stephratte · 1 month
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MK - :Steven Grant Screencap Redraw: Procreate on iPad Pro
AHHH, I'm slowly working my way to the end of my old-stuff-to-post and I have no idea why I held this one off so long... I actually really like this one! It's a redraw of a promo photo for the show that I ADORED and decided I really wanted to draw it because I love Steven SO much!!!!! I drew this in the height of my MK obsession and is nearly 2 years old, oops, LOL.
So yeah, it's nothing more than that. I'm quite happy with how it turned out, and I hope y'all like it too.
I need to draw the MK boys again soon :) It's been awhile.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 4 months
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DTiYS - :For @prookal: Procreate on iPad Pro
The ever-precious @prookal recently posted an original character "Draw This in Your Style" contest thingy, which was open until Feb 6, and because I've been lacking inspiration lately on new drawings, I decided to try my hand at it, not necessarily to enter the giveaway at ALL, but more because he's one of my oldest Tumblr moots from my earliest Sherlock days, and he's seemed down lately, so nothing cheers people up like drawing an OC, hahah. And I wanted to draw him something, so this seemed like a nice thing to draw.
Anyway, dunno their name, but the pic was interesting and I worked with colours in a different way on this one which was a good exercise in my skills. It was really fun, and I'm generally happy with the final piece. Having a deadline of only 2 weeks keeps me from over-producing my work, LOL.
I hope you like it, Andy <3 And I hope you're feeling better <3
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022-24 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell
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stephratte · 4 months
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FB - :True Form Kyo Version 2: Procreate on iPad Pro
Bahh, another old-arsed piece that has been sitting in my art queue for a long time simply because it never seemed the right time to post it. As you can see by the date, it's over a year old, lol.
This is the second version of the Monster Cat from Fruits Basket I did way back a few summers ago after binging the 2019 series. Kyo's my fave character, and I wanted to draw his "true form" because it slaps LOL.
Colouring is a bit yikes, but mreh, hope you like it anyway.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022-24 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell
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stephratte · 1 year
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FB - :True Form Kyo: Procreate on iPad Pro
Oh gosh, this one is so old... It’s one of the first pics I drew on my iPad a couple years ago, during the summer when I was working at home and binging the updated Fruits Basket series (which I love SO much and love that they got almost all of the original voice actors to reprise their roles for!) Kyo is one of my fave characters in the series, and I love his “true form” for his Zodiac. I drew three versions of the Monster Cat, and just had a lot of fun with it. This was the first one I did. 
Anyway, like this one. Simple and the design turned out well. Hope y’all like :) 
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 1 year
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MK - :The System Caregiver: Procreate on iPad Pro
BAH I’ve had this one done forever, and I’ve really liked it forever, just got lazy in uploading it, LOL.
So I REALLY REALLY love the one and a half episodes of Marc and Steven together in the headspace, dissecting their characters to what makes them tick (MY BIGGEST WEAKNESS is character development that makes me love them more, LOL) and it seems to be the general consensus in the MK D+ fandom that Steven is the caretaker, the one who supports the system emotionally since he never experienced the trauma Marc and Jake have, and I really vibe with that characterization since we DO see that in Episode 5 for sure. And my vision for this piece is that Jake needs the support most of all but has a hard time accepting it. That’s all this really is, honestly. Just Steven comforting his two protectors in the way he’s best at.
It’s not my best work; I drew it when I was struggling with my own mental health back in the summer. I love the idea it conveys though, so I finished it up. I just love the idea of Steven loving them both unconditionally, and when the body’s asleep / at rest, they’re able to come to their safe-space in their mind palace and interact with each other and go to him for comfort and acceptance.
Anyway, still on a D+ Moon Knight kick, and still have a few pics being finished up and to be posted. I’m so looking forward to when Jake finally makes his full-time appearance and how they’re going to interact as a team. I already love the Steven-and-Marc dynamic, and want to see Jake added into the mix. I hope they make him fiercely protective but also desperate for their acceptance of him.
I just really have a soft spot for misunderstood-and-loves-his-system-fiercely-Jake, alright? LOL
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :The Moon System V.2: Procreate on iPad Pro
PFFFFFT there’s no such thing as too many MK fanart pieces... I can’t stop drawing them, okay. I adore all of them, even Jake who we only saw for 30 seconds, LOL. I just wanted to draw another group pic of them NOT in my chibi style, and because I love drawing Oscar’s face, hahah.
It’s not AMAZING, but I like it, though I feel I overdid it on the folds on Marc’s shirt, so apologies if they’re too distracting. Marc’s pose is inspired by one of the official promo photos, if you’re wondering why it looks familiar. 
Hope y’all like it, and I appreciate y’all indulging me in my MK obsession.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :Together Again: Procreate on iPad Pro
AHHHH GUYS I finally finished this one!!! I’m STILL so obsessed with this show, I just REALLY can’t get enough of Marc’s character. This is a redraw I’ve wanted to do forever of my favourite scene from Episode 6 of Moon Knight, which is when Marc and Steven reunite and Marc just is bewildered that Steven is STILL there and he’s OKAY and that they’ll be okay and GODDAMNIT my heart can’t TAKE it, okay?? Just Marc’s reaction to Steven being okay REALLY got me. I just love their bond and care for each other so much.
I bloody love this show so much. I have a lot of art already done for it, just don’t want to bombard y’all with it all at once, hahah. Trying to post it between other uploads on my other art blog.
Anyhoo, Steven and Marc, reuniting in the Duat, after Marc decided that spending an eternity frozen in the sands with Steven was better than eternal peace without Steven. Just... stab me hah.
Very happy with this one. Hope you guys like it! <3
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :The Moon Knight System: Procreate on iPad Pro
AHHHH GUYS I loved Moon Knight so much, you guys have NO idea how many times I’ve rewatched it. It’s been SO long since I’ve been so inspired to do art on the regular. I have so many more scene-redraws I have prepped, but I just have been SO busy this past week. Sadly I haven’t gotten any of them done, just a bunch of backgrounds started.
Among scene-repaints, I also have been DYING to draw the MK System – Jake, Marc, and Steven – in my chibi style, because, damnit they three of them give me so many feels in various ways, even though I only know Marc and Steven. I so badly wanted to draw Jake too, though, so I based his look roughly on his confirmed 30 seconds on-screen (even though I think he’s been on screen quite a few times, I just really like his little tie and hat, okay?).
I really love drawing in my chibi style, I just don’t do it much these days. I’m much better at it, should do more (spoilers – I did LOL). I don’t know the official name of their System (for all I know it’s the Spector System), but until we get told otherwise, I’ll keep it as the MK System, because I like calling them the Moon Boys lol.
Jake is my fave in this one, but Steven is the cutest, LOL. Done on purpose, because he’s my fave character on the show. He’s so precious and understanding and protective of Marc’s emotional well-being and he always has sweater paws, and I just *SQUEEEEEE* I love Marc and Steven’s relationship development in the series SO much and how seamless they learn to become by the series’ end. I look forward to them integrating Jake into their lives <3
I can’t wait until these guys come back... I hope we’ll get to see them interact again in any sense (mind space with their own bodies or their fluid co-fronting in the host body), and I am SO looking forward to learning more about Jake and who he is as a person. I already headcanon him as stupidly protective of Marc and Steven and loves them fiercely, and who was unfortunately naïve enough to believe Khonshu only wanted the best for the entire system.
Anyway, I hope you guys like this one <3 I have another one coming with Layla because I need her to love all of them and be protective of all of them and because I love her so much, heh.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :The Field of Reeds: Procreate on iPad Pro
Oh gosh, y’all, I have SO many doodles sketched out post-MK, I’ve just had a really busy and stressful week so unfortunately I haven’t been able to do the scene redraws of the two scenes I wanted to do for episode six. Instead, I DID finish this one a bit ago, so I decided to just post it up. I also have some generic pieces too, so hopefully I can get them done soon too. I’m doing so good at finishing art quickly.
So this here is a companion piece to my last MK piece, Alone, and was the intended piece. I think I actually like this one more than that... I spent a lot more time on the reeds and on Marc and the composition, and I am very happy with how it turned out. Another lineless painting style, which I’m finding really... freeing?... for me since I usually restrict myself. These scene redraws are doing wonders for me learning to do digital painting, for sure. 
Anyway, again, another scene redraw from what I think is the best MCU show so far. I love love love Marc and Steven (and Jake even though I don’t know him but I believe his intentions are good!) and the journey they went on. I have a lot of fave scenes in the series, so I’ll try to paint them all, because it’s been a long time I’ve felt this inspired artistically. Brilliant work on the cinematography for sure.
Hope y’all like it, and I appreciate y’all humouring me in my MK obsession <3 Should post something new on the other blog soon :)
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :Alone.: Procreate on iPad Pro
I’M SO SORRY. I’m trying to draw something else but I was so upset after episode 5 and I wanted to draw my emotions, hah hah. The intention was to draw the reeds scene only (which I did start and intend to finish, this was a duplicate of the BG I already started), but I had a different idea for Marc and I wanted to capture how he must’ve been feeling in this supposed paradise. Completely and totally alone, and feeling like he ultimately failed in his perceived protector role.
I REALLY hope Steven is okay.
Went for another lineless painted style, seems to be my go-to when I need to express my upset more; still need to practice on details and features, for sure, but I think it conveys better what I wanted than a lineart piece would have. I may have covered up TOO much of the character with the foreground reeds (he’s supposed to be hunched over with his arms on his knees), but I hope it still looks like what it’s supposed to to others.
Have a couple other MK pieces on the go, but not as urgent as this one was for me. 
Hope you guys like. Not my best piece, but I still like it. Doing so much art this month has been very therapeutic, honestly.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :The Reunion: Procreate on iPad Pro
OKAY I’M SO SORRY. This show has eaten me alive. I love it so much. So long as E5 doesn’t have anything I want to draw, I might give y’all a break hahah (still want to draw LaylaXSteven but I want to finish some Johnlock and FTH work first).
Anyway, another favourite scene of mine in The Tomb was the reunion of Steven and Marc. I loved every second of the last ten minutes, and just seeing these two so happy to find each other and just GRIP each other tightly in relief was so beautiful. Can’t really explain why; maybe because we knew Marc couldn’t feel Steven, and we know he needs him, so seeing a softer, more vulnerable side of Marc who now understands how important the two alters are to each other really tore at my heartstrings, I guess. 
Anyway, I like drawing Oscar’s hair LOL. Happy with this one, hope y’all enjoy it.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :The Descent of Marc Spector: Procreate on iPad Pro
Jeez I’m on a whole new level this month, being sick seems to be helpful for my inspiration.
Anyway, I LOVED the 4th episode of Moon Knight, and this scene was one of my favourite cinematic shots in the entire series (more than the stars even from E3). I really needed to disconnect from myself last night (I’m sick and stressed and just not feeling like myself), and my normal style or the pieces I was working one weren’t working for me. I decided instead I would try my hand at a matte painting style, which I haven’t tried to do yet on my iPad. Just touched it up this morning and here’s the end result. I’m happy with it, actually. Should probably try more of these.
This scene broke my heart, especially the last bits in his Mind Palace / purgatory. Love this show, looking forward to the next episode to see where this whole thing leads. 
Hope you guys like it, I’ll try to have some new OTP art on the other blog soon.
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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MK - :Steven with a ‘V’: Procreate on iPad Pro
New art twice in one week, this is new hahaha. I doodled this up after episode 2 of MoonKnight and I just didn’t stop, so I decided I wanted to post this before the new episode tomorrow. 
MoonKnight is byfar my fave MCU show so far; I’m so invested and I am in LOVE with Steven. He is a cinnamon roll and should be protected at all costs. I hope we see more of him in future episodes, and his interactions with Marc and understanding who he is. 
The series really has me hooked, and I am looking forward to where this story is going. Other than Hawkeye, I’ve found the MCU shows kind of meh, so I am happy that I am really enjoying this one.
Anyway, not my best work, but I hope y’all like it anyway. Oscar has a fun face to draw. And fuck those checkers lol, I spent way too long on that shirt.
Anyway, cheers
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 2 years
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SON - :Team Sonic 2022: Procreate on iPad Pro
LOL I don’t upload much to this account, only when I need to post non-OTP images, hah. 
ANYWAY, new Sonic movie just dropped and I just got home from watching it, LOVED IT. I used to draw Sonic Team A LOT in my Sonic years, so this was like going back to an old friend. Just doodled this up just before the movie came out, and tried a different colouring style than I usually do (I HATE what I did with Sonic’s nose, wtf), just updated them slightly to a cross between their movie looks and their game looks. LOVE LOVE LOVED Knuckles in the new movie, he was SO GOOD and back to himbo Knuckles from Sonic 3, I am SO SO happy. He was my favourite part of the new movie, but Sonic is still my all time fave. 
GOD what a nostalgia trip the movie was, I am SO happy as someone who grew up with the original games when I was a kid. 
I am SO excited for Sonic 3 after that post-credits!!!! :D
ANYWAY, Team Sonic, hope you guys like, ignore the bad colouring, this was done solely for nostalgia reasons because I didn’t need references and am SO happy I still remember how to draw them :)
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2022 to S. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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stephratte · 4 years
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RD - :King of the Lightbee REDUX 2.0: (redraw of this pic here)
Wacom Intuos Pro in PhotoShop CC
OOOOOF It’s been a long time since I’ve posted to this blog intentionally, and it’s only because this isn’t a pairing pic and I am trying not to lose the few followers over on my OTP art blog, LOL. I’ve been posting a lot more to my other art blog because this was meant to be a portfolio of sorts, so apologies for nothing new here for a few years.
Anyway, RECENTLY, I binged all the series of Red Dwarf in preparation to watch the new movie/S13, The Promised Land, and I had a mighty urge to draw my favourite character, Arnold Rimmer. Decided I wanted to brush up on Rimmer by doing a redraw of one of my old pics I did back in 2013, this time in his new-era uniform. I messed up on the back of his tunic because I didn’t have a reference for the back until I got to Series X, and by then I was nearly done on this one.
I absolutely love his character, especially in the newer series where he’s still a git, but old age has softened him a bit. I’ve always been fascinated with his headspace on the matter of him existing-but-not, and was very happy that TPL finally went into that. I don’t know WHY I’m so obsessed with him not being sure about his place given his status as a dead man walking, and I just can’t get enough of anything dealing with his lightbee and/or hologram self. He’s such a fascinating character, and I just love exploring it in my art and unpublished drabbles.
I think it’s like my fascination with the Sonic universes’ robots: can a sentient being still “be alive”, and can it have a soul? I like playing on the idea of Rimmer essentially being Lister’s guardian angel in a way, because he’s a literal Dead Man Walking whose job it is to keep Lister sane... I like to believe that he knows it’s the one and only thing he excels at and takes it very seriously. TPL shined a new light to his character for me, that he struggles with his own existence, and ultimately NEEDS Lister to essentially confess that “yes, I need you, and I’m nothing without you.” 
In hindsight, I’ve no idea why I’ve always called this piece “King of the Lightbee”. I think it’s perhaps because I AM oddly obsessed with the general concept of the lightbee, because Rimmer is the one who has mastered all aspects of being a hologram (700+ years would do that to someone), and because it’s an integral part to who he has become. He’s grown beyond who he was when he was alive. I like to think that in that aspect, he is a king among the dead in their universe. An immortal man essentially sacrificing so much for the sanity and companionship of one. <3
Erf, sorry for the meta in there, holdover from my meta-days. 
I’m very happy with this one, and was super proud of that stupid lightbee, so I wanted to show it closeup because DAMN I WORKED HARD ON IT and I’M SHOWING IT OFF. So you get two closeups of it.
Anyway, hope y’all like. Sorry I haven’t been active on this blog in years. Truth is I haven’t drawn much in years, and anything I have, it’s been either Johnlock or Good Omens so I post it all up on my Johnlock blog instead. Sorry about that.
POSTED ON IG HERE SONG: Epic Score - I Still Have a Soul
I’M ALSO ON INSTAGRAM! @stephdrawsfanart MY OTP FANART BLOG: @stephdrawsjohnlock Art © 2020 to S.G.M. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
Tagging my JL blog posse because I need SOMEONE to see this, LOL. Under the cut.
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stephratte · 7 years
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Feet + shoes reference by http://kitasite.net/
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stephratte · 7 years
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Hips Tutorial by bokuman
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