sunyr · 1 year
ups & downs
jack harlow x reader
summary: lately everything has been crashing down on you and nothing was going the way it was planned. you didn’t tell jack, since he had his own problems but he would find out eventually..
genre: angst
warnings: i don’t think there are any, correct me if i’m wrong!!
part one
authors note: you can text me or comment, if you want to be added to the taglist <3 i hope you’ll enjoy part two
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gif by @jackharlows
you still haven’t called jack back, and he was getting more worried every second. you would have been home by now, why weren’t you picking up your phone? jack went up and down in his studio.
“calm down man, i’m sure she is fine” urban tried to soothe him. jack probably didn’t even hear what urban said, the only thing on his mind was you. he felt guilty for the way he talked to you, even though he was annoyed you two haven’t spend much time together lately, he shouldn’t have talked you down like that. your watery gaze was in front of his inner eye and it hurt him mentally to know, that he was the cause of the tears, that probably fell down your cheeks as soon as you got into your car. he knew you most likely didn’t want to talk to him right now, but if you saw how many missed calls you got, you definitely would give him a call.
what jack didn’t know, was that you were still driving in silence and were on your way to your hotel. it was on the other side of the city and also a little bit secluded, thats why it was so cheap. you cursed yourself for being too stubborn to ask for help. this dumb stubbornness has to be a thing in your family. when you got to the hotel, goosebumps were spreading over your whole body. the hotel did look a little creepy in the dark. you entered it and were greeted, by the sweet old lady, who works at the reception. you felt sorry for her she had to work this late, but you weren’t really and exception either, if you were honest.
you only ever checked your phone just a minute, before you were about to fall asleep to check, if your alarm for the next morning was activated, you really couldn’t afford oversleeping. you were shocked to see over 50+ misses calls and messages. a gasp left your mouth, you were only driving for about 30 minutes, what could have happened in this time, that lead to your phone being blowed up like this?
there were several unopened and missed calls from neelam, urban, druski and jack. just as you were about to call jack back, neelams name appeared on your phone screen. you answered and couldn’t even say anything, before neelam started yelling: “y/n! are you okay?” the worry in her voice was clear. “what? yes, i am. neelam why-“ you were about to ask her what all that was about, but she immediately cut you off. “oh my god, you scared the hell out of me! why didn’t you answer your phone we were so worried!” you had absolutely no clue what all this was about. “i drove to the hotel, i turned my phone off, because i was driving. why in gods name should something have happened to me?” you asked, hoping to get an answer of the yelling and concern that was thrown at you.
“jack told me you two had a fight and when you left, you looked really tired and cried. he didn’t want you to drive in this state. and he was flipping out, when you didn’t answer your phone when you should have been home by the time” neelam explained to you. jack was this worried about you? after you acted like you didn’t care about him the last few weeks. your eyes started to water again. neelam continued, before you could answer. “y/n, by the way, where the fuck are you staying at? you drove for like an hour. pack up your things, you’re staying at my place.”
neelam was the most caring and sweetest person you knew, she always made your everybody was doing good, but you didn’t want accept her help in this situation. on the one hand, theres your stubbornness, of course, you wanted to solve the problems you’ve caused, yourself and didn’t want to bother other people. then theres also a little bit of shame you felt, you would never admit it, but you were embarrassed for your life right now. you knew, you shouldn’t be, but you just couldn’t help it. you even wished, you didn’t tell neelam, so you didn’t have this pressure on telling jack.
“thank you neelam, you know i appreciate this, but i have to solve this myself. i gotta work a whole lot tomorrow, can you let jack know i’m fine? i love you, good night” you tried to cut off the call quickly, because you were really really tired, way too tired for this drama. “y/n, you’re so stubborn, stop acting like you have-“ you ended the call, before she could carry on. you knew you weren’t making the best decisions right now, but you somehow just couldn’t help it.
she’s fine, but whatever, you have done, please make it up to her, she needs your support rn, good night
jacks hands never left his phone, so when he heard a message coming through, he immediately read it. his brows furrowed when he scanned her message. why would you need his support, did something happen? or did he miss something? he answered neelam quickly, but this topic never left his thoughts, until he finally fell asleep at 4:30 am.
on the next day, jack wanted to make it up to you, with your favorite flowers and also to talk to you. he didn’t really know what was going on in your life and he should’ve known that work wasn’t the only thing bothering you. he bought you a beautiful bouquet of flowers and your favorite sweets, before driving to your apartment. he was confused, as he didn’t see your car in spot your car was usually parked on, he made sure to wait til you were done with work. there stood another car, wich was completely different to yours. he got out of the car and went up to your apartment and rang.
an old man opened the door. he looked just as confused as jack, if that was even possible. jack was frozen and since he didn’t say anything, the old man broke the silence. “yes?” jack catched himself again. “i’m sorry, doesn’t “y/n “y/l/n live here?” he double checked the door, but he was completely sure. this was your apartment, he has spent months in this apartment. “no, you have to confound the apartment, but i just moved in a few days ago, so maybe your looking for the previous tenant?” the man in the door suggested. “what? but my girlfriend lives here” jack claimed, he was slowly getting frustrated. “i’m sorry sir, but you are at the wrong apartment, now have a good day.” that were the last words, that left the old mans mouth, before shutting the door
jack stood in front of the closed door with a dumbfounded expression, what did just happen? why weren’t you living in your apartment? he couldn’t make sense of it. he grabbed his phone and called you once again. he thought you weren’t picking up, but you answered after a few rings. “jack?” he heard your voice. you still sounded exhausted, wich made him once again feel bad, for what happened the night before. “y/n? where are you at?” he asked without greeting you. you remained silent for a second, before answering.
“at home. why are you asking?” you felt terrible, for lying to him, but you still had two days left to think of the best way of telling him, so you would use them. “no, no you aren’t. i’m at your apartment and an old man opened the door. why are you lying to me?” those words took you off guard. you had to idea how to react. he knew, you didn’t live in your apartment anymore, of course, he had to find out sometime. as you didn’t answer, you heard jack’s voice again. “y/n? what has been going on the last weeks?”
you let out a sigh, he probably heard on the other side of the phone. you had to use all the courage that was left in your body to say the next words. “can we meet?” jack was already in the garage again. “yes, when and where?” he asked, while he got into his car. “i’ll text you the address. can you come here right now?” you asked, hopefully. jacks phone vibrated, and the address message you sent him, plopped up. “yes, i’ll be there. see you in a bit.”
“okay, bye” you said. “bye.” jack answered, but before he could hang up you said something, that made him hesitate. “jack, wait.” he heard your voice. “yeah?” he asked. “i love you” he stopped in his tracks. he really wanted to say it back, but “love” is something really special for him and he didn’t want to say it, if he didn’t really mean it either. he didn’t know what he felt for you. you were really distant for a while and it felt like the two of you became strangers again.
you waited for him to say it back and you could swear you could hear your heard crack, when the only thing you heard was the beeping sound, of him ending the call.
part 3 will come i promise
174 notes · View notes
sunyr · 1 year
ups & downs
jack harlow x reader
summary: lately everything has been crashing down on you and nothing was going the way it was planned. you didn’t tell jack, since he had his own problems but he would find out eventually..
genre: angst
warnings: i don’t think there are any, correct me if i’m wrong!!
part one
authors note: you can text me or comment, if you want to be added to the taglist <3 i hope you’ll enjoy part two
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gif by @jackharlows
you still haven’t called jack back, and he was getting more worried every second. you would have been home by now, why weren’t you picking up your phone? jack went up and down in his studio.
“calm down man, i’m sure she is fine” urban tried to soothe him. jack probably didn’t even hear what urban said, the only thing on his mind was you. he felt guilty for the way he talked to you, even though he was annoyed you two haven’t spend much time together lately, he shouldn’t have talked you down like that. your watery gaze was in front of his inner eye and it hurt him mentally to know, that he was the cause of the tears, that probably fell down your cheeks as soon as you got into your car. he knew you most likely didn’t want to talk to him right now, but if you saw how many missed calls you got, you definitely would give him a call.
what jack didn’t know, was that you were still driving in silence and were on your way to your hotel. it was on the other side of the city and also a little bit secluded, thats why it was so cheap. you cursed yourself for being too stubborn to ask for help. this dumb stubbornness has to be a thing in your family. when you got to the hotel, goosebumps were spreading over your whole body. the hotel did look a little creepy in the dark. you entered it and were greeted, by the sweet old lady, who works at the reception. you felt sorry for her she had to work this late, but you weren’t really and exception either, if you were honest.
you only ever checked your phone just a minute, before you were about to fall asleep to check, if your alarm for the next morning was activated, you really couldn’t afford oversleeping. you were shocked to see over 50+ misses calls and messages. a gasp left your mouth, you were only driving for about 30 minutes, what could have happened in this time, that lead to your phone being blowed up like this?
there were several unopened and missed calls from neelam, urban, druski and jack. just as you were about to call jack back, neelams name appeared on your phone screen. you answered and couldn’t even say anything, before neelam started yelling: “y/n! are you okay?” the worry in her voice was clear. “what? yes, i am. neelam why-“ you were about to ask her what all that was about, but she immediately cut you off. “oh my god, you scared the hell out of me! why didn’t you answer your phone we were so worried!” you had absolutely no clue what all this was about. “i drove to the hotel, i turned my phone off, because i was driving. why in gods name should something have happened to me?” you asked, hoping to get an answer of the yelling and concern that was thrown at you.
“jack told me you two had a fight and when you left, you looked really tired and cried. he didn’t want you to drive in this state. and he was flipping out, when you didn’t answer your phone when you should have been home by the time” neelam explained to you. jack was this worried about you? after you acted like you didn’t care about him the last few weeks. your eyes started to water again. neelam continued, before you could answer. “y/n, by the way, where the fuck are you staying at? you drove for like an hour. pack up your things, you’re staying at my place.”
neelam was the most caring and sweetest person you knew, she always made your everybody was doing good, but you didn’t want accept her help in this situation. on the one hand, theres your stubbornness, of course, you wanted to solve the problems you’ve caused, yourself and didn’t want to bother other people. then theres also a little bit of shame you felt, you would never admit it, but you were embarrassed for your life right now. you knew, you shouldn’t be, but you just couldn’t help it. you even wished, you didn’t tell neelam, so you didn’t have this pressure on telling jack.
“thank you neelam, you know i appreciate this, but i have to solve this myself. i gotta work a whole lot tomorrow, can you let jack know i’m fine? i love you, good night” you tried to cut off the call quickly, because you were really really tired, way too tired for this drama. “y/n, you’re so stubborn, stop acting like you have-“ you ended the call, before she could carry on. you knew you weren’t making the best decisions right now, but you somehow just couldn’t help it.
she’s fine, but whatever, you have done, please make it up to her, she needs your support rn, good night
jacks hands never left his phone, so when he heard a message coming through, he immediately read it. his brows furrowed when he scanned her message. why would you need his support, did something happen? or did he miss something? he answered neelam quickly, but this topic never left his thoughts, until he finally fell asleep at 4:30 am.
on the next day, jack wanted to make it up to you, with your favorite flowers and also to talk to you. he didn’t really know what was going on in your life and he should’ve known that work wasn’t the only thing bothering you. he bought you a beautiful bouquet of flowers and your favorite sweets, before driving to your apartment. he was confused, as he didn’t see your car in spot your car was usually parked on, he made sure to wait til you were done with work. there stood another car, wich was completely different to yours. he got out of the car and went up to your apartment and rang.
an old man opened the door. he looked just as confused as jack, if that was even possible. jack was frozen and since he didn’t say anything, the old man broke the silence. “yes?” jack catched himself again. “i’m sorry, doesn’t “y/n “y/l/n live here?” he double checked the door, but he was completely sure. this was your apartment, he has spent months in this apartment. “no, you have to confound the apartment, but i just moved in a few days ago, so maybe your looking for the previous tenant?” the man in the door suggested. “what? but my girlfriend lives here” jack claimed, he was slowly getting frustrated. “i’m sorry sir, but you are at the wrong apartment, now have a good day.” that were the last words, that left the old mans mouth, before shutting the door
jack stood in front of the closed door with a dumbfounded expression, what did just happen? why weren’t you living in your apartment? he couldn’t make sense of it. he grabbed his phone and called you once again. he thought you weren’t picking up, but you answered after a few rings. “jack?” he heard your voice. you still sounded exhausted, wich made him once again feel bad, for what happened the night before. “y/n? where are you at?” he asked without greeting you. you remained silent for a second, before answering.
“at home. why are you asking?” you felt terrible, for lying to him, but you still had two days left to think of the best way of telling him, so you would use them. “no, no you aren’t. i’m at your apartment and an old man opened the door. why are you lying to me?” those words took you off guard. you had to idea how to react. he knew, you didn’t live in your apartment anymore, of course, he had to find out sometime. as you didn’t answer, you heard jack’s voice again. “y/n? what has been going on the last weeks?”
you let out a sigh, he probably heard on the other side of the phone. you had to use all the courage that was left in your body to say the next words. “can we meet?” jack was already in the garage again. “yes, when and where?” he asked, while he got into his car. “i’ll text you the address. can you come here right now?” you asked, hopefully. jacks phone vibrated, and the address message you sent him, plopped up. “yes, i’ll be there. see you in a bit.”
“okay, bye” you said. “bye.” jack answered, but before he could hang up you said something, that made him hesitate. “jack, wait.” he heard your voice. “yeah?” he asked. “i love you” he stopped in his tracks. he really wanted to say it back, but “love” is something really special for him and he didn’t want to say it, if he didn’t really mean it either. he didn’t know what he felt for you. you were really distant for a while and it felt like the two of you became strangers again.
you waited for him to say it back and you could swear you could hear your heard crack, when the only thing you heard was the beeping sound, of him ending the call.
174 notes · View notes
sunyr · 1 year
downs & downs
jack harlow x reader
summary: lately everything has been crashing down on you and nothing was going the way it was planned. you didn’t tell jack, since he had his own problems but he would find out eventually..
genre: angst
warnings: stress, bad mental health, curse words
part two
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lately the weight on your shoulders was incredibly heavy and you didn’t know if you could carry it any longer. everything was going wrong and there was nothing you could do about it. there were problems in your family, everyone argued with one another and it was being really stressful. more than that, your supervisor at your workplace changed all of a sudden and he wasn’t someone you’d like to work with. he made you work a lot more than you were capable of and set a lot of pressure on you by giving you so many tasks, it was almost impossible to finish every single one. and if that wasn‘t enough, you got kicked out of your apartment. someone had to curse you, there was no way so many bad things could happen to you at once.
since you were a little kid your whole family was celebrating thanksgiving together, every year. you would have a big dinner, wich consisted out of different food every single family member of yours brought with them. it was your favorite day of the year, because it was the only time your whole family was brought together, you always loved it. this year was different though, the thanksgiving dinner was canceled for the first time in your life, because of the stupid little fights that were rushing through your family. everyone was too stubborn to talk and forgive.
you didn‘t really notice how much that affected you. you thought it was stupid to let a tradition slide, that was held in your family for over 30 years, just because of a few little fights. besides, it was thanksgiving! the pressure you stood on repressed the sadness and loneliness you felt, when you heard the news about thanksgiving.
the ringing of your phone got you out of your work state. you saw neelams name on your phone display, you didn’t have time to take a long phone call with your best friend at all, but you were thankful for every distraction you could get, so you didn’t hesitate to pick it up.
“y/n whats goingg” she greeted you excited. “hi neelam, whats up” you asked her in return. “you know theres this crazy party tomorrow, in this club i told you about. jack was asked to perform and that gets us and the whole crew free entry. are you in?” neelam asked you. you could hear the smile on her face, wich made you smile, but the smile turned into a frown real quick, because you knew that wasn’t possible with the amount of work you had to get done til next week.
“listen neelam, i would love to, but i have so much work going on right now, i actually couldn’t even take this call.” you told her. you heard her sign “y/n you have been working this hard for weeks now, we haven’t seen you at all! you deserve a day off like nobody else i know. besides is it even legal to let you work this long?” you heard her voice on the other side of the phone
“i don’t even know if i’m honest, but i really can’t loose this job, i got kicked out of my apartment and i can’t go to my family, there are too many fights i don’t want to be apart of. ugh theres just so much going on right now i’m just a little overwhelmed thats all.” neelam was the first person you really talked to in this time, except you count the lady that manages the hotel you’re staying in.
“omg y/n that sounds terrible, i’m so sorry i didn’t know all that happened. do you want to stay with me? or with jaaack” she elongated his name like a question, why you didn’t already move in with jack. the truth is, you haven’t told jack about anything that was turning your life down right now. you didn’t want to bother him with your problems, since he’s producing his new album right now and also was under a lot of pressure. he was at the thought that work was the only thing bothering you and that was the reason, you didn’t have much time together lately.
“you know i want to be financially independent, i know jack earns like a lot lot, but i don’t want to live of his money, thats what gold diggers do.” neelam knew your opinion about this topic but she tried to convince you nonetheless. “y/n you are the opposite of a gold digger, you have been dating jack for over two years and you didn’t let him pay for you once in your entire relationship. i think he would be so so happy if he had the opportunity to help you out and you two did literally already moved in together. you are always at his place, or he is always at yours, whats the big difference now?”
“neelam you don’t understand, i don’t want to bother him with my problems and i can’t just drive home after a few days. i mean i don’t really have a home! i won’t tell him anything until i found a new apartment.” you told her. “you know that he needs to know about this. you two are in a relationship! the most loving one i know or rather knew… you can’t just let him in the dark about your life and problems” she answered you. you knew she was right, but just couldn’t bring yourself to tell him.
“i know i know, but please promise me you won’t tell him. i’ll tell him eventually okay?” you probably sounded really desperate, but you didn’t even care at this point. “i’ll give you three days y/n, if you didn’t tell him then, i will. it is for your best” your face was in your hands. three days was better than nothing, so you agreed. “thank you. listen i gotta go now i still have tons of work to do. love you” you said your goodbye. “i love you too y/n and please take care of yourself okay?” neelam answered. “i will.” you told her, before ending the call. a loud sigh left your mouth. your life was a mess at this point.
when you were done with the last task for the day, you sighed and leaned back in your chair. the clock read 11:46 pm. since you were at work for 16 hours now, you were exhausted. you yawned and grabbed your phone, you didn’t notice jack sent you a message an hour before, asking you to join him in the studio.
jack 🤍 hey baby you wanna come to the studio?
in reality all you wanted to do was go to your hotel and sleep, to prepare you for the next day, wich probably brought you even more work, but you haven’t seen jack in a while, because of your busy schedule and it wasn’t fair, if you would cancel this again. plus you could just stay there for an hour and drive home afterwards, this hour more or less won’t matter to your sleep rhythm.
you got in your car and drove of to the studio, wich was luckily only a ten minute drive. you parked your car next so jack’s black suv and entered the building. you already heard one of jacks beats in the hall. you didn’t see the point of knocking, they wouldn’t hear you anyway, so you just entered the studio. jack was sitting next to one of his producers. in back of the small room there were urban and druski sitting on a couch.
“yoo y/n haven’t seen you in a bit” druski yelled out. you laughed. jack turned around, a smile curled on his lips when he saw you. after you greeted urban and druski with a hug you went over to jack, gave him a kiss and hugged him longer than necessary. “hey are you okay?” he asked you when you wouldn’t let go of him, while kissing your head. “yeah it’s just a lot with work, i’m tired that’s all” you showed him a tired smile while looking up at him.
you sat on a chair next to jack, you watched him pushing several buttons, wich lead to different sounds coming out of the speakers. he talked to his producer about lyrics and how to put them in an order. you tried your best to stay awake but after a few minutes the fatigue has come over you.
you felt a light tap on your shoulder, wich made you squirm. “y/n, wake up” you slowly opened your eyes, to be met with jacks blue ones. you mumbled something while slowly sitting up again. “i need your opinion to this track” he said very excited. jack was always excited when it came to his music, you were so proud, that he found his passion and was being successful with it, but sometimes you wished faith was being nice to you too. you hated your job, but you needed it, so you never complained, since there were people who don’t even get to work.
you mumbled out a “mhm”, before jack started playing it. a chill beat came out of the speakers.
“my pet peeve is a camera in my face
have you ever heard of personal space?
i walk around town in a hoodie and some shades…”
you really liked the sound of it, you were font of the melody in the background. you swear it was not your intention, you just couldn’t help but yawn and slowly close your eyes again. you haven’t really slept for a week. you either had to work, look for apartments, worry about your financial situation or your family. there wasn’t much time left to get sleep, especially not the kind of sleep, wich is really recovering.
you weren’t really asleep, so you noticed how the song was abruptly stopped and opened your eyes confused “are you serious y/n? i haven’t seen you in weeks and when you finally decide to show up, all you do is sleep. you won’t even pay attention to me or my work? you know how important this is for me!” jack said to you after you slowly came out of your half sleep state and became aware of your surroundings. “jack i-“ you didn’t really know what you wanted to say. you were taken aback by his sudden anger, but you could really comprehend it.
before you could really answer, jack cut you off. “you’ve been here ten fucking minutes before falling asleep right away. i know you have a lot going on with work, but jesus you can’t even ask or tell me about your or my day, we haven’t talked in weeks. you won’t even attend my club appearance either!” your eyes started watering, but you wouldn’t start crying right now. you took a deep breath before forming your words. “i’m sorry jack it’s just-“ you know he had a point, but you just couldn’t tell him about your pathetic piece of life right now, in front of everybody.
“just what?” he asked annoyed. “doesn’t matter, i’m sorry jack. it won’t happen again.” you said while slowly getting up and grabbing your bag. everyones eyes were on you. “where are you going?” you heard jacks voice. you couldn’t put your finger on the way he said it, it just sounded emotionless. “i think it is best if i drive home.” you answered quietly. he gave you of what was an almost unnoticeable nod, but didn’t say anything. urban and druski remained silent too. you looked back at jack one last time, but his gaze was already fixated on the screen in front of him again. you closed the door and got out of the studio and to the parking lot. you didn’t notice how much you craved the fresh air. you took a deep breath and got into your car to make your way to your hotel.
“jack do you really want to let her drive in this state?” urban broke the unbearable silence in the studio. druski looked up at urban, then at jack. “shit, he’s right, what if she gets into an accident? i mean she seemed really tired and she was crying when she left”
suddenly jacks head shot up. he couldn’t concentrate on his song, since you left. you were the only thing on his mind, but as soon as those words left druskis mouth, he started to panic. “fuck!” he yelled. he searched for his phone and immediately started calling you.
he called you for the fifth time now, but you still weren’t picking up. the only thing he could think of was your safety and hearing the same “hi here’s y/n. i can’t talk right now, but i’ll call you back. bye!” mailbox did not calm him. if you would really get hurt that night, he could never forgive himself. he now called neelam, if you wouldn’t pick up his call, maybe you would pick up neelams.
she answered at some point and all that jack heard was a shuffled sound, she was probably in bed, since it was 2 am. “jack?” she asked tired. “you know what time it is right?” her voice sounded through the speakers. he couldn’t care less about neelams sleep right now. “neelam you have to call y/n right now.” jack said. his voice was hectic and desperate at the same time. “what? why?” neelam asked confused. there was no time for answering questions like that. “neelam it’s urgend, please just do it and make sure she is safe!” jacks voice got louder.
“jack what the fuck is going on?” she sounded more awake now. jack sighed before explaining. “we got into a fight and she was so tired and she is driving now so just make sure she got home safe please” there was silence for a second on the other side of the phone. “oh fuck jackman” was the only thing he heard, before neelam ended the call.
click here to get to part two
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sunyr · 1 year
lil secret
summary: jack drops his new album. you were in a secret relationship with him for two years now so he showed you knew every single track and were by his side through the entire process of creating the album, but when it drops there is a lil surprise waiting.
warnings: i don’t think there are any
genre: fluff
requests are open!
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a loud ringing filled your apartment. you got up from your couch and walked into the kitchen to find your phone on the counter. you picked it up and as soon as you did, your best friends voice sounded through the speakers: “y/nnn i heard jacks album drops tomorrow?”
you and jack have been in a relationship for two years now and its been really great, the only thing that makes it a little bit complicated is, that. nobody knows about you. jack likes to keep his private life private, therefore you kept your relationship a secret. he always said that your relationship was the only thing in his life, he could keep private and brought him joy and he wouldn‘t let some journalists ruin this. it was fun in the beginning, but now its really annoying.
you didn’t like being the center of attention and it was never in a million years your intention to be with jack just for his fame and followers, but you would like to support him on his concerts. you were desperate to do thing that normal couples do, like going on walks together or having a date night out. you couldn‘t even hug or really touch him when you were out with friends. your close family and best friends with jacks team members were the only people who knew about the two of you.
your best friend sarah (change name if your name is sarah :) always supported you. she knew jack was a good guy and only wanted best for you, but she still wasn‘t holding back to tell you what she thought about this whole undercover thing. she thought that jack should make your relationship public. she just didn‘t get it in her head that there weren‘t only people who adored and loved yours and jacks relationship, but also awful people who hated and would start rumors and god knows what to break you up. as though you knew her opinion about that you were thankful, that she accepted it and wasnt‘t always vocal about it.
„yees, it‘s been such a long process and it‘s finally out tomorrow. i‘m kinda sad it‘s over i mean now he‘ll have 5 interviews a day and the tour starts soon as well. i hope i‘ll even see him once a week“ you told her about your concernes
„y/n you know how i think about that, he should take you with him to this kind of appointments.“ sarah answered. „you know that doesn‘t work out, what if somebody sees us? the rumors would start in no time.“ you whined
„and? what about it? you two have been together for years. omg y/n isn‘t your anniversary in like a week? do you think he‘ll get you something special?“ sarah suddenly got excited. you chuckled, you were so thankful how supportive she was, in spite of her thoughts about the whole secret thing.
„like what? he‘ll just get me some flowers and chocolate like the years before. it‘s our third anniversary not our 10th“ you laughed. „oh y/n you‘re so young and dumb. hopefully he‘ll get you a ring, stupid“ sarah told you.
„a ring? we can‘t even get groceries together, i don‘t think he‘ll get down on a knee then.“ you doubted. „don‘t think so negatively. this anniversary will be special i just feel it and i don‘t care what you say.“ sarah said determined.
„okay okay whatever you say. listen i gotta go now, i‘m meeting jack in like 30 minutes.“ you answered with a smile. „alright, have funnn, but not too much fun“ she said. you laughed, you shouldn‘t even laugh anymore, she always said this when you told her that you met up with jack. „haha, bye now, love you“ you hung up laughing.
next day
you were getting ready for jacks release party. you were doing your make up, while jack was waiting for you in the living room. you choose a natural makeup look and a rather basic black dress, it did have glitter all over it, so you would shine through the entire night.
you were lucky, you could even attend. when you two started dating jack was strict and didn’t want the two of you to be seen together, but after a few months he suggested to go out in public, never alone though, his team or your friends always joined in.
„y/n you ready?“ you heard jacks voice from the living room. „yees, just a minute“ you yelled back. you looked into the mirror one last time. you touched up your lips and left the bathroom. as soon as you stepped into the living room and jack took notice of your presence, his attention left his phone and was on you. he looked you up and down, while a smile curled on his lips. he got up and walked towards you.
„you look phenomenal mamas“ he said while pulling you to his side by your waist. you returned the smile and mumbled a quiet mm„thank you“ before kissing him. after you broke the kiss you took notice of his all black suit, it made him look so mature. „you don‘t look bad yourself, harlow“ he chuckled and pulled you in in embrace again.
the two of you left to drive to the party and met the rest of pg and the crew there. „there they aree! jack man you hyped?“ urban greeted you and jack, when you got into the club. „yeah, dude this is so crazy“ jack answered and was immediately wrapped up in a conversation with urban. after you greeted everyone else, you and jack went to a small room in the back of the club, because jack was told he had go go on stage soon. „jack, you‘ll be on in five“ one of his team members told him, before shutting the door behind him.
he nodded and turned his attention back on you. were thankful you could have even a tiny bit of privacy before the big night. you fixed jacks suit jacket and brushed a few curls out of his face. „you‘ll do amazing jack“ you broke the silence. he looked you in the eyes. „thank you baby. thank you for supporting me like this.“ jack said to you. you smiled at him. „always“ you gave him a quick peck and patted his chest. „now go rockstar, i don‘t want you to miss your moment“ he kissed you one last time, before leaving the room.
you made your way to the table, infront of the stage, where the rest of jacks team and friends were sat, while jack was getting ready for his performance . jack wouldn‘t tell you what song he was performing tonight and you didn‘t get to listen to every single finished studio version, so you were really curious on what song he chose to present the album.
you were just catching up with neelam when the lights were dimmed and the spotlights drew the light and attention to the stage. jack was getting on. he searched for your face in the crowd and smiled at you when he spotted you. he winked at you, before an unfamiliar beat started rushing through the speakers
„i know that you sick of bein my lil secret
„i know that you hate the fact that i‘m famous
i know that you sick of bein my favorite“
jack started rapping. you were rather confused, you went through the process of the whole album with him but this was the first time you heard this song.
„spend the time with somebody else and i get the wishing, that she was you
any girl can be beautiful but not any girl can just be in tune“
after he was half through with his song something in your mind clicked, it was about you. your eyes got wide, you couldn‘t believe jack actually wrote a song about you and that he was very much performing it in front of a crowd with cameras all around him. he performed the whole song without taking his eyes off of you.
„cause you confident that we soulmades
i told my therapist about you
she always takes your side
ain‘t nobody i love more
i just need more time“
when the music was fading, the loud sound of applause filled the club. you gathered yourself and also started to applause for jack. a big smile was plastered over his face. when the loud sounds slowly grew faint, jack brought the mic to his mouth again and started speaking.
„this was lil secret, it’s a song from my new album come home the kids miss you, wich drops tonight. this album means so much to me and i‘m so thankful for everyone who was a part of creating this. i wanna say a special thank you to a very special girl though, who is actually sitting right in front of me.“
your jaw dropped. he couldn’t possibly-
„my girlfriend y/n was the inspiration for lil secret. i‘m so grateful to have her by side for the last years . she supports me every single day and i don‘t know how i could ever thank her for that nor how i deserve her. i‘m confident that we are soulmates too. i love you y/n“
tears were welling in your eyes, daring to fall any second. where you dreaming? this had to be a dream. you couldn’t believe what just happened. never in your entire life had somebody said something so touching to you. you were shaking. the entire clubs eyes were on you, but you couldn‘t care less. as soon as jack left the stage and came towards your table, you got up, pulled him to you and gave him the most loving kiss he ever got. he pulled you in his embrace and kissed you like it was the last time, he had the chance to.
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jackharlow: three years of being my lil secret
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urbanwyatt: damn yall cute
neelamthathani: babys 🥹
y/n: 🤍
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