#{🍷} risktaker answers // ask answered
idv-devils-casino · 1 year
One of you makes the most awful deals ever known to history. Have some mushrooms!
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"While greatly appreciated, I think we’ll pass on the mushrooms."
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"For your sake, I do hope you’re not referring to me with that awful deal part. My deals are nothing but the best."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
Amongst the crowds of people inside of the casino, a figure with wolf like ears and a top hat as well as a dog adorning a wolf’s mask on its head stumbling after seemed to wander through it curiously. Though, something seemed far off about their and the dog’s presence - much more different than the typical visitor, almost a supernatural sense about them as they inspected a slots machine.
- @askthedealmaker-idv
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The constant crowds were a normality for the casino, a delight it was to watch them drown further and further within the madness that took place here. Alas, Risktaker had business to take care of, so having her own fun would have to wait.
Strolling through, Emily noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Newcomers, it seemed. With how unique their appearance was, it was a wonder how she hadn’t noticed them earlier. Ah, but it wasn’t just appearances that caught her attention, no. Something was special about them, off but special nonetheless. Business will have to wait after all.
Approaching her new visitor and their furry companion, Risktaker gave a welcoming smile; swirling the drink in her hand.
"Welcome~ Have the slot machines caught your interest?"
( @askthedealmaker-idv )
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
(Delivery! A paper crane for both Risktaker and Moonblessed.)
(… The former’s looks a bit worn, some edges slightly messily done and falling apart - as if it might’ve been near water.)
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"Oh! Aren’t these paper cranes just the most cutest thing, Mrs. Risktaker?"
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"..Ah, Mrs. Risktaker?"
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
You wouldn’t happen to have any plushies by any chance you two?
I want to show them something
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"Plushies? No."
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"Are you.. referring to that plushie I think I saw near the washing machine?"
"The what that you saw where."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
Heeeyyy Risktaker, you uh.. you might need to go check on your husband-
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"Is he bothering the patrons over cards again? I told him to calm down with that or he’ll end up scaring them away. Unfortunately, I’m a little busy right now. I’ll check on him later. Whatever it is, I’m sure he’s fine."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
Risktaker, how do you feel that Specter’s French?
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"His nationality is of none of my concern."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
Hey Risktaker what would you do if some drunk guy walked by and burnt the casino down. Just a thought.
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"…That’s an oddly specific question. I suppose I would simply have to locate elsewhere. It would be quite the hassle. Of course, It’s a good thing I won’t have to deal with that, right?"
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
oh?? this deal? what is it?
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"I don’t tend to reveal the deals of my clients. You’ll have to ask her about it yourself when she returns. I’ll say this, it does involve that friend of hers."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
Why are you sure than Moonblessed will return, Risktaker?
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"When you’ve been in this business for as long as I have, you get a feeling for these type of things. They always come back, one way or another. Even if she does have intentions of leaving, she won’t be going very far. She must not have informed you all of the deal she’s made with me, hm?"
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
you have been gifted… a pet rat
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"Aw! How adorable!~ I’m going to call you.. erm, I’ll figure it out later."
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"There will be no later. I refuse to keep such vermin around my casino."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
So Moonblessed just left your casino because of her friend, Risktaker
Not sure if it’s permanent but what do you think about that?
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"Oh, did she now? It’s no bother. I doubt it’s permanent. She’ll be back."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
Risktaker, ma'am, how many chips can I get for half of my soul?
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"Quite eager, aren’t you? How cute. I could tell you how many chips you’d gain, but wouldn’t it be much more interesting to take the risk and go in blind? If you hand over that half of your soul, I promise I’ll make it worth while. I’m not that cruel."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
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"I’m quite content with my only husband, but I’ll let you know if that changes. Although, do feel free to continue devoting yourself to me~"
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
“Oh? A casino? I haven’t seen a place like this in a long time. Although for a casino… it’s rather dead in here.”
[ @hypnotic-melody someone had to get May and I’m sorry but it has to be the gambler and Moonblessed/lh demigod on demigod violence/j ]
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"Ah, Welcome. It’s a pity, you seem to have caught us on one of our less than lively days."
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"I wouldn’t say this place is that dead! Besides, the less people, the more chances you have to win, right?"
"You need not lie to our guest, Moonblessed. The chances are always the same; regardless of how many are present or not."
( @hypnotic-melody )
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
You can take souls, right? If you can, you can also find out if I have a soul! I have been wondering for a long time.
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"I’ll gladly find that out for you. Rest assured, once I’m done, you won’t have one much longer."
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idv-devils-casino · 1 year
What do you do with the souls you take, Risktaker?
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"I’m afraid I can’t share that knowledge with you, it’s a secret. However, perhaps I’d be more willing to share if you’d like to make a bet. Win or lose; You can either find out from me or figure out what I do with them personally."
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