#// whistles innocently: im soRRY DASH IM SORRY
floraesky-a · 10 months
no yeah all my ocs are on @mythcaels now. bear with me as this blog slowly turns into a canon only blog.
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missmorosis · 3 years
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defending their s/o from a creepy man
-> feat. bokuto and oikawa
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You had to admit, you were scared.
You had been waiting for a while on a bench nearby, trying to stay patient as you looked around for your boyfriend. Where was he? He was only getting some snacks, what was taking him so long?
Part of you was annoyed at yourself for being so clingy, but the other part wanted someone with you at all times in case something happened...
“Hey, pretty girl,” an unknown voice whistled behind you. You froze. This was what you were afraid of. 
You turned your head to see an unattractive, older male stranger sitting down next to you with a stupidly dreamy look on his face. You cleared your throat and inched away from him, pretending you hadn’t heard anything. Ignore him. Don’t look at him, you repeated in your head.
“I’m talking to you,” he clarified, seeming to have believed you actually hadn’t heard him.
“O-oh...” you faltered, giving a sheepish smile instead, trying to satisfy him with a short response. You tried to express your discomfort before deciding to get up and move somewhere else. You weren’t sure where you were going to go, but you knew you had to get out of there. Ignore him. Don’t look back. Ignore him. Don’t look back. Igno- 
A hand wrapped around yours, pulling you backwards. You turned, sighing in relief because you were expecting your boyfriend, but you realized it was the creepy man. You gasped and jerked away as fast as you could. Where was your boyfriend...?
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Bokuto was excitedly carrying back all of the snacks he could find. He had picked out everything that he thought you enjoyed, whether it was some strawberry ice cream that he remembered you getting on your first date, or something that he remembered you wanted to try.
That's when he saw you.
And that's when he saw him.
At first, Bokuto's heart stopped. Were you seeing another man? Was he not good enough?
However, he quickly realized this wasn't the case at all. He watched you squirm and push him away. He caught onto your discomfort, and rushed to your side, dropping all the snacks he carried.
"Hey- who do you think you are?" It was then that you realized how intimidating your boyfriend truly could be. From an outsider's point of view, Bokuto could seem like an aggressive, tall athlete, although you knew how sweet he was.
However, the man did not. He seemed a noticeable amount less bold now that you had someone like Bokuto at your side.
Bokuto was... he was really mad.
It almost scared you; you would probably have been frightened if you hadn't truly known Bokuto. One of his hands wrapped around yours, and you squeezed it.
The man quickly slipped away, and Bokuto immediately gave you a hug.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" You nodded against his chest breathlessly, and he looked at you with concern.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have taken so long, this is all my fault." Bokuto's hair drooped as tears welled up in his eyes. He punched himself for ever letting his beloved Y/N go through something like that. It was his fault, he knew it.
"Bo... it's not your fault, I promise. I should have done something or gotten away faster." You gave him a hug; you loved him so much. He hugged you back as tight as he could with his familiar strong arms.
Pulling back with a smile, you looked at the floor, finally noticing the dozens of snacks he dropped. That's what was taking him so long... Softly laughing, you helped pick them up.
You gasped when you realized how much thought he put into each and every snack. He remembered.
You loved him so much.
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Oikawa hummed to himself as he walked over with some snacks when genius struck him. He should scare you!
He snickered under his breath as he rushed towards you with anticipation. He hid behind the wall near you, being as quiet as possible.
Wait... who was this?
Judging from the way you sat near this strange man, you weren't comfortable with his presence. Oikawa knew something was up when you stood, walking away. He silently praised you for your actions; thank goodness you got away before anything happened... no.
The second he saw the man's hand on you, anger tinted his vision. He marched over, giving the most intimidating look he could. Nobody would hurt you on his watch.
"Sorry- I have a boyf-" you had started to stutter, not noticing Oikawa standing there.
"She has a boyfriend," he finished for you forcibly. Trying to keep a calm and collected approach despite the anger he felt, Oikawa casually slung an arm around you for effect; claiming that you were his and his only. You flinched at first at the unexpected touch, but quickly relaxed when you realized it was just Oikawa. He heard you mutter something under your breath in relief.
"Why, is something the matter, babe?" he asked, an innocent, passive aggressive tone in his voice. You shook your head quickly, and Oikawa stepped forward so that you would hide behind him.
"Then I believe we are done here." His death glare genuinely frightened you; you were glad you were not on the receiving end. The man muttered something like an apology before dashing away, which you couldn't blame him for.
As soon as the man was gone, Oikawa quickly spun around to get a good look at you.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He looked you in the eye with concern written all over his face. You let out a sigh of relief, feeling lightheaded. As you stumbled over yourself, Oikawa's arms wrapped around you for support.
"Hey- Y/N? Y/N?! You okay?!" His voice was now panicked, seeing your weak form in front of him.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just... just really relieved," you reassured him with an exhale. "Thank goodness you got here in time."
You got up on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
"I owe you."
"Just glad you're okay," he replied, kissing your forehead.
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a/n: im sorry im v tired and idk how much sense this makes HAHAHDJKFK
THANK YOU FOR READING!! mwahhhh ilyyy
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leerongrong · 4 years
of peaches and clichés.
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Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: In which you’re Jaemin’s chemistry tutor and he’s your cliché flirty high school bad boy.
Requested: yes // im not creative enough to think of an idea but i crave your writing so im gonna try and request lol. chenle fluff? dkjfid i have no idea on specifics, sorry if this didnt help. or some flirty badboy!jaemin im weak for that
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The sun's shinning down, rays breaking through clouds onto the school's rooftop. Winds sweep across your cheeks, eyelashes fluttering along with your textbook pages in the wind. Screeching shoes from the basketball team are heard from below, along with the coach's whistle and shouts. Your earphones block out most of the noise, a melody to help calm down your nerves from the stress of school work.
"Well, look who I ran into." A male's voice breaks you from murmuring the lyrics to the song, even going as far to startling you until the textbook previously lying on your lap is flung away. "I would say it was a coincidence, if I believed in them."
Your eyes trail to black shoes just in front of you, keeping track of the hands that bend down to retrieve the pink, tossed away textbook. Your eyes are trailing up onto the figure, taking in the sight of a slightly worn out leather jacket and an odd tuff of blue hair.
Every high school has a stereotype to them; some with big brain nerds, maybe even buff jocks that push said nerds into lockers. Others have preppy cheerleaders that smile and flirt at every living thing, or a gathering of Goth teens that only hang out with their own clique. You've never had an opinion of them, simply choosing to live your own life alongside your pack of friends who are deemed "smart" and ultimately being labeled as the school's good girl.
The white canvas, the teacher's pet, the school's innocent, the extremely sweet girl capable of making anyone smile, those are the names you've been called throughout high school. Not that you minded them, they're just labels put there by people who never even knew you.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" The epitome of a high school stereotype would be the one standing just right in front of you; Na Jaemin, the school's bad boy who's never seen wear anything but a leather jacket and skinny jeans, the one that goes around with whispers following him like the plague, the one who breaks heart after heart when he's bored, the one you got assigned to tutor chemistry. "Because if I'm not wrong, you fell head over heels the moment I came through that door."
The need to suppress your smile exceeds the need to take your book back.
"Besides, who wouldn't fall for me?" Jaemin's flirting is something you've only heard of previously, hallway whispers going around about his sweet words that make girls fall for him. You've only got to experience the end of it just two months ago, after your first tutor session had begun, the boy never failed to spew sweet nothings at you, at first driving you crazy with how much time he wastes flirting instead of studying. "But why would you throw away the book I gave you?"
The sight of his exaggerated pout makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, something that's been happening after tutoring Jaemin. Your friends had warned you to stay away from him, to decline the teacher's offer of an added grade if you succeeded in raising his grades. You don’t know what came over you to agree into something like tutoring, at first what you thought was, a lost cause like Jaemin. You remember feeling bad for lying to your friends, telling them that you needed the extra grade when in reality your grades have been stable and you didn't need any extra credits.
The butterflies explode once more when his pout turns into an attractive smirk you've seen him paint on his face multiple times. You're ducking your head in hopes he doesn't see the blossoming blush on your cheeks, not sure whether you want someone to burst into the rooftop to save you from your embarrassment or to spend a few minutes with him.
You're not sure when you started developing feelings for Jaemin. All your life you’ve never been one to believe in love at first sight, always seeing the logical side, explaining to Jaemin that falling in love happens slowly but gradually, declining his objections and telling him repeatedly that love doesn't happen overnight, it happens with unspoken moments and sweet words between two people intertwined with each other.
Maybe it started two weeks after your first tutoring session; the first time you ever saw Jaemin asleep in the library after the two of you decided to study after school, the day you remember seeing dark bags under his eyes after forcing him to study with you over the phone, the day you gathered enough courage to sweep away the, then brown, bangs from his eyes.
”Studying again?” The librarian’s voice pulls your attention away from your phone, snapping your gaze towards her smiling face before you’re smiling yourself, nodding at her question. “With company today, I see.”
“Company? What do you mean?”
You see her nod her head and you’re forced to squint when you see a hooded figure sleeping on the table you normally sit at. “He’s been here for over an hour already, sleeping.”
The library’s silent, with no one but you, the librarian, and the sleeping figure on the desk. The air is warm but windy, perfect weather to study in if it weren’t for the mysterious person sitting in your spot. You’ve got half the mind to start talking to the person and wake him up when you round the table and see that it’s Jaemin. Your heart softens at the sight of his soft brown hair, make shift bed made with chemistry books, more so when you see the bags under his eyes.
Guilt starts eating at you when you remember you’re the one who practically forced him to stay up all night with you, studying for your pre-chemistry test that’s coming next week. You’re gathering the books around him, gently pulling the one under his head and replacing it with your neck pillow instead, the sight of him sleeping in a slightly better position lessening your guilt.
Hours pass just like that, the librarian signaling for you to pack up while you’re stretching your stiff joints. In the few hours, you realize that Jaemin looks nothing like the front he puts up every day when he’s asleep, he doesn’t look as rugged and mischievous, he looks more soft and nice like this. Another thing you notice is how soft his hair looks without any added products, the color reminding you of hot cocoa on a winter day.
Your eyes are darting back and forward on his face, searching for any signs he’s beginning to wake up, heart starting to beat slightly fast at the thought of being able to run your fingers through his hair. The librarian’s still moving around somewhere behind you and you’re cautiously lifting your hand up to his head, fingers slightly brushing against his tresses.
“If you wanted to touch, you could have asked.”
The yelp that pulls out of you has Jaemin smirking, said boy lifting both his hands up above his head to stretch. “And don’t think I didn’t catch you staring,” he smirks, “You can stare for however long you want, I won’t judge.”
Your face flushes red and you’re quick on your feet, dashing away out of the library after collecting your bag and essentials, leaving Jaemin alone with your abandoned neck pillow still in his hands. Jaemin’s smiling, hands playing with the peach shaped pillow while he’s staring at where you were sat.
It could have started on the third week after your club activities; when you ran into Jaemin for the first time that day, getting the surprise of your life when you saw his freshly dyed pink hair. Getting another surprise when he dragged you into the library for a study session, when he didn't need a tutoring for another 2 days. It was the first day butterflies erupted in your tummy when he told you he dyed his hair pink because pink reminded him of you.
Banter is tossed around while you’re laughing along with your friend. Your club activities just finished and you’re itching to go to the library for a much needed alone time, between your classes and tutoring Jaemin, there isn’t much time left for you to recollect your thoughts.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Your friends around you are all suddenly whispering, some fixing their hairs, others reapplying their lipsticks and you’re left wondering at the sudden change of attitude until Jaemin comes strutting down the hall with his usual leather jacket and not so usual bright pink hair. “Hi, peaches.”
“Peaches?” you choke out, “Who’re you calling peaches?”
“You.” He’s grinning at you, hands tugging at yours to pull you away from your peers and you’re slightly stumbling at his fast paced footsteps. “Or if you don’t like it I can call you Babe? Baby? Sweetheart?”
“Oh, I know!” He clicks his finger, “How about I call you mine?”
You force out a snort at his blatant flirting, thanking the Gods he’s not looking back at your frame, or else the full on blush on your face would’ve been blown. “Where are you taking me? Isn’t this the way to the library? Jaemin I don’t have to tutor you today.”
You’re met with silence as he continues to tug you into the library, waving a quick hello to the librarian when you pass her along the way. You bump into Jaemin’s chest when he suddenly stops in front of you and you’re on your tip toes when you see him pick an object up from your usual desk. “What are you doing?”
“You wanna know why I dyed my hair pink?” You’re sighing when he ignores your question, your patience running thin from your stolen ‘me time.’ He’s turning around and you’re shocked to see your peach neck pillow in his hands along with a chemistry test paper with the numbers 87 at the top left corner.
“My grades went up, thanks peaches.” He’s leaning down to your height, and goosebumps start to arise on your skin when his lips brush against the shell of your ear. “And I dyed my hair pink because pink reminds me of you.”
That day you’re the one left alone in the library, with a hand resting on your cheek, on the spot where Na Jaemin just kissed you.
Maybe it started on the fifth week when nature had decided to rain you in after school, all alone after studying for a physics test in the library, with the only other person there being Jaemin, who had to stay back for a physics make up test. The boy covering you with his beloved leather jacket, running under the rain all the way to your house which had resulted to him being absent the next day, getting a cold. 
“You bring an umbrella, peaches?”
Jaemin’s voice snaps you out of your stare off with the rain, said boy standing next to you with nothing but his leather jacket in hand and his backpack on his back. His previously bright pink hair has now been washed out, leaving only bits of light pink to color his hair and you’re embarrassed to say that it matches exactly with your peach neck pillow.
“No,” you mumble, “I’m guessing you didn’t too?”
”Always the smart one in the relationship.” Jaemin’s taking off his leather jacket and you look to him in confusion when he sets it on top of your shoulder, slightly adjusting the material so that it covers your head. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Why are you giving me your jacket?”
“I thought you were the smart one.” You open your mouth to banter with him, only to be cut of when he intertwines your fingers together. Your jaw falls slack and he’s laughing, pretending to push your jaw back up and fix it. “C’mon, peaches. Don’t tell me you’ve never watched kiss scenes under the rain before.”
Your stomach erupts with butterflies with the flirting that’s coming out of his mouth, and your hands feels warm encased in his much bigger ones. You’re watching as rain continues to fall from above, some drops slightly falling into Jaemin’s hair and there’s an unexplainable feeling that’s resting deep in you and you’re not sure you want to know what that feeling is.
“Let’s run!”
The run to your house is painfully quick, the two of you encased in laughter along the way while Jaemin had a minor heart attack when you almost slipped across a walkway, and now the roof of your house acts as a shield from the rain, both you and Jaemin still doubling over the stairs as you try to recollect your breaths.
You’re mostly dry, Jaemin’s jacket acting as a wonderful rain coat most of the way, while Jaemin’s drenched from head to toe. You’re eyeing the way his clothes stick onto him like second skin, how his backpack is completely drenched and you’re surprised when your fingers twitch when you eye the way his bangs are sticking onto his forehead. “You want to come in?”
“No,” He teases, “I don’t do that until the 4th date.”
You’re gasping at his innuendos and Jaemin lets out a laugh when you smack his chest, the laugh turning into a shriek when he topples over the stairs and onto the busy street. Your hands are reaching forward and grabbing at Jaemin by the front of his shirt, pulling at it with all your might until he crashes onto you, both of your chests glued onto each other.
Both your hands are on his chest while his are on your waist. The air’s warm with a bit of chill in the air, the dripping rain drops and honking car horns act as background music to you and Jaemin’s scene, the later pulling you flush against him and you feel your shirt dampen from the water on his shirt. You’re holding in a breath, head lifting up to meet Jaemin’s gaze, the feeling from earlier coming back to you ten times as strong as before, as if constricting your lungs, making it hard for you to breath.
Jaemin’s eyes flick from yours onto your lips and you’re clutching at his shirt, finding it harder and harder to ground yourself when it feels as if you’re floating in mid air. Jaemin’s head dips down and you debate on closing your eyes, until the soft weight of his lips come on yours and every doubt disappears from your mind. Your eyes are closed and you stand on your tip toes to deepen the kiss.
His lips are slightly chapped, tastes like rain water with a mix of something sweet. His grip on your waist relaxes when the two of you separate for air, Jaemin slightly dipping back in to leave a peck on your lips.  His mouth leaves yours fully when he leans back to look at you, hands coming up to caress your cheeks and slightly swollen lips. Your own hands works to sweep back his hair, letting you to finally get a clear view of his eyes.
Minutes pass while the two of you stare at each other, the moment finally breaking when Jaemin lets out a laugh and smile. “If all I had to do is give you my jacket and run in the rain for you to kiss me, I would’ve done it weeks ago.”
“Is a kiss all you wanted, Na Jaemin?” you tease, “I would’ve given it to you if it meant you leaving me alone.”
He’s pulling you into him again, eyes searching into yours while his lips stretch out into a smile. His hands tug at your cheek while he dips down once more, pressing a kiss onto your lips. “Not a chance. I want you, all of you.”
“Hello?” Jaemin leans down to your level when you don’t answer, breaking you out of your memory daze. “Am I asking too many questions?”
“It always takes me a while to put words together.” You pout at him. “It’s not you.”
He moves closer, his heart-stopping smile returning onto his lips. “Oh? Is it when we’re alone like this I make you speechless?”
“We’re dating, Nana.” You laugh. “You don’t make me speechless, not anymore. Especially after I found out what a dork you truly are.”
“But I can still make you blush.” His hands are suddenly on your hips, lifting you onto the railing and planting a kiss onto your kips, a spectacle anyone can see from all around the school. You let out a squeak when he bites onto your bottom lip, nibbling and dragging it with him as he breaks the kiss. You feel warmth spread all over your body, especially your cheeks, more so when he sends you his sweet-as-candy smile. “See? You’re too cute, peaches.”
The epitome of a high school stereotype would be the one standing just right in front of you; Na Jaemin, but now he’s the boy who got you a pink textbook just so you could match his hair, the boy who lends you his leather jacket when it’s cold, the boy who painted on blues, pinks, gold, reds and every color there is on your once white canvas.
You’re not sure when you started falling for Na Jaemin, all you knew was that falling for him wasn’t falling at all. It was walking into two arms and suddenly knowing you’re home.
“So does that mean you’re going to buy me a blue textbook?”
“Anything for my sweet peaches.”
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ukiyo-jaem · 4 years
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my timer didn't go off to post this at 0:00 i am so sorry~~
warnings: smut (it's tasteful), mean parents (??) that's about it. it's got fluff in here. NOT PROOFREAD
words: 4.1k (there's a plot, trust me)
domestic!mark lee ugh a fan favorite~
I listened to Fool for You by Zayn while writing so...yeah. alrighty, let's go~~
Fool For You
summer breezes and fresh flowers. the first big stretch when you first wake up that has you reeling back into the euphoric feeling of your warm sheets. taking a bite of your favorite dessert that reminds you of home. that scent that carries you away to your childhood of good memories and make-believe scenarios; where the worst disaster was your parents calling you in for dinner.
that's what it felt like to be in his presence.
the late night summer dates with Mark were what felt like true heaven. the nights where both of you would stay up till the early dawn holding each other so closely. the stickiness of one's skin from the morning humidity was beauty in his eyes. your natural form where no one could take you away from him.
"no matter how much i say that i love you, i will always love you more than that."
his words held so much depth when he spoke to you. he treated you like his queen and he truly was your king. he was the love of your wildest dreams. but he was way better...because he was real.
both of your families condemned this love and thought of it as useless and a waste of time. yet, it was all the time for both of you. you didn't need anyone else except mark and mark alone.
but every knife has it's point...and you've both been reaching it slowly but surely. the calls to one's family becoming longer and less loud.
"i don't want to go to dinner with your family though." your words were heartbreaking to his ears but he had made his decision. "i know. please. i know you hate them-" "i could never hate anyone, mark. it pains me but i'd never let it turn into hate" you said and his shoulders dropped. "you're so strong. just one night and i will never ask you to go near them." his eyes pleaded from where he was laying on the bed. your body positioned at the end of the comfy and warm bed.
your mind was lost in thought until you felt his hand grab yours. "pretty please?" he pouted and you groaned laying down. "that's so not cool to pout." you said turning towards him. "but i know it works." he comes closer to lay soft kisses all over your face, ending with a meaningful kiss on your lips.
"fine." you breathed after he finished his moment of passion. "and that is why you're the best." he grabbed your body and pulled you on top of him.
"we have to leave soon." you complained and he groaned. "you wanted me to go so bad and now you're gonna make us late." you said straddling his waist. "yeah yeah yeah." he held your waist and sat up.
you rolled off as he puckered his lips, leaving your boyfriend waiting. "what are you gonna wear, handsome?" you opened the closet. "nice shirt. blazer. pants." he listed off the most vaguest items. "well duh but what color?" you looked at your dresses. "black." he said and you wanted to bang your head on the closet door.
"okay tomorrow we're going shopping and i'm making you add some more color into your wardrobe." you said taking his blazer and dress shirt down. "yes dear." he dragged out.
"i'm going to go get dressed and do makeup." you waved him off and disappeared into the bathroom.
makeup was simple as you were left alone. yet, once you were starting your hair, mark thought it was an amazing idea to come in and try to dance the time away.
music had been playing for the past 20 minutes through the household speakers. it was a usual occurrence and a well loved routine. say you won't let go by james arthur had been sweeping through the house for the past couple of minutes.
his arms wrapped around your waist and his cheek rested against your shoulder.
"you look as beautiful as ever, and i swear that everyday you get better. you make me feel this way some how-" his soft voice carrying you away from the daily task.
"im gonna love you till my lungs run out, i promise till death to us part like in our vows-" his hands gripped yours, twirling you around in the small bathroom, ending up with you both pressed up chest to chest, slow dancing on the tiled floor.
"dont cry." he pouted as he saw your eyes fill with tears. He gently wiped them before they could fall. "then don't be so freaking cute." you pouted and his smile stretched across his face. "ugh you're so cute." he kissed your cheek ever so gently as to not mess up your makeup.
"and you're looking as dashing as ever." you brushed your hands over his dress shirt, the first few buttons still unbuttoned, his silver chain still laying on his exposed collar bones.
"want me to do your hair?" you asked and he didn't hesitate to sit on the toilet lid and wait patiently.
he always seemed so relaxed with your fingers running through his hair; the requests at 3 am after he awakes from an unpleasant dream never making you angry.
his hair was so soft and fun to play with. but with a little touch of magic and hair product, he would transform into his model-like man.
you finished up and let him go relax in the bedroom.
your dress hugged your body so nicely and flattered every curve you thought you never possessed. when paired with the jewelery mark had gotten you for your guys' anniversary, a goddess was being put together in human form.
"ready?" you asked walking back to the room to get your shoes. a whistle made you scoff lightly at the behavior. "ready to come home already and have you all to myself." mark sighed but you walked over to put your phone in your hand-purse along with extra lipstick and perfume.
he started to look nervous about the whole situation. "relax. i'm here for you and you alone. if you want to leave as soon as we get there? we'll just go to a different restaurant." you put a hand on his chest comfortably. "you got this." he smiled as you knew all his emotions at once.
"now let's go. i'm hungry." you kissed his cheek quickly and wiped away the mark of your lip color.
both of you walked hand in hand out of the house and to his car where he nervously drived you both to the restaurant.
"here we are." was all he said as he parked facing the restaurant. inside the window sat his parents and brother. his brother was with his own partner as they all laughed. mark knew he didn't have to worry about his brother not accepting his love. it was all his parents.
"let's go. try to look happy. they're your parents." you defended them. something he never understood about you. when facing backlash from his parents, you just let it go and never returned the hate. you were so loving while they did nothing but try to bring you down.
"but they're raging assholes to you." he turned towards you and you shrugged, wiping something on his cheek away and keeping your hand on the side of his face.
"and that's fine. but you're their baby. they just want the best for you. they'll never be happy with anyone." you tried to put it into perspective but it never helped.
he took your hand off his face and held it tightly. "tell me you want to leave. and we're gone." he said and you laughed lightly. "fine." you agreed and his smile made everything feel better.
"let's get this over with." he exited and ran to get your door like the gentleman he was.
he hooked your arm in his and lead you both towards the entrance.
"try to make memories. they're your parents. they love you." you reminded and he rolled his eyes. "yes, dear." he opened the door for you and didn't let you enter without a quick and cheeky smack to your ass. he acted innocent as he lead you to the round table.
"Oh, Markie!" his mom called drawing all attention to both of your presences. his parents hugged and pinched his cheeks as you greeted his brother and his brother's partner. "you look amazing tonight, y/n." his brother's partner smiled. "oh thank you so much. you look even better though! are those Cartier earrings?!" you rejoiced at their exquisite tastes.
"Only the best for them." Mark's brother smiled and you coo'd at the pure love.
"Here sit next to me." The 2 seats were next to Mark's father and Mark's brother's partner.
You gladly accepted the seat and Mark sat down not long after you. "We already ordered for you guys not knowing when you would show up, I apologize." Mr. Lee smiled at Mark. "Oh that's alright. What's on the menu tonight?" Mark asked, his hand finding yours underneath the white dining cloth. "Well I thought with all your work that we'd treat us all to steak." His mother smiled and you could hear a sigh come from the girl next to you.
"But I haven't seen y/n's figure in a while so I made the exception for a plain salad for you." Mrs. Lee forcibly smiled at you. Mark's hand squeezed a little harder than normal. "Oh thank you for the consideration and accomodations, Mrs. Lee," Her eyes squinted as what seemed like spite. "and might i add that you look amazing tonight." your genuine sincerity broke almost everyone's hearts at the table. "oh why thank you but i'm not one for meaningless small talk." she took a sip from her dark red wine.
"it's alright. i completely understand." you smiled and and she rolled her eyes. "of course you do." she muttered and turned towards her youngest son. "so, mark, what is new at the company?" her eyes held eagerness for conversation, something you'd wish to see atleast once.
"don't listen to the old bat." the beautiful woman said that sat next to you. "it's her baby. nothing is ever good enough for him." she rolled her eyes. "i know. i understand where her heart is." your fingers toying with the dainty necklace resting on your collarbones.
"you can have some of my meal when it comes. i didn't know what they were going to pull so i made sure to eat a burger before i came." you both giggled at the matter as someone cleared their throat. you both looked up to see Mr. Lee sending daggers towards your direction.
"i apologize." you said straightening yourself up in your seat. "what was so funny?" he asked sternly. "we were actually talking about her new line coming out in a couple weeks. something with one of the models. you know how that is." she swooped to your defense. "by the way, how is it coming?" she asked, takin a sip of the ice water infront of her.
"it's..uh..going very well actually. i have some investors coming to my fashion show to see if they'd be interested in investing. if they invest then i would be able to organize shows in other parts of the world. milan, london, paris, beijing, new york, tokyo-" "but are you going to go back to school for business or just dilly-dally until something goes wrong?" Mrs. Lee asked quickly.
"well my father and mother are both ceo's of their company so they help guide me in what i have trouble with." you smiled. mark's hand has become steel as he hasn't let go yet. the waiters brought out the food one by one with a small and plain side salad being placed infront of your body.
mark stared at the bare plate in front of you and wanted to hurl at that being the only food you were going to eat tonight.
"i'm fine." you leaned over to whisper in his ear. "eat so they don't ask you questions." you nudged his elbow.
"sharing food is prohibited." Mr. Lee cut everyone off. "we're not." mark muttered defeated. you swallowed your pride and ate a leaf at a time to try and curb your actual hunger.
mark ate a couple bites but you could tell he was taking his anger out with chewing; jaw clenching was one of his tell-tale signs of anger...and this steak didn't look like tough meat.
"markie. we went to church this past week and there is this lovely graduate student new in the congregation." his mother called as she ate her own food. you could see most of the people almost choke on their food but you remained steady in eating.
inside though, your tears were building up behind a wall that you would try to make stand till tonight when you were truly alone.
"yeah?" he asked, not knowing what else to say.
"yes. and she's not seeing anyone right now. her parents agreed to an arranged marriage if you weren't opposing." the killer was that mark didn't say anything. yet, you could hear his knuckles pop as he gripped his steak knife.
the wall was slowly crumbling as you suddenly felt full of the plain watery vegetable. you put your fork down and could only stare at your lap where a napkin laid.
"say something, dude." his brother coughed weakly.
"hell no." mark bursted and everyone could see him try to reel in his words again.
"excuse me?!" Mr. Lee bellowed, causing other dining patrons to look over.
"I'm not going to marry anyone except the love of my life." mark steamed, dropping his utensils.
"you don't know who that is yet, mark. you can't screw around with marriage and get it wrong. especially waste it on a-" mark interrupted his mother, "a what, mom?" he asked and she suddenly lost her words.
silence fell over the table as your napkin had a single ring of wetness appear suddenly. "oh no, not here. not here, sweetie," the gracious lady beside you got up "come on, we're leaving." she said to her husband and lead you out of the restaurant quickly.
as soon as you were out of eye sight, you immediately broke down in ugly tears. "don't listen to them. you are absolutely gorgeous and are a match-made-in-heaven for mark." she rubbed your back sweetly.
"you are so nice to them for no reason. you will be more of a better person than they will ever be-" "we should go. it's gonna get ugly really quickly." Mark's brother nudged you both.
you looked in to see mark and his father standing neck to neck. then as quickly as it started, it ended with mark being the bigger man and leaving. yet, a tearful mr. and mrs. lee following him at a distance.
he wasted no time in taking you in his arms and holding you as you tried your best to cover your cries. "we're going to go before dad follows. i'll stop by tomorrow and check in on you guys. get out of here before dad goes crazy." Mark's brother shouted from his car window.
mark took your hand and dragged you to the car. he put you in and got out of there as quickly as he could.
he was as angry as you had ever seen him. you didn't try to touch him or do anything on the silent ride home. yet, his hand quickly grabbed yours.
"i should have never brought you to them. im so stupid." he groaned as he hit his wheel. "no you're not." you fought with him and he didn't have the heart to go against you.
"you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." he said, a glaze setting into his eyes that you had never seen before.
"and i could never imagine life without you." he swallowed hard and you stayed there in shocked silence.
"you make me better." tears started to roll down his cheeks as he pulled into the driveway.
"please don't cry." yet your empathetic heart made your eyes spill. you both looked at eachother and laughed at the messed up states.
"then you stop crying." he defended and you looked to you lap again. he got out of his side and trailed to yours quickly.
"im gonna show you how much i love you." he said and this sparkle in his eye gleamed so brightly, everyone would've thought he was crazy.
"okay." was all you could respond with, a small smile gracing your perfect face.
he grabbed your legs and carried you all the way to the door. he crossed the doorway and it felt different. it felt more hot and flustered and more passionate.
he closed the door and immediately had you against it. the kisses were hot and filled with lust. yet, you could tell he was getting flustered and trying to rush things. the feeling of two hands on his face made him take a breath of fresh air. "let's just take it slower tonight." you whispered but he heard you loud and clear.
he picked your legs up and put them around his waist, taking his blazer off and throwing it somewhere in the living room. you dress hugged you so perfectly but you wouldn't be needing it anymore tonight.
he navigated the house as if it were you; the back of his hand. your back was now pressed to a cool matress. his hands were rough yet slow as he pulled the black fabric off of your body. his shirt was eventually off and nothing was left between your torsos besides skin.
the moonlight cascading through the window reflected off his chain and it was no longer the soft and loving without a care mark you were used to.
he was going to make you feel his love for you. from the way his fingers played with your clothed core slowly to the heavy breathing between kisses made the night air intoxicating.
his lips were against your neck making imprints of red and purple that were sure to last for a week. both of you rocked against each other in such a rhythm that would have the ocean asking for lessons on harmony.
he picked you up and situated your body at the top of the bed where he wasted no time in shimmying the dress off of your hips so he was met with nothing but you in your panties.
those were long gone as he grabbed and ripped.
"spit." he held his hand out. you obeyed and he wasted no time in running his hand up and down your already wet core.
the kisses were rushed and heated yet you both remembered to slow down as he trailed slowly down your body, kissing every part he could see and praise.
"so beautiful." he whispered, licking a bold stripe up your pussy. you gasped and tried to readjust yourself yet his strong grip on your thighs kept you ground. his arms were hooked around you upper thighs as his hands held your hips and waist down to the bed.
his dark eyes still held that shimmer in them that made you even weaker in the knees.
he wasted none of his time with teasing and gave you exactly what you wanted. "please don't stop." your hands getting lost in his hair.
his hips grinded into the mattress steadily. "im so close already." you whined as he continued his relentless pleasure. "let go for me, baby." he pleaded and if drove you so close to the edge. it made him even more excited as you were blissed out.
it was the perfect time to take advantage of your love, yet, he was going to take care and love you till both of you couldn't.
he took off the confines of his pants and met you at the top of the bed, where you were still completely gone in the euphoric wonderland he pleasured himself to sending you into.
he was slow at first but quickly got lost in this intimate feeling of being so close to you and feeling you in a way no one could relate to.
"faster." you whined but he slowed down. "no, babygirl. we're going to do this right." he cleared the hair from your face and quickly pressed your lips together in a heated kiss.
your leg now over his shoulder as he slowly pounded into you. the knot in his and your stomach felt so much more different and pleasure filled.
your fucked out moans were like angels singing in his ears as your jewelery shined in the moonlight. both of you got sloppier as you were so close to climaxing.
"please cum in me." you begged, grabbing his hand and interlacing your fingers.
he dropped your leg and got closer, sharing a kiss that left both of you breathless. then the explosion. it was as if a bomb of stars had gone off behind your eyelids as you could only feel your back arch with the unexplained feeling of being... full.
both of you laid breathless and sweaty as you tried to regain your composure and drift down to reality.
mark laid on your chest, listening to your heartbeat as he could feel his own match yours.
once he felt your fingers start to dance through his hair, he knew that he needed to be like this forever. he needed you and only you. he couldn't miss this opportunity on his soul mate coming to him from the beginning.
his arms hooked around your body as reality was hitting.
"i love you, y/n." he said and he could hear your heart begin to beat faster.
"not as much as i could ever love you." you pinky traced up his nose bridge as he slowly drifted into sleep holding the one he cares about most...so close.
"mmmmm steak." he watched as your eyes lit up at the treat in front of you. "it wasn't even enjoyable yesterday. it's amazing today though." mark's brother admitted from right next to him.
his brother and his partner came over to check up and brought take-out steaks to treat everyone with. just a relaxing night at home with everyone he truly loves and can feel the love from.
he watched your happiness and was automatically taken away~
"she's nothing to you!" his mom yelled as you were lead away from the scene.
"she's everything FOR me." mark retaliated. "but we just want what's best for you." his dad pleaded. "but happiness is all I need. why can't you see that and how she makes me the most happy." mark was at his wits ends.
he needed you and was going to have you as long as you both were breathing.
"it's only going to be a problem in the end that we have to clean up." Mrs. Lee had tears coming down her face.
a brief silence plagued the table. "so are you going to show up to the wedding or no?" he asked and if pure shock could kill someone, his parents would have been 6 feet under.
"no." spoken of disbelief.
"i will not bless the marriage!" his father screamed and stood up, causing mark to chest up to his own father. "you don't need to. I am going to marry that girl out there whether it kills me or not." mark pointed to your crying being not even 100 feet away.
"you're a fool if you believe you actually love her. you're young. you don't know what love is!" Mr. Lee had Mark's collar in his hands.
yet mark broke his grip and straightened his collar.
"then I guess I'm a fool for her and her love." and with that he left to comfort you and try to rebuild you diminished character.
"earth to Handsome." he was shocked back to reality by your smile and everyone's concerned faces. "i thought you stopped breathing or something." his brother laughed as he saw you clutch your chest and laugh lightly.
"scared us there for a minute." his brother's partner laughed along with you.
"so what was so nice going on in la-la land?" you asked taking a bit from your steak. mark shrugged, taking a sip from his wine glass.
"just...thinking." he smiled.
"well don't do that again. you scared me, you fool." you laughed.
he didn't want to admit that he had been daydreaming of you walking down the aisle in the most beautiful of dresses; something that still could never compare to your beauty. but that will be for a later confession at a later date. one where you'd know his secret: there's an engagement ring with your name on it hiding in his dress shoes in his closet. waiting for the right time in the near future.
he could only smile at your cute expression in the moment.
"then i guess i'm a fool for you."
**these are all my opinions on how i read the boys and how i watch them interact with others. this is my own personal opinions and are in no way facts unless cited to proof. thank you®
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wolf-stark · 3 years
You ask I deliver — both tfatws asks in one!
tfatws weekly ask 1
i finally saw ep1!! i wont be able to see ep2 until thursday at the earliest but i already have some Thots on this ep. here are the ones I remember
first is, and i'm so sorry for this, a grammar lesson. an appositive is when you stick an additional phrase in between commas, dashes, or the like. i actually just used one! the "and i'm so sorry for this" in the first sentence of this paragraph is an appositive. thing is, most english speakers don't normally use them when they speak, only in writing. so i'm always on high alert whenever i hear somebody in tv or movies use one. (it's generally a marker of bad screenwriting). anyway there was one right in the beginning of the episode. the white army guy yelling at sam wilson said "first lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground." yeah so. the writing of this series started out on the wrong foot for me. but the rest of the episode was obviously tons and tons better (every interview i see with malcolm spellman makes me love him more and more)
the contrast between the opening minutes (falcon action sequence) and the rest of the ep.... i would 100000/10 rather watch a series with just sam and bucky dealing with life. i dont give a single crap about the flag-smashers or any of that. i just want sam, sarah & fam getting their boating business back on the ground & yeeting racist dickwads, bucky going through therapy and making amends, sam and joaquin being bros, sambucky homoerotic tension, etc.
the cinnamontography! wandavision mostly used cinematography to signify era n stuff. tfatws doesn't have wv's premise to go off of, so here's some tricks i noticed:
with sam there's obviously all sorts of shots with the captain america iconography next to his face, but he hasn't totally claimed it. there's the mural of steve rogers in the background; there's sam staring into the shield like it's a spectre of steve's face; there's sam looking into the exhibit, the shield and sam separated by glass and a layer of camera focus. steve is a constant spectre, always there, an idea, a symbol himself. sam's relationship with this iconography is distanced. he is separated by glass exhibit walls. by painting canvases. he doesn't yet feel worthy to take on that iconography. this whole thing was pulled off quite well but also a bit on-the-nose if only in quantity. there's just sooooo much fancy iconography stuff
speaking of the exhibit, there's something that i get real pissy about. it's when like, there's an action going on you're supposed to be paying attention to but the cinematographer is like,,,, hey! check out this location! or this headline! or something! there was a lot of that in the exhibit. the camera was like, you could focus on sam and rhodey's convo (which was fine but could have been so much better with an extra like 10 minutes of deep character study talk) but noooo you want me to look at the symbol for the united nations and read all the text about bucky who hasn't even showed up yet. shut up i know the lore and ill watch the shot-by-shot breakdown yt vids you don't have to make the shot this long jkdsalcjklasejf
my fav trick was with bucky and the therapist. i had seen a clip of the scene with bucky and the therapist beforehand and i thought the cinnamontography was super obnoxious, but then i was like, oh duh. the shots frequently change the distance between the camera and its subject. sometimes it's uncomfortably close and sometimes it's really far. a clear allegory for the duality of therapy, esp for bucky! therapy is an invasive process wherein he is ruthlessly examined, picked apart, and berated for his trauma (this therapist is crap in every way btw, "mean therapist" works for greg house and greg house only). so the camera goes close. it makes the viewer claustrophobic like bucky. but when he's like "no i haven't had any nightmares" the camera suddenly goes really far. we see bucky as this tiny head in the center of the bottom of the frame. we are distanced from him. he has pushed us away. we cannot see him. he lies because he is vulnerable. so yeah, amazing work there. the therapy scene was hard to watch on purpose!
did bucky slip a note to yori inside the dollar bill? bucky stop making me emooooo. the suuper awkward fake smile has me 😭 (veteran trying to adjust!)
mark my worrrrds when sam asks someone y the govt picked john “white bread” walker they’re gonna say “we needed somebody everyone can get behind....someone uncontroversial, someone everyone can see themselves in” like that exact racist dog whistle
tfatws weekly ask 2
just saw ep2 so im taking advantage of the 2 seconds i can be on tumblr without worrying about tfatws spoilers before new episode drops
when isaiah said "your people put me in prison for being a hero" and bucky thought "your people" means hydra. 🤦‍♂️
speaking of racism, the interplay between sam being Black (anti-Black racism) and sam being the Falcon (negrophilia, "can i take a selfie w you as i deny you a loan?") and the intersection between the two (j*hn lichrally called sam "steve's wingman"! he takes the crypto out of crypto-racist in like 2 seconds!) !!!!!!!! a Black celebrity's Black experience, the separation of man and identity!!!! (thinking about vanessa bayer in snl in that skit "beyonce is black" telling her black friend "you're not black, you're...my girl!")
after sam gets racially profiled by cops we see j*hn standing in front of cop cars cinematic parallels turns out j*hn is racist who knew
this therapist sucks major ass but she got bucky and sam together in the same room and ready to collaborate...that's something ig. it was lichrally couple's therapy she said she used her miracle exercise with couples sambucky antis get blended
bucky says "he was wrong about you so maybe he was wrong about me"...that's not how people talk. when therapist asks bucky, the guy who doesn't talk at all about himself, "y do you hate sam", the last thing bucky's gonna do is actually connect his hatred of sam to his own self-worth issues. bucky generally refuses to talk about himself, so why would he talk about himself in the one context that nobody ever links back to their own neuroses: hatred of other people? one thing human beings hate most is admitting we're wrong. admitting you hate someone because of your own issues? that's a major therapeutic step. bucky would absolutely have to be prompted to do that. even like one or two lines of dialogue more would have set up that line better. but in terms of the actual thought? an amazing way to take the sam/bucky relationship. bucky bases his self-worth on steve believing in him, and if steve is wrong bucky has no self-worth, so 1) he has to develop self-worth disassociated from steve's assessment of him and 2) he has to love himself before he can love sam, and 3) he has to realize that sam giving up the shield is a sign of sam's humility not his unworthiness.
conversely, we don't get into why sam hates bucky? yeah sam has the right to hate a guy that has tried to kill him (albeit while brainwashed) multiple times, and now shows up in his life just to bash him but. everything happens so fast i cant follow their relationship
in fact i dont feel like i understood much of anything. like y did bucky and sam go on that mission together? how connected are sam/bucky/joaquin with the government? doesn't bucky just want to retire now? literally what is everyone doing/feeling and why???
if battlestar becomes a knowing commentary on the black best friend stereotype i'm gonna party, but i dont expect much of that
the interplay between man and symbol. captain america is obviously a symbol. the shield is obviously a symbol. but steve rogers? the. man behind the cowl? he too seems to become a symbol. a paragon of a good guy, so good he's unreachable. steve was just a guy stop idolizing him the last thing steve would want is to be idolized
as the resident musician/music nerd on mcublr, 1) that captain america rally music slaps, but 2) re: the song at the end of the ep, if you're just gonna rip off mozart's lacrymosa then at least play mozart's lacrymosa. we wont blame you the lacrymosa slaps (if you dont know what im talking about go on yt and search it up youll recognize it fo sho
look i love enfys nest as much as the next guy but if tfatws is gonna get erin kellyman to play another innocent little gurl blackmailed into the fakeout-villain position (her text seemed to suggest as such) then 😡 like why can't women just....be evil? young, freckly, innocent-looking women? girls are not untouchable pure objects but full of rage and resentment just as much as anyone can be
bonus ep1 comment: bucky says about that senator whose car he hijacked, "she continued to abuse the power i gave her." fictionaldarling on yt say that he says "i" because he can't disassociate himself from his winter soldier persona which begets endless and senseless guilt. like dude. can i not be emo for like 1 second.
OKay. First off, as much I enjoy your sending it to me, what made you decide to send me these??
Don't worry about getting this to me as early as possible. I usually don't watch the episode right away.
1. Cool writing lesson.
2. Everyone wants a comedy show [like Friends] about the MCU superheroes.
3. Cinematography is always a beautiful thing.
4. Sam definitely has to carve his own Captain America status for himself, outside of Steve's ya know everything.
5. They have to do that for people who was just now tuning in because they're in love with Sam Wilson or Sharon Carter.
6. I think the therapist was taking a 'tough love' approach for Bucky, because she likely has some very strong opinions about the literal assassin she's been assigned to give therapy too. She did not choose to talk to him, she was assigned that make that clear in the second episode.
And, Bucky isn't lying when he said it wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a resurfaced memory. So, technically he wasn't lying - and yes, the camera does move away because while he's saying he didn't have a nightmare, he's not expanding on what actually happened - so, he's still pushing the therapist/us away.
7. Bucky, and Steve, have/had a TON to adjust to.
8. Yeah, I agree that will be the bullshit line they give. If they ever actually talk about it.
Yeah, always got to take advantage of avoiding those spoilers lmfaoo.
1. Honestly, that line was double meaning. Both about White people and Hydra [which is made up of mostly white supremacists/nazis] So, the line is gesturing to both White People in general and Hydra assholes together. I think the terminology is “double edge sword”??
2. This whole paragraph structure confused me, ngl - so I'm going to answer it the best I can. I do like that they're not ignoring the fact that Sam being Black is 1000% the reason he's not the Official Captain America - because the gov't is racist as hell.
I also like the little lines about how they point out little things about Sam's Falcon persona, like that kid calling him 'Black Falcon' specifically and Sam's response show the split between Sam and Falcon itself.
John is a dick for calling Sam the wingman of Steve Rogers. Sam was a hero all on his own before Steve asked him to join up again. [Side note, it's lichrally??]
3. Exactly, the parallel of Sam being profiled and surrounded while just on the street and John being surrounded by fans and being able to spring Bucky with apparently only a few sentences shows a Loooooot
4. Honestly, at this point I wonder if she's not actually a therapist and is just an agent assigned to assess Bucky outside of an Official Building. I do know, however, that her 'look at each other and speak' exercise is actually a real therapy practice. It's just a little slower.
5. Actually, I think he would've blurted that out. That whole line. I don't think Bucky hates Sam. I think they could've done the scene better, but I think that had Sam prodded him/the therapist been more annoying Bucky would've lost control of his emotions and blurted out the whole "If he was wrong about you, he was wrong about me" but I feel like the writing for this show is just... not there. Sometimes you blurt shit when you get overemotional and I think that was what Bucky was supposed to be like.
6. I don't think Sam hates Bucky, I think he doesn't trust him though. I do wish they'd talked about that though. The whole 'talk to each other' scene should've been a LOT longer and a LOT slower.
7. Sam and Bucky's relationship is being fast tracked because they don't really know how to work the relationship out, writers-room-wise. Bucky is technically retired, but I feel like he's trying to live up to Steve's expectations and doing what Steve would've done and we all know that if Steve was there, Steve would've jumped on that plane with Sam. It looks like Sam/Bucky/Joaquin are a side-team based from Military services but as Sam says they're all free agents so...?
8. Sadly, They seem to just be propping up to be another stereotype.
9. Captain America is a symbol. Steve Rogers is a man. But now Steve Rogers is an idol because of all the shit he's been through and honestly, it's not a bad thing he's become an idol for people - it's using Steve as a reason to make White Bread Walker the next Captain that makes Steve's idolization so fucked.
10. I don't know anything about music so I have no opinion here, sorry.
11. Enfys?? Also, I think they did the whole Innocent Girl Thing as side commentary for Bucky lowering his guard about seeing a young girl rather than a guy.
12. Bucky is the Winter Solider. The Winter Solider is Bucky. That is how Bucky will always see it because although he was brainwashed, it was still him and he remembers all of it. When you have constant memories of something 'someone else' did, you tend to not be able to pull the two personas out of each other. I want Bucky to take up the title, White Wolf instead of Winter Soldier. Honest.
This is all my opinion, I’m honestly a little disappointed with the writing of TFATWS so far so... I’m not really optimistic about this.
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
bad boy supreme? supportive best friend? how bout both
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PAIRING: remus lupin x reader
REQUEST: @im-eating-rn asked “A story where remus gets his gf pregnant in their last year. And they are both chill about it(I mean remus is scared™ but hes excited) and Sirius is like "dude unreal" like they know it will be difficult but it will work out eventually.(((wedding is already planned out like way before that by daydreaming remus looking his luv)))”
WARNINGS: swearing, as always. adorableness?? uhhh i dunno if this counts as a warning but teen pregnancy, also unintended implied wolfstar. sirius is flirtyyy w remus i dIDNT MEAN TO IT JUST HAPPENED also more flangst bc i love that shit
NOTES: kind of implied gryffindor!reader?? only cause it fits the story, no personality traits or anything
“Moons, you’re staring again.” James said, half amused half weary, nudging his lovesick friend. Remus rolled his eyes, not looking away from his girlfriend, across the room. “And?” 
James snorted, running a hand through his hair. “Honestly, ‘m surprised you haven’t proposed to her yet. What?” he defended, at Remus’ annoyed glance. “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot you had a plan. Seriously, Moons, I’ve seen your doodles. ‘Remus & Y/N Lupin’? Real subtle.” The boy blushed, finally looking at James. “Shut up, Prongs. Other people can hear us, you know?”
“Hm, whatcha talking about then, Remy?” you said, plonking yourself on Remus’ lap. James grinned, seeing a perfect opportunity. “Well, actually we-” Kicking him between the legs, Remus smiled innocently as his best friend howled. “Nothing, darling. Just James blabbering about Lily again, so same as usual, basically.” Raising your eyebrow at him, you nodded slowly, before catching eyes with your roommate, and standing up.
“Right, I gotta dash, but I’ll see you later, yeah? Hope you feel better soon, Jamesy,” you said, pecking Remus on the cheek and patting James’ head, before walking out the common room with your roommate, Zara. 
Heading to the second floor loos, you exhaled, trying to calm yourself. “It’s probably nothing, right?” you asked Zara, trying to reassure yourself. She nodded hastily. “Probably just a coincidence.” You pushed open the door, rolling your eyes at Moaning Myrtle’s screech, before Zara handed you the box marked ‘Pregnancy Tests’. You ripped open the box, pulling one of the sticks out and briefly scanning the instructions, before setting it down. “Only gonna need one of these, hopefully,” you joked, trying and failing to hide your racing nerves. You quickly carried out the instructions, uncomfortably conscious of Zara hearing you pee, and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before reading it.
Remus sighed, scanning the Great Hall again. Sirius turned to him, stealing some food off his plate. “Moony, that’s the fifth time you’ve sighed in three minutes. What’s going on, mate?” He looked around one more time, before leaning into Sirius, speaking in a hushed whisper. “Y/N’s been avoiding me.” Sirius raised an eyebrow. “You sure? Maybe she’s just busy.” Remus laughed bitterly. “Oh yeah, ‘cause seeing and then running away from me just screams busy, doesn’t it?!” 
Sirius whistled quietly. “That bad?” Taking Remus’ silence for agreeing, he bit his lip. “Look, let me see what I can do. I’ll try and talk to her, okay? It’s probably nothing.” Remus smiled slightly as his friend got up, clapping him on the back. “Thanks, Pads. I’m just- I’m worried. I don’t want to lose her, yanno?” Sirius nodded. “I know, Romeo. Don’t worry, Bad Boy Supreme is on the case.” Remus glared at him. “Bad Boy Supreme doubles as Supportive Best Friend, right?” The black haired boy just winked, shaking his hair out. “Babe, I can be anything you want.” he said, before walking away cackling, leaving Remus decidedly uncomfortable, and trying to ignore the looks of his housemates, staring at his cereal. 
You were walking away from Potions, chatting with your friends, with no plans for the evening apart from trying to ignore the... the baby. Oh fuck, the baby. You still hadn’t told Remus, and you had not exactly been subtle with trying to avoid him, going so far as to jump into a crowd of Death Eater wannabe Slytherins. However, your plan to avoid Remus was pretty much ruined, by one black-haired family disappointment slinging his arm round your shoulders. “Just need to borrow Y/N for a sec, ladies.” Sirius drawled, winking. Jane, a Hufflepuff, blushed fervently. “No problem at all, Sirius! Take her!” He led you away, laughing as you gave the bird to Jane, before pushing you into an empty classroom.
You perched yourself on a desk, staring at the floor. Sirius sat on the one next to you, swinging his legs. The silence was stifling, unbearable. You coughed awkwardly. “So, what did you want to talk about?” you said, your voice weak. Sirius bit his lip. “I think you know.” You sighed, feeling tears prick at your eyes. Fucking hormones. “Look, I’m avoiding him for a reason, Sirius. I’m not just a heartless bitch.” He stayed irritatingly calm. “Okay. What’s the reason?” The tears threatened to spill over, and you shook your head, turning away. “I can’t tell you that.”
Sirius sighed, standing up and walking in front of your desk. “This is hurting him, Y/N. You’re hurting him.” You snapped, standing up and pushing a finger into his chest. “This is hurting me too, Sirius! I just- I can’t! I can’t tell him!” 
After a few seconds, he spoke again. “Tell him what, Y/N?” You bit your lip, a tear rolling down your face. “’M pregnant,” you muttered, barely even whispering. Sirius winced. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” You whipped your head up, glaring at him. “I’m pregnant.”
“Remus?” He turned round, shocked to see you, and Sirius. You bit your lip, meeting his eyes for a second before returning to staring at the floor. “Can we talk?” Remus nodded, slightly confused- he hadn’t seen you in just over a week, and now you were asking him to talk? That never ended well. You led him up to your dorm, which was thankfully empty, and sat down on the bed. He sat next to you, space between you. That never used to be there. “Remus, I’ve got something to tell you.” you said, feeling nauseous with fear.
He nodded, slowly reaching out for your hand, a weight lifted off of him when you didn’t pull away. “Sure, what’s up?” You took a deep breath, and he started to rub his hand in circles on your back comfortingly. “I’m pregnant, Remus. That’s why I’ve been avoiding you. And if you wanna break up, that’s okay. If you want to get an abortion, that’s okay too. I just- I thought you should know, ‘cause it’s yours, right? It would be wrong not to tell you.”
Remus froze, his eyes going wide. That was not what he was expecting you to say. “So you’re not breaking up with me?” he said, relieved, a smile growing on his face. You looked at him, confused. “You thought I was breaking up with you?” Remus laughed. “You don’t talk to me for a week, and then say ‘we need to talk’? Yeah. I thought you were breaking up with me.”
“Oh. I mean, well I’m not breaking up with you, but like I said, if you wanna break up I totally understand-” Remus cut you off, crashing his mouth onto yours. You squeaked before melting into it. “We’re gonna be parents, Y/N.” he grinned, amazed. You smiled, softly. “We’re gonna be the most irresponsible parents ever, Rem.” He shrugged, kissing you again. “Well, that’s a given.”
dammnnnnn i wrote this quickly!!
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