#@ Rubbarband
cauterisen · 7 months
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@rubbarband asked👽 Look for UFOs
Kimiko has to admit that being at an observatory at night is pretty cool. She likes the open air a lot, and she also enjoys the view of the night sky. Today's a full moon, which is always beautiful and bright. The stars are a bit dimmer, but she can still see some off in the distance with her telescope. She doesn't know enough about the constellations, exactly, but she's got a handy book to help her at her feet as she looks upward and at the sky as she and her friend Des try to examine the planets and the stars above them. It did help that her dad had some connections to get them in without too much trouble, of course.
'See anything yet?' Kimiko doesn't see any extraterrestrial activity, but that doesn't mean that Des hasn't. Kimiko is a bit of a skeptic, usually, but maybe Des is a lot more of a believer than she is. It's nice to have friends that are different than you are though, and Kimiko likes being able to see the world from different views and perspectives. It makes life better, and more interesting.
'If you're not too busy with looking at the stars, do you want to eat? Have a muffin at least.' She hands Des food, some she's packed for the night ahead. UFO searching and stargazing is an all-night affair after all.
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lightning-arias · 5 months
@rubbarband liked for a starter
Elva was slowly adjusting to her new norm, being stuck in another world. Adjusting didn't lessen the pain of the change, but it did help manage her grief and angry. One of her ways of coping came from music. She hadn't realized how much her soul had been craving the making of music until after her and Des's trip to his cousin's music store.
In the days since she'd squirreled away to herself play in private, especially when Des was out of the house. Today was one such day, but instead she was practicing in the bedroom she was currently being hosted in, the door open to let the dogs freely roam in and out. Both dogs are currently quietly resting on the floor. Disco watching her, with his head on his paws, while Banjo chews merrily away on his toy. The music flows easily from the piano as Elva idly plays through songs and meshes and melds them together, unaware that she might no longer be alone in the house.
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ghostspxder · 1 year
It had been a couple months since Desmond had met Gwen and things had kicked off great between them. She had even managed to help get him someplace to stay while he was in her universe.
She knocked on his door with a grin on her face. "Hey Des, so I know that you haven't been to one of the concerts yet, so I managed to grab you a ticket for the venue." She told him as he answered the door. She figured it was the least she could do for a friend. "That is if you wanna come see us perform."
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electricea · 2 months
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@rubbarband sent - "What kinda animal are you little guy?" Des wants to pet Pika-Ryu or Ryuchu ( April Fools Day 2024 - Accepting! )
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"Pikachu!" He exclaims, waving with one of his little paws.
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hikaricharity · 2 months
@rubbarband ll [x]
This was way out of Chizue’s comfort zone.
The girl nodded as she adjusted her grip on the umbrella. From what she can recall, she’s seen this guy around. However his name remained a mystery. It wasn’t like her to approach someone first, but she has to try some time. Admittedly she was a bit curious about him.
“... Yeah,” Chizue mumbled, not making direct eye contact with him. Man, she was terrible at this. What if she says the wrong thing? What if she comes across as disinterested? What if he ends up hating her? Too many ‘what if’s floated in her mind.
“I… I can handle it.”
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walkerofclouds · 6 months
"Ororo, I need you carnally tonight." He was in heat again.
Ororo was just stepping out of the kitchen when she heard him say that. She thanks her ancestors that they are in her chateau than her roof room this time. She places down the bowl of grapes that she was about to munch on for a snack on the counter of the island. "Do I have enough time to grab some water or are we gonna fuck in the kitchen?" She asks looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
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nijimx · 2 months
@rubbarband: "You lick your hand before you do it."
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"For the sake of those who have given me one already, I hope you're joking."
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pure-patissiere · 1 month
🔄  +  🩹
Send 🩹 to patch my muse up after a fight. (Send 🔄 + 🩹 to reverse the outcome.)
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“ P-Please , don’t move so much . . . “
She knew it was uncomfortable . Disinfecting a wound and stitching it up wasn’t exactly the most pleasant experience , was all too aware of that . Even so , she didn’t want to make a mistake and risk the injury on his arm worse than it was .
“ You didn’t sustain any other wounds , did you . . . ? “
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amplifyingtrace · 3 months
@rubbarband liked for a starter
Sure felt like forever since she's been able to have some time off to head to the mall like this, it was nice to have a break from training and studying. At least the mall wasn't too crowded, not that she minded overly large crowds, just made it easier to navigate around and not worrying about accidently bumping into someone.
Leia did manage to find a few new items to decorate her dorm with, one of which is an adorable squish mallow Yamper plush about half the size of her pillow. Anther set of fairy lights to put around her tv, or maybe swap them out for the ones around her bed? It also came with a remote to change the colours if she wanted, and then some more school supplies as she wanted some more cute pens to use.
Pleased with her purchases, she decided to head to the food court next to grab a tasty treat from the ice cream shop. Debating if she should head home afterwards or check out one, or maybe two more stores before leaving. As luck would have it once she got into line there was a familiar face standing there just in front of her.
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"Oh! Hey, Desmond" Leia beamed, not expecting to see him at the mall, or in the same line as the other. "Did you just get to the mall, or have you been also wandering around for a bit too?"
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minds-interlinked · 2 days
@rubbarband asked: Outch!"- Ino Send "Slap!" to slap my muses ass.
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When Ino had her sights set on something, there wasn't anything that could stop her. And at the moment, she was eyeing her husband's ass. He wouldn't mind it if she just gave him a little playful slap there, would he? Without so much as a word, she quietly snuck up behind him and did as she intended. Gave him a playful little slap right then and there before kissing his cheek softly. "Hey Des," She greeted innocently.
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always-together · 3 days
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
What was the first muse that you’ve written?
Do you still write your first muse?
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
Thanks for all of these questions Rook!! Sorry I got to them a little late lol
Honestly most of my muses are canon muses, and the reason I pick most of them up is because I love how they’re portrayed in official material! Sometimes, like with Spamton, there’s room for headcanons and fanon, and I love that, too, but most of my muses are very well established already and I love all of them and how they’re portrayed!! Sometimes it can be a little nerve wracking wondering if I’m doing them all justice lol, especially Garnet. I hope I’ve gotten better at writing her in my 4 years of being here 👉🏻👈🏻
Speaking of Garnet, she was my first muse and I obviously do indeed still write her lol. To make a long story short a month into the lockdown I was starting to get stir crazy and needed a release for my creative energies, and an IRL friend (hi @ssatxr ) suggested roleplaying! They even helped me figure things out a little. It’s taken me a few years to actually be good at it hehe but I’ve been here since 2020 and I hope to be here for several more years! This is a genuinely fun hobby and I’ve made lots of friends with my mutuals here.
I assume this last question is just an opportunity to shout out people I love following and writing with lol, so here’s a few!
You, of course, Des is super fun and I love the world you’re building! More people should be following you and writing with you.
@hxzelwallflower !! Bravo’s lovely, Eileen is lovely, if you’re not following her already you totally should ❤️
@oddlies and all of their blogs! Ramone’s characters, both OC and canon, are all well written and developed and they themselves are a joy to talk to. Follow them at your earliest convenience
And for one last person I followed recently (cause I could be here all day otherwise lol), absolutely @starlitcircus and all of their blogs! Their muses are getting me interested in all sorts of media I never would’ve turned my eye to otherwise, and they’re super good at capturing the voices of their characters. Please follow Pierrot 😁
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mused-like-roses · 5 days
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
(I also want to add favorite video game character)
munday asks! ~ @rubbarband
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// No real order, but off the top of my head...
Fighting: Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat, Blazblue, Street Fighter, Tekken, Samurai Shodown, SoulCalibur, The King of Fighters, Bloody Roar, WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW (Yes Wrestling games count stfu), Power Stone, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Marvel vs. Capcom, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
RPGs: Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Bloodborne, Nioh, Atelier, Tales, Star Ocean, Phantasy Star, Shin Megami Tensei / Persona, Pokemon, Digimon, Dokapon Kingdom/Journey, Naruto: Path Of The Ninja, Shiren the Wanderer, Etrian Odyssey, Grandia, Mega Man Battle Network / X: Command Mission, Deus Ex, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Xenosaga, Puzzle & Dragons, FMA and the Broken Angel
Shooters: Spec Ops: The Line, Gears of War, Halo, XDefiant, Overwatch, Splatoon, Destiny, Star Wars Battlefront, DOOM, Max Payne, Half Life, Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, Tomb Raider
Everything Else!: God of War, Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno, Metal Gear Rising, Devil May Cry, Animal Crossing, MySims, Sonic, Prince of Persia, RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, Batman: Arkham, Spider-Man (Insomniac), Burnout, Sleeping Dogs, WATCH_DOGS, Puyo Puyo, Tetris, Columns, Yakuza / Like a Dragon, Dead Space, Alien: Isolation, Cuphead, Ty The Tasmanian Tiger, Goemon
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epitomees · 7 days
Desmond sneaks around snickering to himself, this is gonna be the funniest prank ever. He can't wait to see the birthday girl's face.
Somehow he'd find her when she wasn't paying attention and behind her on a desk, he'd place a Buchimaru doll and a small cake decorated to look like the panda before sneaking out. "Enjoy your special day." It says on the card.
Makoto briefly stepped outside the student council room for a moment, only to conclude a rather lengthy financial discussion pertaining to Shujin's student fundraisers. Lack of sales among each grade meant a lack of funds for the school's extracurricular clubs and sports' team necessities. It didn't make any logical sense in Makoto's mindset, which led to her current dispute allowing the school, itself, to increase their investment in the matter. Slowly but surely she made progress. Not as fast or as immediate as she liked, but patience and passion remained on her side.
The more she pushed, the more chances the school staff would succumb to her demands. It was for the betterment of the school's student body, after all.
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After politely seeing the teachers off, the brunette returned to the room and found herself a colorful display of sweet celebrations. And matching gifts to go with it! A small Buchimaru keychain plush sat next to a Buchimaru-themed cake, dressed and iced exactly like the little mascot panda. The card read a simple, sweet message but with no name to put with the birthday presentation, she felt a smidge sad. "Not many know about my birthday...except for..."
Her friends. The Thieves.
A little surprise from her leader, perhaps? Or something delicately chosen by Ann considering the blonde's sweet tooth knew no bounds? It remained a mystery, but not one needing to be solved. Makoto knew this was meant to be enjoyed. Just for her. “Well...maybe I'll leave a bit of cake behind just in case my 'mystery gifter' wants to participate in the festivities."
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electricea · 2 months
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"...Like, revenge on all the people who eat ramen?"
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hakkouname · 15 days
Continued from here.
"I suppose—?" 
Hinata smiled as he showed what he was able to do. She wasn't particularly impressed; she had seen so many different abilities by now. She remembered someone's head being chopped off and it reattaching itself with the use of water. The dead being brought back to life, teleportation, going to different dimensions—it was crazy to even think about it. However, she was most curious about how he utilized his abilities on the battlefield. “It's a unique ability, but I wonder how you use it during battle,” she responded, her head slightly tilted.
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wintereign · 28 days
⛓ RP timelines
🖼 dash events
send me a symbol & I'll tell you my opinion on - accepting!
⛓ RP timelines
Is this asking if I'm okay with rping in different time lines? If so, then I am 100% okay with that. I actually think it's a bit more realistic to jump around in different places. Because to me, it would be a bit boring if we were stuck in one specific time frame and not be able to move past that. So I'm fine with developing threads that are set in different timelines.
🖼 dash events
I do love seeing the different dash events (does this include dash games or dash commentary? idk. I'm mostly referring to those since those are the kinds of things I typically see)! However, I'm usually too shy to participate in them. I used to never be like this, I used to jump into random shenanigans happening on the dash. Now, I just kind of watch everything from afar and have a good time reading everything that's happening. At least, from what I can see on my dash.
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