soulsuckrrs · 23 days
open to: m/f/anyone plot: Lana is trying to infiltrate the mafia group your muse is a part of, after some weeks of tracking she makes her move while your muse is having a fight/argument with someone else (be it an ex, or crime partner of some sort is up to you). Basically kinda going for the girl that wants to bring down the bad people ends up falling for them instead. hmu if you wanna chat about it! connection: mafia member, leader of the mafia group, second in command, anyone connected to the mafia/crime syndicate, bonus points for supernatural but not necessary.
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Lana had a tendency to put her nose were it didn’t necessarily belong. It had helped her progress in certain avenues where it would have hindered her in others and Lana often times took pride in the ability, regardless of whether or not it got her into trouble or ended up with someone upset that she had interfered. In this case, however, the slender brunette hoped her sudden and rather ballsy interruption was met with at least a one sided gratitude, though she expected nothing. Even if she wasn’t met with gratitude and her whole impulsive plan was sent crashing to a burning end, at least she would get the inside scoop on why the people she boldly put herself between were arguing in such a public format. 
“So sorry I’m late, darling, I do hope I’m not interrupting something important,” the woman said as she slipped past the two in order to take a seat in the booth the two occupied as their own. Sharp blue eyes scanned one and then the other, observing the tension between the two and hoping she had created an opportunity for an out from the heated argument they seemed to have been having prior to her self-involvement. She arched a brow, swinging one slender leg over the other, gesturing at a passing waiter before she placed an order, “I’ll have a Scotch please, neat, and for these two.” Her blue gaze shifted from the waiter to the two with anticipation before she flashed a friendly and charming smile. “— my treat, of course, please, help yourselves.” 
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justchallenging · 9 days
even before being adopted by Dracula, Laura thought of him as a father. Which is only enhanced by the fact he literally was the only father figure she ever had as her biological one passed before she was born. Dracula was there, a constant in her human life. Lala even called him dad as a child (which neither he nor Camilla corrected when she was so deadset on claiming him as her dad at such a young age).
After being turned and properly raised, the bond was deepened between the two. It was just them. Father and daughter vampire duo, alone for centuries. It’s clear Laura loved him dearly, with her actions, leaving notes behind for him to find. And she has to say “I love you” to Dracula at least once daily. In case he ever forgot, of course.
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zetmns · 1 year
i saw your post asking for rqs ! so could you please write a fic abt childe nd reader in hs where childe is jealous cos readers wearing someone else’s jacket ><
Sweather weather
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Pairing Childe x Gn!reader
warnings: sorta angst just a lil but goes to fluff yk
Pairing- Childe x Gn!reader (established relationships
A/n: thank you for the request! Speaking of, requests are open so anyone pls pls bro send me modern au request for Childe xiao and scara
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“Y/n why don’t you have a sweater do you know how cold it is today?” yoimiya said sitting next to you on a bench in your highschools courtyard
“I forgot okkk? It didn’t even get that cold until 2 period…” you sighed with your arms around yourself shivering you looked over at your friend hu Tao who was talking to her girlfriend yenfei who you also were close friends with in your little friend group with yenfai, hu Tao, yoimiya, lumine and on occasion xiao if either Aether was with lumine or venti wasn’t dragging him around
hey Tao” you whispered to your roommate who was currently on her phone with yenfei
“yeah?” she whispered Back
can I borrow your sweater?” Sure here” she took out her sweater from her bag a leathermen engraved with the letter H
“be careful tho I love that jacket I swear I’ll kill you if something happens” she said with a playful smile
“thanks love you tao” you said putting on her jacket with a chuckle
“anytime” she winked with a laugh going back to drawing on her book with yenfei
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Childe and his friends Scaramouche, capitano and dottere who were in the courtyard of your Highschool
“ Hey.. Childe look over there “ dottere said pointing at you and your friends at a bench in the same courtyard
“What?.” Childe said looking at you who was wearing a sweater he didn’t recognize. Was it new? Was it your friends? He thought with his mouth agape and eyes wide ok sure it probably wasn’t that big of a deal but this is Childe and ok he would admit he’s a little jealous sometimes but I mean he has the most amazing beautiful s/o ever how could he not
“ Childe it’s not that big of a deal man it’s probably just yoimiyas or something” Scaramouche said rolling his eyes
“ yeah whatever I’ll catch up with you guys in a second yeah?” Childe said still looking at you
“ ok you stupid ginger don’t sag I didn’t say so when you find out it’s just her friends sweater” Scaramouche said walking away with dottere and capitano
Childe took out his phone and texted you
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-My ginger 🫶🏽
-My Ginger 🫶🏽
I see you in the courtyard come say hi I’m here :(((
Haha alright my love one second let me find you🫶🏽
-My Ginger 🫶🏽
Ok darling hurry I’m lonely 💔
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You looked up from your phone to see Childe looking at you with a stupid smile and a wave like a love struck puppy
“I’ll be back my ginger is calling” you said dramaticily for your friends to hear with a laugh you got up and grabbed your bag
“ bye lovebird!” you heard all your friends say with a laugh as you walked to Childe
“ hi love” he said with a smile and kissed your cheek grabbing your hand lightly looking down at your sweater then to you again
“ hi darling what is it?” You smiled at him
“ just wanted to see my s/o also i have a question my love” he said squeezing your hand
“ what love?” With a reassuring smile and a squeeze to his hand
“Um Whos jacket is that..?” He said looking down
You laughed lightly causing him to look up with an unsure face “ Childe are you.. jealous?” His eyes widened and his cheeks went pink
“ what?! Of course not just wondering..” he said looking to the side
“ we’ll love its Hu taos” he looked at you and sighed with reliaf in his tone. turning even more red that he thought you were wearing another guys jacket
“ oh alright thank goodness” he said “ thought I might of been loosing you their” he muttered sad at the thought of loosing you
“ oh love you could never loose me I love you, you know that right?” You said cupping his face causing Childe to bring his hands to your hands now on his face “ yeah I love you to he smiled before you kissed his lips causing him to turn as bright as a tomato with wide eyes but kissed you back closing his eyes into the kiss
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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𝓑𝓲𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Name: Noelle Halliday
Nicknames: Ice Princess, Ice Witch
Name meaning: 'Noelle' means christmas. 'Halliday' is a seasonal surname originally given to someone born on a holy day, or a religious festival.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 25 December
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 147 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: White
Homeland: Christmas Town
Family: Mother, father, two older brothers studying at Royal Sword Academy
Quote: “I want to cry, but I can’t seem to shed a single tear . . . Have you ever felt this way before?”
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓮 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓕𝓲𝓵𝓮
Dorm: Terrorwood ( a fandorm created by @terrors-of-nightraven​ )
School Year: First 
Class: 1-B ; Student no. 19
Occupation: Student
Club: Light Music Club
Best Subject: Potions, alchemy
𝓕𝓾𝓷 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
Inspired by: Santa Claus from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite Colours: Red, silver, white
Favourite Food: Milk and cookies, hearty food like stews and turkey
Least Favourite Food: Anything with peppermint
Likes: Cold weather, snow, the smell of winter roses, eating, rain, cute and fluffy animals, receiving affection (don’t be put off by her complaints), head pats
Dislikes: Hot weather, sweating, being forced to talk, being forced to perform in public by her parents, returning home for the holidays, insects, getting dragged into crazy situations, rude behaviour, fancy parties
Hobbies and Talents: Ice skating, ballet, singing, sewing, cooking, creating poisons, gardening, baking
Special Skill: Choosing perfect presents and being able to wrap them perfectly, non-verbal magic
𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼
Appearance: She has long white hair, elbow-length and curled at the ends. Part of her hair is braided, at the crown of her head, and she also wears red rose hairpins. Her bangs are parted to the right. She has red eyes. Many people have commented on how she resembles a porcelain doll. 
Style: Her casual attire is fairly fancy with muted or dark tones, full skirts, lace and frills. Many of her dresses are reminiscent of the gothic lolita style of dressing. Examples can be found here and here.
Makeup: None.
Body type: Slim of waist, and slight of frame, with a small chest.
Songs to describe her: Doll by Lia, Human by Lia, Castle Walls by Christina Aguilera, The Loneliest Girl by Carole and Tuesday, Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
Voice actress: Aiba Aina (specifically her role as Yukina Minato)
Personality: Noelle is very conscientious and quiet compared to her louder, and more eccentric dormmates in Terrorwood. She is extremely reserved, and rarely speaks to anyone; though this changes slightly when she joins Terrorwood. She is mostly willing to talk to her dorm mates (or, at the very least, scrawl out notes for them to read if she does not wish to speak at the moment), and has even cracked a smile or two at their antics, watching from the sidelines but deigning to join in. When Noelle becomes focused on something or wants it, she will stop and silently stare intently for minutes until people realize what she wants. In addition, she rarely expresses much emotion, and rarely diverts from a neutral or a stern expression.
However, as she did not have many friends growing up, Noelle is actually a rather lonely individual, which translates into her cold personality, as well as her difficulties understanding how other people may feel. Once she warms up to people, Noelle places a great deal of trust in her friends, and is also very loyal to them; she won’t hesitate to hex people who harbour negative intentions towards her friends. She has kind and generous sides to her as well, as she is perfectly willing to help the people she is close to.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strengths: Stoic, refined, reserved, industrious, scrupulous, conservative, serious, demure, solemn, generous, kind, well-bred, forbearing, patient
Flaws: Saturnine, impassive, haughty, cold, imperious, proud, anti-social, subdued
The youngest daughter of the Halliday family, Noelle has the features of a porcelain doll and is so quiet that she can almost pass for one. Since young, she has had endless tutoring sessions, from etiquette classes to dance and music classes, all with the intention of moulding her into the perfect socialite. Overshadowed by her siblings, Noelle is often overlooked by her parents, who are also occupied with running the family empire. Noelle was often left to her own devices when she was younger, and as a result, grew up to be largely independent. She has two older brothers, both of whom currently attend Royal Sword Academy, though her relationship with them is neutral, and founded on indifference at best. The entire family was disappointed when she announced her decision to attend Night Raven College, but Noelle was determined and refused to back down.
Noelle hates returning home for the holidays. The house is too crowded, filled with relatives and cousins who all force her into making conversation, and she is expected to be on her best behaviour at all times. She knows what will happen if she slips up; in public, her hand will be grabbed and squeezed tight to an uncomfortable degree, behind closed doors, she receives a slap to the cheek and lecture upon lecture for bringing shame to the family name. Her parents may also force her to perform at charity events or for her relatives to exclaim over, which makes her endlessly uncomfortable; if she could, she would choose to remain at school.
Noelle mostly uses ice-based magic, which allows the user to generate and manipulate ice and snow. However, if she uses her magic for too long, she can develop symptoms of hypothermia (eg shivering, a weak pulse, slow and shallow breathing, low energy levels ).
Crystal Ice Shield: The user manifests barriers in the form of snowflakes with various shapes and sizes. These barriers are strong enough to withstand incoming attacks.
Snowmen Friends: The user creates multiple snowmen, which can be directed to attack opponents.
Ice Floe: A massive chunk of ice is created and dropped it onto an opponent, crushing them under the weight.
Icy Shrapnel: Giant spikes made of ice are created and directed at a target.
Ice Flowers: The user completely encases the target in ice, which can potentially freeze the target to death unless the spell is cancelled. The countless icicles protruding outwards prevent outside interference.
Phantom Garden of Snow: The user fills an enclosed space with enchanted snow. Those who come into contact with the snow slowly lose their senses and start to move sluggishly until they eventually fall asleep.
Unique Magic: Naughty or Nice. Noelle judges a target as being ‘naughty’ or ‘nice’. If the target is deemed as being ‘nice’, their abilities and performance can temporarily be enhanced (eg their speed, intelligence, healing). If the target is judged as being ‘naughty’, the opposite will occur; that is, the target will find their abilities and performance impaired.
- After finding out that she could play the guitar, Noelle was forced into the Light Music Club by Lilia, who promised her that she wouldn’t have to speak during the club sessions. She does perform on stage with the other members and has even sung in front of the school on occasion. 
- She used to dance ballet, but stopped her lessons. However, she still dances when her parents pressure her into putting on a show for their relatives during the holidays.
- Noelle is oddly affectionate and clingy when she returns home from school after the holidays. The first thing she does upon reaching the dorm is to run into the arms of the first person she sees; the dorm member will have their arms filled with a pale, sad-eyed girl struggling to hold back her tears.  
- The only other time Noelle is clingy and affectionate is when she overuses her magic and subsequently develops symptoms of hypothermia; wrapped up in blankets and lethargic, Noelle usually ends up clinging to Nyx and falling asleep on his shoulder.
- Out of boredom, Viktor taught her how to play poker, and Noelle turned out to be rather good at the game. She’s not as good as Viktor, but she’s still a champion in her own right.
- Noelle smells like cranberries, and the scent clings to her clothes and belongings as well. 
- She has a small garden. She grows a mixture of plants, ranging from poisonous plants, to herbs and fruits.
- She is in charge of cooking for the dorm, and is a good cook, provided that she does not mix the cooking ingredients with her potion-making ingredients. Her favourite person to cook for is Nyx, who falls upon her cooking with a ravenous kind of hunger.
- She tests her poisons out on herself to see their effects on the body firsthand. Thanks to this, she has built up an immunity to various types of poisons.
- She always has an abundance of money on her, and is perfectly willing to treat her friends to food at the Mostro Lounge.
- Whenever Viktor isn’t around, the duty of stitching up lost limbs usually falls to Noelle, who is good at sewing. Her stitches are neat and tiny and precise; considering that she is unfazed by blood and bodily fluids, this makes her a perfect choice.
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grovemaiden-a · 4 years
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            i   want   to   be   able   to   smile   like   that  ...   IT’S   ALL   I   WISH   FOR  ...  /  indie dizzy aka ‘ the maiden of the grove ’ of guilty gear .
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years
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                            in exchange for a miserable night , I’M ALIVE .     
           being comforted by the sweetness I long for, please accept me.   /   FLEETING,            FRAGILE, FALLING   /   a number of forgiven bodies   /   GET REBORN TONIGHT ,            under the moonlight.   SCARS LIKE VELVET, happiness to you... 
indie KISARAGI YUFI originally from compilation of final fantasy vii. PRIMARILY FANDOMLESS. oc and crossover friendly. selective. nsfw present. ruled by PACIFICA. PROMO CREDIT.
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a-shebore · 5 years
waiting for more ppl to write madi like
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blondeflora · 6 years
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flora and curls and dewy sisters, oh my! happy belated late birthday, dotter! 
~ your birthday was two days ago, but this still counts binch !! i know that these pictures or any amount of loving words i type could even compare to a fraction of the love and feelings i have for you, but hopefully this makes you feel nice and warm and bubbly! riley, i love you, with my entire being. you are one of my best friends in my entire world, and know me inside and out, and i’d like to think i know you the same! i’m so glad our souls found one another because i truly am so grateful for our deep and love-filled friendship. you have made me feel validated and appreciated and loved, comforted, the list goes on! i’m so immensely proud of you bby dotter, my college grad baddie. you’re an inspiration to me, and my heart has the most special-est of places for you (a two story condo, equipped with ezra miller to be exact !!!!!!) you are immensely adored, and that’s that on THAT, and i know times get rough on occasions, but never question how you can handle it, and rise like the beautiful angel you actually are. i hope your birthday was as wonderful as the person you are, and i wish you ate cake even though i know you didn’t thot! all my love, bby dotter, and give jeffree star a kiss for me thnks! ~
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ycnggods-a-blog · 5 years
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sc for celeste
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tanukihost · 5 years
look me in the eye rn & tell me u don’t wanna protect her for the rest of ur life
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flippancies · 6 years
Location: The Foxhole Court Time: September 9 Status: OPEN
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     Sienna seats herself on one benches of the inner court, placing herself at a good distance from the set of Foxes doing a practice round in front of her. As her gaze fixes itself on the drills playing out, her happiest memory resurfaces with visceral clarity: from behind a television screen her younger self watches as Kevin day scores within the last two seconds of the match and earns the Palmetto State Foxes their first championship victory. And Sienna’s mother — despite obvious exhaustion from a long day of work, despite claiming to have never understood Exy, earlier protesting that replays existed and that they didn’t have to watch the live showing — is the first to scream her joy.       Sienna had been a child then. All her life she’d known nothing else but Palmetto, but there was nothing about being a Palmetto local that was worth bragging about. Nothing, until Danielle Leigh Wilds and her ragtag team of underdogs and misfits clawed their way up from undeserved infamy to hard-earned victory. Only losers root for losers, some girl from her class once said when Exy had been brought up. She’d feared their scrutiny then, but for once in her life, Sienna feels unburdened by her peers’ judgment, feels no shame for what she loves, and shows up to her elementary school in bright, Palmetto State Fox orange.       Her reverence for them died down with her idealism. As Dan and Kevin moved forward, the Foxes lagged behind, falling back into laughingstock status, leaving a grown-up Sienna to pretend she never rooted for them, never cared for Dan Wilds or Exy or her town’s joke of a team. Still, there’s a reason she’s a Vixen, however much she claims it’s a heedless choice and not a deliberate one. As a Fox walks away from the drills and to her direction, it’s as if the child in her reemerges, reminding her of every reason she held the Foxes so high in regard to begin with. She knows what it feels to be a nobody striving to be somebody, and seeing people climbing up from pasts far uglier and grittier than hers — well, there’s hope to be drawn from that.       More than the sport, it’s the people that captivate her.      “Catch,” she says, tossing a water bottle to the person approaching her. “Great work out there.” Though her words are encouraging, Sienna maintains a tone of nonchalance. She’s new to the squad, new to the university, even, and though the Exy-loving child in her is bursting with excitement, Sienna doesn’t want to look too eager on her first impression. A cheeky grin spreads across her face. “Say, does Wymack ever invite alumni to your games? Would love to know if Dan — ” Sienna bites her lip, internally cursing her fucking Freudian slip, “ — if Kevin Day’s ass is as thick in person as it is on TV.”
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pargeneticae · 7 years
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
@divergentpaths​ ✨!
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Send ✨ and I will list 3-4 of  my muses that you have NOT interacted with before ( or not with a certain muse if you are also a multimuse )  that I think could be interesting to write together!
hawke siblings - like your hawke, my hawke, carver, all, whatever, i love hawke siblings, they give me life. if you write hawkes together, idk but I just love the hawke fam
mikoto & corrin - dotter....
gerome & 3h - I just, I have a 3h golden deer verse for him and I need to use it. like a visceral need. dorothea? 
FAYE ??? idk who to offer but I have an intense love for faye and I just wanna give her someone pls. dart? aerith? yuna? malon?? IDK
ephraim & olivia - I- ok this is another, I have no one from Sacred Stones but I love the character so pls take. i think these two would get along tho? ephraim is a prince but he doesn’t act very princely (no offense ephraim) and olivia is more relaxed around people like that and idk
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17 August 2021, 12:11am
I feel so damn sad ya allah!!!!
PRECIOUS is wat I name u, u I just want to let you know this even I know so well is alil bit too late but atleast wen u came out of that hell u may read this syg..
Syg, never once I let my guts down to hurt u intentionally, never once wtv Ive said is from my heart wen anger occurs is all bcos I'm mad at u for the things u did but trust me syg u"ll all I ever wanted.. I truly loves u with all my heart bby.. But today u left me all alone can u just imagine from 4 in the afternoon tat u called me till now 12:20am I havent get my rest & the most horrific things tat happened is aliya our dotter can't get herself out from thinking about u ddy we love & miss u so badly!!! Pls come back faster trust me syg I will wait for u don't worry
From ur sincerely sweetheart
Sheryl Yaan
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knxckleskissed-blog · 7 years
this is also ur friendly reminder that melody, being a child of a mermaid, naturally possesses incredible beauty as mermaid folklore entails that mermaids / sirens uses this particular feature to lure humans down i.e. find food : but melody has never , ever , felt beautiful . ever . she’s surrounded by these gorgeous princesses and girls and boys and all she could feel is like,,,, she’s on the other side looking in , like she’s not one of them . but she’s still so kind and gentle and unbiased and i love her so much ? ? ? 
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skyaches-aa · 4 years
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gently rolls my url @ ur ankles
Do I Follow Them? :  I do not remember the first time I followed but I know in my heart of hearts I will never leave now  
Why Did I Follow Them? : BECAUSE I LOVE YOU !  
Do We Role Play? : Hell ye  
Do I Want To Role Play With Them : Literally always
An AU Idea For Our Muses : Let Livvy time and space travel with a Time Lord pls
A Song For Our Muses : Fire and the Flood for Tim and Livvy , he knows everything is okay when she’s okay
Do I Ship Our Muses? : That is Tim’s dotter and I will gladly give her more parental units but ALSO chaos friends / siblings.
What I Think About The Mun : A SWEETHEART !!!!!
Overall Opinion : I would die for you.
Blog Rate : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+++++++++++++
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