infowarsrzk · 1 year
Listos par invadir México: Ejército de USA
#GARCIALUNA @FelipeCalderon
Ya lo hemos dicho varias veces, esta violencia en México no tiene sentido, si el ejército está infiltrado por el narco ¿cómo se puede tener una guerra entre el narco y el ejército? Que esto más que nada puede ser un pretexto para que USA intervenga en México.
Pues el lector con el nick «Revelde» nos dejó un comentario con un enlace a una web de noticias del estado de Wyoming, EEUU, que publicó la carta de un lector al Editor, y que por lo mismo podría ser verdadero ya que de lo contrario no la publicarían pero podría estar distorsionando la información, la carta se titula «Listos para invadir México» y parece hacer referencia a algo dicho por los aspirantes por Wyoming al congreso de USA antes de la elecciones del 2 de noviembre pasado diciendo que tal vez los aspirantes a representar a Wyoming en el congreso, Cynthia Lummis, (republicana) y su oponente demócrata, David Wendt, (finalmente ganó Lummis) no sabían que unos días antes en la cadena National Public Radio (NPR, Radio Pública Nacional) se había informado que los militares de Estados Unidos tienen planes para invadir México antes de Navidad, que el Pentágono lo ha planeado de manera quirúrgica y será parecido a la invasión que la Alemania Nazi hizo en 1940 en Francia, Bélgica, Holanda y Luxemburgo, con tácticas de guerra relámpago para neutralizar a la fuerza aérea de México y al ejército.
La invasión sería para prevenir que la violencia de los narcos se extienda a EEUU y que la preocupación es tanta que los dos partidos votaron fácilmente a favor de esa operación, tanto en la Cámara de representantes como en el Senado.
Añade que ha habido reuniones altamente secretas, donde se ha hablado del escenario de pánico en las ciudades estadounidenses en la frontera con México por la amenaza real de que los carteles mexicanos de la droga, fuertemente armados, lleven su guerra al interior de EEUU, que la amenaza es tan real que nadie en posiciones de poder dentro del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos está tomando esto a la ligera ya que si la guerra entre pandillas entra a EEUU, la violencia sería intensa en todas la ciudades, que es una amenaza real de cada día si los Estados Unidos no hacen nada para frenarla en México.
Agrega que en el informe dice; «No se puede permitir La estrategia militar fallida que hemos utilizado en Irak y Afganistán en la próxima invasión de México. Nuestras fuerzas armadas deben, una vez que entran a México, utilizar todos los medios a su alcance para erradicar y destruir estos carteles de la droga y al mismo tiempo, dentro de nuestro propio territorio nacional, (en EEUU) debe haber un esfuerzo concentrado por parte de los organismos de ejecución (federales y estatales) para hacer lo mismo aquí.»
Termina diciendo: «Mis contactos en la frontera me han informado de que nuestras tropas ya están llegando. La invasión de México es inminente».
Hasta aquí el comentario que está firmado por THOMAS BLEMING, Lusk. No se si algún mexicano o hispano pueda confirmarnos si esto se difundió en National Public Radio, si fue así se me hace raro que no haya corrido como reguero de pólvora pero también sabemos como se controla la información, si es verdad, no dejan que circule en ningún medio pero, también puede tratarse de difundir esto como un rumor para ver que tanto lo acepta la gente, tanto en Estados Unidos como en México, por desgracia, aquí en México hay gente que lo acepta y hasta lo sueña como una solución a la violencia sin ver el trasfondo de todo esto; que Estados Unidos quiere posicionarse por completo en México para un control absoluto de el petróleo y de otros recursos naturales.
Esperemos que no ocurra y exijamos que se detenga esta violencia sin sentido en México ya que como lo hemos dicho antes el ejército esta infiltrado por el narco por lo que una guerra entre ambos es inentendible e insostenible, al narco se le puede frenar bloqueando sus rutas de dinero y en general con operaciones de inteligencia, sin necesidad de militares y con policías bien armadas y entrenadas pero que no estén infiltradas, de otro modo cualquier combate es inútil pero, si añadimos a esto que dentro del los tres poderes de gobierno el narco se ha infiltrado esto es peor, un sin sentido, o una operación en la que el gobierno de derecha de Calderón está cooperando para dar pretextos a una invasión de EEUU a nuestro país. Tal vez no lo hagan antes de navidad pero el peligro está presente, recuerden que el Imperio se desmorona y necesita de donde sostenerse.
Fuente: La nota original en inglés esta aquí
ASPAN, Plan México y soberanía nacional
ASPAN: Riesgo para México
Jefes Militares de EU, pasado de corrupción
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lasseling · 20 days
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mkultra2030 · 7 months
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@CNN @JUANES @carlosvives @BillClinton @AlvaroUribeVel #cocaína #EEUU @ISRAEL @netanyahu #fentanilo #ucrania , pic.twitter.com/aGys4hiYnI
https://twitter.com/InfoWARSRZK1/status/1724493998830571691/video/1 Las vidas de #palestinos desplazados de #gaza https://twitter.com/WizardSX0/status/1724469357227479511/video/1☠️@FDI pic.twitter.com/MRwZwfqdM7🇮🇱🦎 🇬🇧 🚨🇵🇸
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magnavoxx87 · 1 month
Monica the Lewinsky.
for context this was a project in sociology where we had to talk about norms for fashion in different generations, as well as what would be deviant. this group didnt seem to put CLOTHING deviance though and just listed out 3 random groups, Monica THE Lewinsky and drew bill clinton. what.
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patazasoficial · 1 year
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Día Internacional del Gato: ¿Por qué se celebra hoy, 20 de febrero?
En honor a este día, en el que se busca crear conciencia sobre la tenencia responsable de mascotas, te contaremos por qué se celebra a nuestro pataza los 20 de febrero.
Estos patazas, que son mascotas en varias partes del mundo, se celebran internacionalmente el 20 de febrero en honor al pataza felino más famoso y “poderoso” de los años 90, se llamaba Socks, adoptado por Chelsea, hija de Bill Clinton, ex presidente de Estados Unidos.
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Socks era de los pocos seres sobre la Tierra que podía transitar por las amplias instalaciones de la casa y despacho presidenciales, se colaba en los actos públicos del presidente, alcanzando en aquella época gran popularidad tanto en Estados Unidos como en el resto del mundo, ya que aparecía en la sala presidencial durante los actos de prensa.
En poco tiempo se convirtió en una celebridad, tenía su propia página web, un club de fans y recibía una enorme cantidad de cartas desde todas partes del país.
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Socks envejeció haciendo varias apariciones y campañas para recaudar fondos con diferentes fines benéficos, pero con los años desarrolló varios problemas de salud, y, finalmente, un cáncer de garganta por el cual decidieron someterle a la eutanasia para evitarle mayores sufrimientos, esto sucedió el 20 de febrero de 2009.
Es por eso que, desde siempre, el objetivo de esta fecha principalmente es crear conciencia a la población sobre una tenencia responsable.
Para más temas diarios y semanales síguenos en Instagram como: @patazasoficial 🐾
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infowarzrzk · 4 months
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@naasondelaplaza @naasoneslaplaza @joebiden @israel @netanyahu @BillClinton @ChelseaClinton @barackobama @MichelleObama https://infowarsrzk2030.blogspot.com/2024/02/httpswwwfacebookcompluginspostphphrefht.html @inforzk🚨🇮🇱🇺🇸Un hombre le grita "Eres un criminal de guerra" a @HillaryClinton mientras pronuncia un discurso. https://pic.twitter.com/2VTq5nFZMo @ryo_hermoso @FELIPECALDERON
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carlocarrasco · 1 year
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(via When Superheroes, Politicians and Corporate Media Conspire Together)
Let’s be honest. Mainstream media support for a team of super-powered beings in tandem with willing government officials may look sensible and attractive to people who believe the said team is composed of good members. However, such a development is not only a coordinated form of propaganda but also a lurking danger to the people who cannot defend themselves from the abusers of absolute power. In reflection of today’s geopolitics, having superheroes conspiring with politicians and the mainstream media would be terrible for the whole world.
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skylefanfiction · 2 years
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This is such a wonderful picture of Her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II with the Clintons during their 8 years in office as the First Family of the United States. Queen Elizabeth II had a wonderful reign and relationship with the Clintons which was reflected in the statement Bill Clinton released after it was announced that she had died. #royalfamily #britishroyalfamily #ripqueenelizabeth #ripqueenelizabethii #elizabethalexandramary #elizabethalexandramarywindsor #billclinton #hilaryclinton #chelseaclinton https://www.instagram.com/p/CiX4M75uKDK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ngocngadotnet · 18 hours
🌟 Start your week with the extraordinary journeys of #BillGates, #BillClinton, and #TheBuddha! 📚✨ This Monday, immerse yourself in the fascinating world of #ZiWeiDouShu and discover the astrological insights behind these incredible lives. 🌌 Explore a #FREEebook on #PurpleStarAstrology, revealing the cosmic influences that guided Gates to technological innovation, Clinton to political leadership, and the Buddha to spiritual enlightenment. 📖🎁 Begin your week with inspiration, knowledge, and cosmic wisdom. 🌈📚 Download your copy now and gain unique perspectives on the forces that shaped their journeys. 🚀🌠 https://ngocnga.net/read-your-chinese-astrology-zi-wei-dou-shu/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ziwei
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usnewsper-politics · 2 months
Bill Clinton's Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Revealed: Shocking Flight Records and Island Footage #ABCNewscoverage #AmyRobach #AngelUreñastatement #BillClinton #ClintonsconnectionstoEpstein #Epsteinflightrecords #Epsteinscircle #Epsteinsdeath #Epsteinsislandfootage #jeffreyepstein #LolitaExpress #mediacoverageofscandals #ProjectVeritas
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phonemantra-blog · 2 months
In a dazzling display of Democratic solidarity, President Joe Biden secured a staggering $26 million for his re-election campaign with the help of influential figures like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and prominent entertainers. The star-studded event, held at Radio City Music Hall, underscored the unwavering support for Biden despite challenges in the polls. A Night of Democratic Unity Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and luminaries from the entertainment industry converged at Radio City Music Hall to rally behind President Biden's re-election bid. The event, which drew a record-setting $26 million in donations, served as a powerful testament to Democratic backing for Biden's leadership. Biden's Record-Breaking Fundraiser Celebrity Endorsements and Political Prowess The presence of iconic figures like Obama and Clinton lent unparalleled gravitas to the fundraiser. Their impassioned speeches resonated with the audience, emphasizing the importance of continuity and stability in leadership. The event also showcased the entertainment industry's support for Biden, with performances by Lizzo and appearances by Mindy Kaling and others. A Battle of Ideas Amidst the celebration, Biden aimed at his expected GOP rival, Donald Trump, criticizing the outdated nature of his ideas. Moderator Stephen Colbert added a touch of humor to the proceedings while subtly referencing Trump's legal troubles, highlighting the stark contrast between Biden's vision and Trump's tumultuous tenure. Insights from Presidential Veterans Obama and Clinton provided valuable insights into the challenges of the presidency, underscoring the loneliness and frustration inherent in the role. Their endorsement of Biden stemmed from a deep understanding of the demands of the office and a belief in his ability to lead the nation forward. A Reminder of Past Turmoil Colbert's mention of significant events like the January 6th Capitol riot served as a sobering reminder of the perils of divisive politics. Biden acknowledged the impact of the riot on both domestic and international perceptions of American democracy, emphasizing the need for unity and stability. Inclusivity and Generosity The fundraiser offered various tiers of access, catering to donors of different financial capacities. From intimate receptions to star-studded afterparties, supporters had ample opportunities to engage with the presidents and show their commitment to Biden's cause.
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meicolshyne · 3 months
This shit is different
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mkultra2030 · 7 months
@inforzk @BBC tumblr.com/redreziztencia/733986457992167424/carlosvives-st%C3%A1-en-la-lista-billclinton-d%C3%B3nde?source=share .
@CNN @JUENES @carlosvives @BillClinton @AlvaroUribeVel #cocaína #EEUU @ISRAEL @netanyahu #fentanilo #ucrania , pic.twitter.com/aGys4hiYnI
https://twitter.com/InfoWARSRZK1/status/1724493998830571691/video/1 Las vidas de #palestinos desplazados de #gaza https://twitter.com/WizardSX0/status/1724469357227479511/video/1☠️@FDI pic.twitter.com/MRwZwfqdM7🇮🇱🦎 🇬🇧 🚨🇵🇸
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cebozcom · 3 months
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Monica Lewinsky: Vom Praktikantin zum Model und Aktivistin | CeBoz.com
Monica Lewinsky, einst Praktikantin im Weißen Haus, ist jetzt Model und setzt sich für die Wahlbeteiligung ein.
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upolitics · 3 months
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President Joe Biden’s campaign for re-election has begun in earnest with the news of a mega fundraiser featuring former President Bill Clinton and former President Barack Obama.
Full Story Here: https://upolitics.com/news/bill-clinton-barack-obama-to-host-mega-fundraiser-with-joe-biden/
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thaissa1918 · 5 months
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>: And, a few hours ago, American and English aviation attacked Yemen for the second time in 24 hours. The center of gravity is spilling over from Israel to other countries in the Middle East. > Individuals around the world have been warning for years about secret tunnel systems involving prominent members of the world's elite. Now evidence is emerging linking the illegal tunnel system found under Crown Heights, Brooklyn to Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation. > Riots broke out and a dozen men were arrested at a New York synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish movement when people tried to prevent the NYPD and a team of construction workers from closing off an illegally dug tunnel system under the building.
While the media reported on elements of the story, they conveniently left out the parts that link key members of the global elite to the ritualistic child abuse going on.
(maybe play the relevant parts of the video during the intro segment? Not sure if it's worth playing them in full since everyone has seen them..?)
The mainstream media is determined to convince you that the tunnel system is completely innocent, and fact-checkers are forcing social media sites to delete viral threads that reveal the secret tunnels to millions of people.
There is only one problem for these charlatans. The people are waking up and looking for the truth. > The Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters, which features a tunnel system complete with blood-soaked mattresses, blood-covered books, and high chairs, has close ties to Jeffrey Epstein and his child procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell. >: According to the mainstream media, this is just a wild coincidence.
The media also don't want you to know that the headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch has been linked to child sexual abuse for decades.
Hirschel Pekkar, the senior member who designed Chabad's world-famous menorah, admitted in 1991 that he had done what he called "things that shouldn't be done" to a five-year-old girl. > This is probably a good time to mention that the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue is also affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, with the two organizations sharing a history of working together on so-called "projects" announced on both of their websites over the years.
Of course, the fact that the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters is connected to the Clinton Foundation, which itself is connected to convicted child abductors including Laura Silsby, who was found guilty of trafficking children from Haiti... Well, the mainstream media wants you to know that these facts are also not nothing more than a series of wild coincidences. > Note that both Epstein and Maxwell have publicly claimed that they helped start the Clinton Foundation. Do you see the dots starting to connect?
In 2024, we begin to see the truth come out. But in order to understand what is happening before our eyes, it is important to understand the secret rituals that take place behind the curtain.
Adrenochrome farms operate in the United States and traffic children who do not have birth certificates or international documents and are sold to the VIP elite for huge sums of money.
These children do not have official documents, but have a "shelf life" of 2 to 4 years, due to how often they are raped and abused, after which they are killed "with impunity" or ritually killed, depending on the wishes of their owners.
In 2016, news broke that a terrible snuff film involving Hillary Clinton was circulating on the dark web. Law enforcement officials have confirmed that the video is so sickening that they cannot bear to watch it for more than a few seconds.
That's according to Robert David Steele, a US Marine Corps veteran and former CIA operations officer who became one of the best-placed whistleblowers in history when he blew up the entire global pedophilia control system in front of a shocked commission.
It has long been claimed that Hollywood stars and entertainment celebrities must join the Illuminati in order to reach the top of the industry, but few people outside of the Illuminati's inner circle truly understand what that means.
That is slowly starting to change as celebrities who have been subjected to the Illuminati system are coming forward and releasing insider information exposing the true inner workings of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
Hollywood actor Ricky Schroder is the latest celebrity to come clean about pedophilia and occult rituals in the entertainment industry, revealing sickening details about the disturbing occult rituals he witnessed as a child star in the industry.
Ricky Schroder is not the only star lately who n > > Jill STARR: PLO LEADER FROM #CLIFTONNJ #PACC #PALESTINIANCIVICCENTER #CLIFTONNJTOWNHALL #INCESTUROUS #relationship 
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