#;Dracontine Royalty | Roone
exaltatuss · 2 years
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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exaltatuss · 2 years
Something something Dracontine biology
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“I can’t believe that I agreed to this shit...” Roone grumbled, what with now having to do Chione’s dare, as the other had won a bet against her this time around.
Thus, clearing her throat, she would do her best on making whatever this is as informative as she could.
That, and its a Sunday, anyway, so might as well.
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“Alright, lend me your ears, everyone. I’m going to explain this just once, yeah? I’m here to teach y’all about Dracontine biology. At least ones that aren’t really mentioned on paper.”
Oh boy, here we go.
A brief pause, before she’d continue on. “As you might know by now, Dracontine genetics are highly complex. and potent, that interspecies breeding is of no issue to us. After breeding with others, the resulting offspring from the deed would be nearly full-blooded, so in a sense, there’s no half-blooded Dracontines, but nearly full-blooded ones, in regards to interspecies breeding.” She explained. “Though of course, they are still considered as hybrids.”
“Anyway, I’m pretty sure that’s not what you folk are after, as that’s already something mentioned on paper.”
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Clearing her throat again, Roone would continue. “A Dracontine penis is already naturally well-endowed, so there really won’t be any issue on satisfying those who have a thing for sizes. The purer the Dracontine genes, the more hung they are. I, for example, am the purest in terms of genetic makeup of my generation. Add the fact that I’m the daughter of the purest Dracontine of a previous generation, and you can already understand that I’m rather impressively hung, myself.”
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Cue her using her own package as visual example, considering she had already mentioned it. “As you can see, we have several segments across our lengths, adding a bit of texture when we’re railing your insides. While we don’t have a knot, these segments would make do, as when we’re about to cum, said segments would flare outward like frills of sorts, to secure and lock us in place inside of you while we unload ourselves deep, which will indeed take a while, so expect that you’d be filled to the brim and beyond, as well as get spread out a bit due to the segments flaring outward like frills, as stated.”
“Lastly, our cum taste good, actually. The purer the genes, the more exquisite the flavor. Additionally, Dracontine cum is warm. Pleasantly warm. Like warm milk, so to speak. Even has the texture of the aforementioned drink if you were to gulp volumes of it down your throat, so it slides in nicely. The scent our cum gives off is also pleasing to the nose.”
“Ah, and we cum in large volumes, so understandably, things can and will get messy.”
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“Oh right. And normal contraceptive pills won’t really fare well against Dracontine sperm. I can guarantee that we are virile and fertile enough to be able to bypass that protection. So if you don’t want any unplanned brats being made, your contraceptives must be something that really speaks ‘protection’. Otherwise, getting pregnant from Dracontine jizz is almost always guaranteed.”
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“Well, I guess that’s everything. I think. Either way, I hope y’all find whatever this is as informative, really.”
Remind her to knock Chione unconscious along the way again too, later after this.
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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Roone is one that, while she doesn’t mind being called on either male or female titles or connotations, she’s definitely more in favor of the more male sounding ones, such as King, etc.
And funnily enough, back then, she was oftentimes mistaken for a guy in her younger years.
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Its not difficult to see why she was mistaken for such in her young adult years, many a time ago.
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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No one’s immune to the Schwarzwald charm
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exaltatuss · 2 years
What soft romance cliche are you?     
because i love you!
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passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "beCAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
love at first sight
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let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
tagged by: @ancientforged​
tagging: whoever wanna do this lmao
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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One may wonder what its like to be on Roone’s shoes. Well? Its really simple.
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Being a Schwarzwald ensures that you’re really built different.
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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Roone’s really built different
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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"You thought your hair was special, huh?"
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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Roone's just standing with her arms crossed, judging certain people talking about dicks.
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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"Things sure are lively currently."
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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Even their back muscles are jacked
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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“That time of the week again, huh?”
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“There.” Might as well show a side angle, considering she did an up front angle of her abs a week or so ago.
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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“The moment I get my hands on that damned pony, I swear I’ll rip her a new one.” Said Roone, who just recently receive a full blast of tub after tub of peanut butter from Chione just moments ago. Something about April Fools and all. “Sticky nut juice, who even calls peanut butter like that?”
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exaltatuss · 2 years
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Casual reminder that Roone is packing, both ways
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