Heyyyyy, I was wondering if you could write some adam/micheal headcannons for each sfw and nsfw???
Dating Adam/ micheal headcannons
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Adam milligan sfw:
He loves hugging you 24/7
He's as big as Sam in 2023 so he's got long arms and he loves wrapping them around you
His kisses are tender and sweet
His lips taste like lemon sugar Muffins
He's possessive af
He is pansexual and is genderfluid
His favorite color is yellow and sage green
His favorite food is pasta and his favorite drink is 711 slushys
He was pegan and now he doesn't give a shit about religion
When you're away he text you like a million times
You and him go on supply runs and he always get marshmallows
He likes playing with youre hair alot too
If you have depression hell help you wash your hair, shower, brush you're teeth.
He never bitches he's mature and calm with you
He has all the patience in the world for you
His favorite movie is "What Dreams May Come"
If you're a witch then he likes when you give him witchy stuff and he loves crystals
When you and him go to bed he likes being big spoon because he likes felling you're beck to his chest. That's how he knows you trust him
Brushes his teeth with you and loves going on burger dates
He hates when other guys talk to you when you're on a date with him
Adam milligan Nsfw:
He loves kissing you passionately making you're tongues dance together
He leaves marks all over you're body
He rolls his hips 😍
When he eats you out he makes the face in the gif
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He's soooo good with his tongue
Legitimately loves pussy like a wild animal
He also loves thighs
Especially when the squeeze his head
Also loves giving you hickeys on your thighs
Could literally eat you like a cave man that hasn't eaten in a week
How your cum tastes and smells is like a drug to this manz
One thing he refuses to do is anal on you, he doesn't want to hurt you nor does he think it's pleasurable for either of you
But manz loves pussy, with rail the fuck outta you
Rolls his hips
Starts off slow and deep then will fucking pound you to obvlion
Loves cumming in you
(Bc he's and archangel he can make sure you won't get prego)
He's a feminist so 1 with his powers he makes surr your bodys just how you want it (he won't make you skinny or thick thought just makes sure your healthy and won't die) and 2 if you wanted to get a abortion he'd just be chilling wit it
Definitely moans and grunts
Sometimes he'll whimper
Manz it at LEAST 7inches but remember winchester and a archangel in one body so at most like 11 inches, and thick af
You gotta remember he's and archangel though so he can basically do anything and would do anything for you
Dude is a teaseeee
If you let him he'd eat you out for a whole day
He also would rail you till you couldn't walk
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Steem ( a chuck shurely imagine)
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You and Chuck were in the shower. The water was steeming hot but didn't burn. Chucks wings clung to your back. You were both under the shower head water dripping down each of you're bodys. Chuck grabbed your shampoo and massaged it into your scalp and washed it out he did this with the conditioner too. He took your favorite body wash and massaged it to your skin, rubbing small circles with his thumb, all over your body. Washing your body tenderly. when he was done, he stood there with you holding you his wings against your body. The water was still warm, and the hug comforting, no sexual intentions. Just comforting love.
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Hello, can you do dating adam milligan headcannons please?
Dating Adam milligan headcannons
(I'm gonna try to not mention micheal and focus on Adam for ya)
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A/n: AAAAAAAAAAHHHH IM A SLUT FOR MICHAEL/ADAM/JAKE JUST AAAHHHHHH ok so this first part is how you met him, the next part is dating him, so if you don't like the meeting of him and you just skip to the nest part <3
Meeting baby <3
So you met him whilst he was in the cage so he looked like this
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You walked in the area and walked around the cage you talked with luci and Michael then you talked with Adam, he was making jokes and was kinda happy you were there talking to him.
You flirted with him and Michael, they flirted back. You made a deal with them that you'd get them out and they would behave and not fight.
Micheal tried to say that they literally had to do this and that, and bs but you said "the fuck you do, either you listen and you don't pull shit or yall rot hear for eternity with eachothers bs" and thar scared them so they listened
They thought you where hot af, so they wanted to date you.
So they thought I'd they'd agree they would be able to date you
Of course they'd want to date you but not together they didn't talk about how much they liked you
You got them out they followed the deal and didn't use any loopholes
Inorder to respect you and to win you over,
Adam/micheal loved you, trying to win you over.
They flirted alot
Listened to you
Loged everything you said and did, and every movement.
They wanted you badly and were going to get you
Here's the headcannons for when yall are actually dating!
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Dating Adam you're also dating Michael.
But it's like dating a two puppy's one second them the next phycos that would do anything for you
He loves you deeply
He's so gentle and kind with you
He loves kissing you and usually kisses you like the gif below
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He loves holding you gently to his chest
His hands are always on yoh no matter where when or how.
He likes to sleep on you're boobs/chest so he can hear you're heart beat but also likes you to sleep on his chest so he knows you're there with him the whole time
Is always looking at you in awe like you are his everything bc you are
Loves carrying you around like a teddy
Would put you in air jail
Mans the size of sam so he loves picking you up and just holding you or fucking you
He moves twords you in his sleep and holds you close
He kisses you in his sleep, like you're shoulder or you're cheek
He loves going infront of you like a guard dog
Or if you're talking to someone he will just walk up behind you and put his arms around you're waist and nuzzle his head to you're neck kissing you
He will hold your hand even when you're hand gets sweaty he won't let go until he has to
Like cooking with you and kissing you whilst you cook
If you get tired or lazy he will either A. Cuddle you all day or B. Do everything you were planning on and them arrange flowers for you and cook you some pasta then will watch disney movies with you.
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I was working on a fic/imagine and was trying to save it as a draft but it glitches and it got deleted sl here's some of my favorite gifs of Jack kline <3
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Dating the angelic beings /being their soulmate (so being the only one that can see their wings)
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Micheal/Adam milligan
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Micheal is kinda protective over his wings at first
But when he met you he softened up
You seemed to want to see them all the time even when he hid them
So he let up
His wings are tuff and thick, not easily bent or moved
You still need to be gentle with them though
If you're to rough with them that will either 1 hurt him or 2 make him veryyy needy 😉
He likes being around you alot so when you're hunting or doing something and it gets to dangerous he will wrap his wings around you creating a little room where nothing could get through
When you have trouble sleeping hell wrap you in one of his wings like a burrito and it helps you sleep, it Also calms his and Adam's anxiety/nerves
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He's legit so f*cking happy you can see them without any reproductions
He always has a wing covering you're back
When you sleep or hug or kiss his he holds you tightly to his body and wraps his wings as close as he can without hurting you
He refuses to let you sleep outside of his wings
In public if you're shy he will guide you with his wings
Some times if you're hunting with like Sam or Dean and it gets to dangerous he will wrap his wings around you them telaport you to the thrown room in hell and play doctor/patent with you being to over dramatic making sure you not hurt AT ALL
His wings are sturdy and buff the are soft but not gentle
They are strong af, and they basically are everything proof
But if you touch or tickle his wings the right way, Here ->
He's gonna be all over you!!
If he's being mean you just massage his wing and he fucking MELTZ
But if others touch his wings he's sending them to his worst demons to get tortured
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He wrapped his wings around you before he knew you could see them, and before you were dating
He's used to you and his wings
He doesn't see it as a big deal
He loves his wings but loves you more sooo
He's also very clingy and cuddly so his wings are always around you
The have huge span just like the other archangels, basically all the archangels wings reach to about 54 feet wide and 32 feet tall in my mind
I mean castiel says that his true form is the size of the Chrysler Building in New York, which is 1047 feet (319m) in height and he's just a angel so 1 imagine how big his wings are let alone how archangels are much bigger then regular angels so they could easily be like 2000 feet tall in true form.
Gabes wings are soft and gentle they often have a mind of their own and sway to music
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Questions you when he figures out you can see his wings
Is happy you can see them but doesn't show it
He usually has a wing around you bc he protective
He's not that open to pda but if you're affectionate alot then he will be too
He matched you're energy so you don't dis like him
One time you two where laying in bed and you were trying to fall asleep but couldn't due to how cold it was and you told Raphael, he let you use his wing as a blanket. He just opened his wing and guided you on how to Lay down on it and then wrapped you up in it
You fell asleep quickly due to the softeners and warmth
Now it's you're favorite thing to do
If you touch his wings without his knowledge his wings likely accidentally zap you a little bit
So always give him warning when touching his wings or else it might end up badly
He loves you alot but is very chill and doesn't want to have much pda, but if you do want alot of pda his favorite way to show he loves you is through physical touch, meaning wing hugs
Oh also when you kiss him without warning his wings flap without him trying
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He doesn't really believe the whole "soulmates" thing
But he he finds out about it he slowly starts to believe it more
He loved you even before he knew you two were supposed to be together
He grooms his wings alot, one time he had a hard time cleaning and area of his wings and you walked in, asked if you could help.
.... long story short you always groom his wings
His wings are strong yet soft
His feathers are like a super soft cats fur
When he's sad or angry massage his wings gently and it calms him down
If he's having a panic attack, hug him tightly and massage the base of his wings it will calm him
If you and him a near someone he doesn't trust guess what? ✨️wing burrito✨️
He likes rubbing his wings against you during sex bc it makes it more intense for him
He also rubs his wings against you when he tellaports so he doesn't scare you
When you sleep he puts his wings around you just so you're safe
Jack kline
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Jack knew you can see his wings just by the way you looked at him
He loves you and loves having his wings around you
His wing is always touching you
When he's sad they droop
He loves you touching his wings but it makes him shudder
He fludders his wings when you walk in
If you're cold or sad he will wrap you in his wings and cuddle you whilst talking to you
He loves you dearly and the fact he can use his wings on/with you means alot to him
He loves you're touch on his wings
You and him both learn how to groom his wings
After he showers he shakes of his wings like a dog
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His wings soak up so much water that it gets everywhere
He sheds his feathers alot and the grow back quickly
But you took one of his feathers and put it on a necklace
If you two are apart and you get hurt or are sacred he cans sense it through the feather of his you wear and he comes
If you pray to him you feel wings around the second you prey to him
Chuck sherly / god
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When Chuck created soulmates he didn't specifically much except "every being had a soul that is ment to be with them, they fit like puzzles together"
When he figured out you where his soulmate and you could see his wings he immediately hugged picked you up and deeply kissed you
Scince he's god nobody can see his wings, it ruins them
But scince you're his fitting puzzle peace you can see his wings
He loves you but he loves that you can see his wings too
He constantly shows you pda/affection anywhere any time, and he loves showing you that through his wings
He spoons you with his wings
He pins you against the wall with his wings
If he doesn't want you leaving bed he holds you down with his wings
When you shower with him he has his wings close to you holding you close whilst he washes you're hair
If you get embarrassed he wraps you in his wings to hide you
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Can you do size diff with Sam winchester ✨️😘
Size difference with Sammy 🩷
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(I'm assuming you want reader to be smaller then sam? So that's what you should expect!)
This is how you hug him most days
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He usually picks you up to hug or kiss you or sit down
He loves affection
He makes sure that he doesn't fall asleep on you so he doesn't suffocate you
Usually likes you laying on him
He calls you're 'mouse' you call him 'moose'
He like manhandeling you at times either that or treat you like a Antique doll
Loves cuddles
Calls you 'my travel size sweetheart'
Loves matching you're energy
Cooks for/with you but always ends up hold you like a baby
Loves picking you up
If you're chubby and short he loves that too (he's a thigh man so if you chubby he's all over you're thighs)
Picks you up to kiss you 24/7
Likes holding you're hand and kissing you
When you're on you're phone to much he will take it and hold it above you
Puts you in air jail
Will literally pick you up and f*ck you standing in the bedroom bc he can
Puts you on his shoulders and eats you out like that
He loves thighs skinny or thick and he loves the feeling of youre thighs around his head
Usually is carrying you some sort of way
You usually sit on his lap and give him neck kisses or chest kisses whilst he's reading bc you cant reach his lips
If he bonks his head on something you take care of him
You warn him when to duck
His clothes are soo Baggy on you it's like a dress
If you let him do you're makeup you'll just sit on his lap whilst he does you're make-up
Loves doing you're hair
Loves comparing sizes 24/7
Thank you for reading, please ask me for more my inbox is always open and is a safe place ❤️
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Hello. It's great to see there are other shifters here. Did you succeed in shifting? By what method did you achieve it? Which universes did you go to? Do you have any advice for shifting?
Hello hun! Yes I have successfully shifted multiple times, I used the floral method by @mays_days_with_faes on tiktok. Alternate realitys that where like my cr. Mays_days_with_faes on tiktok has been really helpful to me and my shifting journey <3. Have a good day!
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can you write about yandere brother dean winchester x sister!reader (platonic)?
Yandere!dean x sister!reader
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If you're his big sister:
He would be yandere because you most likely took care of him and Sam more then john
So You'd probably be like a mother to him, and he'd be so thankful for that
As soon as you died and come back for the first time he snaps
He can't lose you he's lost to much
He doesn't worry about Sam as much mainly because he knows you've got it,
But as soon as you died and came back that's it- say bye to freedom
Or privacy
He lock you in youre room in the bunker if they had to go on hunts and you wanted to come with
Or have castiel watch over you, but only for like a hour
Most of the time he follows you around like Farel guard dog
If he does allow you to go on hunts, the first sign of bad danger they can't handle he's throwing you over his shoulder and running faster then the flash
He makes sure that you're room in the bunker is right next to his
Usually he will watch you sleep scince he can't (ptsd 😭)
He make sure you take care of yourself 24/7
If you get sick he's stepping into the mom mode, but usually he isn't that good at it so it's usually just like a 8 year old boy that doesn't know jack for shit is taking care of you, but he tries his best
He's used to you taking care of him and Sammy
So if you still do that he's clinging onto you like a lost puppy
He's only vulnerable around you because you're like a mother to him<3
If you're sam and deans little sis
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He probably found out about you're ✨️ existence ✨️ when he found out about adam
Something in him that day probably snapped, and he immediately kidnapped you
He doesn't gaf at ALL
He's you're biggest brother, you're his child now.
He loves you truly but nothing, NOTHING is going to happen to you.
You and him share a bedroom in the bunker
He doesn't give a fuck you're his child now.
Sam will remind him that you're an adult and their sister
But Dean will just
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He's just all like "yeah sureeeee"
He's overprotective as fuck
He helps you with everything he can
He always keeps his eyes on you making sure you're okay
Buys you anything you want
You want Starbucks at 3am?💥 BOOM!💥
You need anything? He got you!
You go on hunts so you know how to fight and stuff
He keeps John away from you
He only kind of not really trust Sammy with you
Thank you for the request! Please send me more and have a great life 🩷
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Can you do something with the archangels??
Yes I can anything in specific?
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Do you do shifting content?
Yes I do I am a reality shifter and yes what would you like? 😊
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My Supernatural page!
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Characters I write for (you can ask for a Character/Characters If they aren't on here):
Dean winchester
Sam winchester
Adam winchester
Jack Kline
John winchester
Nick Vaught
Jimmy novak
What I write:
Basically anything you can think of
What I won't write
Racist shit
Sexist shit
Pairings :
What type of reader??:
Any type (witch, female, male, gay, straight, anything)
Ask for anything
And ask many as you want!
Want to send 1 ask for my page in, great!
Want to send 15 different asks for my page? cool. (I LOVE YOU 💍💍)
Please send as many asks as you can think of
Thank you for reading all this, and please ask for something on my page!!
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