afranse · 1 year
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Это что за свинья в эфире?
Не нужна нам такая свинья.
Сколько грязи на нас ещё выльет?
Изо рта вытекает струя.
Все мы знаем её хозяин
И убийца, и жулик, и вор.
И прекрасно мы понимаем,
Что о них плачет скотный двор.
Там они насладятся грязью,
И отыщут свой сказочный мир.
А у нас будет вечный праздник.
Мы очистим от мрази эфир.
Все мы знаем свиньи хозяин
И убийца, и жулик, и вор.
Мы их вместе, однажды, отправим,
На их место - на скотный двор.
Це що за свиня в ефірі?
Не потрібна нам така свиня.
Скільки бруду на нас виллє?
З рота витікає струмінь.
Всі ми знаємо її господар,
І вбивця, і шахрай, і злодій.
І чудово ми розуміємо,
Що про них плаче двір для худоби.
Там вони насолодяться брудом,
І знайдуть свій казковий світ.
А в нас буде вічне свято.
Ми очистимо від мразі ефір.
Всі ми знаємо свині господар,
І вбивця, і шахрай, і злодій.
Ми їх разом якось відправимо,
На їхнє місце - на двір для худоби.
What is this pig doing on the air?
We don’t need such a crazy pig.
How much more dirt it will pour on us?
A stream flows out of its mouth and seems to be really big.
We all know pigs owner
Is a murderer, crook, and a thief man.
And we understand by all means
That the barnyard keeps crying about them.
There they will enjoy the dirt,
And discover their fairy-tale myth.
And we will have an eternal celebration
After cleaning the ether from their filth.
We all know the owner of the pig
Is a murderer, crook, and a thief turning country into mud.
We will send them together one day,
In the place they belong to - right in the barnyard.
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shahinelected · 9 months
Свинья запрещено не только Мусульманам, но и Крестьянам и Евреям! Вы всё ещё продолжите нарушать запреты Всевышнего? 🤔
#shahinelected #свинина #свин #свинья #харам #харамахайата #библия #священнаякнига #бог #аллах #всевышний #всевышнийаллах #творение #творец #природа #животные #животное #животныймир #мясо #еда #пища #халал #крестьянскийобед #крестьяне #вера #религия #законы #законывселенной #иисус #иисусхристос
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denislieak · 7 months
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Свинтус /The svintus
Be careful next time!
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i-do-not-mean-it · 2 years
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Come in, don’t pass...
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ufo-space · 4 months
В Японии вывели свинью с пригодными для пересадки человеку органами
Японским ученым удалось успешно вывести генетич... Читать дальше »
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drekhann · 4 months
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27 марта - День летающих свинок
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pol-ahmeda · 4 months
Распространите ради Аллаха 🐽
Из свинины производят: Инсулин. Пепсин. Желатин. Адреналин. Гепарин. Прогестерон. Окситоцин. Препараты для щитовидной железы. Мелатонин. Мезим Панкреатин
Также фильтры для воды, изоляция, резина, антифриз, некоторые пластмассы, воск для полов, мелки, клей и удобрения, etc 🐽
Список можно продолжить))
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radnay · 5 months
Новое окрашивание под окрас Люси
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sabaneevaldml · 6 months
Год: 2000 Материал: глазурованная терракота. Высота: 40 см
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grandfoodie · 1 year
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Гранд Фуди поздравляет с новогодним корпоративом выпускников МВА и желает успешных успехов. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #объедено #кафеюжное #грузинскаякухня #новогоднийкорпоратив #просеко #вино #свинья #новыйгод2023 (at Кафе Южное) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjAJgZIFBr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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buynewitch · 2 years
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afranse · 2 years
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У дуба закончились жёлуди,
И свинья огорчённо вздыхает.
Ситуация достаточно сложная.
Ситуация непростая.
Она в эти жёлуди верила,
А её больше не угостили.
Здесь дуб представляет дерево,
А свинья представляет Россию.
Нет, я не считаю свиньёю
Саму Россию по сути своей.
Но это само собою
Название России путинской.
The oak has run out of acorns.
The pig therefore sighs sadly.
The situation is rather complicated.
The situation is hard to handle.
She trusted in these acorns day by day
But she was not fed again by the oak.
Here the oak represents Ukraine,
And the pig represents Russian world.
No, I don't think that Russia
Needs to be called as a pig, man.
But this definition fairly
Defines Putin's Russia kingdom.
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food-and-catering · 2 years
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Maialino di latte al forno a legna #maialino #fornoalegna #italia #sardegna #littlepig #little #pig #italy #pork #италия #свинья (presso Pizzeria Ristorante Narnali Via Pistoiese 502) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWftkiIs3wa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freecinemaa · 4 months
Свинья, змея и голубь The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon (2024) Русский ...
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wenzgutz · 4 months
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Свинья жрёт - пузо растёт!
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batfleshh · 3 days
Makarov: sneering down at reader, holding a knife to his stomach while he’s fucking the shit out of him. Probably smoking too, just being a fucking dick during sex
Reader: “hot”
- 🔔
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Cutting Close
Warnings: NOT PROOFREADING THIS SHIT, rough sex, THIS GUY IS A MEANIE, knife play/kink or wtv, degradation, shitty google translated Russian, smoking during sex, idk what else to add to this, I don’t put warnings on these right, nsfw under cut, this is really quick and shortish, chat im ngl i completely forgot about the cigar halfway through but fuck it we ball
шлюха - whore , свинья - pig , Может быть, мне стоит начать отсюда? - Maybe I should start from here
“Just lay still and take it, шлюха,”
Your skin felt sticky, blood coursing through your veins as you feel your face get hot. The aggressive and derogatory speech made your stomach twist with a weird feeling. You try to keep your eyes locked with Makarovs, the man forcing his cock into your hole made you feel like you were going to see stars. He had one hand up towards his face, balancing a lit cigar between two of his digits. His other hand found itself wrapped around one of your legs, moving you back and forth onto his cock as you laid on a mattress.
Your cock moves around with how much force is being put into rocking you against his dick, your hands gripping at the mattress roughly. Something about the whole situation is making your mind go haywire, your cock leaking at all the mean things he’s saying to you while he’s balls deep in you. In a way, it almost feels like a compliment.
Your hand shakily moves down, trying to get a grip on your weeping dick. You barely get a few quick strokes in before your hand is shoved away, a whine escaping your throat. You hear Makarov shush you, squeezing your eyes shut as he picks up the speed of his thrusts, the sound of his skin hitting yours echoing in the room you’re both in. You throw one of your arms over your eyes, trying to suppress whatever loud noises about to leave you by biting your lip. Then you feel something cold touch your stomach, jolting as the odd feeling in this type of environment drags along your flesh.
You lift your head up, peaking down to see a knife, the steel blade dragging along gently down your stomach. Your breath hitches, pleasure and anxiety blending together. “One move, and I could slice you open. Gut you right here on the bed, like a свинья.”
You try not to squirm as much as you were before, but the threat makes your cock twitch. You swallow down the saliva forming at your lips, trying to form proper words as you desperately shake your head, his hips never halting. You whine and moan as you feel yourself growing closer, staring intensely as the knife you don’t even notice how far down it’s traveling. You watch it reach your dick, a smirk on the Russians face as he moves it up to your tip, using the backside of the knife to drag along the vein running through it.
And God, it pains you to have done it, but that’s what helps you cum. Makarovs hips stilling as you shoot your orgasm out, some of it even landing on the knife. You begin to pant, trying to catch your breath. You look up at him with an apologetic expression.
You gasp lightly as it’s moved up to your face, whimpering as your own cum is wiped on your cheek. You watch him move it down to your throat, chuckling before opening his mouth to speak.
“Может быть, мне стоит начать отсюда?”
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