There's going to be a LOT of Changes.
Hello Tumblr Peeps!
As the title says, there's going to be a lot of changes. Well, not entirely changing everything, just adding and removing some plans I have for this blog.
Study With Reine posts have been cancelled last year because of a technical problem I had with my google account which has my Notion account. In that Notion, I already had lots of plans on what to post, when to post it, and what the content will be all about. Since I lost that account, I also lost the train of motivation I have with sharing what I do to ace classes.
Now, here's the thing. Having started my nursing school journey, there's a lot of things I find out! There's a bunch of nursing related matters that I think can help you with your journey in school. If you're an aspiring nurse like me, then I hope this blog will help you ace your subjects, since I will be posting some nursing related content as well.
I'll also try to continue the SWR eps, but we'll change it to TNDR already, since we're going to cover up some stuff related to nursing. (Gosh, I keep rambling about nursing, pls send help WHAHAHAHA)
But all jokes aside, I'm truly excited to share with you all my experiences in nursing school!
See you soon!
Let's study smart, Reine
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study-with-reine234 · 2 years
How's College Life for Me?
It's been a while since I last posted, albeit I left you with a somewhat upsetting post. A friendly update: there has been a decrease in content related to academic and smart-shaming in that one group I was in.
Now, onto the real content. How's college doing for me?
College is really quite a struggle to me lately. These few past first months in college made me re-evaluate my choices at first, since I was confident it's just easy for me. I realized that life really changes once you enter a new chapter in life, and it requires quite a long period of adjustment (for me).
However, despite the struggles, I still get to appreciate how Nursing impacts the healthcare processes and the medical field itself. I also feel gratitude that there are nurses across the world; without them, I think the medical field is in complete chaos. With so many patients to take care of, how can a doctor alone manage to give out the needed medicines and proper care plan to many patients? I cannot imagine such thing.
I also got to meet new people, but I honestly feel I don't belong at all, and it's okay. I have this ideal that being alone is pretty cool too; if you're alone, you get to do stuff you wanna try yourself without people getting in the way. I actually enjoy being alone rather than be with a group, since sometimes, my plans get thwarted if I am with some classmates who randomly out of the blue pull me in their group and invite me to join in (and I cannot refuse T-T).
If you were to ask me if I enjoyed highschool or college more, I enjoy both. High School is unique with college, and I love how I see myself transition through it.
Now that the first semester of my first year is ending, I soon must re-evaluate the things I do, and hope for the best in the second semester and summer term.
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study-with-reine234 · 2 years
Self-thoughts ep. 1: I Miss Expressing Myself...
You might wonder why I wrote this as title.
Well, lately, I have been trying my best to connect with others, especially in my new school. I grew up in a school where you can be at your best without judgement. You can do what you think will benefit your class without having the fear of being termed as "bida-bida".
To give you a nutshell definition of what this is, it means that you're overly giving your best at something, especially in academic matters to the point it annoys others. This is a term I consider as "smart shaming", since it puts down learners who are enthusiastic with their academics.
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I saw a post in my personal Facebook account that talks about: "Is it normal to have "bida-bida" students active at the start of classes?"
Now, I do not know in what meaning this anonymous FB poster wants to use this term as, but if it means to put down people trying to help their classmates by giving updates, I'm not gonna stand here and just watch you walk around with a smug smile. It does not sit well with me that you perceive them as that.
First of all, you just met the person. Why would you give that prejudice that he or she is that? Do you know why that person is like that? Do you know his or her intentions with doing what they do?
Second, everyone is new. We all come from different schools. Some may have gone to a school where they can do their best in school without being judged as this. Some may have gone to schools where they have this judgement that smart people are the "bida-bida" people. Please, grow up. You're in college, and you're expected to stand out in your own feet.
Lastly, "bida-bida" people can have high outbursts of energy for academics. Can't catch up? Then try harder. "Bida-bida" people exert effort in what they can do. They show that they care for what they do. At least they let you know that they're there, right?
Now, I have this small realization that people who talk about these "bida-bida" people can't catch and cope up with the academic enthusiasm they have. That's why they choose to take the bullying card to pull down these wonderful people who do nothing but exert their best maximum effort.
Dear "bida-bida" people, I hope you read this text with a comforting feeling. If they think you as this, then prove them you are one! Be the Jollibee in the class. Be the enthusiastic bee in the class.
Dear people who call their academically enthusiastic peers as this, grow up. You gotta catch up, your life matters in academics.
Now that concludes the little Ted-Talk rant. I hope you enjoyed :)
Note: Graphic made by yours truly.
Edit (9.19.22): This mindset, unfortunately, still exists among students. There may be students who become "bida-bida" for no effing reason, but using this term to those who strive hard in academics is one big insult. I really hope this calls out people here who uses this term to their classmates. I'm unfortunately a victim of this.
Edit2 (9.19.22): "bida-bida" is a Filipino term btw :>
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study-with-reine234 · 2 years
It Has Been a While.
Hello, folks.
Missed me?
Well, life has been a ton of a wild ride for me the past few months since I last posted. What I mean by this, I've been through a lot of life-losing matters like losing my Google account that has my Wattpad, University applications, and Notion accounts; and watching myself getting rejected by universities that I wanna be in. I basically lost my sense of life that I had before. I keep looking for that old self of mine, but I really couldn't. It only means that I need to grow and find my new sense of happiness.
Now. Onto the new matters I wanna talk.
SHS STEM journey for me is already over. I succeeded with flying colors, and I'm currently preparing for my college journey. If you noticed that I changed the name of the blog, this blog's gonna focus more on my college journey in Nursing school.
It still has the productivity tips and notes, but I'll incorporate here some snippets of my nursing school life.
Can't wait to begin college soon! Hope you'd still hang in here and wait in anticipation!
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
School activities are taking its toll on me, hope y'all waited :<
SWR7- Book Habits and Recommendations: Bookmarks are your LIFE SAVER
Book readers out there: Raise your hand if you use any random object to mark where you stopped reading. Guilty? Don't worry. I admit to this too. The most random object I use to bookmark my book is my cellphone.
As an avid reader, it is inevitable that everyone of us has something else to do aside from reading our piled up books. We sometimes rush that we just pick out anything that can serve as our "bookmark". For me, I prefer to have a specific bookmark that I use to make the bookmarking nice than using my phone, a McDonald's receipt, a BookSale receipt, or any other random and unusual bookmark.
There are several types of bookmarks that I found online, but in this entry, I will be only pointing out several types that I use.
Origami Bookmarks
Yup. These are my GO-TOs when I read my books. I was introduced to this when I was in eighth grade, and I kinda thought it's hard to do. But turns out, it's really EASY to do. There's lots of tutorials in YouTube!
The usual Rectangular bookmark
The usual bookmarks that you can see in Stationery shops and book stores. That rectangular, fancy and glamourous bookmark that you get for less than a dollar or a peso that easily gets lost, no thanks to your forgetfulness, windy days, and peers borrowing here and there. Can I also the resin bookmarks that are so beautiful and aesthetic? I BADLY WANT ONE~
Magnet Bookmarks
If you are from Manila, you'd get this: correction tapes with freebies. I got mine when I got a correction tape with a magnetic bookmark. It's somehow cute, and I don't lose it.
I wonder what kinds of bookmarks you guys use. Will you share them on the comments, please?
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR7- Book Habits and Recommendations: Bookmarks are your LIFE SAVER
Book readers out there: Raise your hand if you use any random object to mark where you stopped reading. Guilty? Don't worry. I admit to this too. The most random object I use to bookmark my book is my cellphone.
As an avid reader, it is inevitable that everyone of us has something else to do aside from reading our piled up books. We sometimes rush that we just pick out anything that can serve as our "bookmark". For me, I prefer to have a specific bookmark that I use to make the bookmarking nice than using my phone, a McDonald's receipt, a BookSale receipt, or any other random and unusual bookmark.
There are several types of bookmarks that I found online, but in this entry, I will be only pointing out several types that I use.
Origami Bookmarks
Yup. These are my GO-TOs when I read my books. I was introduced to this when I was in eighth grade, and I kinda thought it's hard to do. But turns out, it's really EASY to do. There's lots of tutorials in YouTube!
The usual Rectangular bookmark
The usual bookmarks that you can see in Stationery shops and book stores. That rectangular, fancy and glamourous bookmark that you get for less than a dollar or a peso that easily gets lost, no thanks to your forgetfulness, windy days, and peers borrowing here and there. Can I also the resin bookmarks that are so beautiful and aesthetic? I BADLY WANT ONE~
Magnet Bookmarks
If you are from Manila, you'd get this: correction tapes with freebies. I got mine when I got a correction tape with a magnetic bookmark. It's somehow cute, and I don't lose it.
I wonder what kinds of bookmarks you guys use. Will you share them on the comments, please?
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR6-Notes Taking 1: My Essentials
In SWR5, I talked about notebooks, pens, and other stationeries as part of my essentials for online classes. This time, I will be sharing with you what I use in notes taking. Hope you'll enjoy this!
Notes taking, for me, is a knowledge art; knowledge art in a sense where academics and arts fuse into one. With the lessons plus skills with handling colors, fonts, and shapes, you'll be able to jumpstart your artistic note taking journey! You probably feel envious of how others write; well, don't worry! You can also be like them! But for now, let's start off this short post about what I use in taking down notes.
Pens I use
Dong-A Fine-Tech 0.3 mm
Dong-A Fine-Tech 0.4 mm
Faber-Castell Ball Pen 1419 0.5 mm
Titus Doodle Fine 0.5 mm
Titus Fine 0.5 mm
Dong-A My Gel 0.5
Markers I use
Bolun softhead watercolor pen no. 605 (24 colors)
Faber-Castell Fibre Tips
Pencils I use
Faber-Castell SV No.2
Maped Long Life 0.5 mm
Color Peps pencils
King Jim notebooks
Aspen Math notebook
If you notice, I don't use what's mainstream. That's because I'm broke and I only rely on my mother for my needs for now. If I can have a job soonest or avail a scholarship with allowance, perhaps I'd give a commentary on the mainstream stationeries. Most of these are from the Philippines, except Dong-A, Faber-Castell, and Maped.
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR5-Technical1: What to prepare for Online Classes
Still in online classes? Well, you are not alone. I'm in my twelfth grade, on my second year of online classes. A lot has changed since the start of school in this different times. In this one, I will share with you what I prepare for online classes, my essentials, and tips in technical.
THE ESSENTIALS In everything we do, there will always be essentials to get you powered up and prepared for another day. These are the things that you will need right next to you or within your reach:
Water Bottle. As one member from my favorite Filipino band Ben&Ben says: #HYDRATIONNATION. Sitting all day in front of your laptop will be a lot tiring and dehydrating. You need to get the water flowing inside you.
Working earphones and microphone. If last year's excuse about having no working earphones and mic is acceptable, well this year, it's not a valid reason. As a responsible person, you know what you need and is necessary. If you don't have that earphones, please. Get one. Your teachers might be telling you this too, so if I were you, buy them off already and test if it works.
Notebook, pen, and a bunch of stationeries. If you love writing notes, you can relate to loads of markers, highlighters, and gel pens. I always keep one subject notebook, several markers with the same color but different shades, and gel pens. I listen to the discussion while copying the document given or noting about the things my teacher said that isn't included in the notes or in the Wiki.
Calculator (especially if you have a subject that requires calculations). Do you have a subject that needs loads of calculations and requires a calculator? Get your calculator right next to you. For students who take STEM courses and are in JHS, I highly advise on getting your own calculator that is two-liner. One liners are great, but there's lots more features in a two-liner calculator. If you are in engineering right now, search your national exams for licensures in Engineering and find the recommended calculators. You won't wanna have big trouble with getting the required calculators should your time with taking the exam come.
Clock. I usually check my laptop for the time, but it's preferred to have your own clock next to you, especially if you follow a study technique like the Pomodoro technique.
Snacks. If you are a foodie and you love eating while reviewing, get healthy snacks next to you. Eat trail mixes, dark chocolates, or fruits.
Something warm, something cold. I always start my day with something warm like milk and chocolate drink. But if I am reading, I start off with either tea or chocolate drink.
THE OTHERS Aside from the mentioned essentials, you have the option to procure some of these.
Study Timer. There's lots of apps for this, but if you want to have your own timer to track your study time, it's completely okay. Everyone has their own preferences.
Pillows. I have another chair next to me where I sit on for reading. I secure three pillows, in case I need something soft to support my back.
Extra earphone. Your one earphone is not working well? You need to have another on stand by.
Alcohol. Since it's pandemic time, spritz your space with alcohol.
STUDY AREA You need to have your own area where you do your works. Of course, a change of scenery is helpful too. In your study area, you need proper lighting, comfortable area, strong access to the internet, and lastly, a pleasant area. Place your essentials near you, then your others on another table. Be creative with your study area!!! How about you? Do you have your own sets of essentials and others? Share them!
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR4-Health2: Sleeping is your POWAH!
"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." -Benjamin Franklin.
Sleep is one of the most essential tools of our body. We feel energized, relaxed and prepared for a new day when we are well rested. It is also discouraged to sleep for too long, and to stay up late at night. I'm guilty of staying up late, especially when I got so engrossed with talking with my friends that I don't notice the time anymore. But with my online classes starting, I need to change this habit of staying up late or I'll get into serious trouble with my health.
According to dictionaries, sleep is "a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended." Why is sleep important and what role does it play in the body?
I have read articles that discuss lots about benefits of sleep, but I'll only share a few points by linking it to personal experience.
Sleep improves productivity and concentration.According to Healthline, sleep is vital for our brain to work well and it increases our focus, cognition, work performance and productivity.I remember a time when I stayed up late for a Google Slides presentation for a certain subject. I only had two hours of sleep, and let's just say I didn't feel good after. I can't help but be confused with my fellows who can stay up late and not feel anything bad.
Sleep reduces your stress.Sleep "helps your mind and body relax and recover from your day." (Stibich, 2021) I admit to being cranky and irritated when I don't get my sleep. I highly advise to getting sleep early. If you struggle to sleep like me, I'll give you my own tips on how to get your sleeping hours in line.
Sleep repairs the body.According to Stibich, this period is when our bodies are working with fixing our damaged cells caused by UV rays, stress, and other exposure that will cause harm to our body. Lots of studies show that appearance is directly proportional to the amount of sleep you get.
But now, the question is: How do we get sleep, especially if we all are used to sleeping later?
Let us all note that lack of sleep imposes harm to our body. Our bodies function well if we are well rested.
To get the right amount of sleep, here is what I do:
NO SOCIAL MEDIA minutes or hours before sleep.I am still working on this aspect. Frankly, whatever I advise or explain here is an irony to what I actually do, and I feel guilty. But, on the brighter side, I do my best to work on this tip.
Calming Music.Since I have trouble sleeping because of social media, I look for calming music or classical music that will induce sleep to me. I recommend listening to 3-hour compilations of classical music; it doesn't only promote sleep, it also makes you feel like you are living in some European era. (Is it just me? Let me know in the comments!)
Read a book.If you own a lot of books and haven't read what's stocked up in your shelf, take this piece of advice. Read something boring; it will bore you and make you sleep, or, read only a few chapters (I recommend taking 2-3 chapters a time), then rest.
Now that we've get this over with, start getting your proper rest, and get that productive soul on!
Here are some of the articles I read:
Aswell, S. (2020, August 28). 6 Ways to Maximize Your Beauty Sleep for #WokeUpLikeThis Skin. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/beauty-sleep#Embrace-healthy-sleep-as-a-way-to-healthy-skin
Leech, M. J. S. (2020, February 25). 10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-reasons-why-good-sleep-is-important#2.-Good-sleepers-tend-to-eat-fewer-calories
NHS website. (2021, August 12). Why lack of sleep is bad for your health. Nhs.Uk. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sleep-and-tiredness/why-lack-of-sleep-is-bad-for-your-health/
Stibich, M. P. D. (2021, July 20). 10 Top Health Benefits of Sleep. Verywell Health. https://www.verywellhealth.com/top-health-benefits-of-a-good-nights-sleep-2223766
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
Sorry for the long wait, everyone!
SWR3-Planning and Organizing2: Develop a Habit
"You need to wash your face." "You need to read this chapter."
Often times, we always hear lots of reminders about what must be done. We also hear lots of orders and requests coming in and out as we go on with our day. Do you feel so overworked and tired that you forget what to do? This one is for you, fellow reader. It's time that we get into your habits and get your new routines started.
I was reading James Clear's article about habits, he gave a clear (is this a pun?) and concise meaning to what habits are. Habits are "the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day." (Clear, n.d.) This is a repetitive cycle of tasks that you do in a day, be it small or big.
Setting your routines is just as important as setting your goals. Routines are something that will guide you to a productive day, and will let you explore on self-care and other tips you will benefit on as you go on with your day.
But, how do you set up your routines?
Good question.
I have watched lots of study vlogs and read several Instagram study posts that talk about habits. Some of them listed down several good and bad habits. With tons of bad habits being shared around, it's time for listing your good and bad habits.
List down what you do in a day. Analyze whether it is good or bad. You need to get your bad habits out your system. You know yourself. Observe your habits, list them down, then start changing your bad habits to good habits.
You now have your good habits. Now, ask yourself: What other habits can I incorporate in my routines? Search habits that will bring good effect to you. If you have your to be reads or to be written lists, then include it! There's no limit to good habits that you can do.
Here is my current routines. This can be changed whenever something is not being done on a regular basis:
[ ] Wash All Dishes (If there are in the morning)
[ ] Buy or Cook Breakfast
[ ] Set up the study/reading corner
[ ] First block
[ ] Lunch
[ ] Post on Study Tumblr
[ ] Second block
[ ] Read a book
[ ] Prayer time
[ ] Wash all dishes
[ ] Wash face
[ ] Brush teeth
[ ] Sleep / Attend an event
Let's get your routines started, friends!
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR3-Planning and Organizing2: Develop a Habit
"You need to wash your face." "You need to read this chapter."
Often times, we always hear lots of reminders about what must be done. We also hear lots of orders and requests coming in and out as we go on with our day. Do you feel so overworked and tired that you forget what to do? This one is for you, fellow reader. It's time that we get into your habits and get your new routines started.
I was reading James Clear's article about habits, he gave a clear (is this a pun?) and concise meaning to what habits are. Habits are "the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day." (Clear, n.d.) This is a repetitive cycle of tasks that you do in a day, be it small or big.
Setting your routines is just as important as setting your goals. Routines are something that will guide you to a productive day, and will let you explore on self-care and other tips you will benefit on as you go on with your day.
But, how do you set up your routines?
Good question.
I have watched lots of study vlogs and read several Instagram study posts that talk about habits. Some of them listed down several good and bad habits. With tons of bad habits being shared around, it's time for listing your good and bad habits.
List down what you do in a day. Analyze whether it is good or bad. You need to get your bad habits out your system. You know yourself. Observe your habits, list them down, then start changing your bad habits to good habits.
You now have your good habits. Now, ask yourself: What other habits can I incorporate in my routines? Search habits that will bring good effect to you. If you have your to be reads or to be written lists, then include it! There's no limit to good habits that you can do.
Here is my current routines. This can be changed whenever something is not being done on a regular basis:
[ ] Wash All Dishes (If there are in the morning)
[ ] Buy or Cook Breakfast
[ ] Set up the study/reading corner
[ ] First block
[ ] Lunch
[ ] Post on Study Tumblr
[ ] Second block
[ ] Read a book
[ ] Prayer time
[ ] Wash all dishes
[ ] Wash face
[ ] Brush teeth
[ ] Sleep / Attend an event
Let's get your routines started, friends!
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR2-HEALTH1: Breakfast is a MUST.
Do you guys have the habit of waking up late, hurrying for online classes, and missing breakfast? Have you ever noticed that you feel so weak and unable to concentrate? If so, you must read through this article that talks about having breakfast as an important part of the day.
My mother would always ask me to buy or cook breakfast before I set up my laptop and drown myself in school works. I'd also make myself breakfast in case my mother is not around (which I am happy, since I get to have all the food we got to myself). "Never miss breakfast," they say.
Breakfast, as each and every person around the world knows, is essential. It is the first meal of the day after you break your night fasting (which is the meaning of breakfast). Breakfast replenishes all needed nutrients of the body. Why do you need to eat breakfast?
1. Energy. Breakfast has lots of carbohydrates that are broken down into glucose, which gives all the energy the body needs. (Breakfast - Better Health Channel, n.d.)
2. Essential Nutrients. Breakfast contains the key nutrients needed. According to studies, people who eat breakfast have their recommended nutrient intakes from the food they eat. (Breakfast - Better Health Channel, n.d.)
3. Weight Control. People who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight or obese, since breakfast fills the gaps of hunger. It will also prevent large fluctuations in glucose levels, lessening the appetite. (Breakfast - Better Health Channel, n.d.)
4. BRAINPOWER. Feeling sluggish and tired? That's because you miss out on the glucose you need for your energy to boost. It lessens your attention and affects your mental performance. (Breakfast - Better Health Channel, n.d.)
5. Less Risk to Illness. If we look back on the second reason, breakfast has the necessary nutrients needed to get the body functioning well, especially the immunity aspects. With breakfast, we prevent illnesses that will degrade out the strength in our body.
If you don't eat breakfast for some reasons, you need to get the nutrients during lunch and dinner.
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For my breakfast today, I had hotdogs and tamagoyaki with 1 1/2 cup of rice with hot chocolate drink.
Breakfast - Better Health Channel. (n.d.). Better Health Channel. Retrieved August 23, 2021, from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/breakfast#bhc-content
P.S: Sorry if I didn't include the cut... Tumblr Beta went blep.
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
SWR1-Planning1: Planning and Organizing
Let's plan! Planning and mapping out your to-dos for the week helps you to manage what must be done first. You get to figure out your own pacing and timing, while also making sure to meet the deadline or finish it early. This works especially if you have lots of work to do.
Planning, according to Merriam-Webster, is the act or process of making or carrying out plans. (Planning, n.d.) As professional students, we are encouraged to make sure we are well-organized and ready to work in a time frame provided by our professors, learning facilitators, educators, and teachers. Professionalism means having excellent and polish work. To ensure that excellent and polish works meet the standards or criteria, we need to be proactive and plan ahead. This starts with Time Management.
Time Management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. (What Is Time Management?: Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity, n.d.) Time management is an essential to smart work, since you get to think through how you accomplish one task without feeling hurried.
One process I do is listing down everything that needs to be done.
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After I list down all the things that need to be done, I will plot them down on a planner spread that I made myself. This is inspired from a note taking template that I got from L.S.
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What are you guys waiting for? Start planning your life and make the most out of your works!
planning. (n.d.). The Merriam-Webster.Com Dictionary. Retrieved August 21, 2021, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/planning
What Is Time Management?: Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity. (n.d.). Mind Tools. Retrieved August 21, 2021, from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_00.htm
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study-with-reine234 · 3 years
Hello, Tumblr!
I'm Charlotte Ephreine Mercado. You can call me Rei.
This tumblr account is dedicated to study habits, reading habits, book collections, and other academia related stuff. I'm currently in 12th grade, taking up STEM courses. My dream is to be a future registered nurse.
I'm currently planning to have a YouTube channel. If ever I proceed with this plan, will you do me the honor of following me and subscribing to me? I hope you do.
This is it for now. See you all in the next posts!
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