#<��� so the tag is more recognizable ig :3
citrimoti · 11 months
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Reposting my mario oc stuff here <3
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elmaxlys · 1 year
@once-upon-a-reblog replied to your post “”:
Ooh! First OC!
1- Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
​My very first first was created in preschool to play with at recess (yeah). He was a giant bipedal tiger warrior that fought with a double headed axe and decapitated his opponents (yeah idk why other kids were kinda scared to play with me either. a mystery.). His name was Tigraud and I wanted to be him. I'm no longer into anthros and I don't consider myself a furry but I still remember Tigraud fondly, despite him collecting dust in a corner of my brain :'3
My actual first OC, though, would be Kal. I created her when I was, like, 11? She's still in my story and still approximately as edgy as she was when initially created. She just got a tag more unhinged.
Here's the first drawing I made of her, so when I was around 11 :')
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(this got. way longer than initially planned so dvp under the cut)
Funnily enough, she's a secondary character. I created her and immediately went alright so now who's the actual sane main character? That was Rina, that I consider to be my 2nd actual OC. I had an entire group of them but only Kal, Rina and their respective brothers still exist.
Kal's basic looks still are the same. She's now got shorter, messier hair and she's less heavy on the weapons (she now fights exclusively with knives and wooden stakes (she's a vampire hunter)) but overall she's recognizable.
Here's my latest drawing of her, from 2021
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As for her story, it was initially a revenge one, hunting her vampire father to get revenge on her mother and brother who were killed by the vampires her father was leading, basically (and because it was written by an 11yo, she was raised by wolves 👍). Because she's a half elf/half vampire living on Earth, and there weren't supposed to be any elves left on Earth (they're on another planet, the one my main OCs live on), her backstory more than the story itself didn't make any sense. However, thanks to 13-14yo me who wrote the main storyline, it now could make sense for her to be half elf/half vamp! I still changed her story and there were now no wolves involved.
She got somehow more unhinged yet less feral. Rina (2nd actual OC) was still the only person who could handle her but they were also friends on top of being "coworkers", and Kal's nemesis no longer was her father but rather the leader of a local homeless vampires group, Georges (who's one of my most recent OCs, from when I was 17). Kal wanted to kill him, Georges wanted to kill Kal and Rina was in the middle like ":) no." like pictured below (pic from 2018)
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(that one was from a "ask the OCs" session on ig back in the days)
In the recent restructuration effort, their dynamics will probably stay pretty similar to that but the Hunting Big Bad Dad plot might make a comeback (bc i miss it tbh) and that'd be why Kal wants to get Georges so bad, beyond the fact he's a vamp and she hates them: because Georges knows about everything going on and thus where Big Bad Dad is. Idk, idk.. it's all still floating around atm >////<
On the left, first picture ever drawn of Rina, on the right the latest one, from 2021. Below, latest Georges, also from 2021.
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natalie-k-pan · 3 years
10 Ways the Loki show Disappointed Me
part two
6) The trailer was misleading advertising. Marvel’s done it in the past with little to no backlash:
Iron Man 3 presenting the Mandarin as the ultimate foe for Tony to defeat, only to find out he’s a charlatan in a minor role.
Falcon and Winter Soldier was presented as a light-hearted buddy adventure, only to tackle darker themes about nationalism and racism. (Not saying that those themes were bad, just that the TFAWS’s trailer was not truthful to the story).
In the case of Loki, the trailer presented the plot as Loki making time-traveling shenanigans and being captured for breaking the timeline. They included the D.B Cooper clip, and the scenes of Loki in New York and as king in Asgard. These clips never show up in season 1. The D.B Cooper scene was a off-the-cuff moment, and the highly-anticipated (imo) President Loki was around for five minutes.
The trailer shows the storyline being about Loki breaking the timeline, with Mobius saying in a voiceover, “You picked up the tesseract, breaking reality. I want you to help us fix it.”
Marvel’s publicity team knew what story we would want to see from the character. And that’s not what we got: it was a mix of Loki tagging along with Sylvie to take down the Timekeepers, and detective-esque  scenes of trying to overthrow the TimeKeepers. 
It was never about Loki having an adventure, breaking the timeline, and having to fix it.
There’s a difference between having scenes that don’t make it into the final product, between not revealing enough of the story to spoil plot twists...and deliberately choosing certain scenes and quotes  to present a false version of the story.
I guess Marvel was worried that no one would watch it if they showed us the real product.
7)    Loki’s powers were wildly inconsistent, especially compared to what we’ve seen before.
In the past, we’ve seen Loki do illusions, duplication casting and in Thor 2, some very light telekinesis. After hearing of his mother’s death, he throws several pieces of furniture in into the cell walls with his mind. This is after losing the person who probably mattered most to him at the time, and feeling responsible for her death--it’s a powerful move showing his magical capabilities.
In the show, in Episode 3 we see him pull a Roomba towards himself in order to use it as a shield during a fight--pretty in-line with what we saw in the Dark World.
One episode later, an entire flipping tower is falling towards them, and he reverses it with his mind alone.
It was in the face of death, you say. Of course he was going to pull some cool new magical move.
Sure. In the face of death, I could see him jumping from throwing chairs to something heavier, like maybe a crumbling wall or a fruit stand.
He’s never done anything on that scale magically. In episode 2, he got tossed around by a (human) Alabama man. Why would he not use that move to bring the roof crumbling down if he was fighting for his life then?
So he’s got massive telepathic power when a building is falling but can’t use it in a fight against regular people.... okay?
Honestly, due to the fact that they’ve weakened him so much, and when Loki said, “I think we’re stronger than we realize”, I’m betting Season 2 will include Loki discovering the extent of his magical powers. 
 I don’t like this idea because again, it contradicts the previous canon. In Thor 1, Hogun literally calls Loki a “master of magic”. He went toe-to-toe with Thor and the Avengers and now can’t beat regular humans. A thousand+ year old being unaware of his own untapped potential doesn’t seem correct (yeah, they did that with Thor in Ragnarok, I know).
This Loki’s power levels jump up and down according to the plot, trying to make us believe that due to his spoiled past, Loki needs to apply himself to learn more about his powers.
 8)  Loki was out of character.
His lying and scheming was way too obvious. I was incredibly confused the first couple of episodes because it would be strange how he would be a pathetic buffoon  one minute and yet The only moment I was sold on his competence as a liar was episode 2 at the renaissance fair where he attempts to fool  the TVA. He was actually competent for once, but he gets caught, and goes into apologizing and sucking up 30 seconds later.   
He gets drunk when they’re on the mission on Lamentis. This didn’t make sense--when he was trying to conquer Earth, he had the opportunity to also goof off and he’s always been shown to take things seriously, with the exception of Ragnarok.                                                 
The “I’m a narcissist” scene. While Loki is the type to crave attention--in Avengers, Tony calls him a diva who wants his name plastered to the skies--it comes from a place of feeling overshadowed, never able to match his brother Thor.  Which we can see has some basis:
In Thor 1, his adopted parents raised him to hate his race,
lied to him about it,
 and when he was hanging over an wormhole, his father finally rejected him.
In Avengers, Thor tells him in  that his slights are “imagined”. 
 Thor 2, his adopted father told him his “birthright was to die”.
While it doesn’t excuse his actions in Thor and Avengers, it’s pretty clear that his family, particularly his father, have let him down.
So to make him experience character development and understand why he does what he does...the writers took him back to Asgard, and had Sif beat him up repeatedly until he admits he does terrible things because he’s a...narcissist.
It was pretty hard to watch that scene, especially because I related to Loki as someone who felt overshadowed and overlooked. He tried too hard to be what his family wanted, to show that he was “the worthy son”.
But here in the fantastic year of 2021, this show decided to throw away all of that emotional nuance away.
 9) The costumes were bad.
The brown variant jacket with its ugly orange block letters.
The guard suit on Lamentis looked like a cross between a purple sweater and a plague doctor mask. honestly makes me shuder to see it
Loki’s green-and-gold costumes are some of the most distinct, instantly recognizable outfits of the MCU. And he almost immediately loses it in the first episode. It ends being given to Sylvie, (like most of Loki’s better characteristics) and he stays in a detective skinny-tie suit instead. The costume is okay, but it lacks the flair and style he’s had previously, and he never gains it back.
10) The season finale really did showcase this show in the best way-- ig hype followed by disappointment.
For five episodes, we rushed towards the ultimate villain, the mastermind behind it all. Episode 6 was like...being handed a pack of bubble wrap, swinging your hand hard, expecting that satisfying pop! only to have it slowly putter out with a sad little sound.
First, Kang looked like he got his costume from Party City. The purple cape isn’t doing him any favors. Then, the man sat there and monologued for forty minutes, making jokes, telling us how he set the plot up, and how the multiverse worked.
 I know Marvel gets flack for there always being an CGI climactic action scene, but…they had 6 episodes leading up to the Big Bad, and for it to end that anticlimactically with a man in a Party City purple cape was a letdown. The finale had no menace, no teeth. In the words of Mobius, it was just…talkie-talkie.
All in all, this show really suffered from ignoring Loki’s past, where he would realistically be emotionally-wise, and a lack of focus on its title character’s development. Settings and costumes being better/unique would be also be nice, especially given its popularity. At the end of the day, I don’t see the character I empathized so strongly with in this show.
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everyothermouse · 2 years
Magic fam Jr post but I put it under the cut cus there's both art and writing so it's kinda long :P
The twins were walking home from school and jr (whos like 10 or smth) saw them and thought one of them was a shape-shifter, because you know, why else would they possibly look the same? So he's like 'aw yiss, free friends' and shapeshifts into Grayson to like, signal that he's cool and a shape-shifter. He just follows them on their walk until one of them turns around and sees him just walking behind them. Emerson sees him and instead of being like "what is that?!? 😱" he's more just like "free 3rd brother? I'm gonna use this to skip school lmao" so Grayson and Emerson take him home but tell him to just not let the adults find out. The house is already confusing enough with 2 of the twins, so hopefully if someone sees 3 twins or one of them acting like a street rat they'll think ‘just the twins being quirky again ig'
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They unfortunately only pull it off for like 2 days before jr spills the beans because he wanted to steal Emerson spot at dinner instead of eating leftovers. So Emerson and Grayson get I'm trouble because Harley believes in stranger danger and not letting random shapeshifters into the house because that could be a 40 year old man or something, to which jr replies that he is in fact 10, to which shirley goes "Harley is right, you're both in very big trouble, and as punishment you have to walk him to and from elementary school for AT LEAST the first month he lives with us-" and Harley goes "lives with us- shirley they found this kid on the street he probably has a family he's not moving in with us 💀" and the fam kinda argues about it while Emerson and Grayson are slowly evacuating so maybe everyone just forgets to punish them-
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Shirley ends up taking jr to daniel to ask him to find out where tf this child came from so they interview the child (still in Grayson form but with name tag because jr doesn't really know how to turn back) and when daniel looks him up in his clown database uhhhh
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Daniel doesn't really believe them, but he's soft for his baby sibling so he let's shirley get away with it lol
So shirley gets to take the baby home to Harley and be like "Bad news: he has living family. Good news: we're the living family so we get to keep him." Harley almost has to give up the sanctity of the families one guest room, but luckily jr just wants to stay with Shirley in Shirley's room because Emerson and Grayson snuck him in when he first got there and it's the best room (when shirley finds out this fact she suddenly remembers that Emerson and Grayson are in trouble and that he needs to go find them, RIP emi and graci but tbf this is like the 20th time they've snuck into Shirley's room they KNOW not to do it 💀)
So yeah now they have another one in the house! It takes him like a month and a half to figure out how to shift back into his normal self, and when he does everyone is like "who tf is in our house" before realizing it's just Jr's actual face lol
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(The one on the left is Sammy and Casey's mom, I've never drawn her so idk if she's recognizable)
In the meantime he switches into basically everyone else in the house + some of his classmates and + Pierre (poor Sammy got ratted out for bringing a boy over while he was grounded bcus Jr saw Pierre in the house and couldn't stop turning into him for like a week, cus that made harley think "hey wait a minute, how does alexi know what Pierre looks lik- Sammy." F he tried to be slick but jr is the worst little brother to have around for that 💀)
Bonus doodle of Jr. with the other bros and Jr in his normal form :)
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All ocs in this belong to @peapod20001!
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thewebforger · 4 years
List You Can’t Afford to Ignore on Instagram Marketing
Instagram marketing is competitive, Right ?
More than 25 million businesses use the platform to capture attention, incite interest, create desire, and compel action.
With so much competition, a thoughtful, proven strategy is necessary for success.
If you have the below questions in your mind then this post will definitely help you guys out :
How do you do Instagram marketing?
How do I start Instagram marketing?
How does Instagram marketing work?
How do you get popular on Instagram?
How do you get 1000 followers on Instagram fast?
Well these tips will definitively help you to shape the strategy to do the Instagram Marketing right to beat the competition.
Instagram marketing tips you can’t afford to ignore on "How to do Instagram marketing likes Pro" :-
1. Optimize your bio to do Instagram marketing likes Pro
Aside from your business name, username, and website URL, your Instagram profile provides 150 characters for writing a bio.
Your profile is a chance to establish a first connection, to verbalize what your business offers and why individuals should mind. Your profile ought to clarify what your identity is and what you do while passing on your image's personality.
This is difficult when you only have 150 characters at your disposal, so it’s important to keep your copy:
CLEAR: Use short, simple words.
CONCISE: Use emojis to quickly create a sense of brand personality in a few characters.
COMPELLING: Use a CTA or call-to-action.
That said, if your tagline communicates everything people need to know without emojis and in less than 150 characters.
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2. Choose the right profile photo to do Instagram marketing likes Pro
Before guests at any point read your Instagram bio, they'll see your profile picture. It's your initial introduction.
In this manner, the correct profile photograph for a Business Instagram account is typically your logo.
Your logo ought to be clear and whole by the Instagram's trademark circle.
3. Establish your brand’s “look” on Instagram to do Instagram marketing likes Pro
Visual consistency is significant on the grounds that it makes your image's pictures quickly conspicuous in an ocean of other substance. This expands the opportunity that individuals will draw in (e.g., like or comment) with your posts.
This can be accomplished by utilizing a similar channel on each picture, no special cases. For instance, notice how 33 Acres Brewing Company utilizes the equivalent, white-shading bed channel over each post:
4. Have clearly defined goals to do Instagram marketing likes Pro
On the off chance that you don't make objectives, you won't know whether your Instagram Marketing venture is paying off.
Making objectives begins with picking the correct measurements to gauge your prosperity. These separate into two classifications:
“Vanity” metrics (e.g., likes, comments, shares, followers)
“Business” metrics (e.g., reach, engagement, traffic, lead-gen, revenue-gen)
The previous will let you know whether your substance is reverberating with your intended interest group. Vanity measurements will likewise assist you with estimating your Instagram nearness against contenders.
The last will assist you with following and see how online life is adding to your more extensive business results.
Both are significant in their own right, and ought to be genuinely considered before propelling a Business Instagram. To assist you with thoroughly considering your motivation—and the measurements that at last characterize it.
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5. Create compelling content
Convincing substance drives activity. It makes individuals need to share, comment, and click.
In any case, before you can make somebody make a move, you should initially get their attention, a limited ware. All things considered, there are a few demonstrated substance arranges that make individuals quit looking over and center. These include:
Behind-the-scenes shots
Quotes and text-based images
Daily hashtags
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6. Master the little-known features and hacks
Did you know you can:
Change the color of individual letters or words to make your text stand out?
Hide your Story from specific users to create segmented messaging?
Add line breaks in your bio to make it easier to read?
Instagram is a profound, include rich stage that anybody can use to make interesting substance. Acing these little-known highlights and hacks will guarantee that you're utilizing Instagram to its maximum capacity, making content for somebody as opposed to simply anybody.
7. Partner with relevant influencers
A paid partnership with a a relevant influencer (i.e., a popular account that shares your audience and/or industry) is a proven way to drive attention to your business.
But not all influencer partnerships are created equal.
If you like this post then you will also like the How To Gain More Followers And Likes On Instagram In 2020 ?
8. Write great captions
When it comes to engagement, captions are arguably as important as the image or video they compliment.
Like any good copy, the best captions are clear and concise, easy to read. The best captions, in fact, don’t make the reader think at all. They’re effortless to consume and understand.
Achieving this effect comes down to knowing your audience and your brand voice. The former will ensure that your content is interesting, memorable. The latter will ensure that your content is consistent, recognizable.
You can also practice good copywriting tactics (e.g., placing the most important words at the beginning of the caption; using small words and short sentence) and techniques (e.g., always making time to edit after you write; posing relevant, thought-provoking questions).
9. Choose hashtags wisely
In the fight for consideration, hashtags are an intense apparatus.
Utilized well, a hashtag can drive crowds of net-new guests to your post, profile, and brand. In any case, if the hashtag is misdirecting—if it's abused or immaterial to the substance through and through—it tends to be very counterproductive.
Why? Since when a client follows a hashtag and sees something they don't care for, they can choose the "Don't Show for This Hashtag choice:
When creating hashtags:
Be relevant (i.e., stuffing hashtags is considered spammy)
Be specific (i.e., target niche audiences with tags they’ll recognize)
Be careful (i.e., make sure the hashtag means what you think it means)
Be concise (i.e., short hashtags are easy to remember)
10. Get on the Explore tab
The quickest method to help your image's perceivability is to get onto the Explore tab.
The Explore tab is the place clients find curated content dependent on their past activities and commitment designs. As it were, Instagram watches what you do on the stage (e.g., the posts you like, offer, and remark on), at that point populates your Explore tab with comparable substance.
Instagram sources content with high commitment just as substance from accounts like those the client as of now follows.
11. Target the right audience with ads
In case you're in a serious space, you should think about utilizing Instagram promotions to showcase your image.
Instagram offers five advertisement designs: recordings, merry go rounds, photographs, canvas Story promotions, and Story advertisements. Each organization is joined into your intended interest group's Feed or Story, making it difficult to miss.
Obviously, you can become your Instagram nearness naturally, without spending a penny. However, this will require some investment. In the event that you don't have time, promotions will enable you to get where you're speeding up.
12. Track your performance with Instagram analytics
Tracking and understanding your analytics is the best way to guarantee you're on target to accomplish your Instagram Marketing objectives (see: #4) and goals.
Regardless of whether you're tracking impressions (i.e., what number of individuals saw your post), reach (i.e., impressions partitioned by number of adherents), or general engagement (i.e., how frequently a post is enjoyed, commented on, shared, or spared), there are instruments you can use to make the procedure simpler, speedier.
On the off chance that you have a business profile, you can promptly get to Instagram Insights. This is the stage's worked in examination tracker. Instagram Insights gives you a straightforward, initially dashboard to survey. The information is genuinely restricted, and you can't send out any of it from the application.
In the Last i wanna share the Infographic by
On Top Instagram Strategies for Businesses
These are some of the best ways to grow your Instagram presence and gain more Free & Real IG followers and do the Instagram marketing. Use these tips to see visible growth in your Instagram follower base and build a strong presence on the platform.
So what do you think? How do you do Instagram marketing ? Are there any strategies I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!
For More Free Marketing Tips Check Out My Full Blog :
The Web Forger Blogs
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setsailtomorrow · 5 years
Yeah I hate to be that person and point fingers but I can't ignore Russell seemed to be really into the laddy laddy masc thing and how much things changed when he was gone. Like the improvement was just so noticeable. And now louis is starting his relaunch with a vulnerable song, mostly professional IG page, off the back of XF where he didn't play into these things. That's not to say Louis couldn't have messed up himself, god knows we all have. But I can't help but notice the timing
anon 2: People treated louis’ gift to Russell totally seriously too lol and then this past Christmas he was getting people expensive candles (and signing it on his own)
anon 3: Superficially I didn’t like Louis’ image 2015-2017 (don’t know that much about 2013-14) bc he came across as someone who didn’t care about anything. Not in a carefree way, but in an unprincipled way. He seemed dismissive. And sexism and homophobia easily clung to him. I do think a lot of it came down to how his image was handled bc if you look more into him everything suggests he is nothing like that. It was a shame that it took so much effort to see that, and I’m so happy things have changed.(Superficially… cont.) Btw I don’t think that means he is a beacon of feminism, etc. None of the boys are. These things are a learning process for everyone. But to learn you need to care. To care about people and about understanding them when their experiences don’t match yours. And I do think Louis has shown he is that kind of person. But that got swept under the rug for a while unfortunately. He displayed too much uncharacteristic toxic masculinity for me to believe that was entirely him.
anon 4: Hey I just wanted to agree with your tags on Russell! I always try to avoid blaming everything on #management, but I do think he heavily influenced the Tone of Louis in 2017. I know we don’t actually know him, but what we saw from Louis since the X Factor til today feels much more in line with pre-Russell Louis. I just really don’t think it’s a coincidence that the second he was gone Louis became more “”recognizable””
i wanted you in the same place, and here’s the christmas basket as well: 
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what a joke.
i think russell and the company he represented might have been good for some stuff (tabloid sensationalism and keeping other things hidden, think of the year 2016), but really quite bad at other things (not writing fans and the gp on the nose). let’s just say they were quite ham-handed.
i’m still not comfortable with blaming louis extra laddy image on russell and what-ever-the-management-was-called-jgg-? but i got these anons and some messages on IM and they said pretty much the same thing. louis late-2018 feels more real to the louis we think we know. he’s a lad and he’s working class but he doesn’t punch down. and isn’t that interesting. 
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pinkartini · 3 years
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10 things I wish I knew when I started my IG art account 🤪 1. Choosing a name representative of my work is actually very important😏 2. Posting every day… don’t do it unless you can actually create a new work every day. And even if you can, remember quality is more important than quantity. 3. I know I am guilty of this one, but consistency with your art style will help make your work stand out and be a lot more easily recognizable to your audience over time. 4. Being consistent with your style does not mean you have to paint the same thing over and over again. Or in the same exact setting. Include some variation. If in doubt, check out what other bigger artists are doing in order to showcase their versatility. 5.  Obsessing over the numbers. If you keep a routine and invest in developing your skills, growth will also follow. 6.  Comparing yourself to others. It’s easy to get discouraged when you see viral art related posts getting thousands of likes, while your latest posts aren’t doing as great… and that is completely OK. But don’t let yourself come in between you and your art goals. 7. Finding a group of people that share the same level of skill and interest as you in art is actually very enriching. You will learn from each other and have fun 😋 8. Speaking of community, respect it and support it and it will respect and support you back. 9. Do not – and I repeat – DO NOT go to people’s art accounts to self promote. There are better ways to find growth and to engage with your audience. 10.   And lastly, I didn't know I would meet such fantastic individuals to tag along on my journey. It's really the best part of IG and I am so grateful that I had the idea to create this account ❤ THANK YOU 🤗 (at Kortenberg (Brussels) Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLUaNLlBbEX/?igshid=1prtlysxtda7k
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The Novaks: The One Where You Fight Back
Characters: Balthazar, Gabriel, Lucifer, Castiel, Michael x sister!reader
Words: 2000
Warnings: A little bit of blood, minor injury, physical + verbal fight, swearing, fluff. Tagging stuff just to be safe.
A/N: Hello mates. I’m back with another piece of this series. I am going to mix it up with other fics, but I’ve been feeling inspired :) This is based on two of your suggestions, with a few changes. Hopefully it’ll still be recognizable. Read about how the series work and the other part here: The Novaks Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
You walk out of the building that makes you feel like a caged tiger — school — with a sigh, rolling your shoulders back. You’re free for a few hours now until you have to return for another day — if you don’t count the seemingly never ending pile of homework you’ve been given.
Honking breaks through your thoughts along with the chatter of the other students, and your head whip in the direction it’s coming from, your intuition telling you about who it might be.
And you’re right, because you then spot Balthazar and Gabriel inside a car you don’t recognize. It’s red and the sunlight is bouncing off the metallic car paint and it’s definitely not yours.
Rolling your eyes, you walk up to your older brothers waiting eagerly inside the vehicle.
”Please tell me you didn’t steal this.” You state, placing your forearms against the frame of the rolled down window, gazing inside.
”No, we burrowed it.” Gabriel tells you before stuffing a colorful piece candy into his mouth coming from an equally colorful paper bag.
”What do you mean, ’burrowed’ it?” You raise an eyebrow, squinting your eyes as you glare disapprovingly at the duo.
”That lady, Ellen Harvelle, you know?” Balthazar begins explaining, looking at you for confirmation. You nod. ”She’s paying us to pick up some stuff for her.”
”And besides,” Gabriel continues, ”she’s kind of scary, so we’re definitely gonna turn it back. Thought we could pick up you and Cas on the way though. Give you a ride for once.”
You bite down on your lip, trying to keep the small smile off your face. It’s pretty sweet of them actually, thinking that it’d be cool to drive you when they have the opportunity, since you’d never really had anyone to drive you to school.
Then you turn to look across the school yard — seeing the teens pour into the parking lot, either to hop on the buss, or find their parent’s car or maybe even their own — searching for Castiel. He’s not to be seen, but you spot something else that catches your attention.
This guy, Brad, is picking on some innocent freshman. Brad’s in your year and such a stereotypical jock, it’s almost embarrassing. Picked up from a lame teen movie, and dropped into the shitty school you go to.
Anger and disgust are rising within you as you began walking towards the jock, the freshman and the group of hopeless teens surrounding them, mumbling a faint ’be right back’ to your brothers over your shoulder.
First of, you don’t pick on someone smaller than your size. Secondly, you already hated Brad’s guts. He had personally given you a hard time in school as well, commenting on your family, your appearance, and your lack of money. Just ’cause his parents spoil him to no end, and your dad decided to leave. You’ve been coping by ignoring him, talking back or simply giving him the ever so expressive middle finger, but no matter how pathetic this jock was, his words still hurt. Which made you hate him even more.
In this very moment, he’s busy shoving that tiny freshman around, himself and the students looking on laughing. The freshman looks like he’s about to burst out in tears any moment.
”Hey, Brad!” You exclaim, announcing your presence. You’d been hoping to just ignore it, but enough is enough. This kid needs a reality check.
You successfully step in between Brad and the younger kid, giving the jock a hard shove just as he’s about to pick the kid’s glasses off his freckled face.
”Back off, you pathetic ass.” You push the kid behind you as you speak, never taking your stare away from Brad.
”Where did you come from?” He asks, confused. ”And why are you defending that? Are you dating or some shit like that?” He starts laughing at the last sentence.
”Shut the hell up and do us all a favor and get the hell out of here.” You walk slowly, threateningly closer and only stop when you stand a couple of feet away from Brad. You keep nailing him with your eyes, not backing down.
He doesn’t either.
”I don’t hit ladies,” he states, eyes glimmering meanly. ”But you aren’t one, so we don’t have a problem here.”
Before you can process what he said, a force hits you and you’re falling to the asphalt. Around you, you hear gasping. Then you’re on the ground, lower back aching and palms stinging. You lift one, and hiss when you see blood and small a few pebbles stuck in your skin.
You look up at Brad, but don’t even have time to blink before a fist connects with Brad’s baby face — making you flinch in surprise, sending him staggering backwards. It’s Balthazar’s fist, and Gabriel’s right behind.
They’re going to ’Novak him up’ as they like to call it; or in other words, beat him up.
It takes you a few moments until your inattentive mind catches up to what’s happening, all to the sound of the commotion. There’s sounds of fists connecting to body, grunts and gasps, screams, cheers from the spectators. But it’s the sound of your own heartbeat that overpowers everything.
"Always has to have her brothers fight her battles for her.”
Despite all the noise around you, you still hear that one sentence. It’s spoken by a girl who’s leaning closer to her friend as she talks, eyeing you on the ground. Your eyes shoot to her, and she looks away. But new willpower has risen within you, and you scramble to your feet.
You’re not going to be that person. The one who starts her own fights, but can’t finish them. The one who can’t defend herself, the one that needs her brothers constantly protecting her.
”Balt! Gabe!” You call, running the few steps up to them, grabbing both of their shirts, a fistful in each hand. ”Stop!”
They have the upper hand on Brad, which has pretty much been the case from the start, and it takes a few seconds too much for you to get them to listen. You continue to pull on their shirts, trying to get past. Soon they get the memo, and step back with confused looks on their faces, hair messy, knuckles sore.
”I don’t need you stupid pity,” Brad growls at you as he slowly stands up fully.
”Trust me, you aren’t getting any.”
With that line, you throw your fist in the direction of his nose. It feels shamefully good when it hits and his head is thrown backwards.
Blood drips down his face when he collects himself and stares at you with fearful eyes.
But you don’t get to celebrate, because suddenly, you hear yelling. You don’t bother listening in to what they’re saying but your English teacher along with another teacher are running towards you, and soon there’s hands wrapping around your upper arms, pulling you back.
”Lucifer?” You ask through the phone pressed to your ear, voice hushed.
After unsuccessful attempts to get a hold of either of your parents — duh — you got to try and reach them yourself.
And you could have called Michael, he is the one who usually handled this type of stuff after all. He has lots of experience from when Gabriel and Balthazar still were in school. Although, they weren’t the worst behaved of the Novak kids.
Instead, you called Lucifer. You have a feeling he would be less annoyed, and Michael angry isn’t what you want to deal with right now.
”(Y/N)?” Lucifer asks from the other end of the line, surprised.
You don’t have your own phone, just a cheap one you shared with Castiel, so he didn’t expect to talk to you when an unknown number called.
”Yeah,” you confirm. ”Can you come to my school? Principal’s office.”
”Woah, (Y/N). What did my little sister do to end up there?” Lucifer snicker, voice laced with faux awe.
”Just get you ass over here,” you groan, eyes wandering over the interior of the waiting room outside the principal’s office and the few people inside.
Your eyes linger on the door you know said principal is waiting behind.
”On one condition.” Lucifer challenges you from the other end and you roll your eyes.
”Do my chores for the rest of the week.”
You run a hand over your face. ”Sure.”
”And, I won’t tell Michael.” Lucifer could read your mind, even over the phone. ”Thanks. Just hurry.”
”I’m going now.”
He hangs up before you have the time to answer, and you’re left with beeping signals. You hang up as well, and sigh as you slide down further into your seat as if you’re melting, legs sprawled over the floor in front of you.
Of course you’re the one that’s blamed.
Soon Lucifer shows up and the first thing he seems to notice as he walks up to you is the gauze pads  taped to your hands.
”It’s not bad at all,” you tell him.
Then you quickly explain what happened before the principal opens the door, and you walk into his office.
”Lucifer.” The principal rises his eyebrows at the sight of your blond older brother as you sit down in front of his desk. ”Sooner than expected. Here I was, hoping Novak was a common last name.”
”Afraid not,” you mumble under your breath, mostly to yourself.
”I’m back,” Lucifer flashes a crocked half-grin. ”Missed me?”
”Not in the slightest,” the principal responds without a doubt, and you have to bite your lip to not laugh at that.
Lucifer looks a bit offended, sits up straighter in his chair, grin gone.
He still delivers though. Your older brother is very manipulative, and it’s great when he does it in your favor. With his carefully chosen words he can turn almost every situation to his favor. Well, his words and maybe that special, almost dangerous glimpse he has in his eyes, that makes you feel like there’s an underlying meaning to every syllable leaving his mouth.
10 minutes later, the two of you leave the office, you without nothing more than a warning and Lucifer with a satisfied grin on his face. He ruffles your hair to your slight annoyance, and then you begin walking home.
Opening the door, the first thing you see is Castiel walking up to you, and then wrapping his arms around you.
”Damn, Cas, I was just at the principal’s. Nothing serious.” You say, rubbing his back.
”I know (Y/N), but I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Castiel mumbles into your shoulder.
You pull back to look into his ocean blue eyes, half-smiling. ”Don’t worry Cas. You can’t be around me all the time, and I don’t expect that of you. It’s okay.”
You feel bad seeing him feel guilty. This isn’t his fault in any way, and you really hope he can see that. Your brother is a person though who tends to blame himself a lot though.
But Castiel nods. You smile.
”Hey, (Y/N)!” Gabriel exclaims. He’s sitting in the couch in front of your small TV, craning his neck to see you. ”Wanna watch a movie?”
It’s dark inside the house, and the only source of light is a lamp in the kitchen, and the screen of the TV.
You nod, smiling wider. ”Yeah, sure.”
You walk over to the couch, Gabriel scoots over to the far right end and you sit down next to him. On your left side, Balthazar sits down, and then next to him, Castiel does. The small, worn, couch is now packed — limbs everywhere — and it’s pretty warm, but you just got inside from being out in the cold with Lucifer so it feels pretty nice.
Lucifer himself sits down on the floor besides the couch, and even Michael joins you a few moments into the film, pulling up one of the chairs from the kitchen besides the couch.
During a sad — and pretty quiet — moment of the movie, you speak up, mainly to Gabriel and Balthazar, even though you know the others can hear too.
”Guys, you don’t need to defend me anymore.” You say, looking down at your hands in your lap. ”I can take care of myself.”
”We know you can.” Gabriel tells you. ”It’s just that old habits die hard, you know.”
You nod. You do know.
The Novaks Taglist: @spacetor @rosie-winchester @lillyofthefandom @nxrd-bxtch @justaboredgirl1 @hi-my-name-is-riley @steve-rogcrs 
SPN (Sister) Taglist: @evyiione​ @samanddeanshotsis​ darkestgrungeuniverse @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog​ @mariairwin666​ @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50​ @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou​ @infamati--et--obliterati​ @stillcooli0​ @sammysbeanie​ @ocean-calls-me​ @deepbreathssammy​ @extreme-supernatural-lover​ @mogaruke​ @winchestersmut​ @i-kdog-posts​ @steve-rogcrs​ @wordshowers​ @27bmm​ @jjsoccer11​ @ivebeenraisedfromperdition​ @bluecookiesandbooks @disappointeddinosaur​ @nicolevanderstar​ @frayedphan​ @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy​ @straightestgay-voice​ @legend-o-zelda​ @holysheeppanda @mynameisdesolation @to-stars-and-back​ @forevershadeddark​ @stonergirl4life95​ @wxnchestervevo​ @captainemwinchester​ @rosie-winchester​ @justanotherwinchester @violinmyhead​ @magical-cas​ @quackerstheduck663057​ @falloutofmymemez​ @messy-buns-and-shotguns​ @assbutt-still-in-hell​ @phonegalhelp​ @lemonadegazeelle @stilesneedsprotection​ @mcallmestiles​ @wishedworld​ @catstielanddeanthedog​ @foe-throughthetrees​ @phire23​ @winchesterhound​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @winchesters-favorite-girl​
I’ve crossed out urls I can’t tag. If you see your (old?) url crossed out, come talk to me about so I can fix. 
As always, if you want on or off the taglist(s), just send me an ask! If you change your url and still want to be tagged, please tell me! It’s REALLY hard to keep track of.
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instacaptain · 5 years
Top 5 tips to grow on Instagram
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How to grow on Instagram quickly?". Isn't it one of the most popular questions on the web? Fair enough. Building a community is a must-have for local businesses, influencers, and big brands. The motive is to make the right connections that further grow into leads. Brace yourself for the strategy that'll help you turn your followers into your customers. In this detailed guide, you'll discover five steps on how to grow your Instagram account regardless of your goals and experience. Stay tuned!
The Guide to Grow on Instagram on Your Own.
In order to boost your Instagram audience, follow these steps.  They don't require additional investment only your efforts. The online service that facilitates promotion on Instagram with extended tools will be covered too. Step #1 – Create a catchy Instagram Profile The first thing people notice when they hit your profile is your bio. So, it should look catchy and explicit enough to make them want to follow you. You have a few seconds to make them click, how to improve the chances? Assure the profile picture is recognizable in case you have a personal account. Add some keywords on the description to indicate the niche. Bullet points will be helpful to make use of the limited spacing. Add emoji to say more with just a single symbol. Step #2 – Choose an appealing gallery layout Instagram is a visual social media; that's why grids for Instagram are getting so popular. While companies invest in an SMM-designer, that's what you should mind when planning the content on your own: Pick several colors that express the philosophy of the brand or profile. Some big companies and designers maintain the Instagram gallery black-and-white, which looks very stylish and minimalist. Discover the latest trends in Graphic Design if you don't have a brand book yet. Fonts for posts containing text should be the same. Choose one from the brand book or the broad collection of free Google fonts but make sure the fonts for all the textual pictures are same. Keep the style for all the posts similar. Designers who work with Instagram grid develop a template for the general type of content – entertaining, engaging, informative, etc. Use the same filters when you're editing the pictures Plan the layout using the scheduled posting. Scheduled posting is a sufficient tool to keep the grid identical. You see the content in advance and just set up the time for posting. Use Insta Captain to schedule posts as per your requirement. Brand Stories highlights. Download some free icons to design highlights – this works great for Instagram user-experience.
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Make layouts appealing Step #3 Be Consistent in Uploading  Stories Stories are the most natural way to get noticed on Instagram. There is a lower chance that people will skip the content as Instagram algorithms don't rank stories. Basically, Instagrammers, don't miss them! Add several times a day. IG bumps your Story to the front every time you upload new media, so the most effective time range is every 2-3 hours. Add location and hashtags to boost the audience. Focus on animation. Videos, GIFs, animated ads work better than static content. Make them bright and short – no longer than 10 seconds. Reveal behind-the-scenes. Show what people are curious about – sensational news, live streaming, manufacturing process, etc. Make polls and check stats to measure the engagement after. Post on Stories automatically. For example, Insta Captain Post Planner allows users to plan not just feed but Stories too. So, you save time every day when planning in advance. Mind that you curated the best materials into Highlights! Step #4 – Use Hashtags  Unless you are as famous as the Kardashians, you should use hashtags. The importance of hashtags is the same on the feed and on Stories. It is of utmost importance that you define the right tags and modify the list systematically. To sort relevant hashtags make sure you exclude: Broad meaning tags, like #happy, #love, #girl – they won't generate leads. Too promotional hashtags. Misleading Spammy Irrelevant to your strategy Step #5 – Make the captions appealing You don't need to hire a copywriter to generate catchy headings. The main rule to stay over the competition is to be Human on Instagram; your follower's heart will melt. Let us let you in on how to do that: Share personal insights. People love encouraging stories like "before and after." All of us are afraid to fail; an honest content contrasting to glamorous images works the best. Write a success story; don't hesitate to add or eliminate some details. Ask open questions. Don't talk only about yourself; express the interest in your followers. At the end of each post, ask a question to them about their experience with the same. Also, you can make a poll, sharing several options in a carousel. Ask for advice. Even when you gain loyal customers, don't act like a know-it-all. People love to feel needed. You will be surprised how followers can contribute to the creation of the content themselves!
How can automation save you on Instagram?
We mentioned Insta Captain's features briefly earlier. Let's sum up all the advantages of turning to automation. Saves your time and eyesight. Staying connected with your followers is necessary to grow on Instagram. Insta Captain offers features like auto DM, auto like, auto follow, and scheduled posts that save a lot of time and make things easier for someone who's busy but still plans to be active on Instagram. Advanced targeting. Segment your followers to generate a unique message and auto-send. Insta Captain's filters consider the age, location, and other metrics to adapt to the followers' behavior. 24/7 personal assistance. You are welcome anytime to ask the wildest questions. We respond in a minute! All in all, the listed tips in combination with automated service for DMs, posting and Hashtag generator will gain like-minded people on your Insta community! Read the full article
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