#[ he's gonna be sleeping the whole next day uvu
solivcgant · 3 years
Eun-chae bowed her head quickly in thanks, moving to fill Eiji’s own shot glass with practiced precision.
‘Thanks for coming out with me tonight,’ she beamed, clinking their glasses together before shooting the soju. It went down like gasoline, but at least she had good food and even better company. ‘I promise I won’t do anything embarrassing.’  
he raised his glass and brought it to his lips before downing the contents. a part of him WISHED there was a plant nearby to humorously throw the contents over his shoulder like in the sitcoms. but there was no plant. just another customer laughing loudly while reminiscing his military service. 
“you’re good, i don’t think anything can top our first meeting.” but if he continued drinking at this pace, he’d probably be the one doing something MORE embarrassing. “want to order more food to go with our drinks?” 
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fairestwriting · 3 years
title: think about it tomorrow
word count: 2629
summary: Even after that difficult day of work, Ruggie had one more task he needed to complete, one that he didn’t expect would end with him just coming home.
this fic post is a lil different from my usual ones but! i did a trade with @nicoliharu​ !! and heres my part of it uvu
Savanaclaw’s lounge has an eerie glow at night, blue irradiating from the pool in the center that people say looked uncanny when it was empty, like now. That, or visitors would find it pretty.
Ruggie himself didn’t care much. Usually, when he had work at the Lounge, he’d come back to that, and it was more familiar than anything. Without the other students around, it was more like the only thing welcoming him back “home”, so there’s a vague comfort there. He always gives it a bit of a stare before walking to his room.
Sometimes he sits there and thinks over the silence. Makes calculations in his mind about how much money he was sending back home, how much he needed for himself. Thinks about exam dates and those extravagant events Azul made him and the other employees suffer through. Leona’s errands, Crowley’s tasks, windows to be cleaned, letters to answer.
He doesn’t have time for that tonight. Ruggie’s heading straight back to his room, Agatha should be coming over soon, after all, he promised he’d help her out with Animal Languages.
Yeah, it seems sort of insane to accept requests like these when he was having such a busy week, he knows. It’s not like he doesn’t have the spine to decline them, or something, just… well. Agatha is Agatha. She’s not like anyone else in that school.
Agatha was the only girl, for one, and also, one of Ruggie’s close friends. A couple sparks had been rushing between them lately, which made him so much more excited than he should be, but he was grateful for the friendship itself. In his two years of being a NRC student, he never really found someone who had a presence that… healing. Agatha was understanding and kind, the sort of person that compels you to wind down just by being there.
(Really, how rare was someone like that in Night Raven College?)
So he had a crush he was comfortable with. Nothing wrong with that, right? And nothing wrong with wanting to see her after waiting all these damn tables either.
He opens the door to his room and wobbles inside with a sigh. But, man, he was exhausted. He hoped it wouldn’t show through too much when she got there. It wasn’t necessarily that late, just… he hadn’t caught a damn break today. He wonders if there’s time to rest his eyes for a bit before she gets there—
“Ruggie?” He perks up at the voice he hears outside. “Are you in there?”
And there she is! He feels inclined to smile. One very much needed spark of energy runs through him.
“Yeah, yeah, just a second!” He responds, first moving to turn on the lights, which he hadn’t done yet, then to open the door. Agatha greets him with one of her usual smiles. “You ready to work?”
“Ah, well.” She laughs, a bit awkwardly. “I’ll be doing my best. I hope it’s not too much of a bother or anything!”
Really, how could she ever be?
“Nah, not at all.” He says, allowing her inside before the door is closed. It makes a bit of a heavy noise when he shuts it. “If it’s Animal Languages, then I’m your guy! And, I always have time for you, shishishi.”
Agatha gives him a small chuckle. “You’re too good to me.”
“It’s just what you deserve, y’know!”
She sits on his bed while he’s picking up the papers he’d put together earlier on his desk. Drowsiness creeps in, but he knows how to push that aside well enough. He needed to do his best now. Just not let all that exhaustion show through so he could lend Agatha a hand! Then, then he could sleep…
Sleep sounds nice, doesn’t it? His brain tempts him, but he blinks multiple times, and hopes that good enough to stave off the feeling.
“So, what part did you have trouble with?” He asks, sitting next to Agatha, opening the textbook over his lap. The logical part of his brain wishes he had more than one chair in his room, so they could sit by the desk. The less logical part is just happy to be here.
“Mmh, it was with these...sentences Mr. Trein asked us to translate, I think? I couldn’t really get the difference between these two noises… I think it’s in chapter 7, hold on.”
She gets the book from Ruggie’s lap, bringing it closer to herself. He lets his eyes linger on her a little while she’s flipping through pages, shiny amber eyes narrowed at the words.
A silly smile appears on his face. Ruggie feels like a lucky guy, which he guesses it’s sort of odd, they’re not even dating or anything like that. And this was supposed to be him doing her a favor. Technically, he doesn’t gain anything from this, and yet…
Agatha’s hair is this nice red-like color that stands out while it flows over her shoulder. Ruggie doesn’t know the exact word for the color, maybe it was burgundy? Garnet? That doesn’t matter. The point is she’s just… beautiful. Eye-catching besides that pleasant aura that melted all his worries away. She’s there, so it’s like everything will be okay. Ruggie lets out a small laugh, in a way, this looks just like a dream—
“Ruggie.” Her voice calls for him, firmer than its usual airy tone. He blinks, a stronger haze settling over his mind. So he dozed off. Huh. “...are you okay? I think you just fell asleep for a bit.”
“I’m good!” Ruggie chirps almost immediately. Her brows furrow in worry. “Just dozed off for a bit. Uh.” He laughs awkwardly. “What were you trying to show me?”
Agatha stares intently, concerned expression intensifying on her face.
“Ruggie…” She begins again, head tilting a bit towards him. “I don’t think you should be studying right now. You should’ve told me you were tired.”
“Hey, I’m good, though!” He argues, but there’s no bite to it, really, he couldn’t add that in even if he tried. Agatha sighs, shaking her head. “We can keep going.”
“I’m not letting you study like this. Come on, you should get some rest.” She moves to close the textbook, but he grabs at it first, reflexes slowed down or not. “Ruggie.” She says, in a gently scolding tone.
“It’s fine, I told you.” He tries to argue again. It looks like she wouldn’t buy that at all, and, well… “Didn’t you need help? It won’t even take too long, I can just…”
“No. That’s final.” Agatha states, cheeks puffing slightly. “You’re so stubborn. Just rest a little, okay? We can study tomorrow.” She huffs, hand placed on the top of his head in a pat — That turns into something like light petting that sends a weird, fuzzy feeling across Ruggie. “Come on. You can lean on me if you wanna.”
Ruggie crosses his arms, but she looks at him all invitingly, with that warm expression on her face. And his resolve dwindles…
Ah. Ruggie isn’t really a strong man when it comes to things like that, is he?
“...what kinda leaning are we talking about?” He asks, a bit of a smile on his face. Well, maybe this wasn’t bad either.
Agatha chuckles. “You can lay on my lap or on my shoulder, what you’d like. As long as you take a little break, you stubborn hyena.”
Yeah, it’s not bad at all.
“Then I’m on it, shishi.” He can’t help but grin a little. “You said I could do it, so.”
He pushes the book off Agatha’s lap — Hey, it’s an opportunity, he’s not just gonna miss that — and moves to lean his head on her thighs, sighing when they touch. Agatha does a bit of a small, barely noticeable jump like she wasn’t expecting him to take that offer, but in just a second, her smile widens, still soft and warm. Ruggie smiles back at her.
“That’s the only way I can get you to rest, huh?” Agatha sighs, leaning back for a bit. “You’re such a workaholic.”
Ruggie doesn’t say much of anything. He begins to feel drowsy already, but… really, when he’s like this, how could he really sleep? He can feel his heartbeat quicken, the room filled with a silence that’s both comfortable and comforting.
Agatha’s hand makes its way into the mess that was his hair, Ruggie feels himself perk up — and then immediately begin to relax, feeling how the tips of her fingers begin to run along it, untangling knots and gently scratching against his scalp, then the back of his ears—
Ah. The tension in his body starts melting away, pressing his face against Agatha’s thigh some more. Damn it, that felt nice. If he had to die like that, he really doesn’t mind. He feels all fuzzy inside, the humming that begins to leave Agatha sounds faraway, even.
He sighs.
His thoughts get muddled… was he that much of a workaholic, he begins to wonder. It felt so natural to just fill every second of his day with those part-time jobs. He didn’t hate it at all, he’d come to every location with a smile, ready to tackle the day, but maybe he pushed himself a little too hard sometimes.
It’d be nice if he could come back to something like this everyday. Ruggie found his dorm room decently homey, but… with Agatha there, it’s a whole different story. Maybe she’s just spoiling him like this — He leans against her hand as she scratches the back of his ears once more, knowing they’ve gotten a bit twitchy — but whether he’d admit that out loud one day or not, he just really likes it. He feels floaty, fuzzy…
“Hey.” He half opens his eyes, Agatha’s gentle smile is the first thing he sees, warming his heart. Something straight out of a dream. “Y’know what, I really like you.”
Her posture straightens in shock.
“Eh?” She blinks, and only now, Ruggie notices what came out of his mouth.
“Uh. I mean.” Oh. Oops, he giggles awkwardly. That hadn’t been how he thought he’d tell her about it, but… gotta make the best out of what you have, huh? Whether that went well or not… “Is that weird? If you don’t feel the same we can just drop it. But I’m telling you the truth. You’re just… special. I feel really comfortable with you, and all.”
He feels his face warm up, and he’s still laying there — These are kind of embarrassing things to say, aren’t they? But it’s her, and it’s true — Agatha is undeniably flustered, maybe they shared the slight red tint to their faces now. Ah, it’s weird. He feels anxiety threaten to pull him under for the first time in a while—
“I… I do too. A lot. M-Maybe too much.” And she stutters, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear as she looks away in this rare sort of shyness. “S-So, it’s not weird at all!”
Ruggie’s heart skips a beat.
“Cool. Okay.” The words processing in his mind, repeating over and over like they hadn’t registered yet, echoing. His face felt impossibly hot, his self control running low. “...can I kiss you?”
Agatha blinks, still wide eyed, and a smile appears on her lips, she fiddles with her hair again, brushing it off her shoulder. “I… yeah.”
All of this, it’s so… Ruggie has a tough time wrapping his head around it all, but he’s not going to argue a reality like this at all. Sparkling with excitement, he gets up, sitting next to Agatha again, and they exchange a look for a moment as he smiles, foreheads touching.
Ruggie feels like he doesn’t even know how to begin, like she’s his very first kiss. Tentative hands cup Agatha’s cheeks, and in the peak of his enthusiasm, they just go for it, so close to being at the same time — And their lips meet.
He feels euphoric, almost every bit of exhaustion forgotten when he feels Agatha’s smile against his, small breathy laughs bubbling up and leaving them before the kiss deepens and Agatha pushes back against him too.
They’re not really thinking about it at all, and maybe that’s how Ruggie prefers it. Agatha is warm when she presses closer to him, her arms wrapping around him, and he continues to hold her face in his hands even as they pull away to breathe for a moment, seeing her smile.
“You’re so cute.” She says in between slightly harsher breaths. “Ruggie…”
And he thinks of the time he’s thought about something like this happening, none of his fantasies ever really went like this — There was always some sort of struggle, a larger pause after he tells Agatha about his feelings even when he thought of victorious scenarios. Even when he had her with him in the end.
He wonders when they kiss again, should anything have the right to feel so easy?
She tastes vaguely like lipstick, something cherry-like and similar to what he’d associate to the color of her hair, with a hint of sweetness. Her arms around him pull him closer with surprising strength, he feels her heartbeat on his when their chests touch.
And Ruggie’s not good at keeping his hands to himself— He notices he’d been hungry, wanting something like this for too long, and even though the world feels too dreamlike, blurry from exhaustion and still a bit of denial, he lets his hands wander. He touches her arm first, but it doesn’t linger there, going down her sides and ending up on her hips, wondering if he could let them wander further, maybe over her thighs—
“Ahaha, s-sorry, I’m just really happy.” They pull away, breathing heavily, and Agatha is giggling, her smile turning the dim room into the sun itself. Ruggie can’t help but share the expression. “I never thought… this really feels like a dream.”
“Yeah.” Ruggie agrees. “What do we… are we doing anything else, or?”
His face feels hotter upon saying the words. He sounds lame, but—
“I don’t know.” She says with a sigh, but it’s content. Their foreheads touch, bodies still too close to each other, and too happy to be where they are. “I’m just happy we’re here.”
“Mm, me too.”
There’s one more kiss, although a brief one. Agatha’s hand is on his hair, idly running fingers through strands, even after they part again.
“You still look so tired.” She points out, voice gentle. “Don’t you wanna call it a day?”
Ruggie has to sigh. Well…
“Maybe.” He admits, finally, even though he doesn’t want to be away from her at all now. “But I’m gonna miss you if you leave.” It’s a playful complaint, even though he means it. Agatha chuckles a bit.
“I can stay with you, then.” She says with a rare sort of decisiveness. “Someone’s gotta take care of you if you’re not gonna do it yourself.” She pouts, pulling him a bit closer.
His eyes threaten to flutter shut like this.
“If it’s you, then.” He murmurs, laughing quietly. “Guess it’s alright.”
Agatha gives him one more kiss, a small affectionate peck on his lips.
“Good. Let’s think about everything else tomorrow, okay?”
Then it goes by easily. He sighs, releasing tension with his exhale, and Agatha holds out her arms for him with an inviting smile.
They lay down, not really bothering to turn off the lights just yet. Ruggie makes himself at home there, back of his head on her chest, an arm pulling him closer while she continues to pet him, warm and dreamlike.
And they think about it tomorrow.
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liarsguilt-a · 6 years
💝🐶💭 [ for ouma and anxiety kiddo uvu ]
*rubs my hands like the little gremlin I am* This is gonna be long since I’m answering for both of them.
💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship?
It’ll take him awhile, but he’ll gradually get used to the feeling of being in a relationship. Gaining the trust of his partner and getting used to the feeling of actually being given affection aside from DICE would be a whole new thing, and that’s something he definitely would be slow to. There’s gonna be a lot of times where he straight out pushes away his partner when he feels insecure of himself, but he’ll get over it with time. 
Oh boy, prepare for about a year of coddling this guy just to make him feel like he can even touch you without asking or being told to. He’s gone through many experiences that have molded him, all in a sense that were traumatic enough to make him scared of human interactions in general. Setsushi goes to extreme lengths to make sure that his partner isn’t feeling at all uncomfortable, and will even leave the room/place they’re at if he feels that he is just being a burden to them. If he does something wrong, you can probably imagine what’d happen.
It’ll take a long, long time for him to feel comfortable enough to be confident in himself, and enough to think he is worthy of being their lover in the first place. Don’t worry though, deep down, he truly would love whoever he’s with.
🐶Are they a cuddler?
Big time, he’s like a freakin’ dog, a hyper dog. Once he’s comfortable enough with the person, he will tackle hug them, and is not afraid to stick to them like a cactus. When they’re lying down or just sitting on a chair or couch, Ouma will sit next to them, maybe even sit on their stomach and wrap his arms around them to get/give full cuddle experience. He likes the feeling of human warmth, and now he gets to take advantage of that aspect of himself to do that with his partner, unless they’re uncomfortable with it, which he’ll hold back. 
Like I said in the last part, I was exaggerating when I said a year, but it takes awhile for him to be able to think he can touch someone. Once he does feel like he can though, he’ll be shy at first, but a little more bold when it’s done in repetition. At first, he’ll approach you at a most likely awkward moment, and place his hands on your sides and stand there for a good second or two, making you think he’s trying to tickle you or something. Though, he’ll finally read online and go “oh, that’s how you do it”, then do it properly. He loves it, but is afraid to ask or admit it in case he seems more weak than he already is. 
💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
Mhm, he’s used to sleeping with people, which is why it kinda got lonely once he moved into the dorms in HPA/Ultimate Academy. Ouma usually was sleeping in a huddle around his fellow DICE members, keeping warm and making sure that everyone was comfortable. The thing was, he’s usually the one squished, he gets stuck in the middle and gets crushed underneath some of the other member’s weight until morning. The next day, they’d find a lifeless Ouma when they woke up doasimdasoimdas
Y e s. Absolutely, he feels so much safer when sleeping with a trusted partner. It’s always been a wish to be in the arms of someone strong/trusted, or be the stronger person. When he’s close, cuddling with that person, he’ll sleep better than probably any night that he’s had before. Without fear of something happening at night, that’s he’s finally safe from things that trouble him, he’ll be comfortable enough to sleep soundly. 
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chara-killer-bear · 7 years
smokey: do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Warm weather :”)
But I adjust pretty quickly to cold weather–
spots: what never fails to make you laugh?
shadow: share an interesting fact about you!
Have I ever told you another place I witnessed a haunting?
So back in my old house, where I lived there up until 4th or 5th grade, there was this huge room that belonged to my grandma.
And keep in mind that in that room my papa died in that very room, and at my evolution of thinking, the earliest memory I had of my papa was me toppling over him in his death bed in that very room at the age of 3 or 4, next thing you know it I hear the ambulance coming right after, and until I was 9 or 10 years old, my grandma told me I must be imagining things because she told me my papa died in the hospital.
So one day, when my grandma was out to work and my mom and I were left in the house, my grandma’s room was dark, everything was silent.
Until we heard a crash.
So when we checked back in my grandma’s room, the lights were turned back on again, and there was no sign of a fallen object anywhere.
My mom brushed it off saying it’s “no surprise” considering that my papa died in that very room, however, I didn’t know at the time that my memory of my papa was actually true. So when I brought up about how my grandma told me he died in the hospital, my mom gave me a strange look and said to me “No, he died in this very room, and you were the last one to see him alive.”
It still creeps me out to this day, the fact that I was able to remember that one memory of him before he passed and the fact that the only memory I have of him is the moment before he passed, but he was an awesome Papa–
sunny: do you like planning out things?
On some occasions, yes- especially very important ones–
fred: best bad pickup line you’ve heard?
The ones still left in my inbox :”)
pumpkin: do you consider yourself to be a spacey person?
In some times, yes, because I know that my mind drifts off to other subjects at times–
callie: do you worry a lot? or are you carefree?
Both at the same time :”)
It just depends on the situation
tabitha: talk about one of your favorite pass times!
- Talking to the bae
- Drawing
- Watching Youtube 
bandit: what is the strangest thing you’ve done?
The strangest thing I ever done would be being alive for this long :”)
gabriel: do you always arrive on time, or are you late? early?
Around the middle of the two– sometimes late
marshmallow: what’s your favorite thing to drink in the winter?
socks: where would you like to visit and what would you do there?
There’s too many places to choose–
lexy: do you value expensive gifts more, or ones clearly from the heart?
Ones clearly from the heart- I don’t really care whether it’s crappy or handcrafted with every nick and detail; as long as you made it from the heart, I’ll cherish it
bolt: name one thing you would like to accomplish in life
breezy: do you like sleeping?
misty: do you procrastinate a lot?
pickles: what are you afraid of? do you ever tell people irl about it?
Mostly afraid of h e i g h t s, and ye- because I get to warn them that if they so happen to stick me up in the air the first place I would scream would be in their faces :”)
pepper: do you like meeting new people?
Y E  S
patches: do you envy others often?
Not really?? It’s really hard to catch me being jealous of another person–
gozer: talk about something you’re good at!
Procrastination :”)- Somehow I postpone shit to the very last minute and somehow get the work done at the very minute
cocoa: do you think it is important to make fast decisions?
Nah– I’d mostly be panicking
princess: what do you find most beautiful in life?
ginger: is it important to be modest?
I guess so– I’m not really one to brag unless of course it’s in front of someone I despise with my whole being
peaches: do you ever go back on your word, or are you one to always keep a promise, no matter what?
One to keep promise, as long as it’s doable and the conditions are right.
spud: do you like to jump into things without thinking?
mack: name one goal you’d like to accomplish this week!
Finish the fucking drawing 
speckles: do you think you can be lonely, but still happy?
It’s possible– Although hard to do 
willie: what’s your favorite form of expression?
rascal: are you a selfish or a selfless person?
I like to think I’m selfless..? I don’t even know myself for sure-- for all I know I’m probably a selfish person--
dottie: what do you like most about your friends?
They’re really kind, memeingful, and always concerned about me even though I tell them not to bother me- It just shows they’re always gonna stick by me no matter what.
spooky: talk about a time you wish you spoke up.
Probably around the time my friend Jenny was still alive.
joe dimeowgio: do you like group projects?
Not really…? But it also beats working alone…? I would say neutral.
senor don gato: are you very secretive?
According to bae, ye :”)
xerxes: what is your most prized possession?
My rose music box 
chairman meow: do you tend to argue with people a lot?
Not really…? The last time I had to argue with someone was a few weeks ago because they were being an ass about pansexuality- until I had to hit him with my backpack and run away–
saint purrtrick: talk about someone/thing that inspires you!
- bae
- bae’s ideas
- aesthetics
- art that pops up in my dashboard/drawings I see in general :”)
ms fortune: are you easily charmed by others?
bob the cat: would you ever go camping? if you have, did you like it?
Camping sounds fun, with the right location and supplies– I have never actually went camping before though :”)
conductor whiskers: when was the last time you rode a train?
In 8th grade at East Coast-
tubbs: are you a picky eater?
mr meowgi: do you like to teach others, or be taught?
lady meow-meow: do you like being the center of attention? how about dressing up?
Center of attention: n o
Dressing up: It’s pretty fun; especially if I can cosplay characters from the fandoms I’m in
guy furry: what’s your favorite food?
kathmandu: do you like to study and learn new things?
ramses the great: are you good at riddles and puzzles?
Neutral– Sometimes I can solve it in one go, the other it takes me hours–
sassy fran: talk about something you find cute!
billy the kitten: do you believe in life after death?
frosty: do you understand people easily? or do people often find you cold?
Depends on the person–
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