#<i think this is the new tag for one-sided radiostatic
squeezetheduck · 2 months
Ok just hear me out, Vox singing this to Alastor before he disappeared for 7 years.
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onesidedradiostatic · 13 days
I remember wanting to tell you about this cool word that I thought would be another cool name for a one-sided RadioStatic, but I ended up arguing with people about colors.
HEEEELP LMAOOOO I don't think we really need to coin another one cause radiostatic has 5000 names as it is and it's really really hard to get everyone to start using it
#radiosilence without the space is already so commonly used it's impossible to stop it so the least I could do is stop people from mistagging #radio silence with the space
#onewaybroadcast is decently used now but still not as common as #radiosilence, I can't imagine the hell it'd be to try to get everyone to use a brand new tag
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
Not one-sided radiostatic, i just wanna tell you that i read osrs as Osiris. Fun new nickname
LMAOOO this was actually one of the first things I thought of when I first made my tag an acronym. I was thinking if I should just go by some variation of it but idk if I was really satisfied with anything (osiris IS kinda cool though... just don't know if it entirely fits me). I think most people probably just see me as tumblr user @onesidedradiostatic
for the record though, I go by Pink on main (been like my main online handle for like 8 years), never had that stated before because I wanted to keep this separate from my main but I'm kinda easing on it, also there's another radiostatic blog who is NOT me who also goes by Pink so I thought it may be confusing ksdkflhlflf, only alt names I go by are variations of it like Pinkles (rhymes with sprinkles) or Pinky
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