sugarysway · 2 months
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This scene is cute for a number of reasons, but I couldn’t help but laugh the second time I watched it. Fukuzawa is obviously a cat person, and likes to feed and pet the strays (a trait that inadvertently gave him the entire ADA). But as soon as the stray cat runs off, Fukuzawa notices Atsushi right next to him.
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It’s not SUPPOSED to be funny. It ISN’T. But all I could think when I was watching it was that it just looked like a big cat smelled fish and came running, and how Fukuzawa probably saw Atsushi’s sudden reappearance as, “not the stray cat I was expecting, but hello, Atsushi.” 🐟
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sugarysway · 2 months
I am homesick for arms that have never held me.
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sugarysway · 3 months
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lost the idgaf war
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sugarysway · 4 months
i love how bsd is a war story that doesn't tell you so until so much later. the war is bsd in overhanging and present in countless pieces of the plot, but it creeps up on you. you hear it in little pieces, a mention here, a mention there, and eventually it's practically omnipresent and the focal point of the arc.
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sugarysway · 5 months
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ranpo and fukuzawa!!!
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sugarysway · 5 months
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Your honor that’s his son
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sugarysway · 5 months
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sugarysway · 5 months
Every girl gets her wish𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
𝑭𝒖𝒌𝒖𝒛𝒂𝒘𝒂, 𝑭𝒖𝒌𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒊 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff/ official appreciation post for my fav bsd dilfs/not proofread
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The amber bubbles fizzed up as Dazai poured the last drop of champagne in your glass. "Don't drink yet we've still got a few minutes left until midnight" announced the brunette, earning a nod from you.
Holding the stem of the glass between your middle and ring finger, crystal bowl resting in the palm of your hand, you made your way to the back of the terrace leaning against the ivy covered brick wall. It was a pretty location the president rented for the new year's eve party; golden lights, cozy wooden tables and cushy sofas and most importantly unlimited food and drinks.
You've already had your fair share of cocktails and shots and your body felt warm, cheeks lightly flushed, mind hazy. Your gaze instinctively sought the familiar head of silvery hair and found it on the other side of the terrace. Fukuzawa was leaning against the railing talking, as per usual, to Ranpo. The longer strands of his hair fell down the black lapel of his suit, bangs framing the sharp lines of his features. Fuck, he looked so handsome in this light.
As if reading your thoughts Ranpo's head snapped in your direction, giving you a mischevious smile. He knew of your crush on your boss, of course he knew and it didn't help your situation at all. Just then, the older man turned his head to face you and you smiled weakly, waving at them. You were about to die of embarassment when you realised how much you were blushing. Fuck your low alcohol tolerance and the stupid feelings that took over you whenever you saw him.
And then you saw him walk in your direction; clearing your throat, you gave him your sweetest smile.
"Good evening, Y/N. Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked casually, leaning on the wall beside you.
"Yes, boss, very much. I love this place it's... very lovely" you babbled out, hurriendly taking a sip of your drink to drown your rapid heartbeat.
"I'm glad to hear that" he smiled, oh that rare, genuine smile that made you weak in the knees. You didn't know what else to say so you simply nodded, biting down on your glossy lip as you looked at your glass. Waiting for him to leave. But he didn't. Fukuzawa remained by your side, taking occasional sips from his own drink and checking his clock. The silence was starting to feel awkward and you damned yourself for acting so silly. 'Come on, girl, you got this just say something' was the best encouragement you could come up with. Taking in a deep breath you opened your mouth but before you got the chance to speak Fukuzawa leaned closer to you.
"You're a remarkable woman, Y/N. I hope you know that." he said softly. In the background you could already hear the thrilled voices of your colleagues doing the countdown. 10...9...8 "Would you maybe consider allowing me to..." he continued, his voice trailing off as he traced the contour of your cheery-wine coloured lips with his thumb, making your heart skip a beat.
7...6...5. You nodded eagerly, swallowing down every last shred doubt and looked up at him, meeting his warm gaze. 4...3...2. He smiled, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer, his deep, vanilla tinged scent making your knees weak. And then he did it. When the clock struck midnight he kissed you, a soft kiss that seemed almost innocent if it hadn't been for the fierce, posessive grip he had on your hip.
When you eventually pulled away you couldn't help but smile. Leaning against one another, the two of you shared the usual Happy new years right before you gazed over Fukuzawa's shoulder, eyes landing on Ranpo who gave you a thumbs up, grinning. The blush immediately returned to your face and you hid your face in the man's shoulder, praying that no one else saw the kiss you two shared. plot twist later in the evening Ranpo spread the news.
You knew that working for the Hunting Dogs was going to be quite a demanding job but you never expected to be called in for a mission on New Year's Eve. Still, at 9 in the evening the captain sent you a quick text asking to accompany him on a mission. "Sorry, sweetheart, but I can't reach the others. I expect you to be at the warehouses in 30." was all the explanations you were given before you hastly put on your uniform and left your apartment.
It was almost midnight when you were done and due to the late hour no cabs were available, leaving you with no hope of getting back home to your friends.
"What a bummer..." you mumbled under your breath, leaning against the metal railing that lined the frothy shore. The metallic smell of fireworks and cheap firecrackers filled the chilly winter air.
"It can't be helped sometimes, when duty calls we answer" said your superior in his usual condescending tone, standing by your side. He lazily procured a cigarette from a crumpled pack in the pocket of his jacket and lit it before checking the time. "Three more minutes 'till midnight. I guess you're stuck with me tonight"
You simply nodded in response, humming a disinterested mhm. Frankly, you couldn't care less who you spent new year's eve with; it was just another night of the year. But having to sit outside in the crisp December air, watching happy couples cooing at each other and sharing kisses wasn't exactly ideal. You thought of your friends; bundled up on your balcony getting ready to open the bottle of champagne you spent a quarter of your salary on and couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy.
You were too lost in thought to notice when the clock struck midnight. As if on que the sky erupted in bright neon colours; ruby red, champagne gold and shades of blue painting the blackness above. The few couples nearby began kissing, each person giving their partner a lovesick grin that made your stomach churn. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't you have that too?
"What's with that pouty face?" Fukuchi asked casually, his gaze landing on the couple seated on the bench in front of you. "Ah I see how it is. You want your midnight kiss, right?"
Before you could answer he cupped your jaw with a gloved hand making you face him as he leaned in "I believe I can help with that"
Despite how cold you were heat bloomed in your abdomen, a rosy blush tinting your cheeks. "No need sir I'm fine really~" you stammered, trying to look at anything else beside him.
"Nonsense, sweetheart. You're already stuck out here because of me. It's the least I can do." he chuckled, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips. You couldn't deny how tempting the offer was. After all, you did develop a little crush on your boss during the few months you worked as a hunting dog. He seemed to be quite fond of you too, always taking you on missions with him, even going so far as to call you sweetheart when it was just the two of you so... maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Before you knew it you leaned in, hesitantly pressing your lips against his. His hand left your face and slid to the nape of your neck fingers entangling in your hair, giving it a gentle tug. Taking the hint you parted your lips, allowing him to slip his tongue in your mouth and deepen the kiss. It was messy, a needy kiss that made your head fuzzy. He tasted just like you imagined: cigarettes and bourbon.
When he eventually pulled away his signature smirk was plastered on his face "How was that for a midnight kiss? Is my favourite girl satisfied?"
You couldn't help but smilen, that damned lovesick grin you so hated to see on other people. "Yea, I'm happy now". Taking a last drag from his cigarette he flicked the bud on the ground and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You instinctively leaned closer to him, your head coming to rest on his chest. Smiling down at you, Fukuchi gave your arm a loving squeeze "Happy new year, Y/N"
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sugarysway · 5 months
Something, anything.
Note : A simple draft I wrote with the pov of an original character I created for bsd. I'm very Fukuzawa brain rotted, don't mind me.🤸🏽‍♀️. Happens during Untold Origins. :)
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— — —
The setting felt like a blur. The lights were as bright and blinding as they could possibly be, giving me almost no chance to look up at the ceiling without blinking heavily - at least, I seemed to be the only one who had this difficulty. How long has it been since I had ever set foot in a theatre? My senses were slightly overloaded, and yet the feeling was something I almost had missed, for it took me away from all those years spent searching for something, anything.
As I stepped into the building, the crowd was already gathering in the entrance hall, gathering and chatting profusely. I was quite surprised to witness different generations present here, as it seemed the only thing that brought everyone on an agreement was the main actor : he was a favourite, and they all wanted to see him play. My eyes kept slowly darting around, almost as if analysing every detail, every clothing - I simply found a sense of reassurance by observing the world around me, to grasp it better, to anticipate it - and the others. I could not help but notice that everyone's clothing seemed to be quite elegant - not too much, but not too casual either. The perfect balance. My own outfit was rather simple, but I did not pay too much attention to what could be said or perceived. I was only here in hopes of finding a distraction, and as a person who was quite fond of plays, my appearance was not my main focus.
My figure was moving almost imperceptibly among the people, quietly listening to bribes of conversations, laughters, complaints, and praise. I felt like a young butterfly lost among a sea of older, more experienced ones, yet I knew otherwise. My comfort, as said before, now resided in the simple act of listening, being attentive, even if now all my senses were at work, almost on high alert. As a result of my own emotions and sensitivity, the air around me got thicker and thicker, and when I passed by a middle-aged man, he started coughing rather heavily, as if he had trouble breathing. I quickly pushed my feelings away and locked them again - I could easily make someone choke to death if I didn't learn how to keep my emotions in tune with the rest of the air. A curse and a lesson.
And when I thought I had finally got myself back in check again, there it was. That small tingling sensation, the slight shift in my senses that allowed and warned me about the presence of someone I knew, for they shared the same air that I breathed, even if a few steps away. It was faint, but they were here. He was there. As soon as I turned around on my heels to glance at the crowded room once more, I suddenly felt a hand wrapping around my wrist, tightly. And a voice - the one that had never left my soul, that I had always longed to hear once more.
Him. Here, always, when I would least expect it. How long has it been?
"...Yukichi?" I uttered out quietly, my breath leaving my lungs as I couldn't turn around yet. I wouldn't, not now, not yet. If I did, I felt as if I would lose control the moment I would lay my eyes on him again. His grip on my hand was a bit firmer, a bit tighter now. Maybe he didn't notice it, but it wasn't hurting me. Now that he stood closer, I could read him through the air around us - how he felt, what had changed him, who he was now.
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sugarysway · 5 months
I miss him and love him so much
GINGERBREAD LOVER . . . nanami helps you bake christmas cookies.
ft. nanami + f!reader, domestic fluff, christmas time, i miss him so bad i just want him back
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it isn’t the absence of his suit or the knowledge his phone is silenced that helps nanami relax; it’s you, messing about in his kitchen as if it were your own.
a comfortable silence falls over his apartment, interrupted only by the soft crinkle of the newspaper between his fingers and the sound of you humming from the other room. the flurries that he woke up to have quickly grown into a snowstorm, and he’s grateful you spent the previous night with him. the warmth of the fireplace blocks out the chill creeping in, soothing his recovering body from the mission he was assigned the day before, but nothing soothed him more than your presence, like a balm to his being.
that’s why it doesn’t take long before he seeks you out, grabbing his apron from its hook on the wall as he joins you in the kitchen. you’re already wearing your own, hair pushed back, giving him a full view of your pretty face when you smile up at him.
“what do you need me to do?” he ties the cotton straps into a bow around his waist. your smile falls into a pout.
“nothing, kento. you’re supposed to be relaxing today.”
“this is me relaxing,” he kisses the crease between your eyebrows away. “i’d like to spend time with you, if you’ll let me.”
you’re already halfway to his lips, a mumbled “i love you, y’know?” against his mouth as your fingers brush his unstyled bangs out of his eyes. “can you start on the dry ingredients? the recipe is on my phone.”
it’s resting on the edge of the counter, christmas music softly playing from your speaker. you’ve already lined up all of the ingredients, and he’s careful not to get anything on your screen as he scrolls through the instructions.
he measures each ingredient precisely to the gram against the background of the mixer’s hums as you cream the butter and brown sugar together. the sweet scent of cinnamon and cloves wafts through the air as he whisks the flour and the spices together.
his hands settle against your hips as he passes behind you to get to the fridge. he takes the opportunity to lean down and kiss the junction of your neck, hands lingering on you until you’re out of his reach.
you have a peaceful smile on your face as you crack the egg he grabbed into the mixing bowl, and it’s hard to keep his eyes off you when you look so relaxed. he hates that it’s a rare sight for him lately; something deep inside his chest aches imagining all of the soft moments he must’ve missed.
the groans of the mixer die down as he adds the dry ingredients slowly, beige clouds puffing above the bowl in protest. he watches out of the corner of his eye as you look over his shoulder to peek at the dough, scooping some onto your finger, eyes glistening as you taste it. “this is so good!”
“don’t eat too much of that,” he says flatly. the look he gives you is unamused. “you’ll get sick.”
“maybe,” he feels you drop from your tippy toes to rest your forehead against his back, kissing the space between his shoulder blades and sliding your arms around his waist. “but you’ll take care of me, right?”
“always,” he says without hesitation. he dusts his hands with flour, scooping the dough out of the bowl.
he rolls it out with ease, only pausing to let you swipe a stray streak of flour off his cheek. he watches fondly as you stamp out shapes with some cutters you found in the back of one of his cabinets. you smile up at him proudly as soon as you finish arranging all of the cookies on the baking sheet, safely placing them behind the closed door of the oven.
the music still plays softly from your phone. it’s an old song now, one he’s heard almost every winter he can recall, but he still can’t resist pulling you towards his chest. your hands are warm when they wrap around his shoulders, thumbs rubbing the lines of muscle along his back. his hands fit perfectly in the dip of your waist, and he sways you gently.
“are you okay, kento?” you tilt your head, stroking along the edge of his undercut. “you’re so lovey today.”
“i know,” he rests his forehead against yours. “i’m making up for lost time.”
he feels your smile against his lips as you kiss him, one hand curled around the back of his neck, the other cradling his face, the soft pads of your thumbs tracing his cheekbones. you pull away and rest your head against his shoulder and he swears the rest of the world melts away; it always seems to when you’re around. it’s just you, smiling against his collarbone, and him, rubbing little circles against your lower back. you’re only interrupted by the shrill beep of the oven timer, and with one last lingering kiss, you pull away.
he leans against the counter, simply watching you. there’s something so endearing about you with oven mitts on, peaking through the cracked oven door, dressed in your comfiest clothes. he hopes he gets to see you like this for the rest of his life, intertwined in his daily routine. the smell of cinnamon and brown sugar mingled with the heat from the oven only further warms his heart.
the cookies are perfect, all smooth, crisp edges and soft, puffy centers. you bump your head against his bicep.
“you’re so good at everything. it’s unfair,” your voice muffled in his shirt. “will you help me decorate them too?”
“of course,” he kisses the crown of your head, stroking down your hair with the palm of his hand.
the plastic bags dribble beads of icing onto the table. you bump your feet gently against his from where you sit across from him, the fluffy fabric of your socks rubbing against his leg from where his pants don’t quite reach his ankle.
you smile when you hold up your decorated gingerbread man. it has two large dots for eyes, a straight line for a mouth, and a tie sloppily piped onto its chest. there’s a crack down the right side of its little body.
“it’s you!” you beam, trying to peek at his. “if i was a cookie, would you eat me?”
“yes,” he hums. “you’d be too sweet to resist.”
he holds yours up to you, complete with iced fuzzy socks, little pajama shorts, rosy cheeks, and a cute smile. his lines are all perfect, hands steady and precise. your smile is contagious, and you put cookie-nanami next to you, touching their little gingerbread hands together.
you give him a look he knows not to argue with when he tries to help you clean up. he watches the snow continue to fall outside with his arms crossed against his chest, eyes landing on the gingerbread house the students built earlier that week. itadori had proudly presented it to him, uneven slanted walls and all. it rests on the table near his windowsill, a snowy tokyo in the background.
he carries the cookies gently in the palm of his hand. he places them together, right in front of the frosted door. it looks absolutely perfect, and he smiles, imagining the day the real version of him will stand there with you, in front of a house of your very own, with the rest of the world melting away.
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p.s.! ₊˚. tagging mrs nanami ofc !! @kentopedia
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sugarysway · 6 months
I'll never recover from the fact that he is voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda??? I'm so weak
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sugarysway · 6 months
He's literally perfect
Everyone, please look at this man.
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..... that is all.
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sugarysway · 6 months
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headcanons about kento nanami being insanely protective over you, his sweet wife . . . ♡
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Typically, Nanami is a calm, cool, and collected individual. However, that changes drastically if someone’s bothering you.
Be it an annoying cashier or a first grade curse, no one messes with Mrs. Nanami.
For ordinary, aggravating people, all it takes is them seeing that muscular, pissed-off man approaching, and they run off as fast as they can.
Nanami trained for hours upon hours to become stronger in order to protect you, which is how he managed to become so buff.
If you’re a sorcerer as well, Nanami insists upon the two of you doing as many missions together as possible.
He’s not a whiny kid, so he won’t throw a fit if he can’t be right by your side, but he’ll definitely try to negotiate with the higher-ups at every given opportunity about it.
He knows you’re strong and that you can handle yourself, he knows that you don’t need his protection, but he still wants to be there for you.
He’d die for you without a second thought. Jump in harm’s way as a human shield without any care in regards to his own life.
Nanami is naturally insanely strong, of course, but if an enemy hurts you, even if it’s just a small scratch, he becomes an entirely different person.
He once slammed someone through several walls for kicking you in the stomach. They died instantly. And Nanami gently and carefully inspected your bruises after.
He does worry that he’ll somehow hurt you on accident, both directly and indirectly. He’s afraid that he’ll accidentally hurt you whenever he touches you, or that something bad will happen to you if he accidentally makes a mistake while on a mission.
Not only does your dear husband protect you from other people, but he’ll protect you from weather, dangerous objects, etc.
If it’s raining, he won’t hesitate to snatch off his jacket and put it over your head if you both forgot to bring an umbrella. He’ll also carry you across unavoidable puddles without you even asking.
If he notices a loose nail sticking out somewhere or a wobbly chair, he fixes it immediately just to make sure that you won’t get hurt.
When fighting, he might remove his tie. He might remove his jacket. But he will never remove his ring.
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sugarysway · 6 months
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sugarysway · 6 months
I just realised that I never really wrote anything on here, I had so many tumblr accounts that I FORGOT about. If you have any request, please don't hesitate!! I'm slowly getting back into writing, so it would be my pleasure to write anything. I'm working on a small piece I got an idea of with Fukuzawa, so I wouldn't mind receiving ideas or requests in the meantime :))
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sugarysway · 6 months
I am a simple woman
I see Nanami
I scream
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sugarysway · 6 months
solace — doppo kunikida
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tears that wet your pillow sheet and you clutch to the sides as you cry out the pain, hearing the door opened, signal that someone came in, you wiped your tears as if they would do something— your eyes are puffy red from crying and your cheeks are dry.
"[name], how many times do I have to tell you to lock the door, what if someone bursts in? what if I'm not there to protect you?" the footsteps in your shared room with your lover. scolding you for being careless but that's how he just shows he really cares.
a sigh escaped his lips, rubbing his temple but as he stepped in your room and saw your state, he panicked inside—rushed to you and hugged you, his hand rubbing your back to comfort you.
"[name], I'm sorry." feeling guilty of scolding you and felt he's sometimes too rough, you shook your head, you leaned to his chest wanting to feel the comfort of his warmth.
"no... It's my fault too..."
"you should've at least messaged me." he muttered.
"...sorry, I don't want to ruin your schedule, doppo." you whispered quietly and hugged him much tighter, desperate for his comfort and he sat down on the edge of bed and pulled you closer as you softly sniffed.
"stupid... I can adjust my schedule for you, I swore that on my ideals that I will take care of my significant other."
"things have been rough on you lately, aren't you?" he gently asked as his eyes softened looking at you
"... yeah... I don't know anymore— I just... It's- it's—"
"shh. it's okay, I understand." you pulled away as he caressed your cheeks with his thumb, wiping away your tears and kissing your forehead— top of your head and temple.
"let me take care of you today."
no matter how rough everything is, your lover kunikida doppo is your only source of comfort, strength, healing, your everything.
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