#{{ which are starting to accumulate. though... I want more :'D **wheeze** }}
frozenambiguity · 1 year
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Forces the curtains open, relaxed inhalation followed by prolonged exhalation. Head is tilted upwards, eyes shut as he allows himself a few moments to catch welcoming sun rays.
Back to the honorable agenda --- protecting Mondstadt and its citizens.
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imaginedisish · 5 years
Happy Together (Five Hargreeves x Reader) (The Umbrella Academy)
A/N: OOOOHHH MY GOOODNESS HELLO EVERYONE!!! So before y’all read...lemme say that Five is not 13/14/15 in this imagine!!!! He is a normal 20 something year old human...and so is the reader!!! This is kinda like an alternative universe sorta thing...idk...it was a request. (also my 17 year old self has a huge crush on Aidan Gallagher now uwu...he’s turning 16 this year...and we’re like a year apart so ITS OKAY YALL CHILLLLLLLL) I love The Umbrella Academy...and more imagines will be coming. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 900 FOLLOWERS AHHHHH!!!! Okay...now enjoy :)
Summary: After altering the timeline to save your life, Number Five gets in some trouble with The Commission...which prompts a not-so-welcomed visit from The Handler.
Warnings: LANGUAGE, angst, blood, fighting, implied violence/murder, FLUFFFFFFFFF 
Word Count: 2,413 holy shit i went IN LADIES AND GENTS
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Rays of sun reach their fingertips through the ancient curtains above you. The dust particles that had accumulated upon the books surrounding you glow as each individual spec basks in the light. To your right, sitting properly next to you on the plush couch, was a well-read copy of The Great Gatsby, your favorite novel. 
You look down at the coffee that rested between your hands, the steam radiating off of it slowly dissipating, cueing you to finally take a sip of the bitter liquid. Grace hums a tune as she passes through the dark library, duster in hand. 
“Grace,” You call out, and Grace immediately stops to face you, “Do you know where Five is?” Just as Grace opens her mouth to answer your question, a loud clanging sound erupts from above you. 
“Goddamn it!” A familiar voice shouts, followed by the violent thumping of footsteps down the stairs. 
The footsteps continue, the sound of the dress shoes against the cold tile echoes throughout the academy, until finally Five appears in front of you. He looks disheveled, exhausted, and incredibly angry. You hadn’t seen him like this since you saved the world together. He looked so distraught, something was clearly wrong. 
Five begins to pace back and forth, his hands traveling to rub his eyes every now and then. You want to say something, but you know he’s far too lost in thought to answer. Finally, Five stops, and walks towards the bar at the end of the library. 
You hear Five rummaging through the bottles of liquor. You turn around to see an expensive bottle of whiskey in his right hand. With his left, he grabs a short, crystal glass, and he begins to pour away.  
“F-five, is everything okay?” You ask quietly. Five stops his pouring, and slams the bottle of whiskey on the counter. 
He looks up at you, a vulnerable haze of fear presents itself across Five’s face before once again masking itself in an angry and distant gaze. “Everything is just golden,” Five remarks sarcastically, taking a generous swig of alcohol from his glass. 
You decide to ignore his tone as to not start a fight with him, and instead stand up from the couch and walk over to him. You pull out a stool, and sit down. Five remains where he is, on the other side. 
“Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to make it come out of you?” You ask, jokingly. That was your power, you had the ability to make people tell the truth. You could also read minds and freeze time, which made you a perfect foil to Five, who could move through it. 
“It’s The Commission…” Five trails off, taking another sip of his whiskey. “They know what we did.” Your jaw drops. How the hell did they find out so quickly? You think to yourself. 
A month ago, you and Five had altered the timeline. To be more specific, Five had altered the timeline in order to save your life. While searching for Five, who had saved the world from the apocalypse once and for all, the Commission came across you. They knew that you were important to Five, and decided to kidnap and torture you. 
When Five had found you, it was far too late. But, that was a thing of a past. It was a memory that you were never able to experience, since Five took it upon himself to change the timeline and save your life. 
You two had grown close since Five had met you, since he had helped you learn to use your powers. But, you didn’t realize how much you meant to him. He risked so much by altering the timeline, and that was becoming increasingly evident. 
“Look, things can’t be that bad,” You say reassuringly. “There has to be some sort of way to fix th-,” 
Five cuts you off. “No, things aren’t bad, they’re terrible. They’re going to kill me,” Five’s voice is firm and filled with anger. “Or worse…” His voice is soft as he trails off, his eyes drifting down to the glass of whiskey on the counter. 
“Or worse, what?” You ask as you search Five’s dark brown eyes for some sort of an answer. 
But he gives you none, shaking his head in contempt, refusing to say a thing. He picks his drink up, and begins to walk towards the other side of the room. Just as you think he’s about to stop, the pacing begins again. You roll your eyes. 
“Five, stop, let’s talk about-,”
Five cuts you off a second time. “There’s nothing to talk about, (Y/N)!” Five shouts, his eyes widening. “Things are going to absolute shit!” He knocks back a final, generous swig of whiskey before violently slamming the empty glass on the end table to his left. Five darts back towards you. “We lost! Don’t you get it? They’ve won! They’re going to find me, or you, a-and, a-and…”
You shake your head. “You’re being ridiculous, Five,” You pause for a second, collecting your thoughts before continuing. “You just need to calm down, we haven’t lost just yet, we haven’t even started fighting.” 
“And there’s no point in fighting back to begin with. They know you’re here, they know everything, (Y/N),” Five says, swallowing harshly as he closes his eyes tightly. “And don’t tell me to calm down.” 
You scoff. “I’m just trying to help. We can fix this-,”
“Stop! No we can’t! I’m going to lose you. Don’t you understand that?” Five yells, his voice booming throughout the library. Silence looms over the room. You don’t know what to say. “I can’t lose you…not again. I just can’t,” Five finally croaks. 
Your heart flutters in your chest at his words. “Five you aren’t going to lose me,” You say, your voice is soft and sweet as a smile stretches across your face. 
“On the contrary, darling, I think he just might!” A sarcastic, shrill voice rings from the opposite end of the room. You look to where the voice came from. A tall, gray haired woman stands near the fireplace, holding a gun in her hand. “Hello, Number Five. Long time no see.” Her smile is wide, almost reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat. 
“I swear to god if you touch her,” Five points a finger in the woman’s direction, “I won’t hesitate to take you down, for real. In fact I thought Hazel already did that for me,” Five taunts.  
The woman cackles loudly. “Oh Five!” She slaps her knee. “God you crack me up! You know silly stuff like bullets, or grenades,” She raises an eyebrow, “can’t kill me. But it can kill you, or her.” The woman nods her head towards you, aiming her gun at your chest. 
A shot rings out, and a flash of light appears in front of you as Five pops in front of the woman, pulling his arm back to punch her in the face. But, before anything happens, you close your eyes tightly, clutching both hands into fists. Suddenly, time freezes. You walk forward towards Five. The bullet is inches away from his chest, suspended in thin air. You push it to the right, making sure that when time starts up again, it won’t even have the chance to hit him. 
The woman scoffs, surprised at your abilities. “Who the hell are you?” She asks, staring you down. 
“(Y/N), Number 8, also known as Eon, and you’re about to be so fucked,” You stare deeply into her eyes as you begin to search the woman’s mind. Her alias is The Handler, she’s killed thousands of people, and she isn’t one bit scared of you in this moment. 
Well, that’s about to change completely, You think to yourself. You tighten your hold on her mind, and you watch as the Handler winces in pain. 
Part of your mind reading ability was to allow the person you were reading to relive the memories you came across as you searched his or her mind. In this case, you went for the traumatic experiences; for instance, murders, attacks, and other crimes The Handler committed, watched, or experienced. You had found through previous ventures that making someone relive the past was overwhelming and draining, to the point of death.  
God I hope this works, You think to yourself, taking a deep breath as you swallow harshly. You had one shot, one chance to make this work. You begin to search through her mind, picking out memories that seemed horrendous, even to you.
“Wh-what the hell are you d-doing?” She stutters, her fingertips reaching up to either side of her head. You force her to see each and every person she’s ever killed, which slowly but surely begins to have an impact on her. “S-stop,” The Handler pleads. “I-It h-hurts.” 
But regardless of her pleas, you don’t let go. The gun in The Handler’s hand falls to the ground as she begins to tremble. You don’t know how much longer you can stay where you are. Your grasp on time begins to weaken, and things slowly start to move again. You’re losing energy. 
“F-fuck,” You whimper, trying your best to stay strong. You search deeper into The Handler’s mind, seeing even more murders, more traumatic experiences, forcing her to relive each and every one. 
The Handler screams out in pain. “Shit!” She screeches, collapsing down to the ground. She wheezes, and coughs roughly. Her breathing weakens, just as you thought it would. 
“How does it feel?” You manage to shout, regardless of the fact that it feels as though every ounce of energy has been drained from your body. You continue on nonetheless. 
“I-I c-can’t b-breathe,” The Handler chokes, grabbing her throat. “S-stop…” Her eyes flutter shut. “I-I’ll l-let y-you l-live…” She struggles to speak as her eyes open up again.
“Bullshit,” You say firmly, walking closer to her. “Any last words?” You question, going deeper into The Handler’s mind one final time. Her body seems to tense up, and she writhes in pain one last time. 
“I-I’ll b-be b-back, k-kid…t-trust m-me….I always e-end up c-coming b-back…” She trails off, her eyes shutting tightly. Then, the writhing stops. The tension in The Handler’s body seemingly disappears. Her body goes completely limp. You did it. It was all over. She was gone. 
You let go of your hold on The Handler, since there was no longer anything to see or do in her mind. It was blank, a black hole if you will. You let go of time, and things begin to move yet again. You collapse to your knees, absolutely exhausted. 
“(Y/N)?” Five calls out, and you hear the bullet you had directed away from Five hit into the wall. “What the hell happened?” Five chuckles a bit. You feel his hand rub up and down against your back. 
“I-I took care of things…” You say, breathing heavily. “You don’t have to worry about her anymore, or at least I don’t think you will.” You look up at Five, a confused expression spread across his face.
“How did you…” Five doesn’t know what to say as his eyes frantically search yours for some sort of an answer. 
“I made her relive every shitty thing she ever did, or experienced. It wasn’t a silly thing, that did the bitch in,” You explain nonchalantly. “It was natural causes, in a sense. She did it herself.” 
Five smiles widely, his brown eyes catching rays of light. Just as quickly as his smile appeared, it slips away. “They could still come after us…” Five trails off nervously, standing up and walking towards the bar. 
You shake your head, gathering your strength and following behind him. “Don’t worry about that, okay? With The Handler gone, things will be easier. We can take down whoever stands in our way.” Your voice is calm and reassuring. 
Five stops in his tracks, his eyes studying your face thoroughly. “All I can do is worry. Just because she’s gone doesn’t mean I won’t lose you,” Five says, his voice firm, yet still laced with fear. “I care about you too much to lose you again. Last time, my heart…it…” Five can’t seem to finish his sentence as his voice becomes shaky. His eyes become glossy, and he turns around so you can’t see his face. 
“You can talk to me Five. Please, just tell me what happened,” You beg, walking closer to him, extending a hand out towards his, your fingers colliding with Five’s. 
He turns around to face you. “Fuck I hate feelings…” Five complains before continuing on. He takes a deep breath. “My heart felt like it stopped beating. I-I sobbed over y-you…” Five tightly closes his eyes shut, a single tear falling down is cheek. He wipes it away with his free hand. “I can’t go through that again. I won’t, I refuse to. I care far too much about you…I-I…” Five looks down at the ground and back up towards you. He steps closer to you, the gap between you and he closing. His eyes drift back and forth between your eyes and your lips. 
Suddenly, a pair of soft, warm lips come crashing down on yours. The kiss is slow and languid. You can’t help but smile against Five’s lips. This was something you had wanted for such a long time. 
You’re left wanting more as Five’s lips part from yours. He smiles widely as he steps back from you. You’re almost a bit shocked, as Five rarely ever shows affection to anyone. 
“I didn’t know how to say how I’ve been feeling,” Five explains. “You know I’m terrible at emotional shit, but (Y/N), you make things seems so natural. I’m happy when I’m with you.” 
A smile stretches across your face. “So let’s be happy together, then. You don’t have to hide things. We can be a team.” 
Five nods, grinning as he closes the gap between you two once more. “Happy…together…two words that I’d never thought I’d use to describe my life.” 
“Well I suppose you’ll just have to expand your vocabulary, then Five,” You say sarcastically, giggling lightly. 
“I suppose so, (Y/N).”
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askdannycultcamp · 7 years
(( ALRIGHTY here’s the fic for this danny’s backstory!!
tw for violence, death, murder, all that stuff ))
The only thing Daniel could hear was a sharp and incessant ringing as he stared towards the ground in front of him, his vision hazy and not actually focusing on what was there. He felt as though the world around him didn’t exist. Like he was the only thing that was ever truly real. Focusing only on himself, he could tell that he was breathing heavily, so much so that his chest was heaving. He gripped the object in his hands tighter. The end of his violin. He brought his empty gaze over to it, his vision finally coming into focus on the broken strings, curling in every direction against the splintered wood coated in thick blood. Ah. Daniel’s head turned slightly and he looked forward again, blinking slowly as the mangled forms of his parents came into focus. Shit.
All in a brief moment, the ringing stopped, and silence filled his ears, interrupted only by the sound of something dripping. Daniel held up the end of his snapped violin, noticing that the pointed edge was dripping blood. He looked back to his parents, realizing he’d used it to stab them. Bludgeoning apparently doesn’t work well when you’re not very strong, stabbing is much more efficient. He blinked a few more times, eying the glass that’d been shattered on the floor in a puddle of purple kool aid which mixed and swirled into the puddle of blood that’d been accumulating from his father’s corpse.
Suddenly, the eyes on that “corpse” twitched, and his father’s body spasmed, choking momentarily before letting out an almost inaudible wheeze. Daniel froze again, his eye twitching slightly. His father’s eyes opened and shakily scanned around, before slowly looking to his son standing above him, scanning over his white outfit splattered in blood before making direct eye contact. With another soft wheeze, the dying man opened his mouth, struggling to form words before his body spasmed again as Daniel swiftly jabbed the violin into his chest. Daniel did this a few more times, slowly sinking further to the ground with each gut wrenching stab until he was sitting on the floor in between the corpses of his parents. He brought his knees up to his chest as he sat like this for what felt like an hour, though was likely only five minutes. Did he feel bad? Not really. Did he enjoy it? He didn’t know. His brain was still hazy and he struggled to remember and process the events prior to this moment.
When Daniel was a kid, his parents always told him that once they helped a certain number of people ascend, they’d all ascend together. They’d hold a ceremony for what would be the last group of people they would ever send off, then go home to a smaller, more low-key ceremony of their own. As a child, Daniel was enthusiastic at this prospect. He’d eagerly helped with ascension ceremonies, and a few times, was even given the ‘honor’ of pouring everybody’s drinks. However, the first time he’d watched ascension happen with his own eyes, he was only seven years old. Sitting next to his parents in the scarcely decorated, overly-white room in which the ceremony was held, he watched the people tip their heads back and down their glasses of poison-laced wine. They were all smiling. It didn’t take much time at all for them to suddenly start dropping, they didn’t use rat poisoning that time around, and the people were committed to a quick ascension. Daniel assumed that’s what they got. But watching that moment as a child, Daniel felt the hairs on his neck raise as soon as the first person ungracefully dropped to the ground, writhing and sputtering for a moment before going still. His parents cheered, and the people who’d yet to experience the effects did too. So Daniel forced on a smile and cheered along.
From that first moment, Daniel quickly grew accustomed to the ceremonies. It was the only thing he was ever really allowed to be accustomed to, considering the fact that him and his parents moved around so often. His parents told him that the world didn’t approve of ascension, and that was why they couldn’t stay in one place. He didn’t understand it as a kid, but by the time he was a teenager, he knew his family was wanted and on the run. Somewhere along that line, he questioned ascension. He found that he still believed in Xemüg, however the efficiency of the whole ‘ascension’ process made less and less sense to him. By the time Daniel was an adult, he viewed ascension as nothing but a pointless murder-fest, not something that Xemüg would care about. Xemüg had better things to give a shit about, obviously. All it was was dying.
Somebody else in Daniel’s shoes might contact the police after a realization like that, turn their parents in after realizing what they’d been doing. Or if not, at least be confronted with the moral dilemma of weighing their love of their parents over the lives of everybody killed and to-be killed. Daniel didn’t quite think about that. He liked the ceremonies. He wasn’t quite sure what that said about his character, but he was comfortable in living the way he’d always lived.
After a few more years, and still living with (or more accurately, traveling with) his parents, Daniel walked into the living room of their apartment-of-the-month, interrupting an excited and hushed conversation between his parents.
“What?” He simply questioned, eying their all-too-enthusiastic expressions with distrust.
His father looked to his mother, seemingly asking a silent question, which earned an enthusiastic nod of a approval, “Well…” The man cleared is throat, looking to his son with purpose and pride, “We’ve almost reached our goal.”
Daniel blinked, “Come again?”
His mother chuckled, “Ascension, dear. We’re almost there.” Her voice raised in pitch with that last word, a, in Daniel’s mind, headache-inducing habit she had when she was giddy.
He felt his neck crack, earning no reaction from his parents, before smiling sweetly, “Oh? So that means th-”
“Yes!” His mother interrupted him, an action that made Daniel clamp his mouth shut and grit his teeth behind his smile, “Soon we’ll truly be together!”
“That’s good.” His voice was laced with passive-aggression, something his parents never seemed to take notice to as they held hands and celebrated their great “achievement”. God, they were dense. Daniel was certain that if they suddenly realized that all they were doing was killing people, they’d gasp and drop and faint backwards like goats. They weren’t the killing types, they just didn’t know they were really doing. Daniel pondered for a brief moment as to if that made him the killing type, given the fact that he knew exactly what he was doing. He brushed it off.
When the day finally arrived and they held their last ceremony, Daniel watched with interest as the last group dropped like flies, sitting in a seat in a far corner of the room. Across that room from him, his parents cheered and hollered, hugging each other as the last person in the room went still. Daniel looked up from the lifeless bodies around him and promptly scowled at them, the absolute dumbasses.
From that moment, the group promptly packed up and went back home. Throughout the short car ride, his parents chattered incessantly and in a manner that made Daniel’s head pound. They spoke of “finally being together as a family is meant to be”, whatever the fuck that meant. Only a single thought lingered in Daniel’s mind as he stared out the window at the passing trees, “I won’t.”
The final moments leading up to his present predicament went by quickly. His parents used rat poison-laced kool aid, and poured a generous amount into three separate wine glasses. Daniel bit his tongue as he watched from his place on the couch, with his violin leaning beside him. His parents had asked him to play a song for them beforehand, which he did with no complaints. Though as he watched the scene in front of him, he was hardly able to keep himself from making a mocking joke at the ridiculousness of it all. This wasn’t the way to get to Xemüg. His parents picked up a glass grinning in anticipation for the moment they’d waited for for years, and Daniel silently followed suit. They all ceremoniously clinked their glasses together in a morbid toast, and tilted their heads back and drank. Except for Daniel, who didn’t allow the drink to enter his mouth as his eyes scanned over to his parents who’d finished their shares in a matter of seconds. He brought the full glass down and sat it on the table, his eyes cast downwards and he could feel the stares of his parents burning holes into his very fucking soul.
“Daniel. Honey.” His mother was the first to speak up, a certain panic threatening to show in her tone, “Danny. You have to drink it.” Daniel didn’t respond and she looked frantically to her husband, whose expression grew dark.
“Son.” No response. “You’re going to drink this.”
Daniel finally brought his gaze up and looked into his father’s equally blue eyes, “I’m not.” As those words escaped his mouth, he couldn’t help the slight smirk of satisfaction that creeped onto his face.
His mother was visibly frantic now, shaking her husband’s shoulders and begging him to do something, her voice wavering and high in pitch as her anxiety grew. The man put his hand over her’s, and spoke something in a soft and reassuring voice, causing Daniel to lazily raise an eyebrow. Then, in an instant, Daniel was hefted up from his seat by the collar of his shirt, and he instinctively grabbed the violin next to him, holding it tight in his grip. He was now at eye-level with his father, his pitifully unintimidating father, at that. He barked out a laugh at the sight, the sudden reaction causing his father to wince slightly and sputter.
“D-Daniel. We worked for this for years.” He released his grip on his son and held up the full glass of kool aid in a shaking hand, “Danny. We love you. Just…” He brought his other hand up and roughly grabbed Daniel’s jaw, causing the man to make a choked noise in protest as the drink was brought up to his lips, “Drink-” before his father could finish the sentence, he was bludgeoned in the head with a violin, sending him reeling backwards and bleeding from the nose as the loud sound of breaking glass rang throughout the room. His mother shrieked, although it sounded distant to Daniel’s ears. Feeling as though he’d lost control of his body, he swung blindly in her direction, feeling the violin strike her in the same manner as it struck his father.
She fell to the ground with a loud thud, smashing against a rocking chair in the process. Before he had time to even begin to process what he was doing, Daniel’s attention was brought back around by a faint and gasping, “Danny…Danny what did you do-” He swung again, this time his violin snapped in half on impact with a loud, splintering crack and a morbidly musical snap as the strings snapped as well.
Now only gripping the end of the violin, he acted entirely on impulse and began wielding it like a knife. Every time either one of them made a noise, he’d lean over them and stab. This didn’t go on for long and he stood over them to his full height, not a single thought going through his mind for what was probably a few minutes. It was as though he stopped working entirely, like a computer that was overheating finally went unresponsive.
Back to the moment of him sitting between the two of them, now certain they were dead, he stood back up with shaky legs, his mind numb as he walked to his bedroom and began grabbing clothes. He changed out of his bloody attire and into a different, equally white outfit, opting to simply toss the ruined clothes onto the floor. He made his way back to the living room, his eyes barely grazing over the blood splatters as he knelt down next to his father, shoving his hands in each of his pockets before successfully fishing out his car keys. Raising back up to his full height, he looked at his parents one last time. They would have died anyways. He told himself, the first clear thought to surface in his mind since it happened. With that, he left the apartment, climbed into the driver’s seat of his parents car and started the engine, trying to ignore a lingering twisted feeling in his gut that he vaguely recognized as guilt. They would have died anyways. They weren’t good people and neither are you. With that single thought repeating in his mind on an agonizing loop, he backed out of the parking spot and drove off.
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