#^w^ so much chaos between characters that have similarities in personality and role but ultimately are quite different from each other
What if we took every character who Optimus Prime mentored (and they're the ones that are often in charge when Optimus isn't or when he's dead) and made them a prime. Simultaneously.
Tfp Smokescreen? A prime. Literally any version of Hot Rod? Rodimus Prime time. Bumblebee? He's a prime now. Sam Witwicky? Yeah he fits the criteria. Beast wars Cheetor? Mmhm he's a prime now.
Literally any character that can be compared to TFA Optimus or G1 Rodimus: they're a prime now. Canonically there were originally 13 primes, i wanna make an au continuity where we get as MANY DAMN PRIMES AS WE CAN and obviously no one is sure if it's an omen or if it's a sign for things being better.
The chaos, the learning leadership stuff, the variety, Primus laughing his metaphysical aft off, so many opportunities for angst and fluff and domestic-ey scenes and arguing and betrayal and healing and yes
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chaldealast · 5 years
or, charri’s attempt to rewrite the singularity! / @savepnt​ requested to be @’ed 
Something I liked about this Singularity is the interplay between order and chaos, a perfect example of what happens when the good intentions of humans-- to protect their own, to live a happy life, to eradicate injustice-- are taken to their extremes, and become fetters which imprison humans in their own ideals. In contrast to the “Human Evils” of Shinjuku, Agartha displays the “Good Intentions” of humanity, and challenges the protagonist to consider their own ideals at the same time. The “Utopia” is an extremely important aspect, given the wish fulfilled by the Demon Pillar in this Singularity is “safety”. 
Where good, evil, and neutrality all lead to destruction and stagnation, what is the correct choice?
So, with that all in mind, I thought I’d outline what my own Ritsuka was experiencing this Singularity, as far as canon goes. Though I’m mainly just taking the parts I like, and deleting the rest. A lot of it, I’m writing down my own perspective for. (...So I thought, and then I got to chapter 10...) 
Other Master muses are free to take what they want from this, or even adopt it as their version of Agartha. I just had fun doing it ‘w’
Mission: Find the missing Servants, destroy the Demon God Pillar, and retrieve the Holy Grail. 
Factions:    Ys, City of Hedonism: A watertop city of pirates who plunder, drink, and kill as they like without thought to anyone else, under the leadership of the Pirate Princess who uses and casts out, taking joy only in the pursuit.    El Dorado, the Golden City: A territory along a riverbed, housing Amazons who perfect their bodies in combat, and reject the presence of men, led by a merciless General who will chase out threats with the vigor of a wild beast.     Bu Ye Cheng, the Nightless City: A golden city in the underground, gleaming with bright lights even at night; though perfectly orderly at first glance, corruption runs deeply through its roots. Its leader stays out of its people’s view, but their lackeys patrol the streets, crushing any sign of resistance.    Shangri-La, the Utopian Valley: A land of eternal springtime, serving as the headquarters of the Resistance. Led by a Servant who’s lost his memory, Rider, they slowly build their forces and take in fallen refugees, biding their time before the ultimate battle... 
What I’d do here is, of course, take out the gendered violence and have each city focused less on “abuse men because that’s our author’s kink >:(” and more on pressuring surrounding territories to accept their ideals / raiding them for treasure and profit / protecting their own people from harm. They each believe that their way of life will make their people happy. That is the ultimate goal of a leader, and thus the ultimate ideal behind each faction, even the Resistance (who bear a similarity to El Dorado). 
Columbus gets turned into mana prisms and a different sailing Servant takes his place; I personally nominate Topa Inca Yupanqui, legendary Incan ruler who scouted the Pacific on a ten-month voyage. It’s important that the Servant be a sailor, but I personally don’t care for Chris Combustion to be a Servant at all. Sure, it should be someone vaguely connected to the concepts of Agartha, but I think "emperor of a disappeared (read: obliterated and colonized) empire” fits the general setting, especially given the inclusion of El Dorado. 
Support: Astolfo (Caster, wielding the Book of Logistilla), Arturia Pendragon (Assassin, wielding Carnwennan)
I chose Support Servants out of their usual class, because this story is supposed to be fantastical and unusual, so even Servants summoned from Chaldea have a strange role to play. I also chose Servants with “Lawful Good” and “Chaotic Good” alignments to go with the theme of this Singularity.
I’d also change the Servant bonus to be those with “Lawful” or “Chaotic” attributes. 
Opposing Servants:     Assassin of the Nightless City, Wu Zetian; Caster of the Nightless City, Scheherazade; Berserker of El Dorado, Penthesilea; Pirate Princess, Dahut; Giant Berserker Herakles Megalos; and Chosen of the Mahatmas, Ascendant Blavatsky.     “There were those who only loved to plunder, those who sought safety in law, and those who sought safety in isolation and eradication. Then, of course, there was the woman who thought she was the next Messiah...”
Agartha, a Pseudo-Singularity existing under the earth, where nothing should live, yet magical energy disrupts the normal flow of time and space, as usual. 
“Also, it appears some Servants have disappeared from Chaldea, and the Singularity is likely to blame, so keep an eye out for them, would you? ☆”
As if they had a choice! 
Thrust suddenly into this mysterious, alien world, under attack by three factions, the Chaldea party escapes south to an idyllic garden, and meet the Rider in charge of those holding their ground in this dangerous place. 
All that said, the twist would have to be completely rewritten, huh... 
This much is obvious already, but spoilers ahoy!
Where in this Singularity, Columbus seeks to create a nation of women to serve his every need, I think it’s much more interesting for the ultimate goal to be the creation of a “civilization of eternal happiness”. That is, a place where all people are gathered, and sacrificed to the Root for the sake of the ideal utopia. 
That said, a person whose ideals don’t reflect either modern civilization or ancient cultures, but instead a person who, from the start, believes in a careful balance of both; and yet who has a strong, stirring belief in a utopic vision. The Servant who disappeared from Chaldea-- Madame Blavatsky, who hears and obeys the voices of Mahatma, clearer than ever with her closeness to the core of this world (the “untruth” bestowed by Scheherazade). She manipulates Rider using the “grail-like boxes” discovered in the Dragon Temple, while biding her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal herself. Meanwhile, the party recovers a weapon from Shangri-La, said to have been owned by King Solomon: the Singing Sword, a sword which would always grant victory if wielded for a good cause.
As expected, the battle against Helena, Rider, and Heracles is almost impossible, but somehow the Chaldea party manages to not only survive, but defeat the trio. Then there’s only Caster, Scheherazade, and her City in the Sky; I think this part is rather realistic, given the twisting of her personality with the “teaching” of the Demon Pillar, Phenex-- the one said to converse in rhymes, and who hopes to return to Heaven, but is deceived in this wish. 
One who cannot die, and one who wishes not to die. Those who reject order and chaos, searching for perfect equilibrium-- stasis-- unchanging. 
Scheherazade’s fear isn’t towards men, specifically, in this rewrite. It’s more towards brutality-- so she materializes those she sees as brutal: the torturers, the warriors, the scholar-kings, and the plunderers. Phenex, likewise, seeks to eliminate “ignorance” and “knowledge” to achieve equilibrium and stagnation, ultimately creating an unchanging utopia.
(”Ignorance”, the unknown and unthought (chaos); and “Knowledge”, the root of progress (order). Mystery is a ‘thought, but not confirmed’ spectrum between the two, and the realm of magic and magecraft.)
Bearing the Singing Sword, the party is able to counteract Phenex’s ability, and destroy him for good. Scheherazade, after talking with Ritsuka, makes the decision to choose her own ending: one where she, neither king nor servant, neither dead nor alive, can finally smile and laugh. 
As Laputa disappears-- it’s time for this “story” to end. 
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inanismortem · 7 years
1, 13, 17, 25, 28, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50 !! Yeesh That's A Lot but. gotta know
1. Your first OC ever?
Phoenix Hathaway.
Before he was human, didn’t have a last name and was most definitely not immortal. He was also around sixteen? 
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
How about all of them Dark, Geraldine, Ashton, Lana and River, Locien, Mirima would be my main sources of trouble but I mean, at one point, everyone causes chaos. Oh yeah, and @fairyfairypie‘s favourite and my main antagonist, Kade.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Rivnix which is River + Phoenix (they’re my most complicated and headache inducing otp because HOW DO I WRITE YOU TWO. H. O. W.) also, angel + fairy
Lirima which is Locien + Mirima aka my comedy otp. Very easy to write, very hard to take seriously at times
Drewlancey which is Drew and Delancey which is my uhhhh… Well they heal each other? They’re not a soft fluffy otp but they’re not angsty
Arphellason which is Arphenion and Arbellason aka my two very closed off individuals who fake dated for a bit and then got married but have been in love since… forever
Hayabusa + Kimberly my dumb and dumber otp and one of my oldest otps and one I need to revise
Lana + Nora which is my weird vampire and warlock pairing, they’re the ones who don’t take shit in any way but they strangely fit together
Mist + Nicholas which is a interracial pairing in which they balance each other out and act like best friends but wow the arguments are to die for
Kyle + Natalie, I don’t know what possessed me to put them together, ultimate meme couple, ultimate pranksters
Dark + Alaska which is my contribution to the enemies/rivals to friends to lovers trope but they’re very fun to write
Ashton + Andre + a couple others, it’s a polyamory relationship, with both females and males and it’s something I’ll start working out eventually
Kazamir + Zach my slightly kinky otp I’ll leave it there and go to my corner of shame
Emilia and Zane who are seriously more of a brotp but they’re cute, I don’t think they play a huge part in a lot of things
Roxanna + Cameron which is an otp who has super good chemistry but doesn’t work out in the end due to internal and external conflict and my dose of ‘the world is not perfect’ in my original works
Geraldine + Wren, one of the later otps but a hunter + fairy and another w|w otp I have
Quinn + Cyrus, a side otp but an otp regardless, sorta of funny 
Kiera + Sebastian, another side otp but Kiera is the sensible and she routinely tears Sebastian a new pair because he’s not the nicest person
Briar + Finn, one I’m working on but warlock + shapeshifter, one is just running a coffee shop and the other is a doctor who has a rotten personality
I mean, I probably have more but these are all I can remember off the top of my head hahaha rip me this is never gonna be finished.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Ehhhh, Roxanna, Geraldine and Leah are basically me split into three and then further developed but Geraldine would be the one that is closest to me atm because Leah would be 5-8 year old me, Roxanna would be 9-13 year old me and Geraldine would be current me. 
Leah is into fashion, being pretty, being popular and having friends while not really caring about others and such as well as thinking LGTBQ was unnatural and not good and that was my mindset as a kid.
Roxanna prefers to isolate herself away from anyone if she can, reads all the time and tries not to argue even she is right and everyone else was wrong and she’s just not happy, actually a little shameful of who she is which was me in that age phase. 
Geraldine still likes to read and but doesn’t have that much time, draws and writes for fun, rebels against people she thinks are incorrect and is more confident and accepting of who she is. 
All my characters have little pieces of me but these three are special to me even though I kill one lmao
28. Your most dangerous OC? 
It would be a tie between Drew Ng and Kazamir Volkov because neither will go down easily and they’re very driven individuals who seem nice, Drew more than Kazamir but they could quite literally decide who wins a battle by taking a side. 
Drew also has this demeanour that makes you feel safe but he’s capable to committing mass murder, get away with it and then destroy your life to the point you don’t really even am sure about anything anymore and the one upside is that people anchor him nowadays so he’s not as bad as he could be.
Kazamir is half demon so he has unnatural forces behind him, can basically do whatever he wants can intimidate just about anyone into doing something beneficial to him but detrimental to others and he’s not one to specifically care that much.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I love making ocs that have suffered, will suffer and are suffering. Also, their backstories usually contain something that could destroy their current lives and everything that they value.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They’re complicated. Not copy and paste, not easy to figure out, not easy to know inside out, I don’t even think I know some of my ocs inside out yet and although some of them are similar in some aspects, they’re all different (and diverse I hope)
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Say hello to Dark who spends half his time on the web because he’s basically so good at his job he has to wait for others to catch up to him. Also why not he’s half human it’s in his blood.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Hm, I guess we could go through how my characters transitioned and how developed they are?
Team Kastor, the fairies and the elves have been developed the most, little details that need to worked out here and there but they’re pretty much ready to be written.
The angels, the werewolves among some others are super undeveloped save for River because I really haven’t given them much thought yet and they’ve remained unchanged since I left them in grade eight or seven.
Literally all of them were white at one point and I guess that was why I was always super annoyed with my stories so I started changing them after grade eight but serious changes were not cemented until end of 2016.
Phoenix has not changed that much compared to others, really just changes to his powers, a little change to his appearance
Mist went from Misty to Mist, straight to bisexual, white to half African American and I gave her more development as well as a more prominent role in the stories and she’s fiercer
Dark hasn’t changed that much either other than the fact he’s half Brazilian and wear glasses now, his appearance has changed a lot but not his attitude. Guess he was always a little shit
Cam used to be Lily, cis to genderfluid, still a medic I guess but more skilled and less battle orientated, half polynesian.
Leah used to be the youngest out of the three, but I guess her attitude hasn’t changed that much either and she’s still straight.
Geraldine went from antagonist to one of the protagonists, straight to lesbian, nicely dressed to rebel and punk like appearance but has a good heart.
Roxanna is not different in terms of appearance and personality, she’s the most unchanged out of them all but she’s non binary, asexual and pansexual so she’s changed in that aspect.
River is just generally more sassy, more dangerous, and pansexual but he was gay beforehand. Also, he’s more of an outcast now I guess and doesn’t fit in with the others.
Team Kastor and the elves are fairly new so they haven’t changed drastically.
Thank you for the ask!
I love rambling about them although I may never finish writing about them
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