#{ Red Fox Birb - Genesis Rhapsodos }
pupmusebox · 8 months
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{ Silver One Winged Angel - Sephiroth } { Spiky Chocobo Swordsman - Cloud Strife } { The Fluffy Pup - Zack Fair } { Red Fox Birb - Genesis Rhapsodos } { Silver Angel of Spellcasting - Kuja } { Cheerful Wings - Togekiss/Hibiki } { Dual Blade Swordsman - Gallade/Shinobu } { Collector of Fabrics and Disguise Master - Mimikyu/Tabb } { Fiery Lion - Keith Kogane } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Gentle Hearted and Adventurous Trainer - Ethan } { Quiet and Lone Trainer - Silver } { Mysterious and Quiet Trainer - Red } { Hot Blooded Clan Leader - Adaman } { Rebellious Trickster and Wildcard - Akira Kurusu/Joker } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Feathered Agent of Death - Ryoji Mochizuki } { Quiet Wildcard User - Makoto Yuki } { Unwavering Kind Heart of a Master - Ritsuka Fujimaru } { Radiant Sun King and Pharaoh - Ozymandias } { Golden King of Heroes - Gilgamesh } { Wise Sage of a King - Caster Gil } { Young King of Heroes - Proto Gil } { Child King of Heroes - Kid Gil } { Master of Strings - Orpheus }
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flameravenpoet · 7 years
Late night when waiting.
Standing outside on the balcony with a towel wrapped about the waist, those red bangs all damp and ruffled looking till seeing a familiar raven come into view. Pouting somewhat due to the lateness and giving a blep when staring, "For heaven's sake, anyway you look like a wreck not to mention covering his nose at the scent wafting towards him, "No no, you take the door like everyone else plus you track dirt in the bedroom like last time." shaking a finger at the raven whose looking quite unhappy.
Slapping himself in the face at hearing a low whine like a wolf, "Okay okay fine but! Use the towel to clean off a bit." taking his towel off his waist and throwing at the shocked raven who gets slapped with the towel, "When you're done then you may come here." that sun kissed skin glowing a bit in the moonlight along with other things before he stomped back inside. Shivering at the his own idea and getting a robe on then plopping on the large bed, chilled from the night air and quite cranky of it but snickering to himself on hearing flustered clamoring outside.
Picking up his favorite book and hiding a smile behind it on seeing the large raven walk in, "Tolerable, just make sure not to take a late night forest run again." snorting on the reaction before speaking in a firm tone, "Still need to shower or you sleep in the other bedroom, much as a like being dirty with you still should wash out your fur." waving his hand and hearing the loud grunt of annoyance but a soft chuckle before the towel landed in the hamper nearby the bed.
"What am I going to with you my dear lover, heh..." pursing his lips when hearing the water running then sticking his tongue out, "I better let him have a nice time for his troubles then... it's the least I can do..." humming when slipping off that robe and letting out those fox features when curled up like a large fire flower busy cooing on feeling warm again. The raven of a lover lived up to the name 'wolf' as did Genesis but he was a red nine tailed kitsune.
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flameravenpoet · 7 years
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A wip of a drawing that I got around to finishing up, the clothes are from this drawing here.
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