#//so lostbelt 6 looking interesting as hell
elstreem · 9 months
Habetrot Conversations and Profile Details
So I got Habbycat to Bond 5! (not...NP 5...I still just have her at NP 2...I literally got NP 2 Angry Mango and a 2nd Lily from the FP summons what is my cursed luck)
Anyway, long post and reminders for spoilers for LB 6 as Habetrot is only available once LB 6 is done.
For starters, looking at Habetrot's Bond conversations for My Room, she has very different lines for Gudao and Gudako.
I'll start with Gudao's set of conversations:
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The first one is her teasing Gudao about Mash. BediGuda is my OTP, but I accept it will never be canon as the game obviously points to MashGuda, especially with the events of LB 6 - but no hard feelings, MashGuda is pretty cute and I like how supportive Habetrot is of Mash and Gudao getting together.
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The 2nd one is talking about how tiring it is to deploy the Black Barrel. It makes a bit of sense that Habetrot points it out since she never really wielded it...though with how easy it is to loop her NP, poor Habbycat must be so sore if she's being used as a farming unit.
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The third one presents some food for thought with Habetrot's remark about injuries. I do headcanon Ritsuka's got major issues both mentally and physically with everything they've gone through, and LB 6 actually showed it with RItsuka's sight blurring up several times, and even coughing up blood while remote summoning during the fight against Barghest. Heck, even as early as Babylonia, it is mentioned in the fight against Tiamat that Ritsuka's fingers were just about to undergo necrosis due to the strain of summoning.
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So when Habetrot mentions injuries in her bond diloagues, I take it as confirmation that Ritsuka is canonically suffering from chronic pains and ills from pushing their body so much.
On another note, it's also interesting that Habetrot points out being a faerie makes her tougher than some Servants - especially when you consider some, like Jekyll, are almost basically humans in terms of abilities.
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The last one is Habetrot mentioning that she never actually hears about Gudao's love life. It fits in neatly with my version of him, all things considered, I think Ritsuka is very friendly but respectful, and when others open up the topic of a serious relationship, he politely declines since he actually doesn't fall in love easily (until he and Bedivere grew close, that is). But that's just me.
But again, so cute that Habetrot wants to support Ritsuka,Ritsuka knows it and tells Habetrot they appreciate her efforts in turn.
Now for Gudako! Habetrot's dialogues for Gudako in general are geared towards treating her as a bride (though, if you check her profile, she remarks that despite her skill being exclusively effective on females, she thinks guys can be brides too. That's honestly sweet.)
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Her first dialogue is planning to measure Gudako for a wedding dress! But also trying to hide her intent to do so, which isn't fooling anyone, Habbycat. Still, isn't it just so cute? I'm aroace and don't see myself getting married, but even I would be happy to have someone so enthusiastic to make an special outfit.
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This second piece of dialogue is connected to another aspect of Habetrot mentioned in her profile, which states she basically lives out her dream of getting married through the brides she helps. Aww, Habbycat...
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The next conversation is the counterpart to Habetrot reacting to Gudao's injuries, indicating that Gudako is also showing signs of being worse for wear after all the Lostbelts. It's a Gudako response to just brush it off with a laugh, huh? Poor gal...but Habetrot isn't taking that nonsense and she insists on treating Gudako right with some self-care and being pretty and-
That's really touching to me, Habetrot fussing over Gudako. Goodness knows how much the Chaldean Master has been through, probably the last thing on Gudako's mind is looking pretty... hell, self-care as a concept seems like a luxury in a fight to save the future. Who cares if you're showing signs of exhaustion, right? But at the same time, it is so important to do mundane, regular life activities and remind Ritsuka that she has a life, and hopefully, will be able to return to a life where she can dress up, go out and have fun.
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The Bond 5 conversation is Habetrot firmly declaring her will to make Mash and Ritsuka happy brides. Just...🥺🥺
I'd like to imagine that when F/GO ends and Ritsuka returns to a normal world, all the Servants are constantly watching over them from the Throne, and some, like Habetrot here, will secretly help out Ritsuka in all sorts of things even when they're no longer a Master. assuming, of course, Fujimaru Ritsuka is still human at the end of F/GO, given the implications of some remarks...
That's the Bond conversations done - I really loved unlocking these and getting character insights. One last My Room dialogue that changes depending if Gudako or Gudao is set at your character is this:
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Which I think is the response "what do you think of our Servant-Master relationship?" that all Servants have responses to.
And as for people that Habetrot reacts to, she mentions Mash and that she notices Mash does get a bit sad talking to her...and then there's this.
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Which, by the way, Habetrot will say this particular dialogue without any change in expression.
Er, Habbycat? Blink twice if you need help.
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shuttershocky · 3 years
How come you say you don’t pay attention of FGO pt 2 / won’t tak qns on it? Do you not like the lostbelt arc?
Really sorry to say this, but I don't. I don't complain about it because I'm getting what I wanted—the Tsukihime Remake is coming out so I'm not really scrounging on the floor of FGO for crumbs anymore—but Cosmos in the Lostbelt is just... Not my thing.
I like learning the individual events and characters in each Lostbelt well enough. Hell I even enjoy the individual chapters (especially Lostbelt 3) as stories. But the overall arc? All the stuff with competing parallel universes, the bleached Earth, the Crypters, whatever Marisbury Animusphere was up to, theories about whether or not Chaldea's gonna live or not etc etc? I don't like it. (Exceptions granted to Gucchan and Pepe because the former makes Guda finally be the annoying spoiled kouhai I've always wanted to play and the latter is gnc as fuck)
I enjoyed Part 1 being Timesquad vs a fuck ton of demons even if it wasn't exactly the sort of stuff I like to see from Nasu, but Part 2 has gotten way too detached from what I like for the Lostbelt arc to really keep me interested in its overarching plot.
I've made it pretty clear that my favorite parts of Type-Moon have always been the low-key urban fantasy and horror and I'm not really all that into the superhero stuff Servants bring, but if Servants are in the picture then it's gotta be fun. Going full Doomslayer in the Temple of Solomon leading an army of servants into a horde of demons and fistfighting Goetia to death is some fuck yeah shit. Hell yeah let's go do shit like that. Getting told over and over "Oh these are the people you're going to burn for your own survival you CRUEL, HEARTLESS BEAST!" while a 6 year old looks at you with baby eyes... Not so much.
I'm not even like, opposed to Doomer storylines; I love the fuck out of Arknights. FGO's just not really doing it for me anymore. I don't think it justifies its darker tone to me and I'm not enthusiastic about where it's going. It's not like Part 1 where I'm excited as hell about "Solomon" appearing at the end of London and the Grand Servants are introduced, along with the idea that the Heroic Spirit ritual has always been about creating guardians of humanity and everything we knew about their purpose was perverted by the Holy Grail Wars. People say something about Daybit being related to Area 51 and ooh he's special and mysterious among the Crypters, Kirschtaria's only real equal in power, and I don't have it in me to be curious. My interest in that guy completely starts and ends with whatever his relationship is with ORT.
I have more thoughts on how I'm generally unhappy with Cosmos in the Lostbelt, but they're not really necessary to write. I still enjoy the Lostbelts individually, and I still like a lot of the cast (especially Paisen who is maybe my favorite new character to come out in this arc whenever I can see past my raging lust for Odysseus), but I'm not really paying that much attention to the plot anymore and thus I'm not even remotely a reliable source for answers about Cosmos in the Lostbelt. That's why I don't take Lostbelt questions!
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Foggy Fate
Recently Rex and Quetz had dealt with two annoying situations, both of which had left Quetz in a situation that Rex hated to see her in. First was a meeting with another universe's master, who decided to immediately start fighting and had managed to beat out Quetz with his servants by a bit of luck. Second was in Madrid where a trap specifically meant for Quetz had weakened her and had her captured by the enemy.
The two managed to come out fine in both situations, Rex even gaining new symbiotic powers in Madrid, but he still hated how it happened at all. He got paranoid, and wanted to prevent any similar scenario from happening again. One measure was that he requested many of the caster servants create a special charm to prevent Quetz from getting harmed by any magical traps like in Madrid.
But suddenly, the control room had detected a singularity. Nothing major, but needed to be addressed soon.
Rex: another one? We've been seeing a lot of these lately.
Da Vinci: might be a bit of a side effect of the lostbelts. Singularities happen all the time anyways but these have been different.
Sion: this one's in London, same time period as the London singularity of The Grand Order.
Rex: interesting...
Da Vinci: it's not nearly as big an issue, but we'd still like you to take a look.
Rex: I will, but I'm not taking any risks.
Under normal circumstances, these small singularities would be handled by Rex and Quetz, but after the last two incidents he felt he needed to take further measures. For one he brought in Jalter as backup.
Sion: bringing in some backup?
Rex: yeah... I won't be having Quetz harmed again...
Quetz: I understand your feelings mi amor... but still a bit embarrassing...
Rex: I realize that, but... that's reality unfortunately. Besides we know Jalter's dependable backup.
Jalter, blushing a bit: ...thanks master...
Sion: anyways, we need you all in the coffins soon.
After the 3 entered their respective coffins it was time to rayshifting.
The three found themselves in the foggy streets of London. It looked like a ghost town, not a soul in sight. Not too unique for singularities but still unnerving.
Da Vinci: ...huh, that's odd. About the same time you got there, we've detected another life signature and a servant.
Quetz: ...could it be another universe's master of chaldea?
Sion: that's a very strong possibility. If they're anything like the last one... then be on your guard.
Rex: don't need to tell me twice
Jalter: do you know where they could be?
Da Vinci: yes... a few blocks away
Rex: ...great...
Meanwhile, with the other universe's master: Maya.
Maya: so you've detected more servants?
Maya was sent in to deal with the same problem, she brought along her surrogate daughter Abigail Williams.
Da Vinci: yes... though one seems a bit odd. Two are pretty standard, rider and avenger classes. But there's another that's... fluctuating? It's not far from a berserker but...
Maya: could be a pseudo-servant or something?
Sion: maybe...?
Abby: are they source of the singularity?
Da Vinci: not likely...
Sion: heads up, they're getting close
Rex: hey you!
Maya: here we go...
The two groups could see each other, Rex decided to call Maya out. When Maya saw the group she already got a decent read on the servants. She knew Jalter already but this one was... different? Closer to the one from Orleans. Quetzalcoatl was... dangerous, not malevolent but a risk. Rex was... confusing. She could tell he was a decent guy but something seemed off.
Maya: hey there!
Rex: hey...
Maya: lemme guess... are you another universe's master?
Rex: yeah... same for you?
Maya: yup! You got some interesting servants there...
Rex: thanks... what's your name?
Maya: Maya. Maya Hinagami.
Rex: Maya... lemme ask you something, you know a Faye?
Maya: yeah actually... you know her too?
Rex: we've met up a couple times.
Maya: nice! Wait! She might've told me about you too. Lemme guess your name... Rox?
Rex: Rox?! It's Rex!
Maya: oh! Sorry about that! Must've misheard her.
Jalter: hey... I'd hate to cut the discussion short... but the fog's getting thicker.
Quetz: she's right.
Da Vinci(s): you better get moving *bzzt* servant *bzzt* danger- *bzzt*
Eventually the comms cut off, the fog now much thicker and the masters were getting nervous.
Maya: Rex! You still there?
Rex: yeah!
The groups huddled close to stay safe.
Abby: Maya... what could it be?
Maya: not sure...
Quetz: don't worry girls, we'll come out of this fine.
Jalter: yeah, always turns out good eventually.
Then the group heard an unnerving scrapping sound. Like metal being dragged across the pavement.
Rex: what the hell?
Maya: must be the source of the singularity.
Abby: what could it be
But before anyone could answer suddenly the enemy strikes from behind
Jalter, blocking with her sword: fuck!
Then suddenly they disappear.
Rex: what the?
Maya: some kind of warping ability?
Quetz: this will be annoying.
The fog was thick with mana, messing with the comms and preventing Maya from getting a read on the enemy.
Suddenly another strike!
Quetz, countering with her Macana: don't think so!
Gone again
Rex: is it the fog that let's them do that?
Maya: no idea. But it's irritating regardless.
Rex: I got an idea... on my signal all of you duck.
Maya: what do you have in mind?
Rex: you'll see.
After a bit of waiting, Rex gave the signal.
Rex: now!
The rest ducked and Rex unleashed dozens of spikes from his body! He feels some impaling the enemy servant.
Rex: gotcha!
Maya: wtf was that?!
Rex: long story!
The fog clears a bit but not much and the enemy servant is seen stabbed in several places in their body. Finally getting a good look at them the group can see what their opponent looks like. They're covered almost entirely by a cloak, with a large white mask covering their face, tho it seemed to have been damaged by the spikes.
Maya: are they still alive?
Abby: they aren't fading...
Suddenly the enemy servant warps again, leaving some blood dripping on the spikes they were impaled on.
Rex: fucking hell!
Quetz: that didn't kill them?!
Jalter: I've had enough of this bitch!
Jalter in a fit of anger unleashes a large circle of flames around the group.
Maya: Jalter! What the hell!?
Jalter: they can't warp into fire that easily!
Maya: but it may kill us!
Then suddenly the enemy warps rights above the group, axe in hand ready to strike!
Rex: there you are! Maya, Gander!
Suddenly the two shoot out consecutive gander shot right at the enemy, causing them to lose focus and let go of the weapon.
Immediately in response Quetzalcoatl leaps and grabs the enemy forcing them into an aerial suplex and launching them into the flames!
???: RAAAAHHH!!!
Jalter: now I'll hande this!
Le Grondement de la Haine
She unleashes her noble phantasm killing the enemy servant.
The fog clears away, and to clear the flames Quetz uses her authority to bring about enough rain to put it out.
After everything is said and done the two masters have to talk to their respective Da Vincis and Sions.
Sion: don't know if you figured it out or not from everything but it seems the enemy was an alternative summons of Jack the Ripper.
Abby: did Jack... grow up?
Da Vinci: no... not likely. Jake the Ripper's a very unique servant when it comes to how they can be summoned.
Maya: that's what happens when you're never even seen.
Rex: so is the singularity gonna clear up soon?
Sion: actually, it looks like you two being there is causing a new but much weaker singularity. Not far off from the incidents with Faye and so on.
Rex: ah, just us being here will keep it stable until we leave.
Da Vinci: yep! So if you guys want to talk like with others then by all means!
Maya: is that cool with you?
Rex: suuure, don't see why not.
The two groups sat at a table near a Cafe that was still abandoned. Discussing their adventures and making comparisons. When Maya learned Rex had not 1 but 6 different versions of Quetzalcoatl she was shocked!
Maya: how does it keep happening?!
Rex: your guess is as good as mine.
Maya: ...how the...
Maya, remembering what Rex did: wait! Another thing! How the hell did you just shoot out spikes from your body!
Rex: oh yeah! That
Rex explained the events of the Madrid singularity and how he gained symbiotic pseudo-servant powers to save Quetzalcoatl.
Maya: that explains a lot.
Rex: yeah... they were supposed to leave with the singularity but nope! So until we understand things better I'm stuck like this. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
Maya: well I probably wouldn't complain either.
The two continued on, until an interesting topic came up. Maya didn't bring it up until the servants went off on their own for a bit.
Maya: so... Faye tells me you and Quetz are actually married.
Rex: yup! Tied the knot a while ago now.
Maya: but... are you sure that's the best idea?
Rex: why not? I love her! I've loved her for so much of this journey, and she loves me! After I resummoned her in Russia and we together again I decided then and there I should propose.
Maya: I understand that but... she's a servant. She's not going to be here when this is all over.
Rex: ...yes she will be.
Maya: ...what do you mean?
Rex: she'll still be with me, after the lostbelts and so on, we'll still be together.
Maya: but after everything's said and done the servants won't be needed and just like after Goetia will be unsummoned.
Rex: well they can't unsummon her.
Maya: yes they can? Why wouldn't they be able to?
Rex: because back in Russia I didn't use the Chaldea system to summon her, I used a traditional summoning circle.
Maya: !!! You did what!?!?
Maya: how the hell!? How is your body able to handle the strain of not only a servant but a divine spirit a that!?
Rex: well... according to my records my magical circuits are scarily good? They said it's astounding I had such good ones when my family had little prior connection to magecraft.
Maya: so... you were just blessed with amazing circuits?!
Rex: no! My predecessor... actually did some small experiments on members of the family as the generations went on... until I came about with the right circuits.
Maya: ah, so you're the result of generations of experimentation to create an heir with the right circuits and can thus summon a divine spirit without Chaldeas, no problem.
Rex: well... yeah....
Maya realized just how odd of a master candidate Rex was. When it came to the world of magecraft such experiments weren't unheard of, but rarely did they produce such results. How fortunate for him to end up in chaldea. And he needn't worry about losing his wife thanks to that.
Rex: but hey... I'm sure you can still be with Helena after you finish up with the lostbelts.
Maya: ...how can you be so sure?
Rex: I dunno... call it optimism or call it foolishness, but I think you two can still find happiness together in some way after all this. You two had to say goodbye once and then got to meet again, whose to say it won't happen again?
Maya found his optimistic view on things... amusing. Maybe he was right... in some form or another, they may be able to stay together after all is said and done.
The two groups went their separate ways eventually. Seeming to have made new friends of another universe's masters again. Time will tell if they were to meet again.
A/N: so there's the Rex/Maya crossover. Thanks to @hasabbydoneanythingwrong for volunteering Maya as tribute. Hopefully you all like it and hopefully I got Maya right.
@hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @hasnightingaledoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @grievouslyxorvia
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andarion · 4 years
What are the odds that Arthur will save our asses from probably beast 6 in LB 6? I mean I love him and I’m hoping he plays a big role in lb 6. Not to mention, he’s also my fav Character from the whole fateverse.
Heavy FGO spoilers for cosmos in the lostbelt, so skip this post if you want to avoid spoilers
Most likely yes. Though the question is whether if he is destined to battle just Beast L (Manaka/Beast of 666) or R (Nero/Whore of Babylon) or both.
Given his trial quest he has met, or at least knows the telltale signs of each side
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Though given his interlude (Full translation found here credit to u/kanramori on reddit) and the fact that Romulus is the one who speaks directly to Arthur, makes me believe that it is possible that we may encounter both halves of Beast VI in the “Round Table Domain”:
Romulus: Red Dragon, Arthur Pendragon.
Romulus: Roma knows everything. Roma knows the road to everything.
Romulus: As such, Roma knows even the end of your journey. My child, alas, my child!
Romulus: Though this place is not the final destination of your journey, it can be a good vantage point to look up into the stars.
Romulus: Whilst not staring up into the stars, you are hurrying into tomorrow. But my child, that is a mistake.
Romulus: If you find yourself stopped during your journey, look up into the skies. Look into the stars.
Romulus: Remind yourself that that is the reason that you have visited this planet.
Arthur: ……………
Romulus: Look up into the stars. And the calamity that you seek will come to you over yonder.
Also in the Atlantis lostbelt we got some information as to what is going on the British Lostbelt (See here the whole translation notes on reddit by Taiboo)
The most relevant notes are the following:
- It seems that the Fantasy Tree in the English Lostbelt is already dead, and that this was part of Kirschtaria’s request to Beryl in order to let the English Lostbelt self destruct. It’s about to disappear soon. Beryl worked really hard for it, in that Lostbelt where there were very few humans and a lot of phantasmal beasts. Just by straying a bit from the path would land one in a world with different rules. He calls it a hellish wonderland, which surprised even someone raised in England like him.
- Beryl carefully nudged the ones there into defeating the Fantasy Tree themselves. Right now they must be crying out that they were tricked by Beryl, but he’ll deal with that later.
- The English Lostbelt is still surrounded by the wall of light now, but Kirschtaria can confirm that its Fantasy Tree has been destroyed. The branches of Fantasy Trees that have grown tall enough to reach the stratosphere will interface, forming a network. The reaction from England just disappeared the other day. And so that wall of light, “The World’s End”, should disappear soon too.
- Kadoc asks about why the English Lostbelt has to be destroyed. Kirschtaria says that someone like Kadoc who doesn’t know the abyss of the Clock Tower might not understand. The English Lostbelt is a Lostbelt that cannot be left here. It is a threat to both the Crypters and the God of the Foreign Star.
- Beryl shows up, having actually arrived here in the flesh. He made use of a sheltered princess in his Lostbelt, getting close to her. But she turned out to be quite mad, not caring that he was a spy for the humans and saying stuff like “let’s be together until the depths of hell!”
Now these tibdits are interesting, a resurgence in phantasmal beasts is something opposite to what happened i n pan-human history camelot, where basically after Artoria/Arthur felled down Vortigern that put the final nail in the coffin for the remnants of the age of gods.
However something must have happened within the lostbelt around 500AD (age of the deviation) to cause the current situation. One thing to note is the amount of phantasmal beasts, which could be related to the fact that at least in hanafuda she has a skill named    Potnia Theron: Monster Princess 
Which going with what was stated above, it seems likely that there’s a relation there, also small lore tibdit, Manaka is half-english.
So all in all I think we will see our boi Arthur featured prominently on the sixth lostbelt.
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EOR SE.RA.PH Singularity: Act 4
Leaving the final Act and epilogue... Hopefully this can be done before going back to JP, especially given Reines Case files is ending way earlier than Seraph. I’m heading out for Doujima in the weekend, and grinding for Eater X is going to be hell
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Act 4 (1/4)
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After beating Caesar... It’s still not surprising that there’s more Servants left on the rear side, Cat. Then again... At least no one fell for his smooth-talking this time round. If anything, yes, Cat is one of our iron chef in Chaldea Kitchen!
Gaining Lip immediately as Tamamo Cat’s next disciple... Thankfully she avoided going to actual Beni-Enma’s Hell’s Kitchen to learn. Seeing Melt happy for Lip being able to speak up without worrying on other’s opinions, she eventually appreciate Gudas for not killing her back then. And that’s no way to shoo Emiya Alter away, Cat!
Cat’s case is still surprising for me so far. None of them are Alter Egos class yet potentially to be one... Or given in Lostbelt there’s already one debatable to be either Assassin or Alter Ego. Something that surprise Melt never realized it until now, except Lip
Melt then explained to Cat what part of BB they were based on as she and Lip are completely different from each other. In basic term, Melt is a sadist and Lip is a masochist which hence they are a good pair to each other.
Emiya Alter returns once Melt finished revealing more about herself, asking if Suzuka is the only Sentinel left. With Melt’s guess on where Suzuka is, our next destination is to head for the spine
Before Emiya Alter suggest we take back BB’s advice to defeat Suzuka again the same way we defeat Lip. But, aside from the issue Suzuka has with the original Tamamo... Hope Tama Cat has a way to beat her down then
Act 4 (2/4)
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A dead end instead of a path to the Spine... A good question to learn.... It turns out Sakurament is basically QP where BB make us do the dirty work to collect all even if it’s not necessary. Yeah, I didn’t church allowed sending asshole Arnold to talk to us too, Cat
No shit, we don’t even know about Seraphix in the first place. Anyway, looks like Arnold got the map of the Planetarium we’re looking for. I think he’s more than just cog in the machine, Emiya Alter.... But, we’ll need to settle that later. I think there could be worse people to be in charge, Melt...
Though, we got 25 hours+ left aka 15 minutes before Seraphix sink to the bottom. Thank you for your concern, Lip. But we need to focus on the bigger issue to find Suzuka and get to the planetarium. Guys, Gudas really appreciate your concern for them, BUT LET’S NOT DO SOMETHING CRAZY AS DECIDING TO THROW THEM OUT FOR SERVANTS TO EAT AS MUCH I’D LIKE TO!
And despite their bickering or so, both Lip and Melt are really close to each other. Or, at least once they develop more sense of self and others, they really care for each other a lot. Also again, you’re hiding something, aren’t you, Melt? Nevertheless, we’re still trusting you, no matter what
After Melt giving another talk to the Gudas about herself, we move on to find Suzuka!
Act 4 (3/4)
Reaching to the temple soon... We’re definitely close with Tama Cat confirming her presence. Emiya Alter briefly mentions about who Suzuka is and her historical deeds in the past. To be honest, I don’t know who’s real or not but Tamamo originally IS a nine-tail fox.
Lip’s turn to mention about her tragic love story that she was known for. Yeah for someone supposed to be intellect, I’m guessing all of it went to her high school chunnibyou. Though have to admit, her strength is something with her bloodlust craving for fights.
At the mention of Masters.... WE DEFINITELY HAVE NOT SEEN A SINGLE ONE ASIDE FROM GUDAS! What the hell?! This is still one of the biggest mystery that has been yet to solve...
Anyway, reached her temple at last. Suzuka is right there all ready to kick our ass again. Before that, where’s your Master, Suzuka? .... Okay, looks like she don’t even know who her Master is.... Regardless, we’re not letting you touch Tristan to settle your score for the Holy Grail.
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5~6 turns later... That’s some fucking gimmick to keep herself alive until the finals of the Holy Grail War. Wait Melt... Before we throw that key away, there should be a way to use it from that defective AI. And shut up, Arnold! Spectators should just keep quiet and watch!
And you, Suzuka! Are you okay being that stupid, useless and inferior AI’s Servant?! YEAH, I’M CALLING YOU A FLUNKY, CHUNNIBYOU! Tama’s right, you’re nothing but a puppet to that stupid AI right now! If you’re really planning to follow your Master’s wish, then let’s end this properly!!
Thanks to Tama Cat’s trap... Time to unlock her heart! I’m feeling sorry for Hakunos at this point.... Relax we don’t event want to do this. Blame the fucking writer who needs everything to be a sex scene.
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One showdown of Suzuka and her boyfriend Hijikata later.... Not so fast on the dramatic suicide, Suzuka! Yeah, you’re definitely way too dramatic, Suzuka! There’s such thing of people dying of a broken heart... But, you’re perfectly fine! For a previously married divine goddess, there’s nothing about you like a high school girl...
Argh enough drama! Cat, do your job and smack-talk some sense into her! And we’re the winner, so we decided you get to live or not. And, we take the former of you living to join us! I’ll pass on your friend request... Social media been avoiding weird people to add later on Facebook in particular
Before we go back, another earthquake? Wait... This is..... The Demon God Pillar Zepar!! Why the---What the fuck?! It turned the whole area upside down!! We’re saved, but Melt took the hit for Gudas!!!
I don’t think they can understand us, Lip! And if we’re at the lowest... Oh fuck that’s where Zepar is supposed to be reborn!!!
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Eight hours before we bottom! And we’re already long before you start yapping, Arnold! We’re going to save Melt, so no, we’re not going back without Melt! Lastly, you’re not even the boss of us so peace out!
Suzuka’s direction is helpful now we can get back to business. Enough of arguing who’s coming, and don’t you implied Lip’s weight, Suzuka! It’s just you and Gudas, so do your job properly.
Meanwhile, Melt woken up to remember she fallen while saving the Gudas. The Rejection Calf aka the Disposal area... Her legs broke from the fell back there. Her body has really hit her limit ever since the arrival of Gudas. Closing her eyes, she reminiscence her memories with the Gudas and more about her true thoughts.
Thankfully, the Gudas picked her out of there before she got destroyed once and for all. Gripping tight of her hand and ignoring the harem yapping, we got to get out of there before 3 Shapeshifter, 3 Eaters and 1 fucking giant Rider boar coming at us!!!
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.... And there’s more! Yup, I agree with you there, Suzuka. THIS IS COMPLETELY FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! Hey, don’t forget the rope to get us out of there!! And... The rope was cut?! What the hell?!!
But... Tristan is here and he managed to save us! Oh right, you flew with that harp of yours in Halloween event.... That’s another way to get us out of there, or not. Let’s create a camp session until someone picked up up. Tempting to beat Arnold, but that’s a goner. Wait, Cruel Thenar... Melt’s former workplace? .... I guess a pathetic AI decided to use her brains for once to save us
Ah typical loser who decided to squish the final two contestant just to get her reward. Well, where’s our supposed next battle with you? Now? Yeah yeah, you may have a certain thing like Tiamat, Goetia and so on. You’re in the end just an AI who felt the need to better herself than everyone at how fucking weak you really are. A sad case, truly.
Hold on, mistake? Weren’t you the one started this whole stupid mess?! How the hell did things fucked up!! And knew it, obviously she’s going to send us down than up
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Meanwhile... Good thing Arnold’s not a Master, otherwise, I’d like to see him the first Master get betrayed and screwed by his Servant. Considering he heartlessly get both his Director and Deputy Director killed... And now trying to get Gudas to obey him by force
And since Emiya Alter is here? Or the one who betrayed us too.... Yeah, thank you for doing everyone a favor to kill him. It’s about time someone needs to kill off that irritating character. And Mable? Oh why her?! Wait... You killed them to prevent Animusphere experiment...?
But the voice that attacked Emiya Alter... OKAY WHAT THE FUCK? That’s like an interior of a demon pillar! I thought we killed that!! This person talking to Emiya Alter is someone he knew well, given how they now spoke about themselves...
And the bloodied past, of Emiya Alter... Taunting him as the whole screen now turned bloody too. So, they are the ones who killed Gawain too! Whatever Emiya Alter have his reason, he needed to kill them in our world since he already know what they will be like in a certain distant future.
Act 4 (4/4)
Definitely right at the bottom of where Melt’s workplace originally is... At the most painful landing ever. Melt then explained Cruel Thenar was once a place to excavated oil... Aka finding leylines in truth. Oh, you want us to enter your heart?
That makes things easier in a sense. Nah, it’s fine, it’s more annoying to beat around the bush, Lip. Yeah we got the key after we ripped off from that AI before falling down. Well... At least, we got a job to do. Oh please, not all of Gudas are interested in woman. There’s this called of “I’m gay and my life is hell in a harem manga”, so there. With Lip’s advice, time to enter her heart to unlock this area!
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And WE’RE FUCKING DONE WITH HER! DW just give us a fucking Anti-Alter Ego class already!!! But with that down, Melt then showed us a way to the Planetarium via her territory. And.... We’re back at the front! That’s enough rest, you’re coming with us back to the church. So keep quiet or we’ll drop and break your legs here!
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No one is here to greet us... Where did Mable and Arnold go? What the... Emiya Alter is not even here! Before that... Some AI dropped a nice invitation to go beat her up. Hey, it’s not like we didn’t beat her over and over again like she deserved it under Martha’s punch.
That’s right, Tristan. It’s gone far too long for this Holy Grail War. With Melt back at the chapel resting, we head off to the core to get Ruler Martha, Amakusa and Jeanne to gang up on her.
After we left, Melt then begans her own monologue. Thinking there should be a way out for Gudas, she hope Suzuka, Tristan and Cat eventually found a way to do so.
And really done for the day... Literally.... Because all my energy was wasted in walking with an eventually broken shoe, running back to my house to wear a new one before heading for my interview is gone. Plus, today’s also happened to be one of the many worst days.... I’m going to need sleep before grinding some quest for KP
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eiyu-no-yakata · 3 years
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Fairy Knight Gawain...
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