#{ jihun ; ic } — i’m nothing like him.
vilecovet · 1 year
if you're disappointed, i can try to be scarier.
ah, he's not supposed to laugh, is he? gray eyes drop, lips curling in spite of his attempt to suppress his humor. "it's okay, i didn't come to test your scariness or see if the rumors were true."
so, why did he come? not sure, but when will he ever run into a street legend, the dragon of dojima, ever again? his reputation has even reached south korea.
gaze lifting, he observes the feline. "who's your friend...?"
/ @4doji ; continued from here.
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drivingsideways · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
So @rain-hat​ said I should post a bit from the latest fic so she can read it (properly formatted and not in a chat window, I think??), so here’s a bit from an as yet untitled fic set post-canon verse TKEM, featuring our favourite cop-who-got-a-different-life and also orphan-who-got-a-different-life thanks to Lee Gon being a total ass. 
The White Lily Orphanage isn’t a state organization, instead it’s run by the nuns from the Sisters of the St.Paul of Chartres Convent, one of the earliest established Catholic orders in the Kingdom. It’s not a large home- they have the ability to take in around twenty children at a time, though at the moment they have only half the number. The youngest right now is a three year old ball of sunshine, Jia and the oldest is the lanky fourteen year old Jihun. Hyeon-Min has been attending Mass at the church attached to the convent with eomma since- well, since he was ten.
(God sent Prince Buyeong to us, eomma had said, having found God via the kindness of a stranger, we must be grateful.
Hyeon-min had accepted her explanation then, and now, twenty years later, he doesn’t feel the need to tarnish her faith with his cynicism. He maybe agnostic about God, but he knows that the sisters are kind, that they try to do their best by their young charges, and that’s enough.
He knows enough about the world that he believes that one of its rules should be to pass on the kindness of strangers.)
He parks his bike and grabs his gym bag with the change of clothes, noting a rather beaten up looking sedan in the parking lot. Perhaps there were some potential adopters visiting today, not a very frequent occurrence.
The rates of adoptions in Corea were low, compared to the number of children who needed families. Usually, children who lost their parents were taken in by grandparents, if they were still alive, or the parents’ siblings, if they were not. The ones who ended up in the system- they were truly society’s rejects, the ones who had no one left who cared about them; a patrilineal society obsessed with bloodlines didn’t see them as anything but an inconvenience, or a shameful secret. That their own king was an orphan was not a hypocrisy; Lee Gon was king first, orphan second.
The slack with respect to the less nobly orphaned was picked up by religious or charitable trusts, and only a little by the government. The rules governing adoption were prohibitive- Seo Ryeong had told him about the circles that eomeonim and she had to run to officially take Gyeong-ah into the family. At some point, it had come down to bribery. She’d been tight-lipped and her eyes had glinted in fury, when she’d told him,  though it had already been far enough in the past that Gyeong-ah no longer woke up crying from nightmares, and didn’t stuff her food down at each meal as though she didn’t know when she’d next get one, or try to take as little room as possible in their already tiny apartment.
Gyeong-ah usually accompanies him on these visits too, though she couldn’t make it today.
He figured that meant she’d drop by when he wasn’t around.
 Jia-ya is the first one to spot him when he enters the common room, which is where the kids are normally, at this hour. She runs toward him, almost tripping on her toes, with her hands already raised high above her head. He drops the bag on the floor and swings her up, twirling her around, while she squeals delightedly. When he lowers her, she throws her arms around his neck, placing a candy-sticky kiss on his cheek.
“Hyungnim, where were you??” she demands. “You’ve gone so long that Chia forgot you”.
Chia is her favourite toy- a rather ratty looking cloth panda.
“Sorry Jia-ya” he says, “I had a lot of work”
She pouts. “Have you got chocolate?”
“Mmmhmm” he replies, nodding, “But let’s share with everyone later, ok?”
He puts her down on the floor, and turns to the others who’ve come up, all grinning, except Jihun, who’s trying to look unconcerned, remaining where he’s seated at one of the two computers, headphones in, fingers flying rapidly over the keyboard.
“Hey everyone” he says, reaching out to ruffle a head, tweak a chin. “Ready for a game?”
They’ve got a small basketball court at the back, not professional, by any means, but enough for the kids to work out some of their energy. For soccer, and other games, Gyeong-ah and he take them to a nearby sports club. Ryeong-ah had been the one who worked out a deal with the local residents association that owned the club when she’d made Assemblywoman; it was her constituency after all, and she had cultivated her relationships at local level, as much as she had in the higher echelons. Thanks to (former) Assemblywoman Koo, the kids now had access on alternate Sundays to the club. Luckily, the Sisters of St.Paul of Chartres weren’t too strict about preserving the holiness of the  Sabbath rest; as long as the kids attended Mass in the morning, the rest of the day could be spent as they wished. Today is a Sunday when they don’t have access to the sports club, so Hyeon-Min’s plans are adjusted accordingly- a game, then lunch with everyone, and then piling them all into the small van the orphanage has and taking them for ice cream, before he has to drop back at the station, just to check in on Woo Ji-hyun and Bo-Young who have the day shift today.
“Where’s Sister Lee?” he asks, and twelve-year old Su-bin pipes up “She has a visitor today” and her twin, Yun-seo adds, “He’s a handsome oppa”.
“Is he now?’ Hyeon-min grins down at her.
“Not as cool as you, hyungnim” she assures him earnestly.
“Drop the flattery” he tells her seriously, “You’re not getting an extra scoop later. Everyone go on and get changed.”
The twins and the others- Ming-yu, Jun-ho, Min-su, Seong-min, Min-ji and Eun-ji- dart off.
He picks up his bag again, heading off to the guest room to get changed, calling “Jihun-a, c’mon, let’s go” only to get a shoulder lifted in a shrug, Jihun not even bothering to look at him.
Well, he thought, that was new.
He didn’t press him, confident that Jihun would find his way out later. The problem, perhaps, was that Jihun was a few years older than the others, almost fifteen, ready for high school. The next oldest were the twins, at twelve, and the others fell between nine and eleven, except Jia, who was everybody’s darling at three.
Jihun was preparing to write the same scholarship exam that Hyeon-Min had taken all those years ago, to get into CNA. His grades at the local public school were pretty good, and he excelled especially at art- but it was a tough school to get into, given the sheer number of candidates applying, even more than when Hyeon-Min and Ryeong-ah had given the test.
Hyeon-min thought he could recognize in Jihun the same kind of hunger that he’d seen in Ryeong-ah, all those years ago. And just like all those years ago, one part of him was amazed, and proud; another was just scared for Jihun, for what the world might do to him, outside of the safety of this place. He tried to shrug the fear off- what use could it be to Jihun- and had begun helping him prepare for the test, instead.
Perhaps Jihun was upset because he hadn’t been able to come by for three weeks, although he’d spoken to him a few times on the phone and had checked in with Sister Lee as well.
When he changes into his shorts and t-shirt and comes back to check in, Jihun’s disappeared. Perhaps he’d changed his mind and decided to join the game, after all.
He’s about to duck out of the room, when Sister Lee comes in accompanied by a young man- the “handsome oppa” of Yun-seo’s description, clearly.
“Ah, Inspector Kang” she says, giving him her usual warm smile. “Good morning. You finally have a day off, I see.”
“Good morning, Sister Lee” he greets her, bowing.
She turns to the man with her.
“This is Senior Inspector Kang Hyeon-min from Busan PD” she says, and the man gives him a strangely assessing look, and bows. He’s fair, slightly shorter than Hyeon-Min, a dark eyes and a sharp nose in a square-jawed face. The glasses and the clothes- a light blue button down shirt that’s unbuttoned at the collar over khaki slacks,  give him the look of a librarian on vacation. He’s probably a few years younger than Hyeon-Min.
“I’m Kim Jun-Yeong” he says, bowing toward Hyeon-Min.
“Mr.Kim teaches art at the school” she says, meaning the local public school all the kids here attend. “He came by to talk about Jihun.”
“Is something the matter?” Hyeon-min asks, immediately. “Is Jihun in trouble?”
“Nothing like that” Mr.Kim says, with a smile. “In fact, I came by to chat with Sister Lee about Jihun’s future plans. He told me that he was preparing for admission at CNA.”
Hyeon-Min nods. “I’m trying to help out” he says. “When I can.”
“Inspector Kang has been a huge support to the children here for years” Sister Lee says, giving him another warm smile. “And since he’s a CNA alumnus himself, he’s probably the best suited to help Jihun ace the exam.”
“Yes, of course”, Mr.Kim says, adding, “Jihun-a has told me a lot about you already, Senior Inspector Kang.”
“Oh” says Hyeon-Min, politely, “He’s never mentioned you to me.”
Something wry passes over Mr. Kim’s face at that, and it makes Hyeon-min feel a little silly.
“Mr. Kim is of the opinion that Jihun should perhaps try for an art school later” Sister Lee says, “And finish high school at some school less demanding than CNA, Kang-ssi”.
“Did Jihun-a say that’s what he wants to do?” Hyeon-min asks, stunned. Jihun had never mentioned it to him.
There’s an awkward silence.
“He did seem open to the idea” Mr.Kim says, sounding a little apologetic. “He started asking me about art schools and scholarships a while ago. I didn’t know then that you were already preparing him for the CNA entrance.”
‘But” says Hyeon-min, feeling like the rug had been pulled from under his feet.
Sister Lee says, thoughtfully, “Perhaps he was uncomfortable bringing it up with me or you, Kang-ssi.”
“We never forced him”, Hyeon-min feels compelled to protest.
“Jihun-a admires you a lot, Kang-ssi” Mr.Kim murmurs, “It is but natural he would want to follow in your footsteps.”
Hyeon-min looks at him and meets that calmly assessing look again.
“Did he ask you to meet Sister Lee and talk about this?”
“No” says Mr.Kim, “He didn’t. In fact, I think he was a little upset when he saw me today.”
Well, that explained earlier, Hyeon-Min realizes.
“Will you—” starts Sister Lee, nodding toward back, from where they can already here the shouts of the children.
“Yes” Hyeon-Min answers. “I’ll have a chat with him.”
“Good” she says, smiling again at him. “I’ll talk to him later as well.”
She turns to the teacher.
“Mr.Kim, I really appreciate your dropping by. It’s not often we get teachers who are so concerned with the well-being of our students.”
Mr.Kim says, quietly, “I was brought up in a home too- not as good as this one” he adds. “I know what it’s like.”
Well, now, Hyeon-Min feels like a total piece of shit.
“Thank you, Kim-ssi” he says, and tries to infuse it with something more than stiff formality.
Mr.Kim gives him a short nod.
“I’d better head over before the fighting starts” Hyeon-min says, giving Sister Lee a smile. “I’ll see you at lunch, Sister Lee.”
They part ways, and when Hyeon-min reaches the court just in time to stop Min-ji from punching Eun-ji in the face, he sees that Jihun is there as well, but sitting on the side-lines, playing with Jia, although he’s changed into game clothes as well.
He darts a glance at Hyeon-min and then quickly looks away, flushing.
Hyeon-min jogs up to him.
“Get in” he says, clapping him on the back, “So I don’t have to keep the peace all by myself”
Jihun looks up at him, uncertain, as though he’d expected Hyeon-min to be- angry- with him.
“Jihun-a” he says, holding out a hand toward him, “ C’mon.”
Jihun takes his hand and lets himself be hauled up, and Hyeon-min even manages to get a one-armed hug in before he scampers off, suddenly cheerful.
 It’s a good game, and after, as they’re all chattering at the lunch table, Gyeong-ah comes in and plonks herself down opposite the twins, and they stuff themselves to the gills before piling into the van.
Gyeong-ah’s driving, and as they pull out of the gate, Hyeon-min notices a black Hummer parked in the alley, five cars away,  the glasses shaded so dark, he can’t see inside.
He has an idle moment of wondering what a car like that was doing in the neighbourhood but is distracted by Jia-ya climbing into his lap to tell him all about Chia’s adventures in the place she calls “Funderland” (like Wonderland, but fun, she insists).
 On the way back, Gyeong-ah drives again, and this time the kids are mostly in a food coma, some of them burping softly, sprawling on the seats, so he gets a chance to talk to Jihun, settling beside him, right at the back.
“So” he says, “art school, huh?”
Jihun glances at him quickly and then away, head bent.
“Do you know which ones you’re interested in?”
Jihun looks up then.
“You’re not angry?” he asks, uncertainty writ large on his young face.
“Just surprised” Hyeon-min admits. “Why didn’t you ever tell me or Sister Lee? You know we wouldn’t have stopped you.”
He shrugs, looking away.
“Everyone’s expecting me to become the first CNA graduate from the home” he says, softly. “All these years”.
“Nobody wants you to be anything other than happy, Jihun-a” Hyeon-min contradicts him, gently. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you any other idea.”
Jihun turns to him.
“I did think I wanted that too” he says, candidly. “But then—I don’t know, hyungnim, frankly, it sounds like an awful place in other ways.”
“Who’ve you been talking to?” Hyeon-min asks, surprised, because he’d never said anything to Jihun about it other than good things about the academics, and the opportunities it would open up for him.
Jihun gives him a pitying look.
“Hyungnim” he says, “You know the internet is a thing right? Or was it not a thing when you were young?”
“Hey” he says, “I’m thirty-one, not a dinosaur.”
Jihun looks unconvinced.
“Student forums” he says, helpfully. “And even Mr.Kim—”
“Mr.Kim went to CNA?” Hyeon-min asks, surprised again.
“No” says Jihun, “But I think he knows people. He’s a teacher, right, he knows this stuff.”
“Hmm” says Hyeon-min, miffed.
Jihun eyes him again. “Are you angry I didn’t tell you, but I told Mr.Kim?”
Wow, Hyeon-min thinks, dissected by a fourteen-year old, wonderful.
“Don’t give me your backchat, Jihun-a” he says, and Jihun grins at him.
Hyeon-min diverts the talk into the art schools he’s interested in, and they spend the rest of the ride like that.
 Later, before Gyeong-ah and he head off, they have a talk with Sister Lee.
Sister Lee Jeong-hui- or “Dragon Lady” as Gyeong-ah liked to call her- was a petite woman with delicate wrists, and long fingered hands that poked out of the sleeves of her habit. Unlike most of her contemporaries, she’d joined the Order, not as a young girl, but in her mid-thirties, after making a name for herself as a labour rights lawyer, working up north, in the mining communities. She’d moved to Busan when her health took a downturn- her asthma was something terrible- and she’d been shunted around the diocese until ending up at the orphanage ten years ago. She’d taken one look at the lackadaisical administration of the Orphanage- then run by Sister Pa, who was already in her seventies, taken a deep breath, and got to work. She’d transformed the place, scrounging funding wherever she could- sometimes by just persistently annoying the powers that be- and was currently in a long drawn out battle with the Bishop of the Diocese over her demand that they expand their current home to start a support home for single mothers- the people most likely to abandon their children, for lack of resources and societal stigma.
They talk about her latest efforts in that direction, after Hyeon-min tells her about his conversation with Jihun.
“Thank you Inspector Kang” she says, softly, “I hope you’re not too disappointed.”
“Of course not” he says, staunchly, though perhaps he was, a little. “Jihun’s going to be great at whatever he does.”
“Yes” she agrees, a fond smile transforming her rather grave face into loveliness. “He’s a blessed child”.
“Anyway” she says, sighing, “Perhaps it’s just as well. Even with a scholarship, funding for other expenses would have always been a tension. This way, we have some time to prepare before he goes to art school.”
Gyeong-ah says, “What did the Welfare Association say?”
When the Diocese had hummed-and-hawed about the home for women, Sister Lee had turned elsewhere.
Sister Lee makes a rather un-saintly face. “That government policy doesn’t include- and you won’t believe this, or perhaps you will- doesn’t include subsidizing and rewarding irresponsible behaviour”.
“I thought Ryeong-ah said they had a specific budget for women’s welfare” Gyeong-ah says, hotly. “They can’t deny it only to some women, can they? Plus it’s a discretionary budget.”
Sister Lee sighs. “Child, I don’t know if I have the energy to fight that battle right now. If we had someone on the Committee there- but it’s all bureaucrats who think of it as a sinecure position really…”
She shrugs, and pats Gyeong-ah’s shoulder, comforting.
“I’m not giving up, Seo-Gyeong” she says, “Not yet.”
They bid her goodbye.
 As she puts on her helmet and climbs onto the bike, Gyeong-ah says, abruptly, “Sometimes I’m so angry with unnie for what she did- because she fucked up her chance to help people like Sister Lee, who really need her”.
“ Song & Kim will get her out” he says, “Right?”
“But what about after?” she argues, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Her political career is probably over.”
“It’s never over with Ryeong-ah” he reminds her, belting his own helmet, and adjusting the strap of his gym bag over his jacket.
As they drive out of the gate, he sees that the Hummer isn’t there anymore.
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exosmutfactory · 4 years
How I Look On You 003
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Chun-hei is stuck between feeling too busy to commit and too young to settle down. And with her bustling book publisher business, bachelors and alike are all swarming around her for a chance at publicity. She’s doing a good job at keeping the men at bay—until Byun Baekhyun, that is. Doesn’t mean he’ll have it easy though.
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 ✓ |  Part 4 |  Part 5 |
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
The Struggle
Uh, I make my money, and I write the checks
So say my name with a little respect
All my girls successful, and you're just our guest
Do I really need to say it?
Do I need to say it again, yeah?
You better stop the sweet talk
And keep your pretty mouth shut
“Fuck,” I pant, leaning back into my seat. “Mmm god, Baekhyun.”
The raven moans from between my legs, sucking harder on my clit as I tug on his hair in abandon.
“You’re so fucking good,” Purring lowly while running a hand through his hair, I tighten my grip again; arching against his mouth when he lightly drags his teeth across the sensitive bud. “I’m close.”
“Mmm.” He slides a finger inside, slipping in another one when he receives no resistance from my sopping core.
My moans grow louder in volume as he repeatedly hits my g-spot; that familiar knot in my stomach getting ready to release with every suck and swirl of his tongue on my clit. When my orgasm hits a loud ringing fills my ears; black dots circling my vision as I stare up open-mouthed at the ceiling. Thighs quivering around his head as he keeps lapping at my aching folds.
“You taste so fucking good,” He growls, moving between my parted legs while I look up at him in a daze. His hard member sliding along my soaking core causing both our breaths to hitch.
“Baek,” I panted, gripping his shirt. Please.
He slips inside; all hot, rigid and raw. I can feel every vein on his cock as I tighten my greedy walls.
“Look at you,” He grunts, snapping his hips and bottoming out with every thrust; the painfully good pressure at my cervix leaving me breathless. “So needy for my cock, baby. Have you missed me?”
Digging my nails into his leather seats, I can only moan and gasp with his every move; that familiar feeling of blooming pride swelling in my chest. My back arches to new heights when he roughly rubs my recovering clit; a cry pulled from my lips when he speeds up his rough movements. Sex is always good, but fuck, Baekhyun’s sex is out worldly.
“Fuck you look so beautiful like this,” He breathes; hair dangling in his brown eyes that are filled with an emotion I’m too blissed out to decipher right now. My grip on his back deepens the more that all too familiar knot forms in my stomach.
It takes all my effort to open my eyes and meet his again; a flow of pleasured noises I haven't made in years falling from my lips when he tilts my hips at a higher angle and slams right into my spot. I can only describe the look in his eyes as fondness as I tip over that blissful edge.
“God.” Baekhyun groans, hips stuttering at my spasming walls gripping his cock. His head snaps up from our joined parts, “W-Wait where can I cum?” The breathy tone of his voice has me tightening even more around him, pulling an almost pained moan from his thoroughly kiss-swollen lips. “Fuck baby, I can’t-”
“I-Inside.” I gasp, wrapping my thighs tightly around his waist, “Fill me up, Baekhyun.”
The whiny moan from his lips as he cums is devastatingly adorable, although I’d never tell him that. Or how right it feels to have his warmth filling up my walls. Can’t have him getting too attached now, can we? 
Our heavy breaths mingle in the heat of the fogged-up car as I move to reach for the tissue box on the passenger’s seat. “My meeting is in 30 minutes,” I sigh, trying my best to ignore his tempting kisses on my neck.
Baekhyun pauses, making a noise in protest. “10 more minutes with me?”
“Baek, after all that you’d be lucky if I came in 40.” I chuckle breathlessly, checking my Rolex. “Didn’t you say you had somewhere to be as well?” Quirking a brow, I turn back to him, blinking at the odd look in his eyes. He shifts his brown orbs away before I can identify it. “Yeah.” He clears his throat, leaning back to help clean up the mess. “I have to show an intern around.”
“Ooo that sounds like fun,” I smirk, laughing at the sour look on his face. “Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“Imagine having someone ¾ s of your age following you around,” He grumbles; nose adorably scrunched as he gently wipes our aftermath from my inner thighs.
Ugh. Accountants and their ways of math—but wait. I tilt my head, “How old are you?”
Baekhyun freezes, hand right over my mound before mumbling something under his breath.
“Hmm?” I tuck a red manicured finger under his chin, looking into his sparkly brown orbs.
“I..” He hesitates, gulping. A red hue covering the tips of his ears. “24,” He mumbles.
“..Huh,” I lick my lips, grinning; keeping his gaze locked on mine. “And you’re just telling me this now?”
“Y-You never asked,” He looks off to the right before meeting my eyes with his defensive ones, “What? Is it a problem?”
“No,” I insist, shaking my head with a coy smile. “Just making sure,” My finger lightly traces down his neck to his delectable collarbones; his gulp adding sparks to a cooled down flame, “I’m not corrupting you.”
Baekhyun looks up at me then in all his unbuttoned shirt and sex tussled hair glory, biting that damn bottom lip of his, “And what if you are?”
I scoff, snarling playfully and giving him a light shove, “You wish. Come on before we ruin your seats.”
Together we finish cleaning off ourselves and the driver’s seat. Throwing used tissues in the trash bag under the passenger’s seat and looking all over for my earring and his tie. “Here,” I gently take it from his hands, straightening it, “You’re looking a little crooked there.”
Baekhyun says nothing as I end up retying the knot; his gaze burning on my concentrating form.
“There,” I smooth it out with a small smile, reaching for my purse while he runs a hand through his hair and steps out the car. The cold wintry air feels amazing on my heated skin.
“So,” He clears his throat, avoiding my eyes. I lightly tap my nails on the dashboard, very aware of the ticking on the clock. “Can I...see you after this?” He falters, peeking meekly over at me.
“I need to be able to walk tomorrow, Baek,” I mumble, reapplying my lipstick in the mirror.
“T-That’s fine, I mean...” He rocks back on the balls of his feet, “Do you.. want to go out for dinner or some-”
Wincing a little, I murmur, “I’m staying later to monitor everyone during overtime tonight.” My chest tightens uncomfortably after I utter those words. And even more so when I see the crestfallen look on his face.
“Oh..” He rubs the back of his neck, looking down at his shoes before meeting my eyes. “Are you free anytime this week?”
I don’t say anything—I can’t bear to as he looks at me with those damn sad puppy eyes that tug at a deep place hidden inside my chest. So I lightly shake my head, clearing my throat before returning my focus back to the purse in my hands. And the vibrating phone in my lap. “I’ll have to sprint if I plan to make it on time.” I note, eyes wide at the “2 minutes to spare” reminder flashing across the screen.
Baekhyun merely nods, moving out the way as I step out into the cold. The temperature is nearly unbearable as I take a step away from his warmth.
“I’ll text you the next time I’m free,” I mumble, throwing him one last look over my shoulder. I pat his arm while walking pass, trying to ignore the dejected look on his face. “See you ‘round.”
“Yeah,” He murmurs, the rest of his words taken away by the mid-December wind.
I huddle further into my wool coat as I round the corner. Quickly making my way into the building despite the light layer of ice covering the sidewalk before my gloveless fingers go numb. The gust of heat greeting me once I step through the door doing little to warm me up on the inside.
“Chun-hei!” Snapping my head up, my eyes widen at the frazzled secretary near sprinting across the floor, “Jihun, what-”
“You’re 10 minutes late!” She hisses, grabbing my wrist before bolting back over to the elevators. “Thank goodness the illustrator was able to distract the reviewers and the author with a selection of book covers. Your ass needs to be in there now.”
I give a speedy reply, thankfully making it to the meeting room in one piece despite our haste through freely cleaned, (and slippery,) floors. It takes everything in me to stop Jihun from literally bursting through the door before quickly checking over our appearances and walking through the entry with the expected swiftness and grace.
“Good morning everyone, sorry I’m late.” Briefly glancing over the blank and slightly irritated expressions on their faces, I drape my coat over the back of my chair, swiftly moving to start the presentation on the whiteboard. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?”
“I know you’re happy getting dicked down on the regular, Chun-hei, but fuck.” Jihun paces the empty room, running careful mint-green manicured fingers through her hair, “You’ve never been late to a meeting before.”
All I can do is press my forehead to the table and groan. Please don’t remind me. Thinking about all the nonsense I spluttered to Baekhyun in my hurry to escape makes me wince. Overtime? Being busy for the rest of the week? I just sent my workers off on a mini-vacation for being so diligent these past 3 months.
“Really, I know it’s doing you some good, but you’re really distracted now too.” I know she’s only speaking the truth, but it still hurts my pride knowing that someone—a horny man none the less—has managed to cloud my judgment again. To knock me off my tight-knit schedule and mess up a little of my reputation. And only with keeping my bed warm every now and then? Has my self worth stooped this low?
Or is it my guard being let down around him; my subconscious muses.
I shove that thought down fast.
“Jihun,” Her name comes out more whiny than intended. Though it stops her right in her tracks. “What?”
“I need help,” I mumble. In more way than one if I’m being honest. 
“With what—Baekhyun hasn’t done anything has he?” Her heels click rhythmically as she approaches the table, taking the seat next to me. “If he fucked you over, I swear-”
“No, no,” I shake my head, waving my hand around, “None of that. I need a drink.”
“..A drink?..”
“Straight up vodka,” I lift my head, nodding to myself, “And five shots.”
She gives me a pensive look, sharp eyes quickly picking up on the situation. “I’ll call the girls.”
Giving an appreciative hum, I let my head drop back to the table with a sigh. Willing away the thoughts of black hair and hypnotizing brown eyes. What the fuck have I gotten myself into.
“Let me get this straight,” Minji taps her chin, a glass of mojito resting between her fingertips, “You’ve been sleeping with this guy for a few weeks-”
“Months,” I mumble petulantly, nursing my own glass with shaky hands, “Over two months.”
“Over two months,” She repeats, “And when he asks you on a date, you freak out.” She concludes, setting stunned eyes onto me.
I shrug despite the lump in my throat; tugging uncomfortably at the neck of my crocheted long-sleeved black dress, “Pretty much.”
“Girl!” There is no time to avoid a snack to my arm. All I can do is cover the throbbing area and whimper at the pain. “He likes you, dummy!”
“Sure he does,” I roll my eyes, ignoring the fast pace of my heart; leaning against the counter when the room starts to spin. “We could say the same about-” I hiccup, “-Seojun.”
“Seojun has been far up his own ass since day one,” Jihun’s voice manages to float over the headache-inducing bass of the club. Perfect nails sticking out like sore thumbs under the neon lights, “It’s our fault for giving him the benefit of the doubt.” 
“How nice of you,” I murmur, taking my last shot glass with a sigh.
“Anyways,” Minji perks up, energy cranked up to 100 as she drunkenly sways to the unfamiliar dubstep, “I think you should totally give this Baekhyun guy a chance.”
An unwanted warm feeling blossoms in my chest at the prospect. I shove the drunken hope down quickly and make a noise in protest, “But-”
Another smack. “No buts!” She huffs. Jihun stands behind her covering up her snickering with a shot glass. “If you keep going on like this you’ll have too much money and not enough kids to help with college tuition—and I know you want to pay that college tuition-”
“But if said college tuition didn’t exist-” I almost trip over a stool trying to lean back from her raised hand and narrowed eyes, “Okay okay, you’re right!”
“Damn straight.” She huffs, turning to Jihun. “I can’t believe Seoyeon isn’t here.”
“Nah, it’s alright,” I drape my head over my folded arms, closing my eyes. Instantly being greeted by the sight of pink pouty lips and brown kicked puppy eyes. “She’d ruin the mood.”
“True, she gets all stiff when you mention men,” Jihun murmurs; cheeks already rosy as she throws back another shot. Sighing while taking a look around, “But why isn’t she here? It’s not like her to miss the opportunity.”
Minji starts to say something but makes a gagging noise.
My eyes shoot open as I quickly move out of her range, looking her over frantically from a safe distance. “Min!” Jihun pats her gasping form on the back, carefully setting down her mojito before resting a hand on her shoulder, “Are you okay?” Our petite friend refuses to respond, an action that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand as she gazes with an open mouth somewhere behind us; face turning pale. Curiosity getting the best of me, I slowly turn around to follow her line of sight.
I honestly can’t say that I’m surprised.
Seojun eyes me from across the room; brown hair messily swiped across his forehead. Seated in a booth with his shirt unbuttoned and two attention-seeking women pressed to his side. Dark brown eyes sweeping over my form. It’s sad to admit that that is how he won me over a year ago. There’s no denying his genuine model-quality looks, I’m just pissed that he used my name to get the career and the girls... And everything else he wanted. That familiar shit-eating grin on his face making my blood boil.
Someone blocks him from view; a woman with peach-colored hair that causes a spark to light up in his dark brown eyes. All I can determine is her familiar stature before a gag rings in my ear and the fluid I wanted to avoid the most falls down my dress.
I squeeze my eyes shut as Jihun pulls a sick Minji away, using all my willpower not to yell at the drunkenly swaying woman while bidding them a gruff goodbye and heading out to call a cab.  A few tears escape my eyes when the disgusting substance starts sticking to my skin. Great, this is exactly how I pictured my night to go. I manage to give the driver an address before curling up on the backseat, mindful to keep the mess from spreading to the back of the cab. The last time I rode in one of these vivid in my mind while idly running my fingertips over the back of the leather seat. A small smile curling at my lips. Huh, one night stand turned into something more, hm? 
I’m startled awake by the driver, leaving him with 5 dollars extra before stepping back out into the cold night. The apartment complex in front of me making my eyes widen in realization. Have I seriously memorized his address after riding in a cab with him about two...three times? I’d call another cab if I could remember the password to my own phone.
Next thing I know, I’m swaying a bit in front of his door. Second-guessing myself a moment too late when he’s already pulling it open; yawning like a baby lion and sleep-dazed brown eyes widening significantly. “Chunhei?” He breathes, face painted in disbelief.
I stiffen, suddenly sobering up and turning red in realization. Showing up at his doorstep at who knows what hour after practically running out on him this morning? I look down at my ruined dress, feel the sticky streaks of mascara on my cheeks and gag at the overwhelming smell of sweat and alcohol now that I’m out of that stuffy environment. Am I out of my fucking mind!? I gulp, palms getting ridiculously clammy. “I...” His sparkly brown eyes aren’t helping either. I turn away, already heading back to the elevator, “I-I’m sorry, I must have sleepwalked-”
“Stay.” He utters; soft and inviting.
I look down at his hand circled around my wrist, hoping he can’t feel my heartbeat as I follow it up to his cute face. Sleepy brown orbs eyeing me knowingly. There’s no use trying to hide how my gaze sweeps over his fluffy bedhead and pouty lips swollen from sleep before meeting his again. Even in nothing but a wrinkle white t-shirt and flannel pajama pants, Byun Baekhyun is the most stunning man I’ve ever seen.
“Okay,” I whisper. Stiffening again when he gently smiles, sliding his hand down to hold mine. He giggles—actually giggles—at the unsure look on my face before leading me into his home. And really, if I wasn’t so messy I might even give him a... hug.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 ✓ |  Part 4 |  Part 5 |
Hi yes this chapter is late because I was 2 seconds away from scraping the whole thing, but I think I managed to finish it okay? It's not what I originally planned but when does a plan ever go perfectly? XD I hope you liked it anyway♡♡
Thank you all for supporting this story, have a good weekend! 
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dreamscript · 6 years
The Fires Within: 9 - final
a hellhound au twist on this request
Yoongi’s still recovering, but in more ways than one. Now if only he could stop sending murderous glares towards your sparring partners...
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 (M) | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 (final)
8.2k words, yoongi/reader, hellhound au
You hack and slash viciously at the air, at the wind sprites that Jihun keeps on sending after you. He manages to just barely deflect a potentially fatal blast of magic you send his way before he’s dashing towards you at blinding speed and you’re revving your fist for a good old fashioned punch in the gut.
Luckily for him, Jihun notices and blocks it with his forearm, but grunts harshly. He backs away.
“Man, who the hell pissed you off today?” he asks, panting.
“I don’t know, maybe I’m just feeling the extra energy from my afternoon coffee,” you reply, assuring him that you’re fine and not about to blow up, both figuratively and literally. But of course, what you really mean and what Jihun doesn’t--and shouldn’t know because that would be weird and awkward--is that you’re actually replaying the entire conversation you had with Yoongi an hour prior, irritation and anxiety and worry and concern building up by the minute.
He calmly sips at his half-finished coffee, looking at you boredly, expectantly, as you try and slow down your desperate panting. You eye him murderously as you slump into your seat, sweaty, barely giving the waiter a glance before ordering a nice, ice cold drink. Yoongi makes no comment on your current state of disarray.
“You know, you could’ve at least chosen a closer meeting spot, for those of us who are not gifted with the ability to travel at high speeds,” you say, irritated.
“I’m sure you’ve travelled greater distances before, _________,” Yoongi replies, taking another sip from his cup. You realize that it’s been enchanted, from the way it twinkles and keeps the liquid inside from sloshing about too much. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be admitted as an active member of the League.”
You glare at him even harder. “That’s different. You know that. Typically I don’t run a full six miles just to go to a coffee shop. Sure, I’m more about damage over time rather than slip in, blow up shit, and slip out, but that doesn’t mean my body is capable of working overtime for extended periods.”
Yoongi shrugs. The waiter returns and sets down a tall glass of juice, sorbet-yellow blending into a rich fuchsia. The condensation conveniently moves away wherever you put your hand on the glass. You take a huge gulp, eyes trained on Yoongi, waiting for his response.
He sighs. “It’s a nice shop,” he justifies. “Anyways, what did you want to talk about?”
If you could glare at him any harder, you would have burned holes straight through his stubborn thick skull. “You. And stop playing dumb.”
He merely raises a brow. “I’m pretty sure we’ve advanced beyond being mere acquaintances at this point, but if you insist… My name is Min Yoongi, I’m from the capital, I’m currently registered as an inactive assassin in the League--”
“I said stop. Playing. Dumb.”
He sighs. You look at him. Waiting.
After a minute of silence, he finally speaks up. “My friends… you met them. And I’m pretty sure during this time period you’ve become close enough that they’ve become your friends as well.”
You nod.
“...did they not tell you anything about me? Were you not scared? The League is full of dangerous people, you know. Just because you’re all under the same umbrella doesn’t mean you’re safe.”
“Jimin told me you were a murderer,” you reply. “And of course that threw me off. And I obviously was wary, though admittedly still naïve… regardless, things turned out fine. Call it intuition, I guess. Fae are good at that.”
“You’re not Fae. I’d call it beginner’s luck instead.” Yoongi drums his fingers on the table, coffee untouched. “And regarding what Jimin said...did you not see? What happened?”
“What’s happened has happened. You cannot change it,” you reply carefully, but after thinking briefly of Hoseok and the lanky veteran Tao, add, “at least not in this timeline.”
He sighs, off put. “Still happened. Even though the hound’s gone I still feel like a monster. It’s actually still really hard to think that it isn’t… there anymore. It’s been with me so long that I guess I just got kinda used to it. Being there.”
“You’re not a monster. That’s gone. You, Yoongi, never were one.”
“I was.” He insists, still looking a bit defeated, lost. “Anyways, about you,” he continues, diverting the conversation, “Did you go on any missions.”
It doesn’t even sound like a question; his tone is so formal and tight it almost sounds like he’s being forced to ask about you, or maybe he’s too embarrassed to admit that he cares.
“N-no,” you reply, still trying to decipher him. “I only just got cleared to do solo missions. Like, I could’ve done group ones but I never really… found a suitable group to party up with. Most of the squad are still above my caliber in terms of experience, and Kibum hasn’t tried cajoling me into doing any so…”
“Oh really?” He looks strangely… pleased? Satisfied? by your answer.
“Yeah. Everything’s been paperwork up until now, really.” Yoongi hums in understanding. The past few weeks he’s been in and out of the hospital and the mental ward, filling out forms and talking about his current condition.
“So…” you say, deciding to bring up the part that you’ve been really wanting to ask this entire time, “are you going to tell me why you’ve been so deftly avoiding me, or are we just going to continue this anti-me zone that’s been going on around you?”
Yoongi presses his lips into a thin line. “I’ve just been busy, is all. I needed some space to find my footing again, by myself. I didn’t realize that such a zone was even a thing. My apologies.”
The answer is clearly not entirely truthful yet not entirely false, but Yoongi looks so stubborn and irked by your question that you bite back the accusatory remarks and physically restrain yourself from busting out an entire list of his actions the past week that would turn his statement upside down. He’s in a mentally fragile state, you remind yourself. Over and over and over again. He can’t do well under pressure; he’ll break.
“...I see. Well, in that case, I suppose it was just a… misunderstanding. If that’s all, then I’ve nothing else to discuss. I’ve got to go, anyways. Training with Jihun today,” you say, with a grimace. In reality you could have probably skipped, but you’re done here, and the lack of answers really makes you want to beat shit up.
He raises an eyebrow. “Jihun? How did that happen?”
“Um, he asked me?” You give him a look.
He narrows his eyes. “Be careful around him.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I figured that out within the first day of our pre-training with him, but thanks.”
“I’m serious,” he continues, “I don’t trust that man.”
“Yoongi,” you say, feeling your annoyance start to get the best of you, “you don’t trust a lot of people, so that isn’t really all that convincing.” You pause, study him, the equally irritated look on his face. “Anyways, I’ll let you decide whether or not you want to continue… taking time off, or if you want to actually sit down and… talk. I know there’s a lot on your mind, but I’m not going to hunt you down and corner you until you spill your thoughts out to me. We’re both adults, so we’ll handle this like adults, yeah?”
He says nothing, just looks away.
You clear your throat. “Anyways, sorry for taking up your time. I’ll be going now, can’t leave Jihun waiting, right?”
Jihun manages to use his free hand to wipe a stray bead of sweat from rolling into his eyes and makes one last thrust toward your body before sheathing his sword. Even though you know it doesn’t do shit to his legendary blade, you blast magic at it anyway out of spite. He gives you a look.
“Well, we all have our days I guess.” He studies your face, still catches the fire behind your eyes. “Unfortunately, we have to end the session here, though.”
“Yeah. It’s getting a bit late anyways,” you reply, looking at the horizon, where the reddened sun sinks ever lower, bleeding into the sky. “Will you be down for, say, two days from now?”
He shakes his head. “Actually, I’m coming off my post as trainer tomorrow. From then on I’m just a regular member of the League, so I’m taking a couple of missions that’ll have me busy for the next month at least. Gotta get out while I can, y’know?”
“Oh,” you reply, disappointed. It’s not that you can’t spar with anyone else; it’s more of like Jihun is simply a great sparring partner, being a registered trainer and all. Instead of just throwing stuff at you, he’d also give you tips and guidance.
He notices your frown and gives you a wry smile. “I’m surprised you’re not taking any missions yourself, actually.”
“Y-yeah,” you reply. “There aren’t any that caught my eye.” The reality is, you haven’t exactly been looking. Ever since Yoongi woke up, you’ve been caught up with him, and the thought of leaving the area even for a bit seems out of question. There was this fear of just completely missing out that was particularly gripping.
“Well in that case--” Jihun taps his chin thoughtfully “--I could hook you up with a colleague of mine who’s been itching for a new sparring partner. We mostly just spar with each other--my friends and I--but lately we’ve been trying to expand out of our circle to, y’know, grow our abilities. We all kinda know each other’s fighting styles by now so everything is getting a bit monotonous. What do you say?”
You perk up. “That--that sounds great, wow! Who are they?”
“His name’s Kihyun,” he replies. “A mage, kind of like you, though he does also use weapons. That is--if you can call cards weapons. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing here, but it is still unconventional, if not extra. But trust me--he uses them well. And he also used to be a trainer, I’m pretty sure.”
“That sounds fantastic,” you gush, already getting giddy from the thought of finally sparring with another mage. “Can you send me his contact details?”
“No problem,” Jihun replies, shouldering his sweat-soaked towel. “I’ll ping them over to you later--I gotta run now. See ya!”
And then he’s gone, figure warped and blown away in a sudden cyclone of wind. You sigh. People at the League really did have a penchant for sudden and dramatic exits.
What was it, really? That feeling--it controlled him from the bare edges of his mind, made him feel jittery and sick and fearfully moody all at once. Maybe it’s a result from the phantom pains, or the mental scarring that still has yet to heal over, or something that’s always been there from the start and he’s only just noticed until now.
The therapist discards his gloves, jots some notes down in his tablet. “Well, it looks like your mental health still needs some improving. You’ve been taking the supplements prescribed to you, correct?”
Yoongi nods wordlessly. Although he hasn’t always been particularly consistent with it, he still takes them relatively often. They taste good.
“Interesting…” More notes. “Well, at least you’re healing, I suppose. At a slow rate, but it does tend to progress at a crawling pace, particularly at the beginning. Mental wounds are always so difficult to heal, much more so than physical ones. Those are done automatically, but these… require a lot more conscious effort.”
“Yeah.” Yoongi purses his lips, wondering when the man was going to stop blathering and repeating just what every single healer has been saying to him since he woke up.
“I managed to repiece and mend some scars from your mind today, but as you probably know, a lot of the actual work also depends on your own body. Have you tried talking about your feelings or opening up to friends or family? Most of our struggling patients find that talking to a close confidant helps them cope.”
Yoongi shakes his head. “I tend to keep things to myself.”
He hums. “That may be why--you see, when you do that, you let all those negative emotions build up, and essentially pit yourself against yourself. With someone else to talk to, even if it’s just a little bit--and it doesn’t necessarily have to be all personal--it could definitely help ‘purge’ those feelings, if you will, or at least make them more manageable. Humans are still social creatures, not matter how reclusive. They tend to crave the comfort of another… but of course, not as much as yordles, oh god, those things--”
“Does it actually help?” Yoongi interrupts.
“Wha--oh, yes, sorry. Yes. I would highly recommend it. Try giving it a go before your next check in? I’ll make a note here for whoever checks up on you next.”
Yoongi purses his lips again. In all honesty, he’d rather not. But… the logical side of him berates himself, telling him he’s better than this, that he’s worth it, that he can’t fall back into that vicious cycle again, promising himself that the road to actually feeling normal will be worth it, although it’s been so long he isn’t sure what that actually feels like.
And also…
This time, there’s nothing holding him back. Instead, all there is are wide open arms from his friends, all trying to reach out and help. He’d just been too blind with fear to see it before. He sighs.
And he can’t stop thinking about you. It feels almost a bit wrong, to turn to you for help when he’d been avoiding you so deftly before, but…
“I’ll let you decide… I know there’s a lot on your mind…”
“Yeah. I’ll try it.”
The blow dryer smartly snaps itself back into its place on the wall, collapsing neatly into a small disc. A part of you almost wants to say thank you to it, but you stop and hold your tongue when you realize it probably doesn’t have a conscience advanced enough to articulate human speech. So you don’t, feeling suddenly over-conscious about talking to an inanimate object.
You turn to the mirror and quickly fix your hair, eyes glossing over the different bruises and cuts from the day, tug at your towel, and take two butt-naked steps towards the door where your bathrobe hangs. It’s cushy and soft and if you could fall backwards into it you totally would.
Instead, you find yourself jumping slightly from the sudden ping from your messaging system. Startled, you reach for your communication vox that’s been sitting on your small coffee table, and see that it’s a message from Jihun.
From: JIHUN [ attachment (23k) ]
From: JIHUN Sorry this is late lmao almost forgot nd got caught up w stuff
You open his message with a roll of your eyes, settling down into your cushy couch.
[ K ] kihyunnie - id: 3-239 - ext: 566-284
You tap on the little popup and select “yes” when it asks if you wish to save him into your contacts. Immediately afterwards, you hear an additional two pings and see that he’s already sent you a couple of messages earlier in the day.
From kihyunnie -- you make a mental note to change his name later-- Hey what’s up _______ it’s kihyun, jihun told me u were interested in sparring
From kihyunnie I’m free in a couple of days if ur down
Excited, you prop your feet on your table, sit back, rename him, and type out a response.
To Kihyun Hey! That sounds fantastic! What time? I was thinking of going to the proving grounds if it’s the morning/afternoon. They’re always empty then
From Kihyun Ever been to the bilgewater themed one? It’s p new
To Kihyun Wait that one opened?! I had no--
You’re interrupted by a terse knock from your door. With a frown, you set your vox down, adjust your bathrobe so it doesn’t accidentally fall off, and pad over to peep through the eyehole.
To your utter surprise, it’s Yoongi. He’s staring soullessly straight through the small opening, as if he knows you’re on the other side, shocked. You open the door.
He doesn’t say anything, just looks at you, eyes immediately zeroing in on the bruise at the base of your collarbone. To be fair, it’s in a fairly… questionable place and could definitely pass as a hickey, but you roll your eyes nonetheless and wave your hand in front of his face to pull his attention away from it. When he looks back up at you, there’s a burning, deeply suspicious look reflected in his eyes.
“Listen, you’re like the tenth person to comment on that, and I swear that it’s a legitimate bruise from sparring,” you say, rushing ahead of yourself before he can possibly get accusatory or form some weird fantasy of you and Jihun randomly hooking up in the midst of beating each other up. “It’s from all the flying rocks that got caught up when Jihun summoned his mini-tornado-thing. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s still fucking terrifying, and if you get knocked up in there you’re done for. I’m serious. I think I almost died.”
Yoongi blinks at you, the look fading. “I didn’t say anything.”
You give him a pointed look. “Your actions spoke for you; I totally caught you staring.”
He shrugs. “Was it really that bad? I know Jihun can get kind of cruel, but I didn’t think he’d go all out. Not to be demeaning or anything--but he is a longtime veteran of the League, and his abilities are probably far more… advanced than yours. For now.”
“Oh--totally. He was definitely still holding back on me, but not too much. Guess he’s a trainer for a reason.” You shrug. “In any case, I wouldn’t want to spar with someone who’s any less than me. It doesn’t create much room for improvement.” You rub at the bruise, once again aware that Yoongi’s back to staring at it again, as if trying to burn it away.
“Next time let me participate,” he says finally. There’s an unsaid sentiment that hangs in the air, one that reminds you of early mornings and burning lungs and sweat-drenched clothing. Of old times.
Still--“Yoongi, you know you can’t just do that!”--sparring has always been a sort of invite-only thing. Like a friend date. With respectful violence. And like any other one-on-one meetup, bringing in an uninvited third party without prior notice just… is not… okay.
He scowls. “Che. Whatever.” You narrow your eyes; you can’t tell if he’s being jealous or upset or both.
So instead, you feign ignorance. “Anyways, what are you actually here for? Not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious. I didn’t know you had a clue as to where I lived.”
“Namjoon,” Yoongi replies easily.
“...okay, that answers my second, implied question, but it would definitely but beneficial if you could answer my first one. Directly.”
You stare at him. “Yes? Yes you’re going to answer it? Or what?”
He sighs, as if cornered and pressed to find a way out. “My answer is yes.”
“Okay, so, why are you here?” His vagueness is mind-boggling. Sure, there was being ambiguous, and then there was Yoongi.
“No, what--not that. I’m saying yes to your… earlier question. From the cafe.”
You give him a confused look. Yes? To what--oh. Oh. You remember it now; you’d asked if he wanted to continue the talks (as opposed to giving himself “space”).
“So…. you want to continue the talks? Is what I’m getting?”
He shrugs. “My therapist recommended it.”
You raise a brow. “In that case I would be an asshole of a friend to decline.” You pause. It’s a bit disheartening that he’s doing it because his therapist said so, but it’s progress nonetheless. “So I’ll see you again next week? I know I’ll be free during the weekends…” And, despite it all, you find yourself biting your lip hopefully as he deftly avoids eye contact.
“Yeah.” And, in classic Yoongi fashion, he shadow flashes away, disappearing into the darkened corners of the hall.
It becomes a routine. A sort of mending therapy, eating pastries and making small and big talk.
“You know,” he says, tapping on the glass. “I’ve eaten these things before.” It’s probably the fifth? Sixth? Maybe seventh? Talk that you guys have had and each time he insists on going to a bakery, commenting on how you seemed to enjoy the food selections and you go along with it since you know that he’s too awkward to admit that he actually has a major sweet tooth. But also--he’s right; the food is actually quite good.
“Really?” you lean closer to inspect the pastry. It’s neatly cut and adorned with pastel decorations. “What is it?”
“It’s like a half-cake, half-cheesecake kind of thing. Fluffy sponge cake topped with creamy cheesecake, and in this case covered in ganache, it seems,” Yoongi explains. “It’s good.”
“In that case, I’ll have one.” Gently, you slide open the glass and fiddle with the magic pastry box. “Where’d you eat it before?”
He gets so quiet that you almost think that he didn’t hear you. You’re just about to turn around and ask him again when he opens his mouth to speak. “Back at home. When I was a kid. They were a specialty back in the Capitol.”
“Oh.” You try hard to suppress your smile--not because you found what he said funny or anything, but rather because this is the first time he’s really brought up his personal life. His past. The part he prefers to keep buried in the back of his mind. There’s an indescribable feeling of relief and joy at the sign of Yoongi becoming more open, where instead of hiding his feelings, he actually makes to share them.
“Here,” he says, holding out his hand. “I’ll pay for it.”
“I said I’ll pay,” he says, this time a bit more forcefully. You pout at him as he cracks the slightest of grins and turns around, heading to the cashier. Because between the lines, held between his tongue and the roof of his mouth is the unsaid phrase of gratitude, of thanks, thanks for listening, thanks for reaching out…
He never tells you that he loves you, at least not verbally, but tries his best to show how he feels. There are a thousand ways to say “I love you” and Yoongi seems to explore nine-hundred and ninety-nine of them to the best of his ability. His gestures are so genuine and thought out, it’s nothing but a passing thought to forgive him for the countless other times he’d pushed you away, shut you out, ignored you.
He sets the cake down in front of you and gives you a gummy smile. You smile back and accept the fork he hands you.
There are these days, in which Yoongi is nice and less like a dick and almost almost seems normal and less haunted. But you know that underneath it all, Yoongi is still broken. It’s just that when things are good, they’re so good and well-masked that it’s hard to believe or even want to dwell on the fact that you’re still treading on eggshells and broken glass.
Kihyun is a bit shorter than you thought he would be. For some odd reason, you’d thought that he’d perhaps be around Jihun’s height, but in retrospect, Jihun is abnormally tall for an Ionian, but also...
“Just wondering--where are you from?” you ask, stretching out your arms.
He looks up briefly from where he’s bent over, stretching his hamstrings. “Serpent Islands.”
You wrinkle your brows. “Serpent Islands?”
He sighs, as if he’s used to people being confused. “Bilgewater. I’m from Bilgewater.”
“Oh, oh,” you say. No matter how much you studied the geography of the outside world, you always forgot that Bilgewater is, in fact, an archipelago island nation. On the other hand, that probably explains why he was so interested in visiting the new Bilgewater-themed branch of the League. “I’m sorry I woke up a bit late and all the grounds at Bilge were taken up.”
...he’s pretty average height for someone hailing from the malnourished slums.
Kihyun waves his hand dismissively.
“It’s fine. About Bilgewater--I know what you’re thinking,” he says, as he lifts himself up again to stretch out his calves, planting his foot backwards. “And you’re probably right. It’s every bit as raunchy and filthy and swashbuckling as you can imagine and then some. We also got haunted during The Harrowing, if you didn’t know.” You laugh although you have no idea what the Harrowing is while he quirks a wry smile. “But the place really does make a fighter out of a good lot of us, if I do say so myself. What about you?”
“Oh I would know. One of my friends is from there--Jimin, if you know him. Anyways--I’m from the Glade.”
Kihyun wrinkles his nose at the mention of Jimin. “Oh, I do. We’ve got some serious history--but that’s for another time. Wait--the Glade? That place actually exists? Wait--are you a fairy?!”
He stares at you in amazement, switches to stretch out his other calf. You laugh. “Yes and no. I was raised there, but I’m still 100% human, I can assure you of that. I’m surprised people actually have heard of the place… but I suppose we all have a fascination and insatiable curiosity with the mysterious.”
“Well,” Kihyun says, standing up fully. You’ve finished stretching, taking the time to roll your wrists around. “That makes it all the more interesting. Jihun’s told me a lot about you--and I can’t say that I’m just a bit excited to see this fabled magic happen.” He draws a card and you see him begin to twirl it slowly. Magic begins to hum in the air, half from Kihyun’s channeling, half from you. You cock a grin.
“Are you ready?”
“Come at me.”
“I’m tired,” Yoongi says, lying on the bed. It’s a lazy evening, in that time right after supervised his training and before the Hall opens for dinner. Freshly showered, he smells of tropical beaches and something refreshing, hair wet and towel draped over his damp shoulders.
“Me too,” you agree. The reality is, you’re actually on a sugar high, having just consumed an entire pint of Avarosan-style Freljord ice cream after a particularly rough spar that has your body aching and joints creaking. If you thought Jihun was cruel… Kihyun is heartless in battle. Not that Yoongi needs to know, of course. Might just try and invite himself again.
“No, not in that way. I meant I’m tired of not feeling… good enough, you know?”
You turn, narrow your eyes. “What do you mean?”
He pauses and takes a breath so measured and lets it out so carefully it feels as if he’s made of paper-thin sheets of glass, waiting to break yet keeping himself together in such a delicate perfection it’s hard not to admire.
“No… I just… don’t feel like I deserve this,” he replies, finally.
“What’s ‘this’?” you press, wanting answers, wanting confirmation, wanting more.
Yoongi turns his head to the side to look at you before facing back up at the ceiling. You keep your eyes trained on him, watching. Waiting. Searching for answers in his expressions.
The situation is awkward at best but it’s not like either of you have been painstakingly hiding your feelings--or at least, not as much as before. Rather, it seems now that the both of you have been skirting around them. Aware of their existence, but never acknowledging.
“All the support. And forgiveness that I’ve been getting.”
He doesn’t specify who and you suspect he’s referring to all his friends in general but then you catch how his eyes flick over to your briefly, as if sending a small, tiny signal that his words were more directed towards you than anyone else. The small downward set of his mouth molds into a distinctive frown of self-disappointment.
“Yoongi, stop being ridiculous. You’re perfectly human. A flawed perfection, as they say.”
“That’s a paradox,” he mumbles, “And perfection doesn’t exist.”
“Then why do you?” you joke, but also not really because you’re actually truly meaning every damn word you say, doesn’t he get it--
Yoongi laughs, and the sound is enough to have you laughing right along with him and thinking that everything was going to be okay.
You’ve come to the conclusion that one major downside to sparring with Kihyun is that you could never figure out how to sit, or lay in bed, or arrange yourself in such a way that you wouldn’t be lying painfully on one of the twenty-two cuts all over your body.
You groan as you accidentally roll on your side, applying unnecessary pressure on two particularly deep gashes. Damn Kihyun and his fucking enchanted cards. Of course, most of the cuts were made just enough to bleed but not deep enough to do anything other than itch terribly as the new skin formed underneath, but still. It’s annoying and almost a bit embarrassing to be covered in so many bandages--replacing them was a nightmare--while Kihyun prances around with just a couple numbing patches neatly tucked under his clothes.
“...and--are you okay?” Yoongi stops telling his story briefly, looking concerned as he sits in your chair.
Reflexively, you sit up despite the pain on your thighs. “Wha--no, I’m fine, just sore. Anyways, sorry, continue. I was listening, I promise. So, what were in Namjoon’s ‘secret scrolls’ that so scarred Jungkook?”
It’s probably the second time you’ve seen Yoongi ever get this animated, this enveloped in conversation. It takes extra concentration to just process his words when all you want to do is stare at his handsome face and smile at the way his eyes glimmer.
He laughs. “So we opened it up and Hoseok like, fucks up of course, and the whole lot of them come tumbling down and they unwind, and it’s just nude pictures, scrolls upon scrolls of them, covering the entire floor, and Jungkook is just standing there like oh my GOD this is unholy and uncalled for and holy SHIT and I swear to god he almost had an aneurysm.” You laugh out loud, picturing Jungkook’s wide eyes. “He was only a visiting member of the League at the time, so trying to convince him to join only got harder after that.”
“Oh-oh god,” you say, laughing even harder, trying to imagine the group attempting to convince Jungkook to join them after witnessing… that. Deadly or not, at heart Jungkook is still a child.
“That totally reminds me of when I first came out of the Glade,” you say, rolling up the sleeve of your hoodie, beginning to sweat slightly, “and tried to play ‘pretend’ with another girl. The look on her dad’s face when he came to pick her up and instead saw me having tea time with an alarmed, sparkly pink unicorn plushie was priceless. I didn’t know any better back then--I thought randomly transfiguring things was normal. And I was utterly baffled when no one wanted to even walk near me after that incident.”
He laughs and you raise your arm to brush away a strand of hair, feeling the slight droplets of sweat forming along your scalp. Maybe choosing to wear a hoodie during the midst of summer was not the best idea—in your defense, the AC did get a bit too much at times. With a grunt, you pull off your jacket, letting out a sigh of relief when your sweaty skin can finally breathe.
You almost miss it when Yoongi’s laughter abruptly stops; you catch him staring at your exposed arm--that’s covered with cuts and bandages.
“Oh--my bad,” you mutter. Normally, you wouldn’t care; after all, it wasn’t like you were trying to hide it. Cuts and bruises and bodies beaten out of shape are normal sights within the League. Only in this case, he seems particularly taken by them.
He grabs your hand, points at the cuts below it. “What is that?”
“Um, my forearm?”
“The wounds.” He gestures at your other arm.
“Um, yeah. They’re cuts. On my forearm.”
He ignores your snarky remark. “Where are they from?”
You make to put your hoodie back on again, but he swats your hand away. You don’t contend; after all, it’s fucking hot.
“No--don’t. Let me see. How many?” Gently, he taps your cuts, fingers skimming lightly over the deeper ones, the ones you’ve bandaged more carefully than the others.
“How many what?”
He narrows his eyes. “Who’s the one playing dumb now, ______? How many cuts did he leave on you.”
“Uh, I counted twenty-two.”
“Yeah?” He grits his teeth as his eyes trace your body, taking mental inventory of your numerous cuts, all patched up and neatly dressed. Yoongi grits his teeth. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
You laugh, tired, half-forced, thinking it a joke in bad taste.
“I’m serious,” he says, firmly. “I’m going to kill that card-wielding rodent.” And that’s when you notice a murderous look in his eyes, his blades just forming into existence. You immediately snap back into it.
“Wait what--no, Yoongi, it’s fine, I’m fine, I swear!” You wave your arms around in the air frantically to demonstrate that you are, in fact, alive and well. For the most part. “He felt pretty bad about it too but I said not to worry about it! It’s a spar, the whole point is to get roughened up so shit like this doesn’t happen in actual battle. It’s not supposed to be some oh-I-hurt-you-I’m-so-sorry kind of exercise, it’s supposed to be a let’s-beat-the-shit-out-of-each-other-but-somewhat-respectfully sort of thing!”
“I don’t care,” he says, darkly. “He shouldn’t have hurt you like this. Ever. You’re not getting close to him again, or any of Jihun’s friends. I told you--they’re dangerous--”
“Yoongi. It’s a SPAR,” you say, now angry, annoyed. “And also, you don’t fucking own me. Like, I appreciate your worry and concern and all, but I assure you, as you should already know, being a longtime member of the League, that this kind of outcome is far from abnormal. And Kihyun’s still a certified trainer.”
He seems slightly taken aback by your words, and takes a moment to recover. “Yeah, like his certification means anything,” he sneers. “I would know. Whatever--I’ve already belabored the point. Sorry for caring so much. I’m leaving.”
You send one last glare at him before he disappears.
If there was one major flaw of most fae, it would most definitely be their naivety. It didn’t quite matter that you weren’t a blood-born--you were typically categorized as a changeling, not that it actually mattered--since everything that had gone into your childhood, the way your foster parents raised you, what your masters put into your education, was all in the culture of the fae.
And so, like your brethren, you are naive, someone naive enough to think that despite all the chains holding him back, dark memories, post-traumatic stress, phantom pains and mixed emotions, that Yoongi was going to be okay.
Despite your best efforts to reach out and talk to him and apologize for the snappy remarks and also coaxing him to just come out and discuss your differences, things just… don’t work out.
You learn that nothing ever truly is “okay” in this kind of situation when Yoongi reverts back to his old moody, dark self by the next morning. When you go to greet him he avoids eye contact, rudely brushes past you. When you try to sit with him he deliberately gets up, goes to another table. It’s almost as if nothing during these past months has happened at all.
While your feelings--how you love and care for him deeply--haven’t changed, sometimes you wonder if his have. He loved you. You know that. If he didn’t, then the whole hellhound fiasco wouldn’t have happened, and you wouldn’t be here in the first place. But now you wonder if he’s moved on, consumed by a strange sort of disgust and horror over the kind of wreckage love has left in its wake.
“Maybe I was too harsh,” you mumble, sitting with your legs crossed on your bed. A warm mug of tea is clutched between your hands, steaming hot.
“Perhaps,” Namjoon says. “You cannot allow him such freedoms. If he hurts you once, and you don’t ever sit down to talk about it or anything, there’s a higher chance he’ll hurt you again. And vice versa. You keep on letting him act out and then not pressing him harder to talk about it, so he eventually will learn to just do that. He will learn to act on his feelings instead of thinking and talking about them first.”
You think about all those times when there would be an argument, how the next day you two would be getting pastries and drinks, awkward, but easily gliding over the shattered remains of yesterday. How you kept on giving him excuses, both too scared of yet another confrontation, both wanting normalcy.
“But, I do believe he too is also at fault here,” Namjoon continues. “After all, you are both adults now. He should know it in himself that he is acting irrationally, and that this is no way to treat a friend, especially one who is tirelessly reaching out with a helping hand.” He sighs, shakes his head. “I’ll talk to him.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, hopeful.
“Of course. Someone needs to step in and fix this mess before it becomes any worse.” He gives you a firm, reassuring smile. You look down into your tea, staring at your distorted reflection.
“To make this really work for both of us, Yoongi, you’re going to actually start talking. I know you can do that much--I’ve seen you do it before. You can’t have lost your tongue so easily, just yet. I know you’d much rather not have this conversation, but you also need to learn you have to face your problems. And this is one of them, and a major one, at that.” Namjoon sighs, rubs his temples. “Both of you… need to come to terms with each other. All this wishy washy, back and forth, push and pull… you do realize what it’s all doing right?”
Yoongi stares blankly at the wall, seeing Namjoon shift just slightly at his peripheral. He’s been here for what seems like an eternity, droning on about responsibilities, problems, proverbs.
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?” Yoongi mutters, not really hearing what Namjoon’s just asked him. He’s tuning him out the best he can. If he ignores it, it’ll go away--or so that’s how things generally work for him. Usually.
Namjoon sighs, crosses his arms. “You could at least try and contemplate the answer, you know? Ah, no matter. When you do something like that, you’re sending out so many mixed signals that it’s damaging, you know?”
Damaging. “How so?”
“Well, we can put it in perspective: how does it feel to have something you really love, suddenly turn against you?”
Yoongi hates these types of questions. “I don’t know, it would suck I guess,” he grumbles, after much deliberation. The guilty feeling suddenly makes itself clear, and he fights hard to suppress it, too proud to admit wrongdoing.
“I know you hate it when I do this, but it’s the only way,” Namjoon comments. “On the flip side, how would you feel if something you’ve been pining for is suddenly within your reach?”
Yoongi remains silent. The answer is obvious, so why the hell is he asking? Does his answer really matter that much? Namjoon clears his throat. Yoongi rolls his eyes. If he didn’t have so much respect and owe so much debt to Namjoon, he’d be long gone from this room.
“I’d feel better,” Yoongi bites out in his grumpiest voice. “I guess.”
Namjoon sighs once more. “And so imagine that cycle, of sadness and happiness, going on and on--it’s enough to really wear and tear at one’s feelings.”
“Yeah.” Yoongi falls silent again, though he knows Namjoon is watching. He wonders if he can tell that he’s thinking of you now, wondering just how much his shittiness has done to your heart. He wonders if you’d ever loved him, and if you could even stand him now. Especially after the last spat…
He purses his lips. The sight of the cuts--they made him so livid, it was hard to think, to reason. He couldn’t stand the thought of you being hurt, even more so by someone he didn’t already know...
“She just wants to see you recover,” Namjoon says. “But she’s at ends. She doesn’t want to hurt you, so she keeps on giving you all these excuses for you to hurt her. Don’t you get it? She’s hurting herself so that you can finally find yourself. Not many others would go down that path, for so long, Yoongi. This is a once in a lifetime chance. Take it, or leave it. Doing this is only going to tear her down, and you know that she doesn’t deserve that. She deserves better, and a part of you inside is feeling so conflicted about your feelings, yourself, which is why you keep on going back and forth. You want to leave her, get away from it, but you keep on coming back because you’re inexplicably drawn to her… because you—”
“Shut up,” Yoongi interrupts, already having heard enough. He can already guess the next words to come out of Namjoon’s mouth: because you love her, because you can’t live without her. And he hates hates having the truth spit out to him, hates having to face his problems, hates the awful guilty feeling he gets whenever he has to sit and think about all the pain he’s put you through when really, it was the last thing he wanted to do, which is why he wanted to leave in the first place…
Namjoon finally reaches out to tap his shoulder. He doesn’t know how much time has passed, but it feels like a while. “Well?”
“I’ll talk to her.”
Namjoon hums. “You both have had many talks before, but none of them have actually hit on the actual subject at heart. This had better be the last time--afterwards, I’m going to manually intervene, and for good. So you’d better make this one count, Yoongi.”
Yoongi swallows, hard. “I will.”
Whatever it is that got into him, it seems that Yoongi never quite found out. He keeps on switching between pushing you away and drawing you back in, until he finally remains static, just pushing you away.
While Hoseok calls it a dick move and Jungkook calls it PMS, you call it a defense mechanism--mainly because you’ve seen him do this before. To you, to his friends, to everyone around him. Back when he still had the hellhound in him, he did his best to push others away for fear of hurting them, all the while holding back his own desire to interact with others and live life the way he wanted to.
It’s the only way he’s known.
If you had to describe him, you’d say that he was–is–like a cheerio that had been poured into a bowl with other cheerios and milk, and then someone ate all the other cheerios and drained the milk and then–and then forgot. About that one last cheerio. And left it out for a day.
(You’d found a few of those at the bottom of a bowl on his counter, shrunken and sitting pitifully in a pool of their own wheat grains. The milk that was once there had caused the sugar inside them to melt, making them stick firmly to the surface. After some struggles, you’d managed to peel them off, tossing them into the trash can.)
He’s the type who would get caught up in the little things and let them wash over him like a tidal wave, up until he’s drowning and six feet under. But even after everything passes and things change, he’d still get stuck there, the only one still lingering on the issue.
It’s almost as if he can’t get over things. Like how he thinks he isn’t ever good enough.
But the thing is, he just doesn’t understand–or maybe doesn’t want to–how much you love him, want him; at times, you find yourself practically begging him to shut up and just get it. That what you want and need is him, and not whoever, whatever he’s thinking.
If anything, he’s just deluding himself in his own thoughts. Sitting pitifully in a puddle of his own self-doubts.
As you said, he is very much like a day-old cheerio from a drained bowl of cereal.
Which is why you knew that despite all the hurt and pain, you had to be the one to pull him out of there, from the bottom of the bowl. Namjoon seemed to understand this fact, particularly after your conversation earlier, and even more so after his own with Yoongi. He’d told you, with a firm warning, that this would be both of your last chances, that this had gone on for far too long.
And so now, you’re sitting here, leaning on Yoongi’s dusty couch and staring at his hunched over figure, waiting for him to utter a word. He takes a deep breath. You suck one in.
“Maybe we should stop this.”
But unlike the cheerios, you aren’t so eager to toss him away.
“Or maybe we don’t have to.”
“I’m not the man that you should end up with. You deserve way better. What you need is someone who I could never be.”
The AC kicks on, causing the generator to emit a low hum. On any other day you would be catching your breath, cheeks burning, heart pounding in anticipation. The fact that Yoongi would ever openly acknowledge your mutual feelings for him and address them would send you reeling--
“If only you knew,” you reply to him, soft.
“How?” You don’t miss the way he clenches his fist, furrows his brows even more. He’s raging inside--not at you--but at his own inability to understand how you could ever possibly love someone like him. “Why?”
You look at him serenely, then place your hands gently on either side of his shoulders. Inhale, exhale. You lean in close, slowly, waiting for a reaction. He simply stares into your eyes, searching for answers.
“Because,” you say, your voice a mumble, “I love you. That’s why. I don’t just date someone out of necessity, I have a relationship with them out of love. I don’t need anyone; it’s not about what I do and don’t deserve; it’s about what I want. And what I want is you. Not ‘some other man’ or whatever you’ve got in mind.”
“But,” he says, voice deep and throaty. He doesn’t take his eyes off yours, not for a second. “I’ve hurt you. So much.”
You shake your head. “That’s in the past now Yoongi. We don’t live there. And we’ve hurt each other, and will hurt each other. That’s life. And that’s what makes a relationship all the more meaningful: that we learn from our pains and let them serve as a bond that we grow from. We’re in this together, okay? It’s not just your pain or my pain anymore--it’s our pain.”
Yoongi stares at your some more before sighing, breath hitting your cheek. Gently, he removes your hands from his shoulders and turns away, figure hunched.
It takes you a second to realize he’s crying.
“Y-Yoongi? Are you--”
“Stop,” he says, voice thick. “Stop. It hurts. I love you so much it hurts. God--what did I do to deserve you?”
You smile just slightly, stepping back towards him. “I told you already, it’s not about deserving--”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it now. You and I--we’re going to walk this road together from now on, okay? No backing out.” He still doesn’t face you because he’s still crying and it almost sounds like he’s trying to convince himself to hold on, keep it together.
“Yeah. You and I.” You reach out to him again. At first, he does nothing. But then, after another moment, he abruptly tugs you into his arms and then kisses you.
Sweet, loving.
You pull away but remain close enough to breathe each other’s air.
Hot, passionate.
A love that keeps on burning from within.
a/n: AIWOEJFEW IM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS IT TOOK LIKE ALMOST TWO YEARS ITS FINE BC IM DONE YAY also i’ve had that last paragraph written since forever and yes it used be a drabble but now its Upgraded
taglist: @babydanixox @lookinalittleblue 
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taejinpurple-blog · 6 years
Fluffy Romantic Story about two guys who became friends and blossomed into something more.
*Mature Scenes later on.*
Trigger Warning: Speaks about sexual abuse in later chapters.
I did my best with editing. Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes. But I really tried to make sure there were not many. Please enjoy
Previous Chapter: https://hopeless-taejinstan.tumblr.com/post/172385244085/artistic-beauty-of-love-chapter-4
Grandpa sat down in front of everyone holding a house meeting.
“Usually before in the previous years I would stay home but my daughter has begged me to come and visit the family this year so I’ll be gone both Thanksgiving and Christmas break. You all are welcome to stay here. Taehyungie, I’m sure you’ll be going home because your mother wants to see you but you’re more than welcome to come with me as well.”
“Thank you, Grandpa.” He smiled.
“Where are you guys all going?” Ken asked eating a mango slice.
“I’ll be home, my parents keep bugging me,” Sandeul said while eating ice cream.
“I’m going home too.” Hoseok stretched his body. “I wanna meet up with my high school friends and do some dance videos.”
“Make sure to send to us,” Namjoon said. “your dancing is cool.”
Hoseok gave a thumbs up. “You going home too Joonie?”
“Yup. Yoongi Hyung?”
“My family and I are gonna take a trip somewhere.”
“Make sure to take pictures.” Jin smiled while leaning on the back of Taehyung’s chair.
“I will. Jin Hyung, are you going home?”
“Yeah, my sister-in-law just had a baby that I knew nothing about so I gotta see my new niece.”
“Aw!” Tae smiled.
“What about you TaeTae?” Ken asked. “You going home or going with Grandpa?”
“I’m going home.” He said forcing a smile on his face. Jin looked at him but remained silent.
Later that night Tae went outside to the backyard. He sat on the porch swing and called his mom.
“Tae, I miss you so much! I wish you were coming.”
“I know me too Mom but I need to take these classes.”
“I understand …I’m glad that you’re working so hard. Please make sure you eat Thanksgiving dinner somewhere.”
“I will, the school is throwing a Thanksgiving dinner for those who don’t go home so I’ll attend.”
“Okay, that makes me feel better. I’ll talk to you later honey, I gotta start dinner.”
“Okay, I love you Mom and send Jihun my love.”
“I will tell him.” They hung up and Tae sighed deeply. He shut his eyes while leaning his head back.
He really did miss his mother and brother. He really did want to go home …but he didn’t have the courage. He removed his glasses and wiped the tears that threatened to fall. He placed his glasses back on and slapped his thighs.
“I gotta be strong.”
Tae waved as the guys left. Jin walked downstairs with a small bag in his hand. He saw Tae walk into the kitchen and he followed him out of curiosity.
He saw him sit down at the table with snacks and his sketchpad.
“When are you leaving?”
Tae looked at him. “About five.”
“Why so late?”
He shrugged. “I like to take my time.”
“Okay, call me when you reach home, so I know you got there safely.”
“You got it Hyung.”
“Bye and enjoy your vacation.”
“You too and have a safe trip.”
Jin smiled and left the house. Tae sighed deeply looking out the window. He ate his snacks and decided to take a nap.
Jin closed his gas tank and hopped in the car. He turned the music up and adjusted the visor mirror. He saw a text from Miyeon, he told her he would call her when he got home.
He wondered if Tae got the bus terminal safely, something about him traveling alone made him nervous.
He shook his head and told himself not to worry but something about his strained smile made him worry. He pushed the thought aside and drove off.
Jin walked through the front door looking around the dark house. He laughed to himself.
“There’s no way, he would stay here by himself especially when he could’ve gone with Grandpa. I need to stop worrying so much.”
He leaned against the stairs banister and called his cell phone. He froze when he heard it ringing from upstairs. He went upstairs.
“Ah, I bet he left his phone behind, this guy.” He sighed deeply and opened Tae’s room door. He froze when he saw Tae sleeping on the bed. He knew it! “Taehyung.” He walked over to him and shook his shoulder.
Tae bolted from his sleep and crawled to the nearest corner of his bed while covering his head.
“Stop!” he cried. Jin paused for a moment. He then climbed on the bed and grabbed his shoulders. “Please stop! Please stop! I can’t take it anymore please!” His voice was hoarse and defeated.
“Tae! It’s me Jin!” he yelled out and Tae slowly from his arms from his head and looked around. He saw he was in his grandfather’s house. He covered his face and broke down sobbing. Without a second thought, Jin reached out hugging him.
“Hyung, I’m scared to be alone.” He sobbed.
“So why are you here? Why did you lie about going back home?”
“I didn’t want anyone worrying about me, you all seemed really happy about going home.”
“You could’ve gone with Grandpa; didn’t he offer you?”
He hugged his knees. “My father’s side of the family doesn’t like my mom, me or my brother. They felt my mom wasn’t good enough for my father, so I didn’t want to go to that.” He removed his glasses and wiped his tears.
Jin stared at him and sighed.
“Pack three days’ worth of clothes.” Tae tilted his head. “I’m taking you with me so move your ass and hurry up.”
“Yes!” Tae jumped off the bed and ran to his closet. Jin walked out the room and looked down at hands that were trembling. The way he screamed out and fought him made me beyond worried.
Jin shook his head. This was Tae he was talking about, maybe he was having a dream about being an anime. He nodded his head and decided to go with that even though his gut told him otherwise.
Jin glanced at Tae and saw his eyes glued to the window. Every time he saw something interesting he would shout out ooh! Aah!
It made him feel like he was in the car with his nephew and niece.
“Hyung, have you called Miyeon Noona?”
Jin shrugged. “I messaged her when I was at the gas station but not since then. We just started dating so I don’t wanna badger her with calls.”
“Have you two done it yet?” Tae asked and Jin’s choked on his salvia for a moment before regaining his composure.
“Why are you asking that suddenly?!”
Tae laughed. “I was just kidding. Is it alright for you to bring me to your family’s house?” Taehyung asked.
“Why not?” Jin shrugged.
“Well, Miyeon Noona should’ve came not me.”
“As I said before Miyeon and I just started dating so I’m not going to bring her to meet my family just yet.” He said.
Tae nodded and looked out the window.
“Jin Hyung, would you say that we’re close?” Tae looked at him. Jin looked at him for a moment before looking back at the rode.
“Yeah …I would say that we’re close,” he said.
Taehyung gave a big box smile before looking out the window. After that, they both fell silent and enjoyed the car ride and each other’s company.
Until Jin asked. “Do you like Girl’s Generation?” 
Tae looked at him. “Are you kidding me? YES! I Love it!”
“Then let’s enjoy the ride.” Jin turned up the music and they sang out loud.
Taeh slowly opened his eyes and saw Jin pulling up to a mini-mansion. He rubbed his eyes and gasped as Jin pulled into the crescent driveway.
“Whose house is this?”
“My brother’s.” He said getting out the car. Tae got out the car zipping up his coat. He went into the back seat grabbing his small duffle bag and followed Jin to the door.
He rang the doorbell.
Tae couldn’t contain his excitement, he had never a house this big in person.
The door opened and a petite woman in both size and height.
“Jin-nie!” She threw her arms around him pulling him into a tight embrace.
“Chunhei Noona, how are you? Should you be up already? Didn’t you just have a baby?”
“Yeah, I just got home today but this is my third child so I’m fine.” She then looked at Tae. “Oh, hello.”
“Hi, good evening.” He gave a polite bow.
“What is your name?”
“My name is Taehyung, it’s nice to meet you Chunhei Noona.” He greeted with a big smile. She stared at him for a moment making Jin tilt his head. She then hugged the younger male.
“Aw he’s so cute! I just love him!” She exclaimed making Taeh giggle. Jin pulled Tae back from his sister-in-law.
“Be wary of her she loves cute things and will smother them.”
Chunhei laughed out. “Oh stop it, I’m not that bad! Come in, guys.”
Tae’s mouth dropped. He had to wonder if this was a home or an art gallery. His eyes concentrated on all the vibrant paintings on the wall.
Jin’s mother walked into the main hallway holding a tiny baby in her arms. She looked at Tae before looking at her son.
“Oh Jin, who is your friend?”
“This is-”
Tae gave a deep bow. “Hello I’m Taehyung and I’m Jin Hyung’s dongsaeng.”
Jin cleared his throat trying to hide the blush that came to his cheeks.
Mihi smiled softly. “Well aren’t you just sweet.”
“He’s too cute isn’t he?!” Chunhei exclaimed.
“Yes, he is. I’m Mihi, Jin’s mother. It’s a pleasure to meet you and have you stay with us for Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy yourself.”
“Thank you for letting me stay.” He bowed again. Tae couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Jin’s mother was. He could see Jin resembled her.
Two tall men and two small children walked into the foyer.
“I was wondering what was taking you so long to come into the den.” The older man of the two said. He then looked at Tae.
“Oh hello, Jin you brought a friend home?”
“Hello, my name is Taehyung and I’m Jin Hyung’s dongsaeng.” He said proudly while bowing deeply. Jin rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks heated up.
“It’s nice to meet you Taehyung. I’m Jin’s father Haneul and this is my oldest son Youngsoo and his children Kyu and Eunae.”
Youngsoo gave a bow as did Taehyung. He then smiled at the little boy and girl, he was eager to play with them. He just loved children.
“And this is the new addition to our family Minjee-Ah.” Mihi showed him the baby and he smiled widely.
“Aw, she’s beautiful just like her mother.” Tae looked at Chunhei who just melted.
“You’re about to my dongsaeng as well, keep it up.”
They all laughed. Tae then looked at Jin’s family and gasped. It was no wonder why he was beautiful, he came from a gorgeous family. His eyes almost hurt from the visuals.
“Such a beautiful family.” He whispered with a glint in his eyes and Jin looked at him. “You all are very beautiful …would it trouble you if I draw-”
Jin quickly clasped his hand over Tae’s mouth.
“Taehyung is an art major and he was curious about drawing the house.”
Tae looked at him before nodding.
“Taehyung, you’re so quirky but I love it.” Chunhei giggled. “Jin-nie, why not show Taehyung to one of the guest rooms. Since the house is so big, use one of the rooms that connect. He may feel more comfortable to know that you’re close to him.”
“Okay, come on my precious dongsaeng.” Jin said shooting him a look that said don’t think about asking that question.
Tae smiled and bowed to them once more before following Jin. Youngsoo tilted his head for a moment before chuckling to himself.
Later that night Jin sat on the bed talking to Miyeon.
“I told my parents about you and they said next holiday break you should come and visit,” Miyeon said while sitting on her bed.
“That sounds nice, I told my parents about you too so maybe when the semester ends you can come visit my family.”
“I like that idea.” She giggled. “What are you doing now?”
“Sitting in my room flicking through channels.”
“Oh yeah, you said your sister-in-law just had a baby right? What’s her name?”
“Aww too cute. Please take a picture of your nieces and nephew, I wanna see them.”
“If they can hold still long enough. Minjee won’t be a problem but the other two are always on a sugar rush. I don’t know how to handle them sometimes.” He shook his head as she laughed.
“That’s alright, I just wanna see them. I love children.”
“That’ll be my Thanksgiving present to you.” He teased making her laugh.
“You’re too cute.” They laughed before going silent. “I have to help my mom prepare dinner but give me a call tomorrow if you have time.”
“Okay, I will.”
“Later.” He hung up sighing deeply.
If it wasn’t for Tae, he doubted that he would have ever worked up the nerve to talk to her let alone date her. Even though Tae gave him a lot of grief he also gave him courage in a strange way.
Tae sat at the vanity in the room. He turned on the light and sighed deeply staring at himself. All he saw was an ugly person. Looking at Jin’s family he wouldn’t feel right wearing overalls to dinner tomorrow.
He sighed deeply again tightening his fists, but he didn’t know what else to do. He could never go back to that time when he dressed nice. Those days were over for him. He removed his glasses wiping the tears from his eyes. He wanted to be with his mother and brother so bad.
His stomach growled. He forgot that they ate almost four hours ago. He figured maybe he could ask Jin to get a snack with him. He walked over to Jin’s door but before knocking he heard him talking to Miyeon. He lowered his hand and walked out the room. Maybe he could find it himself.
He turned around and saw Mihi walking over to him. “What’s wrong honey, is everything okay? Do you need something?”
Taehyung bowed his head to her before speaking. “I um …” his stomach then rumbled and his face flushed red. She giggled.
“Are you hungry? You should’ve said so sooner, don’t be shy. I love feeding people, come on.” She took his hand and led him to the kitchen. He saw Chunhei sitting with the baby rocking her to sleep.
“Hi Taehyung.”
“Poor thing was hungry. Jin didn’t even ask him if he wanted something to eat or not.”
“That’s so Jin.” Chunhei laughed.
“I made chicken soup last night for dinner would you like that?” Mihi asked.
“Homemade?” The older woman nodded and he gasped. “I would love some please.”
“Have a seat.”
He sat down across from Chunhei who looked at him. “Your bangs are so long, do you normally hide your face?”
“Ah yeah, my face isn’t anything special to look at.”
“Let me see.” She placed the baby in the bassinet before removing his glasses and pushing his bangs out the way. He furrowed his eyebrows when her eyes went wide. “Whoa, your face is gorgeous. Mom look at him!”
Mihi smiled. “You’re very handsome Taehyung.”
His face turned a bright red as he moved back from Chunhei and placed his glasses back on.
“You have such a deep voice for your baby face.” She giggled making him laugh.
“I get that a lot.”
“What type of clothes did you bring with you?” Chunhei asked.
“I only wear overalls.” He said sheepishly.
“Mom is there any spare clothes from the fashion show?”
“There should be.”
“Can I give you a makeover?”
“Chunhei …” Mihi began but Tae smiled.
“Really? It won’t take a miracle to make me over”
Chunhei scoffed. “Not even in the least! I’m a stylist so I know what will be perfect for you. Leave it all to Noona.”
Mihi smiled while placing a bowl in front of him. “Eat up.”
“Thank you.”
Tae smiled happily while eating, even though he wasn’t with mom and brother. Jin’s family made him feel so welcome he almost felt at home and it almost brought tears to his eyes.
Jin opened his eyes from the soft knock coming from the door. He got out the bed and opened the door. He saw Tae looking down at the floor.
“Taehyung, what’s wrong?”
“I had a bad dream …” he whispered.
Jin thought earlier in the evening and his heart constricted. “Do you wanna sleep in my bed?”
Tae’s head shot up. “Is it okay?”
“Come on.” Jin patted his back and Tae got in the bed as Jin got in from the other side. Their backs faced each other. Tae inhaled the scent of Jin that made his nerves feel at ease before drifting off to sleep.
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
The Bitten (Baekhyun Werewolf!au Fic) Chapter 1 - Bitten
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Warning: None, except that this is a wordy chap. Sorry...
This is the second installment of ‘The Lunar Mark’ series. You can find the others here: Xiumin, Kris. You do not have to read them in order but they are there if you wish to read them.
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11(M), Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14(Final Chapter)
Wolves and Mates (Reoccurring characters (and some slight changes) from ‘The Lunar Mark’)
Minseok -> Power: Ice -> Found mate, but it’s a lot complicated right now
Junmyeon -> Alpha -> Power: Water -> Mated, Juhee (Human(Bitten))
Yixing -> Power: Healer -> Mated, Sora (Werewolf)
Baekhyun -> Power: Light and he’s the best tracker -> No Mate...yet
Jongdae -> Power: Thunder and he’s quick on his feet -> Found mate (Human), It’s complicated
Chanyeol -> Power: Fire, and as the largest wolf of the pack he is seen as the most intimidating -> Mated, Hana (Werewolf)
Kyungsoo -> Power: Force, the best fighter -> No Mate
Jongin -> Power: Teleportation -> Found Mate (Human), she’s in denial
Sehun -> Power: Wind -> No Mate
Luhan -> Power: Seer/Mind Control -> No Mate
Kris -> Head Alpha -> Power: Strength, Chanyeol may be the most intimidating and Kyungsoo may be the best fighter, but he puts them to shame ->  Mated, Eunha (Werewolf)
Tao -> Power: Stealth -> Found mate (Werewolf), It’s complicated
‘How did I get here?’
Everything was a blur as I lay on the forest floor staring up at the sky through the trees. Last thing I remember I was sick in bed...no...I was being dragged through the village and thrown in that god forsaken cage.
‘How did I get out? What has happened to me?’
I was surrounded by horrible people, deep down even my family was on the same level as the rest of the people in my village...some even more than the others. The people of my village had some notion that humans were above magical beings; I’m sure if you were to say that to some of the more prestigious and proud vamperic clans they would rip your throat out if they heard you say that, but that’s just my opinion.
And it was days like this one that proved how horrible that all these people were. A wolf...well a werewolf more specifically was caught on the outskirts of our village. He was badly beaten but still fought against the ropes at the royal guard dragged him towards the cage in the middle of town.
Magical beings that were caught were always put in that cage and put on display like they were some sort of live hunting trophy. People would poke at them with sticks, throw things, spit curses and insults, all up to the point until the guards lost their amusement, the people lost their amusement, or it was decided that the magical being would be taken to Lord Yeongjoon...
As soon as the large wolf was pushed into the cage, the enchantment on the cage caused the wolf to change from his wolf form to his human form. Now in the cage stood a man, slight of build but with some muscle on him, raven black hair, red eyes, in just a pair of shorts.
The ruckus between wolf and guard quickly gathered a crowd and soon the people of the village were more entertained by the new wolf than anything else that they had going on that day.
“This is disgusting,” I mumbled as I leaned out the window of my family’s textile shop.
“Yes he is, isn’t he?” a voice said, causing my stomach to turn, “You’re looking lovely this afternoon, Y/N.”
“Go jump in a river, Jihun,” I stated, before slamming the window shut.
“Is that anyway to talk to your fiance?” he questioned walking into the shop his grip firmly on the hilt of the sword at his side, “I don’t think your parents would like it very much if they heard you talking like that.”
“Good thing my parents are out with everyone else, staring at the wolf you dragged in,” I spat.
He clicked his tongue. “He’s just a filthy mongrel...him and the rest of his pack will get put down. And then after that, the rest of the wolves, then the vampires, witches, ghouls, fairies...all of them.”
“Your mother was a witch...don’t forget that,” I stated.
“And she died like one,” he said, “They don’t belong in this world.”
“They do...there was a time everyone lived in harmony under law and treaty....it wasn’t until two hundred years ago when Lord Yeongjoon’s ancestors came to power did that start to decline...” I said, “In the village to the north Lord Namjoon and his clan welcome human and magical being a like, pretty tolerate for a vampire...you come into Lord Yeongjoon’s land though and if you are a magical being you will be tortured and executed should you stray too close to villages.”
“How did I ended up engaged to a fool like you?” he questioned, “Those vampires aren’t “tolerant”, they’re waiting for their next meal...and that wolf out there is bred to kill.”
“He’s also human...” I stated.
“He is a filthy half-breed mutt and he will be put down like the rabid dog he is,” he stated before turning and leaving the shop.
It was words like that they drove my actions. It was late in the evening by the time that the village square emptied, leaving the cage free of prying eyes. Standing in front of the cage and making eye contact with the man, his eyes no longer the bright shade of red, but a gold color. As I looked at him I began to lose my nerve; from far away I wasn’t able to see how handsome the man actually was, but up close my heart raced as I looked at him.
“What are you staring at?!” he snapped, his eyes momentarily flashing an angry red.
Understandable, he had been stared at all day and me just staring at him helped nothing. “Are you hungry?”
Unbeknownst to my parents, who were normally oblivious to half the stuff I did unless it came to my engagement or work at the shop, I had cooked up an extra steak, potatoes, and veggies.
“I don’t know what you like...but here,” I said, slipping the plates underneath the bars.
Hesitant at first the man made his way over and sniffed the the food before taking the plate back over to the other side and devouring every last piece of food. “That was really good...” he said as he brought the plate back over, “But...why did you do that? The other’s were going to let me starve.”
“The people here...they don’t care that you or the other magical beings have feelings,” I said, “But...you probably have a fam-.” I stopped when I heard people exiting the nearby tavern. “I have to go....”
“Wait...what’s your name?” he questioned as I began to jog off.
“Y/N....you?” I said.
“Baekhyun...my name’s Baekhyun...” he said.
“I’ll bring more tomorrow, Baekhyun...” I said, holding up the empty plate.
And I did....for the next three nights I brought Baekhyun extra food that I had made, and I just sat and talked to him for as long as possible. “So in total there are sixteen people in your pack house?”
“Mmhmm....me, my eleven brothers, and four of the found mates,” he said.
“Are they actually your brothers?” I questioned. I had heard that werewolves had a tendency to have a higher rate of multiples in births than humans, but I wasn’t sure if this was the case or not.
He gave a chuckle. “No...we’re a bunch of misfits who found our own family when no one else wanted us.”
“Oh...” I said.
“But...they are my brothers. Really the only family I’ve every really known...” he said in a sad tone. I looked over my shoulder and he was looking down at the plate in his lap. “What’s it like...you know...having your parents around and all?”
“Well I mean, I love them but....” I stopped and looked towards the shop, a single light on, my mother probably putting together orders for the next day, “They’re just like everyone else here and we only talk if they want to remind me about my engagement or talk to me about work...”
“Engagement?” he questioned.
I nodded. “The man who had a rope around your neck....I’m supposed to marry that monster.” It got silent between us after that and I felt that it was best that I call it an night.
The fourth night was the night that changed things forever; I put my own feelings about Jihun aside and followed him into the tavern. He had the key to the cage, he always kept it with him, even out of his stupid Captain of the guard uniform, it was always with him.
And so was his ego...all I had to do was just go tell him “how handsome he was looking” and then he was “doing an amazing job” keeping the town safe and praise him and hand him drink after drink and soon he was completely wasted and leaning on the bar for support.
And there it was, hanging off of his belt, the key. I had just about gotten close enough to grab it when an arm went around my shoulder.
“Y/N! It’s rare to see you here!” my brother said in a loud drunken voice as he pulled me close to him, “How’s my favorite baby sister?”
“I’m you’re only sister, Ki...” I said, highly annoyed by this interruption in my plan. My brother was a member of the guard and though we were close when we were younger and I looked up to him like most younger siblings would, when we started to get older, and realize the depravity of the village and it’s people....including my own brother...that changed. However, Ki never realized that broken bond, he just thought it was me gaining my “independence” and not needing my big brother all the time.
He laughed. “She’s adorable, isn’t she Jihun?”
“I could describe her as a few things,” he replied, “But...yes.” Jihun started to lose his balance again and I pushed Ki away, getting a good idea in my head.
“Jihun...we should get you home, I think you’re done for the evening,” I said.
He argue for a moment, but after some persuasion he agreed and I agreed. As we got outside, I looked towards the cage momentarily. Baekhyun was pacing in the cage; I could only guess it was because it was a full moon and he was antsy to get out of there. ‘I will get you out of there...I promise I will.’
‘This can’t be happening...not now...not her...’ Baekhyun thought as he paced in his cage. It was a full moon and he feeling antsy for two reasons; he wanted to run through the forest and enjoy the moon and...he hadn’t realized it had been so close, but it was mating season.
‘It can’t be her...why now of all times,’ he questioned to himself. He was locked in a cage and he couldn’t have possible come across his mate...could he?
It became a little more clearer to him that he may have when two people exited the tavern. The man who had had a rope around his neck, being supported by Y/N. It angered him to see that man with his arm around her and it only made me pace even more.
She looked over at me, this worried look in her eyes. Why was she with him? Why did she look worried? He wanted nothing more than to rip open the cage bars and get her away from him, but every time he touched them he’d get shocked.
‘I need to get out of here...’
It was easy enough to grab the key as I dumped Jihun one his couch saying as he was just about completely out of it at that point. Cracking the front window I figured I could just throw the key back in and he’d think it fell off. So running back to the town square I went to the cage and looked up at Baekhyun who was still pacing, his eyes that deep shade of red.
“I’m going to get you out of here,” I said, holding up the key for him to see.
He stopped his pacing and looked down at me. “That’s not a good idea right now...”
I was confused by his statement but shook my head. “It’s now, or maybe never...” 
When I unlocked the door and opened it, I figured he would just run off into the woods and that would be that, I would never see him again. But instead I found myself on the ground underneath him, his arms blocking any escape I might have had.
He leaned down and sniffed my hair. “You can’t be her...” he whispered, his face moving down to my neck.
I had never been this close to a man before, let alone a complete stranger...and yet as his tongue ran from my collar bone to my ear and he began to grind against me, something caused any fear I may have had to dissipate and I moaned.
That fear began to come back though after I felt his fangs on my neck and he bit down hard on my neck. I let out a pained whine after a couple of moments of him being latched to my neck. As he pulled away and looked down at me he still had that wild look to his stare, but there was a mixture of terror and guilt as well.
“I’m sorry,” he said, before getting up and taking off leaving me to wonder what just happened.  
To be continued...
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KNK: How they meet their S/O
Doing coffee runs for your company had to be one of the worst things. Not only were the orders long, there were more than you could easily carry on your own, though they demanded you do just that. Struggling with some of the containers, you attempt to keep all the orders in check, running through the list and thinking that you can’t forget your boss’. It’s about then that you bump into someone, all the cups you had stacked in your arms spilling over the both of you and the floor.
“Shit! I am so sorry,” you immediately apologize, bowing even though you’re also covered in coffee. It burns, but you have to ignore that, raising your eyes to say more when you see the man in front of you. He’s attractive, and you feel a blush rise on your cheeks at the thought that you ruined his outfit and probably his day.
He waves his hand, frowning at the mess between you both. “Not a problem, though I suppose we should get cleaned up and I reimburse you for all the coffees you spilled.” You start to tell him that’s too much, but he shakes his head, sending a smile your way. “I’m not getting nothing out of it, I thought I could also ask for your number, so we can meet again under better circumstances.”
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As an apprentice for KNK’s stylists, you were pretty much always running around backstage, getting the necessary clothing or whatever else they might deem important. You happen to be heading to grab something when one of the stylists asks for your help. With a slight huff, you tell them of course, backtracking and putting on your best smile so as not to upset anyone. You don’t exactly expect to find yourself staring at Youjin, who happens to be changing into one of the shirts the stylist gave him.
“Oh! I-“ you look away quickly, clearing your throat, “what was it you needed help with?” You refuse to raise your eyes and see if Youjin is staring or not. Which he is, given the surprise on his own face when you made such an abrupt entrance. He can’t seem to look away from you, head tilting to the side as he thinks about the fact that he’s not seen you around here before. That, and you look much younger than most stylists he knows.
After being informed that you would be helping with his makeup, Youjin beams, taking a seat and scrunching himself down a little so you can reach him better. You mumble thanks, heart beating rapidly in your chest as he keeps staring at you. Just as you finish, he taps your wrist.
“Do you think I could see you again? B-because you do my makeup so well, I mean.”
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The two of you met at a family gathering, though he didn’t immediately notice you. He’s so busy catching up with everyone and being circled around the party that he barely can remember half of the people he’s met. Finally catching a break, he slips into the kitchen and grabs some water, nearly downing half the bottle in one go.
“Wow, thirsty much?” He chokes, sputtering up his drink and leaving you laughing behind your hand. Seungjun glances your way, confusion washing over his features as he wipes at his mouth. He’s not seen you before, and when you notice him staring in question, you offer your hand.
“Y/N, a friend of your brother’s. I wasn’t initially going to come, but he kind of demanded it so-“ You shrug and smile when he shakes your hand and tells you his name. “Right, well, you better not leave your guests waiting. They’re probably all gushing over finally getting their idol relative back in their arms.”
Your comment is teasing, but he finds that it makes his heart flutter a beat. Fighting back his blush, Seungjun nods, grabbing his water and starting out of the kitchen before pausing. “I’ll see you before you leave, yeah? I-I’d like to talk more.”
Humming, you send him a smile, nodding quickly. “’Course. If I don’t, your brother will probably harp on me for weeks anyway.”
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Seungjun was the one who initially set the two of you up. At first, you were against the idea of being set up on a blind date with someone you didn’t know well and who also happened to be an idol, but Seungjun begged and you finally gave in. You could never say no to your best friend. Which is how you end up at some fancy restaurant, fidgeting in your seat and trying not to think about the fact that you were about to have a meal with an idol. Well, if he ever showed up, that is.
Inseong comes rushing in a moment later, apologizing as he fixes his tie and takes a seat across from you, all words stopping in his throat as he stares at you in awe. Seungjun had said you were pretty, but he didn’t really think he meant this pretty. Nevertheless, the date goes on, thawing as time wears on and the two of you get to know each other better. Once dinner is done, he offers to take you home, which you agree to, not entirely sure you want the night to end.
At your front door, you pause and turn to him, rising on your toes to peck his cheek. “Thank you for the date, Inseong. Maybe we can go out and do something more fun the next time you’re free. Have Seungjun give you my number.” With that, you head inside, leaving him outside with a blush on his cheeks.
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Being a photographer was something you strove your whole life to become, and now that you were, you weren’t about to let something as silly as attractive people get in your way. Or at least, you told yourself as much, until the day KNK walked into your studio for a photo shoot. They were all polite and goofy, bringing a smile to your lips the whole time.
The only one that really caught your eye though was Heejun, who seemed to be on edge for a good part of the shoot. Calling for a break, you wander over to him, laughing softly when he nearly jumps out of his skin at seeing you.
“Are you usually this flighty or is it just me?”
Heejun stumbles over his words for a bit before sighing and muttering he never worked with a photographer that was as pretty as you. Thanking him for the compliment, you murmur that he’s rather cute as well.
“How about, if you can get through the rest of the shoot without being so stiff, I take you out for ice cream?” He agrees immediately, and you can’t help the smile that pulls on your features when he slips into a much more relaxed state for the rest of the time.
Of course, now you’re the one distracted by his aura. Maybe ice cream was a good plan after all.
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kpopinscenarios · 7 years
The Man Behind the Mask (Seungjun scenario)
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Summary: Seungjun recently discovered that his life was not his own. All he wanted to do was get his Bachelor’s degree in Math, work as an actuary, and watch anime while stuffing his face. Fighting mystical aliens was not on his to-do list. Nonetheless Seungjun finds himself trapped inside two worlds and trying to struggle between two vastly different lives that he now lives. 
Genre: Action, drama, SailorMoon!AU
Pairing: None
Credit for pic: Yankey
Author’s note: This is the first part to many scenarios to come about Seungjun’s story as Tuxedo Mask. I dedicate this scenario to @starlight-starbright-goddess. She is an absolutely amazing person and I do not know what I do without her in my life. Thank you for being patient with me and loving me despite my faults. 
Also I know nothing about Yuri on Ice except for the fact that it’s about Victor and Yuri so forgive any mistakes that I make in reference to that anime. 
Seungjun sighed as he stared at the open math textbook and the blank piece of paper that was covering the right page of the textbook. The unsolved partial differential equations that were listed on the bottom of the left page didn’t intimidate Seungjun, in fact he loved to solve partial differential equations. That night’s homework consisted of solving Seungjun’s favorite kind of partial differential equation, Bessel functions. So getting the homework done shouldn’t have been a problem for him. Just as he was getting started on his homework, Seungjun’s phone vibrated and he made a fatal mistake -- he checked his phone to see why it vibrated. Jihun had frantically sent him text messages telling him about the new episode of Yuri on Ice and if there was something that Seungjun loved more than Bessel functions, it was anime.
It had only been five minutes since Seungjun had read the text message and ever since then, his laptop had been silently beckoning him to abandon the Bessel functions. Seungjun let out a deep breath and he put his math homework to the far side of his desk to make room for his laptop and snacks.
As the new episode of Yuri on Ice was loading on his laptop, Seungjun ransacked his kitchen for food to munch on while watching the show. His heart skipped a couple of beats when he found little plastic packages that contained his favorite bread. He grabbed a massive of handful of the bread with a large smile on his face. Just as he was leaving the kitchen, his cat, Hermes, waltzed towards him. Hermes had been a part of Seungjun life ever since he had found out about his previous life as Prince Endymion. Though Hermes was a beautiful cat, colored in golden fur, he was a pain in Seungjun’s ass.
“How’s the homework going?” Hermes asked, very well knowing that Seungjun was not going to his room to do homework.
“I’m taking a break from homework,” Seungjun tried to say nonchalantly.
“Well drop the bread. I’ve got something more important for you to do than watch Yuri on Ice,” Hermes said before jumping up on the dining table.
“Hermes,” Seungjun whined. “Get off the table, I eat off of there.”
“No you don’t,” Hermes said while rolling his eyes. “You either eat at your desk or when you’re in bed, which by the way is not a good habit to have.”
Seungjun dropped all the bread onto one of the three chairs surrounding the table and sat down. “You know, there’s nothing that compares to anime.”
“Your fixation on Victor and Yuri can be put on hold for this,” Hermes seriously stated as he used his paw to slide over a device that tracked and showed footage of evil forces in the form of mystical creatures were afoot. Seungjun immediately recognize the person in the video that was fighting against the Sailor Scouts.
“It’s Heejun again,” Seungjun said as he watched him fighting against the Sailor Scouts and unfortunately it looked like he was winning against them. Seungjun immediately stood up and transformed into his alternate form, Tuxedo Mask. The black suit that replaced his sweats accentuated Seungjun’s tall and lean figure. His black cape that cascaded down his back hanged just above the floor and most importantly, his white eye mask did it’s job to hide Seungjun’s identity.
“Be careful, Seungjun. Heejun is hell-bent on getting the Silver Crystal and it seems like with every failed attempt he’s made, that he has found ways to become more powerful,” Hermes warned. Seungjun nodded his head and went to help the Sailor Scouts.
Just like Hermes had said, Heejun had become more powerful. When Seungjun had arrived to the fight scene, a small park, the place was a mess. Trees were marred by scorch marks, no animal was in sight, and the Sailor Scouts were covered in cuts and burns. Seungjun had never seen them so injured.
“Stop right there!” Seungjun shouted as he pointed his cane towards Heejun. The Sailor Scouts, who were all laying on the ground, looked up at Seungjun and smiled.
“Tuxedo Mask!” Sailor Moon joyfully exclaimed despite the fact that it was hard  to stand up to fight Heejun.
“I was wondering when you would show up, Tuxedo Mask,” Heejun sneered. He lifted up his arms and shot fireballs towards Seungjun. He effortlessly jumped into the air to avoid the fireballs. As he descended, Seungjun shot a blast of energy from his cane. The blast hit Heejun and he was sent flying against a tree.
“Now, Sailor Moon!” Seungjun loudly said. Sailor Moon gratefully gazed at him and nodded. Sailor Moon took of the tiara and spun it quickly to make it appear as a glowing disk.
“Moon tiara action!” Sailor Moon shouted. The tiara flew towards Heejun and hit him with its bright and powerful light.
Seungjun and the Sailor Scouts hoped that Sailor Moon’s attack would finish off Heejun, but when the light faded he was still there, albeit he was covered in cuts and burns. Despite being injured, Heejun laughed.
“Did you really think that that would stop me Sailor Moon?” Heejun questioned. He slowly stood up and brushed off the dust from his outfit, which consisted of a pale grey suit. “This isn’t over yet. I will come back and I will get the Silver Crystal,” Heejun said. He snapped his finger and teleported out of the park.
Seungjun’s shoulders slumped and he sighed. Heejun had grown very powerful and if he and the Sailor Scouts didn’t figure out a way to defeat him, then he would get the Silver Crystal. If only Seungjun knew where it was.
“Are you all okay?” Sailor Moon asked to the other Sailor Scouts that were slowly starting to get up. Seungjun used this moment to quietly leave the scene. Even though he had just helped them, Seungjun still wasn’t sure if he could trust the Sailor Scouts. They seemed to not have an malicious intent towards the Silver Crystal, but he wasn’t sure.
As Seungjun was going home he thought about his alternate identity, Tuxedo Mask. He had noticed that whenever he transformed into Tuxedo Mask, his clothes were not the only things that changed. He noticed that he became bolder and his previously non-existent athletic abilities surfaced. Becoming Tuxedo Mask had confused Seungjun and he wasn’t sure who he was anymore.
“So how did it go at the park?” Hermes asked when Seungjun came home. He transformed back into his regular form, as a typical university student trying to get through life.
“You were right. Heejun has gotten more powerful. We managed to get a few good hits on him, but he’s still out there,” Seungjun said. “We need to find the Silver Crystal before he does.”
“I’ll do more research on the Silver Crystal. For now, focus on your studies and making sure knowing finds out that you are Tuxedo Mask,” Hermes said. Seungjun laughed and picked up a piece of bread that he had left behind at the dinner table.
“Even I can’t believe that I’m Tuxedo Mask. Focusing on school is no problem,” Seungjun said as he opened the plastic package. He stuffed his face with the bread and Hermes shook his head left and right in disgust.
“I’ve never met a human that could eat so much and not gain any weight,” Hermes noted. Seungjun shrugged and walked to his room.
“Every girl wants a body that works like mine,” Seungjun said with bread mushed in his mouth.
“Don’t forget that your partial differential equations homework is due tomorrow. Yuri on Ice can wait,” Hermes called out like a concerned parent.
“No it can’t,” Seungjun replied as he walked into his room. As much as he hated to admit it, Hermes was right. He needed to get that assignment done.
By the time Seungjun finished his homework, he was exhausted. Although he didn’t play a major in the fight against Heejun, it had taken a toll on him. His sleep was dreamless, which was a rare occurrence but he appreciated the fact that it meant he wouldn’t spend the night tossing and turning. Still when he woke up that morning and looked at his reflection, there were deep dark circles under his eyes. Today was going to be a long day for him.
The exhaustion that Seungjun did not start to shake off until he saw his friends, Jihun and Youjin, at school.
“What do you think of the new episode last night?” Jihun asked with excitement as he bounced on the balls of his feet.
“I didn’t watch it,” Seungjun disappointedly replied. Jihun’s eyes widened and Youjin tilted his head to the side in question.
“What happened?” Jihun asked.
“Uhh,” Seungjun paused for a moment. None of his friends knew of his alternate identity and there was no way that he could tell him that he spent his night fighting a mystical creature. “My cat was sick last night and I had to take care of him.”
“Your cat?” Jihun skeptically asked.
“Maybe you should stop feeding your cat strong cheese,” Youjin remarked. Seungjun mentally praised the heavens that Youjin had spoken. Seungjun forcefully laughed and nodded his head.
“Yeah I need to stop doing that,” he said while scratching the back of his head. Jihun didn’t seem all that convinced by Seungjun’s excuse and before he could further interrogate him, Seungjun’s eyes widened when he saw a clock that showed the time.
“Class starts in five minutes. I gotta go,” Seungjun quickly said. Youjin turned around to look at the time and like Seungjun, started to panic. “I’ll see you later.” Seungjun started fast walking to his class when he heard Jihun calling out to him. “What about the new episode?” Jihun semi-shouted.
Seungjun turned his head around as he continued to walk. “I’ll watch it during lunch.”
Jihun shook his head from side to side with a smile on his lips as he watched Seungjun walked away.
“You know, he looks a lot like him,” Youjin noted as he looked at Seungjun speeding through the mass of people in the hallway.
“Like who?” Jihun asked.
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vilecovet · 1 year
you do look like more of a cat person  ,  i suppose  ...  or a rabbit person. 
a rabbit? ji-hun deadpans, perceiving that, half-heartedly, as an insult. he's not so weak that he needs to downgrade to a bunny. still, it would probably help if he got himself a cat. maybe they'd keep the ghosts out of his apartment, or maybe even. . .play with them?
and even though the rottweiler may not know exactly what he's saying, he can sense vibes. energy. from the look on her face, she may not believe him, but that hardly matters when he can see a damn ghost hovering behind him.
okay, separation is necessary at this point. "no, i'm coming. as long as you have something to knock me out."
he puts on his slides by the door, grabs his keys from a hook, and steps out into cold air. "thanks for this. you're. . .unexpectedly nice."
/ @gunrising ; continued from here.
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vilecovet · 1 year
' i was surprised by you asking to see me, as not many have that sort of confidence. '
. . . is this man the buddha, or something? it's a reflexive thought, one he ought to crush and bury if he wants to survive in any society. he must respect his elders, but people who are egregiously self-important tend to irritate him. guess this is why they say to never meet your idols. ji-hun has no reason to shrink away, shoulders squared, expression appropriately neutral. his mother warned him about his resting bored face, so he tries his best to appear engaged. which, isn't much.
how long has he been studying? "since middle school. i started in an after school coding club, and progressed from there." vague, should he try harder? "but i haven't decided if i want to move abroad or stay in korea to find work. i'm hoping at the end of my internship here, i will have a better idea."
and—attack. "since i've heard that you are more or less hands on, would you mind giving me a tour? or should i figure it out on my own?"
/ @lionfanged ; continued from here.
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vilecovet · 1 year
ji-hun is half-dokkaebi—or goblin. dokkaebi are supposedly monstrous spirits with incalcuable power, depending on several factors ranging from individual strength and skill. however, overtime, they’ve become neutral-ish parties who can either help or curse other creatures and humans.
they have varying magical abilities and do not need to use incantations or relics in order to use their magic. as a whole, they are enigmas of the supernatural world, kept relatively hidden throughout historical documents to preserve their race.
dokkaebi are immortal, and their souls are usually tied to inanimate objects kept outside of their body. ji-hun's soul is kept in a sword disguised as a broom in his apartment. due to this, rarely does he let anyone inside his home.
there are different types of dokkaebi, including those who appear as devilish monsters, those who can only walk around during the night, and those who appear completely human. ji-hun’s father, kwang-ho, was a chonggak dokkaebi, otherwise known as a bachelor goblin, a creep who liked to lure human women with the promise of marriage, safety, and fortune.
(quick backstory: ji-hun’s mother was a victim of kwang-ho’s charms, but he left her as soon as she became pregnant with ji-hun, ruining her reputation and marriage prospects. as ji-hun grew up, he regularly saw his father, though he did not understand their relationship until he was a first year in high school, when his mother admitted who he was and why it was important for ji-hun to know of him. but more on that in another meta post.)
dokkaebi are known for their blue flames that appear in several circumstances ranging from being emotional to executing curses, or rising out of their bodies when they teleport. ji-hun literally simmers when he’s upset, and while he has the ability to generate and weaponize his fire, he hasn’t practiced enough to master it, so he avoids utilizing it.
ji-hun’s specialty is creating curses or curse inducement.
since he’s not a full-fledged dokkaebi, he writes his curses down in a black notebook and they can only be reversed if the page is burned with his fire.
the curses can range from missing the bus every morning to dying in a car accident at a certain time at a certain age. he can also bless others, but it is much easier to do so. he only has to think of the blessing and it usually continues as long as he is alive.
enjoy his pinterest here!
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