Recently i havent been RPing on Tumblr anymore. The community has sorta dwindled down for me. I moved on to mostly skype RPs. I’ll still log on to blogs i havent deleted but for now This blog and plenty other’s arent gonna make it. sorry. If you want my Main blog its HERE 
dont send asks to this blog since im not logging on for a while, if you have questions send them to my main. thanks for understanding.
the other blogs im deleting will have this reblogged so you know
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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I need to quit smoking, but it helps me relax when im too stressed for anything... I should check to see if Emma finished her homework too...
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
So You're a Personal Blog That Follows an RP Blog...
That’s great!  We really appreciate it!  Every follower is precious to us, whether we play with you or not, so thank you for that!  But lemme explain a couple of things that’ll make both our lives WAY easier…
Please don’t reblog my threads! It’s super cool that you think my thread is good enough to be on your blog in some way, but what that does is it makes it harder for me to track the people that are actually replying to my threads.
Don’t go on a liking spree of my posts!  Every roleplay blog is famous in their own right and each day we sort through hundreds of notifications, and finding personal blogs liking all of our posts makes that way harder to do.
Don’t be afraid to send us an ask like we’re an ask blog!  But don’t get crazy.  We love getting asks, especially if we reblog an ask meme!  I can’t speak for all of us, but I can say that learning about my character is probably the best part of roleplaying.  If you’ve always had a question about my character, send it my way!  We both might be surprised by the answer!
And really, that’s all we ask of you!  Reblogging our threads is nice, but it messes up our notifications and makes tracking our threads harder!  Thank you for the follow, though! 
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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Pixiv ID: 37336466 Member: くが汁
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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Pixiv ID: 35690046 Member: ベティ
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
mostly manga caps and homos but we have tags for a few different things
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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well maybe if you stop trying to kick him out he'll eventually get bored and leave? live reverse psychology small changes go a long way.  or better yet why not just ignore him? wait not he'll probably break things if you ignore him....
Mama and Papa Cris always `Give people niceness just how you want them to give you niceness-' or something
he's dealing with a different kind of bully pequena...
*Magic Anon fairy flutters by, taps his head* You are bald for the next 24 hours! Hue hue hue hueeeee~ |3 *flutters away*
*immediately goes to find something to cover his head with, finding that a blanket shall suffice for now*
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
Well lets see you made the contract right? Chances are he'd leave me and my daughter alone and bother you reguardless- I dont think things like him care about people that have nothing to do with him
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Is someone bullying you Mr? //was too small at the time to remember who they're talking about// maybe if you ask nice, or iknow-! this girl in class picked on me a lot but then i told her it wasnt nice and we shared things and now she's my friend! Friends don't bully friends so you should make your bully your friend! 
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 emma thats-
... that may be a good idea actually
*Magic Anon fairy flutters by, taps his head* You are bald for the next 24 hours! Hue hue hue hueeeee~ |3 *flutters away*
*immediately goes to find something to cover his head with, finding that a blanket shall suffice for now*
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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For me liking anime was an ugly metamorphosis into a sad fart that denies she existed from ages 10-14… and maybe 151/2
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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Him? oooooohh your little demon friend, what a shame, I'm sure he remembers me from ages and ages ago, he wont mess with us.
not safe? are you in trouble Mr.Lovino? My teacher says if you're in trouble you should call the police.
*Magic Anon fairy flutters by, taps his head* You are bald for the next 24 hours! Hue hue hue hueeeee~ |3 *flutters away*
*immediately goes to find something to cover his head with, finding that a blanket shall suffice for now*
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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Well i came to just visit and i dont have a sitter, so she comes where i go, oh relax not like she'll tease you. Right pequena?
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*pauses to think* Right! I'm not a bully, bullying is mean  see? no worries
*Magic Anon fairy flutters by, taps his head* You are bald for the next 24 hours! Hue hue hue hueeeee~ |3 *flutters away*
*immediately goes to find something to cover his head with, finding that a blanket shall suffice for now*
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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Tonia must have obviously looked worried before laughing nudging her father playfully. Of course emma grinned widely at the idea "Really?! thats so cool~ itll be fun for hide and seek too!" she though aloud hugging her grandpa tight "Grazie nonno" she hummed.
"I'm starting to wonder if i was that eccentric about things when i was her age" Antonia smiled watching her little girl and father chat away about whatever the little girl rambled and raved about. Don hades took too wandering off and bringing back a stick to the Italian wagging his tail.
Lost time regained
"That’s very kind of you to not want to seperate the babies from the mama, Emma. But I think the babies have to leave the nest eventually. The mama will always have more." He smiled shyly, petting her hair as he fixed the other sock, "Besides. Sometimes the parent is okay when the children leave for better things. As long as you let the baby and mama say goodbye so it’s not so sudden." He said softly, kissing her cheek and adoring how she moved her hands when she talked. Full sentences. Who knew? As Emma crawled over his lap and hugged his neck he smiled, “You want me to help with your cake? I’ll be happy to, baby. But I also want to get you a gift. Think super hard for nonno.”
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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oh dios mio what a riot!
"mama why is that bald man screaming?"
*Magic Anon fairy flutters by, taps his head* You are bald for the next 24 hours! Hue hue hue hueeeee~ |3 *flutters away*
*immediately goes to find something to cover his head with, finding that a blanket shall suffice for now*
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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Emma sat just a bit confused listening to him talk before smiling "oh okay!" she said "but they have to grow up first too, right?: she asked. She grinned "siii~, mmm but i dunno what i want for my birthday, I got lots of stuff already, put uhm I told mama I like ocean animal plushies, i have turtles, a dolphin, a octopus plushie- oh oh, can i have a shark? mama wont let me have a real shark can i have a shark plushy" she was so excited already, of course the shark bit made antonia a bit nervious at the idea of her little girl wanting a pet shark. The little girl continued to grin in her overly-talkative child phase since she was able to speak clearly, meaning people listened to her.
Lost time regained
"That’s very kind of you to not want to seperate the babies from the mama, Emma. But I think the babies have to leave the nest eventually. The mama will always have more." He smiled shyly, petting her hair as he fixed the other sock, "Besides. Sometimes the parent is okay when the children leave for better things. As long as you let the baby and mama say goodbye so it’s not so sudden." He said softly, kissing her cheek and adoring how she moved her hands when she talked. Full sentences. Who knew? As Emma crawled over his lap and hugged his neck he smiled, “You want me to help with your cake? I’ll be happy to, baby. But I also want to get you a gift. Think super hard for nonno.”
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suenospreciosas-blog · 11 years
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*Magic Anon fairy flutters by, taps his head* You are bald for the next 24 hours! Hue hue hue hueeeee~ |3 *flutters away*
*immediately goes to find something to cover his head with, finding that a blanket shall suffice for now*
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