't finished the new live action), and Welcome to Night Vale (it's a podcast but it's also a show)
Comfort Clothing: I've got a green carhartt hoodie that I picked up from a thrift store years ago and the cuffs were so worn out I just cut them off, also knit hats
Comfort Song(s): Stuff from middle school and high school, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Green Day, Most of The Vice Quadrant album by Steam Powered Giraffe
Comfort Book(s): Good Omens, It Devours, Mostly Void Partially Stars, and The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe
Comfort Game(s): Resident Evil 4 (2004), Detroit: Become Human, Tetris, sudoku
Tagging: @oswaldofcourse, @sailabovethis, @citricfox, @alastair-made-me-undo-it, @the-autistic-system, @angelgirl768, @ramenwithbroccoli, and anyone else who wants to try if they see this <3
(only respond if you want to! No pressure to join in)
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outerspacedunce · 2 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
last song I listened to:
currently watching: various series of Star Trek
currently reading: The Price of the Phoenix (and a lot of fanfiction)
currently obsessed with: Star Trek obviously lol
favorite color: Green
tagged by: @goofyjelly
tagging: @js337 @squirmey-worm @minkyumami @stellarbluegalaxy @autisticspirk @spacehooves @strangenewwords @tuvok-enjoyer @rightspocko (no pressure! feel free to reblog or repost)
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justhere4thevibez · 1 month
I was tagged FOREVER ago by both @cyraclove and @staceymcgillicuddy for a wip whenever, and now finally remembered to do it! Thanks for the tags, loveys 💛
Here's a sneak peek of chapter two of my knitter-rock star Eddie fic, If Not For This Love of Mine.
His palms hadn’t been this sweaty since the first time they opened at the Garden. Eddie wiped his hands off on his jeans and stepped into the bar Chrissy had mentioned earlier. Of course it would be the Hideout. He hadn’t been in here in years, but he still knew the place like the back of his hand. The warped, permanently sticky bar that had a million water rings from sweaty beers and cocktails? Check. The shitty stage that was only about a foot higher than the bar floor and sloped a little to the left? Check. The owner himself, Bob Newby, who’d given Eddie and the guys a shot when they weren’t worth the breath it took to say their band name? Check. This last one made dread pool in Eddie’s stomach like rocks. He liked affable, jolly Bob—hell, sort of owed his career to the guy. But if he let Eddie’s fame slip in front of Chrissy, the first date he’d been on in three years? His chances with her would sink faster than the goddamn Titanic. So, he’d gotten here a bit early in the hope of heading off any well-intended comments. “Edward,” Bob said with a hearty wave. He’d always been one for formal titles. “Good to see you back in your old stomping grounds. I’ve missed having you around, kiddo.” “Good to see you, too, Sir Bob,” Eddie said, offering up a smile. “Sorry I haven’t been by as much lately.” “Ah, don’t trouble yourself about it,” Bob said, waving away his words. “I’m mighty proud of you boys for everything you’ve done. Seems like just yesterday I had a gangly bunch of teenagers setting up their secondhand guitars, and look at you now!” “Yeah,” Eddie said, a little ruefully. “It’s gotten pretty crazy.”
Tagging @jenniebellie @sloelimbs @keerysquinn @ebongawk and anyone else who wants in!
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lord-overlips · 2 months
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Cocktail meme
Tagged by @mnemoiisms
Tagging @flameofprimus @heartspurred @platonicphoenix @rungalwaysheretolisten @ambulance-mom @gowithplana
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gabichive · 2 years
reblog this and assign a song to the person you reblogged this from
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staceymcgillicuddy · 3 months
WIP Whenever
Thanks for the tag @justhere4thevibez! Here's a little something from perception check, since I can't share much of my RBB, which has been taking up the most of my time, and the next chapter of Soul is untouched, editing-wise.
(To be fair, this is also untouched, editing-wise, and probably repetitive and stilted as hell, but I'm less precious about it than Soul, so... yeah!)
Chrissy fucking Cunningham, dude. Small world, and all, but of all the people he half-remembers from his stint in Hawkins, she’s solid. A real recollection. This little kid, all pigtails and ruddy cheeks, crying in the corner backstage at the worst gig Eddie’s ever played. A broken pom-pom, she’d explained when he’d asked, holding up a silvery doohickey with a broken plastic handle.  Her mother, she informed him, was gonna kill her, because the pom-poms cost ten dollars, which was a sum so staggeringly huge that it set off a fresh wave of tears. And, like, call him a softy, but crying kids and kicked dogs have always been a liability to his heartstrings, so he fixed her handle with the roll of duct tape he perpetually kept in his bag because you never knew when you might need a quick fix. A life lesson he imparted to her as he wrapped her shit up and sent her on her way.  The routine was pretty dumb, as he recalls, set to some song he hated at the time. But her pom-pom didn’t go flying into the audience, and after the show he caught her eye in the lobby and gave her a thumbs up, which she returned. And, yeah, he moved away soon after. Hadn’t thought much about her, or the incident, until last night, when he’d clocked those wide, familiar eyes and made the connection between the cute girl in front of him and the scared kid he’d helped.  Time, man. What a motherfucker. Because yeah, cute’s probably an understatement. Not the type of girl he’s usually into, to be sure, but pretty in a weird, wholesome way where she probably brushes her teeth three times a day and scrubs under her nails in the shower. He wants to take her on a date. Like, an actual date, which is something he hasn’t done in years. Not since his last girlfriend, and that relationship ended in a flame-out so spectacular on her prom night that he’s stuck to one-night stands ever since. So, he’s gonna call her. Tonight, maybe. Or, no. That’s too soon. He’ll come off like a stalker. Better to wait a couple days so he doesn’t seem too eager. Besides, she’s like… smart. College smart. Probably has homework and classes and friends and all sorts of things going on.  No boyfriend, though. Or other dates. He hopes to hell she doesn’t have other dates. 
Tagging @binickandros, @bisexualchrissycunningham, @1lostsoul0fishbowl, and @erythromanc3r for anything you're working on, not necessarily writing if that's not what you're doing most of these days!
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hauntedtrait · 4 months
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since this seems to have caught on... i figured why not do it again, it was fun the first time and i'm sure it will be the second.
drop a townie in the replies and if i haven't made them over yet i will do it for this <3
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infernal-feminae · 3 months
Sera has appeared! What to do?
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Play dead Woohoo Scare Violate
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kyuoki · 2 months
I was tagged by @swannposting to post 5 songs that I like to listen to. ♡
Rob Zombie - The Ballad Of Resurrection Joe And Rosa Whore
KAT - Odi Profanum Vulgus
Plaga - Śmierć Cieplna Wszechświata
Deftones - The Chauffeur (2005 Remaster)
No pressure tags: @youremyfriend-youremymission, @penniesxdimes, @lieutenantselnia, @barbossas-wench , @ellena-asg & anyone else who wants to join!
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celestial-narwhal · 2 months
Luocha's level of huggability: Do not pass GO, do not collect 200$. He's about as huggable as a rose bush with its thorns on full display. The alluring scent and soft petals may draw you in, but do not be fooled, you will be left with lasting scars.
However, if you manage to endure the thorns, his hugs feel like an assurance of the self. As if you are the center of the world, and that nothing else matters other than you and the feeling of his arms. A hint of possession, and a dash of pure, unbridled devotion.
You are his everything.
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outerspacedunce · 23 days
Your top 15 favorite TV shows can say a lot about your personality.
Star Trek TOS
Resident Alien
Doctor Who
Good Omens
The Walking Dead
What we do in the shadows
Star Trek SNW
Rings of Power
Umbrella Academy
Tales of Arcadia
Adventure Time
Dragon Prince
Tagged by: @introvertia thank you!!! ❤️💕
Tagging (if you want to!): @js337 @stellarbluegalaxy @untapdtreasure @eternally-intermittent @squirmey-worm @autisticspirk @lovecraftian-monstrosity @athymelyreply
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justhere4thevibez · 6 days
🛌🌷for the fanfic writer game, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease, my love!
of course, my love! Thanks for the ask 💛
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
Okay, so I would loveeeee to write an Arranged Marriage au for hellcheer, but generally those are set in the past when arranged marriage was more common and I'm not ready to put my whole pussy into historical research (and I refuse to write a horrifically inaccurate historical fic lol), so I probably won't 😂
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
oooh, gosh! that's a hard one! I love all my fics dearly, and most of the time they do better with my audience than I expect 😂 I will say though that You Got Me Good is an underrated one of mine. High Chrissy is the best, and I love her dearly 🥰 here's a lil snippet in case you missed this fun fic:
“Oh thank god, Eddie,” she said, clasping his shoulders with more force than he’d believed she was capable of. She squinted up at him, suddenly unsure. “You are Eddie, right?” “Yeah, sugar, that’s my name,” he said slowly, his lagging brain trying frantically to catch up with the scene before him. “Good.” She spoke each word distinctly, like they might escape her if she wasn’t careful. “I think I smoked weed.” “Umm, okay?” He wasn’t exactly sure where this was going. “Good for you?”
Send me fanfic writer asks!!!
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iobartach · 3 months
ROLEPLAY HISTORY post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back.
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Miguel O'Hara. He moved in and now refuses to leave!
Fantomex. For whenever I feel like doing a bit of trolling. 🤣
Occasionally Gabriel O'Hara & Kron Stone, Miguel's half-siblings. Been very hit and miss in terms of writing muse for 'em, though.
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I'm always contemplating new prospects, but a muse would usually need to mentally get me in a vice grip first before I'd give 'em a try! Currently that's been Miguel, but in previous years I've gone through the same with Wolverine (Logan), Thor and John Constantine.
That said though... I've been considering picking up Terry McGinnis 👀 more than likely as a low-activity muse, since I haven't read / watched Batman Beyond in years, but still!
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PAST CANON MUSES ( primary )
Ooof. I'll be merciful and give you the abridged version ! 🥴
Goku, Vegeta (Majin), Frieza (DBZ) ; Omega Shenron (DBGT)
Dante (DMC)
Eight Doctor, The Master [Dharwan] (Doctor Who)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Ulquiorra Cifer, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (Bleach)
Cole McGrath (InFamous)
Iron Man ['The Crossing' version] (Marvel)
Starscream (Transformers)
PAST CANON MUSES( secondary / casual )
Zane Flynt (Borderlands 3)
Kakashi Hatake, Itachi Uchiha (Naruto / Shippuden)
Hope Summers (Marvel)
Shirou Ogami (BNA)
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If anyone's interested, I've got... a handful of OCs that I may or not let surface on Tumblr, someday. To name a few, I have; An Overwatch 'Talon Recruiter'; Bleach shinigami; Original lore 'dragon guardian' / warrior; League of Legends chembaron; Outriders (With some Mass Effect influences) Altered; werewolf; spy. ... soooo ... yeah!
Vilgax. Either OG or rebooted version... not sure! I've missed the squid faced bastard!
Some sort of Dragon Ball muse? Maybe Frieza again, or a sort of DBGT-based Vegeta. Could be interesting to try!
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TAGGED BY: swiped from @therapardalis !
TAGGING: Grab it! Go!
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positivelyruined · 21 days
Where’s Waldo? (ACOTAR edition — dash tag game)
Find a gif that accurately displays your feelings about each character and then tag friends to see their interpretation.
Tagging: @sonics-atelier @lorcandidlucienwill @achaotichuman @tamlinfairchild @kateprincessofbluewhales @ennawrite @blackheart-rpg
Tamlin — president of the tortured poet’s department.
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Lucien — snarky, Serrano pepper fox.
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Feyre — feral faerie fem! boss.
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Rhysand — most powerful high lord.
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Amarantha — eyeball ring affiocando.
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Elain — maladaptive daydream queen.
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Nesta — no damsel in distress
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insanityxofxmuses · 7 months
Spotify on repeat tag game!
Shuffle your “on repeat” playlist & then post the first 10 tracks, then tag people!
1. Lindsey Stirling - The Arena
2. Celtic Woman - Tir Na Nog
3. Stray Kids - LALALALA
4. Stray Kids(Bang Chan) - Connected
5. The Cab - Angel with a shotgun
6. Mikolas Joef(eurovision) - Lie To Me
7. Stray Kids - MEGAVERSE
8. Gromee(eurovision) - Light Me Up(FEAT. Lukas Meijer)
9. Carolina Gaitan - We don't talk about bruno(Encanto OST)
10. Alex C., Yasmin K. - Angel of Darkness
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
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