#<- applies to elliot just as much as the rest of them Tbh
coffeetoffeeart · 4 months
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UNDERSCORE BELOVED FAMILY PHOTO!! (the baby tubbo's holding is a fankid dw about him. his name is elliot ask me about him)
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awaylaughing · 5 years
Aaand More Changeling
This is...one 1/4 review and 3/4 impressions and opinions. It’s more non-spoilers but I do get into as much detail as I can so watch out JUST IN CASE. There is a link to a spoiler-y critique though, so don’t click that if you don’t want to see it. Also this is like, 3K long. So it’s loooong and if you are on mobile I am so sorry.
@steamberrystudio tagging you guys since you sorta asked, but like I said it’s long as heck so don’t feel pressured to respond to it any time soon.
MAN I love this game! It has a few flaws here and there (I swear in one route Spencer claims his left eye was blinded but I have...no memory which route that was...either Marc, Danny or Elliot??) but over all it’s well written with amazing sprites (ELLIOT IS SO CUTE AND I WILL KEEP SAYING THAT GUYS) and backgrounds. The CGs have been picked on a bit but I think really they have varying quality. I’m not super CG focused so I didn't hugely take notice tbh.
Onto characers/routes
Nora is terrific. She's a fully fleshed out character with a coherent personality that remains true across all routes. Some routes, due to the circumstances, emphasize certain traits more than others but at no point does Nora just...became a different person to fit with the LI.
I will say though, just because she was coherent and well written does not mean she’s never frustrating. She is, after all, a teenager under stress. There's one route in particular where I wanted to smack her upside the head but that's just because one of Nora's key traits is non-complimentary to one of mine. I think it's probably a good sign of writing that I like her anyhow - and feel so strongly about it. She has flaws, she has strengths, and the two are not as clearly delineated as all that - what works in one scenario or route might be a poor coping mechanism for the next, etc.
I never tired of her, anyhow and I always rooted for her. She won’t be to everyone’s taste, but she is a solidly written character I forgive a lot of flaws when that’s the case. And I did actually like her over all.
Though I will say, I feel bad she never eats the breakfast her mom makes. #easilyguilted
Anyhow what more can I say...Nora's plot line is the key plot line here (I call it a sub-plot a few times but it's really a co-plot) and is handled more or less similarly in each route. How you get the answers to your questions varies, and the trouble you get in varies, but the outcome in the good endings is roughly all equal. This was a little unsatisfactory in one route (detailed below) because of what I consider "integration" issues with it's co-plots.
Also Nora's boy-phobia in every route is hysterical after you've played enough of them.
On to LIs – I'm doing these in the order I played them, so the reviews may reference one another a bit for comparison because I'm lazy and self-referential writing is easy.
Okay so full disclosure – I always love anything Fae and I always like the Tall One(TM) so I am hugely biased in favour of Ewan. That said, his route is superb, with a huge focus on exploring Nora's life in a way that interacts with Ewan's. His story really unfolds in relation to how you interact with him - and not just in the obvious way but because, unlike some the plot in his story is very personal and very much reflects Nora’s progress.
The route really deep dives into what's going on with Nora - not just near the end but from the very start. It has a lot of Ally in it (more than Corvin's route, I felt) and plenty of Spencer. In general I'd say family is a strong theme through this whole route - not just yours. If that's the sort of story line you appreciate - I strongly recommend Ewan.
As a character Ewan sort of looks the part of the bad boy but doesn't really fall into any of the true stereotypical behaviour. What he does follow is really very reasonably applied and has ties to his actual personality. He has great banter with Nora and a solid personal arc that he is polite enough to explicitly spell out for you about half way/three quarters through.
Also in other routes he consistently overcomes his Ewan-ness in the name of sandwiches which is, frankly, adorable.
Since this story really gets into the nitty gritty of Nora's personal plot, it could feel slightly "spoilery" for the over all mystery. On the other hand, I found it really let me focus on the LI-related plots, since I wasn't trying to split my focus since I knew what was going on with Nora.
Lastly – this route has a key supporting character who I adore. Honestly he might be my favourite supporting characters just for being so damn cute (well, second, I love Ally dearly). This felt like a pretty “social” route, with lots of the other LIs popping in, a good amount of your parents and lots and lots of Spencer.
Over all, this is a very strong route and my personal favourite.
Corvin's route is a lot more traditional than Ewan's. The content is definitely closer to a 50/50 split and the LI plot and Nora's plot don't really integrate the same way – but they do interact. Corvin's personal plot also ties into Nora in a way that really explores the world and a side-character you see in several routes. Like Ewan’s it’s a slightly more personal plot than some of the other routes, in that it really deals with Corvin’s own outlook and beliefs.
I did find Nora a tiny bit frustrating in this route - but really only because I'd done Ewan's first. So another thing to consider when choosing who to do first (if you haven't decided, if you were excited for someone before reading this do them first!!)
Corvin as a character is wonderful – he has an appreciation for Nora that's really very sweet and his interactions with the rest of the cast are generally either hilarious or sweet. Like Ewan, he's not shallow and actually has a very interesting personal plot that dives deep into a totally non-Faerie aspect of the paranormal.
Corvin’s route is a bit insular in the same way Ewan’s was, but with different people in play. This is not a bad thing – each plot line uses the characters it needs to get the story to work. No one feels “left out”, I’m just making note of things really (I DO have critiques they are just not right here). Lots of Ally still, and a decent amount of Spencer for people invested in their platonic relationships too.
Special note on the (best) ending here – I liked it a lot (a lot) because it really dived into some interesting aspects of the setting which sort of tips me as liking this route more just in general though Corvin’s over all sort of tied for 2nd for me. While not my favourite route, I consider it equal in strength to Danny, Marc and William’s routes (maybe Ewan’s? I’m biased okay).
This route is a lot of fun – it's the first one I did where I felt like I was dealing with actual antagonists. There is certainly conflict in the other routes and even interpersonal conflict but it’s a very different flavour than what you get in Danny’s route.
And also, Nora is so thirsty in this one (but she cannot be blamed...Danny is fiiine)
Danny is not complicated – again not shallow and totally has depth – but he is genuinely as nice as he seems when you first meet him. Like seriously – I was grinning like a deranged loon for a good chunk of their interactions because they're so damn sweet. You also get a slightly different “take” on Nora’s personal plot in this – since it’s all the same plot the revelations don’t change but the outlook of people involved do inform their opinions on everything. This is one of the key examples of the really solid writing you find in Changeling actually.
As for side characters - there are a few unique to Danny's route. I liked them - at the very least as plot intensifier if not because I actually would want to hang out with them. You also get more Vilos (swoon) in Danny's route than you do Ewan or Corvin's. That said, the route specific characters are great and I want so badly to wrap some of them in blankets and feed them lycanthrope-friendly foods.
Plus Nora gets to party with everyone in this one* and it’s fun**
Danny’s route is a lot of fun and I liked it’s conflict quite a bit.
*wherein party is used colloquially to refer to any event, not an actual party
**wherein fun is not an objective term
Okay Elliot let's see...well first off I love Elliot so much. His route has what might be my hands down favourite scene in all the routes. I have a save right before it to go re-live it again. Frankly, Elliot’s just adorable and several times had me cackling with amusement. He definitely has a very touchy route, so good for those of you who like hugs*
That said this is probably the route I'm most torn over story line wise, going so far as to say it’s my least favourite route, despite having one of my favourite love interests. Elliot and Nora's interpersonal plot is great, and Elliot's plot is pretty strong but I feel like the integration of Nora's plot with Elliot's is the weakest. I think the issue is the one I alluded to at the start – there are three fairly major plots in this route and not enough time to settle them all properly. Indeed, the Nora-Spencer plot line in this one frankly feels like it needed way more work on it and the way it’s handled while understandable, isn’t really what I think it needed.
Nora also in this one bugged me a little – but it wasn't so much that Nora was hugely different as this route really brought out the personality trait (shown in other routes) that I least enjoy in her (as in, it's one that bothers me for IRL people too, not in that it's poorly written).
There's not much to say on side characters - this route has lots of Marc in it which I really enjoyed, not getting a lot of him in the other routes but not a tonne of anyone else. In fact, the cast is pretty much the Lewises, the Vampire LIs and [Brenna - who is fantastic] for a good chunk. There is a reason for this in story, and in the end you do see mostly everyone for the last chapter or two.
I might recommend doing Elliot first, because I think maybe I was a little frustrated more by having other endings to compare it to. Over all I would say I think this is the weakest route, almost entirely on the merits of its ending rather than the strength of individual plots or characters. My spoiler-y critique can be found here.
*Not actual hugs but this game doesn't include any sexual elements and I'm trying to be both informative and incredibly vague
I did not expect to like Marc as much as I do. I don't tend to gravitate toward the standoffish LIs but Marc is a swell guy. He has his reasons, but also he's hugely more than just standoffish with very clear desires in what he wants for you.
You get lots of Cryptic politics in this route so I looooved that and it meshes pretty well with Nora's plot because it does not require the same level of focus-switching as in some of the other routes, with “lower” stakes or ones that are at least very personal to the characters.
The side characters are good – I felt so bad for one of them in this just...honestly terrible. And also, I wanted to light them on fire. Yeah for duality~ William pops up more in this route too! He's a sweetie. And he has a great scene with you in chapter. There's a goodly amount of Ally, and lots of Spencer. So much!
Speaking of Marc strongly dislikes Spencer and I while feel bad for Spencer – and Marc definitely is projecting some personal issues here but – it's nice to have someone completely in Nora's corner (also, it's hilarious after a point, at least if you have a slightly evil sense of humour). So if you want to feel vindicated about Stuff, I suggest watching Marc snark on your brother.
Marc is another strong route with a good conflict that blends the personal and the issues of the wider Cryptic community well.
William is, as stated elsewhere, a cutie. And what a sad cutie he is! My instinct, tbh, is not to want to kiss him it's to teleport to Pine Hollow and adopt him and shower him with platonic affection while somehow not enraging his groupies.
Nora is...obtuse in this route – I know she's overwhelmed but she takes a bit to clue into something hugely obvious. I chalk this up to her gut instinct to normalize things as best she can, but it does grate a little bit (in other routes I've been hesitant to note it because I'm fairly certain a large part of it is my familiarity with her plot line, rather than things being obvious)...but she blames poor helpful wee friend in this and D':
Anyhow – though this isn’t my favourite route I do want to highlight one part of it. I mentioned in Elliot’s route there are balance issues. Well William’s route is a display of excellent writing that invokes that and makes the fact there’s so much to cover and so little time part of the plot and problem. It’s also got excellent pacing – like Ewan’s route I spent a lot of this on edge because I knew something was coming and was just waiting for the shoe to drop. When it did it was a very “oh shit!” moment.
This has a pretty good number of supporting characters. You meet Guess, who is mentioned in Elliot’s route but I don’t think any others, who is a very interesting character.
William’s route I think utilizes the conflicts inherent to the characters super well, and has a really fascinating divergence based on your choices.
Non-route stuff
Not a route, but she's a constant I need to say that I love her. She's clearly an excellent friend and her relationship with Nora is strong in every route – though as I mentioned slightly more or less present depending on which route. She's never ever erased from the story line though - so don't fret about an LI replacing her just because she gets less screen time in certain routes. In those cases, it really has to do with the scope of the subplots in play rather than a hierarchy of importance of relationships and Nora never “switches” focus because she found a “more important” relationship (quotations bc I think that concept is bullshit).
Spoiler Character
There's a character who's just...a walking spoiler so I can't speak to them other then I really like them a lot. They're role varies per route but I find them very interesting in each and the routes come together to form their personality. I actually like them a lot, despite their role in everything and wish we could have seen more of them. This character really shines in a few routes – William’s and Corvin’s I’d say.
Best awful little brother ever, would constantly attempt reconciliation with again.
But seriously, I quite like Spencer and his involvement varies - there's tonnes of him in Ewan's route, the relationship is a bit more tense in Danny's route, but in general the same story beats are hit if you're trying to repair your relationship. Because I am a huuuuge sap I have not done anything but that, so IDK what it's like if you engage in mutually assured destruction tactics.
I will say Spencer varies a lot per route - so it could be you get a route where he's less likeable depending on where you start. I wanted to drop kick him in one of the routes, but he was plenty likeable despite being a jerk in mooost of the others (people with contentious sibling histories might find some of it difficult? I don't have any expertise in that so I can’t say sorry).
The Brownie
Cutie. Such a cutie. Again you see more of them (I am not up on my brownie sexual dimorphism nor their place in the gender binary) in Ewan's route (since it's the Fae route) and I love them dearly and feel weirdly protective of them. Also Nora calls them ugly and Nora is wrong. See first word: c-u-t-i-e.
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missyhopps · 7 years
1, 5, 9, 13, 10
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1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
Honestly, Melissa. She is so chill and has her shit together probably more than the rest of them and I feel like i don’t always give her the attention she deserves. 
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
Oh man this one is kinda tough but I’d have to go with Ella since she is so uptight and it frustrates the hell out if me lmao!! 
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Oh boy be prepared for one hella long answer (Under a read more for Reasons): 
Melissa: I really wanted to play Judy Hopps in an rp and I knew I had to use Daisy Ridley cause she just fit so well to me and I absolutely love her!! I didn’t really find any rps that I felt fit for me but then I stumbled across this one and I figured i’d give playing her daughter a shot instead. Honestly, it was the best decision I have ever made!! 
Blane: SO Captain Hook is like my favorite disney villain and I just love pirates so much I really wanted to play one!! As you guys know I am Star Wars trash and the idea of using Adam Driver (who’s my bae) as an FC popped into my head and  I couldn’t resist. I really love blane though because he is a huge grump but secretly underneath he has a heart of gold and If you couldn’t tell by now that is like my FAVORITE Trope!! 
Elliot: I really wanted a character from Frozen and I absolutely love Anna’s personality. She’s so loving yet feisty and I really wanted to transfer some of her personality into one of her kids. THUS Elliot came about!! He was actually originally meant to be a total smol but then the thing with Finn went down and he just kinda turned into an impulsive, fiery, goofball lmao!!
Aria: At the time when I brought Aria in, all the Olympus kids were really tough and just badass and then I got the idea of making an optimistic child from Olympus who was like the baby of the group and needed protecting and I knew I had to apply for her!! Also I really wanted a girl character since Melissa was my only one at the time. 
Simon:  I’ve always thought that Princess and the frog is grossly underrated and I just love that movie so much!! When I got the idea of playing Simon I couldn’t resist. He is just so shy and awkward yet loving and just ahhhhh he’s my little baby!! 
Violet: Okay so I had been wanting to Play the daughter of Victor and Victoria for a little while but I didn’t really act upon it until Whale had said that she wanted to bring in Emmy. Then I was like Okay I have to do it now lol!!  Honestly I love that she’s so gentle and vulnerable Even though I can be pretty awful to her for that very same reason. (Sorry Violet) 
Chloe: I had been wanting to play a really crazy party animal type of character but I had zero idea of where to put her. Then I saw that The fairy godmother slot was open and I just fell in love with the whole rebellious, out of control, youngest daughter aspect!! The rest just kinda fell into place after that!! I honestly have no idea how the whole batman thing started though but it’s became one of the staples of her personality!! XD 
Zelda: I really wanted to use KIm Taeyeon Cause she is bae!! I was tied between making her the daughter of Lucifer or Zero and I ultimately went with Zero because he’s like my fave and I lowkey wanted Halloweentown kid!! I think what I love the most about her is how clueless and excitable she is yet, she’s still endearing at the same time!!
  Ruby: I just really wanted a bitchy stuck up kinda character and I knew I wanted a daughter of the queen of hearts so then came Ruby!! I then started thinking of really dark headcanons for her and she kinda transformed from being this stuck up brat to being a lot more vulnerable and I honestly like it much better that way!!
Rooney: Before Rooney I used Alex turner for this really chill, flirty son of Jetsem but my muse for him just plummeted. I really wanted to use Alex Turner still though cause he’s a total babe! When Lucy wanted a sibling for Stevie I was totally sold!! I love that he is like a stereotypical bad boy type who is a total fuck boy (even though he isn’t really so much anymore) with an abusive father and Idk  I just really love him!! 
Warren: I’m going to be completely honest the idea for Playing Warren actucally came when I heard Grim Grinning Ghosts on a halloween playlist lmao XD!! I actually went to Disneyworld last summer and I rode Haunted Mansion like four times while I was there and it just made me think about how amazing it is!! Then I started coming up with headcanons and a backstory for one of the hitchhiking ghosts and I become obsessed with wanting to play him!! I am so glad I did though cause despite the little shit he is I love warren!! He is really different then most of my other characters and I really love playing this smug asshole!!
Cecily: Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie of all time and I really wanted to play a princess character so badly so when the slot for Beast and Belle’s kid opened up I knew I had to play her!! The first time I played Cecily she was just all up in everyone’s business and Idk I didn’t really like that a whole lot. Then my muse for her just disappeared and I dropped her which I regretted. Luckily I picked her back up again and she turned out being a lot more gentler and sweet the second time around which I like a whole lot more!!
Ginger: I love Suzy so much and I really wanted to use her but I had no idea where. Then idea of making her a sugar rush kid came to me and I really liked it!!  Rancis is a little shit but I love him and the idea of him being this affectionate dad was one i fell in love with!!  Ginger was supposed to be a lot brattier then she is now but she ended up being this total sweetheart and i don’t know how that happened lol!!
Elise: Originally Primrose was my sweet flower obsessed blonde princess but I lost my muse for her and I just really missed the idea of having a sweet nature loving princess. Rapunzel is like one of  my favorite princesses and I just love her so much (Clearly, like I use her for my mascot and everything lol) So I got the idea of playing her and Flynn’s daughter and it was a total no brainer!! 
Archer: I honestly have no idea how I got the idea to make a son of Sitron cause he is such a small and obscure character but I did. I know I wanted a skittish smol from the isle who was an easy target. Park jinyoung is such a cutie and he seemed to really fit the bill and so Archer came to be!!
Bridget: TBH I HAD THE IDEA FOR BRIDGET FOREVER!!  Since last november I’m pretty sure.  The idea of an energetic sweetheart who had dyslexia and was actucally really insecure was one that wouldn’t leave me alone. Eventually I gave in  and the rest is History!!
Ella: Like Bridget Ella was one I had wanted for some time but just never had the strong enough muse to apply for. I also couldn’t for the life of me decide on a Fc for her. I thought of using Crystal Reed but then I ended up using her for Cecily. Then Rouge one came along and me being the trash I am, inspiration struck. Ella turned out to be a lot more of a pain then I had ever imagined she would be though lol!!
Olivia: Boo is adorable and I wanted to play a character who was just very childlike like that so I figured I’d play her daughter!! Plus Lee  Sung Kyung is just gorgeous!! 
Addie: My inspiration for Addie actucally came about when I was looking for Faceclaims to suggest on the Fc help blog. I stumbled Upon Ashley Moore and I thought Wow she could totally be the daughter of Coraline and Wybie. From there, I started thinking of a personality for her and headcanons and it just spiraled out of control  lmao!!
I got 13 in another ask actucally and If I put it on this one it will end up becoming a novel lol!!
10.which muse is the most fun to write for?
I think i’d have to say Warren cause he’s just such a little shit and an unapologetic asshole. He’s also pretty different from the rest of them and I love the whole aspect of him being a ghost it makes writing for him a lot of fun!! 
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cybervigilant · 5 years
this is a fairly selective elliot alderson from the mr. robot tv series. as a disclaimer i am not affiliated with the show or rami malek.
i am oc, multi-muse, crossover and even doubles of my muse friendly (as in writing elliot and mr. robot together mostly).
common sense rules apply such as no god-modding, forced ships, ooc drama.
writers must be 18 and up to roleplay.
mun does not equal muse. mun totally supports elliot in a lot of things he does but doesn't agree with others. this is just rp and his actions and beliefs don't necessarily reflect my own.
 i will look at every blog that follows me to check out if i think we’d be compatible as partners. if i follow back it means i want to write. if i didn’t, don’t fret, you can still send me a meme to try to test the waters out but don’t feel bad if i choose not to interact, it’s nothing personal. please don’t follow me if you’re a brand new blog with zero writing visible as i will not bother to properly check your blog out until i can see how you write. same goes for older blogs, don’t follow if you don’t have writing up on the first couple pages, i shouldn’t have to scroll for days to see how you write. i generally only unfollow if someone turns out to be a dick or they continue to brush off or ignore my attempts to interact. i am not in a huge rush to interact with everyone at all times but if it becomes clear i am just here to be a number i might move on.
PLEASE CUT POSTS i won’t be harsh about this but there is no reason not to. you can do it on both desktop and mobile without xkit or anything really easy. at some point i will unfollow if this becomes too much of a problem.
SELECTIVITY i am mutually exclusive for plotted threads, open starters and starter calls. anyone may send asks. this includes memes unless i have it tagged as mutuals only for certain ones. this gives me the freedom to write with who i am comfortable with for certain things and yet still keep myself open for non-mutuals to interact with. i will say right now though, just sending me an ask along the lines of ‘wanna rp?’ will probably get ignored as it makes me uncomfortable. if we are mutuals just come to im and plot or send a meme. if non-mutual just send a meme but know i may or may not reply to it.
PLEASE DON’T REBLOG ASKS TO CONTINUE A THREAD you are welcome to continue anything into a thread if you want but please do it as a new post. when people don’t do this i know they haven’t read my rules sadly.
THEMES nsfw/dark themes will be present on this blog and i will tag and place things under a cut as i deem fit. mental illness, drug use and child abuse are part of elliot's past and present, i can't tag everything but i will do my best when it's explicit. only trigger i would ask you keep awareness of for me is suicidal mentions of any kind, with the extension of self harm. please give me a warning in im before including it in anything for me and tag it. i am fine writing the theme but i need a headsup.
hell yeah! i am game for either messing with canon timelines or throwing crossover muses together.
relationships of any kind do not come easy to elliot. he is a loner with extreme social anxiety but that doesn't mean he doesn't want relationships. he just has a really hard time forming and maintaining them. truth be told he isn't like dying to get into a relationship but he does think about 'being normal' and living in that bubble with someone. he doesn't tend to initiate any relationship, let alone a romantic or sexual one. He needs a little push,
i won’t ask for a password nor will i send them in. i read all rules before following anyone so there is my guarantee to you.
DISCLAIMER: mental illness is a serious topic and not one to be taken lightly. while it has contributed to a lot of sadness for elliot it won't be exploited for pure angst 24/7. it's just a part of him and not just a plot device however it will be heavily throughout this blog so be prepared.
elliot alderson has a lot going on in his head. canonically he has dissociative identity disorder, clinical depression and social anxiety and (while not flat out stated in the show nor generally diagnosed for my elliot) schizophrenia and asd (autism spectrum disorder--a developmental disorder not a mental illness but still putting it here). the last two aren't exactly a headcanon for just me as there are plenty of discussions by fans but as someone on the spectrum herself and a pysch student, i certainly saw asd all over elliot throughout the show. so, asd is the only one i have personal experience with myself while the rest will be based on research. (well i certainly have some experience with depression and social anxiety but not to the same extent). both schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder are very stigmatized in the media and i aim to do a lot better job and be a hell of a lot more respectful. tbh media's asd portrayals have sucked too so...uh. don't even get me started on that. please do not come on my blog if you have a habit of romanticizing mental illness. this goes the same for ableism /: obviously. please refrain from using the r-slur around me.
also, if the way i write elliot's thoughts ever confuse you, don't hesitate to ask me to clarify. he will talk to himself in his head, talk to 'friend' in his head. talk to mr. robot both in his head and outloud at times. only dialogue in quotations will be heard aloud and able to be heard by your muse.
0 notes
oniontheterrible · 6 years
Sorry, Netflix.
Alex Strangelove is trash.
“Spoilers” under the cut....? Not that you should care; don’t watch this.
This movie is just bad.
Why do these “Teen LGBT movies” feel the need to give the main lead such AWFUL friends? I’m not talking regular awful. A friend who PULLS OUT HIS DICK IN PUBLIC when you suggest you *may* be Bisexual to “Prove” to you that you are not? Oh, I’m sorry, not wanting to look at your best friends dick (in puBLIC!!!1) means you can’t be attracted to men at all. Got it. Your dick is just that magic, I guess
Same friend: “Do you listen to Panic at the Disco at night while jerking off to pictures of Vampires? No? THEN YOU ARE NOT BISEXUAL!!!”
Same friend: hurling insults at the school’s token “Gender Queer” (played for laughs) person and exclaiming loudly about how “no one is straight anymore” and how “people are transitioning into god knows what”.
It’s just a bad movie.
It’s one of those MANY, many “Teen LGBT” movies where the entire thing is about “Finding Yourself Cliches”. He has the perfect girlfriend who is both super quirky and adorable and perfect but also smart and hot and basically perfect - bUT WhY WonT hE HAvE sEX wiTh hER??? - and meets basically the EXACT SAME PERSON but with a penis and now EVERYTHING CHANGES! Up is down, left is right, etc. etc.
.....but surprise! Main Lead and Same Sex Love Interest only have like 2.5 scenes together (where quirky “Totally Not Just Your Current Girlfriend But A Male Version” do quirky things together and flirt - He introduced him to the B-52s! How QUIRKY AND HIPSTER!!!!) before the SSLI is G O N E until the last scene of the entire movie. Cause he is just a device, not a person.
The rest of the movie is just BAD TEEN ANGST as the lead tries to stick his dick in as much vagina as possible to get rid of gay thoughts, ruins his relationships with his ~beard~ (er, girlfriend), best friends and family by holding all those emotions inside and lashing out. DRAMA!!!!!
It ends in a terrible prom scene. That alone is bad enough.
The “Drama Club Kids” are weird, flamboyant stereotypes.
The main lead’s hair is weird.
Everyone is just awful.
This script has been sitting in a drawer for a good 10~25 years. It seems to take place in 2018, but apart from some weird lines about how everyone is all “fluid and questioning” it is VERY dated. It’s one of those movies that is clearly written by someone in their 40s who has a lot of anger about High School and wants to mock children for it.
Of the parents we see, Girlfriend has “Mom Dying of...Cancer? Questionmark? Did I skip over that part?” and Main Lead has “Stern Dad Who Thinks He Should Apply To More Places Than Just....Yale? Something Pretentious?” and “50s Housewife Mom With Two Lines”.
Main Lead is clearly into his girlfriend at the start of the movie - his fucking name is “Truelove” and when he meet cutes her (she is drawing an octopus and he likes them, too...or something) all these insane heart effects show up on screen. We get no sense of him not liking her apart from the fact he is scared to have sex - and even that seems to be explained by the fact she has had multiple boyfriends and he is a virgin and is scared.
When he meets this quirky boy, he is obviously into the boy, too. So he thinks....”maybe I am bisexual?” ....and I’m thinking, yea, probably, that is like, a thing that people are - not just vampire loving Panic at the Disco fans.
But then he falls into a pool while high off licking a toad and remembers being called a fag as a kid and then now he’s actually just full 100% gay. Confession: I skipped a LOT of that scene so it might have not been that, I could not handle this part.
They downplay the existence of bisexuality SO HARD and openly mock it multiple times, but they make this lead out to be VERY BISEXUAL! He loves this girl, but oh wait this guy comes along and maybe he wants to make out with him, too? Not that he loves that guy, cause they spend NO TIME TOGETHER.
I’m actually paused at the end of this movie because I can’t watch the last fucking bit of the movie it is so bad.
This is just a bad Love, Simon. And I didn’t even think Love, Simon was all that good. But man..........it at least is cute and genuine.
They end the movie on coming out clips on youtube. Because the shallow frame of the movie is that he has a youtube channel about....animals? He likes animals or whatever. It’s stupid. Alex DOES NOT EVEN COME OUT REALLY.
Ok, so yea, he comes out to the girlfriend and then they time skip and I guess he is “out”? But this is N O T a coming out movie. It skips that part almost entirely. I wonder how coming out to “pop out my dick to prove you are not bi” friend went?
Fucking hell, Netflix....
Also the Same Sex Love Interest is named “Elliot”. I feel like that is just such a basic gay guy name at this point. Every SSLI is named Elliot.
Also, the bad friend makes a terrible NAMBLA joke. Of course.
OH! And the SSLI got kicked out by his father for being gay and it is a throw-away line that is NEVER addressed - like, it’s just a thing that happens to queers, so we gotta throw that in for some character identity....? What? Also, he graduated high school and now....does....what...?
SSLI lives in the family home of his best friend! Who we NEVER SEE AFTER THE 2 MINUTE INTRODUCTION SCENE because, lol, why even bother right?
Whole side-plot about what school he is getting into. Entire teary-eyed scene with his rejection letter. AND THEN NOTHING! NO RESOLUTION!
Not a lot is resolved, TBH. Prom scene, kiss, done. Thats a wrap?
I need to stop.
This movie is bad.
0 notes