sunquiver777 · 6 hours
I always imagine Apollo’s temples with open ceilings so the sun may shine on his devotees
There is music being played in the front, some of us are dancing
People are drawing with chalk on the ground with flowers in their hair, laughing and singing
a safe space, where we can bask in his glory
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sunquiver777 · 6 hours
7 Virtues of Hellenism.
Xenia - This is the pillar that signifies hospitality, generosity and reciprocity. It's typically demonstrated in a guest/host dynamic.
Kharis - This is the pillar that signifies appreciation and gratitude. It entails giving to the gods and and expressing gratitude when you receive something from them.
Eusebia - This is the pillar that signifies reverence and veneration towards the gods. It can be translated to 'piety' or 'reverant conduct' meaning that you show respect for them.
Hagneia - This is the pillar that signifies purifying yourself. It entails having moral, perhaps physical too, purity and avoiding miasma where possible.
Arete - This is the pillar that signifies excellence and brilliance. It entails trying to reach your highest potential and this can be in any field.
Sophia - This is the pillar that signifies the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
Sophrosyne - This is the pillar that signifies self-control and prudence. It involves being of sound mind and remaining balanced, which can further lead to other positive qualities to have.
I hope these are right and that I didn't misunderstand their meanings! Hopefully this is useful to anyone, I certainly enjoyed making the post!
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sunquiver777 · 6 hours
Free Writing
(Decided to make this its own post.)
Free Writing is a method of journaling but can also be used to communicate with entities such as deities. It can also help to develop your clairs. It's pretty simple to do and you can also do it via typing or probably even voice recording if those are more accessible for you. It involves writing your stream of consciousness without worrying about grammar or spelling.
Here is how you can do it:
Grab a notebook or whatever you are going to write/type with. Include a timer if you want to set a time limit.
Set up in a space where you will not be interrupted and have nothing distracting you. It can be quiet or with instrumental music (avoid music with lyrics unless you want to see if certain lyrics pop out to you).
Make an offering (optional) and pray to/invite the deity you want to speak to.You can use a divination tool to confirm their presence if you wish.
Ground and center yourself in the present. You want to get into a receptive, meditative state or as close to it as you are able to have.
Start writing. I usually start with something intentional to get the ball rolling such as "I am listening" or whatever just to get my hands moving.
Write everything that comes to mind or into your awareness - and do not try to control any of it or make judgements about it. You are just receiving right now. Don't worry about spelling or grammar or anything like that. If you smell chocolate then write that down. If you feel dumb doing this then write it down. If your mind is blank then write what you hear or smell or see or just write that your mind is blank.
You may notice in the moment that some things feel different or are definitely not your own thoughts. It may be easy to know what is your deity's message or it may not. If you do notice/feel something then you can write it down or make a little note with a symbol like a * or just be aware of it and continue.
Stop when the timer goes off or when it feels right or when your deity has delivered their message. Thank them.
Read over what you have written. I like to use highlighters here: one color for what was definitely my own thoughts and another for what I am certain is from the deity. You can also have a color for sensory observations, or wherever you're uncertain about where the thought or image comes from, or if you notice something that may be more towards the shadow work side of things or negative thoughts, etc.
Make a note on your experience. How did you feel? Did you sense any energies? Did you feel something different when you were getting down certain words? Reflect a bit on the experience.
If you want you can copy the results into a neater or summarised format then do so! If you have messy handwriting and some words are a mess then go in and make it clearer what the word is. You may look back months later and you don't want to be confused what word that one scribble is supposed to be! I have two journals, one to do this exercise in and one woth the neater notes and summaries.
It may take time to get comfortable doing this and to develop discernment but I've found it very helpful personally!
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sunquiver777 · 23 days
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The Death of Hyacinthos.
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sunquiver777 · 23 days
Offerings for Apollo, the Greek god of the Sun, Music, and Poetry…etc.
1: Music related objects. Since he’s the god of music, music related ANYTHING will work as an offering. Time to break out those old 2016 vinyls you bought and never used because you remembered you couldn’t afford a record player! 2: Art related things. Not only is he the god of music, but also art. Paint, oil pastels, or even PENCILS could work. 3: poetry. Yeah, this is self-explanatory. 4: Archery stuff. Own a bow and arrow you never used? Use it as an offering, Apollo will love it. 5: Frankincense, Laurel, Apples, Hyacinthus or Cypress. These are ALL things he represent. 6: Your own art of things he represents. Highly recommend. He also represents dolphins, lions, griffins, and swans. 7: Anything golden in color. Seriously. Own some gold hoop earrings? Trust me, he’ll take ‘em. 8: Depictions of the sun or anything related to the sun and light. 9: Golden cakes. Yummers. 10: Orange juice. Or any yellow juice, actually. 11: Yellow Jasper and sunstone. If you saw my Selene offerings post, you should know what to do with these. Use them in prayer, or blessing your tea!
Have fun working with Apollo! Good luck! ☀️
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sunquiver777 · 23 days
Sometimes I approach my shrines and just sort of stand there. Like, I don't pray, make offerings, or anything. I'll just stand there and look at it. Or sit next to it.
For a while, this made me feel strange and a little guilty, even. But now I look to how I do similarly with my parents. I'll just go and sit quietly with them, or go lean on them. Just take comfort in their presence.
The Gods ARE our divine parents, after all.
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sunquiver777 · 1 month
☀️ Subtle Apollo Worship 🏹
Singing/listening to your favorite songs; this applies to any music, though
Listening to music while studying
Playing any instrument
Dedicating a journal to writing poetry or stories
Reading poetry books; reading ancient poetry/stories (especially ancient Greek poetry/stories)
Dancing to any music of your choice
Setting reminders to take medication on time; taking your medication in general
Taking care of your body physically, such as brushing one's teeth or taking a shower
Taking a walk on a sunny day; basking in the warmth of the light
Keeping a pic of him in your wallet
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him
Keeping imagery of swans, cranes, or ravens around (swans and cranes might be a safer bet if in an evangelical household; ravens may be seen as "too dark")
Having sun imagery around (although he is not the Greek god of the sun, many associate him with the sun these days; he is officially a god of light, however)
Getting a wolf or dolphin stuffed animal (sacred animals of his)
Anything to do with positive and healthy self-wellness
Learning archery
Learning to do divination outside of the obvious (the obvious being tarot, runes, and pendulums, for example; not obvious would be cartomancy, pyromancy, carromancy, shufflomancy, etc.)
Doing homework (yes, really)
Being kind to yourself when you're having a difficult time
Placing positive affirmations on somewhere you'd see them everyday, especially ones about things you're proud of
Checking in with yourself emotionally throughout the day; how are you feeling? What are some good things that have happened so far? What are some not so good things?
Learning about philosophy and taking note of your thoughts on the topic
Learning more about yourself (e.g. make a list of things you enjoy, try new hobbies, experiment with new outfits, etc.)
Expressing yourself through art of any kind
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
May add more later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Apollo. I hope it helps someone, and take care, y'all!
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sunquiver777 · 1 month
Would y’all be ok if this branches off of an Apollo some to other Theoi?
I’d like to post my deity art here as well
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sunquiver777 · 1 month
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Arrow of Plague.
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
The names of the Gods
I vaguely promised an essay on my thoughts on the names of the Gods about a week ago or so, and thus I shall deliver :)
A few months ago when I was scrolling on TikTok (as one does), I came across a video by @olympianbutch talking about invocations in traditional Hellenic Polytheist prayers. The whole video was good, so I'll link the video (for the invocation): [here], and you can watch it all for yourselves. (And you should watch the two videos before it, they were equally good and educational). In it, he explained why we start prayers by saying the Gods' names: "This is because the ancient Greeks believed that when you said a God's name, They went: [insert action of dramatically turning around here]." Now, this was definitely funny, but once the full implications of that statement sunk in, it permanently changed how I viewed my own praying (in a good way, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this thing based off of the video).
Now, the idea that your speech can call a God to you is something incredibly amazing, incredibly beautiful, and incredibly powerful. It means that the very second you state Their name, They can see your whole situation, and respond accordingly. I think this is something good to keep in mind, especially as the influence of 2020 witchtok/pagantok fades out (I was deep in this back then, so I'm speaking from that perspective [at some point in the future I'm doing a ramble on this as well, and how it impacted my early worship + relationships with the Gods {no hate if you were there too, I think it lowkey sucked for all of us}]). I used to feel really nervous that I didn't have a Real Connection with the Gods because I wasn't constantly hearing Their voices in my head, or having some kind of miraculous encounter with Them on a daily basis, and I used to base a lot of the idea of a "successful prayer life" around those encounters. However, since hearing of the concept of the Gods seeing you when their names are called, I've found my worries about that trickling away. When I pray, whichever God I'm praying to is there, and I can simply revel in the knowledge that I am standing (or sitting, or kneeling) in the presence of the God(s). The Gods are ever-present to begin with, but by calling upon Them in prayer, I am able to be face-to-face with Them in a more meaningful way, even if it's not something immediately sensible.
Beyond my prayer life, I've also found myself a lot more thoughtful about when I say the Gods' names. For deities that I worship frequently like Hermes or Dionysos, I'll be a bit more lax. I'll call upon Them for little things, like seeing a little crystal phallus in a metaphysical shop, or praying for safe travels. For deities that I once worshiped closely, like Artemis, I'll call upon Her in praise of the beauty of nature, especially if it's getting Real Beautiful or Real Cool. And even for deities that I rarely worship except on feasts, like Zeus, I'll call upon Him in praise of good things that fall under His domain, as a "I know it was You doing this!" kind of thing.
Anyways, this ended up a bit more rambly than I initially intended it to be, but I hope that somewhere within this ADHD-addled writing there was something of substance that's useful to you in your practice :) The Gods are always there, something something, always good, something something, I love Them.
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
The way I’ve been making this joke for months on end and every time I get bombastic side eye 😒 from Apollon
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Eres un pollo 🐓✨
This is inspired by @greekmythcomix (really cute) Greek myth/Ancient Roman chicken series. They're all so charming, I had to try my hand at it. 
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
My classmates: The gods are cruel.
Me: To who? The Rich and powerful? About time someone taught them some manners and basic human decency.
My classmates: How can you be okay with that?
Me: I will never sympathise with someone who owns slaves.
Gentle reminder: the humans in Greek Mythology are mega rich and powerful. They rely on colonialism and slavery.
Just because the myth has elements of tragedy doesn't mean they deserve your sympathy.
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
“Stop trying to sanitize the gods, they’re flawed and human.”
Excuse me? You’re trying to tell me that my deities are somehow close to our level? That they are flawed and therefore lesser? My gods had the ancients inventing new ways of thinking, and forced us to consider our place in the universe under their tutelage. They survived thousands of years of intentional erasure. They could not be forced to bow to a new “supreme” god. They survived into the 21st century where we worship currency and technology. They moved through the winds and whispers of our ancestors that were under threat. But the gods kept us in their graces after their temples were disgraced and built over with churches. The held our bloodline in their hands from the cradle to the grave, over and over, from ancestor to descendent, all the way to us. They endure in a way we could never. And they give us the gift of their presence and indescribable vastness. They are not human. They are not of this world. We’ve been told that means all goodness and all perfection, and that standard is untouchable just as God is unreachable. These gods touch us, they have walked amongst us.
We have told their stories from the viewpoint of western, Christian, modern society and it has done them a disservice. Even so, even though we take their stories of divinity and water them down, they do not retaliate, they do not abandon us. They are the farthest thing from human. And if this lesson is that imperfection is beyond humanity, it makes the ideal of perfection we hold foolish and inhumane.
The gods have no need for our blessings, but I bless their names nonetheless.
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
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Artemis & Apollo
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
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artwork dedicated to Lord Apollo, using colours He picked out
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
Me, first approaching the gods: “Hi, I have a fountain of issues that will constantly make things difficult, I’ve got this 50 cent candle and my undying love for you. 👉🏻👈🏻🥺”
The gods: “Hell yeah.”
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sunquiver777 · 2 months
A little appreciation for the domains of a deity that don't get much attention/recognition. I'm making this because I do think it would be lovely if the aspects mentioned below got more attention, and additions not mentioned are welcome so long as it's an obscure part of them. This was going to be just a few and then I got carried away and did the main Twelve Olympians
A little love for:
Apollon as the God of Foreigners (the Arcadian friendship's harmony with Hermes being the god of travelers/way-god couldn't be any louder)
Aphrodite as a Goddess of the Arts (anything love-themed falls to her by default)
Ares of Civil Order, Defender, and Of Courage
Artemis as the Goddess of Dancing and equal Leader of the Mousai
Athene as the Goddess of Carpentry, Metalwork, and Sculpting
Demeter as Friend of Peace and Law-Giver
Hephaistos as the one with a delicate touch that creates beautiful works of art (It isn't so much unknown but honestly the thing I love most and not the first thing one thinks of with his talents/image)
Hera as the Skillful Bender of Language, Bender of Oaths and Promises
Hermes, God of Peace/Diplomacy, Divine Protector of All, as well as a God of Poetry and Knowledge (rightfully the other half to Athene)
Hestia of the Earth, Earth Dwelling and Delighting in the Works of Man, The One That Made Buildings
Poseidon of Fertility, the Plant Nurturer, and Holder of the Earth
Zeus of the People, Gracious and Merciful, Of Refuge, Counsellor
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