#<- because yeah tbh me being aro-flux has SOME part in this
neptunian-ghost · 2 months
Mleeeh. Hate valentine's day.
For a lot of reasons, it just makes me feel gross to think about, now. I don't know what to do or how to feel about it, other than squicked out (and a little anxious, to be honest).
Just bleh all around; why couldn't it be discount chocolate day instead or something? Fuck knows there's probably plenty of Christmas candy that's still good and can get sold cheaply— just do that!
And another thing, why the insistence on love between ROMANTIC couples all the time? What about platonic ones, or polycules? Hell, what about just loving your family— whether biological or found?
Overall it's just ridiculous, to me. Just give me the cheesy heart-shaped chocolate and leave me be in peace, please. (lighthearted)
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