#// AHH i'm sorry this is super late but tysm for sending it it's super cute and i was :') the moment i saw it <3
impishsensei · 6 months
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@phonokinetix asked: 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓 ⸻ it was as simple as a common accessory. While the other was fast asleep, he came in like a ninja in the night with glue-gun in tow. The blindfold the other cast aside was now decorated with obnoxious sequins and glitter. And woven between each word was a thread of LED lights, just to make a stronger impression. Shimmying it over the slumbering male's eyes the mark of WORLD'S GREATEST DAD was illuminating for all to see. If that wasn't loud enough, he'll have to go bigger next year ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! birthday asks! ┆ no longer accepting
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satoru  rarely  gets  proper  sleep  due  primarily  to  his  busy  schedule.  on  top  of  that,  having  an  ability  like  the  six  eyes  which  lets  him  perceive  the  world  even  with  a  pitch  black  blindfold  over  his  eyes  doesn't  make  trying  to  get  a  restful  night  of  sleep  any  easier.  thankfully,  he  has  something  like  rct  to  keep  his  brain  constantly  fresh,  but  that  doesn't  mean  he  doesn't  like  to  just  get  proper  sleep  like  everyone  else.  thankfully,  he's  managed  to  adapt  over  the  years,  so  he's  peacefully  resting  and  dreaming  of  mountains  of  pastries  and  rivers  of  chocolate  when  toge  sneaks  into  his  room.  from  the  cursed  energy  alone,  satoru  knows  it's  toge,  so  he  doesn't  move.  he  pretends  to  remain  restful,  even  though  he's  a  shockingly  light  sleeper. 
he  almost  sneezes  when  he  feels  a  new  blindfold  slipped  onto  him,  but  satoru  remains  ever  the  convincing  actor  as  he  feigns  sleep,  only  smiling  to  himself  when  he's  certain  toge  finally  managed  to  sneak  away  once  more.  he  sits  up  a  little  then,  pulling  the  blindfold  off  to  inspect  it.  if  satoru  were  just  about  anyone  else,  he  might've  been  annoyed,  but  actually...  he  was  endeared,  even  if  having  lights  sewn  into  a  blindfold  for  him  should  be  a  nuisance.  rather  than  get  irritated,  however,  satoru  slipped  it  back  on  with  pride.  it's  a  gift  from  one  of  his  precious  students  after  all!  and  he  thinks  the  words  are  kind  of  sweet,  too,  even  if  meant  to  be  tacky. 
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a  little  distracting,  but  he  fully  intends  on  wearing  it  to  teach  class  in  the  morning. 
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periwnklblu · 3 years
i loved p2 to make it right 🥺 i think its so healthy for them to grow apart so they can be stronger together ugh its so great to see 😤 i was hoping to request for my sweet boy sakusa, maybe a drabble of him planning a date super hard but it ends up being a disaster, like everything that could go wrong went wrong but the reader still has a good time anyway hehe idk im in a soft mood rn but if u dont want to no stress!! have a great day/night:)))
ahh tysm i literally did a little happy dance when I first saw this 🥺this request was so cute, I'm sorry I took so long in writing it. i hope you like it and ty again
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sakusa x gn! reader
warnings: none just soft fluff, a few curse words and a Sakusa who is trying his best. maybe slight ooc sakusa?
everything italicized is a flashback, normal font is present.
feedback is much appreciated <3
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Komori felt odd when he first woke up this morning. There was just an air to this Monday morning that made him feel like something was off, almost as if he were forgetting something. He spent the entire morning walk to school racking his brain, trying to remember what was so special about today. It wasn’t until he waltzed into his homeroom and found his cousin uncharacteristically laying his head against the desk in defeat that a light bulb went off in his head; Kiyoomi had his first date with y/n last night.
Judging by his body language, along with the “go away” Komori receives from his cousin in response to his cheery good morning, the libero was willing to bet that the date did not go according to plan.
“I take it the date didn’t go too well?” Komori treads delicately as he settles into the desk next to the brooding Sakusa.
“No, not exactly”
“Even after all your extensive planning? I mean, you literally had a plan a, b, and c for incase something went wrong. It was color coded and everything! Nothing that is planned with color coded highlighters and bullet points can possibly go wrong” Motoya explains in a matter-of-fact way.
“Well, it didn’t go to plan. Literally any of the plans” the ace finally lifts his head up, revealing a red spot on his forehead from where he was placing pressure. Komori laughs at his cousin's angry expression until the ace sends him a look that sends shivers up his spine. Even though his face was mostly covered by a mask, Kiyoomi’s glares still made Komori just slightly scared for his life.
“So tell me,” Komori gets comfortable in his seat, getting comfortable as if preparing for a great story time. “what went wrong?”
“Everything” Sakusa deadpans.
“It couldn’t have been that bad?”
“It wasn’t bad per se,” Sakusa pauses to sigh before continuing. “The date was fine, I guess. They didn’t seem upset or anything. But all my plans went to hell”
“Well, what happened?” Motoya impatiently asks, eager to know what has gotten the usually stoic Sakusa all emo.
“It all started when I got onto the train to meet up with them, and the train station was ridiculously full. Not only was it overcrowded, but some kid accidentally spilled his soda all over me. And of course, this happened right as I was getting off the train”
Sakusa pauses his rant before turning himself more towards his relative. This is how Komori knew the real story was just getting started.
“Just as I was about to text y/n that I was going to be late so I could change, they happened to spot me somehow in that train station. And of course, they’re a perfect being so they don’t mind that I look like I pissed myself. But I mind. So I tried getting them to just wait for me while I go home to change, but you know y/n. They’re stubborn as ever. So, we go back to my place together”
“Oh?” Komori wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “You and your crush go back to your empty house together. I see, I see.” he strokes his imaginary beard inquisitively.
“Don’t even start” the ace rolls his eyes. “The entire way there, I’m not only embarrassed because of the stain on my clothes, but I’m also freaked out that we’re squished so close together”.
“How close?” Komori nosely inquires.
“Very close”
“Like too close?”
“No, not too close. I-I mean yeah kinda, their butt was pressed up to my d- why am I telling you this?!” Sakusa’s blush creeps up his face behind the mask. But even without being able to physically see it, Komori knows his cousin is flustered.
“Because we’re family. But fine, get on with the story” Komori makes a hand motion to continue.
“Whatever, I’m glad my misery is entertaining to you”
“Very much so”
“So we finally got back to my place and of course this happens to be the rare time that both of my parents are home. They’re obviously surprised that I brought someone home, but the worst part is they weren’t even mad that I was trying to bring someone over with nobody else home. In fact, they got excited, too excited”
“In the two minutes it took me to change out of my clothes, they had y/n sandwiched between them on the couch as they brought out all these scrapbooks with a bunch of embarrassing pictures from when I was younger. I honestly didn’t even know they had those pictures!” Sakusa shudders as he recalls the horror he felt when he emerged from his room just to find you giggling along with his parents at a photo album that was foreign to him.
When he finally looked over your shoulder and saw the photo you were stuck on, he all but stopped breathing. There he was, four year old Kiyoomi with a red tear stained face and snot dripping from his nose as he tried his best to not tremble next to the giant creepy mouse animatronic. He never has been a fan of Chuck E. Cheese's.
“That’s rough dude” Komori laughs, earning another glare from the red tinted Sakusa. "I remember that birthday too. Those animals had you messed up"
“Whatever, Afterwards, we finally took the train back to the café I had planned from the beginning. It’s just my luck that as we’re walking there, it starts to rain really hard”
“You just can’t seem to catch a break huh”
“You have no idea” Sakusa sighs out.
“We start running to the café and in the process they grab onto my hand. Except I’m pretty sure my hands were sweaty from being around them. So I tried taking my hand away but then they looked so offended when I did that that I had to suck it up and hold their hand again. Sweat and all”
“Wait, wait, wait” Komori sits up from his previously lax position. “So not only is the great Sakusa Kiyoomi nervous about something, or rather someone, but the germaphobe also holds hands with someone before they have a chance to wash it? You really are whipped for them”
“Whatever, it was just in the heat of the moment” he says, his ear growing hot.
“When we finally get to the café, everything seems back on track. You remember plan a, bullet point three, green section? Where I was going to ask them whether they wanted to, y’know, come to our next game? Well just my fucking luck because as I was asking them, one of their old childhood friends sees them and decided they want to catch up. At that moment, at our table.
Sakusa had just returned back to the table where he had left Y/n alone as he went to pick up their drinks and pastries. Kiyoomi was finally feeling a sense of relief, partly due to being back on track but also because he was going to drink his latte and hopefully warm up from the still pelting rain. His head was already running through possible ways to ask y/n out to their game the following weekend. That is until his bubble burst when he saw some strange person sitting in his spot, talking y/n’s ear off as they just politely nod along. The stranger doesn't seem to catch onto the apologetic tone y/n uses when introducing the two guys to each other.
“y/n is too polite to say anything to this random stranger who probably doesn’t wash their hands thoroughly, so he sits with us for the rest of the date. And no, I'm not exaggerating” the frustrated ace rolls his eyes.
Some deity must have been looking out for Sakusa and graced him with patience he’s never had before. Sakusa managed to sit through the entire hour-long discussion between y/n and their old friend, who Saksua later found out that they were never very close to even in their childhood. This only silently enraged him more.
Once the rain cleared up and the date crasher left, Sakusa checked his phone to see how much longer they had together, only to realize that it was time for Y/n to head back home. He does his best to not sound disappointed when he vocalizes this observation, but he was not the thespian he believed to be. Y/n caught on to his mood change and slid their fingers through slightly sweaty ones. They follow up by asking him if he could walk them back home, to which he agrees but with a slight pout on his lips. Not that he didn't want to walk you home, but more so that he spent the majority of the date dealing with his mistakes and not really getting to be with you alone. Nevertheless, Sakusa lightly squeezes their interlaced hand before beginning the trek back to their house. The two finally manage to enjoy each other's company as they breath in the post-rain air and overlook the sun that was setting over the horizon. The sky is painted in beautiful shades of orange and purple that will forever remind Sakusa of you; too perfect to ever be replicated in all its vibrant shades and hues. Unbeknownst to each other, y/n was enjoying every moment with him. They take the long way home while Sakusa purposely slowed down his usually fast walking pace, both trying to relish in every moment together.
“Did you two kiss
“N-no. I mean, it was barely our first date and even if I was thinking about i-it, their brother opens the door before I could even try to”. The ace rested his head on the palm of his hand and looks out the window in disappointment.
The moment was there, when they finally arrived at y/n’s front door. The neighborhood silent, the wind lightly breezing through as the moon illuminated the two lovers in a way a street lamp could never. Eyes twinkling for each other and each other only as their hands remained interlocked.
"I really had fun today Sakusa, thank you. This walk was really nice too, I don't think I'll ever be able to not think about you whenever I walk down this path again" they smile a smile to beautiful that Sakusa almost forgot to respond. For a minute there, he forgot he was speaking to another person, and not a painting from the romanticism era.
"well maybe I'll just have to be here whenever you take this path again. so you don't have to miss me" he softly says, zipping up their jacket as a cool breeze rushes by them.
"Maybe you're right. This will jut have to be our journey and our journey only" In that moment, gravity seemed to work in Sakusa’s favor as it drew in their faces close. Right as their eyes were fluttering shut and their lips were mere millimeters from another, the front door swung open with aggression as y/n's older brother loudly announced it was now the end of their date.
“So you mean to tell me that after all you went through in that single day, you still didn’t get a kiss from them? Not even on the cheek?!” Sakusa solemnly shakes his head while Komori groans loudly, receiving side glances from the other students that were beginning to file in for class.
“Damn. That really is a bad date. Maybe you should go back to laying your head down” Komori sympathetically suggests. If he went through a date as traumatizing as that, he doesn’t even think he’d be able to show up to school the next day. In his eyes, Sakusa Kiyoomi was a brave man.
“I think I will, wake me up if there’s anything important-”
“Uh good morning Kiyoomi-kun!!” as if he were being risen from the dead, the curly haired spiker eyes light up as he raises his head and turns to the source of the angelic voice; you.
“G-good morning, y/n-san”
“Hi y/n!” Komori interjects.
“Hey Komori. Uh Omi-kun, can I have a moment real quick with you?”
“Sure” he says, his chair making a scraping noise as he stands up and follows his crush out to the nearly empty hallway.
“I’m gonna make this quick since class is about to start but-” and with no other words, y/n pulls down sakusa’s mask and presses their lips onto his. If it weren’t for the fact that he was caught off guard, he would’ve deepened the kiss by holding their face with both his hands. Or maybe by resting one at the nape of their neck. Perhaps a a hand on their waist? Anything for this moment to last longer.
“I had a lot of fun yesterday” they say, slightly out of breath after parting from Sakusa’s lips. “I know it didn’t go all to plan, and I’m sorry about the rain. And my old friend. And then my brother. But I really did have a lot of fun!”
“You don’t have to lie to me y/n. It was a bad first date”
“What? No, no, no, I had a lot of fun! Why would you say that? ” they ask with slight hurt in their voice
“Because I was late, and then we had to go back and fourth and god, my parents! Those pictures were so embarrassing, please do me a favor and forget all about them. Plus the rain and then we ran out of time and just, I'm sorry” he lets out.
y/n says nothing as they grab both his hands and hold them together in their grasp. They rub gentle circles over his knuckles before starting up again
“Well, I don’t typically meet the parents on the first date but it was still cute so I will never forget those pictures. And even though we were all over the place, I didn’t mind at all. Because I enjoy being with you, Kiyoomi. Even if it’s the most boring task on the earth, I don’t mind doing it as long as I’m with you”
Sakusa stands there at a loss for words while the two of you stare into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever, but in reality was just a few seconds. The bell can be heard chiming in the distance, signaling that class was about to start for the day but neither of you budge.
“Well, I gotta go. Don’t want to be late to class, but I’ll see you later?” y/n finally breaks the pause after seeing the doubt that was swirling in his eyes disappear.
“Y-yeah” Sakusa agrees as Y/n dreadfully lets go of his much larger hands. Just as they turn around and make their way to their homeroom, Sakusa feels the same rush of adrenaline he does whenever he spikes a winning ball.
“y/n!” he calls out and right as you turn around, he is now the one to capture your lips in a surprise kiss. It lasts maybe a moment or two but in those seconds, Sakusa memorizes the feeling of your lips and has it ingrained into his brain. If he could, he would spend the rest of the day kissing you.
“This Friday, I have a game. Think you can make it?” he boldly asks, ignoring the second warning bell.
“O-of course. I’ll be there! And I promise this time without childhood friends or protective older brothers”
“Good '' Sakusa smiles just as Komori violently opens the door to rush Sakusa in before the teacher arrives. He reluctantly steps away from you as you offer him one last smile before the door gets slammed shut and the day begins.
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