#<-- for blacklist if you like
cemeterything · 6 months
obviously people steal things from other people it's one of the oldest tricks in the book but it still always surprises me to learn that people plagiarise because my introduction to the concept was basically being told that if i ever plagiarised anything i would be executed by firing squad and my head would be removed and displayed on a spike outside the walls of the hallowed academic institution i was attending as a warning to others
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essektheylyss · 1 year
It is WILD to me how many people just loudly broadcast their intention to scab, as if that isn't the fastest way to brand yourself as someone who will throw anyone else to the wolves in an industry that runs on collaboration, so every writer say it with me
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sbeep · 9 months
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[Baldur's Gate 3 spoilers]
My Dark Urge playthrough has been with Sam, paladin of vengeance, and it's turned into one of the best RPG experiences I've had in a very long time.
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elkian · 10 days
So I never really questioned Kabru and Mithrun's dynamic given what's coming up, but that episode really emphasized some stuff to me. We know already that long-lived races, particularly elves, have a tendency to dismiss the other groups as being childlike. But the sheer infantilization that everyone, and specifically Kabru, have to deal with in that episode really hammers it home.
When Kabru mentions his adoption, pretty much all of the Canaries start immediately treating him like a toddler. And we know from flashbacks in the manga that he received pretty much the same treatment from his adopter - I wouldn't say he was quite treated like a favored pet, but it's much closer to that than any kind of healthy relationship dynamic.
So when Mithrun stands up, gets in his face, looks him eye-to-eye and says: "You're plotting something. I'm going to find out what.", that? That is the first time in this scene - maybe in his life - that an elf takes Kabru seriously. Mithrun has his own thing going on, but regardless of his reasoning, he addresses Kabru as a person and an adult. As someone with complex motivations who could potentially trip him up. I don't doubt Kabru has in the past used that infantilization to his advantage, but it's blatantly obvious that he doesn't enjoy it. Who would? So Mithrun starting their relationship by treating Kabru as a peer explains a lot about their dynamic down the line, in my opinion.
Kabru doesn't have to prove his humanity, his personhood, his adulthood to this man, one of a group infamous for how they treat younger species. It must feel like one hell of a paradigm shift.
EDIT: I've seen it pointed out on this post and others that Kabru also shows Mithrun understanding and decency and sees him in a way that others haven't been and I think that's a very important parallel and good point.
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corviiids · 11 days
(persona 5 / persona 5 royal spoilers below)
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a random assortment of tweets that show up when i search "from:corviiid akechi"
bonus self awareness
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u3pxx · 4 months
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old doodle, dialogue from the game but i added some stuff in the end just for harriet and kim wheezes
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aceofintuition · 1 month
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man who cracks open phones like oysters
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
if you'll forgive the rare mention of shipping from me. okay. so my brain LOVES generating weird, slightly fucked-up aus. and so. okay. sometimes i think about the joke that jimmy is the oblivious protagonist to a harem anime or a dating game in most of his smps. which is obviously a fandom joke more than anything else but like, he DOES have a bunch of these ships. and then i ALSO think about the sometimes-valid, sometimes-invalid way people complain about shipping warping his and other people's characters. (for the record that's just how fandom works shipping or not shipping i take a neutral stance on this, it's just important for the au idea.)
so my brain came up with: the jimmy dating sim au. in which jimmy suddenly wakes up and his life is a dating sim. and at first he's... very very jimmy about it. he preens. he LOVES the fact the world suddenly seems to revolve around him. it's GREAT. he can see dialogue options and he still somehow sounds like an idiot when he talks to people but that's fine because he still chooses the BEST OPTIONS. he's doing GREAT. this is the BEST THING THAT'S EVER--
although. hm. it's... a little weird the world is revolving around him? grian and joel aren't being mean enough actually, which seems like a silly thing to complain about, but like, look, he likes it when people are mean. and tango is silly and sweet but he's--he's not normally that focused on jimmy. he's a project guy. and scott is--look, it's weird he's not flirting with anyone else, right? like, that's weird? and, and okay, he's... not sure how to name what's going on with fwhip but there's not enough animosity, and whatever martyn is doing is like, look, jimmy's used to being shot down more on this one, and--
and once jimmy starts seeing it he can't stop seeing it. the world's warped around him. he's the main character in a dating game. every time he picks an option that makes one of his friends (his friends!) like him more, it's like another little piece of their personality is chipped off of them. and as much as he loves being the center of attention, he misses being mocked. he misses people paying attention to other things. he misses the bits that are being sanded off. he doesn't want to be the one to break his friends. he misses the relationships they had, sharp edges and all, because goddammit, he likes that kind of relationship.
but he doesn't know how to stop it.
he doesn't know how long he can go down someone's route before the changes get irreversible.
and so jimmy sets out on a journey to figure out how to break the dating simulator he seems to have gotten stuck in and get his friends back to normal. before it's too late.
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lunar-years · 1 year
Ed Sheeran: here is my latest album in which I write about losing my best friend young, learning my wife has cancer while she’s pregnant with our second child, and being actively suicidal. I’ll be releasing it right after I wrap up this court case where I’m having to defend my integrity as a songwriter and artist and everything I’ve built my life and career on. also I had to miss my grandmother’s funeral back home so I could be present at the mandatory court proceedings.
Twitter.com all week: haha I hope Ed Sheeran loses in court so he’ll stop releasing bad music and give retail workers peace! What album is he releasing next, “Quadratic Equation”? Hahaha! Such an original joke no one has ever heard before :) I’m soooo funny!! :)
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
Idk call me a fucking bitch or something but sometimes I get really sick of having watched something with a lot of depth, creativity, or some real sense of artistic exploration, and then wanting to share something about it on here, going to the tags to maybe find some gif sets or something and having to wade through the most reductive fanfic brained shit about it. Like maybe I dont want to see au's, self inserts, or god awful mischaracterizations somebody pulled out their ass about tragic figures or raconteurs in fiction or media. Maybe I would just like to appreciate and bask in what the story is giving me, maybe I'd like to entertain or a have a mature in depth discussion on what themes it may have for me and what other avenues of discussion it might prompt, what it may have spoken to me in terms of my experiences as someone with intersecting identities if it did and if it applied, all without reducing the goddamn story to shipping and shit.
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logicpng · 27 days
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so hanging out on cohost from time to time i ended up getting propaganda'd into playing corru.observer
so. if you haven't. you should play corru.observer. i'm just studying the characters mostly while i'm processing the whole experience
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royalarchivist · 2 months
Artea: "Would I play Ramon again?" ...Technically, yes. I would- I would play- I would- I would play Ramon again. It... considering I don't know how the future of the server will be, I can't really tell you guys yet whether or not I will return as Ramon. [To themself] Is the music working? [Talking to chat again] I don't know yet whether or not I would return as Ramon, especially considering I'm going away for 3 months. So, you know.
Artea: And taking over Ramon's charac- chat. That's going to be something you will really- you will hate to hear about. Probably. I think you will hate to hear about it.
Artea: I hated playing Ramon at the beginning, because I was scared of accidentally killing someone's Egg. I was also scared of, you know... it was just me being paranoid a lot, and because it was- it wasn't technically my Egg at the time, it just felt scary. [Laughs]
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saphushia · 1 year
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(reference) (ethubs co-op pissing one)
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u3pxx · 6 months
i adore your fem harry. i do have one question. she do got a beer gut right
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of course, why would i take that away from her!!!!!! (and hehe thank you im so glad u do <3)
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jimmyspades · 4 months
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1989 | 1996 | 2017
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noscorpsaladerive · 21 days
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Godzilla Minus One dir. Takashi Yamazaki, 2023
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